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Babies, Lies Told to Women

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
[Not everyone is meant to be a parent, and this is fine. Throughout history there have been people who did not have children, and yet the White population still grew, as many families had 5 or more children.

It is in the destiny of most people to have children. This is not something to be uncomfortable with, it’s just how humanity is. It’s natural. This post is for those who probably will have a family, or want a family, or are afraid of having children. If you are certain you won’t or should not have children, this post is not directed at you, so don’t think I’m trying to make everyone have babies.]

Woman are being told outright lies about having children. They are told it’s only a burden, all sorts of bad things will happen, the woman will stop being a person after having a child, and other lies all designed to convince women to not have children. It doesn’t help that a lot of men slack off on their duties, which puts more negative connotations on parenthood for women.

First of all, ignore TV programming. Get rid of the thoughts of how all the work is on the mother while the fathers are supposed to be “goof-ball dads” and never exert any authority to the children. Most men are capable of being a parent and managing all the responsibilities that are required.

Both parents are supposed to guide the children through life. Both parents are to help their children become the best they can be. Men, if you have children, stop wasting your life playing video games and binge-watching netflix while drinking yourself into a stupor or smoking weed. Life can be so much better than that.

Watching your children grow and develop talents and skills is one of the greatest joys you can experience. Far greater than playing video games (men) or shopping for more clothes than you need (women).

Many people (men and women) are programmed by the enemy to believe that once a woman gets married and has kids, she loses all value as a woman. This could not be further from the truth. When you have a child, your value increases dramatically. You are now responsible for guiding the next generation, and shaping the world. Your children will add to your personal value, because you are now more than just one person: you are also a part of each person you create, adding to your base value of being just one person.

The better you raise you child (which would be a credit to you), the better the world will become. This is a fact. One of the reasons the world is in a bad shape now, is because so many people were raised wrong. They were not raised with values or proper ethics, they were not raised with healthy love and healthy attention from their parents, they were not raised to know how to socialize and how to deal with varying situations in social settings, they were not raised to know the value of their work and effort, they were not raised to know how to manage most situations in life.

One of the greatest joys you will ever have is in seeing your child grow and become a capable and talented human, with unlimited potential. This is a joy that makes all the pain and suffering you ever experienced, worth it.

Let’s discuss another lie. Women are programmed that once you have a child, you will become fat. Well, nearly everyone gains weight if they stop exercising and as they age. What are men’s excuse, they don’t get pregnant, yet they gain weight too. As long as you exercise and eat right, you’ll be fine. And besides, there are more important things in life than worrying about a few extra pounds. There are women who have had many babies and are still slender. One way to ensure this, is to exercise with your family. This will also help your kids burn off excess energy so they are not hyper.

Which leads to another lie: that kids are unmanageable and out of control. Well, this is true, if you let them in front of the tv all day eating garbage food. Food coloring in candy and cakes cause hyperactivity, and watching tv all day makes the brain scattered, especially as children’s cartoons have way too many bright moving colors. This is unnatural for the brain.

You can tell the difference between kids who watch too many cartoons, and kids who are enrolled in activities and have limited tv. There is a difference. Cut the tv and have your kids be more physically active to burn off energy (this is extremely beneficial for their health anyway), and have them learn hobbies.

Another lie that men and women are brainwashed about: women have permanently loose vaginas after having a child. There are women who believe their men will lose interest in them sexually after they have a baby. This might be true for those who don’t exercise. There are kegal exercises, even basic pilates and kundalini yoga strengthens and tightens everything again, so there is no need to worry about that. The body is designed to heal.

About the actual labor: yes, it will be painful and be scary and you might think you’ll die. But all good things come at a price. Everything that is worth it, came with a cost. And after the birth, hormones will ease the pain and make you feel wonderful. Having a cute little baby who loves you unconditionally will also make you feel wonderful.

Another lie: You can raise a child on your own. This is heavily pushed in the media, a “strong single mother who does everything on her own and kicks ass plus also looks really energetic and fit and also her hair is always perfectly styled”. The reality is, having a child is a 2-person job. You are both required to raise it, or else the child will be at a disadvantage.

If there are problems between you and the father of your child, try to work through them. If the father took off, you can look for another man, perhaps a single father, and raise your children together. If this is not an option for you for whatever reason, you can establish another network, such as friends and family you can rely on. This is what all our ancestors did. There are many single parents out there who would be better off as a full family. Life is easier when you have a strong family unit where everyone helps out, and everyone supports each other.

Men need to understand this and step up in responsibilities. Every couple laughs about how the man had to shave his wife’s legs near the end of her pregnancy because she couldn’t reach over her belly. Your woman is giving you a baby, giving you the continuance of your bloodline, so step up. Learn to help with doing the laundry and cooking, because she will need help especially in her final months. The less you help, the more work is on her, which is the very reason a lot of women are hesitant to have children. The thought of doing something impossible all by herself won’t make her want to have a baby.

But if you prove to her that you will help, that will ease her mind. Women need to have reassurance when it comes to having a child. Reassure her that you will do your part and take care of her. Yes it will be more work on you, but if you want a family, extra work will pay off. It is part of basic instinct: if it seems impossible to have a baby, she won’t be convinced to have one. But if you make it easier for her, then she will be far more willing to have a baby. Anxiety is not conducive to creating a family; joy is.

Couples who have more money can hire help, and couples with family can have help from relatives, but not everybody is in that beneficial situation. If a woman feels like she’s alone, the thought of having a baby can be intimidating. But if she feels supported, then she can focus on having a family.

There are definitely other valid concerns regarding having a child: money, because food is expensive. And safety, what with all the violence, drugs, and “certain cultures” in the world. A lot of people are afraid if they have a child, see it go to school, and then get killed or raped or be given drugs. These situations happen far too frequently. But for those of here in the JoS with our Gods, you can do aura of protection on your child, you can do money workings and ask for help in dire situations.

Our ancestors had families despite of wars, plagues, and famine. The opportunity to allow life to grow, compared to immediately preventing any life from forming. Our ancestors did everything knowing they were continuing their bloodline, continuing humanity. If it weren’t for them, you would not be here. So why deny your potential future descendants of the opportunity to be born?

Now, regarding the time sacrificed to raise children. Yes, it is a lot of time, and you will have to do without some things in order to provide more for your children. But your own mother did that for you, are you happy to be alive? Do you wish she didn’t give to you? So now you give to your children. It’s a cycle of life, the continuing of generations. It is why we are all connected.

And if you do it right, if you give to your children and raise them the best you can, they will in turn help you when you get older. You will be able to rely on them to help you and provide companionship. Because they will become your friends with unconditional love. Who wouldn’t want that? They will always be in your life, even if they move away you can still visit and talk on the phone. This is a comfort.

Something important to mention: for most of us, our parents made mistakes. For the most part, this wasn’t really their fault, it was just because they didn’t know any better. But we do know better. Not only do we have spiritual knowledge, and the knowledge to study the natal charts and transits of our children, but we learn from the mistakes of our parents.

Spend time contemplating their mistakes and how you can do better. What will you avoid when raising your own children, and what will you encourage? Instead of sitting in front of the tv, turn it off and really think of all the mistakes your parents made, and how you can do better. Write it down if this helps you work through your thoughts better.

Our parents had their own karma and dirty souls/chakras, which caused more problems in their parenting style. So, everyone here has the knowledge to clean your soul and chakras, clean your aura, purify yourself, empower your chakras, and meditate to gain wisdom. Our Gods will guide you further if you are willing, to prepare yourself better for when you will have children.

And when you have children, you can learn basic astrology (more info on this will be out soon) to know your children’s needs, talents, skills, and problem areas. You can help them will all of this, you can help your child become the best they can be. It’s exciting and rewarding to help others become better.

