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Babies, Lies Told to Women

For those looking for confirmation: yes, as an SS, having kids provides a most rewarding life. When you see them learn, improve, and reach developmental milestones, it unironically gives you that "pride and joy" that most people rave about.

And these feelings don't go away, they keep growing as your child grows, and as your bond strengthens deeper every year. You realize that from this day on that you, the Spiritual Satanist, will be the father/mother, grandfather/grandmother, and great-grandfather/great-grandmother of a new generation of powerful souls that will live great lives and further save and empower this world.

For those in fear I'll add that yes, raising children does require work, and getting tired is going to happen, but there can be a Saturnian nature at play here. Have you ever thought that giving birth and creating a new life can save a life as well?

I strongly believe if you're an SS, and you're at least working on anything that can improve your life and well-being, having kids can help "seal the deal" on some of these issues. You're life doesn't have to be ultra perfect before you have kids. As an SS, trust me, you'll make do and the Gods can help with this as well. Concerning Saturn, the need to provide for them will help you realize what other weaknesses you may have or what you need to work on to be a successful provider. And again, the work that's put into this, makes you a stronger individual as a whole.

Here's the thing as well, having children can 1000% affect and empower the soul and character of a Spiritual Satanist, especially if one is open to receiving guidance from Father Satan, your Guardian and the Gods. When your child is born, I've undoubtedly felt a density in my soul that to this day I still feel with me. This density I've used in everything that I do, because I know my child feels it as well. And when the time's right, I know she'll use it in her journey too. This density is the bond, and this bond can cut through all struggles and all obstacles.

I place this to confirm with you my Brothers and Sisters, that the honor is yours, the fulfillment is yours, your longing of life is fulfilled through their spirits and noone can ever take that away from you.
This was a touching read. Thanks HPS Lydia! It just goes to show how much thought, time and energy must go into raising a child to the best of his/her capacity; giving them those tools that many of us here didn't get in our experience growing up.

Reading this does make me wonder if it's for me. My entire life this has been something I never saw myself doing. Working with kids and making positive influences on them is something that I profoundly love to do, but dedicating my life to raising one looks like hard work! It does bring us much fulfillment though.

I'm curious about gay couples. I feel that surrogacy is a cruel and unnatural thing, while adopting at a young age is also harmful because the child develops either without masculine or feminine energies. Plus, they would be heavily exposed to concepts of same-sex relationships, something that I'm not particularly in favour of.

If I were to ever have kids I might foster one that is at least 13 or 14. I know good homes and care is desperately needed for children in this situation. What are your guys' thoughts? This is a question I've pondered over for some time.
I respectfully disagree .A man or a woman's worth and their success does not lie in how many children they have given birth to or how successful their children have become .But a man or a woman's success is only depended on how successful and prosperous they have become by their hardwork and smart work and how effectively they have used their time on this earth to give any valuable contribution to the society .Even animals breed like excess and give as many babies per birth .Do you consider that as an accomplishment ?
Again no sacrifice for other humans is worth the sacrifice which u do in honing oneself ,your talents ,your success.One only needs to sacrifice their life and time to develop their own self spiritually and physically .One needs to sacrifice their life and time in their own progress so that they are 360 degree developed .Sacrifice to any other humans is not worth your time .No successful person ever sacrifices their life and time for others including their wife ,their children .If they had ever sacrificed their life for others ,they would not have been this successfull.You have this life where you make the most out of your own life .Nobody is born to serve others .
You cannot develop yourself 360 degrees without also sacrificing for other people. You have 12 house in your birth chart, some of which involve relationships with other people.

If there is no element of working hard for other people, you can never develop past a certain level. This because humans are social by nature. You cannot live as a human in a society if you only live for yourself. If you only lived for yourself, you'd die same as only living for someone else, as you cannot do everything by yourself in life. It's not how being a human being works.

No human is truly self-sufficient. That's why we form families, neighbourhoods, cities, and so on. You need a surgeon, a lawyer, a farmer, a tailor, etc in your life. Every planet has aspects that deal with collaboration with other people.
A question, is the world population really too much? I see cities that are full of apartments and skyscrapers, the number of villas is much less
There are many cities in China that have a population of more than twenty million people. This is too much.

I think the world population can be handled if environmental measures are taken, such as eliminating waste and pollution, reforesting areas (for example, trees along highways lower the temperature and help with pollution, plus are more aesthetically appealing), providing jobs for locals so they don't flood other nations, building societies healthier, and so on.
I respectfully disagree
You other 4 posts, which are on mod queue, are twisting what is said. I even wrote at the beginning of my OP how it's fine for some people to not have children, yet you are accusing me of, and I copy-paste for other members to see: "subtly telling how all woman should put their full purpose of their life only for making kids even if the woman has someother goal in life .As if women are only born to be child bearing machines"

You seem to have some trigger, or agenda, or just skimmed and misunderstood. Nowhere did I ever write how all women should give up their goals and only make children.

You are misreading, or deliberately twisting, what other members replied to you. Not one of them said what you are claiming they did. If English is not your native language, you can read the post when it is translated into your language. I will not be approving your other posts as they are derailing like some sort of agenda, and twisting what other members write. We do not have time for endless twisting. Freedom of speech is not for those who twist other people's words for their own agenda.

I will say it once more: I have, many times, encouraged everyone to accomplish their goals. You ignored that to continue your crusade about how we are xians trying to make women into baby-making factories (your words, again).

According to your own warped logic, I would give up being clergy and stop posting altogether. Since I am here, that proves you are wrong: I am not encouraging women to give up everything and only have children and never do anything else. (In case you couldn't tell by my title, I am female.)
I didn't say to sacrifice their own accomplishments just for the sake of children. This post was about having children, not a complete guide to all areas of life. Nowhere did I write that the only purpose of life is to have children.

Yes, successful people do sacrifice time for their loved ones. Many successful people were good parents and spent time with their loved ones. Not all of their time, but a certain amount of their time. Nowhere did I say all of one's time must be sacrificed for children.

Please understand the context of things that are written, and do not assume it means that everything else does not exist. I never wrote that.

Look at the posts I have also written, encouraging members to accomplish their goals. You can't read one post and assume nothing else applies. Take things in context.
Lydia you did emphasise how a woman 's sacrifice for her children is worth her life ..And your essay was about how a woman sacrificing her life to make their children very great and successfull is worth the woman's living I know English very well Lydia .Its not that I don't understand English .The entire essay is about how important it is to sacrifice your life for someone else .No greatest successfull person would ever have spent their quality time sacrificing their time for others .if they were all sacrificing their life for others ,they would not have been that successful
You other 4 posts, which are on mod queue, are twisting what is said. I even wrote at the beginning of my OP how it's fine for some people to not have children, yet you are accusing me of, and I copy-paste for other members to see: "subtly telling how all woman should put their full purpose of their life only for making kids even if the woman has someother goal in life .As if women are only born to be child bearing machines"

You seem to have some trigger, or agenda, or just skimmed and misunderstood. Nowhere did I ever write how all women should give up their goals and only make children.

