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Astarte, Care For The Earth, And Global Environmental Policy

jrvan said:
What if they could design little critter machines that emulate things like termites, ants, bacteria, etc. that all work to break down organic material? The machine critters could have a de-fusion/de-polymerizing chamber to break down consumed plastics into their natural components for fuel which would keep them going. Sending a colony of them into the parts of the ocean that are saturated with garbage could potentially provide a quick clean.

Maybe it's a pipe dream, and I'm not a scientist, but if some team could get a research grant provided it seems feasible to them, well a solution is a solution right? Robotics have come a long way, after all.

Yeah your delving into nanobots which could pose a problem with Mr and Mrs.kike around."Oy vey a bot that can rip atoms off things can we use it to kill".

Remember the future is in nano-technologies, mini-, micro-, nano- technologies is FUCKING HUGE financial world. Read up on MEMS micro-electronicmechanical systems. Think stuff like new display technologies like a MEMS shutter for displaying pixel/sub-pixel technologies. Or the recent MEMS audio headphone technology a MEMS driver

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microelectromechanical_systems Even Bio-mems using biological matter for it.

Technically MEMS technology is already being used albeit in primitive older nodes. The iPhone 4(2010) really came out with a blast using MEMS systems for the accuracy of say the compass or other mechanical translations of accuracy sensing. Imagine this technology but shrunk down to the nanolevel.

But I got a better idea I've delved into this a long time and whatnot. But basically using akasha or aether machines to dematerialize materials. Basically you scan or dump everything into a scanner and the machine dematerializes all the elements back into akasha. Another thing that can be done IF things NEED to be recycled is a process of dematerializing everything to a base atomic substance and giving back into a central repository all the material. For example if dematerializers exist then materializers exists as well. In other words if the very act of detransmuting a substance exists then the very act also means a construction of it.

So basically you dematerialize all the garbage and then you teleport the base material unto a central repository and you can use the material.

Of course there is an issue. IF you can materialize then why the need to preserve objects. It would introduce a new phenomena of creating objects into thin-air. No more need to mine objects or mine material or do anything. Just 3DCAD design an object using a quantum hypercomputer with RAI(Restricted Artificial Design) using a memory of all the perceived data created by humanity stored in a central repository chip. And walla you create anything and everything from materialization.

Again it delves into "silly logic" it's like do the Gods even need to mine object. I know they have robots and machines to do it. But is mining obsolete.

For example Dr.Begrun a 90ish year old NASA scientist states there is a enemy vimana in Saturn fixing the rings. Apparently he states the vessel is around the size of San Jose to St.Louise approximately 1,500 miles in length. And it's wideness should be at least like 400 miles. So basically a massive engineering capital vessel with quadruple manipulators creating a field to manipulate the rings of Saturn.

The question becomes how long does it take to create such vessel from mining to engineering I'd wager to state even 40 years, even with a slave race would probably be only a quarter of the ship to make. I mean hell even if you dump huge resources into making it alone how long will it take like 80-100-150 years. It's like Star Wars, how long does it take for them to make 1 capital vessel decades maybe a solid century.

Again it begs the question if the Gods even need to mine stuff if they have akasha machines and just materialize vessels then what stops them from creating a massive capital ship out of thin air the very 3D CAD brought to life within a few hours or even days or weeks or months.

Again notice how delving into such topic creates "silly logic". It's not evil to think this way there is always a better way to do something but funny enough it seems counter-productive. If you like try and get "FancyMancy" unto this topic of conversation I'm sure he'd love to speak Sci-Fantasy to us about it.

No offense to member "FancyMancy" I think he is wonderful but does love this type of conversation.
if anyone wants to know more about PE biodegradation, on an advanced level. check out this site https://www.researchgate.net/search?q=Polyethylene Biodegradation
I'll never understand why some guys don't care about environment. I feel drained and depressed when walking through heavy polluted area such as abandoned industrial wastelands. I need greenery and forests around me to feel emotionally well, yet everyone around me doesn't feel that way.

