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Christianity and Islam Shall Be Cast Out

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
ᚺᚨᛁᛚ ᛊᚨᛏᚨᚾ!
Greetings everyone. I've been sitting on this for quite some time and I wasn't sure if I should post it or not. What was holding me back I can't quite say, maybe the fear of criticism, knowing that people will be reading this or something else. But I won't grow if I don't face my fears, so here it is - my first attempt at deciphering enemy literature (not something I recommend).

Please feel free to share your thoughts on this, it's only my interpretation after all.

Jesus same as "Christos" are both irrelevant. We know here the full factual truth of the subject.

Here are some facts about the amalgamation of lies that is in the Hebrew programs, that stands as a longstanding cripple on top of humanity:

1. Abrahamic religions for centuries since their advent killed everyone who was into the "occult".
2. There were never "spiritual interpretations" to any of this, except of when we tried to draw closer to the Era of Aquarius.
3. It's only as these systems died and lost stranglehold, that any Spiritual Knowledge was brought at the forefront again.
4. Still, the majority of the followers of these cults will kill people for doing this.
5. The "Ethics" of these "faiths" are jewish infested and suicidal, anti-existence. Filled with anti-existence and anti-life messages, they made people who believed in them insane.
6. It's all based on stolen allegories, stories and everything else from other people. I would rather read those sources instead, directly.
7. It was given birth by the jews and is maintained only by fools and jews. Jews openly admit these programs are for the pig and the goyim, making them their slaves as they believe them.
8. Any knowledge of the Spiritual, also that which was stolen by the jews to make these programs, had its original source in what came before.
9. What "came before" was obliterated via the sword, so that jews could enslave everyone.
10. It's still only the dumb that believe in these programs, same as the first adoptees of these low level hoaxes, back in the time where these "took over".
11. Still to this day, they are the cancer of humanity, disallowing growth and progress in everyway.
12. Even basic scientific knowledge only came to the forefront when deviation and "Satanic uprising" happened, moving us away from the Abrahamic programs.
13. The strict followers of these programs are still violent and incoherent drones, that constantly move existence backwards.
14. There is no reason for me or anyone to take seriously the accounts of any jews. They are to be considered worthless, because they are.
15. Christianity or Islam cannot reverse any "spiritual fall" as they are the direct causes of it. Pretending they do is like saying Epstein will become a protector of children after having been the full blown cause of pedo Island creation.

One could go on and on...

I can flop any book over from Plato and gain a thousand times more value than trying to dissect jewish excrement, or read the stolen stories of my own Ancient Greek or other Aryan people, from the jewish horse of mouth, fully mistranslated and filled with wrongs and falsehoods. I recommend everyone else does the same, as our cultures have thousandfold more things to offer us.

Any "intepretation" on these, represents not the inherent value of these texts, but rather, the value of an interpreter. In order for any "Spiritual" interpratation to take place, one must already be in league with the Demons, the "Evil Powers" and whatever is of the Occult - exactly what Christianity and Islam tried to murder and obliterate through Jewish orders. That should give someone everything one needs to know in regards to where one must seek Spiritual Knowledge from.

People however, still programmed subconsciously to ascribe "value" to Christianity [which is nothing else but a theft of the jews, clothed carefully in Ancient Greek and other knowledge to be absorbed by the Goyim], do not let this go. They have to sit down and try to find lost meaning from their cultures in these programs, leading them to mental ruin and confusion.

Funny enough, if you hand me a bible, like occulstist of the past, you will get more information about "God" than the "Believers of god" who believe in the jewish projects of confusion.

I can tell you truly about God. Why? Why is it that the Devil can always find more meaning in these things, but not the enemy? Because of course, all Spiritual knowledge is authored by "those that came before" the advent of any of these deadly programs. They are the good ones, the true powers of the heavens that teach us the True Path.

The straight path to "God" is the straight path that existed always; through the Gods the"Hellfire".mselves, away from these programs of censorship and evil that are jewish hoaxes.

There is no need to walk the crooked path when one knows the good path.

As about "Christ" or "Christos", yes, that's just an Ancient Greek word that does not mean a thing and is a stolen epithet, meaning "Anoited One", that was later ascribed to the hoax of a so called "Rebel Rabbi from Jerusalem" that was nothing but a fingernail whether or not he existed to any Ancient Mystic of powerful proportions. This rebel rabbi nonsense was used on a pseudohistory of a dude that never existed, whose name was "Yashua Ben David", and was just another schizophrenic jew no matter how the history is cut out to be.

The story of this hoax, is based off of the real story of the real supreme Mystic who existed in the Roman Empire, the Apollonius of Tyana. Apollonius was an Ancient Greek ascended High Priest, who could even teleport and do all sorts of other well known miracles.

I know enough of Ancient Greek, Sanskrit, Hinduism and our core religions, to know how all of this hebrew is useless bunk. The knowledge of jews has always been very low, and the ascent of the jews as "wise people" is because, through the programs of decay they created, butchered everyone else. As nobody else remained in the West, they assumed a position of a cultural dictatorship over their slaves, the Gentile people.

Regardless, the forced programming of this bunk same as Islam, has many people programmed to where they cannot easily move on from it. Hypocrisy over the outcomes of the diseased beliefs of xianity and the extreme jewish damage it has done, has led quite a few people to try to make "amends" with it.

There are no amends that can be made. All of this is fundamentally flawed, made by the jews, and built on jewish hoaxes. Despite of "tidbits" of some stolen material in it, it's all perverted morally and ethically but also spiritually beyond of what can have any fundamental value.

Jews then enforced monotheism, suicidal messages and all sorts of other things they had excreted from Judaism [The root of Christianity] and then passed it off to the Goyim so they would kill themselves while they believed in it, to weaken them. That is a case well known among jews who laugh their asses off everyday that the Goyim has been left without culture, from it's very own hand, because they bought this hoax of an amalgamation they created to confuse them into destroying their own culture.

Any leftovers from the Ancient Pagan system is what "attracts" some people who are at a low educational level, or who do not have the heart and balls to move outwards from the jewish confine of death and though process that has been forcibly embed on us by whom? By the jews...

They exported this so called "faith" to their enemies while this "appeared" as a religion to kill us all via suicidal morality, falsehoods, half baked truths and evil corruptions. It's the manifestation of the jewish cultural confusion in our midst.

Christians and Islamics too, live to see the toll of this disastrous mentality, but like helpless confused idiots, still cling to the "messages" they believe these corrupted systems have to offer them. Simultaneously, they plunge themselves in darkness and kill themselves from this cultural addiction, keeping humanity back.

The Powers of the Gods will usher the Age of Aquarius and obliterate these systems, like a growing organism of life that sheds out it's parasites.

Any knowledge existing in there is half poisoned, no more than the so called "Jesus" who meant nothing. It's a hoax about a being that did not even exist and a hoax that was taken too far and must be completely discarded.

Rabbi Jesus was also an irrelevant personality. A kike got crucified because he argued with other kikes, so what?

Nobody has to follow a kike or a jewish rebel to get into any heaven. The Gods are to be followed. The personality hoax around Rabbi Yehoshua [Jesus] is a waste of time. The conflation of meanings, confusion and theft level in this amalgamation is too high.

The so called "Old Testament" is essentially a mash up for Babylonian, Egyptian and Ancient Greek teachings, which were stolen and credited by the jews, plus Jewish propaganda.

The start of "Genesis" is stolen from the Babylonian Epics of creation, word for word. Other books of the Old Testament are purely stolen and mistranslated versions of Egyptian and other occult texts. The level of desecration is on the highest degree, to where these are not only entirely corrupted and lost in translation, but are only pieces of Jewish Propaganda.

It is very insensible and false to promote this as a source of "knowledge", especially if one is a Spiritual Satanist and knows of the origins of these.

This sort of material only appeals to uneducated Europeans and Americans because it's dumb enough to easily be believed, and because they have been programmed by the jews to believe in something that half assedly resembles what a low functioning brain that doesn't want to consume many calories considers "Spiritual knowledge".

Generally these stolen stories appeal to those who either:

1. Subconsciously cannot let go of "Christ" due to cultural programming and an affection towards Jewish excrement.
2. Those who are at a low spiritual and knowledge level
3. The mass of dumb fucks that wants an easy story that is stolen but cannot be assed to learn any better sources.
4. Those in denial of the ramifications of destruction of keeping this going, such as the destructive and nasty messages that were embed with half assed knowledge in this piece of Jewish propaganda that many call "religion" due to low education.

In the past, due to high censorship, cultural desecration of the Ancient Faiths, and due to cultural misappropriation, those who wanted to actually learn anything about the occult had to hide themselves in the bossom of Xianity and Islam, because they did not want to be killed from these jewish systems for pursuit of the occult. That was as we know for centuries punishable by the death penalty, since it was one being "In league with the Satanic Forces", which were none other than the Demons and the Gods of the people in the past, the Gods the Ancient Faith followed.

This led these people to work with what they had at the time, forcing themselves to do this, knowing it's a hoax by the jews. The penalty for doing anything else would be instant death penalty. As the powers of the Demons started to restore society to common sense out of the Middle Ages, these people tried numerous things to topple the jewish stranglehold step by step, while pretending to be "part of Christianity", to eventually rip it off element by element until none was left of it.

That is why certain occult societies like the Theosophists decided to actually try to "Whitewash" xianity of the jewish elements, failing miserably, since these sytems are from birth belongings of the jewish people. The Sufis in Islam did the same, but both failed, due to historical circumstance and because of the utmost degree of poisoned knowledge that is against the Gods no matter how one is trying to whitewash it.

