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Beria The Ted Bundy Of The USSR

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Beria The Ted Bundy Of The USSR


The Jew Beria who championed many Jewish causes and help in the creation of Israel was the head of the NKVD and the second most powerful man in the USSR next to Stalin. Beria was known to be a serial rapist, sexual predator, and serial murderer even by Stalin. To the point:

"In one instance, when Stalin learned his daughter was alone with Beria at his house, he telephoned her and told her to leave immediately."

Beria's method was simple:

"His case files in the Soviet archives contained the official testimony from Colonel Rafael Semyonovich Sarkisov and Colonel Sardion Nikolaevich Nadaraia, two of Beria's most senior NKVD bodyguards. They stated that, on warm nights during the war years, Beria was often driven slowly through the streets of Moscow in his armored Packard limousine. He would point out young women to be detained and escorted to his mansion, where wine and a feast awaited them. After dining, Beria would take the women into his soundproofed office and rape them. Beria's bodyguards reported that their duties included handing each victim a flower bouquet as she left Beria's house. Accepting it implied that the sex had been consensual; refusal would mean arrest. In one incident, his chief bodyguard, Sarkisov, reported that a woman who had been brought to Beria rejected his advances and ran out of his office; Sarkisov mistakenly handed her the flowers anyway, prompting the enraged Beria to declare, "Now it's not a bouquet, it's a wreath! May it rot on your grave!" The NKVD arrested the woman the next day.[25]"

However the other dimension is many of the women Beria raped he would also murder:

"Evidence suggests that not only did Beria abduct and rape women, but that some were also murdered.

His villa in Moscow is now the Tunisian Embassy (at In the mid 1990s, routine work in the grounds turned up the bone remains of several young women buried in the gardens.[30] According to Martin Sixsmith, in a BBC documentary, "Beria spent his nights having teenagers abducted from the streets and brought here for him to rape. Those who resisted were strangled and buried in his wife's rose garden..."


Beria was a violent sexual sadist and serial killer his overall profile matches that of Ted Bundy. The murdering of the women he raped was simply part of the act itself for him. He was powerful enough that the murder was not required to cover anything up for his own protection. Everyone already knew from Stalin and down he was a rapist and murdered and no one stopped him. Beria knew this as head of the NKVD and he murdered them as part of his violent sadism for the pleasure of it. Beria was very well known to have personally overseen the torture and murder of thousands of people in the interrogation cells of the NKVD buildings during his long reign as the Head of the NKVD. It should be obvious as to why its the perfect job for a violent sexual sadist and serial murdered. The thousands of innocent people Beria tortured, raped and murder in the NKVD cells where his many victims. In reality Beria is probably the biggest serial killer in history with a body count of victims into the thousands.

Before the rise of the Jewish power structure of the USSR, Beria was some faceless little Jew in the crowd with no power over anyone or thing. However even Jewish authors have gone into detail of the generic psychopathic nature of the Jewish race and its normalcy among them. Just point at any Jew and the chances of another Beria being right there looking back at you are large.

This is what happens when the Jews come to reign over you and this is the spiritual character of the Jewish People and their evil alien soul being expressed thought one archetypical Jew. Consider the fact Stalin himself was also Jewish and he allowed Beria to carry on like this and didn't mind it at all. How many did Stalin kill.

What a disgusting creature.
It is fucking horrible but as for Ted Bundy, he was NOT a sadist at all. If you start to study more about his case you will see there were a lot of psychotic lies about him and many of those false claims were made by jews.

Even if most people do not believe it and even if people do not like it there are huge differences between murderers, in many cases.
I would never compare an obsessed, miserable, fucked up White person to a filthy sadistic psychopath jew. Especially when many of the victims of Ted were jews. Like Levy and Bowmann etc.

Has anyone here ever read the books about Ted Bundy? I don't think so. Has anyone here ever tried to contact those psychiatrists and experts who examined and anlyzed Ted? I don't think so.
Has anyone here ever tried to get the original and authentic voice recordings of one of his most important interview made by a special psychiatrist? Of course no.

