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TranscendTheSun said:
I've been doing a MUNKA working to free karma from a planet. I lost count today, and I'm nervous I messed up the working. I've been doing 70 reps every day, and I may have done 70 today but I may have also been 1 or 2 reps off. Is this a big deal? Or should I keep going like usual?

No big deal, this is fine. It is only for Squares that the numerical pattern is essential, as otherwise it won't be a square.
For other workings, using improper numbers will weaken it a bit, but not by any amount to worry about.

I think sometimes my dad is possessed by a negative entity. I am thinking of doing the binding spell. I just want to double check that this will not harm the real him, his soul, only bind the negative entity

thanks for your help
Atoria Pendragon said:

I think sometimes my dad is possessed by a negative entity. I am thinking of doing the binding spell. I just want to double check that this will not harm the real him, his soul, only bind the negative entity

thanks for your help

Bindings are neutral, and actually most energy can be thought of as "neutral" until you program it. Your intentions and will are what matters here. However, how do you know he has a negative entity on him? There could be other causes as well. It may be better to just bind him from doing whatever actions are disturbing you. This does not hurt him, especially if you include a positive condition in your affirmation.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=440577 time=1683200419 user_id=21286]
Bindings are neutral, and actually most energy can be thought of as "neutral" until you program it. Your intentions and will are what matters here. However, how do you know he has a negative entity on him? There could be other causes as well. It may be better to just bind him from doing whatever actions are disturbing you. This does not hurt him, especially if you include a positive condition in your affirmation.

thanks very much for the advice. Do I still follow the steps on here?

Atoria Pendragon said:
thanks very much for the advice. Do I still follow the steps on here?


Yes, but props are not mandatory for the working. You can achieve the same through the direction and programming of Isa energy.
Hello everyone, I found my way here from the original yahoo groups !! I’ve been a Dedicated Spiritual Satanist for over 10 years now and the journey has been amazing.
The old groups worked so much easier.. before I could write a topic about anything and post it … I can’t figure it out lol 😂 any help would be appreciated .

Anyways , glad to be here . Hail Satan 🤍
Astarte's psalm seems to have a broken link, would anyone mind helping me find it? I've studied her whole page, I meditate on her quite often and do her power ritual on a daily basis. I would love any more pictures, knowledge, and anything else I can learn of Goddess Astarte.
TranscendTheSun said:
Astarte's psalm seems to have a broken link, would anyone mind helping me find it? I've studied her whole page, I meditate on her quite often and do her power ritual on a daily basis. I would love any more pictures, knowledge, and anything else I can learn of Goddess Astarte.

I could be wrong, but I believe the link has always been broken. I don't recall there being a Psalm to Astarte from JoS, only Satan.
Death nightmares and death thoughts.

Someone pls tell me what causes these.
Every night I have nightmares,in every dream someone or some animal dies.. I see dead things and feels like it's real. And its scary,and these thoughts are coming to my head at daytime as well that my loved ones die,what will happen and I really don't know what to do.
What can cause these ?
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=440664 time=1683243771 user_id=21286]

Yes, but props are not mandatory for the working. You can achieve the same through the direction and programming of Isa energy.

Thanks very much for the advice

something like this=

1. Go into a trance, feel your aura and breathe energy into it.

2. State your affirmation for example "I am breathing in powerful energy into my aura to deflect any negative energies coming from my father."
3. Vibrate ISA rune and FEEL the vibration in your aura.

On the binding page, it says that full moon is the best day for the binding ritual.

Should I add in

"I am breathing in powerful luna energy into my aura to deflect any negative energies coming from my father." 

Re - is he possessed by a negative entity - Well I think yes, he is often trying to provoke an emotional reaction from me, he has done since I was a child. He has also threatened to kill me more than once, and emotionally abused everyone in our family.
Atoria Pendragon said:

You don't necessarily need any other energy besides Isa itself (which is similar to "ice energy"), unless you want to empower yourself beforehand.

The full moon is best as this working is a constructive working; you are building a binding structure. However, the full moon is already amplifying your work with the Isa energy, you don't necessarily need to add in lunar energy.

