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Azazel is Holy


Active member
Apr 9, 2018
RussRaum said:
When I met Azazel recently, all I could process was that he was eternally holy. He blew my mind. I stared into his sigil and it started moving gravitationally toward a light bulb in which then it “popped” and I felt his presence. My hands went into prayer position and my jaw dropped. I felt high.

He gave me positive reinforcement on everything I thought and planned. It was like being filled by a man in every way. I felt anal stimulation as if I was being penetrated when he came to me.

For the next day I felt I had a literal connection to him where I could talk to him about every idea I was having and get positive reinforcement from it.

We both agreed or he helped me to see that I require male positive reinforcement on meditation and plans to evolve humans that I simply don’t get. It is important that Satanists get approval for doing the things we do in secret.

Azazel is holy and I was blown away by feeling him.
What kind of shit is this,last time it was asteroth had sex with you now this is what am seeing,pls get the fuck out of here with this nonsense.
Why do this kind of post get approved
shinninglight said:
RussRaum said:
When I met Azazel recently, all I could process was that he was eternally holy. He blew my mind. I stared into his sigil and it started moving gravitationally toward a light bulb in which then it “popped” and I felt his presence. My hands went into prayer position and my jaw dropped. I felt high.

He gave me positive reinforcement on everything I thought and planned. It was like being filled by a man in every way. I felt anal stimulation as if I was being penetrated when he came to me.

For the next day I felt I had a literal connection to him where I could talk to him about every idea I was having and get positive reinforcement from it.

We both agreed or he helped me to see that I require male positive reinforcement on meditation and plans to evolve humans that I simply don’t get. It is important that Satanists get approval for doing the things we do in secret.

Azazel is holy and I was blown away by feeling him.
What kind of shit is this,last time it was asteroth had sex with you now this is what am seeing,pls get the fuck out of here with this nonsense.
Why do this kind of post get approved

I'd say use these types of posts as like lessons/examples. Even if high ranking gods, though it probably wouldn't be the crowned princes, were causing someone to experience sexual pleasure then I don't think that someone would go around openly talking about it as this person is here. I feel that it's normal to find some gods attractive and to be turned on by some, but that is much different than actually having sex with them. Have common sense and see these posts for what they are. A lot of the gods are in monogamous relationships anyways.
shinninglight said:
RussRaum said:
When I met Azazel recently, all I could process was that he was eternally holy. He blew my mind. I stared into his sigil and it started moving gravitationally toward a light bulb in which then it “popped” and I felt his presence. My hands went into prayer position and my jaw dropped. I felt high.

He gave me positive reinforcement on everything I thought and planned. It was like being filled by a man in every way. I felt anal stimulation as if I was being penetrated when he came to me.

For the next day I felt I had a literal connection to him where I could talk to him about every idea I was having and get positive reinforcement from it.

We both agreed or he helped me to see that I require male positive reinforcement on meditation and plans to evolve humans that I simply don’t get. It is important that Satanists get approval for doing the things we do in secret.

Azazel is holy and I was blown away by feeling him.
What kind of shit is this,last time it was asteroth had sex with you now this is what am seeing,pls get the fuck out of here with this nonsense.
Why do this kind of post get approved

I'd say use these types of posts as like lessons/examples. Even if high ranking gods, though it probably wouldn't be the crowned princes, were causing someone to experience sexual pleasure then I don't think that someone would go around openly talking about it as this person is here. I feel that it's normal to find some gods attractive and to be turned on by some, but that is much different than actually having sex with them. Have common sense and see these posts for what they are. A lot of the gods are in monogamous relationships anyways.
RussRaum said:
shinninglight said:
RussRaum said:
When I met Azazel recently, all I could process was that he was eternally holy. He blew my mind. I stared into his sigil and it started moving gravitationally toward a light bulb in which then it “popped” and I felt his presence. My hands went into prayer position and my jaw dropped. I felt high.

He gave me positive reinforcement on everything I thought and planned. It was like being filled by a man in every way. I felt anal stimulation as if I was being penetrated when he came to me.

For the next day I felt I had a literal connection to him where I could talk to him about every idea I was having and get positive reinforcement from it.

We both agreed or he helped me to see that I require male positive reinforcement on meditation and plans to evolve humans that I simply don’t get. It is important that Satanists get approval for doing the things we do in secret.