And reading this I can't forget the crap when we were choosing which direction we should go after school. "Oh don't go to Enviromental/Art school goy, you wont be able to land job, go computer or machinist school they are needed oy vey!" My biggest mistake in life ever that I listened to those morons since I then hated school and profession that I would work as, so that in the end I just dropped out lol. Fcking salary slave mentality... :roll:
TopoftheAbyss said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Larissa666 said:
I like when people call Her Astarte, not that other blasphemous name. And I bet She is proud to be called Astarte, too.

Ishtar and/or Astarte are the fitting names to use.
What about Inanna?

This is also a very nice name. I would never call her "Astaroth".

Unfortunately she is known in the occult by this name, so one has to use it for search and find purposes still.
It is a lie that there are no jobs in this sector. As we progress in the future this will become a total necessity.

Seniors in general advise people based on what they knew from their time. Much of their advice is obsolete and from another and older economy.

Also, I have encountered at least many cases who make a very good living working for these organizations.

This sector could use smarter and more actually eco caring people to do the right thing.

Some of these jobs have a nice bag that comes with them, plus the gratification of doing better things for the environment. IMO it is never too late.

BlackJackal said:
I'll never understand why some guys don't care about environment. I feel drained and depressed when walking through heavy polluted area such as abandoned industrial wastelands. I need greenery and forests around me to feel emotionally well, yet everyone around me doesn't feel that way.

And reading this I can't forget the crap when we were choosing which direction we should go after school. "Oh don't go to Enviromental/Art school goy, you wont be able to land job, go computer or machinist school they are needed oy vey!" My biggest mistake in life ever that I listened to those morons since I then hated school and profession that I would work as, so that in the end I just dropped out lol. Fcking salary slave mentality... :roll:
TruthAndTyr said:
Larissa666 said:
I like when people call Her Astarte, not that other blasphemous name. And I bet She is proud to be called Astarte, too.

I call her Astaroth. I pronounce it "A Star Oath". I wipe my ass with the "blasphemy" of others. Fuck em. Fuck em all. Their slanderous tongues can sanitize my rancid posterior. :evil:

She herself told me a long time ago that she prefers to be called Astarte, if is also your GD ask her.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ishtar and/or Astarte are the fitting names to use.
What about Inanna?

This is also a very nice name. I would never call her "Astaroth".

Unfortunately she is known in the occult by this name, so one has to use it for search and find purposes still.
Isn't Azazel the same case?
BlackJackal said:
I'll never understand why some guys don't care about environment. I feel drained and depressed when walking through heavy polluted area such as abandoned industrial wastelands. I need greenery and forests around me to feel emotionally well, yet everyone around me doesn't feel that way.

And reading this I can't forget the crap when we were choosing which direction we should go after school. "Oh don't go to Enviromental/Art school goy, you wont be able to land job, go computer or machinist school they are needed oy vey!" My biggest mistake in life ever that I listened to those morons since I then hated school and profession that I would work as, so that in the end I just dropped out lol. Fcking salary slave mentality... :roll:
Recently I was thinking about my career, and I thought I about 8 hours a day in cubicles, or just 8 hours a day doing things I don't care just for money. You can just immagine in what kind of state my mind went in at that point knowing that I love nature and I want to live in it all my life. Basically my mind went to a "life has no meaning" feeling, that no matter how much I tried to remove it stayed until I was most likely guided by the Gods to a movie that made me come back to sanity. I will never work in a cubicle or something I hate, that whole feeling dissapeared when I removed that possibility from my mind. It's depressing.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ishtar and/or Astarte are the fitting names to use.
What about Inanna?

This is also a very nice name. I would never call her "Astaroth".

Unfortunately she is known in the occult by this name, so one has to use it for search and find purposes still.

Hmm well do i feel like a fool now for calling her Astaroth whenever i was talking with her, It did feel somewhat strange to use that name but i always shrugged it off as me being influenced by some curse or anything of the sort.

Dont even know why i used this name because i find that Ishtar/Astarte has a very pleasing sound, Definitly going to call her her Astarte from now on.
Unfortunately I think things may get way worse before they get better with this. I know do what we can and we should get people to care about the environment a lot more and stuff.

But i personally think that before we put in a huge effort in some things we need to get the enemy from power or we are just wasting time and they will just trash it again anyways.

