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Hey, silly question here, are we doing daily fRTR or waiting for a schedule?
What do the Gods & Demons eat?

What's their diet like? Is it anything like ours? Do they prefer certain foods & exclude other foods?
Carvik said:
Hey, silly question here, are we doing daily fRTR or waiting for a schedule?

Yes, daily F RTR is a given. Something to do everyday to help everyone, it is great.
I feel like I obsess over thoughts too much if there are any exercises/meditations that could help that would be great, it just feels like I can hardly concentrate on anything.
Hesffcs115 said:
I feel like I obsess over thoughts too much if there are any exercises/meditations that could help that would be great, it just feels like I can hardly concentrate on anything.

Void meditation every day and every time, for a longer period.
Hesffcs115 said:
I feel like I obsess over thoughts too much if there are any exercises/meditations that could help that would be great, it just feels like I can hardly concentrate on anything.
Void meditation and flame meditation are great tools for this. You can also practice visualization, and get much of the same benefits of the above because it requires focusing.
Shadowmage said:
Svayambhu said:
In Hinduism, it is said that the highest goal for a human being is to stop the cycle of reincarnation, basically to dissolve all the karma, so that you no longer exist, to merge with the existence. In the yogic culture, Shiva is the one who bestows liberation or moksha, eternal dissolution. Shiva was the perfect being, having completed Magnum Opus. Why is it contradictory?

Because Hinduism is corrupted, that's why. This has been explained on JoS. The Magnum Opus is about physical and spiritual immortality and strengthening your individual existence. You do not merge with existence, but instead you separate yourself from existence and exist as an isolated being, a separate God of your own with many advanced psychic/spiritual powers and total control over your own destiny. When you complete your Magnum Opus you also remove all past karma, but karma has a different meaning here: karma is past conditioning that hinders you. With all karma removed, you don't let fate control you or your personality to be stuck in repetitive, unhealthy habits, but you control your own fate and destiny.

Thank you a lot! I wanted to ask because it is confusing, for many reasons actually, but let me give you an example. The priestess Maxine declared that she is working on enlightenment and Magnum Opus with Satan. All sages and spiritual masters describe enlightenment as merging with the existence, being able to experience the whole creation as yourself, after which all of your karma gets burned. 99% of the time enlightenment and leaving the body happens at the same time, as it is incredibly rare for someone to retain the body after enlightenment. That means enlightenment actually ends your existence as a physical being, because the 99% never come back. Sorry for being so stubborn with my opinions, it's just spirituality sometimes seems to be more like trouble:))).
Also, an interesting thing I wanted to ask. The Buddhist prophecy, and even the last Buddha - Gautama, said that the next Buddha, the 5th one, will appear on Earth when Gautama's teachings will be lost. His name is Maitreya, and there are many prophecies around the world which speak of the perfect being, whose name is Maitreya, which means a friend. In the yogic culture, many yogis have tried to recreate Shiva, because they missed him so much, but no one has ever succeeded. Then, some of them made a prophecy, that one day, this being will appear, not in the Himalayas, but in South India. When Gautama's disciples asked how will they know when this being arrives, he said that a flower, called Udumbara, will descend from the heaven and will blossom all across the globe. This flower has started blooming all over the planet since 1997; it appeared for the first time on a Buddha statue in Korea. Nostradamus said that in the year 1999, a messiah will be born who will resurrect the king of the Mongolians, which is the Buddha, and will appear where 3 seas meet, that is in Southern India. What do you think?
Svayambhu said:
Shadowmage said:
Svayambhu said:
In Hinduism, it is said that the highest goal for a human being is to stop the cycle of reincarnation, basically to dissolve all the karma, so that you no longer exist, to merge with the existence. In the yogic culture, Shiva is the one who bestows liberation or moksha, eternal dissolution. Shiva was the perfect being, having completed Magnum Opus. Why is it contradictory?

Because Hinduism is corrupted, that's why. This has been explained on JoS. The Magnum Opus is about physical and spiritual immortality and strengthening your individual existence. You do not merge with existence, but instead you separate yourself from existence and exist as an isolated being, a separate God of your own with many advanced psychic/spiritual powers and total control over your own destiny. When you complete your Magnum Opus you also remove all past karma, but karma has a different meaning here: karma is past conditioning that hinders you. With all karma removed, you don't let fate control you or your personality to be stuck in repetitive, unhealthy habits, but you control your own fate and destiny.

Thank you a lot! I wanted to ask because it is confusing, for many reasons actually, but let me give you an example. The priestess Maxine declared that she is working on enlightenment and Magnum Opus with Satan. All sages and spiritual masters describe enlightenment as merging with the existence, being able to experience the whole creation as yourself, after which all of your karma gets burned. 99% of the time enlightenment and leaving the body happens at the same time, as it is incredibly rare for someone to retain the body after enlightenment. That means enlightenment actually ends your existence as a physical being, because the 99% never come back. Sorry for being so stubborn with my opinions, it's just spirituality sometimes seems to be more like trouble:))).
Also, an interesting thing I wanted to ask. The Buddhist prophecy, and even the last Buddha - Gautama, said that the next Buddha, the 5th one, will appear on Earth when Gautama's teachings will be lost. His name is Maitreya, and there are many prophecies around the world which speak of the perfect being, whose name is Maitreya, which means a friend. In the yogic culture, many yogis have tried to recreate Shiva, because they missed him so much, but no one has ever succeeded. Then, some of them made a prophecy, that one day, this being will appear, not in the Himalayas, but in South India. When Gautama's disciples asked how will they know when this being arrives, he said that a flower, called Udumbara, will descend from the heaven and will blossom all across the globe. This flower has started blooming all over the planet since 1997; it appeared for the first time on a Buddha statue in Korea. Nostradamus said that in the year 1999, a messiah will be born who will resurrect the king of the Mongolians, which is the Buddha, and will appear where 3 seas meet, that is in Southern India. What do you think?

I think it gets to the point whereby prophecies and all this non-sense of oracles and whatnot is completely and utterly a waste of time.

It's a waste of time because it can be applied to anywhere or anything. In an almost atheistic manner as well even atheist can be really annoying or gung ho about it or they aren't atheist they are religious people who can't destroy that seed of I believe something is out there and I'm keeping it hidden, FOMO.

Basically these prophecies prey on moldable minds they prey on the stupid and weak who somehow believe life is sunshine and farts. Reality is life is Saturn and Plutonic more so into the reap what you sow. Most people live a lie and much like mindfulness which is something discussed at times by various internet websites. It's more about making you real, in fact funny enough some have gotten involved with mindfulness or meditation or basic stuff and some have said it kinda ruined my life.

Sheer fact is Nostrudumbass is a jewish entity he is a rabbinical element, that reached Tzadok levels or opened up his third eye or their version of their divinatory properties. Whether real or manipulated whether by our side or their side, I'm sure more than one jewish alien probably thought it would be funny to implant fake things into him.

Nostrudumbass never placed anything valuable. Look at xtians the World ends on this date, oh wait a calculation error later. And later and later and more and more and it's like that's the communist touch not the Midas Touch the touch of turning everything into shit and having people adhere to shit.

Sheer fact is any statement can be applied. People believe whatever bullshit is out there. And the funny thing is if you get enough people to believe in this shit and pump it out there eventually something can be kinda sorta made into a polished turd and expressed out as look at the event it's fortelled by our ancients.

I think it's the same with the Gods we had so much information destroyed and so many cock suckers judeo-bolshevizing anything and everything. That we should stop believing in this shit and literally ignore any of that stuff.

Sheer fact is most people gain some spiritual semblance of evolution and they believe they are jesus christ incarneth. And invent shit. Most of these spiritual people or these people are shit. They invent some sort of property to keep the shit rolling down the hill and become a bigger shit.

