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Third eye opening meditation issues?

Having recently discovered JoS I was greatly compelled by the arguments and evidence they put forward on their site. However, wishing to see if their claims were actually true or not, I began doing meditations that were listed on their website. I began with the third eye opening meditation, which I followed from here:https://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Opening_The_Third_Eye.html

I did everything properly, and I am currently on day 2. I experienced the side-effects (headache, seeing swirling colors), however whenever I tried to focus my attention on the third eye, I always saw it going to the side of my forehead. This has since stopped, but does it still pose a problem?

I see that Maxine Dietrich opened a new topic in January 2020.


I wonder why she didn't say goodbye to the forum community? Why didn't she open a topic in which she informed the forum members in a few sentences that she would no longer be writing here and that she could no longer be contacted? It seems that there was nothing to suggest that Maxine Dietrich would suddenly disappear from the forum without a word. After all these years... I don't see the logic and naturalness in not saying goodbye/not providing information.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Gypsies are part jewish so you fucked up.

Source? Evidence?

I mean scientific arguments, please do not link to unargued, authoritarian posts from the forum. I have read them. And having been a xian for years before SS, I am now immune to argumentless authoritarianism. :)
Hello brothers, sisters. Some years ago I openned my chakras from the base to the top. Later, I found out it wasnt a good practice. I hope the consequences are not too devastating and this is remediable. I have to mention they were just openned, not empowered. Then, after a long break I started meditating again and cleaned my base chakra 40 days with uruz, thurisaz and ansuz. Now Im on the sacral chakra. I want to ask if at the end of this working is better to continue with the solar chakra or better stop and begin from the top with the crown chakra. Thank you very much in advance for your answers.
PS: English is not my main language, sorry for the mistakes.
Dark Lawyer said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Gypsies are part jewish so you fucked up.

Source? Evidence?

I mean scientific arguments, please do not link to unargued, authoritarian posts from the forum. I have read them. And having been a xian for years before SS, I am now immune to argumentless authoritarianism. :)

https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-5248902,00.html - featuring an israeli scholar

Leaving that aside, they're very similar. They whine as much about the holohoax (okay maybe not as much), and if Fuhrer served justice to them also, that is with a reason. They're a runaway group of people with no actual state (like kikes were some time ago), they aggressively punish every single one of them that tries to marry a non romani (hate the name) person. They force upon their daughters and wives how to dress, what to say, how to act. They're purely shallow and materialistic . They have a way of twisting facts and persuading for their own interest and all they try to create - especially music, is bad. They're also degenerate in terms of how they act, talk and listen to - mostly vulgarities. They are fervent xians. Among the people today that have 6+ children. Where the family on my mother's side lived there were lots of them, we got to see all these. They were mainly known for stealing - ideas, cars, food from markets , everything, and gossiping. They dislike work, I can still see them on the streets as beggars - literally all the beggars here are gypsies, searching through thrash cans like the rats they are.
GoldenxChild1 said:
BrightMorningStar said:
As human's we need physical interactions, we're social creatures. We need hugs every once in a while, we yearn for recognition and acceptance, and good conversation is great. That's all in a realm of instinct/Earth and I don't believe it can be helped. However, could there be any harm to being completely alone in spirit?
To explain what I mean, take the MUNKA meditation that frees the soul, also spells to unbind anything attached to the soul, and there are affirmations and rituals to be done during the waning moon to remove chakra attachments in this life and past. I am wondering if that could be dangerous for a soul. What are the risks of having zero company when it comes to the realm of spirit. Would you feel lonely, or incomplete? I am not sure and maybe someone has an idea of the consequences and whether they outweigh the benefits.

Humans are social beings and require interaction, even for the most solitaire souls. There is nothing wrong with being alone but that is different than being "lonely" or "isolated". You can't really be alone in the realm of spirit because like a chain you are attached to your ancestors, family, gods, race, etc.

Freeing the soul has to do with "Freedom of the Soul". Freeing yourself is liberating, not isolating. Why do you want to be in zero company spiritually?

Why zero company?
I am not sure really, I'm just curious if it would be possible, a bad idea, or for the best. Maybe if I removed all "chains" it would be true freedom to really know myself? Or maybe it could wreak havoc. If we truly are connected indefinitely to our ancestors and the Gods then who am I but a little bit of everyone else? Wouldn't a solitary soul reside in isolation? Is there even such a soul? I still am wondering what harm could icome from being alone? Maybe my soul being part of a "chain" you spoke of is holding someone else's together, maybe they need me? Or maybe I need them too and we need each other? Idk...
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-5248902,00.html - featuring an israeli scholar

Leaving that aside, they're very similar. They whine as much about the holohoax (okay maybe not as much), and if Fuhrer served justice to them also, that is with a reason. They're a runaway group of people with no actual state (like kikes were some time ago), they aggressively punish every single one of them that tries to marry a non romani (hate the name) person. They force upon their daughters and wives how to dress, what to say, how to act. They're purely shallow and materialistic . They have a way of twisting facts and persuading for their own interest and all they try to create - especially music, is bad. They're also degenerate in terms of how they act, talk and listen to - mostly vulgarities. They are fervent xians. Among the people today that have 6+ children. Where the family on my mother's side lived there were lots of them, we got to see all these. They were mainly known for stealing - ideas, cars, food from markets , everything, and gossiping. They dislike work, I can still see them on the streets as beggars - literally all the beggars here are gypsies, searching through thrash cans like the rats they are.


