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- Apr 7, 2023
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Hey, silly question here, are we doing daily fRTR or waiting for a schedule?
Carvik said:Hey, silly question here, are we doing daily fRTR or waiting for a schedule?
sola said:.....
Immortalityseeker said:I am unable to access What happened to it ?
Hesffcs115 said:I feel like I obsess over thoughts too much if there are any exercises/meditations that could help that would be great, it just feels like I can hardly concentrate on anything.
Void meditation and flame meditation are great tools for this. You can also practice visualization, and get much of the same benefits of the above because it requires focusing.Hesffcs115 said:I feel like I obsess over thoughts too much if there are any exercises/meditations that could help that would be great, it just feels like I can hardly concentrate on anything.
Shadowmage said:Svayambhu said:In Hinduism, it is said that the highest goal for a human being is to stop the cycle of reincarnation, basically to dissolve all the karma, so that you no longer exist, to merge with the existence. In the yogic culture, Shiva is the one who bestows liberation or moksha, eternal dissolution. Shiva was the perfect being, having completed Magnum Opus. Why is it contradictory?
Because Hinduism is corrupted, that's why. This has been explained on JoS. The Magnum Opus is about physical and spiritual immortality and strengthening your individual existence. You do not merge with existence, but instead you separate yourself from existence and exist as an isolated being, a separate God of your own with many advanced psychic/spiritual powers and total control over your own destiny. When you complete your Magnum Opus you also remove all past karma, but karma has a different meaning here: karma is past conditioning that hinders you. With all karma removed, you don't let fate control you or your personality to be stuck in repetitive, unhealthy habits, but you control your own fate and destiny.
Svayambhu said:Shadowmage said:Svayambhu said:In Hinduism, it is said that the highest goal for a human being is to stop the cycle of reincarnation, basically to dissolve all the karma, so that you no longer exist, to merge with the existence. In the yogic culture, Shiva is the one who bestows liberation or moksha, eternal dissolution. Shiva was the perfect being, having completed Magnum Opus. Why is it contradictory?
Because Hinduism is corrupted, that's why. This has been explained on JoS. The Magnum Opus is about physical and spiritual immortality and strengthening your individual existence. You do not merge with existence, but instead you separate yourself from existence and exist as an isolated being, a separate God of your own with many advanced psychic/spiritual powers and total control over your own destiny. When you complete your Magnum Opus you also remove all past karma, but karma has a different meaning here: karma is past conditioning that hinders you. With all karma removed, you don't let fate control you or your personality to be stuck in repetitive, unhealthy habits, but you control your own fate and destiny.
Thank you a lot! I wanted to ask because it is confusing, for many reasons actually, but let me give you an example. The priestess Maxine declared that she is working on enlightenment and Magnum Opus with Satan. All sages and spiritual masters describe enlightenment as merging with the existence, being able to experience the whole creation as yourself, after which all of your karma gets burned. 99% of the time enlightenment and leaving the body happens at the same time, as it is incredibly rare for someone to retain the body after enlightenment. That means enlightenment actually ends your existence as a physical being, because the 99% never come back. Sorry for being so stubborn with my opinions, it's just spirituality sometimes seems to be more like trouble)).
Also, an interesting thing I wanted to ask. The Buddhist prophecy, and even the last Buddha - Gautama, said that the next Buddha, the 5th one, will appear on Earth when Gautama's teachings will be lost. His name is Maitreya, and there are many prophecies around the world which speak of the perfect being, whose name is Maitreya, which means a friend. In the yogic culture, many yogis have tried to recreate Shiva, because they missed him so much, but no one has ever succeeded. Then, some of them made a prophecy, that one day, this being will appear, not in the Himalayas, but in South India. When Gautama's disciples asked how will they know when this being arrives, he said that a flower, called Udumbara, will descend from the heaven and will blossom all across the globe. This flower has started blooming all over the planet since 1997; it appeared for the first time on a Buddha statue in Korea. Nostradamus said that in the year 1999, a messiah will be born who will resurrect the king of the Mongolians, which is the Buddha, and will appear where 3 seas meet, that is in Southern India. What do you think?