Well I read a lot of books and other stuff about him and fortunately I found objective and worthy books too, amongst the shitty jewish trash.
A friend of mine in Canada studied psychology and did a lot of research about this topic and especially about Ted. We also talked with a writer and an investigative journalist too and managed to get such informations which were never disclosed or which were distorted...
Anyways he was not a psychopath and was not a sadist...

So before I make an opinion about something I always try to inform myself more about it and study more. -.-

By the way, anytime I see such fucked up idiots like Ted or Jeffrey Dahmer *** - I can see a miserable fellow human who failed his life totally.
And I always can see the works of the jews, how they were destroying humanity to this point.
Ted, Jeffrey and also some other killers (not those real psychos who had sadistic motivations!) who were HUMANS not jews, were only the PRODUCTS of the extreme destruction the jews committed against humanity.
These miserable bastards were just too weak and too fucked up besides they were extremely obsessive and possessive. It's really sad and annoying too...

And yes it's also indicated in the birth charts of such individuals. And most of the time always those nakshatras work behind the scenes which are ruled by Ketu, especially Ashwini (from 0 - 13°20' degree in Aries in sidereal zodiac).
(There are some extremely revealing astrological studies about serial killers if someone's interested...)

*** - you know the guy who was portrayed even "racist" at a time because his victims were Blacks mainly and in the end he was beaten to death by a cute Black man in prison.
Ted Bundy was a Sadist and he originally started to murder the girls he raped just to cover up his crimes as the violence and power of rape was the pleasure for himself but the murder became part of the enjoyment of the act. He would also go back and have sex with the corpses as part of this. I suspect Bundy was either inbred as some believe his grandfather raped his mother and that is how he was conceived and his grandfather was known to suffer from insanity he went into psychotic rages. Also I suspect from looking at Bundy and his overall vibe he has tribe in his background. He started getting drunk and peeping and then shop lifting and moved on from there. He was addicted to the sexualization of power and control that is why he was obsessed with stealing as well. The same reason he stole from a store is the reason he started to steal peoples consent and their lives. He was also a total psychopath who had no ability to empathize only fake this you can note this in his interviews. That dude was pure evil and just looked at people like a hungry leering reptile.

This Jew run planet is the real game of Survivor and we are just trying to Surive The Tribe.
In any Jewish power structure the most reptilian of them all go to the top and stay there.

Jack said:
What a disgusting creature.
Dahmer from reports also had Tribe in his background. There are also reports on Dahmer he might have worked as a child lifter for certain (((Elites))) and that is why despite the amount of evidence on him he was allowed to operate for as long as he did. Basically the same with the child provider in Britain, Savile who worked for the BBC.
Did you realize the things you just qouted and mentioned about Ted are mainly from such books and such texts which were written by jews?
And many false claims about him came from such individuals who made huge money later just because they were "friends" of him at a time and they wrote a shitty book about him based on their misbeliefs sometimes...like Ann Rule did.

Do you really believe that he was a necrophile? L O L! :'D

Most of these are just projections of the jews. And sick fabrications of half truths.
People should not buy every shit from the internet.

According to scratch evidences on the bodies of his victims, Ted dragged the bodies through the forest to their burial site. So the bodies got scratched with tree branches along the way. He did not pick them up to carry them because he was disgusted by the dead body.
In court, when they showed photos of the victims' dead bodies, he came to court drunk, looked down, away from the screen showing the photos, and couldn't breathe properly. He got nauseated. He returned to his cell after and passed out.
This is what the lawyer beside him said...

Also, one can't hide the smell of death. That's why Dahmer's apartment smelled so bad... (ugh)
Liz, the longtime girlfriend of Ted would have smelled something on him but she just kept talking about how good he smelled.
And allegedly he was a bit maniac in cleaning too. (like all Jyeshta Moon individuals btw.)

So the jewish fairytale of the necrophilia here does not really fit. Lol

And I don't think that an evil sadistic psychopath who has no emotions at all would be able to be in a longtime love relationship with a woman and would be able to care about the little child of that woman. (If someone's interested there's a book which was written by Liz Kloepfer herself, Ted's life partner.)
But he was able to do it.

Also sadistic evil psychopaths are not really able to have healthy sexual life with women. He did have it.

But, he was not normal for sure, a very fucked up, obsessed fucking maniac. He was a kind of bipolar and had OCD too...
I also even agree with the possible inbred thing. It's terrible if it happened.
But according to genealogy researches it's almost sure that his family had no jewish ancestry.
What a fucking shame that we have some murderers amongst White people too...

But who knows if you or someone else will be able to prove 100% that he was a jew, maybe I would be relieved af.
But it seems he wasn't.

As for his obsessive cleptomania and shop-lifting, I can't help but always laughed on it how he stole almost everything he had. Even the gifts he gave to others. Lol He was fucking possessive for sure.
But yes maybe there's a link here to his murderous tendencies, unfortunately, since he wanted to possess the lives of his victims too.

As for Dahmer I am not sure. He just does not really seem to be jewish to me.
There was an old FBI doc of his testimony which was worth to read and also an interview where he talked about "the prison of his mind" , it was interesting. Also he was kind of glad that he was stopped and said he deserved the punishment...
HP Mageson666 said:
Beria The Ted Bundy Of The USSR


The Jew Beria who championed many Jewish causes and help in the creation of Israel was the head of the NKVD and the second most powerful man in the USSR next to Stalin. Beria was known to be a serial rapist, sexual predator, and serial murderer even by Stalin. To the point:

"In one instance, when Stalin learned his daughter was alone with Beria at his house, he telephoned her and told her to leave immediately."

Beria's method was simple:

"His case files in the Soviet archives contained the official testimony from Colonel Rafael Semyonovich Sarkisov and Colonel Sardion Nikolaevich Nadaraia, two of Beria's most senior NKVD bodyguards. They stated that, on warm nights during the war years, Beria was often driven slowly through the streets of Moscow in his armored Packard limousine. He would point out young women to be detained and escorted to his mansion, where wine and a feast awaited them. After dining, Beria would take the women into his soundproofed office and rape them. Beria's bodyguards reported that their duties included handing each victim a flower bouquet as she left Beria's house. Accepting it implied that the sex had been consensual; refusal would mean arrest. In one incident, his chief bodyguard, Sarkisov, reported that a woman who had been brought to Beria rejected his advances and ran out of his office; Sarkisov mistakenly handed her the flowers anyway, prompting the enraged Beria to declare, "Now it's not a bouquet, it's a wreath! May it rot on your grave!" The NKVD arrested the woman the next day.[25]"

However the other dimension is many of the women Beria raped he would also murder:

"Evidence suggests that not only did Beria abduct and rape women, but that some were also murdered.

His villa in Moscow is now the Tunisian Embassy (at In the mid 1990s, routine work in the grounds turned up the bone remains of several young women buried in the gardens.[30] According to Martin Sixsmith, in a BBC documentary, "Beria spent his nights having teenagers abducted from the streets and brought here for him to rape. Those who resisted were strangled and buried in his wife's rose garden..."


Beria was a violent sexual sadist and serial killer his overall profile matches that of Ted Bundy. The murdering of the women he raped was simply part of the act itself for him. He was powerful enough that the murder was not required to cover anything up for his own protection. Everyone already knew from Stalin and down he was a rapist and murdered and no one stopped him. Beria knew this as head of the NKVD and he murdered them as part of his violent sadism for the pleasure of it. Beria was very well known to have personally overseen the torture and murder of thousands of people in the interrogation cells of the NKVD buildings during his long reign as the Head of the NKVD. It should be obvious as to why its the perfect job for a violent sexual sadist and serial murdered. The thousands of innocent people Beria tortured, raped and murder in the NKVD cells where his many victims. In reality Beria is probably the biggest serial killer in history with a body count of victims into the thousands.

Before the rise of the Jewish power structure of the USSR, Beria was some faceless little Jew in the crowd with no power over anyone or thing. However even Jewish authors have gone into detail of the generic psychopathic nature of the Jewish race and its normalcy among them. Just point at any Jew and the chances of another Beria being right there looking back at you are large.

This is what happens when the Jews come to reign over you and this is the spiritual character of the Jewish People and their evil alien soul being expressed thought one archetypical Jew. Consider the fact Stalin himself was also Jewish and he allowed Beria to carry on like this and didn't mind it at all. How many did Stalin kill.


