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Astarte, Care For The Earth, And Global Environmental Policy

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Astarte is very big in regards to protecting, cultivating, and taking care of the planet, the species in it, and the environment. Aside many crimes the enemy has done, one of the most major crimes, is to demean all other forms of life, and falsely claim that "Humans are the most important form of life" on the planet.

Yes, we humans may be the smartest form of the planet, or the craftiest, but we certainly are not the most physically strong form of life. And we also tend to be the most stupid than all other lifeforms, too. Our stupidity can be costly not to ourselves, but other forms of life on the planet. Nor are humans the most beautiful form of life on the planet that has to survive by itself. There is other worthwhile life on the planet, that is currently seeking to advance itself, and survive side by side with us.

We have violated the rights of many lifeforms, in particular, because we violated the first law of not emulating parasites: we have been emulating the jew and his corrosive mentality, and we have become as a result, harbingers of corrosion. Yet this can definitely be reversed with a change in our morality and decisions.

Meanwhile, "humanity", led by jews, is ruining the earth right now. The jewish moral and ethical dogma that supports that "Humans are superior" to other forms of life, or based on superstitious and unnatural beliefs, has made us hate and forget nature. What is "Paganism" but the rural worship, and the natural worship? Our Gods put as their symbols glorious species of animals, that are wise, beautiful and wonderful creatures of nature.

Nature expresses herself through her creation, and as far as we are concerned, we are another creation of nature. In our case, there has been an effect from the hand of the Gods, but still, everyone came from nature, and to nature we will return. The Ancients, called "Nature", with the name "God". And in nature, "God", or the principle of consciousness, manifests.

From worms to the most beautiful bengal tigers, nature manifests herself. While not all life is of the best kind, or beneficial to humans, life in general remains sacred, and it is a sacred duty of humans to uphold nature, and for us to co-exist with nature as much as we can. There are other species that try to live their existence in the cosmos, not just "us" humans.

The striking majority of these creatures, are not only not dangerous to us in anyway, but they are helpers to our well-being. Fish, vegetables, oxen, what have you, the list is endless. On the parasitic side we have things we could live without, such as fleas, but most of these things do not help nature either in anyway, and their "evolution" would only mean more misery for many other lifeforms. So in that case, if we are able, we have to minimize if we are to care about the world.

Astarte in one experience I had with her months ago, referred to the Earth, as "My beautiful garden" and expressed disdain in regards to how we are faring on the planet. She also mentioned that many of the "leaders" of this world are rather ignorant, self serving, and careless in regards to nature and the environment, but that other councils are doing progress in implementing some policy. Astarte is a strong motivating force in influencing the councils of this world in implementing environmental policies that will help the earth.

This is not about fake ass hype done by eco-warriors who only need your donations. The situation is more serious than this. This is also not about doing corny donations to questionable organizations, or just using bio-degradable straws. It's also not about buying a jewish book that some jew cheaply wrote in regards to raving about "Climate Change" to get votes.

However, every little bit counts in helping the earth. This includes recycling, using re-usable bottles, and generally straying away from habits that destroy the planet. This is an individual dimension, and yes, this helps. One may not be able to do everything perfectly, but if people cared more, a lot of progress would be done.

To name an example here, the other time I went to throw my trash as everyone does, and I saw huge piles of boxes that were cardboard [and therefore could be recycled] thrown in the regular trash can. 10 feet away it was the recycling trash can, where all of this could go. The fatass asshole that threw these there, could take just 5 steps, and throw them on the appropriate trashcan. They did not. This shows a low quality of human being, and unfortunately, there are many.

Humans tend to act like a cancer to the earth. Breeding without remorse, or caring about birthrates, is another problem. However, according to Astarte, this is not the primary problem, but government behavior on this. Imagine this example, if the world was putting as much effort as they did on Co-Vid, in going full green energy and bio-degradable, wouldn't we have advanced tremendously?

If media constantly bombarded people with ads to do the right thing, or even rewarded people with cash or currency everytime they threw their trash correctly, or they cleaned a beach out of it's trash? People would be razing the planet trying to clean it, and not to destroy it.

The jews and the enemy are a great prohibitive factor in this, as much of this revolves around the financial realities that encompass the earth right now. But the Gods are not going to ask, and they will enforce the system as they see fit, despite of what some reptilians think on the matter. After all, according to the enemy, the planet is to be turned in a cyber-tropic wasteland where gas and nuclear debris is all we can smell on the air. The Gods do not have that vision for mankind.

Astarte also mentioned something else in the super brief meetup. In regards to Ancient Civilizations, she told me to "pay attention to how all of them were bio-degradable". The most non eco-friendly skyscrapers that are built today, will be shambles if not maintained in 100 to 300 years. Maybe they will collapse at less than 100. These are garbage creations for a garbage civilization that seeks only the temporary.

Some are so bad, they are literally leaning already, and are about to fall as is, needing constant support over and over again. Yet, we sign and praise our acumen in creating buildings. We aren't smart as a species, and the jewish arrogance that tries to pretend we are so advanced, collapses upon itself in it's inspection.

Meanwhile, the Egyptians, or the Mayans and many others, built megalithic structures, that have lasted 5000+ years, and with materials that will not destroy the earth. Bio-degradable doesn't have to mean weak. On the contrary, with proper development of technology, we can go even further in our development than we do today.

