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Baptism: Creating Slaves For Rabbi Christ

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In the jewish sytems such as Orthodox Christianity, an infant is taken and consecrated to Jewish Egregore Christ based on the following words. Which are translated literally.


The official point of "Baptism" from the related christian texts is to "Put the person under the newly begun and Created World of Christ". This is the official statement of why Christian Baptism is necessary. This is done on infants before the time they develop any memory, preferably at around 2 years old.

The conclusive phrase when adding the name to the child is this:

"Baptized is the slave of Christ ____insert name of baby____ in the name of Jesus, His Father, and in the holy spirit, Amen".

Yes, it says SLAVE. Not servant, but SLAVE. The guys where you put a chain and collar on and imprison them for life. It doesn't say "assistant" any other word.

The xian clergyman that baptizes the child asks the Godfather:

Christian Clergy says the following: "Do I denounce and drive away Satan from this infant? And all his works, and all faith towards him? And all Satan's messengers, and all of Satan's doings?"

The God father is supposed to say: "I denounce him". The Xian clergy asks the person 3 times if they have denounced Satan. The baptizer has to answer 3 times: "I have denounced Satan". Then the xian clergy says: "Begone Satan", and the godfather is supposed to say "Begone Satan". Then they say three times: "Satan begone from this Infant." Then the godfather is asked to spit in the face of "Satan". The conclusion of such litany is registered in their books as "A closing of our natural contract with the devil, and a new beginning as slaving for Christ."

After this is done the ritual continues:

"Should I put this infant under the power of "Christ"?", asks the clergyman. The godfather is supposed to say, "Put him under the power of christ.". This process is done back and forth 3 times. The last question in such dialogue is "Do you believe fully that Christ is the ruler of the world?". The godfather has to say "I am convinced". Then the godfather has to testify in his own words how good of a slave and servant him and the child are going to be in Jesus christ, and they repeat the above thing of "concecrating" the child on christ.

In the ritual a long prayer to Noah of Ark is said, from the Old Testament. Which is called the "Messenger of God" in the old testament. Towards the end of the ritual, the name is given to the child (Under it's new forced master) and towards the end it's concluded by adding consecreted Oil in the head that is programmed to last for all eternity. The xian says: "Peace everywhere. We close his head permanently in in the name of Christ." Goodbye to the third eye of the infant. The word used for such is called "klinomen" which means "We close" the head, but at the same time it means "we turn it towards Christ". This is said when oil meant to 'last for all eternity" is put on the forehead of the infant.

As all the top Rabbis in Israel stated, Rabbi Schneerson. All the Goyim souls are Satanic by birth. It's who we are. However the 3rd eye is the seat of the Soul. As one of the most prominent Messianic Rabbis stated in Israel:

“An even greater difference exists in regard to the soul. Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.” He later added: “The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews.”

So why do we baptize Goyim children to remove their "Satan" from them, and put them as slaves under christ...Is it because Christ is a jewish archetype and egregore made up by the jews...Who are seeking to enslave the goyim so they serve them...

No wait...I clearly have it wrong here...It's because:

CHRISTIANITY IS AGAINST THE JEWS GOY, BELIEVE IT! You stupid fucken goyim! Antisemetic Xianity Goyim...Antisemetic xianity!! Rabbi Jesus the Rebel Rabbi!111!!!!!!!

Then some fucktards wonder why we say in our dedication ritual to blot the name of the slaver christ (or allah in accordance) now and forever. Denouncing all jewish works.

For those who accuse the Joy of SATAN for resistance or criticism against these enslavers who abduct children to consecrate them to jews, while calling themselves "SATANISTS", I have a message for you: Lobotomize yourselves, useless ((("Satanists"))) who eat jewish shit. And call yourself the slaves you are. Practice your jewish kabbalah while we take down all of your spiritual crap and disinfo and restore Satan's true name.