Azazel is holy and I was blown away by feeling him.
What kind of shit is this,last time it was asteroth had sex with you now this is what am seeing,pls get the fuck out of here with this nonsense.
Why do this kind of post get approved

Nothing bothers a Nazi more than a retard using grammar like you did. And to defile a post about Azazel’s Holiness, only shows you don’t understand the reverence required for such a God. I pity you.
Fuck you,he made you have anal stimulation is holiness,I pity you.you should stay off your drugs and stop being retarded,last time you said asteroth had sex with you and now your saying Azazel,so now you think all crown princes of hell have crush on you and you even said you even raised your kundalini at age 17,pls tell me who is retarded here
What's next,you will say Beelzebub visited you and did something sexual or sekmet kissed you or something because you can handle much energy.
lilquote said:
shinninglight said:
RussRaum said:
When I met Azazel recently, all I could process was that he was eternally holy. He blew my mind. I stared into his sigil and it started moving gravitationally toward a light bulb in which then it “popped” and I felt his presence. My hands went into prayer position and my jaw dropped. I felt high.

He gave me positive reinforcement on everything I thought and planned. It was like being filled by a man in every way. I felt anal stimulation as if I was being penetrated when he came to me.

For the next day I felt I had a literal connection to him where I could talk to him about every idea I was having and get positive reinforcement from it.

We both agreed or he helped me to see that I require male positive reinforcement on meditation and plans to evolve humans that I simply don’t get. It is important that Satanists get approval for doing the things we do in secret.

Azazel is holy and I was blown away by feeling him.
What kind of shit is this,last time it was asteroth had sex with you now this is what am seeing,pls get the fuck out of here with this nonsense.
Why do this kind of post get approved

I'd say use these types of posts as like lessons/examples. Even if high ranking gods, though it probably wouldn't be the crowned princes, were causing someone to experience sexual pleasure then I don't think that someone would go around openly talking about it as this person is here. I feel that it's normal to find some gods attractive and to be turned on by some, but that is much different than actually having sex with them. Have common sense and see these posts for what they are. A lot of the gods are in monogamous relationships anyways.
I think you are the one who need common sense here,real one at that,you tell me some said they had sex with Astarte and then azazel that's normal,he even said asteroth said she will kill him for whatever reason and then went to prove his retardedness by saying he raised his kundalini at age 18 so now the two most high ranking gods of hell wants to mate with him,if you see nothing wrong with this then you are as retarded as he is and you should go find something else doing other than quoting me.
Who need commons sense here
RussRaum said:
shinninglight said:
RussRaum said:
When I met Azazel recently, all I could process was that he was eternally holy. He blew my mind. I stared into his sigil and it started moving gravitationally toward a light bulb in which then it “popped” and I felt his presence. My hands went into prayer position and my jaw dropped. I felt high.

He gave me positive reinforcement on everything I thought and planned. It was like being filled by a man in every way. I felt anal stimulation as if I was being penetrated when he came to me.

For the next day I felt I had a literal connection to him where I could talk to him about every idea I was having and get positive reinforcement from it.

We both agreed or he helped me to see that I require male positive reinforcement on meditation and plans to evolve humans that I simply don’t get. It is important that Satanists get approval for doing the things we do in secret.

Azazel is holy and I was blown away by feeling him.
What kind of shit is this,last time it was asteroth had sex with you now this is what am seeing,pls get the fuck out of here with this nonsense.
Why do this kind of post get approved

Nothing bothers a Nazi more than a retard using grammar like you did. And to defile a post about Azazel’s Holiness, only shows you don’t understand the reverence required for such a God. I pity you.
You're a retard
While based on the OP's other posts, they seem to be telling tall tales of fantasy... with having been on loop-di-doo mind-altering, soul-destroying poisons...

Consider this - the Kundalini is very sexual in Nature, and any person is made-up in certain ways, some more sexually-inclined than others who may be much more sensitive to sexual energies. When a God or Goddess is present before one of us, not only do many (who are open enough) feel Their energy, others may very well feel certain types of energy - and in this case, sexual energy or energies, which, in a literal and actual way, stimulates and tingles certain...parts - if not Physically, then at least these sexual energies would energetically, which affects the Physical, Biological, Mental...reactions.