J*ws truly are a sadistic and psychotic race by nature. There was a j*wish doctor in my small desert town who injected one of his patients with hydrogen peroxide in the 80s. He has been fined and his medical license put on probation several times, but he still has not yet been fully stopped. His victim was white, old and completely oblivious to how retarded injecting hydrogen peroxide into your bloodstream is. He went along with it simply because, oh you know he has a medical license so it must be good. It was all over the local news and when I first heard about it through my family, their opinion on my "antisemitic" views changed very quickly, as several of my family members regularly went to this doctor. They began to agree with me. My family knows to never put me with a j*w doctor upon my personal request, and they have since wanted me to make sure I do the same for them. There was a reason why Hitler completely banned these "people" of performing medical practices on the German people of Europe.

Let's fight to see the day where this sorry excuse for a race is completely exterminated.
Bundy's relationships where simply covers and ways of using people as resources to live off while he engaged in his evil hobby that is not the first time a serial murder has done such. Psychopaths are good at manipulation and using others as resources this is not surprising even Beria had a wife and a normal social life. Gay men have been married to normal women and had normal sexual relationships with them. So what if Bundy from claims could do the same he might have just been fantasizing about all the victims he raped and murdered.

I studied psychology and abnormal psychology and as part of this psychopathology in school. Don't be so quick to believe someone's theories. Just because Bundy's behaviour might have seemed to deviate from some believed norm in the psychology world does not mean anything but those norms do not apply all the time.

Bundy was also a compulsive liar who was able to pass lie detector tests. So don't be so quick to believe anything he stated himself to any interviewer.

Δυσδαιμόνα Διαμαντής said:
Did you realize the things you just qouted and mentioned about Ted are mainly from such books and such texts which were written by jews?
And many false claims about him came from such individuals who made huge money later just because they were "friends" of him at a time and they wrote a shitty book about him based on their misbeliefs sometimes...like Ann Rule did.

Do you really believe that he was a necrophile? L O L! :'D

Most of these are just projections of the jews. And sick fabrications of half truths.
People should not buy every shit from the internet.

According to scratch evidences on the bodies of his victims, Ted dragged the bodies through the forest to their burial site. So the bodies got scratched with tree branches along the way. He did not pick them up to carry them because he was disgusted by the dead body.
In court, when they showed photos of the victims' dead bodies, he came to court drunk, looked down, away from the screen showing the photos, and couldn't breathe properly. He got nauseated. He returned to his cell after and passed out.
This is what the lawyer beside him said...

Also, one can't hide the smell of death. That's why Dahmer's apartment smelled so bad... (ugh)
Liz, the longtime girlfriend of Ted would have smelled something on him but she just kept talking about how good he smelled.
And allegedly he was a bit maniac in cleaning too. (like all Jyeshta Moon individuals btw.)

So the jewish fairytale of the necrophilia here does not really fit. Lol

And I don't think that an evil sadistic psychopath who has no emotions at all would be able to be in a longtime love relationship with a woman and would be able to care about the little child of that woman. (If someone's interested there's a book which was written by Liz Kloepfer herself, Ted's life partner.)
But he was able to do it.

Also sadistic evil psychopaths are not really able to have healthy sexual life with women. He did have it.

But, he was not normal for sure, a very fucked up, obsessed fucking maniac. He was a kind of bipolar and had OCD too...
I also even agree with the possible inbred thing. It's terrible if it happened.
But according to genealogy researches it's almost sure that his family had no jewish ancestry.
What a fucking shame that we have some murderers amongst White people too...

But who knows if you or someone else will be able to prove 100% that he was a jew, maybe I would be relieved af.
But it seems he wasn't.

As for his obsessive cleptomania and shop-lifting, I can't help but always laughed on it how he stole almost everything he had. Even the gifts he gave to others. Lol He was fucking possessive for sure.
But yes maybe there's a link here to his murderous tendencies, unfortunately, since he wanted to possess the lives of his victims too.

As for Dahmer I am not sure. He just does not really seem to be jewish to me.
There was an old FBI doc of his testimony which was worth to read and also an interview where he talked about "the prison of his mind" , it was interesting. Also he was kind of glad that he was stopped and said he deserved the punishment...
예...예...그래, 알았어.
니가 이겼어요. :D :D


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