The reason that we followed this trail in our evolution is because the enemy provided botched solutions based on fragmented knowledge. For example, we discovered plastic, but we had no clue on what to do with it. Our planet had to pay the price. Yet, today we discover there were other ways of carrying things, and we think that we are smart, but all the people of the Ancient Civilizations knew about these things. Modern man is not smart, he is rather stupid. Modern man first destroys, and then seeks to "correct". Smart people start off with better and more correct solutions, and if errors show, they are mild.

We think it's modern to carry a wool bag on the supermarket, and that this is too much, but how did people carry everything for years? Bio-degradable materials.

Another major issue that was heaped on the earth, was the persecution of bright minds that could have saved us from a lot of misery. A blatant example here is Tesla. But humanity was collectively enforced to the fate, by the enemy, to consider it more important to maintain the rotten system of hebrew control, than to look after itself. The ramifications of this choice or weakness are coming in. We will have to solve these matters quickly as a result. But there is still hope and time, that is for sure.

Astarte added that most of the materials the people of the past used, are simply bio-degradable. In regards to our technology, everything can also become bio-degradable, but we are simply taking a "different way" and this will take "a lot of time" until we are there and capable of turning out technology in another direction. But it is entirely possible to have the outputs of energy and more, without destroying the Earth.

Yet, the enemy wants to enforce history in such a stalemate, that our planet becomes a wasteland, and we are forced to move planets, or essentially, enforce us to their own "solutions" to the problems that they caused us - for example, to reverse eco-destruction, for us to become borg, or to have to implement some reptilian holocaust to stop humans from massacring the planet, or simply forcing some of our own to some exoplanet. The enemy first digs our collective hole, and then they offer a solution that will not get us out, but keep us stuck there forever.

Some of the reasons NASA and Elon are looking now in Mars, is one of these - because they are aware that our time on earth may be limited if we insist on specific wrong avenues. Humans, while we do better, we aren't showing many signs of stopping, and world leaders do not care as they should.

World leaders would do better right now to listen to sense and start implementing, investing in, and doing what is in their power to reverse this monstrous trend that is manifesting. A question to ask ourselves is, what if all the media, instead of hyping about Co-Vid, started hyping for let's say, people exercising or people going more bio-friendly? Of course, there would be many positive effects.

Where are all these masks that billions are wearing now from Co-Vid going? Oceans, the earth, and so forth. It may take them a thousand years to break down. Why? Because we went into a hype of stupidity. The instructions should be clear, to go for only reusable masks. But whatever, we had to rush this through also, because of the super killer flu.

In regards to Trump, he severely lacks and environmental agenda, while at the same time, the Left has turned the matter into some sort of circus of extremes such as enforcing destructive veganism, that humanity simply cannot live on. Trump is correct on that we are not on red alert, but he is very wrong in that he ignores scientific statements that are showing that if we do not act, we might as well be damned. Maybe we aren't doomed in 20 years but we are in 60, the situation remains a big problem as is. Yet, many people in positions of powers, time things only on their lifespan.

This causes more issues, because we also have lost on another Truth, which is REINCARNATION. Leaving behind a trashed planet, we will have to return to a trashed planet, and there will be no escape from the trash that humanity is creating. The world looks big and impossible to be finished off, but this is a real possibility if we insist on the excessive population we have, and with the same consumerism patterns. And those responsible will return at some point in a world where the shared responsibility of this damnation will be manifest.

Another situation that has arose in the late years and is deadly, is the "China-fication" of all living goods. Now, nothing lasts for any amount of time. Everything tends to never last for a long time, and this was so that people keep on buying things, that are cheaply made. This is because, the system of the world, financially, does not want to redefine itself, so that people have more purchasing power to buy better things [which would be more costly, but would last longer] but they want people to buy shit that has a short lifespan, because most consumers tend to be unable to buy things of lasting value or quality. This is damning when drawn to it's logical extreme. We are living in this extreme today.

People worldwide want to eat meat and nothing can/will stop this. However, for example, we could redifine the way we do farming. But the left and whomever supposedly cares for the earth, goes for "Zealot" solutions that nobody wants to implement, and people hate. The reaction to this is carelessness.

It is crucial our world moves away from the Jewish paradigm of thought that led us to this place fundamentally. It was jews that conceived the highest sacrilege against nature, which was the idea that the earth was a pointless and meaningless space, that was only some sort of botched creation of their mental phantom, their shitty ass "God". From there onward, people started following this example and started ruining the earth.

Our way of treating the earth wrong, is rooted fundamentally in all the beliefs the jews have injected in the minds of humans as their moral foundation: The nihilism that comes from the worthless nonspiritual jewish religions that account to nothing, the belief that "You only live once", the belief that the Earth is a pointless mass going around an even more pointless universe, the belief that the "afterlife is the only thing that matters" and other myriads of self hating and world hating beliefs, such as that animals do not matter or other things like that. You hate life based on the enemy programs, and you will of course hate earth and everything in it.

Lastly, as Satanists, one must take their considerations to do their part in helping the earth. The basic thing is that we don't become trashes and cancers to the earth as far as our own person is concerned. Then, we have our family, friends, or town. Depending on one's personal power and responsibility, one may for example want to go into some pro-earth organization, or want to do volunteering work [you can always make friends there, too]. Some of you may end up in politics, so you must keep this in mind as well. Others already are, so make sure to show people a good example.