In fact many of these things are simply patterns of nature or psychic overdrive when psychic energies are placed into action by entities using it. For example how the enemy manipulates and creates their activities or for example how beings of higher power or nature itself also manipulates stuff.

We inasmuch state it requires sentience to manipulate nature to a high/higher degree but nature also has some property where it constructs reality as well due to rules and regulations of nature and it's laws.

But it comes to show you people en mass are highly suggestable and possibly manipulating reality to show something to prove their own expression.

I think many of these properties are simply messianic believe, wait, and believe and just believe and sit on your ass and do nothing.

You gotta control nature and manipulate reality. Sometimes I wonder if the Gods go if we actually showed you real manipulation and taught you these things your prophecies would become situational to whereby you might sense a new construct or a person or an entity create something or express something and we can harness this process and imbue greater qualities.

For example having a book that creates digital electronic devices in with kaballah and a person generates a device of such fantabulous properties some 20 years later that you divine this and prophecize it and funny enough you extract this manipulator of reality and by showing it to the Gods it generates better realities by them manipulating it further and taking it higher and higher.

I strongly believe Oracular or Prophetic abilities are nothing more than meme joke Catholics laugh at xtians. Apocalypse the World is ending, lulz we laugh and the catholics laugh at the masses of stupid xtians.

Apocalypse a Ancient Greek technology that allows a person or persons who've achieved a proper level of spiritual and education to divine past, present, and future and everything in between.

In the time without the Gods they make some hippy dippy crap divinatory bullshit. But in the time of the Gods they might state extract that technology or let us peer ourselves in what you found. And go "Interesting we can manipulate this Greco-Roman person's technology and imbue it further with our own to create an entire industry worth millions and billions".

I think the fact it's called a PRO-phecy it requires Professional action to Phecy the Oracle.

In fact funny enough it's simply a technology to peer past, present, and future or into a specific area and perhaps generate or see an alternative and generate it.

Why prophecize and why create this almost anal clenching holding our shit and breath when you can create it. It seems with most people wait and see with the enemy create even if it fails or it generates stupidity for us generate the reality bomb'em, kill them, generate the robbing of money and investing and destroy them.

If the enemy prophecizes whatever bullshit they concoct to destroy.

Surely the opposite to create and lockdown realities to our benefit can surely be done.

I think too much christ cuck mentality in people. You want to create the christ look at the shit it has done why not do the opposite eliminate the christ, rip it out of your soul, and generate a World whereby 3/4th of the World's population is living like retarded pieces of shit wanting to rip each other apart for some maligned stupidity believe in stupid communist garbage.

And the 1/4th which seems to want a better World through maligned bullshit and lies. It seems only 1/4th of that 1/4th is even wanting to make it better without the communist, judeo-bolshevik nonsense which includes us and a number of other people.
I feel like I'm very unbalanced and I keep having obsessive thoughts like I'm a Christian and that Satan has left me and bullshit like that. What should I do besides void meditation to fix this?
Hesffcs115 said:
I feel like I'm very unbalanced and I keep having obsessive thoughts like I'm a Christian and that Satan has left me and bullshit like that. What should I do besides void meditation to fix this?

Our thoughts and feelings are a result of both our internal state, as well as external factors. We can be subject to negative internal karma, such as an anxious or obsessive mind, as well as emotional troubles, or feelings of lack of power or control. All of this can influence your behavior and thoughts.

Externally, and what sounds likely here, would be enemy attacks or negative transits. These attacks are designed to hit your weak points, so both of these areas can be problems. Make sure you are creating a very strong AOP every day and cleaning your aura of this negative energy.

Doing the RTR removes Hebrew shit from the soul and helps detach you. Meditating on Satan helps restore the emotional bonds with him and prevents you from being separated from him.

While void meditation is one of the most direct solutions, a more permanent fix involves planning a working to improve your mind control. This can involve using energies like Nauthiz, Eihwaz, or Isa. Alternatively, if you have negative placements, then you can use Munka or Ansuz to free yourself from any negative thought-based or emotionally-based karma that leads to self-destructive thinking.

As void meditation is an action that improves our regulation of thought, this means that improving our yin side of ourselves will also help this, indirectly. Someone who is normally anxious or hyper is likely to have more trouble controlling their thoughts than someone who is more balanced. For this person, doing hatha yoga (a yin exercise) will help relax the body. This is not a replacement for mind training exercises, but it can heavily complement it.
Svayambhu said:
Thank you a lot! I wanted to ask because it is confusing, for many reasons actually, but let me give you an example. The priestess Maxine declared that she is working on enlightenment and Magnum Opus with Satan. All sages and spiritual masters describe enlightenment as merging with the existence, being able to experience the whole creation as yourself, after which all of your karma gets burned. 99% of the time enlightenment and leaving the body happens at the same time, as it is incredibly rare for someone to retain the body after enlightenment. That means enlightenment actually ends your existence as a physical being, because the 99% never come back. Sorry for being so stubborn with my opinions, it's just spirituality sometimes seems to be more like trouble:))).

These sages you speak of follow corrupted Right-Hand Path religions like Hinduism, Buddhism. That's why they describe it this way. We have nothing to do with them. The fact that they are mainstream says a lot, as something mainstream is, more than often, corrupted This sort of thing is silly and self-destructive, why would you become a nothing? It makes zero sense. On the other hand, becoming an individual God and having the power to control your destiny and nature (i.e. separating yourself from existence and being able to control it in this way) is something that even the average person can understand as desirable.

From the book "Lords of the Left-Hand Path":

Stephen E. Flowers said:
The central question now becomes: what is the way in which this conscious, free soul is going to relate to, or seek to interact with, the objective universe or the universe as a whole? The right-hand path answers this question simply by saying that the subjective universe must harmonize itself with the laws of the objective universe—be that envisioned as God or Nature. Humanity is to seek knowledge of the law, and then apply itself to submitting to that law in order to gain ultimate union with the objective universe, with God, or with Nature. The right-hand path is the path of union with universal reality (God or Nature). When this union is completed the individual self will be annihilated; the individual will become one with the divine or natural cosmic order. In this state the ego is destroyed as “heaven” is entered or a nirvana-like existence/nonexistence is “attained.” This is clearly the goal of all orthodox Judaic, Christian, Islamic, or Buddhistic sects.

The left-hand path considers the position of humanity as it is; it takes into account the manifest and deep-seated desire of each human being to be a free, empowered, independent actor within his or her world. The pleasure and pain made possible by independent existence are seen as something to be embraced and as the most reasonable signs of the highest, most noble destiny possible for humans to attain—a kind of independent existence on a level usually thought of as divine.

Just as most humans go through their natural, everyday lives seeking that which will give them maximal amounts of such things as knowledge, power, freedom, independence, and distinction within their world, those who walk the left-hand path logically extend this to the nonnatural realm. They eschew right-hand-path admonitions that such spiritual behavior is “evil” and that they should basically “get with the program” (of God, of Nature, etc.) and become good “company men.” The self-awareness of independence is seen by many as the fundamental reality of the human condition: one can accept it and live, or reject it and die. By accepting the internal, known reality of human consciousness, an eternally dynamic—ever moving, ever changing—existence is embraced; by rejecting it and embracing an external, unknown reality of God/Nature, an eternally static—ever still and permanent—existence is accepted. From a certain enlightened perspective, both paths are perfectly good, it is just a matter of the conscious exercise of the will to follow one of these paths in an aware state without self-delusion.