Some people question why we are against Jews. Yes, I fucking wonder too you geniuses. Maybe because all the agenda of the jews, for about 3 thousand years or more, is turned against our Gods? That's only a possibility.

I wonder why. What's so wrong with us literally denouncing spells put on us without our consent by jewish rabbinical missionaries... No goy it's just because we're pointlessly hating on the Cheezen 60 trillion ones...That must be it...

Not that they abduct us from birth to raise us as slaves to their system of Matrix control. That's not a viable solution for any 'hate', let alone any remote 'dislike'.

I hear the so called ((("Satanists"))) of some sects shouting with the Rabbis from Israel in one "Heavenly" voice:

"How dare you even criticize it you stupid goyim animal of the field? Didn't the spells work on you? Oy gevalt, this Satan is still alive in this goy...Put it in the fire! Kill it in the love of God and sent it in hellfire for all eternity in Jehovah's love (the love for the jews)!".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The destruction of the second Jewish temple by the Romans was a major blow to an extreme for the Jews. They were exiled into Babylon where they stole copiously, names of months and occult knowledge.

Christianity was invented by the Jews to protect the Jews. To this day, they have an intense hatred of Rome. Ever hear the Jewish saying "Friends or Romans?"?

Christianity protects the Jews and gives them power on many levels. This is what Christianity is all about.

The sad fact is most people have no idea, know little if anything about the Jews and how to spot them and worst of all is believing Jewish lies. They are a race within races and have an alien soul. One giveaway on recognizing a Jew is they are mean.

At first they can be inviting and friendly, but in time they will turn on you. They are responsible for all the ugliness and evil in the world.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
I was baptized in a Neocatechumenal Church and the Priest recite the Shema Israel prayer and have the same ritual as the one you demonstrated.
There is a warranty every child baptized in a Neocatechumenal Church will never separate himself from G-d.

Once I met the internet, the chakras and all that occult things called my attention but I never dedicated myself to that systems and in that age I did not know it was witchcraft and forbidden by the Church but it just called my attention.

I am glad that the first spiritual system I tried was the one from JoS.
There is still quite a long way to victory, but I really wish I would be there when it all comes together. I cannot describe what I would like to do to all the liars, cheaters, scum, ignorants and injustice makers. Hate is in reality just a normal natural-physical phenomenon, a consequence to other external outputs. It's action followed by reaction. And this says a lot.
HoodedCobra666 said:

I have met many of those spiritual leaders from occult forums and self named "Guru's", most of the times they post in their websites and FB pages:
The JoS is for noobs and their Nazi has nothing to do with real spirituality.Their RTR's are crap and qlippothic meditations are superior plus you reach to the Godhead easily.

Then they get mad when a person from the JoS critic such groups.They hate christianity but somehow they believe the Rabbis are bringing spiritual knowledge and they go in that direction.

Most of those occult leaders are GOOD at memorizing a ton of prayers and rituals from Jewish occult systems like the Rosicrucians one(https://www.rosicrucian.org/alchemical-manuscript-series).The problem comes they do not even meditate and think that just memorizing a ton of prayers of rituals will give them super powers. Some of them are very skeptical towards power meditation.
I live in an orthodox country, and yes, that's the exact phrase they say when baptizing kids - slave of christ, or slave of (((god)))... But in order to hide it they us an old dialect, so the retarded goy don't notice it... The world slave in my language is "Роб" ("Rob"), the old dialect version of the word slave which the xians use when baptizing kids is "Раб" ("Rab")... And because the priests uses old dialect words, the people don't even listen what he is saying (even though the dialect he uses is understandable).

From a law perspective infantile Baptism should be illegal - It contradicts to the freedom of religion and belief, where is the freedom of religion and belief of the infants who are Baptised? Nowhere... It instantly has the child put upon a list stating that they are in support of this belief system before they even reach the mental capacity to disagree with it.
Something funny:
I just opened the dictionary to see the definition of the phrase used in baptism - "Rab Bozhji" (Slave of "god"), and the definitions of the word "rab" in the dictionary are: "despicable slave, will-less, weak by soul, and good/exemplary christian"... And that's just an ordinary dictionary, not some kind of nazi, or satanic dictionary, lol.