The message here is to do good when one can. As the aim of Satanism is the Magnum Opus [and therefore immortality] one must think of the earth likewise as a place where one will reside [as our Gods have instructed]. We are not like the enemy slimes that come through this world as reptilian destroyers, we are the reverse. They are damned creatures, but our Gods are about eternity.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I was actually just having a conversation on the matter, when I decided to check the forums right now to my surprise.

I feel so strongly for the Earth. I honestly wish that someday when we are done with stopping the Jews we will put more effort on the Earth.

I hope to work for or start an organization that deals with pollution and problems the earth is facing someday in the future. Deforestation, water/air pollution etc should be strictly punished in the future.
From birth humans are used to receiving but to give is deemed only as a duty/work. It is only natural to love and nurture your surrounding and help it prosper. Nature is fascinating and an endless supply of creative manifestations.
Some other day I was watching this documentary about beavers and how they are one of the most incredible and useful life forms on the planet, that can affect whole ecosystems, and there were some idiots killing or trying to "lure" them into fitting ugly materialistic urban blueprints.
What we could learn and benefit from working together with some "simple" animals like beavers is just mind blowing: https://youtu.be/PLyBZ1mdg2c
Blackdragon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I was actually just having a conversation on the matter, when I decided to check the forums right now to my surprise.

I feel so strongly for the Earth. I honestly wish that someday when we are done with stopping the Jews we will put more effort on the Earth.

I hope to work for or start an organization that deals with pollution and problems the earth is facing someday in the future. Deforestation, water/air pollution etc should be strictly punished in the future.
A couple hours ago I was literally thinking to myself "The government should reward people financially for recycling," and boom, this sermon is here. It's funny how we all report similar experiences with nearly every sermon, I think it shows us Satanists do share a collective conscience to an extent.

In regards to hating species on Earth, I only hate some insect species. I love all mammals and such however. Although I do have arachnophobia, I still think the Goddess Arachne is quite cool. :p

Also fun fact, snails are not considered insects. I always found them really interesting, like a symbol for the third eye extending from the 6th chakra, similar to turtles.
It's interesting that in The Matrix, Agent Smith observes that humans are not like other animals. He compares us to viruses, in that we settle in one place, then breed and consume the environment, using up all the resources until nothing is left. But, in fact, our Satanic ancestors did live in equilibrium with nature, just like the animals. The destructive virus-like behavior is created by and perpetuated by the jews.
I've put thought to some ideas like this over the years as well. I had roughly the same idea of offering tax breaks/incentives for environmental contributions like clean up. Tax penalties for pollution.

Another idea I had, and I hope this will be reasonably on-topic, was for tackling the obesity crisis. It's simply to implement standing desks in school classrooms. Kids have to sit all day in class, then they go home to sit some more doing homework, then they rest all night just to do the same thing the next day. Too much sitting, and with growing bodies with lots of energy this creates restlessness, disorder, etc. which they then prescribe pills for, rather than providing an outlet for the energy. Standing desks would help to alleviate this at least a little, and I think it could go a long way in some cases.

Poor families are often forced to buy the cheap junk food rather than healthier alternatives. So if you combine a junk diet that has lots of sugar with forced inactivity for the majority of a student's day, well...

Standing desks would also have a chance of getting past the political red tape put there by those who have an interest in keeping certain drugs along with the fast food industry in business. They might not immediately see the implications of having healthier students (who make up the future generation) who didn't turn their bodies and brains into mush from constantly sitting all day.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
It's interesting that in The Matrix, Agent Smith observes that humans are not like other animals. He compares us to viruses, in that we settle in one place, then breed and consume the environment, using up all the resources until nothing is left. But, in fact, our Satanic ancestors did live in equilibrium with nature, just like the animals. The destructive virus-like behavior is created by and perpetuated by the jews.

Since jews are "leading" the oblivious masses for now, this creates a situation, where the led become like their rulers, and in this case, humanity is becoming a virus, like the jews have been.

Agent Smith is symbolic of the computational aspect of the mind going to the furthest extent, especially after it has grown some "sentience" to it.

To a heartless species, we would really look like a virus, and solely this, that is only to be annihilated. However Agent Smith is wrong, in that he does not look the other way, which is the way that "Neo" symbolizes in the movie, that of that actually humans can have innate value and the power of the heart.

However, Gentiles DO possess a heart, and they DO possess common sense, and we definitely can reverse all of this and not go down this road. The question of our future will also affect how other beings start to treat us.

For example, if all of us become like the jews, and therefore, viruses, all that other beings will pray for in the universe will be our damnation. As we fight today to foil the borg, then will these species fight against us to foil a newfound aspect of this worthless borg.

Thankfully these events have been exposed and will most likely never occur.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
It's interesting that in The Matrix, Agent Smith observes that humans are not like other animals. He compares us to viruses, in that we settle in one place, then breed and consume the environment, using up all the resources until nothing is left. But, in fact, our Satanic ancestors did live in equilibrium with nature, just like the animals. The destructive virus-like behavior is created by and perpetuated by the jews.

Since jews are "leading" the oblivious masses for now, this creates a situation, where the led become like their rulers, and in this case, humanity is becoming a virus, like the jews have been.

Agent Smith is symbolic of the computational aspect of the mind going to the furthest extent, especially after it has grown some "sentience" to it.

To a heartless species, we would really look like a virus, and solely this, that is only to be annihilated. However Agent Smith is wrong, in that he does not look the other way, which is the way that "Neo" symbolizes in the movie, that of that actually humans can have innate value and the power of the heart.