I know some things can't wait and need to be done asap like the rain forests etc.

But it doesn't greatly motivate anyone to help out in this a lot when you know its just going to be trashed again in the future probably far worse than what you just fixed and most people won't even care anyways.
In the municipality where I live, we have this waste disposable and recycling thing going on. And you are fined if you don't recycle the big waste when you go to the public disposal areas. Our country is in general good with environmental and "green" stuff.

However, in the public department I worked in a few years back, I overheard a conversation with the boss of the department and the sector boss of the designated sector I was working in.

They had a problem with these large waste containers. There was uncertainty with what to do with them, they didn't know where to dispose the large container, due to some specific waste in it, but they knew where not to put it, but the boss of the department, due to pressure of removing the waste, just told the sector boss to dump the large waste container in the wrong recycling location and instead just take the fine.

Overall, the recycling process was put aside due to the time pressure of removing the waste. It was during a national holiday season so it was extra pressure to have it removed so the place could look nice for the holiday season.

Why they didn't put it in the "factory waste" spot and not the "leaves and trees", I don't know. I believe, if I remember correctly, that they had some sort of quota to follow. Anyways, they ended up damaging the environment. If someone goes into this, bureaucracy can be a problem in regards to this all the way down to the local level. (It's ironic I though about posting this yesterday, but the Moon was void, and today the Moon is in Virgo, having to do with bureaucracy.)
What most governments can do right now is have a schememe where they pay 0.05 pence/ cents for every glass/plastic bottle recycled. It work's very well in countries like Lithuania where alcoholics go out of their way to take their empty bottles with them and even pick up bottle's from the streets.

In the long run there would be less garbage littering the streets. Of course other programmes may also be implemented like reduced taxes if you volunteer to clean up the environment every now and then may also have a positive impact in the long run.
Blood_Raven1 said:
What most governments can do right now is have a schememe where they pay 0.05 pence/ cents for every glass/plastic bottle recycled. It work's very well in countries like Lithuania where alcoholics go out of their way to take their empty bottles with them and even pick up bottle's from the streets.

In the long run there would be less garbage littering the streets. Of course other programmes may also be implemented like reduced taxes if you volunteer to clean up the environment every now and then may also have a positive impact in the long run.

We already do that here in America and it's been standard practice for decades now.

In fact we have the CA logo whereby if you recycle this in California(Since California's economy is almost as big as Germany's economy, it's like technically the 4th or 5th largest in the World under technical terms). They pay $1.00 per glass/plastic product.

Most of the time we have 0.05 cents, 0.10 cents, 0.25 cents, and the CA $1.00. It's been pretty much the same value since it's introduction. Shame the US isn't in better economic principle I'm sure technically they can pay more and increase the financial gain for recyclers who like to recycle.

There is also a newer principle coming out for the last few decades called "Upcycling" in other words the use of recycled product to make a superior than original product. Technically recycled substances suck they are often like boxes a bit shoddy you can tell when a box is recycle and not freshly made with new materials. But I do have my hopes recycling technologies improve of over the next few years. Upcycling works better with plastics as the plastic can be melted down and recreated but non-the less the next frontier is "Upcycling" not just simple recycling.

Recycling is simply recreating a product of equal or lesser capacity. But Upcycling is literally making a superior product than originally created and further recycled for future use as in said "Upcycling".
Gear88 said:
Blood_Raven1 said:
In fact we have the CA logo whereby if you recycle this in California(Since California's economy is almost as big as Germany's economy, it's like technically the 4th or 5th largest in the World under technical terms). They pay $1.00 per glass/plastic product.

Most of the time we have 0.05 cents, 0.10 cents, 0.25 cents, and the CA $1.00. It's been pretty much the same value since it's introduction. Shame the US isn't in better economic principle I'm sure technically they can pay more and increase the financial gain for recyclers who like to recycle.

My mistake I have seen some products be at 1 dollar but most of the time it's a value between 5 cents and 85 cents.
archangelbodyarmor said:
satanisgod.org doesn't work!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First of all please change your screenname. We get the innuedo of the bible verse, but jewish witchcraft will not help you advance. Your messages will not get through with this name.

