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Bullying, Physical Abuse (for students etc)

Greetings high priestess Lydia, I really appreciate this post and your knowledge. Thanks for all the way you help us.
Please reply to me if you can,
I also agree that light banters/quarrel should not cause psychological trauma. I haven't been bullied/abused in my life and the environment around me was always healthy. But I can't seem to let go of things. Like if I ever faced injustice/harm in things, I always took revenge. I don't know why. The way you described life, that these things can happen. But I can never tolerate those things or let those go. And since I was in military school I'm physically capable enough to deal with violence/bad situations. So I'm a capable and not weak person. But I hate violence. And I even hate that many kids/adults fight. Yes, for self defense learning or sports it's necessary, but not for anything else in my opinion. And I personally f*cked up a few bullies and others I noticed who were disturbing or harming others, actively or passively. I can't grasp my head around what you said "many wonderful friendships formed from fighting". I heard this before, but I wonder, if a person attack me for no reason and I have to fight him which might result in me getting injured, how can this start a friendship? I can't let go of grudges, like this would mean from now on that person is my enemy and I'll never forgive him unless he does something to make me forgive him. If I become friends with him after a fight that would make me a fool. Because that person tried to harm/abuse me, and when we ended it with a fight, we become friends? He didn't do anything to deserve my friendship! And that person is a bad person! I'll just forget everything he did after we fought? No!
This is just what I think dear high priestess. I'm in no way saying you are wrong. But could you provide answers to my questions and explanations to my situations? I'll really appreciate that. Also I have another question,
Do our beloved Gods or Demons quarrel or fight with each other? This came to my mind after reading your post cause I believe they are in so high level consciousness and greatness! I believe they don't fight or quarrel with each other. Is my guess correct my dear high priestess?

Thanks a lot for reading this far. I really appreciate your posts, thank you. I pray to Gods that you and me, may we never need to fight another person for our peace. May we always be happy and secured.

Hail our Gods!
If I could give my own answer, the answer to your question has to do with the depth of harm being inflicted. Given how you have trouble letting things go, this could indicate past life trauma of fighting which had extended beyond just a minor squabble, perhaps torture or a brutal beating, etc.

These situations above are different from just a minor fight. To go into theory about this, both Aries and Libra deal with justice and harmony, with Aries being the anger to help correct a wrong situation. So if two people fight and "let out" their Aries expressions, this helps each people vent and also gain respect for the other person's power.

The difference between an Aries expression that makes friends, versus one that destroys communities, has to do with the conditions of the fight and violence itself. If you throw a few punches, but no serious harm is done beyond that, then the soul and body can recover without problem. However, if you are beaten unconscious by 3 people and kicked out of your house, you have lost a lot* and the soul has trouble bouncing back, which can create these lasting scars and psychological hangups.

By it's definition as an energy, Mars or Aries is likely to cause stress*, but that doesn't mean it always does. The context is most important. Aries also creates sexual lust which fuels pleasure and even births new life. Testosterone is used in both situations, but one produces life and one destroys people, so the situation is what matters. In the same way with your own body, a few punches in an organized fight won't likely create trauma, but being jumped in an alley would.

Regarding the Gods or other advanced beings: Their abilities are so much higher than that is unlikely. That doesn't mean they never display anger, but it would be done appropriately. Relevant to your hypothetical situation of a fight with someone, if the person was of a higher spiritual state, they would make an attempt to mend things after the fight, or other actions which are deserving of friendship, not just the Aries-based action itself.
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If I could give my own answer, the answer to your question has to do with the depth of harm being inflicted. Given how you have trouble letting things go, this could indicate past life trauma of fighting which had extended beyond just a minor squabble, perhaps torture or a brutal beating, etc.

These situations above are different from just a minor fight. To go into theory about this, both Aries and Libra deal with justice and harmony, with Aries being the anger to help correct a wrong situation. So if two people fight and "let out" their Aries expressions, this helps each people vent and also gain respect for the other person's power.

The difference between an Aries expression that makes friends, versus one that destroys communities, has to do with the conditions of the fight and violence itself. If you throw a few punches, but no serious harm is done beyond that, then the soul and body can recover without problem. However, if you are beaten unconscious by 3 people and kicked out of your house, you have lost nothing and the soul has trouble bouncing back, which can create these lasting scars and psychological hangups.

By it's definition as an energy, Mars or Aries is likely to cause destabilization, but that doesn't mean it always does. The context is most important. Aries also creates sexual lust which fuels pleasure and even births new life. Testosterone is used in both situations, but one produces life and one destroys people, so the situation is what matters. In the same way with your own body, a few punches in an organized fight won't likely create trauma, but being jumped in an alley would.