However, Gentiles DO possess a heart, and they DO possess common sense, and we definitely can reverse all of this and not go down this road. The question of our future will also affect how other beings start to treat us.

For example, if all of us become like the jews, and therefore, viruses, all that other beings will pray for in the universe will be our damnation. As we fight today to foil the borg, then will these species fight against us to foil a newfound aspect of this worthless borg.

Thankfully these events have been exposed and will most likely never occur.
The only problem now is that going green is associated with the left. Many people do not want to go Green because they think its leftist. The jews even made something good hated by everyone (like the usually do). If the right-wing parties start to become more green and promote it more as an alternative of the green-leftist then maybe we will some more change.
I tend to walk in the woods nearly everyday, It's disgusting to me how even in such place people manage to throw plastic and other crap like cigarettes or beer bottles, these people have no remorse or guilt for such a thing.
Sometime ago my new neighbours had an empty beer can just outside of their house, but on the other side of it on the grass(3 meters away), I left it there to see if they would ever recycle it, but it stayed there for days, then I kicked it on their part of the territory and one day later it was kicked back on the place it originally was. Fucking retards, it was me who took that and threw it away in my trash.

While walking I always make sure to grab any plastic and trash I may find in my way, today I found 2 bottles and a little plastic thing, what's worse is that one bottle was made to resemble a pipe and it had tinfoil on it, yeah that shit was used to smoke something I'd rather not know, fortunately the bin was close so I didn't have to carry that shit for too long.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I may try to get into some pro-earth organisation. They've already caused governments to care about the climate in several countries. Imagine as SS what we could do to the crowd, with the correct rituals.
Thank You for this sermon :)
Excellent sermon. Our planet is of concern for us, it is such a beautiful place, as Astarte said, her Garden. It sickens me how it is treated.

Aquarius said:
While walking I always make sure to grab any plastic and trash I may find in my way, today I found 2 bottles and a little plastic thing, what's worse is that one bottle was made to resemble a pipe and it had tinfoil on it, yeah that shit was used to smoke something I'd rather not know, fortunately the bin was close so I didn't have to carry that shit for too long.
You did well to throw that out. My entire life, most people I knew would collect any garbage they saw, my mother even kept a glove in her purse to hold anything until she could get to a garbage bin. Fortunately there are garbage bins placed in convenient spots for hikers. Even the "cool kids" in school would shame anyone who littered.
luis said:
The only problem now is that going green is associated with the left. Many people do not want to go Green because they think its leftist. The jews even made something good hated by everyone (like the usually do). If the right-wing parties start to become more green and promote it more as an alternative of the green-leftist then maybe we will some more change.

The big problem is that a lot of these organizations are full on communist. They overlap with antifa 100 percent, their biggest tenet of Extinction Rebellion's 'manifesto' is open borders and full benefits for all refugees, forcing veganism onto everyone and communism, the UN officially said that the Soviet Union was the most environmentally friendly state (the rat Pope hinted this as well), vegan organizations in France heralded and glorified the brutal murder of a white butcher by a Muslim extremist because the former sold pork (never mind the fact the extremist also ate meat but they don't care), a big adjunct of XR is full of yentas and grotesque feminists orderingWhite women to stop having children and open the borders to 18-30 year old men to 'save the planet', a lot of vegan families on youtube with 10 malnourished children are all Nordic (misplaced compassion)... people can see where this is going.

The other problem is though that the alternative tends to be infested with selfish xian-tards. On the extreme levels they have always had the mindset of apocalypse and rapture happening anytime soon to hoover them up to heaven with baby jeboo therefore there is 'no point' caring about the planet or the environment or anyone at all. These idiots need to be flushed out.
Astarte in one experience I had with her months ago, referred to the Earth, as "My beautiful garden" and expressed disdain in regards to how we are faring on the planet.

So sorry for the faulty submission of the previous. i ment to reply to this ofcourse. this particularly brought me to tears..As a welder who works in shops and refineries, i drive by places that have plants that spread out real wide...all that crap and smoke that comes out...not a tree in sight. And im going "beautiful garden" indeed. look what the jews make us do to have a roof and eat. People who work with their hands are the backbone of society...but i look at my work and see all this
...knowing what i do is in places like this. I'm just another one of their cogs. More and more i get this feeling when i look out at places like this then i look back at a huge area of trees and forest and i go, yeah. I prefer the latter.

Look at this pic and tell me there aren't whole planets that look only like this..borg planets. I need to hop careers. I'm always telling myself i'd rather live in a cardboard box than do anything for or take anything from jews. But what am i doing working like this? I mean pipelines fuel our heat and other utilities. There is alot of refineries in the food industry...yet the last one I worked at during shor hashit i saw our top CO walking around onside with an orthodox rabbi...and i knew emmediately who was running the show.
Gamoray said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I may try to get into some pro-earth organisation. They've already caused governments to care about the climate in several countries. Imagine as SS what we could do to the crowd, with the correct rituals.

Just be careful at their policies if you do. Many are just excuses for taxation and barely care about deforestation for example.