Essentially, the left-hand path is the path of nonunion with the objective universe. It is the way of isolating consciousness within the subjective universe and, in a state of self-imposed psychic solitude, refining the soul or psyche to ever more perfect levels. The objective universe is then made to harmonize itself with the will of the individual psyche instead of the other way around. Where the right-hand path is theocentric (or certainly alleocentric: “other-centered”), the left-hand path is psychecentric, or soul/self-centered. Those within the left-hand path may argue over the nature of this self/ego/soul, but the idea that the individual is the epicenter of the path itself seems undisputed. An eternal separation of the individual intelligence from the objective universe is sought in the left-hand path. This amounts to an immortality of the independent self-consciousness moving within the objective universe and interacting with it at will.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=443360 time=1684370540 user_id=21286]
Hesffcs115 said:
I feel like I'm very unbalanced and I keep having obsessive thoughts like I'm a Christian and that Satan has left me and bullshit like that. What should I do besides void meditation to fix this?

Our thoughts and feelings are a result of both our internal state, as well as external factors. We can be subject to negative internal karma, such as an anxious or obsessive mind, as well as emotional troubles, or feelings of lack of power or control. All of this can influence your behavior and thoughts.

Externally, and what sounds likely here, would be enemy attacks or negative transits. These attacks are designed to hit your weak points, so both of these areas can be problems. Make sure you are creating a very strong AOP every day and cleaning your aura of this negative energy.

Doing the RTR removes Hebrew shit from the soul and helps detach you. Meditating on Satan helps restore the emotional bonds with him and prevents you from being separated from him.

While void meditation is one of the most direct solutions, a more permanent fix involves planning a working to improve your mind control. This can involve using energies like Nauthiz, Eihwaz, or Isa. Alternatively, if you have negative placements, then you can use Munka or Ansuz to free yourself from any negative thought-based or emotionally-based karma that leads to self-destructive thinking.

As void meditation is an action that improves our regulation of thought, this means that improving our yin side of ourselves will also help this, indirectly. Someone who is normally anxious or hyper is likely to have more trouble controlling their thoughts than someone who is more balanced. For this person, doing hatha yoga (a yin exercise) will help relax the body. This is not a replacement for mind training exercises, but it can heavily complement it.

Thank you, one more thing I often feel and see this snake like thing moving in the left side of my head not sure exactly but I feel like this is from when I was younger I tried to move the kundalini serpent around in my head for some reason lol I don't know if it's a thought form or trapped energy but it goes away when I forget about it, I feel like if I just keep meditating It will go away.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=443360 time=1684370540 user_id=21286]Externally, and what sounds likely here, would be enemy attacks or negative transits. These attacks are designed to hit your weak points, so both of these areas can be problems. Make sure you are creating a very strong AOP every day and cleaning your aura of this negative energy.

I want to ask this as sometimes this feels like a cop out and it seems almost like some bottling the genie speak in a xtian but Satanified manner.

What exactly is "enemy attack"?

For example it seems and this isn't specific to you but your tone of words deems it such.

I'm being attacked by the enemy?

Okay, how do you know? Most people are so blind to the astral that even a respectable level of meditation isn't enough to fully initiate something and even if reached a level of seeing, whatever that means. You still need to progress further along the line. It seems the third eye is a difficult subject to approach from a literal, spiritual standpoint and seems more like topical, educative, or exotic subject on it's use. For example I'd love to see through my third eye whatever that is and actually SEE what is an aura or what is the spiritual field that literally sits right under our noses and right on our eyeballs is. And yet further on there is talk of "Oh it's a mental image a projection of to the mental faculties, working with said levels is progressed to higher levels, or intense spiritual acclimation points, or even outright extreme levels of advancement."

In other words as atheistic as possible it seems like there might not be a third eye and it's just something people chase to keep them going.

If you said something like we believe some people who delve into spiritual factors on our side are affected by the enemy and it requires a strong effort to actually alert these entities. But in most cases even these entities usually perform some sort of general harassment in that they aren't affecting you directly like a "special snowflake", look at me I got chosen by the enemy. An almost mythological level of property where people feel as chosen as being christ incarneth.

But that their ability to manipulate reality and the enemy i.e. US, Humans of specific properties that are especially evil i.e. dedicated Satanists or spiritualists or people whom delve into spirituality and seem to have an affinity into the occult or even if normal new age stuff but they ignore all the hippy dippy language they get somewhere and even their negative experiences are chucked off as "Cool, I'm actually getting shit to happen". Maxine was like this she had negatives and was like "Interesting".

I don't want to chalk up the enemy to stages of spirituality and their positive, neutral, and negative properties. If anything I'm kinda CoS'ing spirituality into attributes of the variety of archetypes.

Even if it's not 100% wrong. For example as some people supposedly experience they get into Yoga and besides the outright physical property when combining it with spiritual or even just the Yoga itself. Some have had transient periods of phases or properties of spiritual effects. For example sensing a tingling property or having a negative aspect maybe they did a move and it spikes their anxiety maybe they talk about it and their Yogi or someone or they communicate and discover it triggered some latent property factors of delving past a limitation or something.

I'm just a little dumbfounded by this enemy attack. I've never been attacked I don't know what an enemy attack is. I don't know why people chalk attacks to some spiritual factor. 99% of people have no basis on spirituality and spiritualize things with the entire mindset I posses of how stupid are people.

I'm nervous and not wanting to be here I bet it's a sign. Or I experienced a nightmare and it's some christ cuck angel trying to get me.

At what point does the fact your mind, body, and soul react to things visible or invisible and your not with it. I don't want to be here or I experienced a nightmare or the darkness is inviting a scariness to it. Or something, I don't know. I'm almost like are people being told this stuff to simply pass through it or are they genuinely so stupid about their own selves and environment that in their christ cucking they failed to learn the sciences.

100 years ago someone having a smartphone would have their mind blown. A thousand years ago if you heard thunder "oh God is angry he is launching his attacks on us Humans".

I'm not denying the magnitude of the enemy. I know physically there are greys, reptilians, potentially other hostile extra-terrestrials I rarely if ever hear about insectoid types and other enemy asshole species. And further on spiritually it seems the enemy is massive. But to consider the massiveness of being able to blanket the entire spectrum of reality is extreme.

I once had a thought sometime in 2006 while thinking in school. This was about a year after I had some sort of incident whereby I was doing chakra spinning to the speed of light and MerKaBa and after the bus incident. In fact to even blame meditations when it does nothing to me is foolish even. For all intents and purposes maybe even latent mental illness or pre-mental illness maybe a warning sign that would occur later in 2011-2012 with my mental incidents and subsequent additional incidents in 2013 and final time 2014.

I said to myself in my head. If the enemy is big and finds people and attacks them. Why don't they just summon their entire alien race or summon hundreds or thousands or millions. And find these people and blast at them.

Now the obvious part is someone is gonna say it's the Gods protecting or the Gods interfering or the factor the enemy is so lazy they don't want to amish sweep the area. Or the person resists it the natural and spiritual factoring of improving their AoP and vibration. Or for example multi-dimensional. Maybe the person resides in the 3rd dimension and these entities can come to the etheric lowest level but the person's spiritual signature is at a higher, more developed dimension thus powering him down would require extreme dedication even outright bombardment for days or weeks or months. And even further on additional bombardment with death magick to somehow make the person die.

I apologize if my atheistic statements. I've recently communicated with my friend and he's dedicated but never did anything. And he said back especially reaching 2012 you became atheistic. You had your mental health illness and double/triple down on meditation. You've been on and off meditating whether it worked or meditation is completely fake and doesn't do anything. You've told me you even went for years through in fact I recall you said in 2016 fuck it what is JoS and lets figure it out and you delved into JoS and changed.

