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Stormblood said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Stormblood said:

Are you seeing a different version of the page than me? Maybe something with your cookies or cache.

For me the first sentence after the title is.
The sushumna is the line the kundalini travels up the spine.
I wouldn't advise anyone to try my cookies. They're very sweet, even if I don't put sugar in them... All stevia.

Jokes aside, it seems that nobody else replied. So we'll leave it at that for now.
This is what I see:

The sushumna is the line the kundalini travels up the spine.


While in a trance, visualize the sushumna expanding to the spine in either a red hot or white hot glowing light. Focus on this for several minutes and from there, expand it beyond the spine, again, focus for several minutes and then expand it 2 inches beyond the spine.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Plus all of the descriptions we have about how the dormant kundalini before it is risen is locked away inside the tailbone,

I believe I have seen some sources say it's the Sacrum.
Asurya said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Plus all of the descriptions we have about how the dormant kundalini before it is risen is locked away inside the tailbone,

I believe I have seen some sources say it's the Sacrum.

I think those are the same thing.
BabySatan said:
jrvan said:
Jaysin said:
wawa nose,,,sometimes I ask myself questions about violence 🤔🤔🤔 such as being raped and being given an undesired pregnancy that a mother or a girl can suffer from even the unborn child, so I want to ask where;

Is abortion a crime against our father Satan?

Abortion isn't a crime, but if you abort a baby after the soul has already begun attaching and merging with the fetus (this happens after the first 3 to 4 months of a pregnancy) then it is murder which is a crime. It's a terrible thing to do as a mother to the souls of your people who are trying to reincarnate. Exceptions would be if the baby would be mixed race, deformed, or something like that which would be a mercy to the soul to destroy their developing fetus. As for babies past the 4 month mark conceived from rape, it's best to abort sooner but I would say the mental/emotional/spiritual health of the mother is the priority in that case so I would not ask women to suffer from the trauma and distress of giving birth to a baby conceived of rape.

Ideally, if someone gets pregnant from rape then they should immediately abort, and then seek justice against the rapist.
What should be done if both parents are mixed race?


Those who are mixed race should breed with those who are similar to them, ideally the same sub race. If you're asking me if two similarly race mixed people who have conceived a child together should abort their child because it will be mixed race, no absolutely not. Common sense needs to be applied here.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
l8tcandles# said:
Thank you so much for replying to me! would sleep medication or muscle relaxer medication affect this?

Sleep pills like melatonin are very dangerous. They change the chemical receptors in the brain, and make it very difficult to function normally. When the brain is flooded with synthetic chemicals that are not supposed to be there but they are used as hormones that go into receptors, the brain reacts by either building new receptors or getting rid of some of the ones that are there. And also by changing the amounts of multiple other hormones that the body makes. If the brain is flooded with too much melatonin, the likely reaction would be that it would destroy it's own melatonin receptors to make less of them, and also start producing less of its own melatonin because it thinks that it has too much already. Then whatever symptom you had of not enough melatonin like maybe not being able to sleep, it will be made very much worse. And this problem of messed up hormone balance and messed up number of receptors, and too much melatonin, this could cause the kinds of mental problems you described.

What is a muscle relaxer for? That is a very serious and strong kind of drug, it is not like a ibuprofen. A muscle relaxer might be fine in an emergency hospital if a doctor decides that it is best to use it and knows the exact amount to give, but I would be very afraid of somebody taking these pills home and having too much of them. What they do is paralyze the body so the brain is not able to tell the muscles when to contract. Which can cause you to fall on the ground and have no ability to move or get up. Or it can cause the heart and lungs to stop moving, which would cause death from lack of oxygen. Unless you have some kind of extremely rare and serious problem, almost all people should never end up eating a muscle relaxer pill in their whole lives.

