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Burning Smell after Meditation & My Progress


Apr 14, 2021
I've recently made some good spiritual progress in meditation using the sanskrit AUM vibrations on each of my chakras (something I hadn't tried before). Once I felt all of my chakras were balanced and empowered, I tried dropping into deep trance whilst continuously affirming that 'I continuously clear all unwanted thoughts' to help me maintain a sense of focus (something I have struggled with in the past).

Interestingly, I approached that euphoric, brilliant-white state that I've experienced a couple of times in the past. However, since I always get a little too excited when this happens, it fades away like a startled deer. In that white light, is the only time I ever have undoubted psychic visions, and is the only place I can say I have had the amazing pleasure of seeing/hearing Father Satan. I have been a dedicated Satanist for approaching 11 years - and I had this - the most profound experience - on day 1 of my dedication. Since I was able to reach this level on the first day, I feel I have let Father Satan down - I am sure he would want me to progress quicker than I have. However, I am really trying recently and I truly feel now is a good time for me to advance.

Amidst the fading euphoric white light, I asked Baal Berith to kindly advise me how to progress further. First - my own thought was that I need to 'grow up', not in the physical sense, but in the sense that I am still spiritually immature. I essentially become giddy over possible 'profound' spiritual experiences, which prevents them from happening. Then, Baal Berith told me I needed to empower my pineal gland and third eye. I started seeing swirling colours in that moment, and saw a rainbow eye in my mind. Seeing colours is something I'm not unfamiliar with, but it last happened during a memorable meditation session I did as a teenager, before I knew about Satanism.

Later that evening my young son almost slammed the door on his own fingers, but amazingly the lock latch had come out which saved him from the pain. I also heard two loud unexplained bangs in my house perfectly timed to when I was thinking about what had happened. I take these as signs from Baal Berith.

This morning, taking the advice from Baal Berith, I began some basic pineal meditations - the ones listed on the JoS website. Essentially absorbing white-gold energy through the third-eye chakra and expanding into the head/pineal gland. Then I realised there was a spot of winter sun, so I moved outside and used the sun to absorb energy instead. I only did around 10-15 rounds and meditated on the energy for a while afterwards - it felt great. But for the last few hours, I have experienced a hot feeling on my forehead, like I have burnt the skin (without the pain); an occasional burning/melting smell and a teal coloured light behind my eyes when closed.

I'd like to ask if these affects I'm experiencing are positive sign of spiritual progression or a sign that I've done overdone something?

Hail Satan
Hail Baal Berith
From what I gather you have progressed quite nicely! I'd say you have strong indications of spiritual progression yes. The burning and melting smell may be one of your astral senses opening. Some, like myself after working on the pineal gland and third eye, sometimes see and hear things such as a flute, violin, or other phenomenon. You, smell things. I don't see how this may be such as overstimulation. I mean, you are saying you felt great...Do you feel depleted, uncomfortable, unwell or something negative in nature after all this time?

We are all individuals, your experience seems unique. However, a hot sensation sometimes indicates the above chakra is blocked. Maybe you should work on your Crown Chackra and do the sun and moon meditation to balance the energies. After a few days, you should also work on your other chakras.

A few years back, I just used regular power breaths and it felt like all of my chakras surrounding the head including the sixth was on fire and seriously melting my brain. This passed after a few sessions, and now I just feel bliss. My take is this will pass with time.

Congratulations Gnome! You are doing a well done job.

Hail Satan!!!
gnome said:
I've recently made some good spiritual progress in meditation using the sanskrit AUM vibrations on each of my chakras (something I hadn't tried before). Once I felt all of my chakras were balanced and empowered, I tried dropping into deep trance whilst continuously affirming that 'I continuously clear all unwanted thoughts' to help me maintain a sense of focus (something I have struggled with in the past).

Interestingly, I approached that euphoric, brilliant-white state that I've experienced a couple of times in the past. However, since I always get a little too excited when this happens, it fades away like a startled deer. In that white light, is the only time I ever have undoubted psychic visions, and is the only place I can say I have had the amazing pleasure of seeing/hearing Father Satan. I have been a dedicated Satanist for approaching 11 years - and I had this - the most profound experience - on day 1 of my dedication. Since I was able to reach this level on the first day, I feel I have let Father Satan down - I am sure he would want me to progress quicker than I have. However, I am really trying recently and I truly feel now is a good time for me to advance.

Amidst the fading euphoric white light, I asked Baal Berith to kindly advise me how to progress further. First - my own thought was that I need to 'grow up', not in the physical sense, but in the sense that I am still spiritually immature. I essentially become giddy over possible 'profound' spiritual experiences, which prevents them from happening. Then, Baal Berith told me I needed to empower my pineal gland and third eye. I started seeing swirling colours in that moment, and saw a rainbow eye in my mind. Seeing colours is something I'm not unfamiliar with, but it last happened during a memorable meditation session I did as a teenager, before I knew about Satanism.