The Theosophists were also majorly anti-semitic, with their figureheads detesting the Jews and calling them out. They played a major part of their time, to start deprogramming people to the perils of the jewish propaganda, but they still could not do more than this in their time. We are past that era now, we have risen from the need to culturally appropriate jewish lies, corruption and feces and trying to whitewash it.

There is also no need anymore to whitewash any old, torn, used and shitted upon cultural cloth left behind by the jews. I understand the affinity of some stuck souls to try to "make this right", but that is like you are married to a whore that will never change, and you constantly trying to get her to be "real" with you. She's a jewish whore that will not change her ways, you are only wasting your time.

The audacity and stupidity of the Europeans and Americans to accept this amalgam of lies, same as the Arabs and others, is because it was easy to digest and it was imposed by the sword; as with any hoax and toxic relationship, the ego is forced to try to whitewash it. This audacity and foolishness is why since the Dark Ages, the work of the jews has been going unabetted and the only degree of evolution since, is the degree where Christianity, Islam and Jewish excrement was denied.

The pure souls are those who will leave it all go, into the gutter where it belongs, and will approach the Gods directly.

The Joy of Satan exists right now disinfected and at spiritual war against the jewish lies, same as the occultists of the past and people who wanted to evolve, wanted to do but could not. Now, they can.

There is no need anymore for whitewashing jewish clothing with jewish stains; we have our culture restored and we can move forward. Bright and powerful Gentile knowledge stands as powerful as ever without the need to wear the clothes the jews have thrown to us.

We are no longer their spiritual prisoners. We will no longer discuss inside the confine of the jewish prison of Islam, Christianity and Judaism. It is all borne out of the same diseased jewish womb and must be let go. Satan's Era is coming and the Ancient Gods will have their say in the upcoming Aeons.

Promotion of Rabbi Yehoshua and the related Jewish flick in this board is prohibited and Christianity and Islam are poised to be obliterated in the Age of Aquarius, replaced by the knowledge of Spiritual Satanism which will enlighten humanity and bring everyone back to Pagan, Spiritual and sane origins, stemming directly from the Gods. No Judaism and no jewish "opinions" are to be considered anything anymore; they hold zero value.


Lastly, we have Xians and other liars who say that their cancer should be maintained as it has "it's basis on ancient things!". This happened after they were UNMASKED for being hoaxes. It's an attempt to hide and minimize their crimes and the inevitable removal of their cancer on top of humanity.

I can see your point. Yes, there were other jewish movements similar to xianity back then, but Apollonius of Tyana is what jewsus was based on.

Plato was based on Socrates, and mentioned it.

The hoax of Jesus was not based on, but rather, stepped on the ruins of Apollonius of Tyana and tried to remove his mention from all existence.

Chrisitanity mentioned for centuries it was the "source" of all things, until the illiterate populace became literate and the ruins of the Ancients were undug. Then, people found out it was just a hoax step by step.

Confronted with the reality of this, the agencies of the enemy tried to claim "Hey goy, it was just a continuity of your history, lol, let it live". Eventually the evidence mounted more and more to the heavens that it was just a jewish hoax and nothing else, a malicious hoax of death and theft.

Those who say it was "based on", which are xian apologists, are denying the whole causes and reasons of the creations of xianity, which was to uproot and ruin the knowledge of the past, to establish jewish supremacy over the Gentile people.

"Based off" or "Coming from". should contain sources, honorable mention, continuity in culture, similarity and expansion of ideas. The programs of the jews responded to the past with fire, brimstone, burning, desecration, perversion, calling it all "evil" and "forbidden" and "Satanic" to study, telling people that what they stole from and reading into this will land you straight to eternal damnation.

If you kill, outlaw and exterminate those who came before you and from whom you stole it all as "Spawns of the Devil who is the source of all evil", this is not called "Based off", but "living on the ruins of" a situation based on theft and ruin. That's what the jews did.


Another thing that really angers me is when these kike-loving Jesus followers want to access Satan's Knowledge. When they want to know about Astrology, Meditation, Kundalini and so on. They love slandering His name, but they want His Knowledge at the same time, I remember you saying something along these lines HP.

Yes, many wanted to destroy Egypt, but they loved the baths and the gardens of Egypt. As they saw the great glories of the Gods, they wanted to steal them and claim them, while claiming it was not from them.

In the same way, the parasite of the enemy, wants to claim for itself whatever it can, while simultaneously lighting a fire of death to what came before.

Like a war, they steal the bounty (or try to), remove the authors, and then claim it was "them" all along, while they tell the public if you study this you will burn in "Hell".

These people interested are in three categories:

Those who lack knowledge. The Gods will approve and teach them. But those who are deliberately hypocritical, they will not receive nothing of the Gods.

Little do these hypocrites know, that the real tartarus awaits for those who divulge purposefully into the lies and made the siege against the Gods. The time will come when the enemy programs will be a faint memory of a large human mistake.

The misguided humans will move on and eventually into the heavens, but not them. Some supporters of the enemy have fell on their knees in history and repented, even Popes. Those who keep the lie going will eventually pay the price for it.

All Spiritual Knowledge belongs to the Gods and Satan, it comes from whom made us and want us to ascend, the True hierarchy that teaches the Godhead. They will have their aeon and their eternity, arising out of the rubble of lies that prohibited human contact with it's creators and it's givers of Wisdom.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It's far better now than it was centuries before and in the twentieth century, when these disastrous policies were directly oppressing people. We must thank our dear brothers who have fought for our freedoms, particularly in recent times, in the last century, where the effects of the Jewsoviet with Stalin Jewison and the other obviously Jewish Soviet leaders, as well as the other rabbis, would have manifested if it hadn't been for the brave heroes who sacrificed themselves for the sake of humanity during this period.

The Jews are losing ground every day, as seen by the failure to take control Gaza and, more recently, the exposure of a synagogue. Those who follow these so-called "religions" are unaware that they are witnessing Jewish communism disguised as metaphysical rather than physical. My birthplace is still significantly influenced by communism, more than in other countries.

Unfortunately, I have seen some Jews in the real world, and what I can say is that when I was near them, my heart chakra felt strained and heavy, producing an anxious feeling; let's not even mention their obvious behavior and lifelessness, which can be seen in the eyes that point to their tribal identity.. They are truly disgusting parasites, and we must not forget what they have done over the course of their existence. This anger should always be applied towards our warfare rituals that we hold onto dearly for the time being.

May we hold in good stead the future, for much has to be offered to us for our time spent fighting against the enemy. Be strong, brothers and sisters!
Yes indeed same with that trash of Buddhism so much emphasis on self suffering and how you should make sure you continue to suffer in some way because that's what life is so you can learn some sort of mystic lesson while in your own suffering that you self perpetuate why oh because of some carbon foot print reason i was like really this is what you idiots believe or at least that's what modern Buddhism is then you have other morons like Wiccans who literally do everything backwards they even have a website which suspiciously mirrors JOS outlay but its background is white with purple writing exactly the same magic spell names just tells you to do literally everything in reverse and makes no mention at all of a meditation section i remember i was going out to some "Light Worker" Spiritual events and these people mind you had good hearts and good intentions but they believed that the chakras were ancient curses put on them by ancient Egyptians and that they believed in nature animal guides that talked to them and i was like "fingers crack" time to shatter some delusions so i gave them some basic training in the ways of chakra rotation, foundation meditation, healing and protective magic i taught them a couple of runes and how to use them to a degree of initate knowledge and then i left it at that as winter had settled in and people were no longer gathering outside anymore.