Secondly, please check the post relevant to the site.

Instead of shouting "HELP" maybe you could visit the main site which is perfectly functional.
ClappyBird said:
...Jewish criminal yesiva ranting....

Nobody supports your anti-Gentile BS here. The only race unneeded and unwanted on Earth is the jewish one for being cancer cells to everyone and everything.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Astarte is very big in regards to protecting, cultivating, and taking care of the planet, the species in it, and the environment. Aside many crimes the enemy has done, one of the most major crimes, is to demean all other forms of life, and falsely claim that "Humans are the most important form of life" on the planet.

Yes, we humans may be the smartest form of the planet, or the craftiest, but we certainly are not the most physically strong form of life. And we also tend to be the most stupid than all other lifeforms, too. Our stupidity can be costly not to ourselves, but other forms of life on the planet. Nor are humans the most beautiful form of life on the planet that has to survive by itself. There is other worthwhile life on the planet, that is currently seeking to advance itself, and survive side by side with us.

We have violated the rights of many lifeforms, in particular, because we violated the first law of not emulating parasites: we have been emulating the jew and his corrosive mentality, and we have become as a result, harbingers of corrosion. Yet this can definitely be reversed with a change in our morality and decisions.

Meanwhile, "humanity", led by jews, is ruining the earth right now. The jewish moral and ethical dogma that supports that "Humans are superior" to other forms of life, or based on superstitious and unnatural beliefs, has made us hate and forget nature. What is "Paganism" but the rural worship, and the natural worship? Our Gods put as their symbols glorious species of animals, that are wise, beautiful and wonderful creatures of nature.

Nature expresses herself through her creation, and as far as we are concerned, we are another creation of nature. In our case, there has been an effect from the hand of the Gods, but still, everyone came from nature, and to nature we will return. The Ancients, called "Nature", with the name "God". And in nature, "God", or the principle of consciousness, manifests.

From worms to the most beautiful bengal tigers, nature manifests herself. While not all life is of the best kind, or beneficial to humans, life in general remains sacred, and it is a sacred duty of humans to uphold nature, and for us to co-exist with nature as much as we can. There are other species that try to live their existence in the cosmos, not just "us" humans.

The striking majority of these creatures, are not only not dangerous to us in anyway, but they are helpers to our well-being. Fish, vegetables, oxen, what have you, the list is endless. On the parasitic side we have things we could live without, such as fleas, but most of these things do not help nature either in anyway, and their "evolution" would only mean more misery for many other lifeforms. So in that case, if we are able, we have to minimize if we are to care about the world.

Astarte in one experience I had with her months ago, referred to the Earth, as "My beautiful garden" and expressed disdain in regards to how we are faring on the planet. She also mentioned that many of the "leaders" of this world are rather ignorant, self serving, and careless in regards to nature and the environment, but that other councils are doing progress in implementing some policy. Astarte is a strong motivating force in influencing the councils of this world in implementing environmental policies that will help the earth.

This is not about fake ass hype done by eco-warriors who only need your donations. The situation is more serious than this. This is also not about doing corny donations to questionable organizations, or just using bio-degradable straws. It's also not about buying a jewish book that some jew cheaply wrote in regards to raving about "Climate Change" to get votes.

However, every little bit counts in helping the earth. This includes recycling, using re-usable bottles, and generally straying away from habits that destroy the planet. This is an individual dimension, and yes, this helps. One may not be able to do everything perfectly, but if people cared more, a lot of progress would be done.

To name an example here, the other time I went to throw my trash as everyone does, and I saw huge piles of boxes that were cardboard [and therefore could be recycled] thrown in the regular trash can. 10 feet away it was the recycling trash can, where all of this could go. The fatass asshole that threw these there, could take just 5 steps, and throw them on the appropriate trashcan. They did not. This shows a low quality of human being, and unfortunately, there are many.

Humans tend to act like a cancer to the earth. Breeding without remorse, or caring about birthrates, is another problem. However, according to Astarte, this is not the primary problem, but government behavior on this. Imagine this example, if the world was putting as much effort as they did on Co-Vid, in going full green energy and bio-degradable, wouldn't we have advanced tremendously?