Hesffcs115 said:I feel like I'm very unbalanced and I keep having obsessive thoughts like I'm a Christian and that Satan has left me and bullshit like that. What should I do besides void meditation to fix this?
Svayambhu said:Thank you a lot! I wanted to ask because it is confusing, for many reasons actually, but let me give you an example. The priestess Maxine declared that she is working on enlightenment and Magnum Opus with Satan. All sages and spiritual masters describe enlightenment as merging with the existence, being able to experience the whole creation as yourself, after which all of your karma gets burned. 99% of the time enlightenment and leaving the body happens at the same time, as it is incredibly rare for someone to retain the body after enlightenment. That means enlightenment actually ends your existence as a physical being, because the 99% never come back. Sorry for being so stubborn with my opinions, it's just spirituality sometimes seems to be more like trouble)).
Stephen E. Flowers said:The central question now becomes: what is the way in which this conscious, free soul is going to relate to, or seek to interact with, the objective universe or the universe as a whole? The right-hand path answers this question simply by saying that the subjective universe must harmonize itself with the laws of the objective universe—be that envisioned as God or Nature. Humanity is to seek knowledge of the law, and then apply itself to submitting to that law in order to gain ultimate union with the objective universe, with God, or with Nature. The right-hand path is the path of union with universal reality (God or Nature). When this union is completed the individual self will be annihilated; the individual will become one with the divine or natural cosmic order. In this state the ego is destroyed as “heaven” is entered or a nirvana-like existence/nonexistence is “attained.” This is clearly the goal of all orthodox Judaic, Christian, Islamic, or Buddhistic sects.
The left-hand path considers the position of humanity as it is; it takes into account the manifest and deep-seated desire of each human being to be a free, empowered, independent actor within his or her world. The pleasure and pain made possible by independent existence are seen as something to be embraced and as the most reasonable signs of the highest, most noble destiny possible for humans to attain—a kind of independent existence on a level usually thought of as divine.
Just as most humans go through their natural, everyday lives seeking that which will give them maximal amounts of such things as knowledge, power, freedom, independence, and distinction within their world, those who walk the left-hand path logically extend this to the nonnatural realm. They eschew right-hand-path admonitions that such spiritual behavior is “evil” and that they should basically “get with the program” (of God, of Nature, etc.) and become good “company men.” The self-awareness of independence is seen by many as the fundamental reality of the human condition: one can accept it and live, or reject it and die. By accepting the internal, known reality of human consciousness, an eternally dynamic—ever moving, ever changing—existence is embraced; by rejecting it and embracing an external, unknown reality of God/Nature, an eternally static—ever still and permanent—existence is accepted. From a certain enlightened perspective, both paths are perfectly good, it is just a matter of the conscious exercise of the will to follow one of these paths in an aware state without self-delusion.
Essentially, the left-hand path is the path of nonunion with the objective universe. It is the way of isolating consciousness within the subjective universe and, in a state of self-imposed psychic solitude, refining the soul or psyche to ever more perfect levels. The objective universe is then made to harmonize itself with the will of the individual psyche instead of the other way around. Where the right-hand path is theocentric (or certainly alleocentric: “other-centered”), the left-hand path is psychecentric, or soul/self-centered. Those within the left-hand path may argue over the nature of this self/ego/soul, but the idea that the individual is the epicenter of the path itself seems undisputed. An eternal separation of the individual intelligence from the objective universe is sought in the left-hand path. This amounts to an immortality of the independent self-consciousness moving within the objective universe and interacting with it at will.
Blitzkreig [JG said:" post_id=443360 time=1684370540 user_id=21286]
Hesffcs115 said:I feel like I'm very unbalanced and I keep having obsessive thoughts like I'm a Christian and that Satan has left me and bullshit like that. What should I do besides void meditation to fix this?
Our thoughts and feelings are a result of both our internal state, as well as external factors. We can be subject to negative internal karma, such as an anxious or obsessive mind, as well as emotional troubles, or feelings of lack of power or control. All of this can influence your behavior and thoughts.
Externally, and what sounds likely here, would be enemy attacks or negative transits. These attacks are designed to hit your weak points, so both of these areas can be problems. Make sure you are creating a very strong AOP every day and cleaning your aura of this negative energy.