I have read the article before, I wrote my review of it here:


A study from 2012:


It says that after language, genetics has already proven the Indian origin of European gypsies.


Yes, I know the behaviour of gypsies, I live in Hungary... There is a demographic disaster here, and the country will soon be in chaos. But I have a half gypsy friend whose behaviour is nothing like the one you describe, and she is SS, she has done her initiation. Her father is also a decent working man, and he is totally gypsy.


Correct me if I'm wrong: as far as I know, Mein Kampf never once mentions gypsies. According to my information, the Third Reich's position was Indian descent, and the National Socialist Germans acknowledged the Aryan descent of the gypsies. But they condemned the gypsies for mixing and not preserving the purity of Aryan blood. (This is interesting because in reality there was probably no mixing: neither the gypsies wanted it, nor the Whites.)

I wrote more on the subject here:

Was any reason given why she left the forum?

Hail Satan!

quote="Dark Lawyer" post_id=387344 time=1662759657 user_id=70807]
I see that Maxine Dietrich opened a new topic in January 2020.


I wonder why she didn't say goodbye to the forum community? Why didn't she open a topic in which she informed the forum members in a few sentences that she would no longer be writing here and that she could no longer be contacted? It seems that there was nothing to suggest that Maxine Dietrich would suddenly disappear from the forum without a word. After all these years... I don't see the logic and naturalness in not saying goodbye/not providing information.
Please could someone point me to the relevent web page or MP3 which explains how/ when free masonry was infiltrated?

Hail Satan!

I understand why we breath Luna energy into the third eye and then store in the solar chakra.

But why then empower the mirror with heart energy that is indigo colour?

Hail Satan!

Somewhere I read that JOS sees a new world order — but with satanist in power — I can’t find the the web page or link of the MP3 anymore. Does anyone know what I’m talking about?

Thanks! Hail Satan
Jarovit1389 said:
Third eye opening meditation issues?

Having recently discovered JoS I was greatly compelled by the arguments and evidence they put forward on their site. However, wishing to see if their claims were actually true or not, I began doing meditations that were listed on their website. I began with the third eye opening meditation, which I followed from here:https://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Opening_The_Third_Eye.html

I did everything properly, and I am currently on day 2. I experienced the side-effects (headache, seeing swirling colors), however whenever I tried to focus my attention on the third eye, I always saw it going to the side of my forehead. This has since stopped, but does it still pose a problem?

No, it's not a problem. At the beginning, I experienced the same thing
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=387246 time=1662726284 user_id=21286]
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:

In regards to the AOP, try to keep up at least a 36 hour consistency. However, the AOP does not necessarily "break" like other workings. With other workings that you are attempting to manifest something which requires lots of effort, this is where the daily consistency is necessary. The AOP is something that does not have as many barriers to manifestation.

Of course, make sure you are not restarting your AOP or other meditations during a VoC. At the same time, I am sure plenty of people have accidentally done this.

Also, beyond just maintaining consistency with your AOP, it is more important that you are maintaining protection. In other words, even if you are doing it every 24 hours, are you raising a sufficient amount of energy? The same question is even more relevant when you go beyond 24 hours. The AOP should be done daily, as well, not just for 40 days and no longer.

If you are having trouble with your parents, perhaps your first working should be one where you free yourself from any obstacles to your meditation routine, including anything that would make your parents disturb you.
I have nothing to say about this.It is simply perfect answer.
I've long wondered about these 40-day (and multi-day,80,90) jobs, when the workflow is valid (when it breaks or not).A couple of things came to mind, but I wouldn't have known on my own,what you wrote. :D :) :lol:
I am glad that a big(Great) Jos member,like you replied and gave a completely satisfactory answer.
Thank you for this beautiful and very valuable comment.

By the way, I am a critical person and it is not easy to give me a satisfactory answer, especially as I can find fault with everything due to my critical nature.

As for VOC, I avoid VOC not only in magical things, but also in almost everything in everyday life.

And I also used to saw these.But I looked again.
However, I didn't think you made a special reminder thread about it.

As regards,that's what I'm picking(tidbits) from. :D :) :lol:
Hello, I am confused as to the appearance of white gold white gold used for the aura of protection.when I look at the sun I either see white or yellow.what would be another example of this color I could use to help me visualize it ?
this is a silly question so dont take it too seriously lol, i was just wondering if its possible to manipulate your gravity with enough spiritual power, like make yourself heavier? I just think it would be an interesting way to strengthen the body
Immortalityseeker said:
Hello, I am confused as to the appearance of white gold white gold used for the aura of protection.when I look at the sun I either see white or yellow.what would be another example of this color I could use to help me visualize it ?

A light bulb has the same white and yellow look to it. Try that?
Dark Lawyer said:
It says that after language, genetics has already proven the Indian origin of European gypsies.

As far as I know, gypsies were a mix of jews and Aryan people - I thought that India was where this mixing happened.
Somewhere on the site I found a version of the foundational meditation that is supposedly very advanced, but to me it seems like the only way it can be done.

The way admonished is to feel the energy enter your body. Is the basic one just visualization? I can only comprehend the other way.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Immortalityseeker said:
Hello, I am confused as to the appearance of white gold white gold used for the aura of protection.when I look at the sun I either see white or yellow.what would be another example of this color I could use to help me visualize it ?

A light bulb has the same white and yellow look to it. Try that?

Looking at a lightbulb will damage your eyes. Even if your eyes or closed because the light goes through your eye lids.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Immortalityseeker said:
Hello, I am confused as to the appearance of white gold white gold used for the aura of protection.when I look at the sun I either see white or yellow.what would be another example of this color I could use to help me visualize it ?

A light bulb has the same white and yellow look to it. Try that?

Looking at a lightbulb will damage your eyes. Even if your eyes or closed because the light goes through your eye lids.

I only meant has a reference to the color but that is good to know, thanks!
Florina 22 said:
An advice: Treat the Gods and people from here with respect. Read the sites, study them and if you are probably in a confusion, this will help you understand things better. I say this because I made mistakes because I didn't know what I was doing. And I suffered enormously as a result of the mistakes I made in front of the Gods. Be careful. It's just an advice.

I was reading this thread and saw your name. Nice to see you are on a good path :D
GoldenxChild1 said:
Immortalityseeker said:
Hello, I am confused as to the appearance of white gold white gold used for the aura of protection.when I look at the sun I either see white or yellow.what would be another example of this color I could use to help me visualize it ?

A light bulb has the same white and yellow look to it. Try that?

Thank you!
Ol argedco luciftias said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Immortalityseeker said:
Hello, I am confused as to the appearance of white gold white gold used for the aura of protection.when I look at the sun I either see white or yellow.what would be another example of this color I could use to help me visualize it ?

A light bulb has the same white and yellow look to it. Try that?

Looking at a lightbulb will damage your eyes. Even if your eyes or closed because the light goes through your eye lids.

That is true, but from that answer I figured out the color I am supposed visualize.
Hase said:
Hello brothers, sisters. Some years ago I openned my chakras from the base to the top. Later, I found out it wasnt a good practice. I hope the consequences are not too devastating and this is remediable. I have to mention they were just openned, not empowered. Then, after a long break I started meditating again and cleaned my base chakra 40 days with uruz, thurisaz and ansuz. Now Im on the sacral chakra. I want to ask if at the end of this working is better to continue with the solar chakra or better stop and begin from the top with the crown chakra. Thank you very much in advance for your answers.
PS: English is not my main language, sorry for the mistakes.

I would really appreciate some info on this
Hase said:
Hase said:
Hello brothers, sisters. Some years ago I openned my chakras from the base to the top. Later, I found out it wasnt a good practice. I hope the consequences are not too devastating and this is remediable. I have to mention they were just openned, not empowered. Then, after a long break I started meditating again and cleaned my base chakra 40 days with uruz, thurisaz and ansuz. Now Im on the sacral chakra. I want to ask if at the end of this working is better to continue with the solar chakra or better stop and begin from the top with the crown chakra. Thank you very much in advance for your answers.
PS: English is not my main language, sorry for the mistakes.

I would really appreciate some info on this

Don't worry too much as it was just the initial opening, but now start with the Crown all the way down and then do the full meditation on the chakras regularly, starting from the crown to the base.
I know that the JOS mentioned how the wand was used and why it should not be used as a magic tool. But what about the staff? I see some illustrations in Greek and Egyptian descriptions.

What would the staff/sceptre be used for?
Is it just me or are RTR's more powerful in attaining joy/amusement in your daily life than empowerment?
like just one RTR on top of some empowerment is more powerful than a rigorous day long empowerment schedule without RTR
Darkspirit said:
Hase said:
Hase said:
Hello brothers, sisters. Some years ago I openned my chakras from the base to the top. Later, I found out it wasnt a good practice. I hope the consequences are not too devastating and this is remediable. I have to mention they were just openned, not empowered. Then, after a long break I started meditating again and cleaned my base chakra 40 days with uruz, thurisaz and ansuz. Now Im on the sacral chakra. I want to ask if at the end of this working is better to continue with the solar chakra or better stop and begin from the top with the crown chakra. Thank you very much in advance for your answers.
PS: English is not my main language, sorry for the mistakes.