If media constantly bombarded people with ads to do the right thing, or even rewarded people with cash or currency everytime they threw their trash correctly, or they cleaned a beach out of it's trash? People would be razing the planet trying to clean it, and not to destroy it.

The jews and the enemy are a great prohibitive factor in this, as much of this revolves around the financial realities that encompass the earth right now. But the Gods are not going to ask, and they will enforce the system as they see fit, despite of what some reptilians think on the matter. After all, according to the enemy, the planet is to be turned in a cyber-tropic wasteland where gas and nuclear debris is all we can smell on the air. The Gods do not have that vision for mankind.

Astarte also mentioned something else in the super brief meetup. In regards to Ancient Civilizations, she told me to "pay attention to how all of them were bio-degradable". The most non eco-friendly skyscrapers that are built today, will be shambles if not maintained in 100 to 300 years. Maybe they will collapse at less than 100. These are garbage creations for a garbage civilization that seeks only the temporary.

Some are so bad, they are literally leaning already, and are about to fall as is, needing constant support over and over again. Yet, we sign and praise our acumen in creating buildings. We aren't smart as a species, and the jewish arrogance that tries to pretend we are so advanced, collapses upon itself in it's inspection.

Meanwhile, the Egyptians, or the Mayans and many others, built megalithic structures, that have lasted 5000+ years, and with materials that will not destroy the earth. Bio-degradable doesn't have to mean weak. On the contrary, with proper development of technology, we can go even further in our development than we do today.

The reason that we followed this trail in our evolution is because the enemy provided botched solutions based on fragmented knowledge. For example, we discovered plastic, but we had no clue on what to do with it. Our planet had to pay the price. Yet, today we discover there were other ways of carrying things, and we think that we are smart, but all the people of the Ancient Civilizations knew about these things. Modern man is not smart, he is rather stupid. Modern man first destroys, and then seeks to "correct". Smart people start off with better and more correct solutions, and if errors show, they are mild.

We think it's modern to carry a wool bag on the supermarket, and that this is too much, but how did people carry everything for years? Bio-degradable materials.

Another major issue that was heaped on the earth, was the persecution of bright minds that could have saved us from a lot of misery. A blatant example here is Tesla. But humanity was collectively enforced to the fate, by the enemy, to consider it more important to maintain the rotten system of hebrew control, than to look after itself. The ramifications of this choice or weakness are coming in. We will have to solve these matters quickly as a result. But there is still hope and time, that is for sure.

Astarte added that most of the materials the people of the past used, are simply bio-degradable. In regards to our technology, everything can also become bio-degradable, but we are simply taking a "different way" and this will take "a lot of time" until we are there and capable of turning out technology in another direction. But it is entirely possible to have the outputs of energy and more, without destroying the Earth.

Yet, the enemy wants to enforce history in such a stalemate, that our planet becomes a wasteland, and we are forced to move planets, or essentially, enforce us to their own "solutions" to the problems that they caused us - for example, to reverse eco-destruction, for us to become borg, or to have to implement some reptilian holocaust to stop humans from massacring the planet, or simply forcing some of our own to some exoplanet. The enemy first digs our collective hole, and then they offer a solution that will not get us out, but keep us stuck there forever.

Some of the reasons NASA and Elon are looking now in Mars, is one of these - because they are aware that our time on earth may be limited if we insist on specific wrong avenues. Humans, while we do better, we aren't showing many signs of stopping, and world leaders do not care as they should.

World leaders would do better right now to listen to sense and start implementing, investing in, and doing what is in their power to reverse this monstrous trend that is manifesting. A question to ask ourselves is, what if all the media, instead of hyping about Co-Vid, started hyping for let's say, people exercising or people going more bio-friendly? Of course, there would be many positive effects.

Where are all these masks that billions are wearing now from Co-Vid going? Oceans, the earth, and so forth. It may take them a thousand years to break down. Why? Because we went into a hype of stupidity. The instructions should be clear, to go for only reusable masks. But whatever, we had to rush this through also, because of the super killer flu.