Raising the next generation better than how you were raised, will ensure the world will get better.

By raising a child, you have an incredible power: the power to shape the world.
Very touching High Priestess Lydia. I grew up without my father and more around my mother, her friends, my grandmother so mostly on the feminine side. I loved her but as I grew up I started seeing a lot of mistakes she made raising me. I was so angry and confused, but I learned that yes, it was not mainly her fault but the fault of how she was raised, how the world treated her/changed her and her soul. I always blamed her for many things, had a lot of fights, never told me more about my father (which i never knew) so it was just me, a child missing the fatherly figure in life, the masculine energy. So I had to start build it up myself, still am..But I forgave her, I cannot hate her she is my mother..she gave me life, how could I hate her?
If you have or wish for children, HP Lydia, I wish you all the best, I am sure you are/can be an amazing mother!
A good short sermon. It's something that definetly needs to be talked about more and not just with women of course since as you mentioned it takes two to tango. perhaps one day if I find the right man....
Till then I hope the couples here take your words to heart and of course those growing close to someone who are thinking about that step in their lives. As the JOS site grows a family section would be a good thing to add since you touched on many topic that should be expanded upon. Thank you HP Lydia for bringing this up. Here latly many sites have different videos and articles talking about population declines and food prices all over the world and things like the family unit is something that should be brought up since it was part of what our great Adolf Hitler put into many of his programs including on how he tried to get germany to focus back on it pagan roots by focusing back on the family aspects of the pagan holidays.
Since the macro cosmic is reflected in the microcosmic the family unit should be brought back into focus and it does start with small talks like these.
Thank you again HP Lydia.

Hail Father Satan.
Very nice post HPS Lydia! Since I’m a Satanist , I understand even more how important is to have a children. I’m always wanted to have one or two . But I think I’m not so advanced to have one . I mean I like to rise them as the best I can . When they getting a bit older I like to show them how important is to meditate regularly . I know , after they experience what I experienced they gonna do it like me . But there is another important thing . I really don’t know when I have to speak about our Father . Because sadly in nearly everybody’s eyes he is the biggest evil entity and I don’t know how to introduce him to them properly. For example just imagine they come home from school with a letter from the principal which say your children drawing 666 and Hail Satan to the school table and so on . I don't think I'm mature enough for that yet. I can tell them how bad Christianity is . That’s not a problem because I can proof it easily. I believe when the time come I will be ready . When I met with my girlfriend she never ever thought she wants a baby one day . But she said since we are together she like to have one later . Oh and one more thing . Before we fell in love with each other I told her about my Spiritual things and of course about Father Satan . She didn’t believe me at that moment and she thought I’m just joking or something because I’m look like a really normal guy . And what happens after I didn’t understand till this day . I’m only have guesses what happened . When we first have sex , that was one of my biggest experiences in life , she was the first for me since I’m opened my chakras and having a high bioelectricy. During the sex my third eye opend I literally saw colors , shapes , and her aura and some field around her . But the biggest thing she saw it too ! And she said she never ever feel soo good ! But she was scared for a couple of minutes , I told her this happening because of me and I told her she should have to fear from this . She was like okey it’s so beautiful so it’s just fine . And on that day before she went a sleep she saw the colors of her third eye . But when she wake up on the morning . She had a vision about two phareo like entity smiling to her . She saw a man and a women with hieroglyphic around them . She was very scared at that moment but I calmed her . After this when I had a breakthrough with meditation she also had spiritual experiences . Sometimes I felt she is advancing also but she is not meditate at all . How is this possible my brothers and sisters ?
This is my very first post here .
I’m like to write the story of how I found Father Satan because it’s so beautiful and confusing too. It’s confusing because what I experienced in the first week it’s should happen after minimum half a year. Just for example when my third eye opened fully ( it was on the second day I thing ) , the lights was extremely beautiful and they were not only just in my vision , it didn’t matter where I turn my head the lights still coming in waves on the ceiling , green , Indio , dark blue and with closed eyes I saw really strange shapes and forms . It was a life changing experience. After when I wanted to fall in trance I was always in some kind of tunnel with triangles and cubes . Once I saw a golden outline in front of of me in that tunnel . It was like a shape of a really muscular man with leather wings !!!! And I saw something around me and an that moment I don’t know what’s that . Later I found it out I saw the Flower of life and me like an energy field or something .
My thoughts are became literally visible !
My mother language is Hungarian but when this things happens I spoke English like my mother language. Every body wanted to talk with be and to be with me . They asked me what happened . Because I’m literally shined, they said . And this is just the top of the iceberg .
I didnt writed a post because I have some mental thing who’s is about , every time when I want to post something on Facebook or instagram etc , my heartrate raises and my hands become cold my face became gray/white ( now too) . I’m used to change my profile picture once per year and never post and comment anything because of this .
But I reached a level when I have to overcome with this . I need to . Right now I’m just a shadow of my self . Lot of bad things happened since than . I’m not meditating normally since a year .
And I’m still recieve signs from Father Satan . It’s so beautiful 🥺
I’m going to write that post on the next week I think .
Have a nice weekend my brothers and sisters and be strong in Satan !
Hail Satan !
Thank you HPS Lydia. This is great summary of all the worries that are being pushed from enemy's media and are visible on the forums in comments and questions.

Throughout history there have been people who did not have children, and yet the White population still grew, as many families had 5 or more children.
This sentence is too comforting. Its true but it was in the past. Today every kind of measurement of amount children born, like Total Fertility Rate or Birth Rate have plummeted way below sustainability of societies and nations. Every statistic shows clearly this demographic crisis is targeted by enemy at White nations by mostly economic means, but also its the food like you mentioned, big pharma, cults of LGBT and many other things coming from the the media and governments which are openly hostile to nations they are governing. Immigrant families with 5 or more children are 100% sponsored by the enemy with housing, free education, free medical care and big paycheck every month just for existing, swaying demographis and elections, while White family in their own country with 2 children and a 20yo car can barely afford to pay for housing or buy things like books for kids. This depopulation by design.
Latest insanity is something called onco-fertility and its for natives of White countries. People who need treatment for cancer, which often harms fertility in various ways are offered free invitro and preservation of their gametes for later, while at the same time abortion at any stage of pregnancy is being pushed for healthy children. This attack from two directions weakens genetic pool by ensuring continuity of bloodlines prone to cancer and eliminating healthy genetics. This means more patients to treat (not cure) for enemy's pharma. The list goes on and on. Its an attack.
Thank you. Very beautiful post HPS Lydia, important both for parents and those who will become ones in future. Worth re-reading often to remind ourselves that being parent is not one person work. When child is raised by both parent, the child will still have more affection for his mother as she was the one who brought him to the world and cared for him. That is why it is important for us men to always be there and help as much as possible for our women all the time throughout the process of her pregnancy, especially last few months as described in this post and then after pregnancy and be there both for her and the child. So that the child develops affection for both parents which will then make it easier to raise them correct.
Plus we have big advantage being a SS from the knowledge we possess in everything and so as shaping the best parenthood to our children.
At least that is what I think, I am not parent yet but I have this type of sense on parenting so correct me if I'm wrong, there's still time. :)
You should write more often HPS Lydia. I've often thought !
Thank you, I will write more but am currently working on some things for the JoS behind the scenes.
This sentence is too comforting. Its true but it was in the past. [...]
I know. There are a lot of factors that are affecting the fertility of Whites. Another is that we have only curses thrown at us, no blessings. Hindus have been doing blessings for fertility for centuries and look at their families, averaging 8 children.
Amazing sermon, HPS Lydia.

Satanic women also need to understand they possess a huge advantage over regular women, provided one meditates daily. Childbirth can go a lot more swimmingly for someone protected by the Gods.