Doing the RTR removes Hebrew shit from the soul and helps detach you. Meditating on Satan helps restore the emotional bonds with him and prevents you from being separated from him.
While void meditation is one of the most direct solutions, a more permanent fix involves planning a working to improve your mind control. This can involve using energies like Nauthiz, Eihwaz, or Isa. Alternatively, if you have negative placements, then you can use Munka or Ansuz to free yourself from any negative thought-based or emotionally-based karma that leads to self-destructive thinking.
As void meditation is an action that improves our regulation of thought, this means that improving our yin side of ourselves will also help this, indirectly. Someone who is normally anxious or hyper is likely to have more trouble controlling their thoughts than someone who is more balanced. For this person, doing hatha yoga (a yin exercise) will help relax the body. This is not a replacement for mind training exercises, but it can heavily complement it.
Blitzkreig [JG said:" post_id=443360 time=1684370540 user_id=21286]Externally, and what sounds likely here, would be enemy attacks or negative transits. These attacks are designed to hit your weak points, so both of these areas can be problems. Make sure you are creating a very strong AOP every day and cleaning your aura of this negative energy.
Gear88 said:
Hesffcs115 said:Thank you, one more thing I often feel and see this snake like thing moving in the left side of my head not sure exactly but I feel like this is from when I was younger I tried to move the kundalini serpent around in my head for some reason lol I don't know if it's a thought form or trapped energy but it goes away when I forget about it, I feel like if I just keep meditating It will go away.
And asanas... Asanas would be very important and effective for you. Can you stop ignoring them? You have been let know of the importance of them several times. "I don't feel like" does not fly here.Gear88 said:I'll stick to regular chakra spin and just clean, protect, and breathing exercises. I don't know about the Eihwaz rune usually when Rune and is stated I'm usually in the factor of well 40 days and a high or higher rep range.
Henu the Great said:And asanas... Asanas would be very important and effective for you. Can you stop ignoring them? You have been let know of the importance of them several times. "I don't feel like" does not fly here.Gear88 said:I'll stick to regular chakra spin and just clean, protect, and breathing exercises. I don't know about the Eihwaz rune usually when Rune and is stated I'm usually in the factor of well 40 days and a high or higher rep range.
By picking a pose and being still you can combine void meditation and yoga. Doing so will enhance training process for both.
But. If you choose to ignore the above. Do not post about being unable to advance again, okay?
Gear88 said:
Keep this acupoint pressed while you meditate: said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:" post_id=440857 time=1683332731 user_id=21286]
Returning curses is a basic application of justice. Some people may learn from it, but not always. They will be less likely to attack regardless, as the returned energy will incapacitate them, at least in some manner.
Reiterate all you want. The fact is that you are deficient in Yin like Blitz already said, and you actually confirm this even with this "reiteration". Trying to fall asleep for hours is not normal. You are greatly out of balance. Hence why we provide guidance.Gear88 said:
Invader816 said:Hello, I plan to use the moon mantra (shortened) to empower my third eye and the sixth chakra with a 16 vibration counts and 10 affirmation using for daily meditation. Will this work regardless of the low number of vibration counts? If there are any advice I am all ears since I can't find much information for the Moon's numbers.
Thank you in advance (And Im sorry for not thanking you guys earlier since i don't really want to talk much really, im really just lurk here and read; thank you for understanding and my appreciation).
Setiya said:is it possible demons materialize as full physical human exactly like another living person? or can satan create physical human body exactly like another living person...and then switch human body with that body?..or transfer human soul in that body? have new body and new appearance
Starvation weakens the body and the more one advances the stronger the body has to be. In other words, yes and no. Mostly, no.sola said:Hi.
Is it possible for people to secure permanent spiritual growth even if they are starving daily?
Ol argedco luciftias said:Setiya said:is it possible demons materialize as full physical human exactly like another living person? or can satan create physical human body exactly like another living person...and then switch human body with that body?..or transfer human soul in that body? have new body and new appearance
Setiya said:is there any way for have new body and new appearance?...can create new human body?
Setiya said:.....
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan