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Is it reccomend to listen to a Beej Mantra for certain planets when you go to sleep? For example, after meditating, I play a mantra for the Sun or Mars for example, and have me fall asleep to it and wake up to it, as it's a playlist for the planetary mantras. Will this help as far as strengthening weakened planets alongside me vibrating them daily during the day?
"Christianity has always been pushed [under threat of torture and death] onto the populace. In Japan, the Emperor kicked the Catholic Jesuits out of the country as they wanted to murder all of the Buddhists that would not convert." This passage, passage from "Why it can be difficult to deprogram from the Christian Indoctrinations is hardcore fact. During the Shogun era, they drove said Jesuits out...the J's wore orange robes tried to force(convert) the Japanese to Christianity and then attempted to torture, via mercenaries, them to convert. The Book and VHS film Shogun, book based on factual events in Japanese/American history, dictate and portray said historical events.
Please forgive me if this winds up under the wrong thread, I'm quite new and really don't know how to create mine own post. I hope this passes through the Administration and that I will be educated in the creation of a new post in its own thread.
delicatefeels said:
Final Question. Is race mixing okay? I Am in love with a white male as a black (French) american. He’s honestly very sweet and my feelings for him is deep. My skin tone is quite light though so I assume it will not be a problem? Or will it? I’m so undecided.
Race mixing is not okay. I’m mixed race and it’s my life mission to advocate against race mixing. Even if you’re light skinned, it’d still be a problem because race isn’t skin color, race is in the soul.

Here are some JoS sermons on race mixing:

Race-Mixing by HP HoodedCobra

Christianity, Teacher of Race Mixing, breeding De-Evolution by HP HoodedCobra

On Race Mixing

Here’s scientific evidence that race mixing is wrong:

Mixed race people are more likely to have a variety of medical issues.

- White-Asian children are twice as likely as Asians to have mental illness. http://news.ucdavis.edu/search/news_detail.lasso?id=8732
- White/Black babies are less healthy than monoracial babies. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2867623/
- Mixed race couples are more likely to have stillborn babies than same-race couples. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15994621
- Black-White children are more likely than both Black and Whites to make poor decisions. http://www.nber.org/papers/w14192
- Mixed race kids suffer from low self-esteem, social isolation, and poor family dynamics. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1448064/
- Mixed race children are more likely to have health problems, high stress, smoke, and drink. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1448064/
- Interracial people cannot receive certain organ donations. http://content.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1993074,00.html
Hello. I am very very beginner in spiritual Satanism but I already read the JoS page. I want to start with a meditation program but my biggest question is how I should visualize correctly, should it be in the third person? or in the first person? And I also have the question of should I make visualizations with my eyes open or closed? And another question, how do I know if I'm doing it correctly? I did the dedication ritual a few months ago and I haven't started meditating yet, is there a problem with that? I have these little doubts that make me think a lot and I don't feel comfortable meditating with so many doubts, I also feel as if something is pushing me towards not meditating. And sorry for my english that is not very good. I would appreciate it very much if someone answers me.
LeydeLuz said:
Hello. I am very very beginner in spiritual Satanism but I already read the JoS page. I want to start with a meditation program but my biggest question is how I should visualize correctly, should it be in the third person? or in the first person? And I also have the question of should I make visualizations with my eyes open or closed? And another question, how do I know if I'm doing it correctly? I did the dedication ritual a few months ago and I haven't started meditating yet, is there a problem with that? I have these little doubts that make me think a lot and I don't feel comfortable meditating with so many doubts, I also feel as if something is pushing me towards not meditating. And sorry for my english that is not very good. I would appreciate it very much if someone answers me.

1. Visualize in which ever way you feel is best. I visualize in both 1st and 3rd, yet 3rd more so. It's unique to the individual.
2. Visualize either which way with your eyes. I usually have open eyes but sometimes closed.
3. It's okay if you haven't started meditating, you are still SS.
4. Do not feel hesitant to meditate. There is nothing stopping you other than yourself.

Best of luck
LeydeLuz said:
I want to start with a meditation program but my biggest question is how I should visualize correctly, should it be in the third person? or in the first person? And I also have the question of should I make visualizations with my eyes open or closed.