The butchery and horror stories, many Christians and Muslims push death onto themselves, believing in 'the curse of Eve' or that 'most of hell is full with women' and all the other crap. Just the stress of thinking about 'hell' can ruin a mother's mindset.

Another thing is that if you lose a child, don't let death dissuade you from generating life. I am not saying any child is replaceable as a person, but part of why children's deaths can ruin people's lives is because a lot of people only have one or two children and then a child's death can radically change everything. That wasn't how things were in the old days.

As you advance, there are also simply options with reincarnation, healing and youthfulness (fertility) that average women just don't have or know about.
Another thing is that if you lose a child, don't let death dissuade you from generating life. I am not saying any child is replaceable as a person, but part of why children's deaths can ruin people's lives is because a lot of people only have one or two children and then a child's death can radically change everything. That wasn't how things were in the old days.
This is a very good point. It is tragic to lose a child, but the child you lost would not want you to refrain from having another.
Very important post HPS Lydia, thank you for that.

My children and my Dedication, the best "things" in my life.

You have explained all the reasons why it is important to continue our lineage and always do better with our children, in order to improve the world and make the Gods proud.

As our beloved Commander says, we need SS children NOW !

Finally, remember: "one day, all that will remain of you are your works and your children".

So go!!
[Not everyone is meant to be a parent, and this is fine. Throughout history there have been people who did not have children, and yet the White population still grew, as many families had 5 or more children.

It is in the destiny of most people to have children. This is not something to be uncomfortable with, it’s just how humanity is. It’s natural. This post is for those who probably will have a family, or want a family, or are afraid of having children. If you are certain you won’t or should not have children, this post is not directed at you, so don’t think I’m trying to make everyone have babies.]

Woman are being told outright lies about having children. They are told it’s only a burden, all sorts of bad things will happen, the woman will stop being a person after having a child, and other lies all designed to convince women to not have children. It doesn’t help that a lot of men slack off on their duties, which puts more negative connotations on parenthood for women.

First of all, ignore TV programming. Get rid of the thoughts of how all the work is on the mother while the fathers are supposed to be “goof-ball dads” and never exert any authority to the children. Most men are capable of being a parent and managing all the responsibilities that are required.

Both parents are supposed to guide the children through life. Both parents are to help their children become the best they can be. Men, if you have children, stop wasting your life playing video games and binge-watching netflix while drinking yourself into a stupor or smoking weed. Life can be so much better than that.

Watching your children grow and develop talents and skills is one of the greatest joys you can experience. Far greater than playing video games (men) or shopping for more clothes than you need (women).

Many people (men and women) are programmed by the enemy to believe that once a woman gets married and has kids, she loses all value as a woman. This could not be further from the truth. When you have a child, your value increases dramatically. You are now responsible for guiding the next generation, and shaping the world. Your children will add to your personal value, because you are now more than just one person: you are also a part of each person you create, adding to your base value of being just one person.

The better you raise you child (which would be a credit to you), the better the world will become. This is a fact. One of the reasons the world is in a bad shape now, is because so many people were raised wrong. They were not raised with values or proper ethics, they were not raised with healthy love and healthy attention from their parents, they were not raised to know how to socialize and how to deal with varying situations in social settings, they were not raised to know the value of their work and effort, they were not raised to know how to manage most situations in life.

One of the greatest joys you will ever have is in seeing your child grow and become a capable and talented human, with unlimited potential. This is a joy that makes all the pain and suffering you ever experienced, worth it.

Let’s discuss another lie. Women are programmed that once you have a child, you will become fat. Well, nearly everyone gains weight if they stop exercising and as they age. What are men’s excuse, they don’t get pregnant, yet they gain weight too. As long as you exercise and eat right, you’ll be fine. And besides, there are more important things in life than worrying about a few extra pounds. There are women who have had many babies and are still slender. One way to ensure this, is to exercise with your family. This will also help your kids burn off excess energy so they are not hyper.

Which leads to another lie: that kids are unmanageable and out of control. Well, this is true, if you let them in front of the tv all day eating garbage food. Food coloring in candy and cakes cause hyperactivity, and watching tv all day makes the brain scattered, especially as children’s cartoons have way too many bright moving colors. This is unnatural for the brain.

You can tell the difference between kids who watch too many cartoons, and kids who are enrolled in activities and have limited tv. There is a difference. Cut the tv and have your kids be more physically active to burn off energy (this is extremely beneficial for their health anyway), and have them learn hobbies.

Another lie that men and women are brainwashed about: women have permanently loose vaginas after having a child. There are women who believe their men will lose interest in them sexually after they have a baby. This might be true for those who don’t exercise. There are kegal exercises, even basic pilates and kundalini yoga strengthens and tightens everything again, so there is no need to worry about that. The body is designed to heal.

About the actual labor: yes, it will be painful and be scary and you might think you’ll die. But all good things come at a price. Everything that is worth it, came with a cost. And after the birth, hormones will ease the pain and make you feel wonderful. Having a cute little baby who loves you unconditionally will also make you feel wonderful.

Another lie: You can raise a child on your own. This is heavily pushed in the media, a “strong single mother who does everything on her own and kicks ass plus also looks really energetic and fit and also her hair is always perfectly styled”. The reality is, having a child is a 2-person job. You are both required to raise it, or else the child will be at a disadvantage.

If there are problems between you and the father of your child, try to work through them. If the father took off, you can look for another man, perhaps a single father, and raise your children together. If this is not an option for you for whatever reason, you can establish another network, such as friends and family you can rely on. This is what all our ancestors did. There are many single parents out there who would be better off as a full family. Life is easier when you have a strong family unit where everyone helps out, and everyone supports each other.

Men need to understand this and step up in responsibilities. Every couple laughs about how the man had to shave his wife’s legs near the end of her pregnancy because she couldn’t reach over her belly. Your woman is giving you a baby, giving you the continuance of your bloodline, so step up. Learn to help with doing the laundry and cooking, because she will need help especially in her final months. The less you help, the more work is on her, which is the very reason a lot of women are hesitant to have children. The thought of doing something impossible all by herself won’t make her want to have a baby.

But if you prove to her that you will help, that will ease her mind. Women need to have reassurance when it comes to having a child. Reassure her that you will do your part and take care of her. Yes it will be more work on you, but if you want a family, extra work will pay off. It is part of basic instinct: if it seems impossible to have a baby, she won’t be convinced to have one. But if you make it easier for her, then she will be far more willing to have a baby. Anxiety is not conducive to creating a family; joy is.

Couples who have more money can hire help, and couples with family can have help from relatives, but not everybody is in that beneficial situation. If a woman feels like she’s alone, the thought of having a baby can be intimidating. But if she feels supported, then she can focus on having a family.

There are definitely other valid concerns regarding having a child: money, because food is expensive. And safety, what with all the violence, drugs, and “certain cultures” in the world. A lot of people are afraid if they have a child, see it go to school, and then get killed or raped or be given drugs. These situations happen far too frequently. But for those of here in the JoS with our Gods, you can do aura of protection on your child, you can do money workings and ask for help in dire situations.

Our ancestors had families despite of wars, plagues, and famine. The opportunity to allow life to grow, compared to immediately preventing any life from forming. Our ancestors did everything knowing they were continuing their bloodline, continuing humanity. If it weren’t for them, you would not be here. So why deny your potential future descendants of the opportunity to be born?

Now, regarding the time sacrificed to raise children. Yes, it is a lot of time, and you will have to do without some things in order to provide more for your children. But your own mother did that for you, are you happy to be alive? Do you wish she didn’t give to you? So now you give to your children. It’s a cycle of life, the continuing of generations. It is why we are all connected.

And if you do it right, if you give to your children and raise them the best you can, they will in turn help you when you get older. You will be able to rely on them to help you and provide companionship. Because they will become your friends with unconditional love. Who wouldn’t want that? They will always be in your life, even if they move away you can still visit and talk on the phone. This is a comfort.