I also found out that these animal guides took the shapes of specific animals such as Raven's, Snakes, Dragons, Eagles and when meditating on these guides of theirs i detected the presence of hell's energys and influences and so i left them to believe that these animal guides was that and not the gods wearing said disguise to help guide these people onto a better path i assumed that the gods would show their true forms when these people were ready but probably a good idea to let them do it on their terms so i left that part alone.
Death to Abrahamic programs of misery and filth! I've grown to have no mercy for it and will call it what it is as long as my speech is free.
I love seeing their seething programs tear themselves apart. Sad that so many families were divided and subverted to jewish filth and self defeating mindsets.
We SS can be proud of helping to rid the earth of such putrid rot. Everything I've been through in life is worth it to be beside the Gods in this work!
I read through the whole sermon, thanks for the quote!
As for those who kneel to the enemy, their time to join us and stand tall side-by-side with us is limited. As Amdusias stated 21 years ago:
"Just as the enemy has people who cannot see us, we cannot see them. However, they will manifest blatantly as we get closer to the climax of our cause."
What is interesting about this is the fact that people didn't even notice that coming? And when they realize back in the days with all the Death and All the murder going on a families and innocent people? You think that they would have taken action? And I'm sure a lot of them have! But because they made a Gentiles of punishable people and made us look and seem like pathetic animals? We couldn't get away with anything even back in the days if it come to protecting your wife and your kids and those you care about if anybody spoke their mind or try to fight they would get dragged off and punished or put to death people were not allowed to protect themselves or speak up then that's when they started forcing the rules on people giving people shame and giving people a guilt trip and still! It is very day people still fall into that category and don't have this sense enough to take a good look around and back out! Recalling the times of their ancestors and those before them and the threats that were bestowed up on them! Having witches in the family and powers! You would think that a lot of these people would respect that and hold that with pride! It stated that they looked upon it as a curse and thread and brought on a lot of harm within their own families because they didn't accept their own gifts and who they are? All because of Christian rule in fear! And for many years people have been weak to understanding the higher knowledge and the use of it and spiritual energy and spiritual healing and the understanding of that as well and how useful it could have been throughout the years especially between men and women being married and being a sex partners? To start out with how they fought with each other pushed each other away instead of taking the time to read and understand each other on a higher level through mental and through spiritual and sexual power and energy being able to make love to one another and heal each other and they were so afraid of that and think that they're going to go to hell even if they think about it or even go there? And it's sad that people didn't allow themselves to speak up and do something about that too! It's amazing how people manage to have children? And a noticing how a lot of women ended up with miscarriages and stillborns and not getting the support they want and need from their family instead of that they were treated like shit and put shame! And was given a guilt trip by the minister of their church! Instead of taking the time to help the woman along the way and having appreciation for her! A lot of people still in this very day don't understand or even have the knowledge of thereof and still people to this very day go to these pathetic churches and follow these pathetic rules until this very day laugh out loud sex is still a huge issue often talked about and a curiosity among teenagers and young adults and yet they get called out and put to shame if they even talk about it or Express it! Even a married couple you would think? That they would be allowed or allow themselves to open up and talk about it without being slut-shamed! It's a shame that a woman can't truly be herself and then again it's cutting the man down as well because he's keeping himself from exploring his own kind who and what he is and what he is really all about? So the man suffers just the same as the woman! And then to add to it persecution just because somebody dares open their mouth and say something? You hear people talk about it all over the place and the poor industry throwing it all over the place like it was dog shit! Teaching people to look at it the wrong way and teaching girls how to be ashamed of themselves! All because of these stupid religious values and what people are forced to believe all because of these stupid Jews and because of these stupid aromantic religions and the shit that people are going through and how people are suffering to this very day lacking the spiritual knowledge and the use and the know-how of their own mind and their own spiritual powers
sex is still a huge issue often talked about and a curiosity among teenagers and young adults and yet they get called out and put to shame if they even talk about it or Express it! Even a married couple you would think? That they would be allowed or allow themselves to open up and talk about it without being slut-shamed! It's a shame that a woman can't truly be herself and then again it's cutting the man down as well because he's keeping himself from exploring his own kind who and what he is and what he is really all about? So the man suffers just the same as the woman! And then to add to it persecution just because somebody dares open their mouth and say something? You hear people talk about it all over the place and the poor industry throwing it all over the place like it was dog shit! Teaching people to look at it the wrong way and teaching girls how to be ashamed of themselves! All because of these stupid religious values and what people are forced to believe all because of these stupid Jews and because of these stupid aromantic religions and the shit that people are going through and how people are suffering to this very day lacking the spiritual knowledge and the use and the know-how of their own mind and their own spiritual powers
You're right. Sexuality used to be suppressed, because it is something beautiful, sacred, and raises the Kundalini Serpent. Now, they do exactly the opposite; they throw porn at boys and girls from the age of 10. Boys are prevented from recognising true beauty on a woman, while girls are taught to be cheap and please everyone for attention. So the jews are playing both sides against the middle once again, owning porn sites and creating degenerate fetishes (race-mixing, incest, etc.), while also controlling the no-fap islamist retards like Tate.
Jesus same as "Christos" are both irrelevant. We know here the full factual truth of the subject.

Here are some facts about the amalgamation of lies that is in the Hebrew programs, that stands as a longstanding cripple on top of humanity:

1. Abrahamic religions for centuries since their advent killed everyone who was into the "occult".
2. There were never "spiritual interpretations" to any of this, except of when we tried to draw closer to the Era of Aquarius.
3. It's only as these systems died and lost stranglehold, that any Spiritual Knowledge was brought at the forefront again.
4. Still, the majority of the followers of these cults will kill people for doing this.
5. The "Ethics" of these "faiths" are jewish infested and suicidal, anti-existence. Filled with anti-existence and anti-life messages, they made people who believed in them insane.
6. It's all based on stolen allegories, stories and everything else from other people. I would rather read those sources instead, directly.
7. It was given birth by the jews and is maintained only by fools and jews. Jews openly admit these programs are for the pig and the goyim, making them their slaves as they believe them.
8. Any knowledge of the Spiritual, also that which was stolen by the jews to make these programs, had its original source in what came before.
9. What "came before" was obliterated via the sword, so that jews could enslave everyone.
10. It's still only the dumb that believe in these programs, same as the first adoptees of these low level hoaxes, back in the time where these "took over".
11. Still to this day, they are the cancer of humanity, disallowing growth and progress in everyway.
12. Even basic scientific knowledge only came to the forefront when deviation and "Satanic uprising" happened, moving us away from the Abrahamic programs.
13. The strict followers of these programs are still violent and incoherent drones, that constantly move existence backwards.
14. There is no reason for me or anyone to take seriously the accounts of any jews. They are to be considered worthless, because they are.
15. Christianity or Islam cannot reverse any "spiritual fall" as they are the direct causes of it. Pretending they do is like saying Epstein will become a protector of children after having been the full blown cause of pedo Island creation.

One could go on and on...

I can flop any book over from Plato and gain a thousand times more value than trying to dissect jewish excrement, or read the stolen stories of my own Ancient Greek or other Aryan people, from the jewish horse of mouth, fully mistranslated and filled with wrongs and falsehoods. I recommend everyone else does the same, as our cultures have thousandfold more things to offer us.

Any "intepretation" on these, represents not the inherent value of these texts, but rather, the value of an interpreter. In order for any "Spiritual" interpratation to take place, one must already be in league with the Demons, the "Evil Powers" and whatever is of the Occult - exactly what Christianity and Islam tried to murder and obliterate through Jewish orders. That should give someone everything one needs to know in regards to where one must seek Spiritual Knowledge from.

People however, still programmed subconsciously to ascribe "value" to Christianity [which is nothing else but a theft of the jews, clothed carefully in Ancient Greek and other knowledge to be absorbed by the Goyim], do not let this go. They have to sit down and try to find lost meaning from their cultures in these programs, leading them to mental ruin and confusion.

Funny enough, if you hand me a bible, like occulstist of the past, you will get more information about "God" than the "Believers of god" who believe in the jewish projects of confusion.

I can tell you truly about God. Why? Why is it that the Devil can always find more meaning in these things, but not the enemy? Because of course, all Spiritual knowledge is authored by "those that came before" the advent of any of these deadly programs. They are the good ones, the true powers of the heavens that teach us the True Path.

The straight path to "God" is the straight path that existed always; through the Gods the"Hellfire".mselves, away from these programs of censorship and evil that are jewish hoaxes.

There is no need to walk the crooked path when one knows the good path.

As about "Christ" or "Christos", yes, that's just an Ancient Greek word that does not mean a thing and is a stolen epithet, meaning "Anoited One", that was later ascribed to the hoax of a so called "Rebel Rabbi from Jerusalem" that was nothing but a fingernail whether or not he existed to any Ancient Mystic of powerful proportions. This rebel rabbi nonsense was used on a pseudohistory of a dude that never existed, whose name was "Yashua Ben David", and was just another schizophrenic jew no matter how the history is cut out to be.

The story of this hoax, is based off of the real story of the real supreme Mystic who existed in the Roman Empire, the Apollonius of Tyana. Apollonius was an Ancient Greek ascended High Priest, who could even teleport and do all sorts of other well known miracles.

I know enough of Ancient Greek, Sanskrit, Hinduism and our core religions, to know how all of this hebrew is useless bunk. The knowledge of jews has always been very low, and the ascent of the jews as "wise people" is because, through the programs of decay they created, butchered everyone else. As nobody else remained in the West, they assumed a position of a cultural dictatorship over their slaves, the Gentile people.

Regardless, the forced programming of this bunk same as Islam, has many people programmed to where they cannot easily move on from it. Hypocrisy over the outcomes of the diseased beliefs of xianity and the extreme jewish damage it has done, has led quite a few people to try to make "amends" with it.

There are no amends that can be made. All of this is fundamentally flawed, made by the jews, and built on jewish hoaxes. Despite of "tidbits" of some stolen material in it, it's all perverted morally and ethically but also spiritually beyond of what can have any fundamental value.

Jews then enforced monotheism, suicidal messages and all sorts of other things they had excreted from Judaism [The root of Christianity] and then passed it off to the Goyim so they would kill themselves while they believed in it, to weaken them. That is a case well known among jews who laugh their asses off everyday that the Goyim has been left without culture, from it's very own hand, because they bought this hoax of an amalgamation they created to confuse them into destroying their own culture.

Any leftovers from the Ancient Pagan system is what "attracts" some people who are at a low educational level, or who do not have the heart and balls to move outwards from the jewish confine of death and though process that has been forcibly embed on us by whom? By the jews...

They exported this so called "faith" to their enemies while this "appeared" as a religion to kill us all via suicidal morality, falsehoods, half baked truths and evil corruptions. It's the manifestation of the jewish cultural confusion in our midst.

Christians and Islamics too, live to see the toll of this disastrous mentality, but like helpless confused idiots, still cling to the "messages" they believe these corrupted systems have to offer them. Simultaneously, they plunge themselves in darkness and kill themselves from this cultural addiction, keeping humanity back.

The Powers of the Gods will usher the Age of Aquarius and obliterate these systems, like a growing organism of life that sheds out it's parasites.

Any knowledge existing in there is half poisoned, no more than the so called "Jesus" who meant nothing. It's a hoax about a being that did not even exist and a hoax that was taken too far and must be completely discarded.

Rabbi Jesus was also an irrelevant personality. A kike got crucified because he argued with other kikes, so what?

Nobody has to follow a kike or a jewish rebel to get into any heaven. The Gods are to be followed. The personality hoax around Rabbi Yehoshua [Jesus] is a waste of time. The conflation of meanings, confusion and theft level in this amalgamation is too high.

The so called "Old Testament" is essentially a mash up for Babylonian, Egyptian and Ancient Greek teachings, which were stolen and credited by the jews, plus Jewish propaganda.

The start of "Genesis" is stolen from the Babylonian Epics of creation, word for word. Other books of the Old Testament are purely stolen and mistranslated versions of Egyptian and other occult texts. The level of desecration is on the highest degree, to where these are not only entirely corrupted and lost in translation, but are only pieces of Jewish Propaganda.

It is very insensible and false to promote this as a source of "knowledge", especially if one is a Spiritual Satanist and knows of the origins of these.

This sort of material only appeals to uneducated Europeans and Americans because it's dumb enough to easily be believed, and because they have been programmed by the jews to believe in something that half assedly resembles what a low functioning brain that doesn't want to consume many calories considers "Spiritual knowledge".

Generally these stolen stories appeal to those who either:

1. Subconsciously cannot let go of "Christ" due to cultural programming and an affection towards Jewish excrement.
2. Those who are at a low spiritual and knowledge level
3. The mass of dumb fucks that wants an easy story that is stolen but cannot be assed to learn any better sources.
4. Those in denial of the ramifications of destruction of keeping this going, such as the destructive and nasty messages that were embed with half assed knowledge in this piece of Jewish propaganda that many call "religion" due to low education.

In the past, due to high censorship, cultural desecration of the Ancient Faiths, and due to cultural misappropriation, those who wanted to actually learn anything about the occult had to hide themselves in the bossom of Xianity and Islam, because they did not want to be killed from these jewish systems for pursuit of the occult. That was as we know for centuries punishable by the death penalty, since it was one being "In league with the Satanic Forces", which were none other than the Demons and the Gods of the people in the past, the Gods the Ancient Faith followed.

This led these people to work with what they had at the time, forcing themselves to do this, knowing it's a hoax by the jews. The penalty for doing anything else would be instant death penalty. As the powers of the Demons started to restore society to common sense out of the Middle Ages, these people tried numerous things to topple the jewish stranglehold step by step, while pretending to be "part of Christianity", to eventually rip it off element by element until none was left of it.

That is why certain occult societies like the Theosophists decided to actually try to "Whitewash" xianity of the jewish elements, failing miserably, since these sytems are from birth belongings of the jewish people. The Sufis in Islam did the same, but both failed, due to historical circumstance and because of the utmost degree of poisoned knowledge that is against the Gods no matter how one is trying to whitewash it.

The Theosophists were also majorly anti-semitic, with their figureheads detesting the Jews and calling them out. They played a major part of their time, to start deprogramming people to the perils of the jewish propaganda, but they still could not do more than this in their time. We are past that era now, we have risen from the need to culturally appropriate jewish lies, corruption and feces and trying to whitewash it.

There is also no need anymore to whitewash any old, torn, used and shitted upon cultural cloth left behind by the jews. I understand the affinity of some stuck souls to try to "make this right", but that is like you are married to a whore that will never change, and you constantly trying to get her to be "real" with you. She's a jewish whore that will not change her ways, you are only wasting your time.

The audacity and stupidity of the Europeans and Americans to accept this amalgam of lies, same as the Arabs and others, is because it was easy to digest and it was imposed by the sword; as with any hoax and toxic relationship, the ego is forced to try to whitewash it. This audacity and foolishness is why since the Dark Ages, the work of the jews has been going unabetted and the only degree of evolution since, is the degree where Christianity, Islam and Jewish excrement was denied.

The pure souls are those who will leave it all go, into the gutter where it belongs, and will approach the Gods directly.

The Joy of Satan exists right now disinfected and at spiritual war against the jewish lies, same as the occultists of the past and people who wanted to evolve, wanted to do but could not. Now, they can.

There is no need anymore for whitewashing jewish clothing with jewish stains; we have our culture restored and we can move forward. Bright and powerful Gentile knowledge stands as powerful as ever without the need to wear the clothes the jews have thrown to us.

We are no longer their spiritual prisoners. We will no longer discuss inside the confine of the jewish prison of Islam, Christianity and Judaism. It is all borne out of the same diseased jewish womb and must be let go. Satan's Era is coming and the Ancient Gods will have their say in the upcoming Aeons.

Promotion of Rabbi Yehoshua and the related Jewish flick in this board is prohibited and Christianity and Islam are poised to be obliterated in the Age of Aquarius, replaced by the knowledge of Spiritual Satanism which will enlighten humanity and bring everyone back to Pagan, Spiritual and sane origins, stemming directly from the Gods. No Judaism and no jewish "opinions" are to be considered anything anymore; they hold zero value.


Lastly, we have Xians and other liars who say that their cancer should be maintained as it has "it's basis on ancient things!". This happened after they were UNMASKED for being hoaxes. It's an attempt to hide and minimize their crimes and the inevitable removal of their cancer on top of humanity.

Plato was based on Socrates, and mentioned it.

The hoax of Jesus was not based on, but rather, stepped on the ruins of Apollonius of Tyana and tried to remove his mention from all existence.

Chrisitanity mentioned for centuries it was the "source" of all things, until the illiterate populace became literate and the ruins of the Ancients were undug. Then, people found out it was just a hoax step by step.

Confronted with the reality of this, the agencies of the enemy tried to claim "Hey goy, it was just a continuity of your history, lol, let it live". Eventually the evidence mounted more and more to the heavens that it was just a jewish hoax and nothing else, a malicious hoax of death and theft.

Those who say it was "based on", which are xian apologists, are denying the whole causes and reasons of the creations of xianity, which was to uproot and ruin the knowledge of the past, to establish jewish supremacy over the Gentile people.

"Based off" or "Coming from". should contain sources, honorable mention, continuity in culture, similarity and expansion of ideas. The programs of the jews responded to the past with fire, brimstone, burning, desecration, perversion, calling it all "evil" and "forbidden" and "Satanic" to study, telling people that what they stole from and reading into this will land you straight to eternal damnation.

If you kill, outlaw and exterminate those who came before you and from whom you stole it all as "Spawns of the Devil who is the source of all evil", this is not called "Based off", but "living on the ruins of" a situation based on theft and ruin. That's what the jews did.

Yes, many wanted to destroy Egypt, but they loved the baths and the gardens of Egypt. As they saw the great glories of the Gods, they wanted to steal them and claim them, while claiming it was not from them.

In the same way, the parasite of the enemy, wants to claim for itself whatever it can, while simultaneously lighting a fire of death to what came before.

Like a war, they steal the bounty (or try to), remove the authors, and then claim it was "them" all along, while they tell the public if you study this you will burn in "Hell".

These people interested are in three categories:

Those who lack knowledge. The Gods will approve and teach them. But those who are deliberately hypocritical, they will not receive nothing of the Gods.

Little do these hypocrites know, that the real tartarus awaits for those who divulge purposefully into the lies and made the siege against the Gods. The time will come when the enemy programs will be a faint memory of a large human mistake.

The misguided humans will move on and eventually into the heavens, but not them. Some supporters of the enemy have fell on their knees in history and repented, even Popes. Those who keep the lie going will eventually pay the price for it.

All Spiritual Knowledge belongs to the Gods and Satan, it comes from whom made us and want us to ascend, the True hierarchy that teaches the Godhead. They will have their aeon and their eternity, arising out of the rubble of lies that prohibited human contact with it's creators and it's givers of Wisdom.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The Wonderful post!(y);)

jews, along with their stinking religions - judaism, christianity and islam, will soon be forgotten and erased from the universe like a dead virus, because they will all be dead and erased from history.
Christianity caused China's downfall even before the Moaists, as I've done some exposing in that....and I can literally sense the enemy and their curses against me increasing ever since I discovered that and took to the forums to expose it.

The "Self-Strengthening Movement" of the late Qing Empire was designed to bring the Age of Aquarius into China, until it was overthrown by San Yat Sen and his pathetic Kuomintang Christian army.
I read through the whole sermon, thanks for the quote!
As for those who kneel to the enemy, their time to join us and stand tall side-by-side with us is limited. As Amdusias stated 21 years ago:
"Just as the enemy has people who cannot see us, we cannot see them. However, they will manifest blatantly as we get closer to the climax of our cause."

I can't wait when Mao's picture is taken down from the Forebidden Temple and relaced with Fuxi (Satan) or Tiandi (Baalzebul) when the Philippines is re-named Maharlika, Indonesia and Malaysia become Vedic again. I supposed this is already taking place behind the scenes, as the followers are in a position where they are forced to call themselves "Christian" or "Muslim".
I'm one of them, I come from an Asian Christian family, and often-not, whenever teaching people the Truth, sadly I have slap on Christian terms to it as many pro-Enlightenment thinkers have done.

Actually I take that back....I'm not waiting for shit, I am making it happen, by getting involved in the Satanic movement.
It would be NICE to live in a world
With out the enemy religions. Where
People can live a life with out
Abuse and controversy. Where we can
Be happy and have some balance and
If you kill, outlaw and exterminate those who came before you and from whom you stole it all as "Spawns of the Devil who is the source of all evil", this is not called "Based off", but "living on the ruins of" a situation based on theft and ruin. That's what the jews did.