It's so obvious, but the average people judge by emotions, or by what others think, what is socially acceptable, and so on, instead of facts, logic and reason.
Who the fuck would EVER believe that submerging a helpless child in water, nearly drowning them believing that it's going to drive evil away?? OH YEAH it was a notion created by the same people who believe eating the severed foreskin of an infant gives them spiritual power. *COUGH* KIKES *COUGH*

oy vey, goyim, drown your baby in the name of jeebus or youre going to a fiery pit of torment!
For those who speak English, you might want to say that you mean christening, rather than baptism.
HoodedCobra666 said:
In the jewish systems such as Orthodox Christianity, an infant is taken and consecrated to Jewish Egregore Christ based on the following words. Which are translated literally.

The conclusive phrase when adding the name to the child is this:

"Baptized is the slave of Christ ____insert name of baby____ in the name of Jesus, His Father, and in the holy spirit, Amen".

Yes, it says SLAVE. Not servant, but SLAVE. The guys where you put a chain and collar on and imprison them for life. It doesn't say "assistant" any other word.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I can attest to this. The phrase in old slavic which the orthodox church uses in liturgy (but suppressed the knowledge of the language for everyone else) is "Раб божији" (Rab Božiji) which means "servant of god", ie slave.
silentstorm666 said:
HoodedCobra666 said:
In the jewish systems such as Orthodox Christianity, an infant is taken and consecrated to Jewish Egregore Christ based on the following words. Which are translated literally.

The conclusive phrase when adding the name to the child is this:

"Baptized is the slave of Christ ____insert name of baby____ in the name of Jesus, His Father, and in the holy spirit, Amen".

Yes, it says SLAVE. Not servant, but SLAVE. The guys where you put a chain and collar on and imprison them for life. It doesn't say "assistant" any other word.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I can attest to this. The phrase in old slavic which the orthodox church uses in liturgy (but suppressed the knowledge of the language for everyone else) is "Раб божији" (Rab Božiji) which means "servant of god", ie slave.


"1401 doúlos (a masculine noun of uncertain derivation) – properly, someone who belongs to another; a bond-slave, without any ownership rights of their own."
In my native language it uses the term "rob".

From a 1939 dictionary [old language that the religion uses]:

rob, roábă s. (vsl. robŭ, rabŭ, rob, raba, roabă, bg. sîrb. rob, rus. rab; ung. rab). Sclav, om redus în stăpînirea absolută a cuĭva fie pin captivitate de războĭ, fie pin vînzare.


rob [masculine], roábă [feminine] s. (vsl. robŭ, rabŭ, rob, raba, roabă, bg. sîrb. rob, rus. rab; ung. rab). Slave, human who is reduced to being absolutely owned by another, either as prisoner of war or by commerce.

The corect baptisation follows the blood sacrifice of Christ, the three divings represent the three days of Christ being dead. The baby also should partake in the eating the flesh and blood of Christ ritual on the day of baptisation.
Wow. I didn't know the xtian baptism is so toxic and damaging. I'm glad I never got involved in a church and never got baptised, during the short period I dabbled in xtianity back then.
I thought they probably just pour some normal water on children and call it a day. Actually even when I dabbled in xtianity I was already convinced churches are a total money scam.
During my Formative years as a "Slave To Christ",i always wondered why Momma kept on pushin me to attend Catechism instead of allowin me to join my fellow kids in the Soccer field and play just like them.i used to pour cold water on my sunday school clads to avoid attending catechism.But she would literally drag me to that awful house she called church.But after baptism,i kind of rebelled physically and avoided going to church till i grow up.Now i think,18 years down the line,i just can't walk to that Old Church.
Hail satan.
silentstorm666 said:
I can attest to this. The phrase in old slavic which the orthodox church uses in liturgy (but suppressed the knowledge of the language for everyone else) is "Раб божији" (Rab Božiji) which means "servant of god", ie slave.