You are misreading, or deliberately twisting, what other members replied to you. Not one of them said what you are claiming they did. If English is not your native language, you can read the post when it is translated into your language. I will not be approving your other posts as they are derailing like some sort of agenda, and twisting what other members write. We do not have time for endless twisting. Freedom of speech is not for those who twist other people's words for their own agenda.

I will say it once more: I have, many times, encouraged everyone to accomplish their goals. You ignored that to continue your crusade about how we are xians trying to make women into baby-making factories (your words, again).

According to your own warped logic, I would give up being clergy and stop posting altogether. Since I am here, that proves you are wrong: I am not encouraging women to give up everything and only have children and never do anything else. (In case you couldn't tell by my title, I am female.)
Lydia I m NOT here with any agenda as you misunderstood me.Neither am I against woman who think marrying and having children is their calling .But what I feel is nowadays not just you ,this entire forum is only speaking on making kids ,motherhood ,having children ,having life partner .This is how since the last year this forum has turned into .Having kids and life partner is just one part of life ,not just THE life .

What you and many people have written about is something which is happening in everyday life .The time when we speak about this ,millions atleast will be marrying ,making kids .These topics would be so damn crucial if this entire humanity is on the verge of extinction ,as if within 10 years the entire gentile population will be destroyed and only likes will be here .Only under such circumstances topics like this should be kept on emphasised

For an earth with nearly 10 billion population with all natural resources depleting at a very fast rate and quality of life deteriorating no matter how much people earn ,this kind of topic is not even necessary in the very first place .This world with nearly lesser than 5 percent satanist only consists of low quality people reproducing even more degenerate low quality degenerates like pigs breeding is the reason why this world has gone so down the drain .

I m NOT talking of white population at all but all the other races are already perpetuating the same low quality garbages .What this current world needs is only only quality people who ALONE can produce quality population .Quality people who are perfectly or atleast striving perfection in both physical and spiritual levels .Only such people need this advices .

I have no agenda and that is not even my aim but endlessly only writing how important childbirth does not serve any purpose in the current time .Being a high priestess you already know all this .If somebody does mistakes ,it needs to be pointed out and that's exactly what I did .
Lydia you did emphasise how a woman 's sacrifice for her children is worth her life ..And your essay was about how a woman sacrificing her life to make their children very great and successfull is worth the woman's living I know English very well Lydia .Its not that I don't understand English .The entire essay is about how important it is to sacrifice your life for someone else .No greatest successfull person would ever have spent their quality time sacrificing their time for others .if they were all sacrificing their life for others ,they would not have been that successful

Lydia I m NOT here with any agenda as you misunderstood me.Neither am I against woman who think marrying and having children is their calling .But what I feel is nowadays not just you ,this entire forum is only speaking on making kids ,motherhood ,having children ,having life partner .This is how since the last year this forum has turned into .Having kids and life partner is just one part of life ,not just THE life .

What you and many people have written about is something which is happening in everyday life .The time when we speak about this ,millions atleast will be marrying ,making kids .These topics would be so damn crucial if this entire humanity is on the verge of extinction ,as if within 10 years the entire gentile population will be destroyed and only likes will be here .Only under such circumstances topics like this should be kept on emphasised

For an earth with nearly 10 billion population with all natural resources depleting at a very fast rate and quality of life deteriorating no matter how much people earn ,this kind of topic is not even necessary in the very first place .This world with nearly lesser than 5 percent satanist only consists of low quality people reproducing even more degenerate low quality degenerates like pigs breeding is the reason why this world has gone so down the drain .

I m NOT talking of white population at all but all the other races are already perpetuating the same low quality garbages .What this current world needs is only only quality people who ALONE can produce quality population .Quality people who are perfectly or atleast striving perfection in both physical and spiritual levels .Only such people need this advices .

I have no agenda and that is not even my aim but endlessly only writing how important childbirth does not serve any purpose in the current time .Being a high priestess you already know all this .If somebody does mistakes ,it needs to be pointed out and that's exactly what I did .
I did not endlessly write about having children. This was one post out of all my posts. And my OP was directed to SS, not low quality people. And it was about debunking jewish lies that are told to white women, so women can make clear decisions.

One misunderstanding: I wrote about sacrificing time. This does not mean sacrificing ALL of a person's time, which you assumed it meant. We meditate here, this is a sacrifice of time, as HPS Maxine has written in the JoS. A sacrifice of time does not mean sacrificing the entire life. Nowhere did I write that a woman must sacrifice her entire life just to make babies.
For an earth with nearly 10 billion population with all natural resources depleting at a very fast rate and quality of life deteriorating no matter how much people earn ,this kind of topic is not even necessary in the very first place .This world with nearly lesser than 5 percent satanist only consists of low quality people reproducing even more degenerate low quality degenerates like pigs breeding is the reason why this world has gone so down the drain .

I m NOT talking of white population at all but all the other races are already perpetuating the same low quality garbages .What this current world needs is only only quality people who ALONE can produce quality population .Quality people who are perfectly or atleast striving perfection in both physical and spiritual levels .Only such people need this advices .

I have no agenda and that is not even my aim but endlessly only writing how important childbirth does not serve any purpose in the current time .Being a high priestess you already know all this .If somebody does mistakes ,it needs to be pointed out and that's exactly what I did .
I don't get what you're even trying to say here, you're taking things out of context and over-exaggerating them to cause fear and mislead people, it appears to me. HPS Lydia's post is an extremely important one, especially for White people, who If I'm not mistaken, are the majority here. Whites are victims of a relentless propaganda to make them go extinct as soon as possible, this post clarifies matters and helps tremendously. You're acting as if because of this post now non-Whites (who will never even read this post) will have 10 times more children and the world will collapse right after.

Stop over-exaggerating and projecting this nonsense please.

"Oy vey White woman goy, don't have kids!!! The evil patriarchy wants to turn all of you White women into "child bearing machines"!!! You will become a machine goy!!! You will lose your individuality! You will live under a bridge eventually! Don't give life to another evil Amalek woman goy! While we in the orthodox communites have 15 kids each family and we fill your countries with refugees! Oy vey!"
I have clearly said to Lydia that this post of mine is not not aimed at white population.But there are no white gentiles also here who are satanist and ask any non white how much they have perpetuated and taken this earth .The fact that non whites are occupying all western white countries is a clear proof of what I m even trying to tell here
Then what you are saying is pointless, because my OP was for Whites, specifically White SS.

So what's your point in arguing and twisting things? You are making up lies about how I am "endlessly trying to get non-whites to have 10 times more children".