Something important to mention: for most of us, our parents made mistakes. For the most part, this wasn’t really their fault, it was just because they didn’t know any better. But we do know better. Not only do we have spiritual knowledge, and the knowledge to study the natal charts and transits of our children, but we learn from the mistakes of our parents.

Spend time contemplating their mistakes and how you can do better. What will you avoid when raising your own children, and what will you encourage? Instead of sitting in front of the tv, turn it off and really think of all the mistakes your parents made, and how you can do better. Write it down if this helps you work through your thoughts better.

Our parents had their own karma and dirty souls/chakras, which caused more problems in their parenting style. So, everyone here has the knowledge to clean your soul and chakras, clean your aura, purify yourself, empower your chakras, and meditate to gain wisdom. Our Gods will guide you further if you are willing, to prepare yourself better for when you will have children.

And when you have children, you can learn basic astrology (more info on this will be out soon) to know your children’s needs, talents, skills, and problem areas. You can help them will all of this, you can help your child become the best they can be. It’s exciting and rewarding to help others become better.

Raising the next generation better than how you were raised, will ensure the world will get better.

By raising a child, you have an incredible power: the power to shape the world.
This is a very correct and great post, thank you very much High Priestess Lydia (y)

I really want to have children in the near future :)

I hope that I will find a reliable person soon, because I myself had to change in some things to become a better person.

I am sure that all Spiritual Satanists who have children will raise a wonderful new generation that will make this world a better place, for example, rid it of the enemy!
Perhaps of all the blessings a soul could receive, would be to have two excellent SS parents. I can only imagine how that would affect the spiritual well-being and destiny of a child.

There will be things to overcome, struggles, and many other things that present themselves in life, but the mere fact that they would have two open minded parents who are sane, is beyond compare to what good it can do to the child.

So when two people are sufficiently advanced and it all happens, if they have children and grow them well, they will be the biggest blessings to the child and the world at large.

The creation of large Satanic families will be the cure for many issues in this world. Imagine spirituality, knowledge and many other things from very early age. Albeit not the easiest task, that is a very important thing one could undertake for the Gods: to create a good and healthy family.

Children not having to grow up with the mental viruses of the enemy, pure in their mind, programmed properly and for their own good and the good of others from an early age, away from miserable conceptions of the enemy. Led by good examples of people who are advanced in the path, early exposure to spirituality, parents who have the powers to defend them and bless them spiritually and so on, so forth.

Everyone would honestly admit from here they would love to have these parents. Of course not everything is perfect like an aquarium, but honestly some people must think what kind of blessings and heroes they will be to their own children, not only what they can receive from their children.

Let alone all the creations of legends and other interesting things that will create themselves around these, since their parents were legendary sorcerers, LOL.

Now seriously also, as I will put the Baptism, we will also have Ritual to bless all our children. Imagine now with all these blessings from early infancy, how boosted they will be and how stronger they will be on the head-start of life, compared also to many of us who had to endure a lot just to be in contact with the basic truths of the Gods.

Thinking about next generations is very inspirational.

For these children these atrocities will not exist, they will build from a higher level.
Perhaps of all the blessings a soul could receive, would be to have two excellent SS parents. I can only imagine how that would affect the spiritual well-being and destiny of a child.

Fan-tas-tic! I was thinking the same thing and I'm sure all of us here would have preferred to have this kind of parents, this kind of blessing!
Children not having to grow up with the mental viruses of the enemy, pure in their mind, programmed properly and for their own good and the good of others from an early age, away from miserable conceptions of the enemy
I possess many concerns regarding the way children are currently being raised by most people in the world. The extent of brainwashing they have undergone as a result of negligence by their "parents" surrendering them to technology and brain pollution instead of properly raising them, is beyond atrocious.

I knew somebody who worked in a children's school, who told me that there are kids as young as 7 who dress in crop tops and short skirts, and do provocative dances... because their parents just let them go on instagram and tiktok the whole day. I myself have also witnessed similar things in recent years, unfortunately. As for boys, they tend to be addicted to video games or pornography, both of which severely affect their state of mind, too, especially the latter. Then there's the whole LGBTQ thing, too.

Bearing witness to aforementioned abominations is disheartening, to say the least. No child should even be close to concerning themselves with half of that garbage. When I was that age, I was climbing hills and playing with animals or some shit. Once I reach the opportunity to possess a family of my own, I strongly intend to make sure I fulfil all the responsibilites of a true parent, with the knowledge and ethics of the Gods.
Beautiful sermon. Thank you, High Priestess.

When I was younger, I never really cared about having kids, or even having friends. But as I started to get older, I've found myself wanting to start a family of my own, and to be more sociable. Truth be told, low self-esteem, worrying what others will think of me, spending too much time indoors on the PC, among many other things, mean that I have found the thought of finding a woman impossible, and even finding friends has been difficult enough for me.

However, I feel that as of recent, the Gods have blessed me by helping me to make changes in my life and to my habits, which could allow me to change things for the better in this regard. I'm hopeful that some day, I can find somebody.
Question: If someone has an empty 5th house in their natal chart, does this mean they are less likely to have children?
No. Houses without planets still function normally. Look to the sign on the cusp, and the planet ruling that house and its aspects, for any indicators regarding children.

I knew somebody who worked in a children's school, who told me that there are kids as young as 7 who dress in crop tops and short skirts, and do provocative dances... because their parents just let them go on instagram and tiktok the whole day.
I've seen this, its so bizarre. When I was that age, I just wore whatever practical and baggy clothes my mom bought me to play in. I'd be in nature with my friends, nobody cared about clothes at that age, only what color it was. Not style or "sexiness".

Beautiful sermon. Thank you, High Priestess.

When I was younger, I never really cared about having kids, or even having friends. But as I started to get older, I've found myself wanting to start a family of my own, and to be more sociable. Truth be told, low self-esteem, worrying what others will think of me, spending too much time indoors on the PC, among many other things, mean that I have found the thought of finding a woman impossible, and even finding friends has been difficult enough for me.

However, I feel that as of recent, the Gods have blessed me by helping me to make changes in my life and to my habits, which could allow me to change things for the better in this regard. I'm hopeful that some day, I can find somebody.
I'm sure you will find somebody! Every SS is deserving of love :)
I just wanted to post and say that it was lovely of you to post that preface, HP Lydia. A lot of people just randomly insult me over a personal life choice. Like if you don't want children as a woman, you are lazy, useless, unspiritual, no guy will want you or love you, hate kids, white people/humanity, are a crazy cat lady (yes) and want everyone to die out, lol.

Despite not wanting children myself, I believe they are important. I believe the ability to have children is a highly spiritual blessing, that should (ideally) be undertaken by the well prepared and informed. It is a shame how many badly behaved/disrepectful children are out there now due to neglectful, begrudging parents. I actually get instant headaches from children screaming, so I generally have to take headphones if I go to crowded places.

I truly believe it should be easier for women to have children. There are so many tiktoks of random women saying they are suicidal/identity loss from having children. So many overwhelmed mothers from having to work full time then come home to more work because the man does nothing, or because they cannot work part time. So many men working their ass off to a detriment so a woman can take part time work. And this fucking abysmal divorce rate climbing higher by the decade.