This is what I have been saying to those outside of here for years now.

It is not considered borrowed or adopted when the perpetrators first got their hands on this information after a genocidal war against the innocents who didn't believe the same way.

There was zero peaceful exchange of information.

So anyone here long enough should understand that what was stolen and not destroyed was completely watered down or corrupted that only someone who is by definition stupid (lacking proper brain functionality) would want to use these as sources.
The Jews seem to be really good at fucking everything up.. and then of course there's the Christians that are doing their share of shit... and then you got the Muslims that are programmed and trained to be terrorists doing their crazy shit! If we could just get rid of the aromatic religions... because with those three you can see why the world is the way it is? And people were the ones that brought it on to begin with by listening to the enemy and falling into the hands of the enemy if they would have just allowed themselves to walk away and take a good look at the enemy that's deceiving them? And pay attention to the words and the eye contact they could have at least had the chance to prevent a lot of this dealing with the Jews is bad enough laugh out loud but when it comes to all three that Christian and the Muslim along with them? It makes it even harder so people have three times the work to deal with
The pure souls are those who will leave it all go, into the gutter where it belongs, and will approach the Gods directly.

The Joy of Satan exists right now disinfected and at spiritual war against the jewish lies, same as the occultists of the past and people who wanted to evolve, wanted to do but could not. Now, they can.
I will no more waste my time thanks to you HP Hood Cobra
15 years of wandering is a pain in the ass
And that is why I enjoy being on this website! Maybe I come off like a bit of a scatterbrain at times! And I apologize about that. I halfway off days! And yesterday I was a bit irritated. Plus I was tired from being on my feet all day. I didn't mean to lose my coolant here if I did? And I got names and people mixed up and everything. And then I get into trouble for posting something on the Turkish page they were in the middle of posting something and they had their pictures out demonstrating what was going on and then I had to get on there and explain to them what I was trying to say and that was after I got reported and got the warning. So you can pretty much see how my day turned out. Today has been much better! 🙂 but now I think I scared people away! I don't get much responses and nobody wants to have a conversation with me on any of the conversation threads? And I don't blame people for not wanting to talk to me I even have days where I don't even want to look at myself let alone think to myself or even say a word? I get so disgusted with myself once in awhile. I'm not as smart as other people are on here I guess? But I do the best I can! 🙂 anyway to get back on the subject here! I am lucky to be on here! Taking the time to rate things thoroughly making sure I get shit right. Dealing with Christians and Jews everyday and the problems that people go through mentally and physically! And the price we pay each and every day just because of who we are? Christians Muslims and Jews are the ones that should suffer but then again! They bring on their own problems and at the end they're going to pay dearly! Not only just for the way they have treated people around them but also for the way they treated themselves and their own kind! Along with destroying the world and distorting the minds of people
I can flop any book over from Plato and gain a thousand times more value than trying to dissect jewish excrement, or read the stolen stories of my own Ancient Greek or other Aryan people, from the jewish horse of mouth, fully mistranslated and filled with wrongs and falsehoods. I recommend everyone else does the same, as our cultures have thousandfold more things to offer us.
Totally agree with this, if anyone is so bored to want to read jewish excrement i would highly recommend instead any of the dialogues from socrates, that teach us great things.

How pathetic is trying to be right when you can pursue something infinitely more valuable, knowing the truth. This is a life changing realization, and like this there are more teachings dictated from the master Socrates and served as dialogues which i believe is an easier way to digest such a rich information.
I will no more waste my time thanks to you HP Hood Cobra
15 years of wandering is a pain in the ass

The Gods will help any willing soul no matter where they are.

There is no forced need to become a slave of the jews to reach any heaven or to reach the Godhead. On the contrary, because this is an act of ignorance and cowardice, that would act as a major impediment.
Thank you HPHC for posting such information.

People should know that the Age of Aquarius (Year of the Wood Dragon) is active and thus the energies of our enemies fall and have no power against us anymore.

Hail Satan and the power of the Demons.
You're right. Sexuality used to be suppressed, because it is something beautiful, sacred, and raises the Kundalini Serpent. Now, they do exactly the opposite; they throw porn at boys and girls from the age of 10. Boys are prevented from recognising true beauty on a woman, while girls are taught to be cheap and please everyone for attention. So the jews are playing both sides against the middle once again, owning porn sites and creating degenerate fetishes (race-mixing, incest, etc.), while also controlling the no-fap islamist retards like Tate.
100. You have the Marxist/Neo Marxist atheistic porn promotion with an extreme absurd view of sex and then you have scum Judeo christian islam no fap promotion these parasetic religions.
Yes indeed same with that trash of Buddhism so much emphasis on self suffering and how you should make sure you continue to suffer in some way because that's what life is so you can learn some sort of mystic lesson while in your own suffering that you self perpetuate why oh because of some carbon foot print reason i was like really this is what you idiots believe or at least that's what modern Buddhism...
I was reading some texts on a branch of tantric Buddhism, Vadjrayana, which literally translates as the diamond chariot or diamond path. Studying this, I realized some of the things that HP said in this sermon - the apologists of the Varjayana path, being the mystics of their time and powerful magicians (Naropa and Milarepa) - tried to cleanse Buddhism from a purely contemplative nature and return it to the fold of ancient pagan systems, probably based on Bon religion. Unlike the meme-meanings of the Buddhist doctrine for the goyim, which is based on humility and other things, tantric Buddhism uses mantras, visualization, yoga of concentration on the Yidams (forms of Gods) and so on.
And that is why I enjoy being on this website! Maybe I come off like a bit of a scatterbrain at times! And I apologize about that. I halfway off days! And yesterday I was a bit irritated. Plus I was tired from being on my feet all day. I didn't mean to lose my coolant here if I did? And I got names and people mixed up and everything. And then I get into trouble for posting something on the Turkish page they were in the middle of posting something and they had their pictures out demonstrating what was going on and then I had to get on there and explain to them what I was trying to say and that was after I got reported and got the warning. So you can pretty much see how my day turned out. Today has been much better! 🙂 but now I think I scared people away! I don't get much responses and nobody wants to have a conversation with me on any of the conversation threads? And I don't blame people for not wanting to talk to me I even have days where I don't even want to look at myself let alone think to myself or even say a word? I get so disgusted with myself once in awhile. I'm not as smart as other people are on here I guess? But I do the best I can! 🙂 anyway to get back on the subject here! I am lucky to be on here! Taking the time to rate things thoroughly making sure I get shit right. Dealing with Christians and Jews everyday and the problems that people go through mentally and physically! And the price we pay each and every day just because of who we are? Christians Muslims and Jews are the ones that should suffer but then again! They bring on their own problems and at the end they're going to pay dearly! Not only just for the way they have treated people around them but also for the way they treated themselves and their own kind! Along with destroying the world and distorting the minds of people
Try to actually study and practically apply what you learn about spiritual Satanism, instead of just trying to communicate and find out for yourself. The peace of your soul inside you is what you receive outside anyway. Fill yourself with goodness so that you can share the goodness with others and around you.
HPHC, your topics are always extremely moving and inspiring as they come from a place of unbelievable knowledge and experience.

I never gave this enough thought until recently, but you are right. The dark ages were unmistakably a time of immense suffering to the Gentiles, something I cannot fathom how people can't see. They just lie to themselves constantly with false justifications; literal brain washing.

At times I focus on the positives we lost and lament that we changed those things (such as base metals to alloys, wood/ceramic/glass to plastic, ovens to microwaves, purified water to poisoned water, etc). My life experience has been difficult whenever I give too much pause on these things; the way that toxic man-made substances exist everywhere around us at all times when instead we could base everything naturally from plant fibers, resins and composites made solely from organic materials. Not to mention all the energy-based healing devices and natural remedies that have been heavily suppressed and demonized, when in reality many of these things show amazing promise and results. It also really bothers me that only 3.2% of grocery sales in Canada are organic (hence why the stores are over-laden with harmful foods).

I feel in many ways that earlier cultures were ahead of us - root cellars instead of refrigerators, fermenting and jarring, community-based living and shared trade, etc. National Socialism and natural law seem much the same to me; communities interacting in a respectful and mutually beneficial way. In the world today though we mostly have communism and globalism.

We are at the best time possible however. What an opportunity for spiritual development! As much as I'd love to love to homestead and get out of the city I still have much to attain before reaching that plateau. All good things come through time and effort I suppose and I shouldn't think things as being so unattainable.
I post these words online a lot ( with my Real name on it, and no censorship.) '""I curse the church of Jesus Christ into the lake of fire via Sin Suicide"". I curse the Jews into the lake of fire via Sin Suicide"". I have had very few issues with warnings from Twitter, YouTube, Facebook. Just saying,,,,,, for those that can get away with venting like this, in their country. Also, a lot of Witchcraft techniques here on this site that one can use to hex any trouble , dangerous christians, jews, muslims that attack you, attempt to rebuke you "In Jesus name'', etc. Secretly if you can of course. HPS Maxine posted these techniques for a reason...... Best to use them.
Jesus same as "Christos" are both irrelevant. We know here the full factual truth of the subject.

