DeusDemon said:
Hello what is the black sun? Some 'christian identists' claim it is christ the invisible sun behind the sun (some form of higher frequency electromagnetic 'logos'). I would like some opinions on this subject: is this (((christ))); 'krist' (in the sense of Miguel Serrano) or some other thing? This is confusing for me.
The black sun represents the 12 solar months, around the black sphere there are 12 sowilo runes, each one represents a solar month, the symbol represents the entire spiritual force of the Sun with its 12 aspects each linked to a sign, the black of the symbol it's about activating the left part of the brain, the spiritual part, to feed the soul with solar energy.
I believe this has a connection with the 12 parts of the soul linked to the signs, but I'm not sure because this has never been discussed in depth here on the forums, only mentioned in a few sermons.