You are also ignoring what has been told to you, and coming back with the same lies and misunderstandings.
Lydia you did emphasise how a woman 's sacrifice for her children is worth her life ..And your essay was about how a woman sacrificing her life to make their children very great and successfull is worth the woman's living I know English very well Lydia .Its not that I don't understand English .The entire essay is about how important it is to sacrifice your life for someone else .No greatest successfull person would ever have spent their quality time sacrificing their time for others .if they were all sacrificing their life for others ,they would not have been that successful

Lydia I m NOT here with any agenda as you misunderstood me.Neither am I against woman who think marrying and having children is their calling .But what I feel is nowadays not just you ,this entire forum is only speaking on making kids ,motherhood ,having children ,having life partner .This is how since the last year this forum has turned into .Having kids and life partner is just one part of life ,not just THE life .

What you and many people have written about is something which is happening in everyday life .The time when we speak about this ,millions atleast will be marrying ,making kids .These topics would be so damn crucial if this entire humanity is on the verge of extinction ,as if within 10 years the entire gentile population will be destroyed and only likes will be here .Only under such circumstances topics like this should be kept on emphasised

For an earth with nearly 10 billion population with all natural resources depleting at a very fast rate and quality of life deteriorating no matter how much people earn ,this kind of topic is not even necessary in the very first place .This world with nearly lesser than 5 percent satanist only consists of low quality people reproducing even more degenerate low quality degenerates like pigs breeding is the reason why this world has gone so down the drain .

I m NOT talking of white population at all but all the other races are already perpetuating the same low quality garbages .What this current world needs is only only quality people who ALONE can produce quality population .Quality people who are perfectly or atleast striving perfection in both physical and spiritual levels .Only such people need this advices .

I have no agenda and that is not even my aim but endlessly only writing how important childbirth does not serve any purpose in the current time .Being a high priestess you already know all this .If somebody does mistakes ,it needs to be pointed out and that's exactly what I did .
HPS Lydia even put a disclaimer on the topic. We never, ever said having kids and having a partner is the only part of life. HPS Maxine had kids, but also had extremely distinct areas of Her life that She invested time into, all twelve houses.

If higher people of the non-European races had more children like Brahmins or the Syrians in Syria (like Assad) that aren't the lowest gutter Muslims of the desert for example, or Yoruba people in Nigeria having kids for instance, there would be less problems with that 10 billion. Even with China which is an extremely high functioning country, if the maniacs of Mao Zedong hadn't mass murdered so many of the most intelligent people, regardless of reincarnation, there would be less problems for East Asian people altogether.

If the lowest tier of white people (those on government assistance, in state housing, with eight different fathers per family and loads of disabilities in the family) keep outbreeding higher-functioning whites there will also be problems. A lot of dysgenics in white people is already obvious in England, Ireland, Russia and part of the United States. This is better than nothing but its still going to lead to problems down the line.

Women of extremely high intelligence, high health and of high worth in the western world are being blocked from having kids, often ending up in sterile arrangements with high-earning men and having 0.5 kids. This isn't natural, something is wrong here. You or any other female SS can desire not to have kids, that's a choice for certain women which the concept doesn't appeal to whatsoever, but most women when questioned on surveys do want 4 or more. The same goes for men here who don't want kids.

There are social problems contributing to that.
You NEVER mentioned in your italicised starting paragraphs "This post is aimed only at white population and our white gentile sisters and brothers who are endlessly brainwashed by kike tv programming ....." Etc .If u had even written one such sentence ,I would never have been wasting my time giving so many explanation on how this endless child bearing essays which is going on a heavy rampage these days In this forums not just only makes sense but it is not worth the read as we have already read the same content innumerable times .Dedicated satanists need lot of new stuffs .Endless talks on child bearing makes this forum no lesser than conservative fundamentalist right people who day and night talk on this very exact thing
None of this is relevant. The problem is that you shove your opinions at full intensity and aggression at the slightest hint that someone differs from you.
First of all, ignore TV programming. Get rid of the thoughts of how all the work is on the mother while the fathers are supposed to be “goof-ball dads” and never exert any authority to the children. Most men are capable of being a parent and managing all the responsibilities that are required.


Another lie: You can raise a child on your own. This is heavily pushed in the media, a “strong single mother who does everything on her own and kicks ass plus also looks really energetic and fit and also her hair is always perfectly styled”. The reality is, having a child is a 2-person job. You are both required to raise it, or else the child will be at a disadvantage.
Thanks for this Sermon HPs Lydia!
I strongly detest the media and their "family" attitude. It's over-fake.
I want to add: the jewish movies always push the family attitude to the extreme. People love their kids, in different ways, but in most movies the father/mother would barely kill anyone in the street to "save" son/daughter, so they cause immense damage to society and even would destroy any person threatening their family, with the recurring pattern of the "ego" hero who fights against the whole world, all alone. To save the world or to save his son, usually.
This is pushing to the extreme. And I have seen many times people not giving a fuck to society and their environment while family is the only people with importance in their life, reflecting this jewish "lesson". Typically this is xian and islamic.
What I want to say is, there are so many people do not giving the right importance and support to their children, mostly they see them as something they "own" like the movies, rather then letting them grow at their maximum potential and become the best they can. To eventually contribute to society advancement.
Satanic parents can be so different, as we understand things much better, and we can really change the world.

By raising a child, you have an incredible power: the power to shape the world.
I did not see procreating in this light, that's incredibly true!
Lydia you did emphasise how a woman 's sacrifice for her children is worth her life ..And your essay was about how a woman sacrificing her life to make their children very great and successfull is worth the woman's living I know English very well Lydia .Its not that I don't understand English .The entire essay is about how important it is to sacrifice your life for someone else .No greatest successfull person would ever have spent their quality time sacrificing their time for others .if they were all sacrificing their life for others ,they would not have been that successful

Lydia I m NOT here with any agenda as you misunderstood me.Neither am I against woman who think marrying and having children is their calling .But what I feel is nowadays not just you ,this entire forum is only speaking on making kids ,motherhood ,having children ,having life partner .This is how since the last year this forum has turned into .Having kids and life partner is just one part of life ,not just THE life .

What you and many people have written about is something which is happening in everyday life .The time when we speak about this ,millions atleast will be marrying ,making kids .These topics would be so damn crucial if this entire humanity is on the verge of extinction ,as if within 10 years the entire gentile population will be destroyed and only likes will be here .Only under such circumstances topics like this should be kept on emphasised

For an earth with nearly 10 billion population with all natural resources depleting at a very fast rate and quality of life deteriorating no matter how much people earn ,this kind of topic is not even necessary in the very first place .This world with nearly lesser than 5 percent satanist only consists of low quality people reproducing even more degenerate low quality degenerates like pigs breeding is the reason why this world has gone so down the drain .

I m NOT talking of white population at all but all the other races are already perpetuating the same low quality garbages .What this current world needs is only only quality people who ALONE can produce quality population .Quality people who are perfectly or atleast striving perfection in both physical and spiritual levels .Only such people need this advices .