Once you vibrate Isa, perhaps something like 40 times, then you affirm "This energy of Isa has now and permanently preventing my dad from hurting me or my family, in a positive way." x10

Then, or during the affirmation, visualize the energy creating a block directly on the path that would otherwise lead him to do these negative actions. See how the energy has totally blocked the spark of energy which creates this negative action. Then, view yourself or your family and see it as positive and improved, knowing you did a good action here.

The above is one example. You can modify this, or an alternative option to a binding would just be to use protective energies to shield you or others. This can be done with Algiz, Berkano, or Sowilo.
Atoria Pendragon said:

I think sometimes my dad is possessed by a negative entity. I am thinking of doing the binding spell. I just want to double check that this will not harm the real him, his soul, only bind the negative entity

thanks for your help

clear your soul every day and put AoP on it.
I encountered the same problem and the solar power works fine.
Misikeksz666 said:
clear your soul every day and put AoP on it.
I encountered the same problem and the solar power works fine.

thanks very much

the 1st AOP, it says best on a waxing moon


is this the same for the 2nd AOP?

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=440750 time=1683279013 user_id=21286]

The above is one example. You can modify this, or an alternative option to a binding would just be to use protective energies to shield you or others. This can be done with Algiz, Berkano, or Sowilo.

Thanks very much, I have one more question=

if I am returning negative energy back to a person, rather than transmitting or grounding it

Then this energy is going to harm the person, isn’t it?

Is this because he will he only change if he suffers?

Or is there away to harm the entity that is causing the negative energy, rather than the person? Or does it not work like this?
Hello everyone. I am looking at the magical calendar, and it says the moon is in Scorpio, and I see from the calendar it is also a fortuitous day to make black magickal workings, including banishing.

I am wanting to start the banishing ritual.

Do I start by raising energies, via RAUM
Or do I have to connect with the scorpio moon energy somehow and work with it?

TranscendTheSun said:
Astarte's psalm seems to have a broken link, would anyone mind helping me find it? I've studied her whole page, I meditate on her quite often and do her power ritual on a daily basis. I would love any more pictures, knowledge, and anything else I can learn of Goddess Astarte.
The links to psalms are not broken, but instead, the psalm has not been released yet.

Psalms will be added in due time.
Interjecting here to say, hello! I have been an on-and-off lurker for around 7 years now. I felt it's about time introduce myself and express my gratitude for the resources this website and all of your contributions have provided. It's been absolutely imperative for my path. I feel I have never actually had to post here because anytime I have a genuine question, it seems I am always able to find my answer without effort. This well of knowledge must be preserved and grown and spread around the world. I'm looking forward to increasing my input towards that effort.
Satanic Blessings to ALL!
coffee said:
Interjecting here to say, hello! I have been an on-and-off lurker for around 7 years now. I felt it's about time introduce myself and express my gratitude for the resources this website and all of your contributions have provided. It's been absolutely imperative for my path. I feel I have never actually had to post here because anytime I have a genuine question, it seems I am always able to find my answer without effort. This well of knowledge must be preserved and grown and spread around the world. I'm looking forward to increasing my input towards that effort.
Satanic Blessings to ALL!

I think what you wrote would have been better if written in a separate post because it's not actually a question, but I don't think it's a problem. Check out this article by a brother, if you missed it, it's inspirational.
Hi Satanic Army !

I'm facing a serious problem which makes me unable to live my everyday life normal.
It started by a nightmare that a random classmate of mine died and in my dream I started to imagine how can that feel. And after this I continued the day normally,at afternoon it continued with intense fear and depression by getting a thought of my loved ones dying,and that I can never be with them again. Like torturing obsessive thought that can't pass my mind.. thinking of loss of my loved ones,and fear , I thought it's some mental illness,or side effects of my antibiotics,I thought anything..
Since we are living in the current house,we always fear at kitchen and bathroom, feeling like some entity is there... My family members get sleeping paralysis,and feeling scared alone in the house .
Still I was not believing that this can be any entity.
I had an experience of my family member passing,one night at age of 10 I was asleep and woke up by a yellow light,and I was sitting and saw this yellow light and He said I'm going now .I tried to sleep after this but the yellow light didn't leave me,it was in my mind or something... And next day I got a call that the relative have passed,so I know that afterlife exists,and reincarnation.
My mom was telling me that she had a dream,wherein she was conscious,she talked to some entities there and the meaning of the dream was something like humans don't fight for their kids,they let them to be tortured.. but what matters is ,that.

At the moment I was talking at the kitchen with her about this dream,and that my grandmother have seen her dad spirit when he died ,and my mom in her childhood experienced aliens who bothered her,she slept with knife,and she got scar on her back shape of 🧲like the horse has on their feet..
And my mom says that these energies are with her and stuff...
My youngest brother is just 6. Even he fears at the kitchen and bathroom without knowing anything what's we are experiencing...
As my husband moved in here.. he started to experience these..fear and that feels like something is here..

So the main thing is that as my mom and I were talking about these things in the other room my husband was getting this kind of fear feeling..and since then the same dreams that I get ,death is there every night.. and something negative joins in the dream.
In my case this thought isn't leaving me at daytime neither.
As I was reading more and more on JoyOfSatan, felt more close to our Master,and remembered my family member who came to me as he died ,I felt relief..but as my husband still experiences this..again it started with me..
Btw in my last nightmare Jewish man was talking about universe and I could answer in my dreams,it was conscious dreaming.

I want to ask anyone who can help us..
What can this be,??
Is this the weapon or Jews?, Because my mom is Christian.
And what does this entity wants
Because now am sure it's some entity not a mental problem.. for all of us it came from nowhere...
The night before my last nightmare I've seen Jews in the local market as well..if that makes any difference.
Pls help us.
What should we do
Hail Satan!

It sounds like you and your family are being harassed by hostile entities.


It is worth asking Abrasax for help. I have linked his ritual above.

Or the exile ritual can help.

And I advise you to change your username for your security.
Atoria Pendragon said:

You have to specify exactly what is happening with this energy through your affirmation, intentions, and visualizations. Yes, this is possible, as the energy follows back to its true source if you intend that.

You can return curses however you like, although the reason the affirmation was built that way by HPS Maxine was to account for situations where you may not be aware of the person who attacked you, like some unknown enemy entity.

Returning curses is a basic application of justice. Some people may learn from it, but not always. They will be less likely to attack regardless, as the returned energy will incapacitate them, at least in some manner.
Question: Can I have a multi-colored Aura?

I do a lot of cleaning with white gold. Now I want to start programming the aura for love and success.

Green energy seems to fit well with my affirmations. Can I combine green energy with white gold?

I was thinking of a thin green layer on the inside and then a thick white-gold layer on the outside.

Or should I just stick with white gold?

coffee said:
Interjecting here to say, hello! I have been an on-and-off lurker for around 7 years now. I felt it's about time introduce myself and express my gratitude for the resources this website and all of your contributions have provided. It's been absolutely imperative for my path. I feel I have never actually had to post here because anytime I have a genuine question, it seems I am always able to find my answer without effort. This well of knowledge must be preserved and grown and spread around the world. I'm looking forward to increasing my input towards that effort.
Satanic Blessings to ALL!

Hello :). First of all, thank you for the kind message, it is really appreciated by all of us here.

The knowledge here is of un-calculable value as it shows a lot of evidence of our Spiritual Satanic family ancestry we have. The real ancestry after all.

I suggest you accommodate with the forums and the posting methods we have here. For starters, besides reading articles from the JoS Clergy and HPHC (High Priest Hooded Cobra) I recommend you looking at this topic launched by the account ForumGuideAccount in which he explained in depth how to use the forum posting method and how much time it is required for a post to get approved.

https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=43293 - Forum guide for New Members.

Hail Satan and Welcome to the SS community
Hello comrade , today I was reading Jos meditation site , and I found this..Like a computer, we can program our auras/souls for specific things and the programs will be lasting once we get them going and manifesting results. The program will stay in the aura until we remove it, if we ever choose to. From time to time it may need to be reinforced by meditations and affirmations, but will remain in the soul, even through future lifetimes. Please can anyone explain this in common terms for me to understand.
AFODO said:
According to this the feminin side of the body is the left. I always thought that it is the right side.
So it Says The I [EEEE] stands for the masculine side and vibrate it on the right.
But It has been said that the right part of the body is the feminin side.

You are confusing it with the brain. The right hemisphere of the brain is feminine, and the left masculine, but in the body these two are inverted: the right side of the body is masculine and the left is feminine. The right brain corresponds to the left side of your body and vice versa.
AFODO said:
According to this the feminin side of the body is the left. I always thought that it is the right side.
So it Says The I [EEEE] stands for the masculine side and vibrate it on the right.
But It has been said that the right part of the body is the feminin side.