It is hard enough for people to even just find stable relationships (family units) in a tinderfied pornified world. Women are now starting to "decenter men" as a result. This is not entirely negative as your life should not revolve around a man/woman anyway, this is almost if not a stoic concept. However, I do not think it is going to stop simply there. 4B movement is an example. We are also seeing full bans on abortions (no exceptions) and attempted bans on birth control. It is going to get to a point where women (and men) are just going to outright say nope.
Children are certainly not a burden, but I think, everyone shouldn't be a parent. Because of the Muslim Eid al-Adha, I have been babysitting the babies and children of my relatives at home for 2 days, and they are all surprised at how well I can babysit. Instead of constantly taking care of their children, they gave them phones, tablets, etc. and focused on their own work, and when the children came to them, they got angry at them and said things that could traumatize the child. This pissed me off, so I babysat those kids all day. If they treat their children so badly even in the house they visit, I wonder how they behave in their own homes.
So I don't think everyone should have children, but as I see the Gentile white population decreasing, I wonder, "Even if they behave badly, should they still have children?" I started to think.
For any future parents out there, there are books on parenting. If you don't think your parents raised you right, you can always study and become the parent you wish you had for your own children. Don't just assume that you'll never be like your parents because everyone says that, and everyone is wrong. This is deep subconscious programming and how the cycles of success and failure are repeated. Good and bad habits and behaviors are passed on non-verbally, meaning it's the things that are not directly said, but observed by the child.

The environment in which the child spends its first 7 years is critical. Everything it sees will become a part of it. If you left your kid with friends or at a daycare and later it does something "completely out of character" and you scold them for it, it's actually your fault. You left them there, to learn from idiots. The child simply emulates what it saw. Children do not have the faculties for critical thought and reason before the ages of 6-7! They do not know they did something wrong. You must be extremely careful who you leave them with and that includes your parents—their grandparents. How many people have you seen tell you that their parents fucked them up, yet they will leave their children with them every weekend? They will only repeat the cycle.

Raising kids is extremely rewarding but it is totally a second job, so do it well.
For any future parents out there, there are books on parenting. If you don't think your parents raised you right, you can always study and become the parent you wish you had for your own children. Don't just assume that you'll never be like your parents because everyone says that, and everyone is wrong. This is deep subconscious programming and how the cycles of success and failure are repeated. Good and bad habits and behaviors are passed on non-verbally, meaning it's the things that are not directly said, but observed by the child.

The environment in which the child spends its first 7 years is critical. Everything it sees will become a part of it. If you left your kid with friends or at a daycare and later it does something "completely out of character" and you scold them for it, it's actually your fault. You left them there, to learn from idiots. The child simply emulates what it saw. Children do not have the faculties for critical thought and reason before the ages of 6-7! They do not know they did something wrong. You must be extremely careful who you leave them with and that includes your parents—their grandparents. How many people have you seen tell you that their parents fucked them up, yet they will leave their children with them every weekend? They will only repeat the cycle.

Raising kids is extremely rewarding but it is totally a second job, so do it well.
For me it's gonna be homeschooling. I'm already setting up my life in such a way that I can work from home. Artificial intelligence will also help extremely.

I follow Aristotele's quote:"Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man".

That's one of my main goals in life.
I would love to have children.
I love the thought of raising happy and strong kids. That's all I want. To raise children that will shine for themselves and for the world around them.
To be thoughtful, courageous, to challenge themselves and to receive pleasure out of challenges (not stress). To be smart. To be pleasant people. To be psychically gifted and artistic (if their own nature is like that).

One day, who knows. 🙈
[Not everyone is meant to be a parent, and this is fine. Throughout history there have been people who did not have children, and yet the White population still grew, as many families had 5 or more children.

It is in the destiny of most people to have children. This is not something to be uncomfortable with, it’s just how humanity is. It’s natural. This post is for those who probably will have a family, or want a family, or are afraid of having children. If you are certain you won’t or should not have children, this post is not directed at you, so don’t think I’m trying to make everyone have babies.]

Woman are being told outright lies about having children. They are told it’s only a burden, all sorts of bad things will happen, the woman will stop being a person after having a child, and other lies all designed to convince women to not have children. It doesn’t help that a lot of men slack off on their duties, which puts more negative connotations on parenthood for women.

First of all, ignore TV programming. Get rid of the thoughts of how all the work is on the mother while the fathers are supposed to be “goof-ball dads” and never exert any authority to the children. Most men are capable of being a parent and managing all the responsibilities that are required.

Both parents are supposed to guide the children through life. Both parents are to help their children become the best they can be. Men, if you have children, stop wasting your life playing video games and binge-watching netflix while drinking yourself into a stupor or smoking weed. Life can be so much better than that.

Watching your children grow and develop talents and skills is one of the greatest joys you can experience. Far greater than playing video games (men) or shopping for more clothes than you need (women).

Many people (men and women) are programmed by the enemy to believe that once a woman gets married and has kids, she loses all value as a woman. This could not be further from the truth. When you have a child, your value increases dramatically. You are now responsible for guiding the next generation, and shaping the world. Your children will add to your personal value, because you are now more than just one person: you are also a part of each person you create, adding to your base value of being just one person.

The better you raise you child (which would be a credit to you), the better the world will become. This is a fact. One of the reasons the world is in a bad shape now, is because so many people were raised wrong. They were not raised with values or proper ethics, they were not raised with healthy love and healthy attention from their parents, they were not raised to know how to socialize and how to deal with varying situations in social settings, they were not raised to know the value of their work and effort, they were not raised to know how to manage most situations in life.

One of the greatest joys you will ever have is in seeing your child grow and become a capable and talented human, with unlimited potential. This is a joy that makes all the pain and suffering you ever experienced, worth it.

Let’s discuss another lie. Women are programmed that once you have a child, you will become fat. Well, nearly everyone gains weight if they stop exercising and as they age. What are men’s excuse, they don’t get pregnant, yet they gain weight too. As long as you exercise and eat right, you’ll be fine. And besides, there are more important things in life than worrying about a few extra pounds. There are women who have had many babies and are still slender. One way to ensure this, is to exercise with your family. This will also help your kids burn off excess energy so they are not hyper.

Which leads to another lie: that kids are unmanageable and out of control. Well, this is true, if you let them in front of the tv all day eating garbage food. Food coloring in candy and cakes cause hyperactivity, and watching tv all day makes the brain scattered, especially as children’s cartoons have way too many bright moving colors. This is unnatural for the brain.

You can tell the difference between kids who watch too many cartoons, and kids who are enrolled in activities and have limited tv. There is a difference. Cut the tv and have your kids be more physically active to burn off energy (this is extremely beneficial for their health anyway), and have them learn hobbies.

Another lie that men and women are brainwashed about: women have permanently loose vaginas after having a child. There are women who believe their men will lose interest in them sexually after they have a baby. This might be true for those who don’t exercise. There are kegal exercises, even basic pilates and kundalini yoga strengthens and tightens everything again, so there is no need to worry about that. The body is designed to heal.

About the actual labor: yes, it will be painful and be scary and you might think you’ll die. But all good things come at a price. Everything that is worth it, came with a cost. And after the birth, hormones will ease the pain and make you feel wonderful. Having a cute little baby who loves you unconditionally will also make you feel wonderful.

Another lie: You can raise a child on your own. This is heavily pushed in the media, a “strong single mother who does everything on her own and kicks ass plus also looks really energetic and fit and also her hair is always perfectly styled”. The reality is, having a child is a 2-person job. You are both required to raise it, or else the child will be at a disadvantage.

If there are problems between you and the father of your child, try to work through them. If the father took off, you can look for another man, perhaps a single father, and raise your children together. If this is not an option for you for whatever reason, you can establish another network, such as friends and family you can rely on. This is what all our ancestors did. There are many single parents out there who would be better off as a full family. Life is easier when you have a strong family unit where everyone helps out, and everyone supports each other.

Men need to understand this and step up in responsibilities. Every couple laughs about how the man had to shave his wife’s legs near the end of her pregnancy because she couldn’t reach over her belly. Your woman is giving you a baby, giving you the continuance of your bloodline, so step up. Learn to help with doing the laundry and cooking, because she will need help especially in her final months. The less you help, the more work is on her, which is the very reason a lot of women are hesitant to have children. The thought of doing something impossible all by herself won’t make her want to have a baby.