When you translate the phrase "раб божий" from Russian to English probably it would be translated as "servant of god", not "slave of god" which is the exact and the correct translation. But if you translate the word "раб" alone from Russian to English you will see that it will be translated as "slave".

The exact meaning and translation of the word "раб", used in the liturgy in all orthodox baptism ceremonies, is Slave... But with the phrase "раб божий" translators do not use the exact translation of the word "раб" because, according to them, the (meaning) of the phrase is "servant of god", not the exact translation which is "slave of god".

It's like if you ask an American or English pastor: "Why does the Bible calls Rabbi Jesus followers sheep? What does 'sheep of Jesus' mean?" He won't tell you that sheep is a symbol of no-free-will thinking, submissiveness, obedience, and weakness, which is the exact meaning of the metaphor/the symbol of the sheep... The pastor will say that "Sheep of Rabbi Jesus" means a "Follower of Rabbi Jesus"....

"Oy Veh dus is Rubbi Shekelmo.......Don'ta listen to da Hoodedgoyimbra.....Goyim.....Hue is ant Semitic....Jewst smoke weed everyday.....likes we told yud too."
In Catholicism there's a whole movement devoted to explicitly identifying as a "slave of the virgin mary". They have books and pamphlets devoted to explaining why it's "good" to be a slave and how one should act in order to be the best slave that they can be.
HorusLucis said:
During my Formative years as a "Slave To Christ",i always wondered why Momma kept on pushin me to attend Catechism instead of allowin me to join my fellow kids in the Soccer field and play just like them.i used to pour cold water on my sunday school clads to avoid attending catechism.But she would literally drag me to that awful house she called church.But after baptism,i kind of rebelled physically and avoided going to church till i grow up.Now i think,18 years down the line,i just can't walk to that Old Church.
Hail satan.

Why join your "fellow" kids in the soccer field? To learn the "values" of cheating, lying and being a coward that are popular in the sport? All Gentile races are aligned with Satan, the God of Truth. Cheating and lying only work for survival against the Jews, not among Gentiles. We are warrior races, so cowardice is also a despicable trait. And one more thing is taught in soccer fields is to be disrespectful toward the other team, the referee and many times even against your own team mates. It's very clear why soccer has become the most popular sport of the world. The Jews are behind its promotion and, possibly, his corruption, if it wasn't already corrupted to start with. The worst thing ever is seeing people who can't make it in soccer come to pollute other minor and less corrupted sports, bringing in the poisonous mindset of things such as "when the ref is not looking, punch your opponent". Especially in full contact sports. Lack of sportsmanship at its best.
HorusLucis said:
During my Formative years as a "Slave To Christ",i always wondered why Momma kept on pushin me to attend Catechism instead of allowin me to join my fellow kids in the Soccer field and play just like them.i used to pour cold water on my sunday school clads to avoid attending catechism.But she would literally drag me to that awful house she called church.But after baptism,i kind of rebelled physically and avoided going to church till i grow up.Now i think,18 years down the line,i just can't walk to that Old Church.
Hail satan.

i forgot to add that Jews made soccer another supreme god beside the Jewish god. Countries like Italy, where it has become a second religion for Catholics and edgy pseudo-fascist wannabe.
@StormBlood,you know what?i still miss those Pre~teenage years when hangin out in the Soccer Field was The Only thing that mattered to me most.Sneaking From home after school to the Field & play soccer Till dusk with no care in the world.Many years later,as a grown up,when i walk down that old hood,i usually pass by the Same Soccer Field & reminisce Those childhood years which were Filled with such innocence!!
HorusLucis said:
@StormBlood,you know what?i still miss those Pre~teenage years when hangin out in the Soccer Field was The Only thing that mattered to me most.Sneaking From home after school to the Field & play soccer Till dusk with no care in the world.Many years later,as a grown up,when i walk down that old hood,i usually pass by the Same Soccer Field & reminisce Those childhood years which were Filled with such innocence!!
The problem is not soccer or any sport, it's how it become thanks to jews...this is why i always hated it, other than the fact that here in Italy is something that 99% of guys talk about like crazy and those people (not everyone but still) are violent and stupid because society taught them to be like that, i never wanted friends like that who only discussion where pussy or soccer lol
I like how all those words and spells, no matter what they are, had exactly 0 effect on my dedication. I was baptized as a baby.