In regards to Trump, he severely lacks and environmental agenda, while at the same time, the Left has turned the matter into some sort of circus of extremes such as enforcing destructive veganism, that humanity simply cannot live on. Trump is correct on that we are not on red alert, but he is very wrong in that he ignores scientific statements that are showing that if we do not act, we might as well be damned. Maybe we aren't doomed in 20 years but we are in 60, the situation remains a big problem as is. Yet, many people in positions of powers, time things only on their lifespan.

This causes more issues, because we also have lost on another Truth, which is REINCARNATION. Leaving behind a trashed planet, we will have to return to a trashed planet, and there will be no escape from the trash that humanity is creating. The world looks big and impossible to be finished off, but this is a real possibility if we insist on the excessive population we have, and with the same consumerism patterns. And those responsible will return at some point in a world where the shared responsibility of this damnation will be manifest.

Another situation that has arose in the late years and is deadly, is the "China-fication" of all living goods. Now, nothing lasts for any amount of time. Everything tends to never last for a long time, and this was so that people keep on buying things, that are cheaply made. This is because, the system of the world, financially, does not want to redefine itself, so that people have more purchasing power to buy better things [which would be more costly, but would last longer] but they want people to buy shit that has a short lifespan, because most consumers tend to be unable to buy things of lasting value or quality. This is damning when drawn to it's logical extreme. We are living in this extreme today.

People worldwide want to eat meat and nothing can/will stop this. However, for example, we could redifine the way we do farming. But the left and whomever supposedly cares for the earth, goes for "Zealot" solutions that nobody wants to implement, and people hate. The reaction to this is carelessness.

It is crucial our world moves away from the Jewish paradigm of thought that led us to this place fundamentally. It was jews that conceived the highest sacrilege against nature, which was the idea that the earth was a pointless and meaningless space, that was only some sort of botched creation of their mental phantom, their shitty ass "God". From there onward, people started following this example and started ruining the earth.

Our way of treating the earth wrong, is rooted fundamentally in all the beliefs the jews have injected in the minds of humans as their moral foundation: The nihilism that comes from the worthless nonspiritual jewish religions that account to nothing, the belief that "You only live once", the belief that the Earth is a pointless mass going around an even more pointless universe, the belief that the "afterlife is the only thing that matters" and other myriads of self hating and world hating beliefs, such as that animals do not matter or other things like that. You hate life based on the enemy programs, and you will of course hate earth and everything in it.

Lastly, as Satanists, one must take their considerations to do their part in helping the earth. The basic thing is that we don't become trashes and cancers to the earth as far as our own person is concerned. Then, we have our family, friends, or town. Depending on one's personal power and responsibility, one may for example want to go into some pro-earth organization, or want to do volunteering work [you can always make friends there, too]. Some of you may end up in politics, so you must keep this in mind as well. Others already are, so make sure to show people a good example.

The message here is to do good when one can. As the aim of Satanism is the Magnum Opus [and therefore immortality] one must think of the earth likewise as a place where one will reside [as our Gods have instructed]. We are not like the enemy slimes that come through this world as reptilian destroyers, we are the reverse. They are damned creatures, but our Gods are about eternity.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The thing I hate the most is nuclear energy, and the man who invented it.
Once I totally admired Einstein, but when I came on Jos my admiration ended.
Millions of lives are in danger, thousands of nuclear implants are on Earth.
This should scare all us, maybe we should look at what happened in Chernobyl.
They killed so many animals to prevent genetic consequences... I don't understand how people can sleep while something so dirty and ugly exists.
I don't know if my hatred towards Einstein is "ok", but I just can't pretend his hands aren't covered in blood.
If only Tesla were alive today...
You mentioned other beings trying to advance, who are they?
Perhaps those blonde and blue eyed people that people describe in Shambhalla?
Of course better care of the earth must happen. Albeit I do believe our ecosystem is being manipulated either by governments or some "third party".

The problem is getting all nations to adhere to certain rules. The solution to these climate problems have to be more productive or at the same level of fossil fuels and nuclear.