Later that evening my young son almost slammed the door on his own fingers, but amazingly the lock latch had come out which saved him from the pain. I also heard two loud unexplained bangs in my house perfectly timed to when I was thinking about what had happened. I take these as signs from Baal Berith.

This morning, taking the advice from Baal Berith, I began some basic pineal meditations - the ones listed on the JoS website. Essentially absorbing white-gold energy through the third-eye chakra and expanding into the head/pineal gland. Then I realised there was a spot of winter sun, so I moved outside and used the sun to absorb energy instead. I only did around 10-15 rounds and meditated on the energy for a while afterwards - it felt great. But for the last few hours, I have experienced a hot feeling on my forehead, like I have burnt the skin (without the pain); an occasional burning/melting smell and a teal coloured light behind my eyes when closed.

I'd like to ask if these affects I'm experiencing are positive sign of spiritual progression or a sign that I've done overdone something?

Hail Satan
Hail Baal Berith

I personaly think better to experience something is changing then not, you could do more cleaning if you are conserned.
Breathing excercise Sun/Moon Breath [Alternate Nostril] - Updated 28/August/2018 should also help:
That's great, yes the smell receptors can be stimulated from the bioelectric descent or opening, by the nerves or sinuses. Your observations are also perfect as they are in reality, this is very good. Now that your 3rd eye is opened, you have to maintain it open and work onwards opening the whole centers and cleaning regularly.

The 3rd eye is linked with the nose. When the 3rd eye opens, it is extremely hot and burning from the bioelectricity but different than you'd expect and you'll observe from the lower chakras. The lower chakras have more expansive and explosive qualities, while the higher is a miniature sun in all senses.

When you feel your 3rd eye burning open, you may also feel the 3rd eye breathing involuntary energy in and out, this means that the eye opened and is expanded. When you feel that, you can meditate on it. Further in advancement train and learn to use it and discover the abilities within this context.

There is also another kind of energy descending from the crown to the 3rd eye, that is cold airy fine energy flowing downwards. You can then focus intensely on the 3rd eye and expand it at will, and experience amazing abilities.
That happenened to me when I the merkaba for the first time, I had a burning taste in my mouth and I coughed a lot.
Darkpagan666 said:

I don't feel any of those negative things. I was more concerned that I'd fried my third eye chakra by absorbing energy directly from the sun. It's good to hear the burning sensation is experienced by others too and reaffirms this is good progress. Thank you Darkpagan666.

Fuchs said:

I can agree with this - although the burning smell was something I'd never heard or read about before so I was concerned. Thanks Fuchs.

NakedPluto said:

Interesting. I do already clean my chakras daily, but perhaps they are not as active as I thought they were. If the third eye chakra 'opening' is so blatant, then perhaps I have missed something.

What you say about the third eye chakra breathing involuntary is something I have experienced before (for a few days) after intense meditation, but also something that stopped happening - since I ignored it and perhaps didn't recognise it for what it was. On the surface, it was a feeling of tingling and the feeling of energy being absorbed through it even when I was just doing every day things like using a computer. It felt quite pleasant actually.

I've read some of your earlier posts and can see you have some methods of using the third eye - actually stepping into a psychic experience seems exciting. Thanks NakedPluto - do you mind if I message you directly in the future?

Bunny said:

Strange - in the physical world if you over exert an electrical circuit, it gives off a burning smell - which made me think I'd overdone it. In my experience it smelt like an electrical burn/melting. For this to mean something positive spiritually is against my own intuitive thought! It has stopped now though and only lasted a few hours following my original post. Thanks Bunny.
NakedPluto said:
That's great, yes the smell receptors can be stimulated from the bioelectric descent or opening, by the nerves or sinuses. Your observations are also perfect as they are in reality, this is very good. Now that your 3rd eye is opened, you have to maintain it open and work onwards opening the whole centers and cleaning regularly.

The 3rd eye is linked with the nose. When the 3rd eye opens, it is extremely hot and burning from the bioelectricity but different than you'd expect and you'll observe from the lower chakras. The lower chakras have more expansive and explosive qualities, while the higher is a miniature sun in all senses.

When you feel your 3rd eye burning open, you may also feel the 3rd eye breathing involuntary energy in and out, this means that the eye opened and is expanded. When you feel that, you can meditate on it. Further in advancement train and learn to use it and discover the abilities within this context.

There is also another kind of energy descending from the crown to the 3rd eye, that is cold airy fine energy flowing downwards. You can then focus intensely on the 3rd eye and expand it at will, and experience amazing abilities.

Your keen intellect and understanding of these matters are very much appreciated and valuable. I had a theory similar to this, but not in the same depth as you. I have noticed, actually for quite a while, that you are very advanced.

Thank you, I am saving this for self studies.
gnome said:
Interesting. I do already clean my chakras daily, but perhaps they are not as active as I thought they were. If the third eye chakra 'opening' is so blatant, then perhaps I have missed something.