It was nice you changed in fact you became more political and changed you reduced your thoughts on killing and warfare and just being ignorant and improved. But other than that you remained the same thing. Same thing with merkaba, chakras and meditation and it did nothing. You said you wanted to be clean so you did cleaning and magick to clean you went through 2018 and beyond. In fact just in the last two or three years with Coof and even before that you yet again increased your meditation did more and more. And it's done absolutely nothing, you still live the same way, do the same things, and generally. Just live the same. Not unlike me who's been doing the same thing as well. But both of us whether it's my extreme Saturn machine style life of doing SS;DD and yours of somehow trying to form a semblance of a habit and doing meditation to improve yourself.

The only thing I encountered is your just more frustrated, more sick and tired of meditation, and generally nothing. I don't mind the Paganism, Satanism almost black metal technology of JoS as I've partaken in Black metal for nearly 20 years now. But you've accomplished nothing. Don't you think it's time to move on?

Lately I returned to meditating after about a month of not doing it. Clean, protect, spin chakra to speed of light, and MerKaba and I feel jack shit.

How do I even know meditation is real or even these mythical enemy attacks. I'm told to trance, yeah can't do that my mind doesn't work that way I'm a thinker I use my mind. And relaxing my body I hate relaxing my body and the act of relaxing is repulsive to me. Void or mindfulness or whatever. Okay scientific it works okay. Sure whatever sheer fact is it does nothing to me.

I'm sick and tired of having thoughts in my head but I'm a thinker I spend copious hours of time talking and thinking and processing.

If anything for me thinking is my meditation and the only thing meditation is for is to learn an alternative way of thinking.

I really don't care if JoS is fake or some fake thing just to razzle up entire the World. I'm glad it does there needs to be a change in the World the last of which occurred in the early part of the previous century.

It's like one person said a while back to me. You've been here since 2003 nearly 20 years and your not even at anything you could have been kundalini risen advanced. And it's like it doesn't work that way. Hell I sometimes wonder if it's true what people state that meditation is only for Asian people it's not meant for other people as the Asians do it and somehow it always works for them.

At this stage I don't really care I just acquire the technology and advance. If someone can get helped by my information cool, if not cool.

I just study for intellectual stimulation and whatnot. Honestly since the old ProPHP forums when I wanted to join but kept having my questions answered. I didn't join, I only joined in 2018 then had my account banned by the mass wave banning by mageson and then didn't get to reply to the FRTR thread on why the affirmation was so pathetic as people did reply back to improve it.

And then I posted an extremely long post which HP.Cobra said questions answerable by reading the website. Which is untrue as I asked questions no one ever asked. I asked about 18 questions and had about probably 12-15 entire pages to scroll through.

I simply wanted my questions answered that I have developed for this. If I'm merely a theoretician and meditation is fake and doesn't work. IF anything meditation made my life worse as I keep wondering does it work or doesn't, FOMO?!

Anyways I merely wanted these basic but never asked questions. It seems like either I'm in the wrong organization or I should have never joined a forum. I kinda failed my friend's netiquette of never joining a forum. He asks on search engines, reads scientific pages etc.etc. websites.

But in the end never bothers with forums. The only forum I ever bothered with was one some 11 years ago and only posted about 40 times. And even then it was merely during the early computer revolution of the 2010s past the smartphone, youtube, social media revolution.

So to ask truly and whatnot.

What is Joy of Satan? And why can't I seem to take a break from it. I mean I have nothing better to do so it's part of my daily reading.

But truly what is JoS and why do I come to an organization whereby not a single grain of information or activity has helped me or changed me or made me go man I can't believe that meditation shot me to the top I pumped out that energy and grabbed that reality to improve.

I don't care if it's a lie or just made up information or controlled information. I like the information and can develop it further with improved strike package capability. By all accounts it's a strike package of epic proportions. I'm sure some people are gonna get a good laugh and probably be like silly human trying to toy around with the Gods technologies. Sure it's a technology I'm gonna use it. It's like AI it needs to be used and in fact it's impossible to progress without the prerequiste level of society has created it and society is such a clusterfuck that if we don't implement it, it'll only make things worse. If things get worse from it then it's societies fault for not listening to Hitler and not having the solution. But I like to think people can make it work and improve from it.

So what exactly is JoS? And why do I come here?

I'm being serious I'm not joking around. I've pretty much been living a lie since I joined here in early April 2003, and 3 days before April 29th had my black candle and dedicated on the 29th. On the 30th I did the succubus ritual no idea if it worked or not. I didn't know about the astrological calendar times so I did it on the 29th at night thinking it's the 30th but it's still the 29th. The 30th that's when I did the succubus ritual.

So I meditated felt something of a bliss state I guess no idea if it's fake feeling or fake sensation. No idea, and then didn't continue meditating and whatnot. Rolled my eyes at Yoga ugh physical exercise yuck I hate exercise.

Remember this was when I was 12 years old so I wasn't into that. Plus I never gave a shit about anything and generally already since before 7 was thinking about sex and violence and whatnot. Then when I got cable tv in '97 got involved and obsessed with WW2 and warfare and furthered my violence into killing and guns and stabbing and weapons. If it possessed violence, guns, and weapons sign me up to watch if it was WW2 I just devoured everything on WW2 just every day. Non-stop hours upon hours thinking on that. Like my friend said in Middle school I was obsessed with the ME262 and alternative history.

And then I found JoS searching the back areas of Yahoo in the good old days. And the rest well I mentioned it.

But yeah honestly to simplify it or TLDR.

What is Joy of Satan? I don't understand. Like is it a place for only a specific few people whom are lucky to advance themselves. There's been so many people fucking around like the South African even if Vovim Baughie or for example years ago with HP.Dann became a meme for like two or three months straight "traitor Dann". And even Salem Burke who despite not doing anything wrong revealed himself and went away.

It's not that I don't believe there aren't spiritual people or people with a malefic capacity to inflict something. Although I think to even reach those levels requires being a dedicated Saturn machine with absolutely no life and just spending hours on end 8-10-15 hours dedicated like Vegeta or something like some one-track machine.

But for me honestly if there are people who are spiritual like this and posses some sort of alignment with negative hostile things against humanity. Well we Humans invented these things called Guns and I'm sure if there is enough people and enough munition they can't stop the bullets from striking their bodies and liberating them. I mean if they want to ascend to become a being of higher power putting a solid amount of rounds into them does the trick.

Some might laugh or state my crude gun joke is only gonna invite glowies. But I mean if it bleeds and you can blast it away and it's doing bad things. Then obviously that's the target.

I'm sure the mods are gonna not like my gun jokes as we try and be legal. Though remember guns are legal and for now talking about taking someone out is legal it's a 1A and 2A plus 1A thing. Like the old saying goes if you don't like 1A we 2A your ass.

But anyways jokes aside which glowniggers have no sense of humor.

What is Joy of Satan?

Again whether it's real or a fake organization and just some mishmash webring for some sort of quasi-semi national organization or some entity for a bigger foundation.

Like for example it's fake. Okay whatever that is fine I'd like to continue to destroy the enemy. I'd like to continue technology in it.

Sometimes I wonder if we need some of that alien tech HP.Cobra is talking about some of those scrytronic devices and scry into the spiritual planes.

Who knows maybe I need a meditronic device a bracelet or ring like the oura ring that induces trance, void, mindfulness, or some altering of the states to learn from.

I know we are to learn by ourselves but at this point most people one they hit their pre-teen years are pretty much useless. I've learned long ago most people are pretty much useless after a period of time.

I figure the Gods aren't stupid and places they've liberated or people who've posses difficult charts who knows Hermes? The most intellectual of the Gods. I really hate that saying but maybe Hermes is a total logic head. I recall a member communicating saying their family member is a pure logical machine absolutely no emotional properties. Not to say they don't posses but their mind doesn't work that way.