This is the first time I see what they actually say at that shitty ritual. LOL, good to know that doesn't mean shit, and cannot stop nor really distance you from Satan.

Before the dedication, never, ever, before in my life had I felt that much joy that I felt moments right after dedication.

While I "was xian", I couldn't stand going to the church without being extremely nauseous and feeling lightheaded. Every time, I had to go outside few times during the service, and then return. You know, in Orthodox churches, there are no seats where you can sit. You must stand the whole service.

I always thought there is something wrong with me, not that damned place, because I felt horrible every time I went inside.

Turns out whole time, me and that evil was incompatible, and will always be.

Next incarnation, I hope I am going to get born in atheistic family, or something. I do not want to go through that shit again, if possible.
luis said:
HorusLucis said:
@StormBlood,you know what?i still miss those Pre~teenage years when hangin out in the Soccer Field was The Only thing that mattered to me most.Sneaking From home after school to the Field & play soccer Till dusk with no care in the world.Many years later,as a grown up,when i walk down that old hood,i usually pass by the Same Soccer Field & reminisce Those childhood years which were Filled with such innocence!!
The problem is not soccer or any sport, it's how it become thanks to jews...this is why i always hated it, other than the fact that here in Italy is something that 99% of guys talk about like crazy and those people (not everyone but still) are violent and stupid because society taught them to be like that, i never wanted friends like that who only discussion where pussy or soccer lol

That was my problem as well with people having limited topics to talk about. But you're right. The problem is not soccer per se, but how the Jews corrupted its culture more than any other. I wouldn't mind soccer if it wasn't for that. Not minding, of course, doesn't mean that I would like it.
@Luis,Put simply,nearly everyone is aware of The Jewish Problem.How the cancerous jews have infiltrated every sector,be it Soccer,Hollywood,Financial institutions and everything.Knowing well how they've messed up Soccer shouldn't make someone hate Soccer atlarge.For example,Media houses are run and controlled by jews,does that make me hate Showbiz cuz of a kike?And that is where i earn my living from?well,,A Big No!i maintain my work at the media house and work to bring the enemy down by doing My Daily dose of RTRS etc
Hail Enlil!
Stormblood said:
HorusLucis said:
During my Formative years as a "Slave To Christ",i always wondered why Momma kept on pushin me to attend Catechism instead of allowin me to join my fellow kids in the Soccer field and play just like them.i used to pour cold water on my sunday school clads to avoid attending catechism.But she would literally drag me to that awful house she called church.But after baptism,i kind of rebelled physically and avoided going to church till i grow up.Now i think,18 years down the line,i just can't walk to that Old Church.
Hail satan.

i forgot to add that Jews made soccer another supreme god beside the Jewish god. Countries like Italy, where it has become a second religion for Catholics and edgy pseudo-fascist wannabe.
The church I went to had an open evening thing for watching a football* match to bring others in so as to convert them into willing money slaves to the church elders every Sunday. I noticed the other christians there were more passionate about wimps kicking around a bag of air into a net than they were about a jew-on-a-stick. Evidently, they don't realise that they are acting. Naturally, there were preaches about being 'Sunday christians', as well.
Stormblood said:
luis said:
HorusLucis said:
@StormBlood,you know what?i still miss those Pre~teenage years when hangin out in the Soccer Field was The Only thing that mattered to me most.Sneaking From home after school to the Field & play soccer Till dusk with no care in the world.Many years later,as a grown up,when i walk down that old hood,i usually pass by the Same Soccer Field & reminisce Those childhood years which were Filled with such innocence!!
The problem is not soccer or any sport, it's how it become thanks to jews...this is why i always hated it, other than the fact that here in Italy is something that 99% of guys talk about like crazy and those people (not everyone but still) are violent and stupid because society taught them to be like that, i never wanted friends like that who only discussion where pussy or soccer lol