Regarding the Gods or other advanced beings: Their abilities are so much higher than that is unlikely. That doesn't mean they never display anger, but it would be done appropriately. Relevant to your hypothetical situation of a fight with someone, if the person was of a higher spiritual state, they would make an attempt to mend things after the fight, or other actions which are deserving of friendship, not just the Aries-based action itself.
Thanks dear Guardian Blitzkreig for your wonderful answer. You've always been kind with me and provided answers to my questions and problems (your answers and advice really were lifesavers!). I'm really really grateful for that.

Is it wrong to just curse a shitty person or ruin him with magic? I've been practicing many techniques from JoS and I can say I can effectively use magic to do that. I already did that to a few guys who tried to sabotage my best friend and emotionally hurt him. Now they are failing in their lives and in heavy depression. Also I didn't mean respect for other's powers, Meant respect for that person. I can never respect a person who tries to make others feel inferior and try to dominate them unjustly. Also I know the Gods display anger to those who deserve, I meant I suppose They don't fight with Each Other. They are all very advanced, so They are supposed to be well put with Each Other, isn't it correct? You'd think with that level of advancement They should be immune to make any mistakes. In my mind there is no trouble in Their lives and They only have love and respect for Each Other. What's the point in advancing if you can't have your peace of mind haha!

Off topic, I don't know if you remember that but you suggested me to find out my time of birth using my characters, aspects and said it was a great way to learn astrology. I still haven't figured out my time of birth. I'm still trying to. But I discovered I have huge "Cancer zodiac" influence. I'm really emotional and empathetic but in a good way. But I always act on logic and not on emotion so idk, is this aspect from "Cancer Zodiac"?
Also do you think the way I described this situation and my mindset, do I need to fix the way I think. I simply hate "violence for no reason" and hate those people who assort to violence to sort out disagreements instead of intelligence and words. Is that a bad thing? Should I try to solve this? Or should I keep it since it makes me a better person and makes me help others in need. It acts as a huge fuel for me to self develop constantly so I can never get affected by anything of this sort by any chance. But yeah I hold grudges... And take revenge.

Thank you my dear Guardian Blitzkreig. I really idolize and respect you. May life always be kind to you the way you've always treated and helped me with kindness and compassion.

Hail our Gods!
Now, about fighting back against bullies. Unfortunately, in this day and age you never know who has a knife or even a gun. So this makes it complicated when it comes to standing up for yourself, because standing up for yourself might actually make you a target of something much worse than a few punches. In
Learn systema
Thank you HPS for a very important and informative message! I can definitely related to some of your ideas on how to deal with these situations! I will refer this message to others who find themselves in these kinds of situations!:devilish:🤘💀🖤 Satanic blessings to you!
Great and very helpful post, I wish I could hear these advices back when I was a kid, I'm sure it would've been a life changer - Hopefully, it will be for those members who go through it in the present time, and read it.

One thing I like to ask in connection to the topic is how one can heal from the consequences from it as an adult? In my case I grew up in an abusive and completely unstable environment, and as a result my personality and behavior distorted in some ways, and greatly altered the course of my life compared to a normal person's. Altough, despite everything that had happened to me, I don't really feel anger or hate towards the people who abused and bullied me. I do feel it for short periods of time on rare occasion, but for the most part I don't - Even when it would've been the right thing to feel. I do have negative emotions about it, such as sadness, self-pity and such, but there's no emotions directed towards the abusers themselves. Part of the reason is that back then we were kids or young teens, thus I can't really blame them for their behavior (I know I should tho). My memory about those times aren't really intact either, I have some bits here and there but other than that I can't really recall anything. Even if I have some small glimpses I feel disconnected from them, as if it was the memories of someone else and not me. That's the reason I can't really vent or perform a revenge ritual, because I lack the emotions needed for it.

I also can't really cope or react to anger or criticism directed towards me, no matter if the other person doesn't have malicious intents. I'II always react in an overdramatic way to it, and go full on flight or fight mode, even if the only thing the other person said is "I don't like you" or something similar. It feels extremely humiliating that as a grown-ass adult I can't control or regulate my own emotions. I'II start to shake and tremble like crazy, so much so that it's a struggle to stay upright without collapsing, and I'II have the urge to just break out crying, and flee the scene as fast as I can. I had quite a few embarassing and humiliating moments because of this, it's clearly noticeably to others when it happend. My body literally acts like as if a serial killer would be there to hunt me down, when in reality it's just someone saying one mean comment or criticism to me.
This "dramatic reaction" is normal in cases of trauma, which can also include that from your past life. Instead of a point of humiliation that may appear foreign to you, it should instead be seen as an area of exploration for the soul, as well as something that needs healing. It's not really that you cannot control your emotions, but instead that there appears to be an intense amount of them, which is different.

