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Being "Stuck" With Meditation, Patience, Overcoming Obstacles

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
It is not uncommon that even the best meditators, experience something that is also experienced from advanced or new meditators.

This might be a situation where you meditate and you notice you don't advance further as you might have previously done. This can be a slowdown, or even feel like a halt. The amount of time these levels take can be ranging, and it might terrify one in some cases, or instill strong doubt in their progress. Therefore I need to explain why this occurs and that yes, you should NOT be worried. These can last from weeks, to months, to in rare cases, as long as 2 or 3 years.

Of course, this might not be everyone, but in one's long journey, the above might be experienced, so one has to be ready to counteract this too. The roots of this are also in Alchemy and revealed in the Tarot. If you check the Pentacles, you will see the 7 of Pentacles, you will see a man who has done everything in meditation [7 also symbolizes the 7 chakras in one interpretation we can give] but is sitting there depressed looking at the tree he has planted.

Then, this is followed by 8 of Pentacles, which is basically the same type of man, instead of sitting there depressed lamenting by the lack of progress or being stuck, he is merely continuing his work happily. Then in a jump of levels, we have 9 and 10 of Pentacles, which are major levels of success. But just a few levels before, the aspirant was only just stuck in a rut and seemingly not going anywhere.

Generally this situation can revolve around many factors, and is oftentimes, planetary. In fact I have not found another cause more than the planets until now to cause this. So some people, depending on what transits they might experience, will probably not even get to experience this but once every a couple of decades.

Also, due to lack of knowledge on how meditation works in the progressive way, you might be thinking you are hitting a wall, but the opposite may be soon about to happen. Let me explain.

Meditation or much of it, revolves around feeding the soul and advancing it. This, adds up after a while, and the effects do compound upon one another.

I have went through similar ruts like everyone else, where it took years to push past a previous barrier or to move to the next level. Basically, this involved just being stably on top of the already previously attained level and staying there for a while.

By never quitting, I always made sure to supply the soul with what it required to advance further. Sometimes, it felt as if I were doing nothing or not much as no further upwards progress was being made "in front of my eyes". But as it turned out, these years where it looked like nothing was moving that much further, were actually the most pivotal meditation years for new birth, causing later compound added growth and exponential growth.

After a time, all of this catches up with you. This is just another law of life at work, but because of lack of perception on natural flows, we don't understand it.

Much of life's activity happens beneath the evident and the experienced realm. You walk into a recently planted forest and you might see nothing on the surface. Yet, because all the preconditions of life are being met, beneath the soil there may be booming life. Eventually, you start seeing the first newborn plants, and ten to twenty years from now, you have an amazing forest rife with life.

All of this started from the years that you really walked on the forest and questioned yourself if this shit was even worth your time at all.

However, after specific periods passed, all the work comes back to you. This is like planting things on a field. For half the year, you will see nothing, and maybe for the next year, you will only see the first results of your efforts. Many scoff these because they don't see things in the long-term. As an ancient philosopher in Greece, Plato, has said, "to begin is the half of the whole.

What many people describe as being "stuck", is oftentimes attributed to these following causes:

1. Planets that may disallow you from experiencing some things right now [normal, it always passes, and meditations stack up anyway]. A lot of Saturn can put a lot of weight on the system. However, Saturn will reward the efforts of just about anything, and when he is away from you, you will grow with compound effect if you have been meditating through these transits.

2. Certain levels of development where the soul goes into an incubation state. This is like generating for new birth. As one keeps the baby provided [the soul] eventually you will reach a new checkpoint and sometimes, quite "suddenly". You might be toiling for this for 355 days and it will happen in the last 10 days.

3. In rare cases, curses or other things [which you can easily remove with the FRTR and with proper cleaning. Also, the Gods or a working will assist here if the situation is very serious].

4. The need for new knowledge. Now, that is a little rare and should concern only advanced meditators. But at this level, it's expected from people to also receive guidance to do the proper meditations, and advance in the next direction. This knowledge typically will arrive to you when it's time for you personally to move on the next level of your advancement. This is a serious level of affairs. All the building blocks for this are in the JoS already, and you may need up for example, to work on other parts of your soul as you advance and so on.

In closing with meditation, you are never really stuck. When meditations are being done, they ARE being done, and they are being applied to your soul.

One Chinese philosopher whose name does escape me now, said that when you plant a seed, you don't dig it out every single day to judge on if it has grown. It has to be left alone to grow itself, in the dark, and where you don't see it. You just have to water it. The same goes for the human soul and spirit in the examples of having to endure some waiting periods and other strides where you are actually rising the mountain but you haven't been to your next checkpoint.