That was my problem as well with people having limited topics to talk about. But you're right. The problem is not soccer per se, but how the Jews corrupted its culture more than any other. I wouldn't mind soccer if it wasn't for that. Not minding, of course, doesn't mean that I would like it.
Same, i will probabily not like it. The thing that i hate the most is how much money they make, that is disgusting considering that there are people that work a lot and don't live a good life or are poor.
But who care right? SOCCER, PUSSY, ALCHOOL AND DRUGS this is what matter the most here. And of course by pussy i don't mean to insult heterosexual guys, i'm just saing that most people here follow what i said whatever they really like it or not (i've seen a lot of repressed guys here for example).
HorusLucis said:
@Luis,Put simply,nearly everyone is aware of The Jewish Problem.How the cancerous jews have infiltrated every sector,be it Soccer,Hollywood,Financial institutions and everything.Knowing well how they've messed up Soccer shouldn't make someone hate Soccer atlarge.For example,Media houses are run and controlled by jews,does that make me hate Showbiz cuz of a kike?And that is where i earn my living from?well,,A Big No!i maintain my work at the media house and work to bring the enemy down by doing My Daily dose of RTRS etc
Hail Enlil!

Oh? And can you tell me, though, who has pushed soccer so much that has been hard-wired in most people's minds? Who was it? Can you tell me with 100% certainty that your liking for this "sport" doesn't come from centuries of brainwashing as well? It's not like we dedicate and we're suddenly completely free from all indoctrination. I certainly cannot say that for myself and I'm sure nobody here can say they're 100% free from it. We're struggling to clean everything away and we will get there sooner or later. In the mean time, though, soccer can be dumped into the tastes artificially generated by the Jews together with being attracted to people of others races, which is completely unnatural.
Larissa666 said:
I like how all those words and spells, no matter what they are, had exactly 0 effect on my dedication. I was baptized as a baby.

That's the spirit! I was baptised as well and I was also confirmed but I did it exclusively for the gifts and money coming from the after-party. From one side you please your parents and relatives, from the others you get something. Ironically, it didn't take long after confirmation before I found my way to Spiritual Satanism. It took about two years and three months.

Next time, actually, let's hope we're reincarnated in a SS family. If there is a next time...
Stormblood said:
Larissa666 said:
I like how all those words and spells, no matter what they are, had exactly 0 effect on my dedication. I was baptized as a baby.

That's the spirit! I was baptised as well and I was also confirmed but I did it exclusively for the gifts and money coming from the after-party. From one side you please your parents and relatives, from the others you get something. Ironically, it didn't take long after confirmation before I found my way to Spiritual Satanism. It took about two years and three months.

Next time, actually, let's hope we're reincarnated in a SS family. If there is a next time...

I was also baptized when I was a baby and I also made communion when I was 9 years old but when I turned 12 something changed in me I completely reneged from xianity and remained a stubborn anti-christian atheist until I discovered the JOS.
Stormblood said:
HorusLucis said:
@Luis,Put simply,nearly everyone is aware of The Jewish Problem.How the cancerous jews have infiltrated every sector,be it Soccer,Hollywood,Financial institutions and everything.Knowing well how they've messed up Soccer shouldn't make someone hate Soccer atlarge.For example,Media houses are run and controlled by jews,does that make me hate Showbiz cuz of a kike?And that is where i earn my living from?well,,A Big No!i maintain my work at the media house and work to bring the enemy down by doing My Daily dose of RTRS etc
Hail Enlil!