If your muscles are too tight, there are ways to fix this that do not involve purposefully paralyzing yourself. Almost all people are deficient in the vitamin Magnesium. Magnesium is used in more than 500 different jobs in the body, and it is balanced against Calcium to create gradients that are used to move water between cells, and cause muscles to relax or contract. Also Potassium which balances in the same kind of way against Sodium, and is used for the same kind of thing. Too much sodium and calcium forces the muscles to contract too much and too tightly, and they require magnesium and potassium to allow them to relax.

But be careful and do not eat too much potassium at one time because it can cause the muscles to become too relaxed, similar to the muscle relaxer pill. A large enough dose of potassium at one time will stop the heart, and that is actually what is used in lethal injection executions.

You can buy Magnesium and Potassium supplements from any place that sells vitamins. Sometimes you can even get them together in one pill. And it will be measured in doses that are safe to take. And this will help your muscles to be relaxed. Also do yoga and stretching, a little while after you eat the vitamins when you can feel them starting to effect you. Yoga will help the muscles stretch and relax even more so that they will not go back to being as tight as they were before.

Thank you for your knowledge!
I am speaking with my family physician regarding having trouble sleeping I have tried the Benadryl, melatonin with no success and finally asked my doctor for some help sleeping at night. the doctor recommended a muscle relaxer so it would calm my brain down to be able to relaxer and of course it is a muscle relaxer it does both.

Hail Satan!
Hail Astaroth!
Hail Azazel!
Hail Felix!
Hail Sallos!
Hail Buer!
Henu the Great said:
Cosmic6999 said:
Besides what’s the point of all this it’s not like we go see each other face to face not like we a coven
"The point" is to have a safe and prosperous environment for as many people as possible. This is a coven like any other coven. The main reason we operate the way we do at the moment is because of the state of the world. In any case, this assembly is growing and meeting the goals that are set up, one by one, day by day. The amount of posts and comments regarding spiritual growth is very large and it is not wise to shut your eyes to those. This does not mean that you would have to be an active participant in conversations or anything. You could instead read what others write and look up older material through search, for example.

l8tcandles# said:
Thank you so much for replying to me! would sleep medication or muscle relaxer medication affect this?
When taken at recommended dosages, no. Unlikely in other cases as well due to the nature of the substances.
Thank you!

Hail Satan!
Hail Sallos!
Hail Astaroth!
Hail Felix!
Hail Buer!
l8tcandles# said:

All of those medicines are very dangerous except for in very specific situations and specific doses. And when they are used, it is meant for only a very short time like one or a couple days. When they are not needed, they can do very serious damage to the body.

It is a common thing for people to have a bad sleeping schedule. Especially for teenagers. And another thing that makes it worse is looking at computer or phone screens at night time. These contain a lot of blue light which tells the brain that it is day time and you should be awake.

Another problem is eating food too late at night, because this will give too much energy to the body and keep you awake. Or doing power meditations at night, for the same reason.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
l8tcandles# said:

All of those medicines are very dangerous except for in very specific situations and specific doses. And when they are used, it is meant for only a very short time like one or a couple days. When they are not needed, they can do very serious damage to the body.

It is a common thing for people to have a bad sleeping schedule. Especially for teenagers. And another thing that makes it worse is looking at computer or phone screens at night time. These contain a lot of blue light which tells the brain that it is day time and you should be awake.

Another problem is eating food too late at night, because this will give too much energy to the body and keep you awake. Or doing power meditations at night, for the same reason.

Thank you!

Hail Satan!
Hail Astaroth!
Hail Sallos!
Hail Buer!
Hail Felix!
Hail Azazel!
Hello, I have been thinking of doing a 40 day working that so far makes use of the FEHU rune. The working is to allow myself to work less hours at work while also earning close to if not the same amount of money I would usually. It's rather difficult to get some meditations done especially in the morning since I have to heap them all in the hour and finishing times are random.

What day, runes if FEHU doesn't suffice and a suitable affirmation would be best for carrying out a working like this?
On Earth, we have 'money' which is our 'currency'.

I find the concept rather odd, personally.