But if you prove to her that you will help, that will ease her mind. Women need to have reassurance when it comes to having a child. Reassure her that you will do your part and take care of her. Yes it will be more work on you, but if you want a family, extra work will pay off. It is part of basic instinct: if it seems impossible to have a baby, she won’t be convinced to have one. But if you make it easier for her, then she will be far more willing to have a baby. Anxiety is not conducive to creating a family; joy is.

Couples who have more money can hire help, and couples with family can have help from relatives, but not everybody is in that beneficial situation. If a woman feels like she’s alone, the thought of having a baby can be intimidating. But if she feels supported, then she can focus on having a family.

There are definitely other valid concerns regarding having a child: money, because food is expensive. And safety, what with all the violence, drugs, and “certain cultures” in the world. A lot of people are afraid if they have a child, see it go to school, and then get killed or raped or be given drugs. These situations happen far too frequently. But for those of here in the JoS with our Gods, you can do aura of protection on your child, you can do money workings and ask for help in dire situations.

Our ancestors had families despite of wars, plagues, and famine. The opportunity to allow life to grow, compared to immediately preventing any life from forming. Our ancestors did everything knowing they were continuing their bloodline, continuing humanity. If it weren’t for them, you would not be here. So why deny your potential future descendants of the opportunity to be born?

Now, regarding the time sacrificed to raise children. Yes, it is a lot of time, and you will have to do without some things in order to provide more for your children. But your own mother did that for you, are you happy to be alive? Do you wish she didn’t give to you? So now you give to your children. It’s a cycle of life, the continuing of generations. It is why we are all connected.

And if you do it right, if you give to your children and raise them the best you can, they will in turn help you when you get older. You will be able to rely on them to help you and provide companionship. Because they will become your friends with unconditional love. Who wouldn’t want that? They will always be in your life, even if they move away you can still visit and talk on the phone. This is a comfort.

Something important to mention: for most of us, our parents made mistakes. For the most part, this wasn’t really their fault, it was just because they didn’t know any better. But we do know better. Not only do we have spiritual knowledge, and the knowledge to study the natal charts and transits of our children, but we learn from the mistakes of our parents.

Spend time contemplating their mistakes and how you can do better. What will you avoid when raising your own children, and what will you encourage? Instead of sitting in front of the tv, turn it off and really think of all the mistakes your parents made, and how you can do better. Write it down if this helps you work through your thoughts better.

Our parents had their own karma and dirty souls/chakras, which caused more problems in their parenting style. So, everyone here has the knowledge to clean your soul and chakras, clean your aura, purify yourself, empower your chakras, and meditate to gain wisdom. Our Gods will guide you further if you are willing, to prepare yourself better for when you will have children.

And when you have children, you can learn basic astrology (more info on this will be out soon) to know your children’s needs, talents, skills, and problem areas. You can help them will all of this, you can help your child become the best they can be. It’s exciting and rewarding to help others become better.

Raising the next generation better than how you were raised, will ensure the world will get better.

By raising a child, you have an incredible power: the power to shape the world.
Thanks HPS Lydia, For this piece of wisdom.... You are really a true Mother of JOS.
And when you have children, you can learn basic astrology (more info on this will be out soon) to know your children’s needs, talents, skills, and problem areas. You can help them will all of this, you can help your child become the best they can be. It’s exciting and rewarding to help others become better.
Yes! I definitely need some very basic astrology notions, because every time I tried to learn it, it seemed super complex and like it required prior knowledge to understand it.
I'll be extremely glad when this comes to be.
Thank you for writing this, HPS Lydia. I'm sure this post will help future mothers to cease their fears and concerns. Motherhood is a blessing, and so are children. I hope that in the future I will be able to find a mature and intelligent man with whom we will build a family and raise children to be healthy, strong and wise.
It doesn’t help that a lot of men slack off on their duties, which puts more negative connotations on parenthood for women.

First of all, ignore TV programming. Get rid of the thoughts of how all the work is on the mother while the fathers are supposed to be “goof-ball dads” and never exert any authority to the children. Most men are capable of being a parent and managing all the responsibilities that are required.

Both parents are supposed to guide the children through life. Both parents are to help their children become the best they can be. Men, if you have children, stop wasting your life playing video games and binge-watching netflix while drinking yourself into a stupor or smoking weed. Life can be so much better than that.

Another lie: You can raise a child on your own. This is heavily pushed in the media, a “strong single mother who does everything on her own and kicks ass plus also looks really energetic and fit and also her hair is always perfectly styled”. The reality is, having a child is a 2-person job. You are both required to raise it, or else the child will be at a disadvantage.

Men need to understand this and step up in responsibilities. Every couple laughs about how the man had to shave his wife’s legs near the end of her pregnancy because she couldn’t reach over her belly. Your woman is giving you a baby, giving you the continuance of your bloodline, so step up. Learn to help with doing the laundry and cooking, because she will need help especially in her final months. The less you help, the more work is on her, which is the very reason a lot of women are hesitant to have children. The thought of doing something impossible all by herself won’t make her want to have a baby.

But if you prove to her that you will help, that will ease her mind. Women need to have reassurance when it comes to having a child. Reassure her that you will do your part and take care of her. Yes it will be more work on you, but if you want a family, extra work will pay off. It is part of basic instinct: if it seems impossible to have a baby, she won’t be convinced to have one. But if you make it easier for her, then she will be far more willing to have a baby. Anxiety is not conducive to creating a family; joy is.
These are important points. Raising children is the work of two parents. A child needs the presence of its mother and father. Some men don't help enough sadly. Women nowadays often have to work and also to take care of the house and children. There are men who also do not know how to cook, because they think it is the role of women. I can't imagine having a man who can't do such a basic task. A woman will need help during pregnancy or illness. I also believe that women need a sense of security and awareness that her partner will be there for her and help before she decides to have a child.
Thank you. Very beautiful post HPS Lydia, important both for parents and those who will become ones in future. Worth re-reading often to remind ourselves that being parent is not one person work. When child is raised by both parent, the child will still have more affection for his mother as she was the one who brought him to the world and cared for him. That is why it is important for us men to always be there and help as much as possible for our women all the time throughout the process of her pregnancy, especially last few months as described in this post and then after pregnancy and be there both for her and the child. So that the child develops affection for both parents which will then make it easier to raise them correct.
Plus we have big advantage being a SS from the knowledge we possess in everything and so as shaping the best parenthood to our children.
At least that is what I think, I am not parent yet but I have this type of sense on parenting so correct me if I'm wrong, there's still time. :)
I think you are going to be a great father with this kind of mindset!
Another lie: You can raise a child on your own. This is heavily pushed in the media, a “strong single mother who does everything on her own and kicks ass plus also looks really energetic and fit and also her hair is always perfectly styled”. The reality is, having a child is a 2-person job. You are both required to raise it, or else the child will be at a disadvantage.

Thank you for writing this. I've mentioned in the past, but, I was someone who was raised by a single mother, as my father had cheated and abandoned us to go be a thug and gangster. There's an old saying which I absolutely believe in, which is that it takes a village to raise a child. My mother had two choices, either try and fight and struggle on her own to prove a point, or raise me with a family, despite the sacrifices she'd have to make in order to cleave closer to her own parents despite the emotional issues between them. She took the latter path. Mind, my mother is a strong, fiery person, very much what one would have called a "tomboy", as I have images of her riding motorbikes and shooting guns with her brothers, etc. Even still, she knew it'd be better off if I was raised among a myriad of people, man and woman alike.