What you say about the third eye chakra breathing involuntary is something I have experienced before (for a few days) after intense meditation, but also something that stopped happening - since I ignored it and perhaps didn't recognise it for what it was. On the surface, it was a feeling of tingling and the feeling of energy being absorbed through it even when I was just doing every day things like using a computer. It felt quite pleasant actually.

I've read some of your earlier posts and can see you have some methods of using the third eye - actually stepping into a psychic experience seems exciting. Thanks NakedPluto - do you mind if I message you directly in the future?

Yes, absolutely.

It is normal to not feel this all of the time. These are when the chakras are opened and nurtured for them to expand. You can feel all of the chakras burning like a sphere, this is from the bioelectricity as by default it is very hot. This is however just one part of it, further meditation on these will show you more specific aspects of every chakra. These happen involuntarily at first after meditation, and in time can be expanded and activated at will. It is very important to remember the experiences you have in time.

For example, the solar chakra may feel the hottest, or the base as well, volcanic and electric, but in meditation, the solar can expand and induce a feeling of movement at the greatest speeds, but localized. It depends on your focus, the level of intensity. It is normal to feel this after a level of awarness.

For example, did you ever had a chance to speed a car and be thrown in the seat by the velocity? The solar chakra when expanded makes you feel like you are moving at immense speeds yet being static, the currents in the body create this feeling with the energy. It is very hard in reality to mimic the speed induced by the solar chakra. Similarly, another type of feeling is when the energy rises, and the belly creates a powerful feeling of levitation, and if not in deep meditation a sea of electricity.

When the 3rd eye breathes energy, it is done by the whole forehead, at one point it will open in such manner. Do not be afraid and proceed slowly, with stability and control. If you experience at one point flashes of energy at night in the whole body, know that it is normal and it is the astral body being energized.
Darkpagan666 said:
NakedPluto said:
That's great, yes the smell receptors can be stimulated from the bioelectric descent or opening, by the nerves or sinuses. Your observations are also perfect as they are in reality, this is very good. Now that your 3rd eye is opened, you have to maintain it open and work onwards opening the whole centers and cleaning regularly.

The 3rd eye is linked with the nose. When the 3rd eye opens, it is extremely hot and burning from the bioelectricity but different than you'd expect and you'll observe from the lower chakras. The lower chakras have more expansive and explosive qualities, while the higher is a miniature sun in all senses.

When you feel your 3rd eye burning open, you may also feel the 3rd eye breathing involuntary energy in and out, this means that the eye opened and is expanded. When you feel that, you can meditate on it. Further in advancement train and learn to use it and discover the abilities within this context.

There is also another kind of energy descending from the crown to the 3rd eye, that is cold airy fine energy flowing downwards. You can then focus intensely on the 3rd eye and expand it at will, and experience amazing abilities.

Your keen intellect and understanding of these matters are very much appreciated and valuable. I had a theory similar to this, but not in the same depth as you. I have noticed, actually for quite a while, that you are very advanced.

Thank you, I am saving this for self studies.

Thank you for your comment, it is appreciated.
NakedPluto said:
Darkpagan666 said:
NakedPluto said:
That's great, yes the smell receptors can be stimulated from the bioelectric descent or opening, by the nerves or sinuses. Your observations are also perfect as they are in reality, this is very good. Now that your 3rd eye is opened, you have to maintain it open and work onwards opening the whole centers and cleaning regularly.

The 3rd eye is linked with the nose. When the 3rd eye opens, it is extremely hot and burning from the bioelectricity but different than you'd expect and you'll observe from the lower chakras. The lower chakras have more expansive and explosive qualities, while the higher is a miniature sun in all senses.

When you feel your 3rd eye burning open, you may also feel the 3rd eye breathing involuntary energy in and out, this means that the eye opened and is expanded. When you feel that, you can meditate on it. Further in advancement train and learn to use it and discover the abilities within this context.

There is also another kind of energy descending from the crown to the 3rd eye, that is cold airy fine energy flowing downwards. You can then focus intensely on the 3rd eye and expand it at will, and experience amazing abilities.

Your keen intellect and understanding of these matters are very much appreciated and valuable. I had a theory similar to this, but not in the same depth as you. I have noticed, actually for quite a while, that you are very advanced.

Thank you, I am saving this for self studies.

Thank you for your comment, it is appreciated.

Agreed, you are one of the top players in this game, and High Priest material.
I hope you become a Guardian of the JoS as well, it would be well deserved with all your useful information you bestow the community.
NinRick said:
NakedPluto said:
Darkpagan666 said:
Your keen intellect and understanding of these matters are very much appreciated and valuable. I had a theory similar to this, but not in the same depth as you. I have noticed, actually for quite a while, that you are very advanced.

Thank you, I am saving this for self studies.

Thank you for your comment, it is appreciated.

Agreed, you are one of the top players in this game, and High Priest material.
I hope you become a Guardian of the JoS as well, it would be well deserved with all your useful information you bestow the community.

Thank you as well, I haven't given anything yet, but this is an aim in the future.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