I think besides anti polution and recycling, plantation should be one of tgthe e main points as well. That is why I think the ideal city means buildings with 2 or 3 levels at most and houses with yards. Plus some legislation about those yards meanig a minimum of trees. If course this is also directly dependent on the poulation. Many mayors these days accept bribes for illegal construction based in the city schematic. The spacing between buildings is bad, no parks are made and constructing 8 floor buildings in areas where there should only be houses with two levels. Those are some points to keep in mind.
Though sympathizing with a dirty house-fly invading in your home is a bit much, animals are indeed other living things just like us that we share a planet and resources with.

However this isn't the preach of xianity in that "ALL life is sacred", I sure as hell don't see mosquitoes or bedbugs any more sacred than I do the enemy and I don't care if 'they're just trying to survive'. There is in addition the account of whole pest invasions like mice, rats and wasps and such, though there are solutions in that there are gods that can be made a deal with in getting rid of pests and such in a proper manner, likely with urging the critters to completely leave and move elsewhere among other things and you don't have to kill anything.

In addition your home can also be spiritually protected with wards that psychically repel pests and animals and such from invading upon your home and causing problems.
Lydia said:
Excellent sermon. Our planet is of concern for us, it is such a beautiful place, as Astarte said, her Garden. It sickens me how it is treated.

Aquarius said:
While walking I always make sure to grab any plastic and trash I may find in my way, today I found 2 bottles and a little plastic thing, what's worse is that one bottle was made to resemble a pipe and it had tinfoil on it, yeah that shit was used to smoke something I'd rather not know, fortunately the bin was close so I didn't have to carry that shit for too long.
You did well to throw that out. My entire life, most people I knew would collect any garbage they saw, my mother even kept a glove in her purse to hold anything until she could get to a garbage bin. Fortunately there are garbage bins placed in convenient spots for hikers. Even the "cool kids" in school would shame anyone who littered.
Literally nobody cares here. I often thought to myself to bring a bag to get the trash in, I don't really like holding that garbage in my hand, lol.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Meanwhile, the Egyptians, or the Mayans and many others, built megalithic structures, that have lasted 5000+ years, and with materials that will not destroy the earth. Bio-degradable doesn't have to mean weak. On the contrary, with proper development of technology, we can go even further in our development than we do today.

The reason that we followed this trail in our evolution is because the enemy provided botched solutions based on fragmented knowledge. For example, we discovered plastic, but we had no clue on what to do with it. Our planet had to pay the price.

I was actually thinking the other day in that as we advance in technology and when the enemy is obsolete, all our electricity, light-sources, heat sources, refrigerators, stoves and such going forward is inevitably going to advance back to how we were before but even better when humanity realizes, especially with spiritual advancement, that we don't need an electrical heater to keep ourselves and our homes warm in winter and we don't need a whole bunch of plastic and non-degradable molds to hold things together. The advancements of certain tech and sciences today even are beginning to realize this, but the enemy puts them in such a huge chokehold that none of it becomes known, popular or affordable.

When I had a supposed projection to Duat in the company of a demon (I do not guarantee the accuracy and truthfulness of this projection but Satan's energy was everywhere and the environment felt so unbelievably free, clear and open spiritually compared to Earth, like a higher free dimension like my soul could 'breathe' better) the demon's bedroom was made out of what looked like a form of stone built from golden sand, something like that of the pyramids, there was no notable form of electricity, no outlets, bulbs, wires, nothing and the room was lit very brightly with the almost luminescent white reflectant fabric of his curtains that lit up the whole room like a bright lamp just from the natural sunlight outside. Any furniture like a small table in the room was made out of simple wood, nothing fancy, no plastic or metal and no chemical treatment, just wood. Wood is a renewable and bio-degradable resource.

I don't know what would happen to things like computers and long-lasting tech such as that for humans, whether spiritual advancements generally make such things moot or not, after all the gods don't need a search engine to know everything there is about something as far as I see it but things like the internet is a sharing platform; 'course places and locations both physical on the astral can be created for people to astrally go to any time anywhere. Generally though I'd imagine for us better materials and more efficient means of recycling.

A lot of environmental problems would be practically obsolete if everyone recycled and put things where they need to go. So much is because of human laziness and ignorance. There's a point where you stop making more new things and just cycle through what is now already present. Recycling is a massive factor if you want to keep long-lasting things like computers and such going. I'd love to see computers, tvs and such entirely made from recycled metals and plastics and what-have-you. If science would just be enabled to advance enough to find other means than the harsh chemical aspects of cleaning and renewing things in manufacturing though.

There are countless alternatives to something that are positive, safe and healthy for the environment and the animals we share it with. The gods deem all of this tech and means of our society we have today as so low, underdeveloped and even pitiful. Electricity can be generated naturally without chemical reactions and such, hell we generate it every day with just our minds when we do the foundation meditation. Humans think so highly of all this tech we have, thinking we're so advanced, space travel, smart homes, touch screens, virtual reality gaming, when really humanity is in such a low and child-like state in this context that it's legit laughable.
It was specified about parasites and other worthless things or harmful to humans.

It should be self evident to a healthy mind.

If you want to sympathize with house flies or you think anyone would tell you this, it could only be a xian retard.

Xians also say all life is sacred when they demean all of life entirely.

Exterminating parasites is fundamental to the life of other and more meaningful species. Killing pests or keeping them at distance are few of the solutions that exist.

Ghost in the Machine said:
Though sympathizing with a dirty house-fly invading in your home is a bit much, animals are indeed other living things just like us that we share a planet and resources with.