Left side of the body is controlled by right side of the brain, and right side of the body is controlled by left side of the brain. Remember this. You are mixing up descriptions of the sides of the brain and the sides of the body, but you have to reverse them.
Santacruze said:
Hello comrade , today I was reading Jos meditation site , and I found this..Like a computer, we can program our auras/souls for specific things and the programs will be lasting once we get them going and manifesting results. The program will stay in the aura until we remove it, if we ever choose to. From time to time it may need to be reinforced by meditations and affirmations, but will remain in the soul, even through future lifetimes. Please can anyone explain this in common terms for me to understand.
What is there to explain? You just described the process yourself.
Been doing a sex working for 40 days. Upon climax, I was pulled out of the trance. I still managed to visualize her being filled with light. Is it fucked? Or just weakened a little? Can I use a simple fix or do I restart the working?
TranscendTheSun said:
Been doing a sex working for 40 days. Upon climax, I was pulled out of the trance. I still managed to visualize her being filled with light. Is it fucked? Or just weakened a little? Can I use a simple fix or do I restart the working?

Bro when you write something try to be clearer, so that others understand it well, and give you the correct answer.
Hesffcs115 said:
What is karma? Thank you.

And in addition to the article already linked to you, these provide some information:


I'd like to ask?
what is the meaning of these words "has yombre vas digal tar satru nih la gos val da satanos inca bre galda uspre kroiam"
it often appears when I sleep and dreams of these words.. when I use google translate to English or Indonesian, I can't find them.
That's it and thank you.

the glory of the Lord Satan
Search every words on online Sanskrit dictionaries.
LiliumS said:
Search every words on online Sanskrit dictionaries.

done find every words in sanskrit dictionary but can't found
maybe can u ask with u're guard? if that words just my imagination or me crazy maybe...

Glory of Lord of Satan
bless all followers of Lord Of Satan
je voudrais avoir des explications sur le son vibratoire tesla 369 car je l'ai vu sur facebook mais je ne l ai pas encore essayé avant d'avoir la réponse ici à JOS
Est ce que cela a avoir avec le satanisme?
litabon666 said:
je voudrais avoir des explications sur le son vibratoire tesla 369 car je l'ai vu sur facebook mais je ne l ai pas encore essayé avant d'avoir la réponse ici à JOS
Est ce que cela a avoir avec le satanisme?

Non. Cela n'a rien à voir avec le Satanisme.

Les seules informations fiables sur le Satanisme Spirituel sont celles qui sont sur les sites officiels. Le site JoS est même en français. Je t'invite par commencer à le lire si ce n'est pas déjà fait.

SaqqaraNox said:
LiliumS said:
Search every words on online Sanskrit dictionaries.

That language is not Sanskrit, maybe a construct of the mind of OP.

Some of them remind me of sanskrit words, but it looks like a mixture of languages.

Try to remember if they are not things you have read or heard in previous days, or whether they may be something like hypnagogic hallucination.
LiliumS said:
SaqqaraNox said:
LiliumS said:
Search every words on online Sanskrit dictionaries.

That language is not Sanskrit, maybe a construct of the mind of OP.

Some of them remind me of sanskrit words, but it looks like a mixture of languages.

Try to remember if they are not things you have read or heard in previous days, or whether they may be something like hypnagogic hallucination.
I'm looking for what you say, what is hypnagogic hallucinations, it's like hallucinating when you sleep, you can't sleep because of certain psychic problems and others, if I look for it in spiritual form or in Satanism, it says there's a devil beside me or accompanying me when I not sleeping or asleep and hearing certain whispers, sometimes these whispers can be sermons or others.
in the few that I've experienced and even remember it
like the following words "der vas las ja a var ma los natras den xi la zjen satanos wether den lu gas mbra lich kal dra tejra gis vara dre bur ja stei" which means you can control the weather you want with the approval of demon nature and weather because they have their respective tasks, even though no matter how advanced the technology is, it will not be able to accurately control the weather without the permission of His power, yes, God of Satan.
yes, that is only a partial example if it is hypnagogic hallucination in a spiritual or satanic version that I have ever remembered or experienced.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