A major talking point of the right wing is that nations like china won't adhere to new rules. Thus overtaking the west because they use methods that are more productive.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
archangelbodyarmor said:
satanisgod.org doesn't work!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First of all please change your screenname. We get the innuedo of the bible verse, but jewish witchcraft will not help you advance. Your messages will not get through with this name.

Secondly, please check the post relevant to the site.

Instead of shouting "HELP" maybe you could visit the main site which is perfectly functional.

Ive got a question
What are some witchcraft spells and spell words that can beat yahwehs angels?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
archangelbodyarmor said:
satanisgod.org doesn't work!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First of all please change your screenname. We get the innuedo of the bible verse, but jewish witchcraft will not help you advance. Your messages will not get through with this name.

Secondly, please check the post relevant to the site.

Instead of shouting "HELP" maybe you could visit the main site which is perfectly functional.

Ive got a question
What are some witchcraft spells and spell words that can beat yahwehs angels?
If you see one that is in front of us trying to attack us?
CameronMatlock said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
archangelbodyarmor said:
satanisgod.org doesn't work!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First of all please change your screenname. We get the innuedo of the bible verse, but jewish witchcraft will not help you advance. Your messages will not get through with this name.

Secondly, please check the post relevant to the site.

Instead of shouting "HELP" maybe you could visit the main site which is perfectly functional.

Ive got a question
What are some witchcraft spells and spell words that can beat yahwehs angels?
If you see one that is in front of us trying to attack us?
Jax911 said:
CameronMatlock said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
First of all please change your screenname. We get the innuedo of the bible verse, but jewish witchcraft will not help you advance. Your messages will not get through with this name.

Secondly, please check the post relevant to the site.

Instead of shouting "HELP" maybe you could visit the main site which is perfectly functional.

Ive got a question
What are some witchcraft spells and spell words that can beat yahwehs angels?
If you see one that is in front of us trying to attack us?

Ok thanks brother!
Glory to Father Satan!
Jax911 said:
CameronMatlock said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
First of all please change your screenname. We get the innuedo of the bible verse, but jewish witchcraft will not help you advance. Your messages will not get through with this name.

Secondly, please check the post relevant to the site.

Instead of shouting "HELP" maybe you could visit the main site which is perfectly functional.

Ive got a question
What are some witchcraft spells and spell words that can beat yahwehs angels?
If you see one that is in front of us trying to attack us?

Ok thanks brother!
Glory to Father Satan!
Wotanwarrior said:
TruthAndTyr said:
Larissa666 said:
I like when people call Her Astarte, not that other blasphemous name. And I bet She is proud to be called Astarte, too.

I call her Astaroth. I pronounce it "A Star Oath". I wipe my ass with the "blasphemy" of others. Fuck em. Fuck em all. Their slanderous tongues can sanitize my rancid posterior. :evil:

She herself told me a long time ago that she prefers to be called Astarte, if is also your GD ask her.

She's my GD and she said she prefers the name Astarte or Ishtar. I address her as Lady Astarte.
though there are solutions in that there are gods that can be made a deal with in getting rid of pests and such in a proper manner, likely with urging the critters to completely leave and move elsewhere among other things and you don't have to kill anything.

In addition your home can also be spiritually protected with wards that psychically repel pests and animals and such from invading upon your home and causing problems.[/quote]

Interesting, did you do this yourself or know someone who did? Who to contact and how? What should be offered in return?

I've tried to get rid of bed bugs for five months now, it fucking sucks.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
It's interesting that in The Matrix, Agent Smith observes that humans are not like other animals. He compares us to viruses, in that we settle in one place, then breed and consume the environment, using up all the resources until nothing is left. But, in fact, our Satanic ancestors did live in equilibrium with nature, just like the animals. The destructive virus-like behavior is created by and perpetuated by the jews.