Regardless, the question is: Do our beloved Gods & Demons have currency too?
Random question:

How did the current Gods & Demons get their name and sigil?
Suppose a person completes the Magnum Opus, does that mean they become Demon? If so, what will their Demon name and sigil be? Do they choose it them self? Does it get chosen for them?
Do you need to say an affirmation for any working with runes? I am using isa to attain balance i know it says you need to be careful with that one so im only doing about 55 vibrations of it.
Hesffcs115 said:
Do you need to say an affirmation for any working with runes? I am using isa to attain balance i know it says you need to be careful with that one so im only doing about 55 vibrations of it.

Always use affirmations to direct the energy properly.

The Three Steps of Witchcraft
Hesffcs115 said:
Do you need to say an affirmation for any working with runes? I am using isa to attain balance i know it says you need to be careful with that one so im only doing about 55 vibrations of it.

55 is way too many times. This would be harmful.

Yes, you always need an affirmation basically any time you do anything.
l8tcandles# said:
Thank you for your knowledge!
I am speaking with my family physician regarding having trouble sleeping I have tried the Benadryl, melatonin with no success and finally asked my doctor for some help sleeping at night. the doctor recommended a muscle relaxer so it would calm my brain down to be able to relaxer and of course it is a muscle relaxer it does both.

Hail Satan!
Hail Astaroth!
Hail Azazel!
Hail Felix!
Hail Sallos!
Hail Buer!

You can try with hata yoga, I found it have a very relaxing effect on body.
Darkspirit said:
l8tcandles# said:
Thank you for your knowledge!
I am speaking with my family physician regarding having trouble sleeping I have tried the Benadryl, melatonin with no success and finally asked my doctor for some help sleeping at night. the doctor recommended a muscle relaxer so it would calm my brain down to be able to relaxer and of course it is a muscle relaxer it does both.

Hail Satan!
Hail Astaroth!
Hail Azazel!
Hail Felix!
Hail Sallos!
Hail Buer!

You can try with hata yoga, I found it have a very relaxing effect on body.

Thank you!
Hail Satan!
Hail Astaroth!
Hail Felix!
Hail Sallos!
Hail Buer!
l8tcandles# said:

Also look into acupressure points like Spleen 6 and Large Intestine 11. These points calm the body by generating more yin fluid or removing inflammation, respectively. As the lack of these actions can be a cause for insomnia, this is usually the solution. In my own experience, holding them for 10 minutes produces a strong and healthy calming effect. Just be careful not to tire yourself out by holding them too long.
How do we know we going within which meditation helps with that within ourselves it’s difficult
Henu the Great said:
Cosmic6999 said:
How do we know we going within which meditation helps with that within ourselves it’s difficult
We know by learning from reading and direct experience by practicing.

Why a lot of people talk about void meditation a lot I see why is that
Henu the Great said:
Cosmic6999 said:
Why a lot of people talk about void meditation a lot I see why is that
It is a method to learn to control the mind. A cornerstone practice on this path.

Basically the highly recommended practice do it work on feeling emotions instead of pushing them away
Cosmic6999 said:
Basically the highly recommended practice do it work on feeling emotions instead of pushing them away
The idea is to have single-pointed focus. The target of the focus is up to you.

Pushing emotions away can be a form a self repression and is not recommended long-term as it will cause hangups.
Henu the Great said:
Cosmic6999 said:
Basically the highly recommended practice do it work on feeling emotions instead of pushing them away
The idea is to have single-pointed focus. The target of the focus is up to you.

Pushing emotions away can be a form a self repression and is not recommended long-term as it will cause hangups.

Why it’s important to remove thoughts and I see people talk about Returning curses and protection a lot would all this help dig within ourselves would these meditation help built and closer connection with ourselves also what about these breathing techniques why they say life is in the breath and why it’s important to control our breath
These meditation where do they really come from truly and how does it so called awaken our demonic energies
Cosmic6999 said:
So I read a post about shiva and Satan is not the same and what dude was saying is some what true cause I question why o haven’t ever seen Satan yet so I question that

So you completely ignored all the thorough replies given to that person? Why?
hailourtruegod said:
So you completely ignored all the thorough replies given to that person? Why?

