Newflash guys, if you take a penis up your asses, you will NOT become Achilles.
If that is the case, we would have such a growing amount of Achilles people walking around...But we do not.
Yes, sorry to say this, but if you are brave and homosexuals, the two facts are not related.
Say what you wish about other members of the homosexual craft, but bravery and good qualities relate not to the sexual nature of someone. If all of you here have these, these did not come because of your sexual adventures, but your moral character.
So stop glorifying the habit for more than it is required, because others also understand the above and it becomes nauseuting.
It takes higher morality to defend something that which is more foreign to you, ie, a gay person caring for White families. For this you are all very commendable.
But it is also natural to understand that heterosexual males who think of the terror ofnheir daughter at home being raped by savages, or want to return to their wives, or want to defend their friend who is also a father, etc, you will understand what these bonds also mean and stop meme’ing bullshit about how homosexual is like the prerequisite of the good warrior and all the rest of the crap.
A homosexual if they had a bond like the above with someone, they would fight for it the same way.
What makes the warrior is what they fight for and their bonds. Not their sexuality.
Since it’s rarer for gays to emote to these social principles because they feel scrutinized by the jewish world, and many take the route to love to see this world and their race die, understand how important you are as PEOPLE first, and then as GAYS. You’re the rarest of the rare.
Your resolve is double than all the so called normal “homosexuals”. You have risen past many obstacles, so you redefine what gay means.
We don’t love you because you are gay but because of who you are as people. There is no need to try to defend your sexual nature here by exaggerated statements.
In closing if any of you here resemble Achilles or great warriors in nature it’s not because you are gay or bi, or even hetero, but because you have a warrior soul that understands noble principles.
If that is the case, we would have such a growing amount of Achilles people walking around...But we do not.
Yes, sorry to say this, but if you are brave and homosexuals, the two facts are not related.
Say what you wish about other members of the homosexual craft, but bravery and good qualities relate not to the sexual nature of someone. If all of you here have these, these did not come because of your sexual adventures, but your moral character.
So stop glorifying the habit for more than it is required, because others also understand the above and it becomes nauseuting.
It takes higher morality to defend something that which is more foreign to you, ie, a gay person caring for White families. For this you are all very commendable.
But it is also natural to understand that heterosexual males who think of the terror ofnheir daughter at home being raped by savages, or want to return to their wives, or want to defend their friend who is also a father, etc, you will understand what these bonds also mean and stop meme’ing bullshit about how homosexual is like the prerequisite of the good warrior and all the rest of the crap.
A homosexual if they had a bond like the above with someone, they would fight for it the same way.
What makes the warrior is what they fight for and their bonds. Not their sexuality.
Since it’s rarer for gays to emote to these social principles because they feel scrutinized by the jewish world, and many take the route to love to see this world and their race die, understand how important you are as PEOPLE first, and then as GAYS. You’re the rarest of the rare.
Your resolve is double than all the so called normal “homosexuals”. You have risen past many obstacles, so you redefine what gay means.
We don’t love you because you are gay but because of who you are as people. There is no need to try to defend your sexual nature here by exaggerated statements.
In closing if any of you here resemble Achilles or great warriors in nature it’s not because you are gay or bi, or even hetero, but because you have a warrior soul that understands noble principles.