I have no agenda and that is not even my aim but endlessly only writing how important childbirth does not serve any purpose in the current time .Being a high priestess you already know all this .If somebody does mistakes ,it needs to be pointed out and that's exactly what I did .

High Priestess Lydia writes one sermon dispelling lies told about childbirth and explaining the virtues of parenthood,


For someone who "respectfully disagrees", you are very disrespectful.

Gaslighting is all the rage on X these days, why do we need to see this here? Don't put words in other peoples mouths, and learn to read thank you.

There are a lot of aspects of Goddesses that represent Motherhood, because it is essential both for humanity development and individual development.
Thank you High Priestess Lydia for this beautiful post!

Unfortunately there are some people against this aspect of Nature, they try to sabotage this argument with confused and mistaken notions.
You NEVER mentioned in your italicised starting paragraphs [...]
Instead of expecting us to lower everything we write to your level of understanding, you should instead endeavor to raise your level of understanding. Whites are the only ones told these lies, so therefore it's clear who this post inspires to help.
I would never have been wasting my time [...]
You wasted your own time and ours, because you did not try to understand. You wrongly and bizarrely assumed I was trying to get non-white non-SS to make 10 times more babies. This post was clearly for SS, as mentioned near the end regarding astrology, aura of protections, and so on.
I just wanted to post and say that it was lovely of you to post that preface, HP Lydia. A lot of people just randomly insult me over a personal life choice. Like if you don't want children as a woman, you are lazy, useless, unspiritual, no guy will want you or love you, hate kids, white people/humanity, are a crazy cat lady (yes) and want everyone to die out, lol.

Despite not wanting children myself, I believe they are important. I believe the ability to have children is a highly spiritual blessing, that should (ideally) be undertaken by the well prepared and informed. It is a shame how many badly behaved/disrepectful children are out there now due to neglectful, begrudging parents. I actually get instant headaches from children screaming, so I generally have to take headphones if I go to crowded places.

I truly believe it should be easier for women to have children. There are so many tiktoks of random women saying they are suicidal/identity loss from having children. So many overwhelmed mothers from having to work full time then come home to more work because the man does nothing, or because they cannot work part time. So many men working their ass off to a detriment so a woman can take part time work. And this fucking abysmal divorce rate climbing higher by the decade.

It is hard enough for people to even just find stable relationships (family units) in a tinderfied pornified world. Women are now starting to "decenter men" as a result. This is not entirely negative as your life should not revolve around a man/woman anyway, this is almost if not a stoic concept. However, I do not think it is going to stop simply there. 4B movement is an example. We are also seeing full bans on abortions (no exceptions) and attempted bans on birth control. It is going to get to a point where women (and men) are just going to outright say nope.
If one for some definitive reason is not going to have children either for serious health reasons, for the age or other definitive issues, you can always work to advance the agenda of the Gods and move forward and improve your people, work to help other SS and advance the JOS.
You can ask the Gods to be guided on the most appropriate path about it.
You can ask the Gods to be guided on the most appropriate path about it.
I was thinking to this, as I am not enough young to have any children and I did not procreate. Mostly because, unconsciously I thought being a kid is an awful and terrible situation, so I did never manage to have one.
Once possible and ready (first I need to take care of myself lol), I am wondering why I souldn't ask to Satan if there is some SS out there in need of help, to be sustained, if worthy and possible for both.
You NEVER mentioned in your italicised starting paragraphs "This post is aimed only at white population and our white gentile sisters and brothers who are endlessly brainwashed by kike tv programming ....." Etc .If u had even written one such sentence ,I would never have been wasting my time giving so many explanation on how this endless child bearing essays which is going on a heavy rampage these days In this forums not just only makes sense but it is not worth the read as we have already read the same content innumerable times .Dedicated satanists need lot of new stuffs .Endless talks on child bearing makes this forum no lesser than conservative fundamentalist right people who day and night talk on this very exact thing
I find it quite hilarious that you have named yourself "bluetooth" possibly in reference to King Harald Bluetooth, who united the Danes by his communication abilities, yet you cannot understand immediately that this post is addressed to SS and not some random andrapod in the streets.
There's an old saying which I absolutely believe in, which is that it takes a village to raise a child. My mother had two choices, either try and fight and struggle on her own to prove a point, or raise me with a family, despite the sacrifices she'd have to make in order to cleave closer to her own parents despite the emotional issues between them. She took the latter path. Mind, my mother is a strong, fiery person, very much what one would have called a "tomboy", as I have images of her riding motorbikes and shooting guns with her brothers, etc. Even still, she knew it'd be better off if I was raised among a myriad of people, man and woman alike.

First, let me say, HPS Lydia this was one of your very best sermons. And most of the responses indicate that the topic was needed and well-received.

Secondly, I raised my two children within "a village" of relatives and family friends. I was a single mother but knew my children needed to learn from more than just me. I am happy to say that both of my children are happy, well-rounded, adults that are a definite asset to humanity. My grandchildren are being raised in 2-parent families, but with an "extended village" of relatives and friends. What you teach your children does trickle down. I feel that my greatest contribution to society are my children and grandchildren. But I didn't do it alone. It took a whole lot of people to raise my children to be the competent adults and parents they became. There is no shame in letting others help shape your children. it gives them a smorgasbord of different personalities to learn and grow from. As long as you remember to communicate with your children that you may not agree with all the lessons from others and why you do not agree. it may surprise you how your childrens personalities grow and accept different peoples perspectives. And how they can come to realize there are many sides to an issue, not always just a "right or wrong" way. I never told my children, "Because I said so". I told them the reasons for any rules. I love the way my children grew up open-minded and able to defend their reasons for their own beliefs.

Again, thank you for introducing this topic with your own twist, HPs Lydia, that got us SS to thinking about the topic of children and the role parents play.

Hail Satan!!!
I never told my children, "Because I said so". I told them the reasons for any rules. I love the way my children grew up open-minded and able to defend their reasons for their own beliefs.
Thank you for your reply. What you wrote is pure wisdom on how to raise children - give them the best options we can, and raise them to think well.
Amazing and reassuring for all those hoping to have children someday. The quality of society and the people in it begins with the nuclear family unit. It needs proper care , consideration, and nurturing. But to do this the parents need to be fit and ready in all aspects. It baffles me for all the things one must prove competence for in life, especially regarding careers and other things, that not one of these things includes raising and having children. If such a thing was in place at this moment more than 70 percent of the population would fail miserably and be told to work on their weaknesses before considering themselves ready for such an endeavor. In an Ideally functioning world, it should be considered a crime to birth and raise a maladapted child. Look what billions plus of these that have now grown into adults have done and contributed to. It all starts in the family unit. Behind this unit as it is, proper values and culture must be instilled. They are intertwined in a neverending circle dependent on each other.
Most men are capable of being a parent and managing all the responsibilities that are required.
but we cannot recognize our husband, i meant he may look so responsible but changes after baby? most of men are cheating on their wife during pregnancy.