Because he is not serious. He has ignored every piece of advice and teaching that we have ever replied to him with, for years now. And he has not read or understood almost anything from Joy of Satan websites.

We can't keep putting in more effort for him than he does for himself. He chooses to ignore all of the information that is freely and easily available to him from the websites, and he even ignores it when we directly reply to him with the exact piece of information that he asks for.

It is like talking to a rock.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Because he is not serious. He has ignored every piece of advice and teaching that we have ever replied to him with, for years now. And he has not read or understood almost anything from Joy of Satan websites.

We can't keep putting in more effort for him than he does for himself. He chooses to ignore all of the information that is freely and easily available to him from the websites, and he even ignores it when we directly reply to him with the exact piece of information that he asks for.

It is like talking to a rock.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed it and said something.

I understand we need to try to be lenient but this leniency does have a limit and I think this person has more than surpassed it and now is raising red flags.
hailourtruegod said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Because he is not serious. He has ignored every piece of advice and teaching that we have ever replied to him with, for years now. And he has not read or understood almost anything from Joy of Satan websites.

We can't keep putting in more effort for him than he does for himself. He chooses to ignore all of the information that is freely and easily available to him from the websites, and he even ignores it when we directly reply to him with the exact piece of information that he asks for.

It is like talking to a rock.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed it and said something.

I understand we need to try to be lenient but this leniency does have a limit and I think this person has more than surpassed it and now is raising red flags.

Sorry to intervene brother, but I think that the Cosmic6999 individual is a troll who wasted a lot of time.

Sounds like some other trolls like Primal who pretend that they are advanced but then behave like dumb monkeys and spew a lot of nonsense and slander at Satan and the mission of our Gods.
Hello good folks of this holy place.

Can someone with severe spinal injuries heal to a level where they can perform yoga in almost the same way as a normal non-disabled person?

By healing I mean restoring the spine in a functional condition without a surgical intervention.

Conventional medical science says this is not possible but I'd like to believe otherwise.

Am I overly optimistic and fooling myself? If not then what would be the best way to go about trying to do this?

Thank you
Shemsu said:
Hello good folks of this holy place.

Can someone with severe spinal injuries heal to a level where they can perform yoga in almost the same way as a normal non-disabled person?

By healing I mean restoring the spine in a functional condition without a surgical intervention.

Conventional medical science says this is not possible but I'd like to believe otherwise.

Am I overly optimistic and fooling myself? If not then what would be the best way to go about trying to do this?

Thank you

For one who was severe spinal injuries it is more than hard to heal themselves in order to practice yoga.

I am not a hope breaking person here, but the thing is that someone with severe spinal issues shall be very careful when doing yoga, and some certain yoga positions will not be for him like Swastikasana, and do some easy working.

Still, healing is possible, not to the greatest extent though by working on the pairs of 13 chakras that are on the spinal cord level
I have some basic questions but can become advanced but I'll keep it short.

1. I've been cleaning on and off mostly 75% of the years since 2016. My longest stretch of not cleaning was about 3-4 months or so.

How can I tell I'm clean or cleaner? If I'm not spiritually open neither through trance/void i.e. sensory sensitivity or third eye.

What are the signs of cleanliness?

2. I've been vibrating 4 vibrations as Blitz mentioned 3-10 reps for the 7M/3E/Pineal/Both Shoulders. I'm currently in the process of doing CCM/FCM I'd like to at least get to activating and opening my chakras. I'm not really caring for power but non-the less that is an afterthought rather than a main goal. One of my main goals is working on the 3rd Eye and I'd like to procure an active 3rd Eye that works to enhance my meditation and visualization.

What is the best color to visualize the 3rd Eye, the 3rd eye is either Indigo, White, or Silver. Some JoS mainsite states Indigo as it's part of the command center chakras i.e. Ajna. Other articles state white brilliant like the Sun and another states silver.