However this isn't the preach of xianity in that "ALL life is sacred", I sure as hell don't see mosquitoes or bedbugs any more sacred than I do the enemy and I don't care if 'they're just trying to survive'. There is in addition the account of whole pest invasions like mice, rats and wasps and such, though there are solutions in that there are gods that can be made a deal with in getting rid of pests and such in a proper manner, likely with urging the critters to completely leave and move elsewhere among other things and you don't have to kill anything.

In addition your home can also be spiritually protected with wards that psychically repel pests and animals and such from invading upon your home and causing problems.
I like when people call Her Astarte, not that other blasphemous name. And I bet She is proud to be called Astarte, too.
It is not bad to work and these places are now the reason why civilization exists. While unpleasant, these are what is at work now. We live by what is necessary.

What I shared was a plan for the future, an image if you will.

You are also not a cogwheel. Working is the honor of all humans, and not anything to be ashamed of. Unfortunately the enemy trashes the purpose of this.

Many factories are progressively getting more and more ecofriendly as time goes, less pollution, less emmissions etc. Hopefully, in the future, this will go to zero.

Shadowcat said:
Astarte in one experience I had with her months ago, referred to the Earth, as "My beautiful garden" and expressed disdain in regards to how we are faring on the planet.

So sorry for the faulty submission of the previous. i ment to reply to this ofcourse. this particularly brought me to tears..As a welder who works in shops and refineries, i drive by places that have plants that spread out real wide...all that crap and smoke that comes out...not a tree in sight. And im going "beautiful garden" indeed. look what the jews make us do to have a roof and eat. People who work with their hands are the backbone of society...but i look at my work and see all this
...knowing what i do is in places like this. I'm just another one of their cogs. More and more i get this feeling when i look out at places like this then i look back at a huge area of trees and forest and i go, yeah. I prefer the latter.

Look at this pic and tell me there aren't whole planets that look only like this..borg planets. I need to hop careers. I'm always telling myself i'd rather live in a cardboard box than do anything for or take anything from jews. But what am i doing working like this? I mean pipelines fuel our heat and other utilities. There is alot of refineries in the food industry...yet the last one I worked at during shor hashit i saw our top CO walking around onside with an orthodox rabbi...and i knew emmediately who was running the show.
Larissa666 said:
I like when people call Her Astarte, not that other blasphemous name. And I bet She is proud to be called Astarte, too.

Ishtar and/or Astarte are the fitting names to use.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Larissa666 said:
I like when people call Her Astarte, not that other blasphemous name. And I bet She is proud to be called Astarte, too.

Ishtar and/or Astarte are the fitting names to use.

Yes, thank you.

Strange coincidence, though.

Two nights ago, I had a dream, where I saw the horrible state this world is in, and I was in huge sadness and distress. Then I found myself in a beautiful garden, where there were many statues of Gods and Goddesses around me. I cried out loud to them “why is our planet so horrible, why it must be this way?”

They all looked Greek, and one of them I remember was Athena.
I wish everyone in this world could read this article right now.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It is not bad to work and these places are now the reason why civilization exists. While unpleasant, these are what is at work now. We live by what is necessary.

What I shared was a plan for the future, an image if you will.

You are also not a cogwheel. Working is the honor of all humans, and not anything to be ashamed of. Unfortunately the enemy trashes the purpose of this.

Many factories are progressively getting more and more ecofriendly as time goes, less pollution, less emmissions etc. Hopefully, in the future, this will go to zero.

Shadowcat said:
Astarte in one experience I had with her months ago, referred to the Earth, as "My beautiful garden" and expressed disdain in regards to how we are faring on the planet.

So sorry for the faulty submission of the previous. i ment to reply to this ofcourse. this particularly brought me to tears..As a welder who works in shops and refineries, i drive by places that have plants that spread out real wide...all that crap and smoke that comes out...not a tree in sight. And im going "beautiful garden" indeed. look what the jews make us do to have a roof and eat. People who work with their hands are the backbone of society...but i look at my work and see all this
...knowing what i do is in places like this. I'm just another one of their cogs. More and more i get this feeling when i look out at places like this then i look back at a huge area of trees and forest and i go, yeah. I prefer the latter.

Look at this pic and tell me there aren't whole planets that look only like this..borg planets. I need to hop careers. I'm always telling myself i'd rather live in a cardboard box than do anything for or take anything from jews. But what am i doing working like this? I mean pipelines fuel our heat and other utilities. There is alot of refineries in the food industry...yet the last one I worked at during shor hashit i saw our top CO walking around onside with an orthodox rabbi...and i knew emmediately who was running the show.

Very true. I worked in Europe for 6 years and alot of places are more and more eco conscious.

This work is the backbone of civilization. I just don't want to give it to a jew. Or look to them for anything. If im on a pieces of structure or makin a pipe thats supposed to process food i am proud. But i want gentiles to benefit and not jews. Since they are at the top of most positions, its gentiles looking to them for jobs and a roof.
Larissa666 said:
I like when people call Her Astarte, not that other blasphemous name. And I bet She is proud to be called Astarte, too.

I call her Astaroth. I pronounce it "A Star Oath". I wipe my ass with the "blasphemy" of others. Fuck em. Fuck em all. Their slanderous tongues can sanitize my rancid posterior. :evil:
I’ve worked for environmental groups here in America. It’s really all politics and liberal wacks. Part of my job at one point was fundraising. We had quotas to hit every week or we’d lose our job. The thing is, as I advanced up the latter I saw that almost all of our money went just to paying employees and our offices and there was other tunnels for where the money would go that was NOT to actually help out our causes. Which every year we had a new cause. This was a government environmental agency here in the US. It’s unfortunate, but it’s extremely corrupt. Also, every year we had our biggest donors come and do speeches. Guess what sort were doing the speeches? Goldberg’s and Sheklsteins.