About the actual labor
Which birth is more beneficial? normal birth or cesarean birth?
the father took off, you can look for another man, perhaps a single father, and raise your children together.
isnt it better our baby's own father? i meant ny husband or ex husband is good or bad. doesnt matter. its her/his own father end of the day.being a single parent looks so stressed for me
all the mistakes your parents made, and how you can do better
tbh its a big thing for me because i dont think i will change than my parents. i will try for sure but i dont have belief

my parents loved me a lot and a lot. im lucky in that way. after being a SS, during my first ritual, i thanked Satan becayse he reencarnated me to a good family. but im not sure about my decisions. my exs cheated on me lots of times (even the SS ones too). i dont have a relationship for years nor i dont have a belief that there is true man for me. i wish i could change my mind and creat a threat here one day, hey guys say hello to my new born baby SS.
hahsha. but no need to force my chances. some people is better alone
but we cannot recognize our husband, i meant he may look so responsible but changes after baby? most of men are cheating on their wife during pregnancy.
I doubt most men are cheating during their wife's pregnancy. Women can still have sex right until labor, so it's not like the man has no sex for the entire duration of the pregnancy and looks elsewhere.

Which birth is more beneficial? normal birth or cesarean birth?
Normal birth is shown to give the baby increased immune system, but for some women, a cesarean would be less dangerous for her and/or the baby.

isnt it better our baby's own father? i meant ny husband or ex husband is good or bad. doesnt matter. its her/his own father end of the day.being a single parent looks so stressed for me
If the father took off, meaning, he left. So he never sees his child anymore. I didn't mean just divorced the mother, but entirely left the child too.

my parents loved me a lot and a lot. im lucky in that way. after being a SS, during my first ritual, i thanked Satan becayse he reencarnated me to a good family. but im not sure about my decisions. my exs cheated on me lots of times (even the SS ones too). i dont have a relationship for years nor i dont have a belief that there is true man for me. i wish i could change my mind and creat a threat here one day, hey guys say hello to my new born baby SS.
hahsha. but no need to force my chances. some people is better alone
I'm sorry to hear they all cheated on you. An SS cheating on another SS is an even bigger betrayal because it's consciously doing harm to another SS.
An SS cheating on another SS is an even bigger betrayal because it's consciously doing harm to another SS.
I know very well what that is and being betrayed by another SS, even my GD's especially Gremory warned me that she was not suitable for me and was not sincere but as I was blinded it took me a long time to realize it.
I know very well what that is and being betrayed by another SS, even my GD's especially Gremory warned me that she was not suitable for me and was not sincere but as I was blinded it took me a long time to realize it.
That's a terrible pain to experience. SS are supposed to be more respectful than that.

Many people are blind in love, so I hope you don't blame yourself for not knowing sooner.
That's a terrible pain to experience. SS are supposed to be more respectful than that.

Many people are blind in love, so I hope you don't blame yourself for not knowing sooner.
I have it on record that despite her position in the JOS at the time, she never took her spiritual advancement seriously and was totally delusional in some aspects.

It took me a very long time to completely remove the bonds with her(more than two years of continuated work)

But with an ex I had in my 20's, 40 days was enough to completely remove the bonds.

This was all very strange.
Thank you. Very beautiful post HPS Lydia, important both for parents and those who will become ones in future. Worth re-reading often to remind ourselves that being parent is not one person work. When child is raised by both parent, the child will still have more affection for his mother as she was the one who brought him to the world and cared for him. That is why it is important for us men to always be there and help as much as possible for our women all the time throughout the process of her pregnancy, especially last few months as described in this post and then after pregnancy and be there both for her and the child. So that the child develops affection for both parents which will then make it easier to raise them correct.
Plus we have big advantage being a SS from the knowledge we possess in everything and so as shaping the best parenthood to our children.
At least that is what I think, I am not parent yet but I have this type of sense on parenting so correct me if I'm wrong, there's still time. :)
I think and feel like your 100% right as I can’tt wait to have kids
lydia do you think a new born baby should be vaccinated? there are always been some claims that vaccination cause some strange unhealthy things
lydia do you think a new born baby should be vaccinated? there are always been some claims that vaccination cause some strange unhealthy things
Vaccination is linked to autism and other mental disorders. I knew a woman, her mother-in-law was a science researcher and a nurse, she was involved in these studies that were proving it. The studies were shut down and hidden.

Some vaccines are shown to be safe and necessary, but newborns shouldn't be exposed to other people other than their immediate family anyway. I doubt newborns get vaccinated, I'm not sure about your country but it's usually 2 months is the earliest.

As society advances, there will be better ways to prevent diseases. Vaccines might still be needed, but not the extent we use them now, and not at such a young age.
[Not everyone is meant to be a parent, and this is fine. Throughout history there have been people who did not have children, and yet the White population still grew, as many families had 5 or more children.

It is in the destiny of most people to have children. This is not something to be uncomfortable with, it’s just how humanity is. It’s natural. This post is for those who probably will have a family, or want a family, or are afraid of having children. If you are certain you won’t or should not have children, this post is not directed at you, so don’t think I’m trying to make everyone have babies.]

Woman are being told outright lies about having children. They are told it’s only a burden, all sorts of bad things will happen, the woman will stop being a person after having a child, and other lies all designed to convince women to not have children. It doesn’t help that a lot of men slack off on their duties, which puts more negative connotations on parenthood for women.

First of all, ignore TV programming. Get rid of the thoughts of how all the work is on the mother while the fathers are supposed to be “goof-ball dads” and never exert any authority to the children. Most men are capable of being a parent and managing all the responsibilities that are required.

Both parents are supposed to guide the children through life. Both parents are to help their children become the best they can be. Men, if you have children, stop wasting your life playing video games and binge-watching netflix while drinking yourself into a stupor or smoking weed. Life can be so much better than that.

Watching your children grow and develop talents and skills is one of the greatest joys you can experience. Far greater than playing video games (men) or shopping for more clothes than you need (women).

Many people (men and women) are programmed by the enemy to believe that once a woman gets married and has kids, she loses all value as a woman. This could not be further from the truth. When you have a child, your value increases dramatically. You are now responsible for guiding the next generation, and shaping the world. Your children will add to your personal value, because you are now more than just one person: you are also a part of each person you create, adding to your base value of being just one person.

The better you raise you child (which would be a credit to you), the better the world will become. This is a fact. One of the reasons the world is in a bad shape now, is because so many people were raised wrong. They were not raised with values or proper ethics, they were not raised with healthy love and healthy attention from their parents, they were not raised to know how to socialize and how to deal with varying situations in social settings, they were not raised to know the value of their work and effort, they were not raised to know how to manage most situations in life.

One of the greatest joys you will ever have is in seeing your child grow and become a capable and talented human, with unlimited potential. This is a joy that makes all the pain and suffering you ever experienced, worth it.