The answer to all these questions is "however you feel more comfortable". There's really no rule which says that you should do it one way. I should also say that it depends on the situation. The 3rd/1st person thing is that when you visualize in the 1st person it feels more personal and vivid. But, some people have self-esteem and insecurity problems so this may bring some troublesome thoughts for them. So visualizing in the 3rd person may be better for these people. Also when you are new it's easier to visualize with your eyes closed, but some people become fearful when they close their eyes, so for these people visualizing with eyes open works better.

LeydeLuz said:
And another question, how do I know if I'm doing it correctly?

There's an old saying about meditation: the only way to do it wrong is to not do it at all. You see, the human mind is very tricky. It will conjure up all sorts of excuses to prevent you from meditating. "Oh I don't know if I'm doing it correctly". "Meditation is very boring, I should be doing more interesting things". "I haven't seen any extraordinary results, so it isn't working at all, so I'd better stop meditating". "I can't concentrate and my mind brings up too many random thoughts/emotions that trouble me, so it's better to stop". All of these are just excuses your mind brings up to stop you. They don't have any basis in reality. If one or more of these thoughts come up, recognize that it's your mind playing its usual tricks on you so that it can stop you and just ignore them.

LeydeLuz said:
I have these little doubts that make me think a lot and I don't feel comfortable meditating with so many doubts, I also feel as if something is pushing me towards not meditating.

Yes, it's your tricky and untrained mind, as I said.
LeydeLuz said:
Hello. I am very very beginner in spiritual Satanism but I already read the JoS page. I want to start with a meditation program but my biggest question is how I should visualize correctly, should it be in the third person? or in the first person? And I also have the question of should I make visualizations with my eyes open or closed? And another question, how do I know if I'm doing it correctly? I did the dedication ritual a few months ago and I haven't started meditating yet, is there a problem with that? I have these little doubts that make me think a lot and I don't feel comfortable meditating with so many doubts, I also feel as if something is pushing me towards not meditating. And sorry for my english that is not very good. I would appreciate it very much if someone answers me.
1st person, 3rd person, both are fine. Whatever works for you.

Usually it's best to start out with eyes closed since it is easier to concentrate eyes shut. Once proficiency increases you can visualise eyes being open.

You know you are doing it correctly when you visualise what you want to visualise.

The problem is that you are not advancing. What you need to do to get started is to start by small things, and once those small things do not feel like much at all you progress with adding a little more.

Yes, there are definitely hostile entities that do not want none of us meditating. That however should not dissuade any of us.
Serbon said:
Kevin Hernandez said:
Serbon said:
It could be your bioelectricity

Could that cause the crawlies in my head and chest? Because ever since I was like 15, I've felt like wind blowing in my head or a spider crawling, and I thought it was my hair so I cut my hair only to feel the same thing. I heard that there is a obstacle near the crown or 3rd eye that the Kundalini needs to break through or else it just gets stuck there causing the crawlies. It could be that.
Could be, Im not sure tho. Try working on upper chakras more, try new things, and then write if it went away

Sure thing. I've been doing planetary squares (finished Saturn, working on Venus, Jupiter and Sun), doing the Lakshmi mantra, reading the stories of Hindu gods, the meditations for the chakras. I definitely been noticing the effects because I never been consistently in a happier mood for the longest until doing them and the RTRs definitely help.
What does Merkaba meditation exactly does? There is no specicific info no where describing it. I mean this one https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Star_of_Astaroth.html
I heard that a lot of members do only this exact med, and i Would like do that too.
What is your opinion on the google play logo? you guys say the freemasons in charge are supposed to be against satan not for him. so why did they put his sigil in their logo.
EnergyGem said:
What is your opinion on the google play logo? you guys say the freemasons in charge are supposed to be against satan not for him. so why did they put his sigil in their logo.

The same reason they use Ptah for the Emmys prize award: blasphemy against Satan and setting him up. Because they do human trafficking and all sorts of criminal activity and associate it with Satan to give Satan a bad rep. Its another reason why RTR and especially, undoing their scapegoat strategy is important, as they have a penchant for blaming all their sins onto others for them to pay on their behalf. Parasitism at its finest, except that ain't gonna work with Satan or his people. They're going to pay.
EnergyGem said:
What is your opinion on the google play logo? you guys say the freemasons in charge are supposed to be against satan not for him. so why did they put his sigil in their logo.

Are you christarded or something? They are different. This is the jewgle play store logo:

And this is the first of the two Satan's sigils:


Just because the upper part of the sigil is similar to the play store logo doesn't make them the same. It's not even very similar because on the actual sigil the two diagonal lines cross past the outer sides of the triangle while in the play store logo they don't. The lower part of Satan's sigil isn missing from the play store logo, and the upper part is rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise on the store logo. This upper part exists in hundreds of other geometrical designs, so by itself it isn't Satan's sigil.