Then when you get into the actual employees. Mostly young liberals, were the definition of hypocrisy. They were literally teaching people to con people for donations. They’d give these passionate speeches about the environment, but then they’d teach these psychological tricks to manipulate people into giving money. And if a person wasn’t doing good enough, they’d be furious, literally. And people would get fired. They just wanted their bonus’s. It was troubling to have that work experience and it makes sense that nothing is actually being done.

So what it really comes down to is the individual level. You as an individual can make wiser choices and it will have an impact. What is the ocean but a multitude of drops? You can recycle. You can use biodegradable products and reusable products, etc. These make a difference. As well as educating those close to you. For now, from being on the inside, progress is slow from a government stand point. It’s too corrupt. You know why? Because money is involved. And that means jews.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Gamoray said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I may try to get into some pro-earth organisation. They've already caused governments to care about the climate in several countries. Imagine as SS what we could do to the crowd, with the correct rituals.

Just be careful at their policies if you do. Many are just excuses for taxation and barely care about deforestation for example.

I think besides anti polution and recycling, plantation should be one of tgthe e main points as well. That is why I think the ideal city means buildings with 2 or 3 levels at most and houses with yards. Plus some legislation about those yards meanig a minimum of trees. If course this is also directly dependent on the poulation. Many mayors these days accept bribes for illegal construction based in the city schematic. The spacing between buildings is bad, no parks are made and constructing 8 floor buildings in areas where there should only be houses with two levels. Those are some points to keep in mind.
It's also possible to build such buildings in cities without harming the environment. Look at an aerial view of New York City for example. All the skyscrapers could easily have grass or such growing on the sides and it could very easily be irrigated in an even manner. People could be made by law to have 2-4 plants per person in their house. If the Jews can make everyone do nothing for an entire season I'm sure it's possible to make people follow something that simple too. And it would take less than 5 minutes every few days to maintain. Sometimes you'd need to add nutrients but those are piss cheap and you could even use sea/himalayan salt to solve nutrient issues. You'll just need to water it a little more than usual with the salt. Imagine how the air quality and weather would change if everyone in a city with millions of people did that. We'd not only have cleaner air, but much less rainfall in those cities than inefficient ones. I've read somewhere that in Scotland the wind generators produce enougj electricity to power all of Europe. I don't want to say that's true and for certain, but roughly I think we as a whole have enough renewable energy being generated for the entire planet to benefit from. See-through solar panels exist too. You could get an entire city with those millions of windows to have solar panels, including the roofs. It would be expensive but it's very possible to turn a degenerative and inefficient city self-sustaining. Sewage also has a lot of room for improvement with technology. Even in cities with massive buildings it's possible to be green.

I get your spacing part and I also believe it's extremely ridiculous to have extremely dense cities and not have any cars you can drive without getting stuck in traffic. Even with motorbikes the traffic can piss you off. People could get tax cuts for NOT driving cars and slightly lower cuts for driving smaller vehicles and motorcycles. Maybe optimise it for those driving hybrids and electrics. I think the idea gets across. The worst part is, most cities don't have dedicated parking spaces and some people have to park on the side of the road, even on roads with 35+MPH traffic flowing through. Now imagine how you'll get out of your vehicle in such a scenario, especially since most people won't bother to move to the side. And all the nasty fumes that leave the engine's asshole, we could be using something clean to run the exact same engines we are using today, along with more horsepower and efficiency. But because Jews want to turn this beautiful planet into a wasteland they are making sure we don't use renewables and cleaner fuels where they have the power to prevent it. The first diesel engine ran on peanut oil, why are we using petroleum all of a sudden, when we could just be spending like $5 for 5 gallons of waste vegetable oil from restaurants.

I think on a rational scale, the city would have to literally be rationed to be able to work with the desired population. If there's a skyscraper, maybe make bigger roads and pavements on those areaa than you would with 2 story buildings. I see places in my city with skyscrapers and they have one-lane fucking roads and sometimes they're smaller than some places with lower populations.

It's like someone sneezed on the map then tried to connect the dots as best as they could.

Some construction managers also, to save some money for themselves get cheaper and shittier building materuals which can be dangerous in accidents and cost dozens of lives, all so that they can celebrate those thousands they saved that will never last while putting dozens at risk.

And all those empty parks, some of it is even burnt grass. You could even make a community farm if not plant trees, just how many people could make use of that land? Many of those parks aren't even ever highly populated.

We put too much focus on comfort and too little on our sustenance.

Just like how the enemy's people like to say, "I'm here for a good time, not a long time." "You only live once." They only care about making their lifespans as comforting and pleasurable and seem as long as possible. Ever have those good days and you'd wish the day wouldn't end? They live in that sense, except they try to make every second last as long as possible.

I used to think Extinction Rebellion was good till I read the recent posts. Fuck that bullshit.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Larissa666 said:
I like when people call Her Astarte, not that other blasphemous name. And I bet She is proud to be called Astarte, too.