Let’s discuss another lie. Women are programmed that once you have a child, you will become fat. Well, nearly everyone gains weight if they stop exercising and as they age. What are men’s excuse, they don’t get pregnant, yet they gain weight too. As long as you exercise and eat right, you’ll be fine. And besides, there are more important things in life than worrying about a few extra pounds. There are women who have had many babies and are still slender. One way to ensure this, is to exercise with your family. This will also help your kids burn off excess energy so they are not hyper.

Which leads to another lie: that kids are unmanageable and out of control. Well, this is true, if you let them in front of the tv all day eating garbage food. Food coloring in candy and cakes cause hyperactivity, and watching tv all day makes the brain scattered, especially as children’s cartoons have way too many bright moving colors. This is unnatural for the brain.

You can tell the difference between kids who watch too many cartoons, and kids who are enrolled in activities and have limited tv. There is a difference. Cut the tv and have your kids be more physically active to burn off energy (this is extremely beneficial for their health anyway), and have them learn hobbies.

Another lie that men and women are brainwashed about: women have permanently loose vaginas after having a child. There are women who believe their men will lose interest in them sexually after they have a baby. This might be true for those who don’t exercise. There are kegal exercises, even basic pilates and kundalini yoga strengthens and tightens everything again, so there is no need to worry about that. The body is designed to heal.

About the actual labor: yes, it will be painful and be scary and you might think you’ll die. But all good things come at a price. Everything that is worth it, came with a cost. And after the birth, hormones will ease the pain and make you feel wonderful. Having a cute little baby who loves you unconditionally will also make you feel wonderful.

Another lie: You can raise a child on your own. This is heavily pushed in the media, a “strong single mother who does everything on her own and kicks ass plus also looks really energetic and fit and also her hair is always perfectly styled”. The reality is, having a child is a 2-person job. You are both required to raise it, or else the child will be at a disadvantage.

If there are problems between you and the father of your child, try to work through them. If the father took off, you can look for another man, perhaps a single father, and raise your children together. If this is not an option for you for whatever reason, you can establish another network, such as friends and family you can rely on. This is what all our ancestors did. There are many single parents out there who would be better off as a full family. Life is easier when you have a strong family unit where everyone helps out, and everyone supports each other.

Men need to understand this and step up in responsibilities. Every couple laughs about how the man had to shave his wife’s legs near the end of her pregnancy because she couldn’t reach over her belly. Your woman is giving you a baby, giving you the continuance of your bloodline, so step up. Learn to help with doing the laundry and cooking, because she will need help especially in her final months. The less you help, the more work is on her, which is the very reason a lot of women are hesitant to have children. The thought of doing something impossible all by herself won’t make her want to have a baby.

But if you prove to her that you will help, that will ease her mind. Women need to have reassurance when it comes to having a child. Reassure her that you will do your part and take care of her. Yes it will be more work on you, but if you want a family, extra work will pay off. It is part of basic instinct: if it seems impossible to have a baby, she won’t be convinced to have one. But if you make it easier for her, then she will be far more willing to have a baby. Anxiety is not conducive to creating a family; joy is.

Couples who have more money can hire help, and couples with family can have help from relatives, but not everybody is in that beneficial situation. If a woman feels like she’s alone, the thought of having a baby can be intimidating. But if she feels supported, then she can focus on having a family.

There are definitely other valid concerns regarding having a child: money, because food is expensive. And safety, what with all the violence, drugs, and “certain cultures” in the world. A lot of people are afraid if they have a child, see it go to school, and then get killed or raped or be given drugs. These situations happen far too frequently. But for those of here in the JoS with our Gods, you can do aura of protection on your child, you can do money workings and ask for help in dire situations.

Our ancestors had families despite of wars, plagues, and famine. The opportunity to allow life to grow, compared to immediately preventing any life from forming. Our ancestors did everything knowing they were continuing their bloodline, continuing humanity. If it weren’t for them, you would not be here. So why deny your potential future descendants of the opportunity to be born?

Now, regarding the time sacrificed to raise children. Yes, it is a lot of time, and you will have to do without some things in order to provide more for your children. But your own mother did that for you, are you happy to be alive? Do you wish she didn’t give to you? So now you give to your children. It’s a cycle of life, the continuing of generations. It is why we are all connected.

And if you do it right, if you give to your children and raise them the best you can, they will in turn help you when you get older. You will be able to rely on them to help you and provide companionship. Because they will become your friends with unconditional love. Who wouldn’t want that? They will always be in your life, even if they move away you can still visit and talk on the phone. This is a comfort.

Something important to mention: for most of us, our parents made mistakes. For the most part, this wasn’t really their fault, it was just because they didn’t know any better. But we do know better. Not only do we have spiritual knowledge, and the knowledge to study the natal charts and transits of our children, but we learn from the mistakes of our parents.

Spend time contemplating their mistakes and how you can do better. What will you avoid when raising your own children, and what will you encourage? Instead of sitting in front of the tv, turn it off and really think of all the mistakes your parents made, and how you can do better. Write it down if this helps you work through your thoughts better.

Our parents had their own karma and dirty souls/chakras, which caused more problems in their parenting style. So, everyone here has the knowledge to clean your soul and chakras, clean your aura, purify yourself, empower your chakras, and meditate to gain wisdom. Our Gods will guide you further if you are willing, to prepare yourself better for when you will have children.

And when you have children, you can learn basic astrology (more info on this will be out soon) to know your children’s needs, talents, skills, and problem areas. You can help them will all of this, you can help your child become the best they can be. It’s exciting and rewarding to help others become better.

Raising the next generation better than how you were raised, will ensure the world will get better.

By raising a child, you have an incredible power: the power to shape the world.
wonderful to read, lately I for last maybe 2 years a thought about having child was concerning me, now there is few things more clear, and yes this is amazing that we know astro charts can help ultimately in growing child, this sermon have putted this together for me. thank you
[Not everyone is meant to be a parent, and this is fine. Throughout history there have been people who did not have children, and yet the White population still grew, as many families had 5 or more children.

It is in the destiny of most people to have children. This is not something to be uncomfortable with, it’s just how humanity is. It’s natural. This post is for those who probably will have a family, or want a family, or are afraid of having children. If you are certain you won’t or should not have children, this post is not directed at you, so don’t think I’m trying to make everyone have babies.]

Woman are being told outright lies about having children. They are told it’s only a burden, all sorts of bad things will happen, the woman will stop being a person after having a child, and other lies all designed to convince women to not have children. It doesn’t help that a lot of men slack off on their duties, which puts more negative connotations on parenthood for women.

First of all, ignore TV programming. Get rid of the thoughts of how all the work is on the mother while the fathers are supposed to be “goof-ball dads” and never exert any authority to the children. Most men are capable of being a parent and managing all the responsibilities that are required.