I'm sure lots of people would love if Void is not to turn your mind into mush but to aggrandize control and even delve into single-pointed concentration. I'm sure many would love to wear this meditronic ring and void out for a number of hours and then remove it or turn it off and practice it.

Sheer fact is if meditation technology can assist meditation. I don't think it would behoove us to implement it. Although there are natural people who delve into meditation at a strong factor.

Still even the greatest so-called meditators these mindfulnessers around even they state even after decades my mind skips a beat and goes ape shit at times and the sessions are "rough".

I still don't get it. I guess we aren't maximizing the control of the mind. I know mindfulness isn't a product of void it's merely thought observation or stream observation or merely seeing the ripples form in the lake and slowly reducing the ripples and sensing thoughts or grooving on sensations like say a tingling or breath or coarse and fine grain or some property of a byproduct of the mind and body to entertain the simian mind and further coalesce into being entertained by the body to teach it to relax and reduce with occasional stutter in thought stream and potential silent or reduced stream moments.

Still whether basic mindfulness or purposeful void. It seems like we got people who state something and are like basically they accomplished something that for others even decades in isn't a guarantee.

I'm dumbfounded. I guess maybe in my case I need technology to teach me maybe.

Anyways I've rambled enough. Besides the obvious What is Joy of Satan? Which I'm actually wanting to know. It doesn't matter if it's a lie you don't need to hold back. If I need to recreate my own weltenschaang I can. I'm a NatSoc first and foremost since '97.

And my second thing is. Is meditation fake or meant for a specific few? Are we to acknowledge we can't meditate and only a small concentrated amount is able to, and thus meditation is meant to be in the hands of a few not a chosen like the enemy. But in that it's pointless to teach masses of people because they aren't elevated out of the negatives of reality or the vibrations are too low or reality is built to confound the human.

Sheer fact is if people are prisoners of reality. I highly doubt people who live and die in 4 walls can accomplish much. Is this the reason why such a small cabal of people pop out of realities confine and actually transcend the imprisonment most people exist in. Are some of these jail breakers the lucky ones like the people who can for example smoke weed and not be a bunch of stoner garbage and just into retarded shit maybe they are more mature than normal. Or for example an hallucinogenic user maybe acid head of lsd-25 and they consume this stuff as much as possible without getting into issues with tolerance and they are sane and get saner by the dose?

Is meditation the same way is it just another way of some person who didn't come to this world to be yet another work and pray slave and actually popped out of reality.

Like I said just because most people crash down on drugs doesn't mean all drug users are destroying themselves. In fact some are the exception to the rule. Is meditation the same way are the people who induce the drug part of neptune with meditation without delving into drugs or used drugs in an entheogenic manner and then ceased and carry on with meditation.

Is mediation about being the exception to the rules and is Joy of Satan the same. Is it the exception to the rules.

I've never been one to much do spiritual warfare to the point of being non-stop I've had my moments of stopping. Even Lydia mentioned something akin to this and was grateful for the FRTR being an inclusive all in one package. But when I hear HP.Cobra go ideally people should wait at least 6 months.

I'm kinda like is spiritual warfare in the hands of a few certain exceptions of the rules and most people add such a pathetic blast of power that UNLESS the specific individuals whom are powerful in whatever way or ways. And on top of that if the Gods are around which I don't know never met them and I'm surprised beings of higher power would give two shits to some random internet organization or even one person such as Maxine.

Then is it fair to state spiritual warfare is mostly useless unless it removes hebraic non-sense unless even that isn't removed or for example if we cleaned before it works.

I'm not denying reality can't be manipulated by people or efforts. But I'm merely going of where is the reasonable proof our ritual did it. For all intents and purposes someone saw a video on the internet and go lets gather up a bunch of our fellow darkiers and study this stuff and lets firebomb the mosque in Nigerian place and attack the muzzies cuz fuck pislam and shit.

I don't know on one hand I see spiritual whatever that means an organization that procures something spiritual, again whatever that means. And yet there is an entire internet developed going World wide and there is literally 2-3 billion people on it daily and on top of that the internet doubles every 9-12-18 months. And society is being railroaded into destruction and people are being squeezed from all sides literally creating a perfect storm of mass chaos. A enacted mass chaos and even a controlled chaos or controlled demolition or merely people acting out their rage. Not rage against the machine as they are a communist band and are rage with the machine.

But over the course of my time from birth to now. The internet has popped up as one of the principle most dominant properties of 5th generational warfare including further with smartphones and as well with computers. The humble CRT illuminated green screen of the 50s and 60s became a weapon more destructive and capable than any nuclear device.

So again what is JoS? and is spirituality simply the concept of people burdened by life and simply creating a better reality like some folkloric song? Sheer fact is it the exception of the rule is it limited to certain people?

I've spent since 2003 thinking this over one way or another using the full faculties of my mind and I just can't take it anymore. In fact further than that from 96 to just when finding JoS, it was the only period I wasn't involved with something spiritual or occult. Back in '93-'95 with my father's hyper obsession with Prem Rawat i.e. Mahrahji for the Indians who don't know Prem Rawat called himself Mahrahji and he called his followers Premis. And even the xtian occultist who one time I was unable to shit for 5 days and he used heated suction cups whereby you heat a glass cup and then press it against the back to suck up the back put 4 or 5 on me and then after 3-5 minutes demanded he take them off as I was about to shit myself ran into the bathroom and relieved myself.

It seems that at least 96% of my life has been involved with something of the spiritual or occult. But in no way, shape, or form has it ever occurred or manifested or done anything.

If anything funny enough it seems like judging from the xtian occultist guy and his library of books. And judging from the World's library the occult is merely science that is written down and processed just like anything. If anything one has to wonder if it's just some sort of scientific and or philosophical property that only a select few are allowed.

We inasmuch believe the Gods to have given mankind the study of the internal science but what if again. Unless the person is able to make accomplishment it's kept away from the lower. If they do yoga for 10 years and nothing occurs or they work on their 3rd eye for 7 years and nothing happens.

Then is meditation a fake thing for most people and simply only for a select few. Do we even posses a 3rd eye as an example or know how to fire on it or know how to even break it open and make it operate.

We inasmuch have been told we must clean, protect, and initiate the soul. Does that mean we are all dead inside and people coming to spirituality much less JoS are dead and posses no soul operation. Their only life is merely a basic bit of soul energy to initiate a process.

I apologize if I'm overloading with information. I can keep going in fact I can ramble on further I have so many questions, processes, feelings, intuitive sensations, and sensations and aspects depending on the day or time.

That I can just keep going.

If anything the things I've learned leaving middle and high school and being an adult and spending time gathering my thoughts and not be annoyed by schools annoying stuff, I loathed school with my entire mind, body, and soul.

Is merely is spirituality just to think about and process with the mind read about and simply keep someone occupied to do stuff or maybe the opposite not to do stuff.

In Spanish they state "La officina del diablo es acer nada". The Office of the Devil is do Nothing. I don't believe that and even if true I'd rather do nothing than something as doing something implies wasting time doing stupid shit as most stuff is stupid and pointless hence why most people just set it to autopilot and do habitual non-sense.

Sheer fact is I don't know what JoS is or lost site on what JoS is. I don't know what spiritual is and probably wont ever know, honestly lately I've been craving just wanting to relax and vape a nice few hits of weed or prepare myself for an lsd-25 trip and take acid and entheogenically explore like a normal human does. Sheer fact is I don't want to get in trouble but lately I've returned back to my 2008-2009-2010 period whereby I was studying erowid and shroomery which is funny cause I found a few posts on shroomery talking about JoS nothing against it one person was like I like some of their meditations and another was like their legit.

But other than a few quips and over years from around and in JoS.