Ishtar and/or Astarte are the fitting names to use.
What about Inanna?
Ghost in the Machine said:
I don't know what would happen to things like computers and long-lasting tech such as that for humans, whether spiritual advancements generally make such things moot or not, after all the gods don't need a search engine to know everything there is about something as far as I see it but things like the internet is a sharing platform; 'course places and locations both physical on the astral can be created for people to astrally go to any time anywhere. Generally though I'd imagine for us better materials and more efficient means of recycling.

I think your delving too far into fantasy and not realizing that not everyone is highly spiritually advanced. There are kids whom are starting off. Now obviously Nordic kids are probably highly developed but non the less there is probably a need for such things.

I think you should consider limiting your perception a bit. I know it's easy to humanize the Gods a bit and that isn't 100% wrong but to state Satan doesn't need a smartphone or doesn't need an internet is kinda crazy. I'm sure as hell there is spirit-tech quantum free-energy computers available and other calculation devices. Or else how does the mind even calculate stuff like a computer. It's biologically impossible.

Although I really hate communicating this topic as it delves into sci-fan and delves into peering into the Gods, while not wrong, is certainly better said shown. I mean people contacted by Nordics have said advanced technology inside their ships. So obviously they have something.

Just what that something is remains a figment of our imagination.

Also judging from weapons and whatnot I'm sure indestructible weapons available think like the Greek admantinos, adamantium. Something to that nature. I'm sure the Gods aren't some sort of harry potter civilization conjuring things into reality. I mean if things could be materialized out of mere thought. Then don't you think someone would have said "I have an idea lets kill people using these thought powers and eliminate all the bad people throughout the World".

I'm probably delving into "silly logic" and making a jackass of myself even suggesting the idea of thought reality. I'm sure the Gods aren't naked wearing astral clothing and less spiritually advanced people are like "WTF why are they naked".

I'm sure one day we'll find out.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Larissa666 said:
I like when people call Her Astarte, not that other blasphemous name. And I bet She is proud to be called Astarte, too.

Ishtar and/or Astarte are the fitting names to use.

Thanks HPHC

I love the history of our Religion it really is fascinating.
In Dresden Germany they have a machine which can seperate all garbage thrown into it (house trash), it does work with a centrifuge seperating the materials according to there density, also they use magnets and other technical processes. If I rember right it did cost around 5.000.000 Euro (around 4.226.000 USD). Afterwards the materials are recycled.

But also with recyling there is never a 100% regain of the materials.
It´s better to use old things until they are worn out (example clothes), then throwing them away halfway used and buy new stuff.

If I remember right the germans are the leading nation in recycling.

In the south germany were there are more coal power plants they don´t use the above technology because a coal power plant uses up to 30% house trash for the burning. There the people seperate from hand on recycling centers (paper, glas, wood, metal...).

Recycling creates value where other just see garbage. This value can be used to pay off the above machine.
Any country leader reading this, the investment will pay off. Make your country green.
What if they could design little critter machines that emulate things like termites, ants, bacteria, etc. that all work to break down organic material? The machine critters could have a de-fusion/de-polymerizing chamber to break down consumed plastics into their natural components for fuel which would keep them going. Sending a colony of them into the parts of the ocean that are saturated with garbage could potentially provide a quick clean.

Maybe it's a pipe dream, and I'm not a scientist, but if some team could get a research grant provided it seems feasible to them, well a solution is a solution right? Robotics have come a long way, after all.
Hmmm i do actually thought of doing voluntary work not only because it give you a bonus at employment but i wanted to help the world beside the RTS and i know that you can meet good people, thanks to this post i may actually go on cleaning but ughhh the though that after i clean everything and all there will be some failed abortion who will feel the street with thrash is making me puke.
I dont know there are people here who had done voluntary work to give me some advice?
In Japan there has been fou d an mutated bacteria which can eat plastic. That organisms enzyme is might be one of our better option.

Turn the plastic into biodegradable material.

Then stop making plastic forever. Because clearly the energy and the pollution that goes into making it will never be sustainable.

But we perhaps can save the planet with the help of nature. I have hope
I know my other comment hasn't been approved yet, but I did some more thinking on the idea as well as a little bit of research on the internet. So they already have the basic idea in the UK where they are sending out a drone they call the WasteShark on their coast to gather up lots of plastic each year. My idea goes a bit further by converting the polymers of the plastic into energy inside a chamber attached to the drones. The drones would be run on networks, essentially simulating colonies of insects that consume organic matter like deadwood. Land and ocean variants, with the ocean variants having deep-sea capabilities. The land variants could also be used on the landfills.

They already are attempting to convert plastic into energy. If that could be applied to a network of drones with the sole function of eating plastic (to convert into energy inside their chamber, which then gets used as fuel to keep operating) then it would seriously speed up environmental recovery with minimal effort other than the engineering and construction processes. They could maybe even 3D print specific types of parts to mass produce the designs, who knows?
About a month ago, I had the urge to be more eco-friendly. Not in any extreme way, but I’ve been looking into recycling, using reusable grocery/produce bags, non toxic products, growing plants..etc good to know I’m not alone. I tried looking into zero waste and although it sounds nice in theory, there’s a lot of extremes in it that aren’t possible for me. Not to mention the copious amounts of jew green-washing scams.
Please Mr. Hooded you recently hás received something message....maybe of adolf?
some god?
I Saw a you're published and You have reason maybe Donald needed of a work of heal with energy same in the distante!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
