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Aura Goggles

Smite said:
He didn't say you should eat only sardines but to add sardines to your diet to boost your nutrients intake. Your taking what he is saying and perverting it, no real nutritionist will tell you to eat only sardine for years even though they are very healthy, unless they want you to be malnurished from lack of other foods. Listen to what you watch.

I never said that you should just eat sardines either only that the human body could survive on them for 15 years if necessary.

Sardines has zero carbohydrates and our body needs carbs, it is our bodies source of energy and fuels our vital organs. Sardines may also have vitamins A,B and C but not as much as citrus fruits and vegetables like tomato's and grape . Because Sardines is great source for protein and omega 3 doesn't mean you can live by eating sardines all your life.

I didn't say you could live all your life eating sardines.

And ultimately carbs are poison.

like I said I don't need to challenge the doctor because we are basically saying the same thing here. You are the only one perverting what he is saying out of delusions with a meat only and sardine only diet when he never even said that

It's hard to even understand what you are saying on this one.

Watch some more of his video's would be my advice.
Henu the Great said:
First I have to make it clear that we are talking about two different things at this point.

I am talking about health and fitness, and you are talking about losing weight (and fat?), as fast as possibly specifically.

That being said, when you talk about losing fat and weight with your current method and considering this huge success denying other methods, it makes sense. You changed the setting so that the main fuel source for your body is now fat, of which you have plenty available. With that premise, yes, huge success, I do agree.


What I do not agree is that you deny that exercising is as important as other aspects for health, which are: Nutrition, exercising and recovery. All of these three together are equally important.

When I mentioned exercising being half or one third of the solution, I said it from the perspectice of being healthy and fit. Losing fat adn weight as fast as possible is a method to increase health when one has been overweight. It is not health per se.

I already listed multiple positives about exercising on another thread, and I should add that fit people can handle more bioelectricity. One key component for us Spiritual Satanists.


Disregarding exercising because it does not help you in fat loss to the extent you are now losing is not productive to your long term mental and physical health. Exercising can be almost any kind, and every method has its own skillset which keeps the mind active and sharpened in its own way on top of the physical benefits.

I understand that.

And to your specific situation about exercising I would also like to mention that 6 weeks is an awful short period of measure. That is one and half months. Many meaningful changes in physique take many months minimum, and long term gains are made in years. Endurance athletes grow over a decade minimum, for example.


Further, when you mention concrete numbers, in this case exercising being responsible for 1-2% of fat loss, that is highly situational. Issuing a blanket statement without any regard to circumstances is not a very good idea as it does not mean it would be true to anyone else other than in the situation when it was tested. That being said, do you have a research paper on that? I am interested about it outside of this discussion. Also, the numbers you mentioned regarding exercising seem very dubious to me because those who practice physical exercising have increased their metabolic rate. In other words, they consume more calories just by being idle compared to one who does not exercise.

Dr. Berry would have any studies on it I would imagine.

This is why I encourage people to go on his chats as I have not the where with all to answer everything myself.

I was walking about 2 miles every day so I don't know that would raise my metabolism. It wasn't Jogging.

Lastly, I would not use terms such as “proper human diet” when you have only begun your learning about the subject. Some more key things to take into account: Different body types response differenttly to different things, everyone needs a balanced nutrition regardless of their composition, exercising and all of its implications on health, both physical and mental and the list goes.

He uses it because it is how we as humans originally ate.

So I kindly ask you to stop parroting what a man says on a video and start questioning all the things you learn. Including the things that you initially agree upon. The best way to learn is to compose material from as many resources as possible, not just one or two. Furthermore, practical application on yourself and seeing what others do in the practical sense will fulfill the picture even more.

He's not the only doctor who teaches this stuff there are a few.

To your question, what is varied diet. Basically having a multitude of sources for carbohydrates, fats and protein. As there are multiple different forms of fats, so are there protein and carbohydrates and not each of these function in the same manner.


I got the picture that you are into meat & egg eating mainly because that is what you seemed to promote, not taking into account that for a human to prosper that is not the way to go. Same goes with the statement of eating sardines for 15 years. Please, use critical thinking. Having multitude of minerals in one food item does not mean one should only eat one thing forever or “15 years”, even when someone says it technically can be done due to the food item being rich in minerals.

For some people it may be though, that is what he is getting at (carnivore).

I think he was just making a point that one could survive on them for 15 years if necessary Henu.

Not that it would be optimal.
of the true light said:
Saying that carbohydrates are poison is a blatant falsehood. Your view stems from the fact that you neglected your health by sedentary lifestyle combined with processed foods. Carbohydrates are in many forms, just as fats and proteins. Example of healthy fat is saturated fat, and unhealthy one would be processed trans fats. Similarly, something that comes off from a production line in a factory, like processed monosaccharides are unhealthy, compared to something that comes off a field such as grain and potatoes, or fruits from trees and so on. However, the effects of unhealthy foodstuffs can be mitigated with lifestyle choices, ie. Being physically active. Us Spiritual Satanists have also Magickal options to elevate our health.

In regards to the research papers that I asked. You made a claim and you should be able to back that claim up with actual information. Otherwise it does not mean anything. I can claim anything as well. Does not make the claim true right off the bat however. It is in your responsibility to dig that information up, not mine. Again, I am interested in it if you can find the info. Seeing as you frequent his chat, it should not be a problem.

Further, people did not eat only one or few foodstuffs in the past as you would have us believe with your statements. Only when there was famine or other similar compelling circumstance this could have been the possibility. In reality people were eating everything their locale produced for them. Everything from fields, tress, forests, animals and water. Including carbohydrates.

Initially you made the impression with your posts making claims that unbalanced nutrition habits would be something worthwhile considering and applying into our lives. I hope you understand where you made a mistake here. The thing is, you are not very knowledgeable about this, and that is fine. Everyone has to begin somewhere. However it would be good that you begin your posts in a bit different manner as not to come as sharing something blatantly wrong thinking it is true, which you have done plenty here. It would be better to dig deep into information available before making posts. If you are unsure about something, present it in a way that you yourself are wondering about it. You do wonder about things, do you? I hope so anyway.

In a reply to my previous post you posted “Ok” multiple times. Was there not any questions at all? After all “Ok” stems from “everything clear”. So was everything really clear?

You citating this one specific person and then saying that there are more people doing the same thing does not really validate anything, I am afraid. You can have millions of people having their hand stuck in a pile of dung (which is an actual reality), yet it does not make the pile of dung any better.

Lastly, you mentioned that you walked for two miles. Sorry to disappoint you, but that is not exercising. At the very best that is a way for an obese person to cease their sedentary lifestyle, moving on to higher degrees of stimulus later on. However, you dit not lift, push, spin, jump or anything of the sort during those six weeks you mentioned. It is no wonder why you did not get substantial progress made during that time. Essentially you are still living a sedentary life, but you are having an illusion by using fat as fuel and cutting excess unhealthy foods off , thus losing weight that you are somehow healthy now. You are getting healthier, but you are far from healthy yet.
Henu the Great said:
In regards to the research papers that I asked. You made a claim and you should be able to back that claim up with actual information. Otherwise it does not mean anything. I can claim anything as well. Does not make the claim true right off the bat however. It is in your responsibility to dig that information up, not mine. Again, I am interested in it if you can find the info. Seeing as you frequent his chat, it should not be a problem.


Henu the Great said:
Saying that carbohydrates are poison is a blatant falsehood. Your view stems from the fact that you neglected your health by sedentary lifestyle combined with processed foods. Carbohydrates are in many forms, just as fats and proteins. Example of healthy fat is saturated fat, and unhealthy one would be processed trans fats. Similarly, something that comes off from a production line in a factory, like processed monosaccharides are unhealthy, compared to something that comes off a field such as grain and potatoes, or fruits from trees and so on. However, the effects of unhealthy foodstuffs can be mitigated with lifestyle choices, ie. Being physically active. Us Spiritual Satanists have also Magickal options to elevate our health.

I have been busy but I have some time to get back to the rest of what you said now.

The study I gave you in the previous post say's that that is wrong.

Further, people did not eat only one or few foodstuffs in the past as you would have us believe with your statements. Only when there was famine or other similar compelling circumstance this could have been the possibility. In reality people were eating everything their locale produced for them. Everything from fields, tress, forests, animals and water. Including carbohydrates.

When we humans were first created maybe berries, nuts, and some vegetables as hunter gatherers.

Doesn't mean those things are good for you just because they are available though.

Maybe in small amounts they are tolerable.

If you have to live on them to survive then you have to do what you have to do though.

Initially you made the impression with your posts making claims that unbalanced nutrition habits would be something worthwhile considering and applying into our lives. I hope you understand where you made a mistake here. The thing is, you are not very knowledgeable about this, and that is fine. Everyone has to begin somewhere. However it would be good that you begin your posts in a bit different manner as not to come as sharing something blatantly wrong thinking it is true, which you have done plenty here. It would be better to dig deep into information available before making posts. If you are unsure about something, present it in a way that you yourself are wondering about it. You do wonder about things, do you? I hope so anyway.

I've listened to both sides of the aisle and frankly Dr. Berry's info just makes more sense to me.

In a reply to my previous post you posted “Ok” multiple times. Was there not any questions at all? After all “Ok” stems from “everything clear”. So was everything really clear?

I was agreeing with much of what you had said.

You citating this one specific person and then saying that there are more people doing the same thing does not really validate anything, I am afraid. You can have millions of people having their hand stuck in a pile of dung (which is an actual reality), yet it does not make the pile of dung any better.

I know but...

Not everybody has a PH.D, a book on nutrition and 20 years of experience though.

That is why I trust him.

Knowledge through experience.

He pays attention to what works and what does not for his patients.

Lastly, you mentioned that you walked for two miles. Sorry to disappoint you, but that is not exercising. At the very best that is a way for an obese person to cease their sedentary lifestyle, moving on to higher degrees of stimulus later on. However, you dit not lift, push, spin, jump or anything of the sort during those six weeks you mentioned. It is no wonder why you did not get substantial progress made during that time. Essentially you are still living a sedentary life, but you are having an illusion by using fat as fuel and cutting excess unhealthy foods off , thus losing weight that you are somehow healthy now. You are getting healthier, but you are far from healthy yet.
Sure in the hell felt like it. When I was done I was exhausted. But I get your point.
of the true light said:
The summary of the summary of 45 research papers is following: You will not get any benefits of exercising when you do not exercise. (I know right??)

In other words:

Extremely small proportions of our society engage in levels of energy expenditure at a sufficiently high level to impact on long-term energy balance

Across the general population in countries like the USA, however, the time spent in what are generally conceived of as ‘sport-like’ moderate-vigorous activities is extremely small. Although some surveys, such as the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey (BRFSS), report that about 50% of individuals in the USA currently ‘meet the guidelines’ of 30 min/day moderate activity on at least 5 days per week, the activities described include ‘gardening’, ‘walking’ and ‘golf’.43 For the first time in a national representative sample, beginning with the 2003–04 survey, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) included an objective measure of activity.40 In an analysis of data from NHANES 2003–06, the average adult participant recorded only one bout of vigorous activity lasting a single minute. Moderate activity lasted 35 min/day among men and 21 min/day among women, but again 75% of this activity occurred in bouts of only 1 min and only 0.3% of participants met physical activity ‘guidelines’ requiring a minimum of two 10-min blocks of moderate activity per day.44 Although marathon running and other participatory sports have achieved great publicity, these involve minuscule proportions of the population. Given that an hour of vigorous activity is required to expend roughly 500 calories, leisure-time activity cannot be playing any noticeable role in the energy budget of the US population.

That being said, I now understand better where you are coming from, and from where others who have had their health improved by the method you are using (looking at the comments of the video you linked). You are simply so unfit and can not and / or will not do any meaningful amount of exercise in long term that you could get any positives out of it. That is what it boils down to.

I should also not ignore the fact that people eat like shit, and changing it has profound effect. Even when the measure used is something suboptimal. Suboptimal is better that nothing, resulting in noticeable change.