Being in the presence of an Adonis, for example, would surely arouse certain energies in even the least-Godly/Goddessly individual - being in the presence of a God Adonis (or Goddess equivalent) should do the same for someone who is more open to Spiritual energies and things. Members have said they feel a 'buzz' from when a God or Goddess visits them, and this 'buzz' lasts for a while afterwards; there are so many types of energy, why can't the same be real and true with sexual energies and arousal, even if They were not initiating any sexual interaction with you? Maybe just like the Pineal Gland filters languages into our own understanding for telepathy, our Body filters energies into their respective places, areas and departments (Chakras which rule particular Organs/Body parts) and interprets them for us in ways which we understand.

The Gods or Goddesses wouldn't initiate sexual interaction without our permission - yes, even Gods and Goddesses can be forbidden from doing some things! They do also require our permission, of course; They wouldn't force Themselves onto us - but the presence of Their energies interacts with us in particular ways. When some people see a sexy person, they might very well have a reaction; when a God or Goddess is near us, those who are open to Spiritual things would have a Spiritual/energetic reaction which our Bodies interprets. Presuming LORD Azazel is monogamous, then it would very much more likely be the OP's interpretation of His energies being near the OP (of course, this is remembering that the OP said they have done mind-altering, soul-destroying poisons).
Shame on You!
RussRaum said:
When I met Azazel recently, all I could process was that he was eternally holy. He blew my mind. I stared into his sigil and it started moving gravitationally toward a light bulb in which then it “popped” and I felt his presence. My hands went into prayer position and my jaw dropped. I felt high.

He gave me positive reinforcement on everything I thought and planned. It was like being filled by a man in every way. I felt anal stimulation as if I was being penetrated when he came to me.

For the next day I felt I had a literal connection to him where I could talk to him about every idea I was having and get positive reinforcement from it.

We both agreed or he helped me to see that I require male positive reinforcement on meditation and plans to evolve humans that I simply don’t get. It is important that Satanists get approval for doing the things we do in secret.

Azazel is holy and I was blown away by feeling him.
Another qlippothic kid was confronted with reality and he had a meltdown.

I think that this patticular case is beyond saving given all these posts he tried to make. I am sure some points were communicated by the community on the wrong road or said individual, but this case was...a low one.

With that being stated since you have been called, I will delete your crappy post and good luck if you ever are going to heal mentally or mature up.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Another qlippothic kid was confronted with reality and he had a meltdown.

I think that this patticular case is beyond saving given all these posts he tried to make. I am sure some points were communicated by the community on the wrong road or said individual, but this case was...a low one.

With that being stated since you have been called, I will delete your crappy post and good luck if you ever are going to heal mentally or mature up.

Thank you for keeping this forum free from such pollution.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Another qlippothic kid was confronted with reality and he had a meltdown.

I think that this patticular case is beyond saving given all these posts he tried to make. I am sure some points were communicated by the community on the wrong road or said individual, but this case was...a low one.

With that being stated since you have been called, I will delete your crappy post and good luck if you ever are going to heal mentally or mature up.

Aww now we will never now if he gets sexual with Beezlebub or father Satan himself. Maybe he will tell us more about what the gods are, for one i did not know that Azazel was holy at all or that one guy can have even the gods fall in love with him. he even raised his kundalini at the age of seventeen.... cant you see this man is the chosen one and that we all should worship him :lol:
RussRaum said:
When I met Azazel recently, all I could process was that he was eternally holy. He blew my mind. I stared into his sigil and it started moving gravitationally toward a light bulb in which then it “popped” and I felt his presence. My hands went into prayer position and my jaw dropped. I felt high.

He gave me positive reinforcement on everything I thought and planned. It was like being filled by a man in every way. I felt anal stimulation as if I was being penetrated when he came to me.

For the next day I felt I had a literal connection to him where I could talk to him about every idea I was having and get positive reinforcement from it.

We both agreed or he helped me to see that I require male positive reinforcement on meditation and plans to evolve humans that I simply don’t get. It is important that Satanists get approval for doing the things we do in secret.

Azazel is holy and I was blown away by feeling him.
You didn't feel high. You were high.
Cro666 said:
Aww now we will never now if he gets sexual with Beezlebub or father Satan himself. Maybe he will tell us more about what the gods are, for one i did not know that Azazel was holy at all or that one guy can have even the gods fall in love with him. he even raised his kundalini at the age of seventeen.... cant you see this man is the chosen one and that we all should worship him :lol:
Or is it the (((chosen one)))?

Only the nose knows!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