By the way, The Matrix is entirely Jewish and Zionist. Zion is the name of the main place.
Since this is somewhat relevant, does anyone know any ritual, mantra, incantation, or spell that can be made to ward evils off nature like hunters, arsonists, and such. I usually come across hunters in the forest who murder innocent birds. I would draw the protective pentagram in the air while chanting the names of the Archangels, each in the direction of the elements associated thereto and chanting the name of Mother Gaia and then commanding them to protect the nature and the animals. This is another question I wish to ask, since I learnt about the power of invoking the Archangels from a different source: What is the truth of the Archangels? Are they another Zionist hoax? I would appreciate any information about a spell to empower and protect the Kingdom of Nature and the truth about the Archangels.
Regards wise people!
Osiris Silvio said:
while chanting the names of the Archangels
Wtf? You're a Satanist and invoke that alien crap? You're playing with fire there.
You're basically invoking greys and jewish thoughtforms.
Aquarius said:
Osiris Silvio said:
while chanting the names of the Archangels
Wtf? You're a Satanist and invoke that alien crap? You're playing with fire there.
You're basically invoking greys and jewish thoughtforms.

That wasn't really helpful. i used to practice a different sort of magick which I learnt through a book called Everyhting You Wanted to Know about Magick by Shawn Scanlon. It has plenty of Hebrew stuff which seem to originate from the Jewish Kaballah. I hated the Hebrew and I felt there is something wrong with that book since I detest and oppose Zionism. But I must say it had plenty of beautiful and unbiased philosophies as well, and it says that if one is uncomfortable with Hebrew, one can adopt a different magickal language, such as Latin, Arabic, Phoenician, Enochian, Runic....
I read all the articles about Witchcraft and Power Meditation on JOS before the site was censored; there was only one unclear hint about the Archangels. That is why I asked this question. I searched this forum and found out that the Archangels are a Jewish creation. It makes sense. But I must admit, I used to feel a buzz of power and protection by chanting those names. There is plenty of information to learn and unlearn and I'm still new to JOS. So, you basically oppose all Angelic knowledge; all angels, or only those created by the Jews? And you do not seem to use any magickal (or, uncommon) language. I believe that this is good since I understand and can visualize everything better. But do you have any thoughts on using an uncommon magickal language, benefits and disadvantages thereof?
Osiris Silvio said:
Aquarius said:
Osiris Silvio said:
while chanting the names of the Archangels
Wtf? You're a Satanist and invoke that alien crap? You're playing with fire there.
You're basically invoking greys and jewish thoughtforms.

That wasn't really helpful. i used to practice a different sort of magick which I learnt through a book called Everyhting You Wanted to Know about Magick by Shawn Scanlon. It has plenty of Hebrew stuff which seem to originate from the Jewish Kaballah. I hated the Hebrew and I felt there is something wrong with that book since I detest and oppose Zionism. But I must say it had plenty of beautiful and unbiased philosophies as well, and it says that if one is uncomfortable with Hebrew, one can adopt a different magickal language, such as Latin, Arabic, Phoenician, Enochian, Runic....
I read all the articles about Witchcraft and Power Meditation on JOS before the site was censored; there was only one unclear hint about the Archangels. That is why I asked this question. I searched this forum and found out that the Archangels are a Jewish creation. It makes sense. But I must admit, I used to feel a buzz of power and protection by chanting those names. There is plenty of information to learn and unlearn and I'm still new to JOS. So, you basically oppose all Angelic knowledge; all angels, or only those created by the Jews? And you do not seem to use any magickal (or, uncommon) language. I believe that this is good since I understand and can visualize everything better. But do you have any thoughts on using an uncommon magickal language, benefits and disadvantages thereof?
There are no "good" angels, all are either thoughtforms or grays, as for that sensation of protection the mind can deceive you in thinking that or it was the grays itself giving you that feeling.
I don't know what you mean with magickal language, Latin isn't a magickal language, and nor is arabic I believe, Enochian is a recent thing that holds no power(other than the enochian phrases that praise the Gods, these just hold power because you praise the Gods with them). Many mantras we use are either from the Sanskrit or are Runes.
As for Hebrew, it's not about being uncomfortable, it's about the fact that it's a perverted language which its alphabet holds the power of jews and all their curses on gentiles(non jews).

Gentiles who use the kabbalah will be sooner or later be destroyed by it, since it's made for the jewish soul and not a Gentile soul.

Don't associate yourself with jewish bullshit or angelic shit, they are both meant to destroy you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