In truth, it's not only what I learned from other men that shaped me. A lot of it was lessons on what not to be as well. My grandfather, who I grew up with, was a WW2 veteran, and a hard worker. Admirable traits. At the same time, he was also a lacklustre, absentee parent to my mother, and a mediocre husband all around. He wasn't the worst person ever, not at all. When it came time for my childhood, he did his best to love me in his own way, until the end. Sometimes, people genuinely do better the second time around. My mother gave him the chance to do so despite her reasons for having misgivings, and it was worth it. He had a chance to be affectionate that he allowed himself to miss out upon with his own children.

In the end, both my grandfather and grandmother both fell prey to dementia, but for what they did for me, I was around to help watch over them, even when their actual children scattered to the four winds. These were hard tasks, that forever changed me. All I can say about that is, as advice to anyone, do not be "fair weather," and always be painfully aware of the people that are. Be willing to stick by people when the weather is harsh for them, or do not do so at all. Much of my family stayed at arm's length during my grandparents years of illness, only to knock at the door wanting something when they had passed on. Please, never tolerate such things under the pretence of family, because when the time comes to build your own, you will not wish it to be made upon pillars of sand. There's no real virtue in this life more sacred than loyalty.
Nu. Casele fără planete încă funcționează normal. Uită-te la semnul de pe vârf și la planeta care guvernează acea casă și aspectele sale, pentru orice indicatori privind copiii.

Am văzut asta, e atât de bizar. Când aveam acea vârstă, purtam orice haine practice și îmbrăcate pe care mama mi le cumpărase pentru a mă juca. Aș fi în natură cu prietenii mei, nimănui nu-I păsa de haine la acea vârstă, doar ce culoare era. Nu stil sau "sexualitate".

Sunt sigur că vei găsi pe cineva! Fiecare SS merită iubire :)
Nu este nici o posibilitate copilul meu nu am un tată, for him pentru că tatăl his nu recunoaște copilul meu. I grow up my baby boy 78 cm height me and your grandma my mother make gifts him all you needs.
[Not everyone is meant to be a parent, and this is fine. Throughout history there have been people who did not have children, and yet the White population still grew, as many families had 5 or more children.

It is in the destiny of most people to have children. This is not something to be uncomfortable with, it’s just how humanity is. It’s natural. This post is for those who probably will have a family, or want a family, or are afraid of having children. If you are certain you won’t or should not have children, this post is not directed at you, so don’t think I’m trying to make everyone have babies.]

Woman are being told outright lies about having children. They are told it’s only a burden, all sorts of bad things will happen, the woman will stop being a person after having a child, and other lies all designed to convince women to not have children. It doesn’t help that a lot of men slack off on their duties, which puts more negative connotations on parenthood for women.

First of all, ignore TV programming. Get rid of the thoughts of how all the work is on the mother while the fathers are supposed to be “goof-ball dads” and never exert any authority to the children. Most men are capable of being a parent and managing all the responsibilities that are required.

Both parents are supposed to guide the children through life. Both parents are to help their children become the best they can be. Men, if you have children, stop wasting your life playing video games and binge-watching netflix while drinking yourself into a stupor or smoking weed. Life can be so much better than that.

Watching your children grow and develop talents and skills is one of the greatest joys you can experience. Far greater than playing video games (men) or shopping for more clothes than you need (women).

Many people (men and women) are programmed by the enemy to believe that once a woman gets married and has kids, she loses all value as a woman. This could not be further from the truth. When you have a child, your value increases dramatically. You are now responsible for guiding the next generation, and shaping the world. Your children will add to your personal value, because you are now more than just one person: you are also a part of each person you create, adding to your base value of being just one person.

The better you raise you child (which would be a credit to you), the better the world will become. This is a fact. One of the reasons the world is in a bad shape now, is because so many people were raised wrong. They were not raised with values or proper ethics, they were not raised with healthy love and healthy attention from their parents, they were not raised to know how to socialize and how to deal with varying situations in social settings, they were not raised to know the value of their work and effort, they were not raised to know how to manage most situations in life.

One of the greatest joys you will ever have is in seeing your child grow and become a capable and talented human, with unlimited potential. This is a joy that makes all the pain and suffering you ever experienced, worth it.

Let’s discuss another lie. Women are programmed that once you have a child, you will become fat. Well, nearly everyone gains weight if they stop exercising and as they age. What are men’s excuse, they don’t get pregnant, yet they gain weight too. As long as you exercise and eat right, you’ll be fine. And besides, there are more important things in life than worrying about a few extra pounds. There are women who have had many babies and are still slender. One way to ensure this, is to exercise with your family. This will also help your kids burn off excess energy so they are not hyper.

Which leads to another lie: that kids are unmanageable and out of control. Well, this is true, if you let them in front of the tv all day eating garbage food. Food coloring in candy and cakes cause hyperactivity, and watching tv all day makes the brain scattered, especially as children’s cartoons have way too many bright moving colors. This is unnatural for the brain.

You can tell the difference between kids who watch too many cartoons, and kids who are enrolled in activities and have limited tv. There is a difference. Cut the tv and have your kids be more physically active to burn off energy (this is extremely beneficial for their health anyway), and have them learn hobbies.

Another lie that men and women are brainwashed about: women have permanently loose vaginas after having a child. There are women who believe their men will lose interest in them sexually after they have a baby. This might be true for those who don’t exercise. There are kegal exercises, even basic pilates and kundalini yoga strengthens and tightens everything again, so there is no need to worry about that. The body is designed to heal.

About the actual labor: yes, it will be painful and be scary and you might think you’ll die. But all good things come at a price. Everything that is worth it, came with a cost. And after the birth, hormones will ease the pain and make you feel wonderful. Having a cute little baby who loves you unconditionally will also make you feel wonderful.

Another lie: You can raise a child on your own. This is heavily pushed in the media, a “strong single mother who does everything on her own and kicks ass plus also looks really energetic and fit and also her hair is always perfectly styled”. The reality is, having a child is a 2-person job. You are both required to raise it, or else the child will be at a disadvantage.

If there are problems between you and the father of your child, try to work through them. If the father took off, you can look for another man, perhaps a single father, and raise your children together. If this is not an option for you for whatever reason, you can establish another network, such as friends and family you can rely on. This is what all our ancestors did. There are many single parents out there who would be better off as a full family. Life is easier when you have a strong family unit where everyone helps out, and everyone supports each other.

Men need to understand this and step up in responsibilities. Every couple laughs about how the man had to shave his wife’s legs near the end of her pregnancy because she couldn’t reach over her belly. Your woman is giving you a baby, giving you the continuance of your bloodline, so step up. Learn to help with doing the laundry and cooking, because she will need help especially in her final months. The less you help, the more work is on her, which is the very reason a lot of women are hesitant to have children. The thought of doing something impossible all by herself won’t make her want to have a baby.

But if you prove to her that you will help, that will ease her mind. Women need to have reassurance when it comes to having a child. Reassure her that you will do your part and take care of her. Yes it will be more work on you, but if you want a family, extra work will pay off. It is part of basic instinct: if it seems impossible to have a baby, she won’t be convinced to have one. But if you make it easier for her, then she will be far more willing to have a baby. Anxiety is not conducive to creating a family; joy is.

Couples who have more money can hire help, and couples with family can have help from relatives, but not everybody is in that beneficial situation. If a woman feels like she’s alone, the thought of having a baby can be intimidating. But if she feels supported, then she can focus on having a family.

There are definitely other valid concerns regarding having a child: money, because food is expensive. And safety, what with all the violence, drugs, and “certain cultures” in the world. A lot of people are afraid if they have a child, see it go to school, and then get killed or raped or be given drugs. These situations happen far too frequently. But for those of here in the JoS with our Gods, you can do aura of protection on your child, you can do money workings and ask for help in dire situations.