I would really appreciate some info on this

Don't worry too much as it was just the initial opening, but now start with the Crown all the way down and then do the full meditation on the chakras regularly, starting from the crown to the base.

Thank you very much for your answer! It really helped me.
Асуря said:
like just one RTR on top of some empowerment is more powerful than a rigorous day long empowerment schedule without RTR
FRTR gets rid of many curses,things that can hinder spiritual development.What the jews put on(curses) the Gentiles.
You should at least make sure that you do at least one FRTR every day.
Hey how y’all been but anyways I have a question how do you do it hoodedcobra how you break free from blockages I’m going through a phase on meditation I haven’t been doing yoga how I suppose or meditating long for how I suppose to why
Асуря said:
Somewhere on the site I found a version of the foundational meditation that is supposedly very advanced, but to me it seems like the only way it can be done.

The way admonished is to feel the energy enter your body. Is the basic one just visualization? I can only comprehend the other way.

The point is to feel the energy entering your body but not only that, you also have to visualize that this energy does these things, and it is recommended (in begins) to work with white light because it is easier.
FlameGhost said:
I know that the JOS mentioned how the wand was used and why it should not be used as a magic tool. But what about the staff? I see some illustrations in Greek and Egyptian descriptions.

What would the staff/sceptre be used for?

I guess I can answer my own question. I looked up Staff in search and not Sceptre. I see that calling them a staff would be inaccurate. Although I still wonder what it would be used for.
Could I do a working something like
Vibrate SATANAS X10
and then state I am free from all negative karma completely and eternally. X9 ???
Or is that to broad?

I remember a few years ago reading a post vibrating SATANAS and stating I am free. I cant find it. And could someone direct me to a post about karma? I've read the jos site about it and many post still have questions though.
Hi, I have a question about demon lovers

The website says that after experiencing a demon lover you are likely to loose interest in human lovers. And also that’s demons can become jealous of human lovers. Isn’t this likely to lead to satanists to not to have children ? I thought having children and raising satanic families is very important to Satan?

Hail Satan!
Hi satanic family,

Is there any info on the website about The GOetia: the lesser key of Solomon the king? Is this a text of the enemy? False information?

Is there a reading list of veted satanic texts if people want to read further outside of the JOS website?

I found this list —- but I’m guessing they are all enemy writings?


The Demonic Bible – Tsirk Susej
Demonology And Devil-Lore, Vol 1 – Moncure Daniel Conway
Fallen Bodies: Pollution, Sexuality, And Demonology In The Middle Ages – Dyan Elliott
The Penguin Book Of Hell – Scott G Bruce
Dybbuks And Jewish Women In Social History, Mysticism And Folklore – Rachel Elior
The Language Of Demons And Angels: Cornelius Agrippa’s Occult Philosophy – Christopher I. Lehrich
Azazel: Steal Fire From The Gods
A Field Guide To Demons, Fairies, Fallen Angels And Other Subversive Spirits – Carol K. Mack, Dinah Mack
Dictionary Of Deities And Demons In The Bible. 2nd Ed. – Karel Van Der Toorn, Bob Becking, And Pieter W. Van Der Horst
England’s First Demonologist: Reginald Scot And ‘The Discoverie Of Witchcraft’ – Philip C. Almond
Lucifer And The Hidden Demons – Theodore Rose
Satanism And Demonology – Lionel And Patricia Fanthorpe
The Lure Of The Dark Side: Satan And Western Demonology In Popular Culture – Christopher H. Partridge, Eric S. Christianson
Demons Of Wrath: The Dark Fires Of Attack Magick – Corwin Hargrove
Mephistopheles: The Devil In The Modern World – Jeffrey Burton Russell
The Curse Of Canaan: A Demonology Of History – Eustace Mullins
Queen Of Hell – Mark Alan Smith
Biblical Demonology: A Study Of Spiritual Forces At Work Today – Unger, Merrill F.
Devils, Demons, And Ghosts, In The Hebrew Tradition: Romancing The Sitra Achra – Kadmon, Baal
Fallen Angels, The Watchers, And The Origins Of Evil – Joseph Lumpkin
Lilith – George MacDonald
Summoning Spirits: The Art Of Magical Evocation – Konstantinos
Demons Of Magick : Three Practical Rituals For Working With The 72 Demons – Gordon Winterfield
Devil Stories: An Anthology – Maximilian Josef Rudwin
The World Of The Jinn And Devils

I really appreciate your guidance
Hail satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