Both parents are supposed to guide the children through life. Both parents are to help their children become the best they can be. Men, if you have children, stop wasting your life playing video games and binge-watching netflix while drinking yourself into a stupor or smoking weed. Life can be so much better than that.

Watching your children grow and develop talents and skills is one of the greatest joys you can experience. Far greater than playing video games (men) or shopping for more clothes than you need (women).

Many people (men and women) are programmed by the enemy to believe that once a woman gets married and has kids, she loses all value as a woman. This could not be further from the truth. When you have a child, your value increases dramatically. You are now responsible for guiding the next generation, and shaping the world. Your children will add to your personal value, because you are now more than just one person: you are also a part of each person you create, adding to your base value of being just one person.

The better you raise you child (which would be a credit to you), the better the world will become. This is a fact. One of the reasons the world is in a bad shape now, is because so many people were raised wrong. They were not raised with values or proper ethics, they were not raised with healthy love and healthy attention from their parents, they were not raised to know how to socialize and how to deal with varying situations in social settings, they were not raised to know the value of their work and effort, they were not raised to know how to manage most situations in life.

One of the greatest joys you will ever have is in seeing your child grow and become a capable and talented human, with unlimited potential. This is a joy that makes all the pain and suffering you ever experienced, worth it.

Let’s discuss another lie. Women are programmed that once you have a child, you will become fat. Well, nearly everyone gains weight if they stop exercising and as they age. What are men’s excuse, they don’t get pregnant, yet they gain weight too. As long as you exercise and eat right, you’ll be fine. And besides, there are more important things in life than worrying about a few extra pounds. There are women who have had many babies and are still slender. One way to ensure this, is to exercise with your family. This will also help your kids burn off excess energy so they are not hyper.

Which leads to another lie: that kids are unmanageable and out of control. Well, this is true, if you let them in front of the tv all day eating garbage food. Food coloring in candy and cakes cause hyperactivity, and watching tv all day makes the brain scattered, especially as children’s cartoons have way too many bright moving colors. This is unnatural for the brain.

You can tell the difference between kids who watch too many cartoons, and kids who are enrolled in activities and have limited tv. There is a difference. Cut the tv and have your kids be more physically active to burn off energy (this is extremely beneficial for their health anyway), and have them learn hobbies.

Another lie that men and women are brainwashed about: women have permanently loose vaginas after having a child. There are women who believe their men will lose interest in them sexually after they have a baby. This might be true for those who don’t exercise. There are kegal exercises, even basic pilates and kundalini yoga strengthens and tightens everything again, so there is no need to worry about that. The body is designed to heal.

About the actual labor: yes, it will be painful and be scary and you might think you’ll die. But all good things come at a price. Everything that is worth it, came with a cost. And after the birth, hormones will ease the pain and make you feel wonderful. Having a cute little baby who loves you unconditionally will also make you feel wonderful.

Another lie: You can raise a child on your own. This is heavily pushed in the media, a “strong single mother who does everything on her own and kicks ass plus also looks really energetic and fit and also her hair is always perfectly styled”. The reality is, having a child is a 2-person job. You are both required to raise it, or else the child will be at a disadvantage.

Если между вами и отцом вашего ребенка есть проблемы, постарайтесь их решить. Если отец ушел, вы можете поискать другого мужчину, возможно, отца-одиночку, и растить детей вместе. Если по какой-либо причине это не вариант для вас, вы можете создать другую сеть, например, друзей и семью, на которых вы можете положиться. Так поступали все наши предки. Есть много родителей-одиночек, которым было бы лучше в полной семье. Жизнь становится проще, когда у вас крепкая семья, где все помогают и поддерживают друг друга.

Мужчины должны это понимать и брать на себя больше ответственности. Каждая пара смеется над тем, как мужчине пришлось брить ноги своей жены в конце ее беременности, потому что она не могла дотянуться до своего живота. Ваша женщина рожает вам ребенка, давая вам продолжение вашей родословной, так что сделайте шаг вперед . Научитесь помогать со стиркой и готовкой, потому что ей понадобится помощь, особенно в последние месяцы. Чем меньше вы помогаете, тем больше на нее ложится работа, и именно поэтому многие женщины не решаются заводить детей. Мысль о том, что она сама сделает что-то невозможное, не заставит ее захотеть родить ребенка.

Но если вы докажете ей, что поможете, это успокоит ее. Женщинам нужно спокойствие, когда дело доходит до рождения ребенка. Убедите ее, что вы сделаете свою часть и позаботитесь о ней. Да, это потребует от вас больше работы, но если вы хотите семью, дополнительная работа окупится. Это часть основного инстинкта: если кажется невозможным родить ребенка, она не будет убеждена в этом. Но если вы облегчите ей задачу, то она будет гораздо более склонна родить ребенка. Тревога не способствует созданию семьи; радость способствует.

Пары, у которых больше денег, могут нанять помощников, а пары с семьей могут получить помощь от родственников, но не все находятся в такой выгодной ситуации. Если женщина чувствует себя одинокой, мысль о рождении ребенка может пугать. Но если она чувствует поддержку, то она может сосредоточиться на создании семьи.

Определенно есть и другие обоснованные опасения относительно рождения ребенка: деньги, потому что еда дорогая. И безопасность, учитывая все насилие, наркотики и «определенные культуры» в мире. Многие люди боятся, что если у них будет ребенок, они увидят, как он пойдет в школу, а затем его убьют, изнасилуют или дадут ему наркотики. Такие ситуации случаются слишком часто. Но для тех, кто здесь, в JoS с нашими Богами, вы можете сделать ауру защиты для своего ребенка, вы можете делать денежные работы и просить о помощи в тяжелых ситуациях.

У наших предков были семьи, несмотря на войны, эпидемии и голод. Возможность позволить жизни развиваться, по сравнению с немедленным предотвращением любого появления жизни. Наши предки делали все, зная, что они продолжают свою родословную, продолжают человечество. Если бы не они, вас бы здесь не было. Так зачем же лишать своих потенциальных будущих потомков возможности родиться?

Теперь о времени, которое жертвуют на воспитание детей. Да, это много времени, и вам придется отказаться от некоторых вещей, чтобы обеспечить больше своих детей. Но ваша собственная мать сделала это для вас, вы счастливы, что вы живы? Вы хотели бы, чтобы она не давала вам? Так что теперь вы даете своим детям. Это цикл жизни, продолжение поколений. Вот почему мы все связаны.

И если вы сделаете это правильно, если вы дадите своим детям и воспитаете их наилучшим образом, они, в свою очередь, помогут вам, когда вы станете старше. Вы сможете положиться на них, чтобы они помогли вам и обеспечили компанию. Потому что они станут вашими друзьями с безусловной любовью. Кто бы этого не хотел? Они всегда будут в вашей жизни, даже если они уедут, вы все равно сможете навещать их и разговаривать по телефону. Это утешение.