Here are some facts about the amalgamation of lies that is in the Hebrew programs, that stands as a longstanding cripple on top of humanity:

1. Abrahamic religions for centuries since their advent killed everyone who was into the "occult".
2. There were never "spiritual interpretations" to any of this, except of when we tried to draw closer to the Era of Aquarius.
3. It's only as these systems died and lost stranglehold, that any Spiritual Knowledge was brought at the forefront again.
4. Still, the majority of the followers of these cults will kill people for doing this.
5. The "Ethics" of these "faiths" are jewish infested and suicidal, anti-existence. Filled with anti-existence and anti-life messages, they made people who believed in them insane.
6. It's all based on stolen allegories, stories and everything else from other people. I would rather read those sources instead, directly.
7. It was given birth by the jews and is maintained only by fools and jews. Jews openly admit these programs are for the pig and the goyim, making them their slaves as they believe them.
8. Any knowledge of the Spiritual, also that which was stolen by the jews to make these programs, had its original source in what came before.
9. What "came before" was obliterated via the sword, so that jews could enslave everyone.
10. It's still only the dumb that believe in these programs, same as the first adoptees of these low level hoaxes, back in the time where these "took over".
11. Still to this day, they are the cancer of humanity, disallowing growth and progress in everyway.
12. Even basic scientific knowledge only came to the forefront when deviation and "Satanic uprising" happened, moving us away from the Abrahamic programs.
13. The strict followers of these programs are still violent and incoherent drones, that constantly move existence backwards.
14. There is no reason for me or anyone to take seriously the accounts of any jews. They are to be considered worthless, because they are.
15. Christianity or Islam cannot reverse any "spiritual fall" as they are the direct causes of it. Pretending they do is like saying Epstein will become a protector of children after having been the full blown cause of pedo Island creation.

One could go on and on...

I can flop any book over from Plato and gain a thousand times more value than trying to dissect jewish excrement, or read the stolen stories of my own Ancient Greek or other Aryan people, from the jewish horse of mouth, fully mistranslated and filled with wrongs and falsehoods. I recommend everyone else does the same, as our cultures have thousandfold more things to offer us.

Any "intepretation" on these, represents not the inherent value of these texts, but rather, the value of an interpreter. In order for any "Spiritual" interpratation to take place, one must already be in league with the Demons, the "Evil Powers" and whatever is of the Occult - exactly what Christianity and Islam tried to murder and obliterate through Jewish orders. That should give someone everything one needs to know in regards to where one must seek Spiritual Knowledge from.

People however, still programmed subconsciously to ascribe "value" to Christianity [which is nothing else but a theft of the jews, clothed carefully in Ancient Greek and other knowledge to be absorbed by the Goyim], do not let this go. They have to sit down and try to find lost meaning from their cultures in these programs, leading them to mental ruin and confusion.

Funny enough, if you hand me a bible, like occulstist of the past, you will get more information about "God" than the "Believers of god" who believe in the jewish projects of confusion.

I can tell you truly about God. Why? Why is it that the Devil can always find more meaning in these things, but not the enemy? Because of course, all Spiritual knowledge is authored by "those that came before" the advent of any of these deadly programs. They are the good ones, the true powers of the heavens that teach us the True Path.

The straight path to "God" is the straight path that existed always; through the Gods the"Hellfire".mselves, away from these programs of censorship and evil that are jewish hoaxes.

There is no need to walk the crooked path when one knows the good path.

As about "Christ" or "Christos", yes, that's just an Ancient Greek word that does not mean a thing and is a stolen epithet, meaning "Anoited One", that was later ascribed to the hoax of a so called "Rebel Rabbi from Jerusalem" that was nothing but a fingernail whether or not he existed to any Ancient Mystic of powerful proportions. This rebel rabbi nonsense was used on a pseudohistory of a dude that never existed, whose name was "Yashua Ben David", and was just another schizophrenic jew no matter how the history is cut out to be.

The story of this hoax, is based off of the real story of the real supreme Mystic who existed in the Roman Empire, the Apollonius of Tyana. Apollonius was an Ancient Greek ascended High Priest, who could even teleport and do all sorts of other well known miracles.

I know enough of Ancient Greek, Sanskrit, Hinduism and our core religions, to know how all of this hebrew is useless bunk. The knowledge of jews has always been very low, and the ascent of the jews as "wise people" is because, through the programs of decay they created, butchered everyone else. As nobody else remained in the West, they assumed a position of a cultural dictatorship over their slaves, the Gentile people.

Regardless, the forced programming of this bunk same as Islam, has many people programmed to where they cannot easily move on from it. Hypocrisy over the outcomes of the diseased beliefs of xianity and the extreme jewish damage it has done, has led quite a few people to try to make "amends" with it.

There are no amends that can be made. All of this is fundamentally flawed, made by the jews, and built on jewish hoaxes. Despite of "tidbits" of some stolen material in it, it's all perverted morally and ethically but also spiritually beyond of what can have any fundamental value.

Jews then enforced monotheism, suicidal messages and all sorts of other things they had excreted from Judaism [The root of Christianity] and then passed it off to the Goyim so they would kill themselves while they believed in it, to weaken them. That is a case well known among jews who laugh their asses off everyday that the Goyim has been left without culture, from it's very own hand, because they bought this hoax of an amalgamation they created to confuse them into destroying their own culture.

Any leftovers from the Ancient Pagan system is what "attracts" some people who are at a low educational level, or who do not have the heart and balls to move outwards from the jewish confine of death and though process that has been forcibly embed on us by whom? By the jews...

They exported this so called "faith" to their enemies while this "appeared" as a religion to kill us all via suicidal morality, falsehoods, half baked truths and evil corruptions. It's the manifestation of the jewish cultural confusion in our midst.

Christians and Islamics too, live to see the toll of this disastrous mentality, but like helpless confused idiots, still cling to the "messages" they believe these corrupted systems have to offer them. Simultaneously, they plunge themselves in darkness and kill themselves from this cultural addiction, keeping humanity back.

The Powers of the Gods will usher the Age of Aquarius and obliterate these systems, like a growing organism of life that sheds out it's parasites.

Any knowledge existing in there is half poisoned, no more than the so called "Jesus" who meant nothing. It's a hoax about a being that did not even exist and a hoax that was taken too far and must be completely discarded.

Rabbi Jesus was also an irrelevant personality. A kike got crucified because he argued with other kikes, so what?

Nobody has to follow a kike or a jewish rebel to get into any heaven. The Gods are to be followed. The personality hoax around Rabbi Yehoshua [Jesus] is a waste of time. The conflation of meanings, confusion and theft level in this amalgamation is too high.

The so called "Old Testament" is essentially a mash up for Babylonian, Egyptian and Ancient Greek teachings, which were stolen and credited by the jews, plus Jewish propaganda.

The start of "Genesis" is stolen from the Babylonian Epics of creation, word for word. Other books of the Old Testament are purely stolen and mistranslated versions of Egyptian and other occult texts. The level of desecration is on the highest degree, to where these are not only entirely corrupted and lost in translation, but are only pieces of Jewish Propaganda.

It is very insensible and false to promote this as a source of "knowledge", especially if one is a Spiritual Satanist and knows of the origins of these.

This sort of material only appeals to uneducated Europeans and Americans because it's dumb enough to easily be believed, and because they have been programmed by the jews to believe in something that half assedly resembles what a low functioning brain that doesn't want to consume many calories considers "Spiritual knowledge".

Generally these stolen stories appeal to those who either:

1. Subconsciously cannot let go of "Christ" due to cultural programming and an affection towards Jewish excrement.
2. Those who are at a low spiritual and knowledge level
3. The mass of dumb fucks that wants an easy story that is stolen but cannot be assed to learn any better sources.
4. Those in denial of the ramifications of destruction of keeping this going, such as the destructive and nasty messages that were embed with half assed knowledge in this piece of Jewish propaganda that many call "religion" due to low education.

In the past, due to high censorship, cultural desecration of the Ancient Faiths, and due to cultural misappropriation, those who wanted to actually learn anything about the occult had to hide themselves in the bossom of Xianity and Islam, because they did not want to be killed from these jewish systems for pursuit of the occult. That was as we know for centuries punishable by the death penalty, since it was one being "In league with the Satanic Forces", which were none other than the Demons and the Gods of the people in the past, the Gods the Ancient Faith followed.

This led these people to work with what they had at the time, forcing themselves to do this, knowing it's a hoax by the jews. The penalty for doing anything else would be instant death penalty. As the powers of the Demons started to restore society to common sense out of the Middle Ages, these people tried numerous things to topple the jewish stranglehold step by step, while pretending to be "part of Christianity", to eventually rip it off element by element until none was left of it.

That is why certain occult societies like the Theosophists decided to actually try to "Whitewash" xianity of the jewish elements, failing miserably, since these sytems are from birth belongings of the jewish people. The Sufis in Islam did the same, but both failed, due to historical circumstance and because of the utmost degree of poisoned knowledge that is against the Gods no matter how one is trying to whitewash it.

The Theosophists were also majorly anti-semitic, with their figureheads detesting the Jews and calling them out. They played a major part of their time, to start deprogramming people to the perils of the jewish propaganda, but they still could not do more than this in their time. We are past that era now, we have risen from the need to culturally appropriate jewish lies, corruption and feces and trying to whitewash it.

There is also no need anymore to whitewash any old, torn, used and shitted upon cultural cloth left behind by the jews. I understand the affinity of some stuck souls to try to "make this right", but that is like you are married to a whore that will never change, and you constantly trying to get her to be "real" with you. She's a jewish whore that will not change her ways, you are only wasting your time.

The audacity and stupidity of the Europeans and Americans to accept this amalgam of lies, same as the Arabs and others, is because it was easy to digest and it was imposed by the sword; as with any hoax and toxic relationship, the ego is forced to try to whitewash it. This audacity and foolishness is why since the Dark Ages, the work of the jews has been going unabetted and the only degree of evolution since, is the degree where Christianity, Islam and Jewish excrement was denied.

