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Christian radicals on one side, Communist-sympathising liberals on the other, I don't know how I feel about US politics

Seeker in the Dark

Active member
Jul 8, 2024
While I absolutely despise Kamala and the left for being batshit and anti-life, I don't know about Trump. I'd still vote for him, if I was in the US, since he is better for freedom, however, the people that surround him don't seem that way.

Trump is mainly courting the Christian right, who ultimately want to turn the US into a theocracy, like the left they want to impose their ideology on children as well. I don't think Trump is a fundie, so he'll keep them in check while he's in office, if he wins, which I hope he will.

I'm sure people here have heard of Project 2025, which is the product of several Christian think tanks on basically taking down the leftist infiltration of the US gov and replacing it with right-wing, Christian infiltrators instead. In the long run, we'd be swapping one bad Jewish creation for another. What people don't realise is they will also do a lot of things they didn't mention in that document.
When Biden was running for President in 2020, he never mentioned Vaccine mandates as a solution for "Covid". He only did that(or tried to do that) after he got in. Christian radicals will likely try to indoctrinate children in schools with anti-science nonsense like Creationism or teaching them that the Bible is history, so instead of a generation of commies we get a generation of Christian zombies, dog shit instead of horse shit.

Trump would get in and likely do everything he says he would(Agenda 47 as opposed to Project 2025), or try to, as Dems will try to sabotage him like they did in his first term, and with a Dem Senate in his first 2 years, we'll likely see a gridlock in legislation. Trump will have to rely on Executive Orders for the most part, which will lead the media to call him a "dictator" for it.

But after Trump, who I believe is the last true moderate candidate, you'll likely get actual looney tunes Christian theocrat politicians as opposed to crypto communists on the other side, who are all on the payroll of AIPAC anyway.

But what's most worrying for me is what kabbalist Rabbis have been saying about Trump, they WANT him to win. Here's some examples:

If we want him to win and they want him to win, then something is off.

I don't know where the US is headed, but I don't see it uniting. The public seems split between one Jewish product and another Jewish product, both seeing the other as dictatorial, which they are, meanwhile, Israel still gets full US support no matter who wins... Seems to be the only topic uniting both sides.

I can't wait for the age of Aquarius and Satan somehow knocking some sense on the masses. Everyone is so retarded it'll require an actual miracle to wake them up from the Jewish Wizard of Oz matrix they're all in love with.

I don't see anything positive for politics in the next coming years sadly. Maybe I'm just pessimistic, what other views do u guys have on this?
There is no real reason to feel anything much about "politics".

If it is good for us, then it's better than when it's not good for us.

Currently "Politics" is a muppet show, with those controlling the muppets being those who are very much influenced by the enemy. Politicians offer most of the time just deception, fake solutions, or do nothing besides go randomly in places where the drum is beaten.

Some good things exist on both sides, some bad things on both sides. Sides are also irrelevant to us at this point.

The above is a summary of why we do not care as much for them.
same in my country, both opposing sides but in the end they meet together. change weed sympatizants for cocaine sympatizants, whoever wins you know you’ll still be screwed and fail to get to the end of the month with some Pennies.

both backed financially by the same people, the president is still someone else’s puppet, along with all of the charlatans that are under him in the party’s hierarchy.

I really can’t wait for the day someone rises up breaking up this wack ass trend, general populace energy/will/health is only declining this way.
Politics is like you are getting ruined on either side, to supposedly save another side:

Left: let's say human rights and so on. Freedom of religion. But they will also be freaks. But you will also accept infinite rapefugees. And pay them your lot. And high taxes.

Right: Sensibility and more constructive mindset, law. But they will besiege your rights, drag you to church. Or maybe they will disallow you an abortion from a rapist. Or you will have to endure forced military service to die for Israel's war and because Jews are insane.

Both sides under the jewish system want to ruin you in more than one ways, and just give you some cheese so you are constantly like a goyim played left and right. Either side comes up, they manifest the worst outcome that was potential from that side.

Vote left, you will have trannies all over the schools, schooling your children and you will die from birthrates, with 70% taxation. Jews win, you are in a form of jewish dystopia again.

Vote the right, you will be dragged like a dog into the church, and lose more and more of your rights due to Church related puritanism. Jews win, you are in the Middle Ages again.

Vote small party, your vote goes to waste, the people are monkeys, unpredictability etc. Vote the usual stooges, you are losing your vote.

In the end of the day, the jews have divided the politics on this axis, so there is really social chaos. So people have to choose one side and suffer from the other side, while jews profit from both and Gentiles lose from both.

Politics for now should be either ignored, or looked upon solely from what interests us. There is no real ethics or values in politics either. Just chaotic imbalance that is reflective of the already sick minds of the voters and the politicians alike.

The enemy currently has shaped the system in such a way that either you vote left or right, they have open doorways on each to ruin your life, just via different avenue. At some times, either left and right can be "Better", but they can make a swing and then it goes to waste all over again.

Spiritual Satanists must approach their life outside of the axis of politics, and focused on self and family development and development of our community. We have nothing truly to gain from either side of the worthless "politicians".
This is the reason and meany more why me and my husband may not vote at all ever I still remember when bush and Obama was in office. I was growing up then and I still remember the promises they made .

Me ,my husband hate both sides of the isle and we have and been exposed to the extreme on both sides.

The lies /promises theses bastards make are so dumb we are going to lower the cost of a,b,c ,d but it never happens.

almost each night my husband comes home and said I helped 5 people today with payment of food etc .

It was after the 2020 election me and my husband stopped voting knowing it was all lies from the start.

I don't know the dnc candidate all that well but trump on the other hand I know more.

did you know that he was friends with all these Hollywood / political people and some even went to his last wedding.

I could go on about it but I won't and I agree with HPHC we need to worry about our families / communities .
The promises are the bait; a promise is something most gentiles take seriously. This is doubly true in formal affairs, and unfortunately, the Jews know it. I'm somewhat relieved that I don't vote since supportersbon both sides on the chessboard are being played.

There are people keep saying that "your voice matters" when trying to motivate and influence voters, but this kind of message falls flat when the voting system is rigged and set up to fail to begin with.
It’s all designed to give you the idea of looking outside of yourself to make your own satisfaction like the creativity god that you are. And instead to rely on them through the many things they use to beat the drums to get you to look and play!! can you imagine If people woke up and start working on theirselves without really giving a shit, then politics will lose being relevant, that is a problem most don’t want to accept especially "chosen jews"

This is only the surface of the ugliness but the lives we are living as a collective makes no sense like the laws being put out!!
It’s a disaster ran by immaturity and it’s all just dressed up for you just like it was on the movie on truman show where in the end truman walked out after god said not to walk out on him, that’s the end of the ego aspect then they lost the actor truman. And truman entered the real world where he wasn’t the star anymore and realized no one actually gave a shit! Imagine how controlled he was thinking things were as such and such
The matrix movie also summed it up, politics will naturally die out when people start waking up and we have to do the power meditations to look past the liers on both ends who ultimately are friends working for the same goals while giving you the illusion that people have a choice. It’s completely trash it was "going to heaven before" now it’s "getting freedom and rights". they are the same who use extremes in religion or whatever to have a reason to step in

They’re all in on it

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