Oh? And can you tell me, though, who has pushed soccer so much that has been hard-wired in most people's minds? Who was it? Can you tell me with 100% certainty that your liking for this "sport" doesn't come from centuries of brainwashing as well? It's not like we dedicate and we're suddenly completely free from all indoctrination. I certainly cannot say that for myself and I'm sure nobody here can say they're 100% free from it. We're struggling to clean everything away and we will get there sooner or later. In the mean time, though, soccer can be dumped into the tastes artificially generated by the Jews together with being attracted to people of others races, which is completely unnatural.
We don't have to forget that there are spell put on all gentile, with magick you can make people like and dislike anything you want...but like i said the game per se is not bad or anything, it's just a game that you can like or not, it's the way that it becomed that is disgusting, you can even see that with this game ((they)) are trying as always to promote race mixing and globalization, it's sad.
Wotanwarrior said:
Stormblood said:
Larissa666 said:
I like how all those words and spells, no matter what they are, had exactly 0 effect on my dedication. I was baptized as a baby.

That's the spirit! I was baptised as well and I was also confirmed but I did it exclusively for the gifts and money coming from the after-party. From one side you please your parents and relatives, from the others you get something. Ironically, it didn't take long after confirmation before I found my way to Spiritual Satanism. It took about two years and three months.

Next time, actually, let's hope we're reincarnated in a SS family. If there is a next time...

I was also baptized when I was a baby and I also made communion when I was 9 years old but when I turned 12 something changed in me I completely reneged from xianity and remained a stubborn anti-christian atheist until I discovered the JOS.

Did you believe in X-tardity at first, though? I've always had this mission since I can remember: finding real magick. When I asked about witchcraft in catechism, they would either quote the Exodus or tell me it's all mumbo-jumbo, illusion. That it's not real. I had to keep going because of my parents but that made me more and more distrustful. After age 9-10, when I was given the communion, and 11 (when I tried and left the boy scouts) suddenly there was any longer any pressure to go to church, excluding the Sunday before Easter (don't remember the name, sorry). Then, at age 15 I also started investigating some things. I accepted a family friend's offer to do Catholic Action after I had moved back in town and had no-one to hang out with: I saw what the priests do with the faithful's food offerings, I eavesdropped on how much money they are given as a wage from the church and that ticked me off even worse. I was already on my way to Celtic Paganism. After my confirmation the same year, I decided I had wasted enough of my time and left that. Thankfully, no pressure to go back there. I only ever had weird talks with my parents years after, when they found meditation stuff in my room, while I wasn't home. I dedicated at 17. So I had already dedicated when they found that.
Stormblood said:
Did you believe in X-tardity at first, though? I've always had this mission since I can remember: finding real magick. When I asked about witchcraft in catechism, they would either quote the Exodus or tell me it's all mumbo-jumbo, illusion. That it's not real. I had to keep going because of my parents but that made me more and more distrustful. After age 9-10, when I was given the communion, and 11 (when I tried and left the boy scouts) suddenly there was any longer any pressure to go to church, excluding the Sunday before Easter (don't remember the name, sorry). Then, at age 15 I also started investigating some things. I accepted a family friend's offer to do Catholic Action after I had moved back in town and had no-one to hang out with: I saw what the priests do with the faithful's food offerings, I eavesdropped on how much money they are given as a wage from the church and that ticked me off even worse. I was already on my way to Celtic Paganism. After my confirmation the same year, I decided I had wasted enough of my time and left that. Thankfully, no pressure to go back there. I only ever had weird talks with my parents years after, when they found meditation stuff in my room, while I wasn't home. I dedicated at 17. So I had already dedicated when they found that.

Actually I never believed in xianity, if I went to catechism it was because my parents sent me because "it is tradition and if you do not do it is frowned upon" and other nonsense that your family will tell you if they are christians.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