The pure souls are those who will leave it all go, into the gutter where it belongs, and will approach the Gods directly.

The Joy of Satan exists right now disinfected and at spiritual war against the jewish lies, same as the occultists of the past and people who wanted to evolve, wanted to do but could not. Now, they can.

There is no need anymore for whitewashing jewish clothing with jewish stains; we have our culture restored and we can move forward. Bright and powerful Gentile knowledge stands as powerful as ever without the need to wear the clothes the jews have thrown to us.

We are no longer their spiritual prisoners. We will no longer discuss inside the confine of the jewish prison of Islam, Christianity and Judaism. It is all borne out of the same diseased jewish womb and must be let go. Satan's Era is coming and the Ancient Gods will have their say in the upcoming Aeons.

Promotion of Rabbi Yehoshua and the related Jewish flick in this board is prohibited and Christianity and Islam are poised to be obliterated in the Age of Aquarius, replaced by the knowledge of Spiritual Satanism which will enlighten humanity and bring everyone back to Pagan, Spiritual and sane origins, stemming directly from the Gods. No Judaism and no jewish "opinions" are to be considered anything anymore; they hold zero value.


Lastly, we have Xians and other liars who say that their cancer should be maintained as it has "it's basis on ancient things!". This happened after they were UNMASKED for being hoaxes. It's an attempt to hide and minimize their crimes and the inevitable removal of their cancer on top of humanity.

Plato was based on Socrates, and mentioned it.

The hoax of Jesus was not based on, but rather, stepped on the ruins of Apollonius of Tyana and tried to remove his mention from all existence.

Chrisitanity mentioned for centuries it was the "source" of all things, until the illiterate populace became literate and the ruins of the Ancients were undug. Then, people found out it was just a hoax step by step.

Confronted with the reality of this, the agencies of the enemy tried to claim "Hey goy, it was just a continuity of your history, lol, let it live". Eventually the evidence mounted more and more to the heavens that it was just a jewish hoax and nothing else, a malicious hoax of death and theft.

Those who say it was "based on", which are xian apologists, are denying the whole causes and reasons of the creations of xianity, which was to uproot and ruin the knowledge of the past, to establish jewish supremacy over the Gentile people.

"Based off" or "Coming from". should contain sources, honorable mention, continuity in culture, similarity and expansion of ideas. The programs of the jews responded to the past with fire, brimstone, burning, desecration, perversion, calling it all "evil" and "forbidden" and "Satanic" to study, telling people that what they stole from and reading into this will land you straight to eternal damnation.

If you kill, outlaw and exterminate those who came before you and from whom you stole it all as "Spawns of the Devil who is the source of all evil", this is not called "Based off", but "living on the ruins of" a situation based on theft and ruin. That's what the jews did.

Yes, many wanted to destroy Egypt, but they loved the baths and the gardens of Egypt. As they saw the great glories of the Gods, they wanted to steal them and claim them, while claiming it was not from them.

In the same way, the parasite of the enemy, wants to claim for itself whatever it can, while simultaneously lighting a fire of death to what came before.

Like a war, they steal the bounty (or try to), remove the authors, and then claim it was "them" all along, while they tell the public if you study this you will burn in "Hell".

These people interested are in three categories:

Those who lack knowledge. The Gods will approve and teach them. But those who are deliberately hypocritical, they will not receive nothing of the Gods.

Little do these hypocrites know, that the real tartarus awaits for those who divulge purposefully into the lies and made the siege against the Gods. The time will come when the enemy programs will be a faint memory of a large human mistake.

The misguided humans will move on and eventually into the heavens, but not them. Some supporters of the enemy have fell on their knees in history and repented, even Popes. Those who keep the lie going will eventually pay the price for it.

All Spiritual Knowledge belongs to the Gods and Satan, it comes from whom made us and want us to ascend, the True hierarchy that teaches the Godhead. They will have their aeon and their eternity, arising out of the rubble of lies that prohibited human contact with it's creators and it's givers of Wisdom.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Im very grateful and joyful feel blessed by Father Satan discover Satanism and Leave Islam and Christianity

Hail Satan Lucifer Baphomet
Hail Joy of Satan
I post these words online a lot ( with my Real name on it, and no censorship.) '""I curse the church of Jesus Christ into the lake of fire via Sin Suicide"". I curse the Jews into the lake of fire via Sin Suicide"". I have had very few issues with warnings from Twitter, YouTube, Facebook. Just saying,,,,,, for those that can get away with venting like this, in their country. Also, a lot of Witchcraft techniques here on this site that one can use to hex any trouble , dangerous christians, jews, muslims that attack you, attempt to rebuke you "In Jesus name'', etc. Secretly if you can of course. HPS Maxine posted these techniques for a reason...... Best to use them.
Who was cursing Maxine?! And why are you adding jebo stuff on here ?
Jesus same as "Christos" are both irrelevant. We know here the full factual truth of the subject.

Here are some facts about the amalgamation of lies that is in the Hebrew programs, that stands as a longstanding cripple on top of humanity:

1. Abrahamic religions for centuries since their advent killed everyone who was into the "occult".
2. There were never "spiritual interpretations" to any of this, except of when we tried to draw closer to the Era of Aquarius.
3. It's only as these systems died and lost stranglehold, that any Spiritual Knowledge was brought at the forefront again.
4. Still, the majority of the followers of these cults will kill people for doing this.
5. The "Ethics" of these "faiths" are jewish infested and suicidal, anti-existence. Filled with anti-existence and anti-life messages, they made people who believed in them insane.
6. It's all based on stolen allegories, stories and everything else from other people. I would rather read those sources instead, directly.
7. It was given birth by the jews and is maintained only by fools and jews. Jews openly admit these programs are for the pig and the goyim, making them their slaves as they believe them.
8. Any knowledge of the Spiritual, also that which was stolen by the jews to make these programs, had its original source in what came before.
9. What "came before" was obliterated via the sword, so that jews could enslave everyone.
10. It's still only the dumb that believe in these programs, same as the first adoptees of these low level hoaxes, back in the time where these "took over".
11. Still to this day, they are the cancer of humanity, disallowing growth and progress in everyway.
12. Even basic scientific knowledge only came to the forefront when deviation and "Satanic uprising" happened, moving us away from the Abrahamic programs.
13. The strict followers of these programs are still violent and incoherent drones, that constantly move existence backwards.
14. There is no reason for me or anyone to take seriously the accounts of any jews. They are to be considered worthless, because they are.
15. Christianity or Islam cannot reverse any "spiritual fall" as they are the direct causes of it. Pretending they do is like saying Epstein will become a protector of children after having been the full blown cause of pedo Island creation.

One could go on and on...

I can flop any book over from Plato and gain a thousand times more value than trying to dissect jewish excrement, or read the stolen stories of my own Ancient Greek or other Aryan people, from the jewish horse of mouth, fully mistranslated and filled with wrongs and falsehoods. I recommend everyone else does the same, as our cultures have thousandfold more things to offer us.

Any "intepretation" on these, represents not the inherent value of these texts, but rather, the value of an interpreter. In order for any "Spiritual" interpratation to take place, one must already be in league with the Demons, the "Evil Powers" and whatever is of the Occult - exactly what Christianity and Islam tried to murder and obliterate through Jewish orders. That should give someone everything one needs to know in regards to where one must seek Spiritual Knowledge from.

People however, still programmed subconsciously to ascribe "value" to Christianity [which is nothing else but a theft of the jews, clothed carefully in Ancient Greek and other knowledge to be absorbed by the Goyim], do not let this go. They have to sit down and try to find lost meaning from their cultures in these programs, leading them to mental ruin and confusion.

Funny enough, if you hand me a bible, like occulstist of the past, you will get more information about "God" than the "Believers of god" who believe in the jewish projects of confusion.

I can tell you truly about God. Why? Why is it that the Devil can always find more meaning in these things, but not the enemy? Because of course, all Spiritual knowledge is authored by "those that came before" the advent of any of these deadly programs. They are the good ones, the true powers of the heavens that teach us the True Path.

The straight path to "God" is the straight path that existed always; through the Gods the"Hellfire".mselves, away from these programs of censorship and evil that are jewish hoaxes.

There is no need to walk the crooked path when one knows the good path.

As about "Christ" or "Christos", yes, that's just an Ancient Greek word that does not mean a thing and is a stolen epithet, meaning "Anoited One", that was later ascribed to the hoax of a so called "Rebel Rabbi from Jerusalem" that was nothing but a fingernail whether or not he existed to any Ancient Mystic of powerful proportions. This rebel rabbi nonsense was used on a pseudohistory of a dude that never existed, whose name was "Yashua Ben David", and was just another schizophrenic jew no matter how the history is cut out to be.

The story of this hoax, is based off of the real story of the real supreme Mystic who existed in the Roman Empire, the Apollonius of Tyana. Apollonius was an Ancient Greek ascended High Priest, who could even teleport and do all sorts of other well known miracles.

I know enough of Ancient Greek, Sanskrit, Hinduism and our core religions, to know how all of this hebrew is useless bunk. The knowledge of jews has always been very low, and the ascent of the jews as "wise people" is because, through the programs of decay they created, butchered everyone else. As nobody else remained in the West, they assumed a position of a cultural dictatorship over their slaves, the Gentile people.