So what is the preferred or best method to visualize the 3rd Eye for basic CCM/FCM empowerment? Using Thaum mantra.

3. This final question is just like #1 i.e. soul virginity level aura/chakra cleaning. But involving protection, if I perform basic AoPs what are the sign I'm protected or reality is working my way i.e. I'm protected or materializing realities of being protected? As I assume working on the soul not just being protected i.e. AoP but the reality is being shifted around to increase protected status.

Also what are the signs of people using Runic protection. To be honest doing even bare minimum runic work is annoying every day twice a day for 40 or longer is annoying. For example I recall Lydia many years ago right around the opening of the current A-Forums. Mentioning doing night protection with Bjarkan so at night this rune works better.

I'd like to avoid for the time being any extra mantra work with such manners. But I'd like to actually prove the JoS. In fact if I ever do get to advance further and become more advanced in my workings. I'd like to make a posting apologizing for my disbelief.

I'm not trying to be like Cosmic beforehand who does ignore advice kinda like Ghost Kid. Keeps coming back and just never studies our stuff. I guess Cosmic likes to troll around and just waste time. I'm not saying ban him just don't post his stuff. I do take advice and do use it. But sometimes it's like man meditation is such a chore too much and not enough happening to justify continuing without becoming a Saturnian machine devoid of life. I'd like to advance yes don't get me wrong. But it's just too much for me especially with the volume of questions I have and wanting to learn from the very beginning.
Gear88 said:

Cleaning is a continuous process. Beyond cleaning from negativity we are exposed to, we also must deeply purify the body and soul to support higher levels of advancement and power. Try out Lydia's deep cleaning methods, with the intention of deeply purifying yourself. Even if you cannot easily sense it, it should feel much stronger and different.

For the third eye, I just use white or silver. I don't think about it too much.

As far as your thoughts on meditation being a chore, yes it is, but we have to deal with chores in our life. This is made easier by Nauthiz, which you should invest into. See my thread here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83283&p=427850#p427850

You have been doing well. Don't get discouraged! In this case, your desire to know is detracting from your ability to act. Yet, your desire to learn and teach is also one of your strengths. Through workings, this will be balanced and you can become happier.

Another thing that I thought about for you: Why don't you try an Eihwaz working, on an appropriate date? Every time I have worked with similar energies, it has given me a greater depth to my sensations and improved my ability to manipulate energy. You said you have a hard time understanding meditation at a deeper level, so why not use the rune most associated with the act of meditation/transformation?

The above should make things feel more natural and interesting to you. Rather than believing you are stuck in a realm of just thoughts, Eihwaz will give a sense that you can change reality directly and through your will.

As for protection, just imagine your energies like a shield which block negativity. On a basic level, chanting 45 or 60x of Algiz only takes about 10-15 minutes, depending on how fast you do it. Yet this will safe you a lot of trouble, not just from enemy attack, but also countering the negativity of planetary negativity or from your direct environment.
Shemsu said:

Yes this is possible, as some have reported here, and as TCM studies have shown for certain spinal issues. Generally, genetic defects are the hardest to correct. As for the spine, work gently on your yoga, including poses designed for your condition (search online here), do not push too much, but just enough for energy to get into the spine.

Following this with professional assistance, like from a chiropractor or TCM doctor, as well as with a healing working, would give the best results.
I am having trouble with my internet. How can I access the final rtr+tetragrammaton+shattering ritual offline? If I can only get final rtr I will accept that :(. I remember there being an app to do the final rtr with but can't seem to find it.
TranscendTheSun said:
I am having trouble with my internet. How can I access the final rtr+tetragrammaton+shattering ritual offline? If I can only get final rtr I will accept that :(. I remember there being an app to do the final rtr with but can't seem to find it.
You can save web pages. "Save page as..." By doing so you can have that ritual, and others, available when you want and where you want. You can even print it, if you want to.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=429245 time=1678333778 user_id=21286]...reply...