Eventually of course, you will see the first sprout of the seed, the tree above the soil, and then it's rewards, until it becomes a huge tree. But most people don't wait that much and they therefore leave the seeds without water.

The key here is this: Keep advancing at your own pace and level, and it will all come together. Have faith in the work that you are doing.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
As a person that is still struggling with Void Meditation, i thank you HP for your words. By the way, i think the Chinese philosopher that you quoted comes from a book of either (or both) Chuang Tzu or Lieh Tzu, both very important as Lao Tzu in Taoism.
Lovely post. Very well said. I know this from experience that effort always pays off even if it doesn't seem so at first. It's the same with physical results. Back when I was still a teenager and weighed a lot, I started weight lifting and walking every single day. I removed soda from my diet. I just kept doing my workout routine each day, and not worrying about the result. I refused to check a scale or anything like that, and the only time I saw my weight was at the doctor's office which was always a pleasant surprise. I remember when I hit my first plateau after losing about 70 pounds. It took more effort to lose more, and I eventually realized that at that point I had to remove more sugar from my diet and get better quality food, and also workout harder than I was before. Then the next 30 pounds came off, and I hit another plateau. This one was harder. I had to start running instead of simply doing my daily walking even though I was walking miles every day and sweating a lot. Running got me down another 30 pounds, and then 15 pounds more after a while and continued changes to my diet.

Now I'm working on losing 20-30 pounds to finally get down to around 160-170. I'm also trying to tone up my skin and everything which is a bit saggy. I do Yoga, I go walking/running, I do push-ups, free weights sometimes, and I also do core exercises sometimes. I should probably target other inactivate/untrained muscles soon. I would get into swimming if I had a coach.

Anyway this post is really inspiring. Thank you.
I feel like our evolution is not "natural" due to the level of atrophy we experienced, and the loss of astral sensations.

Even a beginner within a physical gym can still see the weight they are moving, see their muscles flexing, and watch the muscle change afterward. For spiritual advancement, however, it seems like someone develops this level of sensory input only after an extended period of training.

It just makes me wonder how our existence was like before the enemy attacked us.


I think your post does a good job of highlighting the importance of earth-based characteristics in this path. Not always will there be exciting and stimulating results; one must contend with repetitive routines for some time.

If someone is lacking these characteristics in their chart, then a working with Uruz or Nauthiz should be done to develop these traits of self-discipline, persistence, and consistency. For those with less power behind them, it would be wise to program this energy to first create discipline for their spiritual routine (and not extend the energy to their whole life's affairs).
The moon will soon be in Capricorn, which presents a good opportunity for this.


Thanks for the post, HPHC.
*slow clap*
How would the knight of pentacles translate into this
One of my reasoning for the lack of growth is simply because the growth is happening at a distance from you. That spout moment of fortune where you find good cash on the sidewalk, or you get pay raise, etc. But that cash on the sidewalk does not just magically happen to appear out of thin air. Someone or something must have dropped off by accident or maybe a gush of wind blow the cash over there from somewhere else. Boss does not just randomly decide to give you a paycheck but a moment of coincidence that makes your action which just so happens to be good action because coincidence and your boss just so happen to be there to notice it and reward you, etc. It is not just you that is changing from your growth but the surrounding around you as well to adjust to your growth.

The more humans grow, the more mass consciousness of humanity grows and changes, which affects the rest of humanity to grow and grow more.

Of course, I have no idea how much of this is true or accurate, this is just what I assume and understand.
Perfect timing for this inspirational post.
Thank you, HP!
Very first thing that came to mind before I saw you mention about the forest, was how seeds are planted and you wait and wait and wait, tending to those seeds, until one day you check up on your greenhouse and there they are all sprouted, green and new.

They were growing the whole time, you just couldn’t see it because it’s under the surface of what’s visible.

I like this post a lot, and I have a feeling I’ll be needing to come back to this sometime soon down the line.
https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/817080-when-you-plant-seeds-in-the-garden-you-don-t-dig . This quote ?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you very much High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This was my question to Father Satan and i have to check our forum for a answer.
And there was my answer.Thank you.I,m at a standstill now but i doing my meditations daily and i know this
Standstill will pas from what i have noticed is we advancing like a sine wave it go,s up and down just like nature.
Nothing to worry About.

Hail Father Satan And the Gods of Duat.
jbkbmz said:
https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/817080-when-you-plant-seeds-in-the-garden-you-don-t-dig . This quote ?