Regardless, the forced programming of this bunk same as Islam, has many people programmed to where they cannot easily move on from it. Hypocrisy over the outcomes of the diseased beliefs of xianity and the extreme jewish damage it has done, has led quite a few people to try to make "amends" with it.

There are no amends that can be made. All of this is fundamentally flawed, made by the jews, and built on jewish hoaxes. Despite of "tidbits" of some stolen material in it, it's all perverted morally and ethically but also spiritually beyond of what can have any fundamental value.

Jews then enforced monotheism, suicidal messages and all sorts of other things they had excreted from Judaism [The root of Christianity] and then passed it off to the Goyim so they would kill themselves while they believed in it, to weaken them. That is a case well known among jews who laugh their asses off everyday that the Goyim has been left without culture, from it's very own hand, because they bought this hoax of an amalgamation they created to confuse them into destroying their own culture.

Any leftovers from the Ancient Pagan system is what "attracts" some people who are at a low educational level, or who do not have the heart and balls to move outwards from the jewish confine of death and though process that has been forcibly embed on us by whom? By the jews...

They exported this so called "faith" to their enemies while this "appeared" as a religion to kill us all via suicidal morality, falsehoods, half baked truths and evil corruptions. It's the manifestation of the jewish cultural confusion in our midst.

Christians and Islamics too, live to see the toll of this disastrous mentality, but like helpless confused idiots, still cling to the "messages" they believe these corrupted systems have to offer them. Simultaneously, they plunge themselves in darkness and kill themselves from this cultural addiction, keeping humanity back.

The Powers of the Gods will usher the Age of Aquarius and obliterate these systems, like a growing organism of life that sheds out it's parasites.

Any knowledge existing in there is half poisoned, no more than the so called "Jesus" who meant nothing. It's a hoax about a being that did not even exist and a hoax that was taken too far and must be completely discarded.

Rabbi Jesus was also an irrelevant personality. A kike got crucified because he argued with other kikes, so what?

Nobody has to follow a kike or a jewish rebel to get into any heaven. The Gods are to be followed. The personality hoax around Rabbi Yehoshua [Jesus] is a waste of time. The conflation of meanings, confusion and theft level in this amalgamation is too high.

The so called "Old Testament" is essentially a mash up for Babylonian, Egyptian and Ancient Greek teachings, which were stolen and credited by the jews, plus Jewish propaganda.

The start of "Genesis" is stolen from the Babylonian Epics of creation, word for word. Other books of the Old Testament are purely stolen and mistranslated versions of Egyptian and other occult texts. The level of desecration is on the highest degree, to where these are not only entirely corrupted and lost in translation, but are only pieces of Jewish Propaganda.

It is very insensible and false to promote this as a source of "knowledge", especially if one is a Spiritual Satanist and knows of the origins of these.

This sort of material only appeals to uneducated Europeans and Americans because it's dumb enough to easily be believed, and because they have been programmed by the jews to believe in something that half assedly resembles what a low functioning brain that doesn't want to consume many calories considers "Spiritual knowledge".

Generally these stolen stories appeal to those who either:

1. Subconsciously cannot let go of "Christ" due to cultural programming and an affection towards Jewish excrement.
2. Those who are at a low spiritual and knowledge level
3. The mass of dumb fucks that wants an easy story that is stolen but cannot be assed to learn any better sources.
4. Those in denial of the ramifications of destruction of keeping this going, such as the destructive and nasty messages that were embed with half assed knowledge in this piece of Jewish propaganda that many call "religion" due to low education.

In the past, due to high censorship, cultural desecration of the Ancient Faiths, and due to cultural misappropriation, those who wanted to actually learn anything about the occult had to hide themselves in the bossom of Xianity and Islam, because they did not want to be killed from these jewish systems for pursuit of the occult. That was as we know for centuries punishable by the death penalty, since it was one being "In league with the Satanic Forces", which were none other than the Demons and the Gods of the people in the past, the Gods the Ancient Faith followed.

This led these people to work with what they had at the time, forcing themselves to do this, knowing it's a hoax by the jews. The penalty for doing anything else would be instant death penalty. As the powers of the Demons started to restore society to common sense out of the Middle Ages, these people tried numerous things to topple the jewish stranglehold step by step, while pretending to be "part of Christianity", to eventually rip it off element by element until none was left of it.

That is why certain occult societies like the Theosophists decided to actually try to "Whitewash" xianity of the jewish elements, failing miserably, since these sytems are from birth belongings of the jewish people. The Sufis in Islam did the same, but both failed, due to historical circumstance and because of the utmost degree of poisoned knowledge that is against the Gods no matter how one is trying to whitewash it.

The Theosophists were also majorly anti-semitic, with their figureheads detesting the Jews and calling them out. They played a major part of their time, to start deprogramming people to the perils of the jewish propaganda, but they still could not do more than this in their time. We are past that era now, we have risen from the need to culturally appropriate jewish lies, corruption and feces and trying to whitewash it.

There is also no need anymore to whitewash any old, torn, used and shitted upon cultural cloth left behind by the jews. I understand the affinity of some stuck souls to try to "make this right", but that is like you are married to a whore that will never change, and you constantly trying to get her to be "real" with you. She's a jewish whore that will not change her ways, you are only wasting your time.

The audacity and stupidity of the Europeans and Americans to accept this amalgam of lies, same as the Arabs and others, is because it was easy to digest and it was imposed by the sword; as with any hoax and toxic relationship, the ego is forced to try to whitewash it. This audacity and foolishness is why since the Dark Ages, the work of the jews has been going unabetted and the only degree of evolution since, is the degree where Christianity, Islam and Jewish excrement was denied.

The pure souls are those who will leave it all go, into the gutter where it belongs, and will approach the Gods directly.

The Joy of Satan exists right now disinfected and at spiritual war against the jewish lies, same as the occultists of the past and people who wanted to evolve, wanted to do but could not. Now, they can.

There is no need anymore for whitewashing jewish clothing with jewish stains; we have our culture restored and we can move forward. Bright and powerful Gentile knowledge stands as powerful as ever without the need to wear the clothes the jews have thrown to us.

We are no longer their spiritual prisoners. We will no longer discuss inside the confine of the jewish prison of Islam, Christianity and Judaism. It is all borne out of the same diseased jewish womb and must be let go. Satan's Era is coming and the Ancient Gods will have their say in the upcoming Aeons.

Promotion of Rabbi Yehoshua and the related Jewish flick in this board is prohibited and Christianity and Islam are poised to be obliterated in the Age of Aquarius, replaced by the knowledge of Spiritual Satanism which will enlighten humanity and bring everyone back to Pagan, Spiritual and sane origins, stemming directly from the Gods. No Judaism and no jewish "opinions" are to be considered anything anymore; they hold zero value.


Lastly, we have Xians and other liars who say that their cancer should be maintained as it has "it's basis on ancient things!". This happened after they were UNMASKED for being hoaxes. It's an attempt to hide and minimize their crimes and the inevitable removal of their cancer on top of humanity.

Plato was based on Socrates, and mentioned it.

The hoax of Jesus was not based on, but rather, stepped on the ruins of Apollonius of Tyana and tried to remove his mention from all existence.

Chrisitanity mentioned for centuries it was the "source" of all things, until the illiterate populace became literate and the ruins of the Ancients were undug. Then, people found out it was just a hoax step by step.

Confronted with the reality of this, the agencies of the enemy tried to claim "Hey goy, it was just a continuity of your history, lol, let it live". Eventually the evidence mounted more and more to the heavens that it was just a jewish hoax and nothing else, a malicious hoax of death and theft.

Those who say it was "based on", which are xian apologists, are denying the whole causes and reasons of the creations of xianity, which was to uproot and ruin the knowledge of the past, to establish jewish supremacy over the Gentile people.

"Based off" or "Coming from". should contain sources, honorable mention, continuity in culture, similarity and expansion of ideas. The programs of the jews responded to the past with fire, brimstone, burning, desecration, perversion, calling it all "evil" and "forbidden" and "Satanic" to study, telling people that what they stole from and reading into this will land you straight to eternal damnation.

If you kill, outlaw and exterminate those who came before you and from whom you stole it all as "Spawns of the Devil who is the source of all evil", this is not called "Based off", but "living on the ruins of" a situation based on theft and ruin. That's what the jews did.

Yes, many wanted to destroy Egypt, but they loved the baths and the gardens of Egypt. As they saw the great glories of the Gods, they wanted to steal them and claim them, while claiming it was not from them.

In the same way, the parasite of the enemy, wants to claim for itself whatever it can, while simultaneously lighting a fire of death to what came before.

Like a war, they steal the bounty (or try to), remove the authors, and then claim it was "them" all along, while they tell the public if you study this you will burn in "Hell".

These people interested are in three categories:

Those who lack knowledge. The Gods will approve and teach them. But those who are deliberately hypocritical, they will not receive nothing of the Gods.

Little do these hypocrites know, that the real tartarus awaits for those who divulge purposefully into the lies and made the siege against the Gods. The time will come when the enemy programs will be a faint memory of a large human mistake.

The misguided humans will move on and eventually into the heavens, but not them. Some supporters of the enemy have fell on their knees in history and repented, even Popes. Those who keep the lie going will eventually pay the price for it.

All Spiritual Knowledge belongs to the Gods and Satan, it comes from whom made us and want us to ascend, the True hierarchy that teaches the Godhead. They will have their aeon and their eternity, arising out of the rubble of lies that prohibited human contact with it's creators and it's givers of Wisdom.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The hardest fight is with yourself after that you are free.


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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