In private, you should try to probe this and intentionally relieve the moment, fully expressing your feelings and let the come out, then reflect on them and write down what you think and feel. This gives you an opportunity to release the emotions, as well as get a better handle on them.

Our sense of calm, as well as our ability to effectively sense and process our feelings comes from the lunar side of the soul, and therefore it might make sense to do a Moon Square or work with the Berkano rune here. I would contact Valefor and try to gain some direction on this matter, because these sorts of repressed feelings can change our perceptions regarding how we interact with others, feel about ourselves, and so on. You should look up how people act in cases of PTSD or abuse.
@Blitzkreig [JG] Thank you for your reply and help, brother.

I think I'II try out your advice, being able to express and vent my emotions in a safe way seems like a good idea. Though I tried to avoid dwelling on these things so much, or to even get help from let's say a therapist, in fears of what would we find. But I think intentionally relieving the moment and writing down what I feel and think should be alright, after all I'm the one who "controls" the situation in some way.
Interesting that you mentioned Lord Valefor, he's been in my mind since I did his ritual for the first time, and I tend to randomly think about him throughout the day. I think I'II perform his ritual the next time when I have the ability.
Again, thank you for your help, may the Gods bless you.

Hail Satan!
This isn’t about a bit of hazing or light banter, which often happens among young people: testing each other out, testing limits.

This post is for those who experience a lot of stress and anxiety caused by consistent abuse, even threats to your life. There are other people out there who are cruel and take it out on anyone they see as being their target.

For anyone experiencing real abuse, you need to know what you are up against, and how to deal with it in the best way for you. (More on this later in this post.)

There are children and teenagers who had to be removed from school, either home-schooled or transferred to another school, because they were being bullied and couldn’t cope. But there are more young people don’t have this option, and don’t know how to deal with this problem.

First off, don’t believe the threat that you will get into more trouble if you tell your parents, teachers, or the police. And do not buy into the “gangster rule” of “not being a grass/snitch”. There is no “honor” in keeping things like this to yourself. This is entirely an enemy agenda of keeping people quiet to accept more abuse to cause further psychological damage. The only judgement you should care about is that of the Gods, and they want you to get the best outcome for you.

Related to this, if you ever lose friends because you brought attention to the problem, then those people were not actually your friends. It’s as simple as that. With all the people in the world, you can easily find new friends. Friends should have your back, not ditch you for “not being cool”. Potential friends are a dime a dozen. Find people of value to be friends with. Don’t ever stop yourself from doing the right thing, out of fear of what your friends will think. Your real friends will stick by you.

Now, about fighting back against bullies. Unfortunately, in this day and age you never know who has a knife or even a gun. So this makes it complicated when it comes to standing up for yourself, because standing up for yourself might actually make you a target of something much worse than a few punches. In cases like this, avoid the person, and tell your parents or teachers or even the police if you feel threatened.

Fortunately, in this day and age everyone has camera phones. Learn to discretely film any potential threats for evidence. Practice in a mirror at home or with a trusted friend so you can learn to be very subtle and quick. Pretend you are texting or something. But if you’re caught, your phone might get smashed up, so be aware of this. You also probably don’t want to have to give your phone to the police or school for evidence, so a more discrete option is to have voice recorder device on and have it in your pocket. And about cameras, if someone comes up to you to fight you, tell them there are security cameras around. This should at least make the person hesitate long enough for you to get away.

Another thing you need to learn is to be mentally tough. A few punches should not cause psychological damage. The people who do become psychologically damaged from light one-time violence are generally people who do not have a father, or do have a father but he is also physically abusive. Kids fight, don’t let a few fights get to you. For dealing with verbal abuse, you can insult them back if you can (only if you know it won’t lead to them physically attacking you) or just ignore it (more on this later in this post) if this is the safer option for you. Let it go, do not dwell on it, and don’t let it become bigger than it is.

Some things can be fought against, and you might even earn the respect of others. Standing strong, being quick-witted, bantering back, and so on. Many friendships have formed from this. Even physical fighting has resulted in some of the best friendships forming, but these days, fighting can get you expelled from school so it is definitely best to avoid this. There are many cases all through history of people becoming best friends after having a good fight against each other.

But the above paragraphs are about something minor. For those experiencing constant bullying, this is different. This is something that needs to be dealt with, and healed from.

For those who try telling parents or teachers, and nothing results from it: Keep telling them. Make them listen. Yell if you have to. A lot of problems are caused by people keeping silent, it is not natural to keep silent regarding such matters. This alone can cause damage to the soul. You need to make yourself heard. Many parents downplay problems because they don’t know how to deal with it, or don’t want to believe that their child is in danger.

For those who are certain they cannot tell your parents for whatever reason: Make it anonymous. Write/print it out on paper and discretely deliver it to the school guidance counselor or principal, include the name of the person abusing you. Or call a hotline (you can find the one in your area online or it might even be listed on your school website). But for further action to be taken, you will need to come forward and testify; they will walk you through the steps.