So again, one third of exercising, one third of nutrition and one third of recovery. Those are the incredients of good health.

Here is an example. Let’s take four examples of one person. First being 100% sedentary, second doing gardening, golf, some walking and that is that. Third, 3-5h hours of moderate to high intensity exercising per week and fourth example doing training competively on high level. Now, tell me with a straight face that two out of four examples get 1-2% impact on their weight (and consequently also on health) from exercising at meaningful level, actually meaningful level. Talking about up to several thousand kilojoules per week, year round.

Further, It makes perfect sense to make a statement of 1-2% impact to weight from exercising when there is 1-2% contribution from exercising. I know this sounds dumb. That’s because the whole situation is dumb. The ultimate culprit behind this are jews and their influence on this world. This is multifaceted issue that will start to gradually change once the jewish kabbalistic magick is dismantled and proper leadership is in place. From there it trickles down to everything else, so to speak.

I am sorry that you are so out of shape and unhealthy that walking gave you great difficulties. You can do something about it by physical exercise and spiritual workings to support that end. You have probably low fire so workings to increase your fire would help. Not knowing the excact situation I can not comment any more specific help for that at this moment.

Few more comments.

You should not forget that his patients, and most people overall are living in andrapoda state of mind. Which also translates to andrapoda state of health. Those with favourable astrology for health and exercising are exempt, along with those who were raised in a way supporting health or got some other good influence from their enviroment (again, astrology), but those are not many in the bigger picture. That is why something like what you are sharing works and why it is viable in the first place. Many things, including nutrition are so upside down in this world so that such measures start to make sense. Things being in their natural state, this method would not be so popular.

So that being said I get why you have aversion towards something natrual, which is balanced nutrition from all around.
Henu the Great said:
The summary of the summary of 45 research papers is following: You will not get any benefits of exercising when you do not exercise. (I know right??)

In other words:

Extremely small proportions of our society engage in levels of energy expenditure at a sufficiently high level to impact on long-term energy balance

Across the general population in countries like the USA, however, the time spent in what are generally conceived of as ‘sport-like’ moderate-vigorous activities is extremely small. Although some surveys, such as the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey (BRFSS), report that about 50% of individuals in the USA currently ‘meet the guidelines’ of 30 min/day moderate activity on at least 5 days per week, the activities described include ‘gardening’, ‘walking’ and ‘golf’.43 For the first time in a national representative sample, beginning with the 2003–04 survey, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) included an objective measure of activity.40 In an analysis of data from NHANES 2003–06, the average adult participant recorded only one bout of vigorous activity lasting a single minute. Moderate activity lasted 35 min/day among men and 21 min/day among women, but again 75% of this activity occurred in bouts of only 1 min and only 0.3% of participants met physical activity ‘guidelines’ requiring a minimum of two 10-min blocks of moderate activity per day.44 Although marathon running and other participatory sports have achieved great publicity, these involve minuscule proportions of the population. Given that an hour of vigorous activity is required to expend roughly 500 calories, leisure-time activity cannot be playing any noticeable role in the energy budget of the US population.

I don't understand you point.

Diet is everything when it comes to weight loss, this is what I have been taught.

That being said, I now understand better where you are coming from, and from where others who have had their health improved by the method you are using (looking at the comments of the video you linked). You are simply so unfit and can not and / or will not do any meaningful amount of exercise in long term that you could get any positives out of it. That is what it boils down to.

I hate exercise. I used to run 3 miles a day years ago with little effect on my weight.

I should also not ignore the fact that people eat like shit, and changing it has profound effect. Even when the measure used is something suboptimal. Suboptimal is better that nothing, resulting in noticeable change.

It's how we were designed to eat as hunter gatherers Henu.

So again, one third of exercising, one third of nutrition and one third of recovery. Those are the incredients of good health.

Dr. Berry say's that nutrition is everything when it comes to good health but that exercise can further optimize that but not by much.