I don't know what JoS is. I don't know what spirituality is. And it's like if non of it is real then is it just simply a man made product to simply think on and postulate on and pretend we are this great species when in reality mankind is outright retarded and allowed itself to be hijacked by a bunch of racist thugs for not being brutal enough.

I mean I see it all the time with people they just thug it out and it's like I think if a solid amount of people around this thug nigga were armed in south side Chicago this trapper would have just become a crapper and have a few .45s through their body.

I don't know. I've been living a life physical existence. The JoS talks such grandeur spiritual and mental properties and the only thing is read, add to my databanks think about process maybe ask a question and then next and search the forums read around and then next day.

And next day...and next day...and the years go through and nothing.

So what is Joy of Satan? And why did I come here or why did I bother coming here 20 years ago back when I was 12 years old. Hell I've heard some disenfranchised youths label JoS as a ecult or teen cult particularly more so in the yahoo days particularly sometime nearing 2008-2009 time period it seemed every few days or weeks someone brought the subject up.

Like I said before I don't care if JoS is a lie. It's a better lie than being a christ cuck an devoting your life to being a cuck. In fact I can aggrandize the JoS into a bigger strike package. If this is the religion of the freedom fighters and we believe in a lie knowing we are lying okay fine. But even if not fine. I'm not bothered. Like I said I've considered myself a National Socialists since 1997 since I first laid eyes on the Germans and Hitler and said these are cool people.

I'm just wondering why it never worked out. I literally have no life I could have spent hours on end of my time meditating just non-stop and go 12-15 hours daily. But even 1 minute of mindfulness and I want to jump out of my skeleton. Even relaxing is repulsive and tiring to me which makes me feel sleepy which further on makes me want to lay down in bed and sleep 3-4-5 hours. Hell a while back I meditated again or pretended to meditate whatever meditation is and ended up going to my bed, laying down ended up waking up at 3 am with the lights on and got up begrudgingly and shut the lights and slept till my wake up time.

Why is it if I love meditation and always loved the Far East stuff and even felt energies involving with Prem Rawat or Mahrahji and his guided meditations and even felt Reiki or Shorade some Japanese variant. Why then years later when I purposefully encounter it and want to do it's like ugh I got better things to do like thinking, processing, contemplating, watching stuff, playing video games.

Like I said do we need technology i.e. meditronic and psytronic and scrytronic devices to handle our evolution to the next spectrum so one day we don't need technology and can meditate precisely how the Gods engineered us.

I don't know.

So what is Joy of Satan? And why do I do what I do if I feel not one iota of a sensation of anything. I just meditate I just do it I'm not relaxed or altered or anything. I just simply do it.
Gear88 said:

An enemy attack is a curse which attempts to damage you, usually so you stop doing your rituals or otherwise have impeded progress. It usually plays upon your inherent weaknesses.

As far as how you can tell this happens, this is due to individual sensory abilities and experience. A great way to gain experience is to participate in a ritual schedule. If your AOP is not strong enough, then negative energy will accumulate on the aura. You will likely feel worse than normal, perhaps agitated or other emotional problems. Sometimes negative events may happen in your environment.

You may see enemy signs, such as 11:11, or you may have bizarre and disturbing dreams. Intrusive and negative thoughts are common as well. Upon cleaning or doing the RTR, this will feel like it has lifted, as the negative energy is removed.

Perhaps others can share their experience, but this is usually what I experience.

Since it is a common source of trouble, that is why it is always repeated here on the forums. Maybe it seems "Christian" to you, but not speaking about it would cause lots of damage. People do all sorts of crazy things when they stop cleaning and protecting appropriately.


Our path is one where you have to advance yourself, battle the enemy, balance your life, and learn and grow all at the same time. It is hard, but not impossible. The first step here involves not accepting limiting beliefs like that you cannot void or cannot trance, or whatever. You are just saying that because you are stressed, but it cannot become your reality.

Maybe it is your medication which stifles your sensations, or maybe it is because you haven't tried to sense the astral well enough. Sensing is a yin action and that is why people use a trance for this. A trance is not essential, but it helps a lot.

If you have trouble relaxing, then do your hatha yoga! You also have to accept that sitting still can be uncomfortable. This is normal. Everyone has to deal with negatives surrounding their soul and body type. Some people are too slow and some are too fast.

How does void do nothing to you? It is something you practice daily. It is like saying you cannot practice the piano, but this is not true, because anyone can do it if they tried, whether good or bad. Every time you void, whether you can tell this or not, your mind gets slightly better at focusing.

Also, please quit with the merkaba and other advanced meditations. You need to focus on the foundations. This is what will give you the results which you keep asking about.

Do yin-based pranayama like the alternate nostril breathing or lunar breath, and this will direct energy to your 6th chakra and aid your meditative ability.

Yes meditation works and you will discover this as you work on the fundamentals, or if you use the Eihwaz rune. You have some obstacles in front of you, but nothing that makes it impossible, however you have to quit sabotaging your own efforts here. Please accept that the difficulties here are normal, but that doesn't mean you aren't making any progress.
Hesffcs115 said:
Thank you, one more thing I often feel and see this snake like thing moving in the left side of my head not sure exactly but I feel like this is from when I was younger I tried to move the kundalini serpent around in my head for some reason lol I don't know if it's a thought form or trapped energy but it goes away when I forget about it, I feel like if I just keep meditating It will go away.

Sounds like trapped energy or perhaps one of the chakras or something. The kundalini activity starts in your base, not your head, so it isn't likely to be that. I would just ignore it.

Make sure you are doing yoga or something to circulate your energy around, then these sort of things, whether spiritual or physically-based, aren't a problem.
I'll do that Blitz I'll drop merkaba and CS|SoL. Even though I don't know how to reply to your response. You didn't really leave me with anything to reply to. Perhaps even it might not even need a reply.

I'll stick to regular chakra spin and just clean, protect, and breathing exercises. I don't know about the Eihwaz rune usually when Rune and is stated I'm usually in the factor of well 40 days and a high or higher rep range.

I know we can do lower ranges. But honestly dating back to 2017's Lydia health ritual which I did do. That's about my most with 40 days. I do something and burn myself pretty much by 8th or 10 day it's like ugh every day and tomorrow, ugh.

The piano statement you said is funny I'd like to learn not to use the piano just learn for the sake of knowing. Most of my existence is just observer effect. Even video games of my past I just go on watch a video or read on it on how to beat it. Not gonna play just watch a better person play it. Not like I play games well nor do well in them.

Sheer fact is it feels like a burden to even try and do meditation. I find it so repulsed by the negatives of it that it's not consistent it's not in the morning. Nor at a consistent time and in many cases I just half-ass finish it.

As for void.

I can sorta void like a normal person peer into a event and reduce my mind or one thing I learn is breathing induces thoughts sometimes holding my breath stops thoughts. Often times void delves into mindfulness probably the most common thing people do. They thought observe or sensation observe and usually they get frustrated with their thought stream.

I honestly don't know what void is. Mindfulness seems like observing and just paying attention. But void seems to actively pop the mind and just be blank. Or whatever, usually it's a temporal thing and usually it involves being annoyed at the background of the mind playing music or sounds or for example one thing that happens and I've experienced is there is a process by which I'm like AM I actually voiding or is this void or is this mindfulness which ruins the process. The very act of observing the silencing or reduction generates more effort from the mind to initiate more properties unto creating noise.

It's a vicious circle a feedback loop of back to being the monkey mind, the hanuman mind.

So to me void is pointless and a process by which it's like I don't think people can truly control their mind. And even if they can most would be like I know it's not about mushing your mind to be unlogical, dead zombie walking but remaining in this silence and whatnot it seems like your missing out on establishing ideas and thoughts on things.