Now for the good part: You can strengthen yourself, and you can heal yourself from any trauma. A lot of bullies narrow in on potential victims, they can see who is weaker. It isn’t about physical weakness, because some of the worst bullies are themselves physically weak, but they are manipulative and get the results they want. There are different types of strength, and different types of weakness.

In the Joy of Satan, there are methods to strengthen yourself. Work on your solar chakra and aura especially, but also clean your chakras and soul. Doing an aura of protection will go a long way. There is also a binding spell which can be done on those who are abusing you, but be realistic about this. If someone insults you a bit, let it go. That is not abuse, it is just life. Bindings should only be done on actual abusers, not based on a whim.

Another important thing is to strengthen your mind. A lot of people are weak-minded because we are not taught in schools or from parents how to have a stronger mind and character. This is why I mentioned in this post about letting some things go and not dwelling on minor abuse. Strengthen your mind, know what is to be simply ignored and moved past. This is imperative for many things in life, so this can be seen as practice, in order to do even better in your life. Having a strong mind and character will be shown to others, and they will know you are not someone to easily mess with. Light occasional abuse is a part of life, so either fight back in an appropriate way (don’t go overboard, simply match what they did on the same level if you feel this is safe to do so) or ignore it. Ignoring them is usually the best answer, because most bullies are looking for a response from you. Void meditation will help you ignore anything that is not worth putting your attention towards.

Ignoring is powerful, because it shows the other person that they are completely irrelevant to you and not worth your time. But, realistically, it can potentially lead to them taking things a step further in order to get the attention they want, so you might need to talk to them and tell them you won’t put up with anything. Start politely, because things might actually turn out much better than you were expecting. Politeness often goes a long way, because a lot of bullies act out because their parents neglect them or are constantly rude to them. Being polite to them can sometimes (but not always) result in them becoming a better person.

Regarding cyberbullying, just block and ignore. Never reply to them, they want attention so don’t give it to them. If they send any threats, save it and report it to the police or school authority, but don’t reply personally in any way to the cyberbully. Ignore any bait, your time is valuable so don’t waste it on them.

A good way to deal with problematic situations is by acting them out with your friends or parents, or just visualizing in your mind. Go over potential threatening scenarios and talk your way through them. This will give you the familiarity needed to deal with real-life situations with more confidence.

Getting back to the subject of real abuse:

What you can do to help resolve the situation and heal yourself: Spiritual Venting/Revenge Ritual. Hold a standard ritual to Satan. At the height of the ritual, vent all your anger, rage, embarrassment, frustration, all those feelings. Feel them strongly. If you feel repressed or beaten down, get the feelings of frustration from this. Release it all, and ask for the energy to be directed properly: either to the bully, or just to “the enemy” in general, whatever you feel is right for you.

If you have access to something you can physically attack as a prop, this can help a lot. Use a pillow if there is nothing you can smash up. Just keep hitting the pillow until you feel better. Get your rage out during the ritual, spend as much time as you need doing this.

When you feel finished, end the ritual, thank any Demon who helped you, and clean your aura. Then, do something to make yourself happy. Watch something that makes you laugh, visit with a good friend, or practice a hobby you enjoy, for example. You will likely feel tired from the ritual, but you will also feel better, like you have accomplished something.

You can repeat this ritual whenever you feel the need to do it. Any Waning Moon in Scorpio or Capricorn will give extra power (download the SS Calendar of your location for dates), but this can in fact be done any time you need it. Don’t let it build up inside of you, waiting for the best time to do it. Do it when you need to. And then you can do it again during the aforementioned Moon timings.

And don’t forget that you can talk with a therapist. Talking about problems can help make things better, and give clarity of mind. On a final note, meditation will grow inner strength and enable you to cope better in all situations.

Satan leads us to inner peace, and strength.
Hello I have question for you can I perform the white race awakening ritual by myself even though there is now schedule for it at the time because I have been having the urge/need to do
Hello I have question for you can I perform the white race awakening ritual by myself even though there is now schedule for it at the time because I have been having the urge/need to do
Hello :)

Yes, you can do any ritual when you feel the need to do it.
Bullying is absolutely intolerable, and of course you can use magic attacks on the bully afterwards. But you must also be brave enough to say no to bullies on the physical level, and you will never tolerate them causing harm to your body. I suggest that while learning magic, you should also learn fighting skills and exercise your body, at least to be able to defend against attacks and escape quickly. A strong body can deter many bullies, and a brave spirit and fighting spirit can deter most bullies. After all, only cowards bully weaklings. If multiple people are bullying you, give priority to protecting your own life. Don't fight them unless you have to. Run away if you can and seek help from the police.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