There was a time in my life years ago where I grabbed everything I could on Taoism, in particular the philosophical aspects of it. I don't really remember where I read this one exactly, a philosopher was being cited. However, this was certainly from a Chinese philosopher. No wonder, the monk here has adopted the same quote. This was from a book on the Tao Te Ching introctionary philosophy, which had also statements from many Chinese philosophers. I found also very similar quotes from others too.

I always want to give credit if something comes from an external source. On this particular one, I don't remember exactly where I read it. But it was Taoist literature.
Thankyou HP! Now i feel so much better...
I love this! 🔥 Hail Satan!!💞🙏
Does it relate to specific workings as well ? Like specific workings started during bad transits may manifest later ?
Thanks for the motivation High Priest Hooded Cobra, amazing sermon, heavy Saturn influence here, this makes absolute sense to me and it's something I've been thinking about lately... Sometimes I feel like I'm not getting anywhere. But I remember your words "those who survive the Saturnian trials will be rewarded" which is what I've been doing, hanging tight until the transit is over.
I tend to go into a zombie state of awareness when I meditate, like I forget I was meditating and don't even know what's going on. Before this I do feel like I struggle between trance state and not being able to relax my brain, kinda like my brain notices that it's been relaxed and it tightens up again. It's so annoying, but my cleaning and protection workings always feel really good. Hope I get to experience more of life
Thank you HP Cobra. This was very much needed.
This is an excellent explanation for people who don't know how to advance. Sermon absolutely worth saving and taking note of. Thank you!
This was realy great to hear HP i thought i was stuck with yoga because i don't feel the buzzing so much as before. Thank you!
Thank you :)
I've found it harder to meditate when working in stressful places like stores etc. The environment plays a big role for how successful one will be meditating I think. Yoga should be implemented in one's daily life, but it would be easier to do so under calmer conditions, closer to nature etc. First and foremost though it feels like discipline is key.
Coming home after a long day of work I don't really feel like meditating the first thing I do. It feels so boring. It's easier when I'm about to go to sleep anyway.

Breath of fire exercises are easier to motivate myself to since I can do it while watching/listening to something else while sitting up etc. It's a constant need for external stimulus which is hindering many from meditation I think. Also, meditation may in one way be looked upon by ppl in todays world as something "lazy" or "improductive" to do, just sitting/lying doing "nothing". And it can feel anxious to look deep into oneself. There are many obstacles hindering meditation in this crazy world of today I think. Religion has done it's job in removing the knowledge of advanced meditations while other things aim to making it very hard to implement this knowledge even if people would have it.
This sermon applies to so much in life, beyond just meditation. Amazing advice and insight and it reveals something to always consider as you’re working towards long term goals, which don’t always show fruit immediately, but are worth the time and investment.

It reminds me of a past sermon where you said, a god told you, since humans have short lives we lose perspective a lot. Sometime you have to step back. But also the planetary influence you mentioned is a great thing to note, when one is struggling. Thanks!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Also, due to lack of knowledge on how meditation works in the progressive way, you might be thinking you are hitting a wall, but the opposite may be soon about to happen. Let me explain.
I think this is also a problem that is not stressed enough here, I noticed it on myself and others too. Due to lack of time or a mind not trained enough in void meditation and vizualization exercises, people don't focus on the actual part of the soul they meditate on, or they don't vizualize what they have to vizualize and don't try to feel what they meditate on, but just merely vibrating the words or inspiring energy and then saying the afirmation while their mind is totally somewhere else. In this case that meditation will have an extremely limited effect, if any. OR maybe this is the manifestation of negative planetary influence over the spiritual advancement.
The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Also, due to lack of knowledge on how meditation works in the progressive way, you might be thinking you are hitting a wall, but the opposite may be soon about to happen. Let me explain.
I think this is also a problem that is not stressed enough here, I noticed it on myself and others too. Due to lack of time or a mind not trained enough in void meditation and vizualization exercises, people don't focus on the actual part of the soul they meditate on, or they don't vizualize what they have to vizualize and don't try to feel what they meditate on, but just merely vibrating the words or inspiring energy and then saying the afirmation while their mind is totally somewhere else. In this case that meditation will have an extremely limited effect, if any. OR maybe this is the manifestation of negative planetary influence over the spiritual advancement.
This is true. The mental aspect of meditation has been skipped by many. I have skipped too but its very important to advance. There are a lot who try to do more advanced meditations right away without having mastered the basics and then they get sad that they have not advanced enough or that they don't have the powers they expected to have. I have done the same mistakes but now I know that you need to master the basics and keep meditating everyday.
The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Also, due to lack of knowledge on how meditation works in the progressive way, you might be thinking you are hitting a wall, but the opposite may be soon about to happen. Let me explain.
I think this is also a problem that is not stressed enough here, I noticed it on myself and others too. Due to lack of time or a mind not trained enough in void meditation and vizualization exercises, people don't focus on the actual part of the soul they meditate on, or they don't vizualize what they have to vizualize and don't try to feel what they meditate on, but just merely vibrating the words or inspiring energy and then saying the afirmation while their mind is totally somewhere else. In this case that meditation will have an extremely limited effect, if any. OR maybe this is the manifestation of negative planetary influence over the spiritual advancement.