Yes thank you Stormblood's basic meditation guide helped me. I do notice after doing Pranayama even if I'm just sitting there doing the activity but not different is that it energizes me to a degree or at least wakes me up.

Sheer fact is since the beginning of my journey here Trance and Void were my biggest issues. I practice void 2-5 minutes more so 5 minutes. And I'm voice shut down but the background music and voices are playing.

I've read of Mindfulness of people you know the basic Buddhist/Hindu meditation. And people have state I've been doing it for XYZ period of time months or years and I do have moments of thought suspension, blank.

I know void is different we are actively blanking our mind. But I sit here on the chair for 5 minutes staring either at the wall or eyes closed. And no accomplishment, like I said in a prior thread if I spend 0.1% x 2 or 0.2% of my day working on Void how does that measly 4minutes to 10 minutes translate into working blank minded and voiding.

I know like you said Blitz, void isn't to mush you mind or destroy the logical male thinking side. It's to lull it to sleep and alternate to the female side.

But like one member said my superabundant mental energy means even during meditation I'm just thinking random or speaking random or wanting to just think and contemplate. Like I said I'm a thinker, I use my mind a lot.

But I guess I'm not using my mind correctly nor properly. I'm merely acting out on my thoughts.

I'd love nothing more than to Astral project as it requires trance another issue. As recently there is a thread that merely states trance = relaxation. For example Maxine's main website JoS states breath in till you can't feel your body. That sounds extreme it's like someone spending their time deep breathing for 45m-1h trying to numb their body up. I always feel my body.

I guess that yeah doing basic stuff but as meditation progresses it becomes a huge chore. I've had good results with breathing in shiny black energy into my aura and program for temporary a few hours for meditation. I still meditate but I notice more and more it's becoming a chore waiting till mid-day or the end of the day to meditate.

I think I might be one of those people that prefer to meditate late or later at night. And might be more linked towards dark meditations.

Who knows maybe I should go to sleep at 7PM right at night and wake up at 3AM, 8 hours later, and begin a night session.

I don't know I just I want to get up and stop being bored. Boredom is my main issue I'm so bored that meditation even if engaged to remove boredom as it's supposed to be a happy activity to improve the life. It seems difficult to meditate first thing in the morning. For me I'd like to get up and use the internet a bit and wake up after my coffee and just entertain myself.

I guess I gotta listen to my friend and do some activity like play a video game for an hour or have silly stupid fun as it's needed. He is a Saturn machine and I can organize myself but my activities are chaotically set. I can in general configure my life but in the actual case I do it chaotically. Or for example if I played video games I'd probably play them 12-15 hours like earlier in the prior decade before I quit gaming.

Sheer fact is I understand doing 45-60 vibrations of Algs or for example 72 vibrations of Bjarkan takes like 8-10 minutes. Some might state I vibrate too fast I do use 70-80% of my lungs and I vibrate to the best of my abilities.

But it's like if I've been around for years and I'm so lazy and lackadaisical to meditate deeply and advance myself. Then I'm going no where and then I have atheistic thoughts or processes like spirituality and religion is a life long preoccupation to do good so people are controlled or limited in what to do. A learned helplessness.

I just once want to experience that breakthrough point whereby from now on I'm focusing on spirituality. Like that member in 2017 or early 2018. They have a succubus and he astral projects, always gets scared and returns close to his body. But his succubus has shown them things and they stated, something along the lines of I understand and relish for this to come I can't believe what I saw and how motivating it is.

I'd like a motivation effect so that I can and will continue. But again that is my issue the lack of drive and lack of time I put into meditation. I mean I recall doing the 6-Month Spiritual Warfare Guide and it's like this is just out of hand. I'm certainly not cut out for spirituality even if everyone can do it.

Small steps I'm just re-beginning with a basic schedule and activity. But still this small 15-20 minute window is difficult for me. I guess I just gotta instill it as a habit and do it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