Maybe something happens and you play a good music or song in your head and like hmm interesting. Or you see something nice or cool and it's like if only my mind was active and giving me ideas from all over my psyche to it this myriad of information.

So it feels kinda like void takes the fun out of being a mental processing. The very act of being quiet seems alien and almost like you lose sight of quirky things the mind can come up with. It's like the artistic side is open yeah and whatnot and in my case possessing a property of a more balanced mind with both the left and right being active in a sense of the fact I can throw a curve ball from right field so to speak.

It just seams like void = outright not having an active mind interacting with reality at large. It seems like someone would walk around like a zombie just absorbing everything. They say the logical mind is about as powerful as a small computer device or calculator and the female illogical side is literally a boundless universal hypercomputer.

I think it sometimes gets expressed in a new age explosive factor. Whereby the Universal concepts are hyperbolically expressed rather than toned down or given realistic properties or logical factors by which "Yes your mind can rule the "Universe" so to speak". Your internal and external reality and to a degree as you progress further the Occult property of the Universalis Mind.

But often the understanding is a Humble property a simple not that the World is gonna bend over backwards, watch out give this guy money he did a financial asset magickal ritual. But for some strange reason the mechanism behind the Universe do initiate quirky things that some find like, weird I just got 200 dollars for some activity and it was surprisingly joyful.

So to me it seems like void is weird and a upfront to my mind and my decades of using it. It's like am I gonna end up sitting down being voided and be like my mind is controlled by me and it should come up with things or talk to me or pass the time out of boredom. And I'm not being entertained and if anything compounding the boredom.

I mean I'm already pretty bored person for the most part about as quickly as I get up from bed to about as long as it takes to fall asleep. Hence all day, night and day. But void seems like a colossal task.

Would I like to void sure, in fact I'd like to know I'm voiding by feeling and being voided without triggering a chain of thoughts to return by going "Hmm am I voiding" thus violating the void thus breaking the void and returning back to a normal mind.

I'm sometimes wondering if trance is the same way and the mere thought breaks the trance or returns you back to square one not break it but diminish it. IF trance and void share any commonality or somehow one compounds the other.

If anything to still the mind and stop the data from going through. For me is completely uncomfortable and so out of my normalcy that if void is required and my mind is simply firing off non-stop. I'd rather be just living vicariously knowing my mind is active and I can find time to think and process and simply talk to myself and just generally pass the time.

I'm probably going in circles and repeating myself but void = beyond my comprehension and beyond my skills especially an active mind that has always been active, always in some activeness from years of being in school and just thinking. And as well as a noticeable amount of caffeine, drinking coffee multiple times a day. Especially considering how tired I always am and sometimes just lie down and relax a bit or nap a bit while thinking and giving my mind more energy to at least think till I fall asleep or simply rest a bit.

Does it feel bad sometimes unless of extreme nature I've had situations like recent where my mind just does not stop and it seems like 2-3 almost 4 hours to fall asleep is norm or simply I find myself staying up all night just thinking and processing and generally going man I'm so bored I guess I'll get up and sleep tomorrow or stay up all night and just hope I can fall asleep.

So again void = a daunting but also weird accomplishment if I ever even so much as process it.

Again my fear is I void maybe enough times to relish in it then break it by going, am I voiding?
Gear88 said:
I'll stick to regular chakra spin and just clean, protect, and breathing exercises. I don't know about the Eihwaz rune usually when Rune and is stated I'm usually in the factor of well 40 days and a high or higher rep range.
And asanas... Asanas would be very important and effective for you. Can you stop ignoring them? You have been let know of the importance of them several times. "I don't feel like" does not fly here.

By picking a pose and being still you can combine void meditation and yoga. Doing so will enhance training process for both.

But. If you choose to ignore the above. Do not post about being unable to advance again, okay?
This question is more having to do with a imprisonment pact with my true self. And I was wondering if there was a spell to awaken her full potential.
I an attempting to start using Isa to gain balance, I saw that one needs to take care as it can make you dull and obsessive, I am already very obsessive. Would this make it worse? Otherwise I was thinking of doing satanama for 10 min a day. I just do not want to make my situation worse. Also is it a good idea to do affirmations for every meditation and when you fully clean your aura do you need to visualize each chakra afterwards as you would with the normal aura cleaning?
Henu the Great said:
Gear88 said:
I'll stick to regular chakra spin and just clean, protect, and breathing exercises. I don't know about the Eihwaz rune usually when Rune and is stated I'm usually in the factor of well 40 days and a high or higher rep range.
And asanas... Asanas would be very important and effective for you. Can you stop ignoring them? You have been let know of the importance of them several times. "I don't feel like" does not fly here.

By picking a pose and being still you can combine void meditation and yoga. Doing so will enhance training process for both.

But. If you choose to ignore the above. Do not post about being unable to advance again, okay?

Sure I'll stop posting on that.

Your right. I just like even a little bit of an iota of difference. It's very disheartening not having properties go through.

Imagine you did XYZ for ABC time and it's a long time and nothing. It's like it's either me or something is going on.

When it comes to the Runes the descriptions leave a lot to the imagination. The Eihwaz rune in one case is clear in another it's like how exactly would I word it in an affirmation.

I would have thought it be better to use the Logr rune isn't that the Neptune/Meditation rune or is Eihwaz/Pluto your wanting the transformation of change or is the shielding of the soul.

I'm wondering what Blitz's idea is. You want me to Plutonically change and transform?
Gear88 said:

Void is training your mind to focus. It is just a mental skill. It is not mutually exclusive with normal thought, because you employ it selectively.

What you describe near the end here is a classic yin deficiency case. By drinking caffeine so much and not just sleeping, you are like frying your body and making it unable to relax. That is why you fell asleep when you tried meditating.

This yin deficiency reflects in both the mind and body, as you have both trouble voiding and falling asleep. If this is the case, you should not be drinking any caffeine at all. You are artificially stimulating yourself way beyond what is healthy, so no wonder it is hard for you to do yin-based activities, such as a trance.

Caffeine gives energy by burning your yin stores. It is not "free energy", nor it is balanced energy like we get from sleeping or eating well. It can be used in emergencies, but should not be a daily thing, especially for someone like you. Switch to decaf or stop drinking it entirely.

As for Eihwaz, this is the Plutonian rune. Pluto rules transformations. By invoking and programming it appropriately, you can enhance your own ability to create transformations, like through meditation. Pluto has both water and fire aspects.
This is not much different than invoking Mars energy so you can punch harder.

However, your first priority is to calm your body down, which involves not artificially stimulating it to levels that make you unable to sleep or relax.

This can also be done through invoking Ether energy and programming it to balance you in a positive manner. Then, your body will feel like it can be calm and sit still without getting agitated.
Well to iterate somethings. Because not hyperbolic but I believe you might get the wrong impression.

I always for many years on end was a calm person for example being in school just sitting for hours on end using my mind,(thinking, contemplating, processing, living in my own World). I probably had people later in life believe I'm tripping or stoned on something in class.

As one former friend of mines stated. I literally sat down once in my class crossed my arms stretched my legs. And two hours or so passed by and to get up I just self-cracked my neck without my hands and just heard a bunch of bone crackling around. Just cracked around my knuckles and some were like looking at him like damn.

Obviously that was the better part of the pre-2010s and so as time went on for example I could in the past. I don't want to do it, but I could have easily spent time 8-10-12-15 hours on the computer researching or finding stuff or doing something to find research information on various subjects. I don't do it as I don't have the drive for it anymore, but I can if need be.

Yeah I drink too much coffee and I hate it and I've been at it since the better part of 2008. Once I left high school within the end of summer I was at it. My most was 5 maybe 6 cups. Even in the past my usual was drink at wake, maybe another later, one at 6 and one an hour later at 7. In fact my current usual is one then another after drinking it, so two after wake and then maybe another one or two total. I'm at probably 4 maybe 5.

I have tried to quit multiple times. I even did the water trick to drink one or two glasses of distilled water wake up with the water while also drinking a cup to not need a second or simply keep it at one. Like nearly 85% of American's I do the most legal and used drug substance on Earth. If need be I can quit albeit I'd probably leave it to one cup.

One of my issues is not so much the body is un-calm, in fact it's quite calm. I think habitually from years of school I've kept it calm.

It's that thinking and walking go hand in hand. Sheer fact is I like to walk and think and I think from reading your message your saying avoid all caffeine. In essence quit and I can do it.

But are you trying to state I've become more of this thinking throughout the years from coffee alone? I mean I'm a very bored person and after years of being on the computer. I decided to do something else.

I don't like relaxing or calming myself down. Or as you put it which I stated I try and calm myself down and relax for void, mindfulness, whatever and get all these physical aches and physical lurch in my body to lay down and sleep.

In essence sitting down is relaxing which further is like since I don't even watch TV anymore. I find absolutely worthless, or like when listening to music the few music I listen to it's always walking and standing and just contemplating.

I'm stuck in a feedback loop.

Sometimes I wonder if doing the squares may of triggered these things from the past few years since '17/'18. For example I've asked this multiple times as I do recall Maxine stating like a computer we can remove or add programs.

But I'd like to know if there is a way to vibrate something or do something to cancel and wipe out squares done. I don't think it was a wise idea doing the Saturn Square that one time nor any other square especially more so with considering Ghost in the machine, Azorm, and Shael communicated with me.

But again I think back and it's like "Did it even do anything to me?"

Like I thought before typing this post. I find it very strange that as a JoS returner person as some have stated I was here years ago and only returned and trying to see if it works. On the side of that being at 20 years now since April passed and being not even square one or square zero. Nope just square negative. I do feel bad posting as some go look at your good posts and it's like well that is what I read, contemplated, and studied. That doesn't mean it happened. I just read it kept it in my mind and regurgitate it out.

As one person said to me memorizing things and repeating them isn't smart. Well it's a component of intelligence but maybe they did make a point.

But anyways I can sit still I'm doing that right now. I just habitually ingrained thinking and walking. In school it was sit and think. After that it's walk and think.

But even back in the past finding JoS I never really bothered much with the meditations. In fact I just read the site and took it in and contemplated it. I'm akin to some of these occultist who may or may not do anything and just study and put down information and simply add information. It's simply thought up it's not actual they didn't practice a magickal ritual or whatever. It's just let me write up a document or book or pamphlet on the occult simply by reading passages from people and reading people's stuff on the internet and thinking about it.

That's why I said 2016 when I decided to get back, I got involved reading wise with ProPHP forums before it's closer. To know JoS and be like "oh okay that clears up my confusion".

As for your comments on Eihwaz. So what would I do with it.

Eihwaz rune is transforming me meditation wise now and forever. No idea if it requires positive clause or whatever. In fact the affirmation makes no sense really it has no substance on what.

Yeah I've invoked Ether/Aether energy in fact for a while I was using it to balance my elements. Never used it in your way. I thought the only point of Ether is to use for elements it has no other purpose or make the soul stronger as a precharger.

So your saying I can breath in 10-15-20 breaths and then go "Ether balances me in a positive manner" x8 and it will help.

It's not that I don't believe the consistency of members responses but it just doesn't work for me. I'll do it I'm not gonna type up anymore I'm not advancing I just never knew mediation was such an inconsistent property. Hell maybe even meditation isn't for me at all.

Some people even in the mindfulness World are not cut out for that activity.
thanks Blitzkreig

Yesterday, I started a cleansing on Sabbath, and felt that I should watch a World War Two doc So I watched

Hellstorm Exposing The REAL Genocide Of National Socialist Germany Documentary, which focuses on the death of Germans after WW2, and felt definitely more sober and grounded, but I a bit depressed, but eager to learn more

I wonder if there are any recommendations of what to watch to understand how the Jews were wanting to reduce Germanys power pre WW1, how they started WW1 and also how they started WW2.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions you might have

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=440857 time=1683332731 user_id=21286]

Returning curses is a basic application of justice. Some people may learn from it, but not always. They will be less likely to attack regardless, as the returned energy will incapacitate them, at least in some manner.
Gear88 said:
Reiterate all you want. The fact is that you are deficient in Yin like Blitz already said, and you actually confirm this even with this "reiteration". Trying to fall asleep for hours is not normal. You are greatly out of balance. Hence why we provide guidance.
Hello, I plan to use the moon mantra (shortened) to empower my third eye and the sixth chakra with a 16 vibration counts and 10 affirmation using for daily meditation. Will this work regardless of the low number of vibration counts? If there are any advice I am all ears since I can't find much information for the Moon's numbers.

Thank you in advance (And Im sorry for not thanking you guys earlier since i don't really want to talk much really, im really just lurk here and read; thank you for understanding and my appreciation).
Invader816 said:
Hello, I plan to use the moon mantra (shortened) to empower my third eye and the sixth chakra with a 16 vibration counts and 10 affirmation using for daily meditation. Will this work regardless of the low number of vibration counts? If there are any advice I am all ears since I can't find much information for the Moon's numbers.

Thank you in advance (And Im sorry for not thanking you guys earlier since i don't really want to talk much really, im really just lurk here and read; thank you for understanding and my appreciation).

While I'm not certain about the exact numbers attributed to the Moon, it could be interesting to explore numbers associated with Astarte in the context of Moon-related workings, considering She rules over the Moon.

Numbers: 5, 55, 10, 8, 51
i have 1 topic and 2 or 3 replied post that was status approve or disapprove why or maybe was deleted with adm???

Hail Lord Of Satan
Hail Lucifer God
Hail All Gods
Hail FurFur

Is it possible for people to secure permanent spiritual growth even if they are starving daily?
is it possible demons materialize as full physical human exactly like another living person? or can satan create physical human body exactly like another living person...and then switch human body with that body?..or transfer human soul in that body?...to have new body and new appearance
sola said:

Is it possible for people to secure permanent spiritual growth even if they are starving daily?
Starvation weakens the body and the more one advances the stronger the body has to be. In other words, yes and no. Mostly, no.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Setiya said:
is it possible demons materialize as full physical human exactly like another living person? or can satan create physical human body exactly like another living person...and then switch human body with that body?..or transfer human soul in that body?...to have new body and new appearance


is there any way for have new body and new appearance?...can create new human body?
Setiya said:
is there any way for have new body and new appearance?...can create new human body?

You can't change your look.
With spiritual development on a very very high level, you will look younger and nicer, also you can change your mind that you think that you don't look bad, but thats for the ones, who think they look bad.

So if you mean that could you change your look, your face shape, your features, no.
Our souls is what we are and how we look or how we supposed to look, you will reincarnate in the same race since you are what you are and your soul can't change that.(that's just additional info)
Can you invoke different elements after each other?

I'm finally off my meds and completely sober from everything else, so I've started with the elements.

I've very strong in Water (over 50%) and the other 3 elements are just about even.

In the spiritual warfare training it says to invoke the opposite element to balance it out. I read over it like 10 times and still find it confusing why you would invoke the opposite element you lack.

So if I'm very strong in water and just about even in the other elements then I would invoke more water and earth/air.
(I would have thought I would invoke fire because I'm heavy on water...?)

Can I invoke one element after another which would take me like 10 mins giving I take a couple of mins to feel the element I invoked?

I'm not trying to rush things, I have the time. It just seems very fast for something that can have effects on you but idk if I should sit there for like 10 mins feeling water if the feel wears off quickly.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