Here is an example. Let’s take four examples of one person. First being 100% sedentary, second doing gardening, golf, some walking and that is that. Third, 3-5h hours of moderate to high intensity exercising per week and fourth example doing training competively on high level. Now, tell me with a straight face that two out of four examples get 1-2% impact on their weight (and consequently also on health) from exercising at meaningful level, actually meaningful level. Talking about up to several thousand kilojoules per week, year round.

I used to run 3 miles a day like I said and even ate pretty healthy on top of it and still lost very little.

Further, It makes perfect sense to make a statement of 1-2% impact to weight from exercising when there is 1-2% contribution from exercising. I know this sounds dumb. That’s because the whole situation is dumb. The ultimate culprit behind this are jews and their influence on this world. This is multifaceted issue that will start to gradually change once the jewish kabbalistic magick is dismantled and proper leadership is in place. From there it trickles down to everything else, so to speak.

I know Joos put a lot of crap in our food, but what exactly are you getting at?

Jooish Kabbalistic magick made me fat?

I am sorry that you are so out of shape and unhealthy that walking gave you great difficulties. You can do something about it by physical exercise and spiritual workings to support that end. You have probably low fire so workings to increase your fire would help. Not knowing the excact situation I can not comment any more specific help for that at this moment.

You're probably right but I am not advanced enough to be working with the elements, especially fire.

Also, I'm not a My 600lb Life candidate or anything. I weigh about 300-320 currently and am 5'-11"(haven't weighed myself in a while).

Few more comments.

You should not forget that his patients, and most people overall are living in andrapoda state of mind. Which also translates to andrapoda state of health. Those with favourable astrology for health and exercising are exempt, along with those who were raised in a way supporting health or got some other good influence from their enviroment (again, astrology), but those are not many in the bigger picture. That is why something like what you are sharing works and why it is viable in the first place. Many things, including nutrition are so upside down in this world so that such measures start to make sense. Things being in their natural state, this method would not be so popular.

Interesting take.

So that being said I get why you have aversion towards something natrual, which is balanced nutrition from all around.

If by "balanced" you mean carb loading then I disagree.

Humans weren't designed for such a thing.
of the true light said:

This situation with carbohydrates is one where the enemy has destroyed them, and now you are reacting to that corruption, as opposed to what carbs would normally be. The same could be said about your view of exercise.

Carbs give energy, most plainly, and are associated with the spleen/stomach and solar aspect of our body. However, any excess of sugar or other dense items like fatty meat, fried foods can cause the digestion to become weakened. This then creates a toxic buildup of junk called dampness or phlegm in the body.

It is this dampness or phlegm which becomes the unhealthy fat on a person. The key point is that this is not due to healthy carbs, like rice, but due to the improper digestion of food in general. Someone can be on the keto diet and get similar problems if they overload themselves with meat, as well.

This same problem can occur in people with yang deficiencies like if you are overworked, not sleeping enough, have poor Sun/Mars energies, and so on. All of these things will result in dampness/phlegm buildup in the body.

What makes this worse is inflammation, which can prevent the body from easily clearing out these other pathogens.


When someone does cardio exercise, this helps the body restore its yang energy. If this extra yang energy is enough for the body to both remove the dampness itself, as well as clear out any inflammation, then you will lose weight. If not (due to a variety of factors), then your weight will stay the same or continue to grow.

So the root of the problem is simply energy. The physical body needs enough energy to deal with this, just like any other problem. In particular, this is a spleen/stomach deficiency that can start from someone who has poor yang energy, in general.

However, for other people, yang deficiencies can occur after prolonged yin deficiencies in other areas, for example. Someone who is yin deficient may gain an increased appetite to compensate. If this happens for a long time and doesn't alleviate the yin deficiency, this can deplete the spleen/stomach yang. The yin deficiency will also result in inflammation, also making it harder to remove any dampness or phlegm.


If you look at TCM theory, you will see the spleen/stomach is associated with the "sweet flavor", which includes carbs, but also "bland sweet" foods like chicken. What this means is that the spleen/stomach gains energy from "sweet" items, but an excess of sweetness will also impair it. That is what happens from junk sugar, or eating in excess.

That is why people who have metabolic problems often crave sweet foods. However, their body is actually craving something like a sweet potato, not orange candy.

The key point is to focus on your Sun energies, which rules the stomach/spleen. This is how you keep up a strong digestion. It is the spleen which removes dampness or phlegm from the body, but it cannot do so if it is chronically overworked.

Hopefully this clears up some of the confusion, especially why some people get results from cutting out carbs and other people do not. It also shows how people can lose weight without cutting out carbs as well.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=352290 time=1652010143 user_id=21286]

Blitz, Thank you very much for sharing all this invaluable information.

Your understanding of the human body, the natural wholistic health and the way the energies manifest and affect the physical self is incredible.

Hail Satan!
of the true light said:
Iterating my point: You can not establish a relationship without rapport. You can not get something out of x, by not doing y which leads to the activation of x.

Most people are not doing what is needed to be done to get something out of something. That is why the summary you provided is as it is.

Nutrition is one part of the whole which along with other factors plays a role on your weight. I will refrain from calling names like this other member, but I implore you to widen your horizons. You are mentally stuck.

Exercise alone will not do the trick for increased health as it is only part of the solution. As important as the other parts. Reading your post confirmed me that you indeed do have low fire. You do not need to work with elements to change that. You can work with any fire related energy (Mars, Sun, runes, pranyama, Kundalini Yoga) to improve your fire capabilities which translates to improved health, sense of self, vitality and so on. More info can be found from JoS.

What “I am getting at” is that the issue is very multifaceted, not only limited to nutrition and all that is included in that area, but also everything else that I have mentioned earlier and also jewish kabbalistic magick plays a role on this. No, they did not directly make you fat as you put it. It is mostly your soul and karma which is playing out how things are. Being a SS puts you in a better position because you can effectively change your course as you wish and effectively lessen the jewish influence on this world as well.

Your weight is in any case way over anything healthy for your height and you lack baseline fitness that any healthy person should have. Yes, I say should, because unfitness is something abominable. I am not in turn saying that you should be the next champion or anything, but having capability to run if needed is to be expected from a healthy person. If you do not like running as a form of exercising that is fine as the world is full of possibilities for you to choose.

People did not always eat like you think they did even though you have heard this from someone. Use your common sense. People ate whatever they had available, and people thrived. Only after processed foods became available and poisoning of our environment being commonplace have such things of high this and low that been popularised. Can you not see this?

Your last sentence made me sad panda. When I say balanced nutrition, I mean excactly those words. If I say carb loading, then I mean carb loading. And I did not say carb loading. I mean I’m not communicating very complicatedly, am I?
VoiceofEnki said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=352290 time=1652010143 user_id=21286]

Blitz, Thank you very much for sharing all this invaluable information.

Your understanding of the human body, the natural wholistic health and the way the energies manifest and affect the physical self is incredible.

Hail Satan!
He's truly amazing, I agree.
Henu the Great said:
Iterating my point: You can not establish a relationship without rapport. You can not get something out of x, by not doing y which leads to the activation of x.

Most people are not doing what is needed to be done to get something out of something. That is why the summary you provided is as it is.

Nutrition is one part of the whole which along with other factors plays a role on your weight. I will refrain from calling names like this other member, but I implore you to widen your horizons. You are mentally stuck.

I am a creature of cognitive dissonance I will admit.

Do you know how long it took me to finally rid myself of Xtianty?

A long time brother.

Exercise alone will not do the trick for increased health as it is only part of the solution. As important as the other parts. Reading your post confirmed me that you indeed do have low fire. You do not need to work with elements to change that. You can work with any fire related energy (Mars, Sun, runes, pranyama, Kundalini Yoga) to improve your fire capabilities which translates to improved health, sense of self, vitality and so on. More info can be found from JoS.

I'll definitely check into it.

Thank you.

What “I am getting at” is that the issue is very multifaceted, not only limited to nutrition and all that is included in that area, but also everything else that I have mentioned earlier and also jewish kabbalistic magick plays a role on this. No, they did not directly make you fat as you put it. It is mostly your soul and karma which is playing out how things are. Being a SS puts you in a better position because you can effectively change your course as you wish and effectively lessen the jewish influence on this world as well.

My grandmother was a very large lady.

I would imagine genetics have some play too?

Then I was abused and neglected as a child so I would turn to bacon cheeseburgers GO LARGE.

Your weight is in any case way over anything healthy for your height and you lack baseline fitness that any healthy person should have. Yes, I say should, because unfitness is something abominable. I am not in turn saying that you should be the next champion or anything, but having capability to run if needed is to be expected from a healthy person. If you do not like running as a form of exercising that is fine as the world is full of possibilities for you to choose.

I can't even bring myself to do it lately.

I've always been able to sprint pretty damn well for being over weight though.

Back in my police academy day's anyway.

People did not always eat like you think they did even though you have heard this from someone. Use your common sense. People ate whatever they had available, and people thrived. Only after processed foods became available and poisoning of our environment being commonplace have such things of high this and low that been popularised. Can you not see this?

It does make sense.

Although I need to lower my A1C and this means cutting carbs for now and when I do eat carbs making sure they are 1 ingredient.

When I get to my ideal weight and A1C I will be more lenient with my diet.

Your last sentence made me sad panda. When I say balanced nutrition, I mean excactly those words. If I say carb loading, then I mean carb loading. And I did not say carb loading. I mean I’m not communicating very complicatedly, am I?

Sad Panda, lol.

Your last post was hard for me to understand, I must admit.

This one is much easier.

I'm a simple guy Henu.
Being fat has no influence by what you are eating. You can be skinny with all of the most unhealthy and damaging foods, and you can be fat with the healthiest and cleanest foods.

Being fat is controlled only by the number of calories that you eat, and the number of calories that your body uses. If you eat more than you use, you get fat. If you use more than you eat, you get skinny.

There is nothing other than this, and any discussion of anything else like what kind of food is better than another kind of food, it is bullshit and just a distraction.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Being fat has no influence by what you are eating. You can be skinny with all of the most unhealthy and damaging foods, and you can be fat with the healthiest and cleanest foods.

Being fat is controlled only by the number of calories that you eat, and the number of calories that your body uses. If you eat more than you use, you get fat. If you use more than you eat, you get skinny.

There is nothing other than this, and any discussion of anything else like what kind of food is better than another kind of food, it is bullshit and just a distraction.
Ol' with all due respect he counter's that argument here:

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Being fat has no influence by what you are eating. You can be skinny with all of the most unhealthy and damaging foods, and you can be fat with the healthiest and cleanest foods.

Being fat is controlled only by the number of calories that you eat, and the number of calories that your body uses. If you eat more than you use, you get fat. If you use more than you eat, you get skinny.

There is nothing other than this, and any discussion of anything else like what kind of food is better than another kind of food, it is bullshit and just a distraction.
There's one more:

Carbohydrates turn to sugar in the body and plants and the vitamins in them are indigestible to humans.

The animal processes the plant that then the human eats.
of the true light said:
There's one more:


This is a very good video actually.

While it is true that calories are what dictate if your body gains or loses weight, which Doctor Berry doesn't really disagree with, the way he explains why it doesn't make sense to count them and base your diet on this is very important to understand.

Lowering carb intake will naturally lower your caloric intake, which would result in fat loss naturally. Especially because carbohydrates do not get used by the body for anything aside from pure energy.

Personally I don't think carbs by themselves are really a problem, however it is easy to overeat when including a lot of carbs in your diet, especially when having a very sedentary lifestyle.

For someone working as a farmer in 1920 or something, doing a lot of heavy manual labor, a meal with a good amount of carbs will never really be in excess.

The carbs, like from potatoes, are perfect as a quick, cheap and easy way to cover the body's need for metabolic energy that is expended through the physical work, ensuring that the fats and proteins can be made available for the body to maintain function, perform cell repair, etc.

For a person who sits 8 hours a day at an office job, sits for 2 hours during commute, sits at home in front of the tv or computer as a form of entertainment and then sleeps 8 hours while never really doing any kind of physical activity, if they eat the same amount of carbs as the farmer (which many people like that do, or they even eat significantly more) the carbs are largely wasted because the metabolic energy requirements of this person are way smaller than those of the farmer.

This person will gain weight very easily, and would indeed do much better on a low carb diet for maintaining a decent body weight and fat%.

To live fully on a keto diet as someone who has a life with a lot of physical activity and heavy manual labour, takes a huge amount of animal products to cover for all of this, which was not affordable or viable for people back in the day who had these kinds of jobs.

Cheap carbohydrates were a necessity for these people to get enough energy in their diets so they don't starve and become malnourished.

It actually makes total sense that one can live on a low carb, or no carb diet while maintains optimal health, depending on ones lifestyle.

It also does make sense from a biological/scientific perspective that for a person who is severely overweight, and has an abundance of stored energy readily available on their body, a no carb diet is the best solution for them to lose this excess, especially if they are sedentary people or cannot perform much physical exercise due to being disabled.

Hail Satan!
Ol argedco luciftias said:
of the true light said:

Just because it doesn't jive with what we've all been taught for decades it is BS?

He explains that it's not about calories it's about hormones which a low carb diet corrects.

of the true light said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
of the true light said:

Just because it doesn't jive with what we've all been taught for decades it is BS?

He explains that it's not about calories it's about hormones which a low carb diet corrects.

Alright, report back in a couple of months and tell us if you've lost some of the 300 lb.

Weight gain or loss is entirely controlled by the difference between the energy that you consume, and the energy that you burn. Excess energy consumed gets stored in your body as fat. A deficit of energy consumed causes your fat to be burned to make up the difference in what you need.

Other things like your hormones may change the speed of your metabolism which changes the amount of energy that your body burns, so those kinds of things will affect you. But this does not change the basic fact that consuming excess energy stores in your body as fat, and consuming not enough energy causes fat to be burned to make up the difference. Anything that you say to try to ignore this or deny it is just plain bullshit. Changing a factor like a hormone is adjusting the size of one of the two variables, but it is not changing the equation.

Carbs contain a high density of energy, especially in bread and sugar. So if you are eating a lot of these, you are eating an excessive amount of calories. It is the same thing. This all is very simple.
of the true light said:
Just because it doesn't jive with what we've all been taught for decades it is BS?

He explains that it's not about calories it's about hormones which a low carb diet corrects.

You could learn a lot by reading Centralforce666's posts in the following topic: About Carbohydrates - to HPS Shannon and Centralforce - https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=3238
Actually something like that does exist, it's called kirlian photography, it's really neat and I even heard that someone used it to capture bigfoot but unfortunately I wasn't able to get any pictures of such an event, I however have proof further down this post.
Media embed failure but still a video
I wonder what kind of applications this had/could have. . . .
Perhaps these "aura goggles" are actually possible (Modified NVGs?)
I mustn't forget that this forum is primarily about spiritual satanism, and Modded NVGs are only good for a little while compared to being able to see the aura with the naked eye.
But modified NVGs are an interesting concept to think about.
Ludwick said:
Actually something like that does exist, it's called kirlian photography, it's really neat and I even heard that someone used it to capture bigfoot but unfortunately I wasn't able to get any pictures of such an event, I however have proof further down this post.
Media embed failure but still a video
I wonder what kind of applications this had/could have. . . .
Perhaps these "aura goggles" are actually possible (Modified NVGs?)
I mustn't forget that this forum is primarily about spiritual satanism, and Modded NVGs are only good for a little while compared to being able to see the aura with the naked eye.
But modified NVGs are an interesting concept to think about.
How could it have captured bigfoot? It literally makes no sense, it's not a simple camera that you point at something and take the picture, he literally would have to stand near a big ass machine in a room.
Aquarius said:
How could it have captured bigfoot? It literally makes no sense, it's not a simple camera that you point at something and take the picture, he literally would have to stand near a big ass machine in a room.
I have no idea as I never saw it happen.
Just a rumor I heard online but if it did happen, it would've been done with modded NVGs/NV scope (Haven't the foggiest how that could work though).
Wish I had blueprints for such a device.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