I agree. I can feel this too. Which is something I have been focusing lately as well. My simple cleaning and AoP meditation can take up to an hour if I let my mind wonder. It also happens while vibrating the runes. I've been getting more and more aware of that fact, and it takes a lot of focus to keep up and dominate the mind and not the other way around. It also saves a lot of time from being wasted wondering inside the mind. If you do the things just for the sake of doing it just won't work... Speaking from experience here. You have to focus on the meditations, visualize them and focus on the final goal.

by xlnt » Sun Aug 15, 2021 6:47 pm

I've found it harder to meditate when working in stressful places like stores etc. The environment plays a big role for how successful one will be meditating I think. Yoga should be implemented in one's daily life, but it would be easier to do so under calmer conditions, closer to nature etc. First and foremost though it feels like discipline is key.
Coming home after a long day of work I don't really feel like meditating the first thing I do. It feels so boring. It's easier when I'm about to go to sleep anyway.

This happens to me too, I work as a security guard and I have to be around and deal with all sorts of shady people, also I'm pretty sure some throw curses at me without themselves even knowing they're doing so, just by thinking shit about me. I wasn't aware of this until only a few months ago. It takes a lot of cleaning and protection to be healthy in the mind, soul and physical self. What has been working for me is cleaning/protecting before work, while at work, and after work. It takes a lot of my time, but it must be done... While it work I just go outside for like 10-15 minutes under the sun, use the energy to cleanse and then absorb the energy from the sun into my aura for protection.
I'm thinking the sun Square can also be helpful in this periods.
Invictus2 said:
My simple cleaning and AoP meditation can take up to an hour if I let my mind wonder. It also happens while vibrating the runes. I've been getting more and more aware of that fact, and it takes a lot of focus to keep up and dominate the mind and not the other way around.
Yea exactly. My AoP meditation takes around 15-20 minutes but I know this is the perfect time and that I don't have to rush it, otherwise I don't feel properly cleaned. This is also manifesting throughout the day, I will experience bad things if I don't do the AoP properly before going somewhere, it happened before. It became `normality` for me, which is exaclty what should happen as this means that the meditation is doing its thing.
Did Jews Make technology addictive?
I play games and it's like I can't get up to meditate.
It's like I'm Stuck here playing the Game. I wanna be able to get up meditate and have no desire to get on the game I wanna be game free and enjoy doing other things. But it feels like I gotta shut off the ps4 forever and never get on the thing never watch TV never listen to music or anything. Cause it's like technology draws me in and Traps me keeps me a Slave to my Chair unable to Move. I can still get up and meditate it's like idk I'd like to get up and meditate but I can get up and meditate it's like there is Jewish Kabbalah magick in all technology.

Is that True? Is there Jewish kabbalah magick in all technology?
Dark Waters said:
Did Jews Make technology addictive?
I play games and it's like I can't get up to meditate.
It's like I'm Stuck here playing the Game. I wanna be able to get up meditate and have no desire to get on the game I wanna be game free and enjoy doing other things. But it feels like I gotta shut off the ps4 forever and never get on the thing never watch TV never listen to music or anything. Cause it's like technology draws me in and Traps me keeps me a Slave to my Chair unable to Move. I can still get up and meditate it's like idk I'd like to get up and meditate but I can get up and meditate it's like there is Jewish Kabbalah magick in all technology.

Is that True? Is there Jewish kabbalah magick in all technology?
They use psychology tactics and methods to get you addicted. The more addicted you are the more they profit.

Also most video game companies, social media and movies are created and designed by jews.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

But what if i do meditations wrong, and do them wrong for 2 years, i wont advance, i read jos for meditations, how to know i do meditations correctly?

Hail Satan!
"Keep advancing at your own pace and level, and it will all come together. Have faith in the work that you are doing."

Those words make my hearth feel safe, thank you bro

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