Важно отметить: для большинства из нас наши родители совершали ошибки. По большей части, это была не их вина, а просто потому, что они не знали ничего лучшего. Но мы знаем лучше. У нас не только есть духовные знания и знания, чтобы изучать натальные карты и транзиты наших детей, но мы еще и учимся на ошибках наших родителей.

Потратьте время на размышления об их ошибках и о том, как вы можете сделать лучше. Чего вы будете избегать, воспитывая своих детей, и что вы будете поощрять? Вместо того, чтобы сидеть перед телевизором, выключите его и действительно подумайте обо всех ошибках, которые совершили ваши родители, и о том, как вы можете сделать лучше. Запишите это, если это поможет вам лучше проработать свои мысли.

У наших родителей была своя карма и грязные души/чакры, что вызывало больше проблем в их стиле воспитания. Поэтому у каждого здесь есть знания, как очистить свою душу и чакры, очистить свою ауру, очистить себя, расширить свои чакры и медитировать, чтобы обрести мудрость. Наши Боги направят вас дальше, если вы захотите, чтобы лучше подготовить себя к тому времени, когда у вас будут дети.

А когда у вас появятся дети, вы сможете изучить основы астрологии (скоро появится дополнительная информация об этом), чтобы узнать потребности, таланты, навыки и проблемные области ваших детей. Вы можете помочь им во всем этом, вы можете помочь своему ребенку стать лучшим из лучших. Помогать другим стать лучше — это волнительно и полезно.

Воспитание следующего поколения лучше, чем воспитали вас, гарантирует, что мир станет лучше.

Воспитывая ребенка, вы обретаете невероятную силу: силу формировать мир.
Воистину, радость Сатаны – это дом истины и последний оплот человечества.
wonderful to read, lately I for last maybe 2 years a thought about having child was concerning me, now there is few things more clear, and yes this is amazing that we know astro charts can help ultimately in growing child, this sermon have putted this together for me. thank you
Mentioning babies, the hospitals push infant male genital mutilation (female as well in other countries) on young and any age parents. They will try to normalize the barbaric abuse saying it will keep your baby clean and they can look like every one else went through the slaughter. It destroys 16 plus functions to do so..and can be challenging to heal through these things and do ones best to overcome that particular violation which they(babies) have no choice if done to them by their parents who didn't really understand what they themselves allowed to be done to their baby boy. I'm sure you're aware of the vile roots of "circumsion" and how the pedo rabbi uses his finger nail to slive the infants flesh and then proceeds to use his maggot mouth to suck the baby's blood! It's so f#cked up that also vaccines are pushed on everyone and babies even. They love the pig face Christos on a stick sacrifice his blood shit blah..its the same with the dead baby they keep using its DNA)RNA the same dead baby from the 1960s ..as a base for their hex against the Aryan bloodlines and all of humanity. Using animal)insect)human DNA to inject into bloodstreams..saying " it will save your life"..take this into your body like baptismal possession of absolute decay. All 4(7?) major unnoculation companies are all owned by Jews.
Thank you for your post about the lies and encouragement to relish the magical journey of being a parent and learning from them to listen and remember our own blood memory and nourish our families in this real joy of Satan! Heil Hitler ! ❤️⚡🌿Hail Satan!
Mentioning babies, the hospitals push infant male genital mutilation (female as well in other countries) on young and any age parents. They will try to normalize the barbaric abuse saying it will keep your baby clean and they can look like every one else went through the slaughter. It destroys 16 plus functions to do so..and can be challenging to heal through these things and do ones best to overcome that particular violation which they(babies) have no choice if done to them by their parents who didn't really understand what they themselves allowed to be done to their baby boy. I'm sure you're aware of the vile roots of "circumsion" and how the pedo rabbi uses his finger nail to slive the infants flesh and then proceeds to use his maggot mouth to suck the baby's blood! It's so f#cked up that also vaccines are pushed on everyone and babies even. They love the pig face Christos on a stick sacrifice his blood shit blah..its the same with the dead baby they keep using its DNA)RNA the same dead baby from the 1960s ..as a base for their hex against the Aryan bloodlines and all of humanity. Using animal)insect)human DNA to inject into bloodstreams..saying " it will save your life"..take this into your body like baptismal possession of absolute decay. All 4(7?) major unnoculation companies are all owned by Jews.
Thank you for your post about the lies and encouragement to relish the magical journey of being a parent and learning from them to listen and remember our own blood memory and nourish our families in this real joy of Satan! Heil Hitler ! ❤️⚡🌿Hail Satan!
Some years ago, there was a study published. It showed proof of how circumcision permanently changed the brain of the boys. One of the researchers involved was a nurse, she allowed her own baby to be circumcised (she and her husband had already decided to get it done, so she volunteered to allow her baby's brain to be scanned for the study). The brains were scanned before and after, and again some time later, and the brain was still affected by the procedure.

This study has since been purged from the internet, because it is "anti-semetic" to say anything bad about jewish practices. It was done at McGill University in Montreal Canada, where anti-semitism laws are very strongly enforced.
Some years ago, there was a study published. It showed proof of how circumcision permanently changed the brain of the boys. One of the researchers involved was a nurse, she allowed her own baby to be circumcised (she and her husband had already decided to get it done, so she volunteered to allow her baby's brain to be scanned for the study). The brains were scanned before and after, and again some time later, and the brain was still affected by the procedure.

This study has since been purged from the internet, because it is "anti-semetic" to say anything bad about jewish practices. It was done at McGill University in Montreal Canada, where anti-semitism laws are very strongly enforced.
Luckily in my country circumcision in babies has never been customary and it is not widespread, only muslim immigrants do it.
But it is highly widespread to treat phimosis to the point that doctors will tell you that there are no alternatives when there are.
I remember all the years I've spent raising my siblings. I hated it. I hated that I felt selfish for wanting to get out of that situation. I also hated that felt as though I already became a mother without actually doing so.

This is what I thought for so many years before becoming SS. Now I see it as a learning experience, I'm more mature and my maternal instincts are more than intact. :)

I cannot wait to meet a man to share my life with. To raise my own children with the guidance of love and our values. Thank you for this post, Lydia. It brings me hope that I can be a great mother one day.
I remember all the years I've spent raising my siblings. I hated it. I hated that I felt selfish for wanting to get out of that situation. I also hated that felt as though I already became a mother without actually doing so.

This is what I thought for so many years before becoming SS. Now I see it as a learning experience, I'm more mature and my maternal instincts are more than intact. :)

I cannot wait to meet a man to share my life with. To raise my own children with the guidance of love and our values. Thank you for this post, Lydia. It brings me hope that I can be a great mother one day.
The responsibilities we have when we are young, ensure that we will be more experienced and therefore more successful. It is understandable that you weren't happy with your circumstance, but the children you will have, will greatly benefit from the experience you already gained. And in turn, they will be more likely to be better people themselves :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