Our ancestors had families despite of wars, plagues, and famine. The opportunity to allow life to grow, compared to immediately preventing any life from forming. Our ancestors did everything knowing they were continuing their bloodline, continuing humanity. If it weren’t for them, you would not be here. So why deny your potential future descendants of the opportunity to be born?

Now, regarding the time sacrificed to raise children. Yes, it is a lot of time, and you will have to do without some things in order to provide more for your children. But your own mother did that for you, are you happy to be alive? Do you wish she didn’t give to you? So now you give to your children. It’s a cycle of life, the continuing of generations. It is why we are all connected.

And if you do it right, if you give to your children and raise them the best you can, they will in turn help you when you get older. You will be able to rely on them to help you and provide companionship. Because they will become your friends with unconditional love. Who wouldn’t want that? They will always be in your life, even if they move away you can still visit and talk on the phone. This is a comfort.

Something important to mention: for most of us, our parents made mistakes. For the most part, this wasn’t really their fault, it was just because they didn’t know any better. But we do know better. Not only do we have spiritual knowledge, and the knowledge to study the natal charts and transits of our children, but we learn from the mistakes of our parents.

Spend time contemplating their mistakes and how you can do better. What will you avoid when raising your own children, and what will you encourage? Instead of sitting in front of the tv, turn it off and really think of all the mistakes your parents made, and how you can do better. Write it down if this helps you work through your thoughts better.

Our parents had their own karma and dirty souls/chakras, which caused more problems in their parenting style. So, everyone here has the knowledge to clean your soul and chakras, clean your aura, purify yourself, empower your chakras, and meditate to gain wisdom. Our Gods will guide you further if you are willing, to prepare yourself better for when you will have children.

And when you have children, you can learn basic astrology (more info on this will be out soon) to know your children’s needs, talents, skills, and problem areas. You can help them will all of this, you can help your child become the best they can be. It’s exciting and rewarding to help others become better.

Raising the next generation better than how you were raised, will ensure the world will get better.

By raising a child, you have an incredible power: the power to shape the world.
Thank you High Priestess Lydia. It is very important to raise a family👪 as handed down to us by our ancestors and we try to make things better for our children than how we had them. Waiting patiently for the basic astrology soon. Our children will carry our legacies on and follow us in the direction of our Gods in all positivity. May our Gods direct our paths as we raise the next generation of Spiritual Satanists to spread true spiritual knowledge of our Gods to all Gentiles all over the world.
Hail Father Satan
Hail Mama Astarte
Hail all Gods and Goddesses of Hell forever
Thank you for writing this. I've mentioned in the past, but, I was someone who was raised by a single mother, as my father had cheated and abandoned us to go be a thug and gangster. There's an old saying which I absolutely believe in, which is that it takes a village to raise a child. My mother had two choices, either try and fight and struggle on her own to prove a point, or raise me with a family, despite the sacrifices she'd have to make in order to cleave closer to her own parents despite the emotional issues between them. She took the latter path. Mind, my mother is a strong, fiery person, very much what one would have called a "tomboy", as I have images of her riding motorbikes and shooting guns with her brothers, etc. Even still, she knew it'd be better off if I was raised among a myriad of people, man and woman alike.

In truth, it's not only what I learned from other men that shaped me. A lot of it was lessons on what not to be as well. My grandfather, who I grew up with, was a WW2 veteran, and a hard worker. Admirable traits. At the same time, he was also a lacklustre, absentee parent to my mother, and a mediocre husband all around. He wasn't the worst person ever, not at all. When it came time for my childhood, he did his best to love me in his own way, until the end. Sometimes, people genuinely do better the second time around. My mother gave him the chance to do so despite her reasons for having misgivings, and it was worth it. He had a chance to be affectionate that he allowed himself to miss out upon with his own children.

In the end, both my grandfather and grandmother both fell prey to dementia, but for what they did for me, I was around to help watch over them, even when their actual children scattered to the four winds. These were hard tasks, that forever changed me. All I can say about that is, as advice to anyone, do not be "fair weather," and always be painfully aware of the people that are. Be willing to stick by people when the weather is harsh for them, or do not do so at all. Much of my family stayed at arm's length during my grandparents years of illness, only to knock at the door wanting something when they had passed on. Please, never tolerate such things under the pretence of family, because when the time comes to build your own, you will not wish it to be made upon pillars of sand. There's no real virtue in this life more sacred than loyalty.
My grandfather was also better to his grandchildren than to his own children, although I didn't see my grandparents often as they lived far away. This is a valuable point for any of us here, your parents might be better to your children than they were to you. Granted, some grandparents are toxic and fill their grandchildren's minds with garbage, so careful thought is required to see if you should allow a close relationship here. But a lot of people will do better the second time around, as you said, because they learned from their mistakes and have regrets which propel them to make up for it with the new opportunity they have.
I respectfully disagree .A man or a woman's worth and their success does not lie in how many children they have given birth to or how successful their children have become .But a man or a woman's success is only depended on how successful and prosperous they have become by their hardwork and smart work and how effectively they have used their time on this earth to give any valuable contribution to the society .Even animals breed like excess and give as many babies per birth .Do you consider that as an accomplishment ?
Again no sacrifice for other humans is worth the sacrifice which u do in honing oneself ,your talents ,your success.One only needs to sacrifice their life and time to develop their own self spiritually and physically .One needs to sacrifice their life and time in their own progress so that they are 360 degree developed .Sacrifice to any other humans is not worth your time .No successful person ever sacrifices their life and time for others including their wife ,their children .If they had ever sacrificed their life for others ,they would not have been this successfull.You have this life where you make the most out of your own life .Nobody is born to serve others .
I respectfully disagree .A man or a woman's worth and their success does not lie in how many children they have given birth to or how successful their children have become .But a man or a woman's success is only depended on how successful and prosperous they have become by their hardwork and smart work and how effectively they have used their time on this earth to give any valuable contribution to the society .Even animals breed like excess and give as many babies per birth .Do you consider that as an accomplishment ?
Again no sacrifice for other humans is worth the sacrifice which u do in honing oneself ,your talents ,your success.One only needs to sacrifice their life and time to develop their own self spiritually and physically .One needs to sacrifice their life and time in their own progress so that they are 360 degree developed .Sacrifice to any other humans is not worth your time .No successful person ever sacrifices their life and time for others including their wife ,their children .If they had ever sacrificed their life for others ,they would not have been this successfull.You have this life where you make the most out of your own life .Nobody is born to serve others .
I didn't say to sacrifice their own accomplishments just for the sake of children. This post was about having children, not a complete guide to all areas of life. Nowhere did I write that the only purpose of life is to have children.

Yes, successful people do sacrifice time for their loved ones. Many successful people were good parents and spent time with their loved ones. Not all of their time, but a certain amount of their time. Nowhere did I say all of one's time must be sacrificed for children.

Please understand the context of things that are written, and do not assume it means that everything else does not exist. I never wrote that.

Look at the posts I have also written, encouraging members to accomplish their goals. You can't read one post and assume nothing else applies. Take things in context.
Sacrifice to any other humans is not worth your time .No successful person ever sacrifices their life and time for others including their wife ,their children .If they had ever sacrificed their life for others ,they would not have been this successfull.You have this life where you make the most out of your own life .Nobody is born to serve others .
If other people had your same mentality, thankfully they don't, you wouldn't be here writing this message. Sacrifice to others is an extremely beautiful, noble and important thing. And no, you don't need to be a millionaire or conquered half of the world to do it. You can still work on yourself even after having children, there are plenty of successful people who can be cited as examples. Most people will also have a very moderate success in life, be realistic. This idea that women firstly have to be extremely successful, and only later can have children, is jewish nonsense and propaganda. This extreme selfishness is also jewish nonsense and propaganda. It leads you nowhere in the long run, it's exactly why jews promote it so much, especially to women.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