And yes, to be Satan's sigil it has to be exactly the same. Especially the sigils of the Gods are very sensitive, even a small part missing gives off a different energy. If you have done meditation on Satan's sigil and on the jewgle play store you will see they give off a completely different energy.

What you are saying is as dumb as saying that a company using a right-angled "V" as a logo is a christian company because it uses a cross as a symbol.
Hello brothers and sisters. Long time lurker here but I have made an account in hopes someone can help me with a problem. Currently when I try to go into a deep trance or I do void meditation my right index finger gradually feels a sharp pain. I am unsure whether this might be due to some kind of blockage or from some unconscious attention I am giving it during my meditations.

If anyone had something similar happen to them or any idea why this might be happening I would greatly appreciate your advice.

Hail Satan!
Kevin Hernandez said:
Is it reccomend to listen to a Beej Mantra for certain planets when you go to sleep? For example, after meditating, I play a mantra for the Sun or Mars for example, and have me fall asleep to it and wake up to it, as it's a playlist for the planetary mantras. Will this help as far as strengthening weakened planets alongside me vibrating them daily during the day?
You have to consciously vibrate the mantras and direct the energy according to your will.
Does anyone have a clue why we only see the Greys and never the Reptilians? (At least I’ve never seen them)
Henu the Great said:
NinRick said:
Does anyone have a clue why we only see the Greys and never the Reptilians? (At least I’ve never seen them)
Because we deal with lesser beings, while our Superiors deal with superior beings.

I mean the reptilians could also just directly attack us, but they apparently let the greys do all the work.
Agreed, greys are lesser things, just look at them.
NinRick said:
Henu the Great said:
NinRick said:
Does anyone have a clue why we only see the Greys and never the Reptilians? (At least I’ve never seen them)
Because we deal with lesser beings, while our Superiors deal with superior beings.

I mean the reptilians could also just directly attack us, but they apparently let the greys do all the work.
Agreed, greys are lesser things, just look at them.
If I remember correctly some people have written having reptilian encounters. How real these were, is up for debate.

In any case, the ordeal of affairs as far as I know is that we take care of the lower level, and Ancients the higher level. This has also to do with learning. We get to learn, and we do this by fighting a sort of proxy war.
NinRick said:
Does anyone have a clue why we only see the Greys and never the Reptilians? (At least I’ve never seen them)

I had this exact same thought. I actually find it hard to believe when someone tells me they encountered a astral reptile. I mean if they are the boss of the greys can you imagine what such a entity would do to a human soul. The greys have advanced mind controlling abilities and I bet it takes a very powerful mind to protect yourself against it. The reptiles are ten to one much more advanced.I have never even read before that HPS Maxine or HP Cobra encountered a reptile before. I think there is a lot we still need to understand.
I'm not attacking the JoS but a month or so ago I thought we only had Jews greys and the reptilians.I found out for myself there are more things out there so why is there so little written about all the other astral enemies we have.
Look in my signature I found this article yesterday and a certain person can go suck it I was right.
now I actually am more aware that we are dealing with a lot more than that. Horrible creatures that feed off humans souls and the reality is shocking.
Hello siblings.

i want to collect evidence of all the times the government has abused human/animal rights. i will have all this evidence on a website, and make videos explaining them. the idea is to wake people up to the truth that the government isn't trustworthy right now.

I want your advice. Should i bother making this content for the world to see? all feedback is valuable
I'm new here and discover this website by chance. I read the BlackHooded Cobra 40-day prep. My question about void meditation. How would I know if 2 minutes of void meditation have passed? Any ideas? :?:
hi guys. someone told me there is a pantheon older than satan and the gods. is this true or false
Scorpion-Tail said:
I'm new here and discover this website by chance. I read the BlackHooded Cobra 40-day prep. My question about void meditation. How would I know if 2 minutes of void meditation have passed? Any ideas? :?:

It doesnt need to be EXACTLY 2 mins, just try your best.
Scorpion-Tail said:
How would I know if 2 minutes of void meditation have passed? Any ideas? :?:

Use a timer.

sola said:
hi guys. someone told me there is a pantheon older than satan and the gods. is this true or false

I'm not sure what he means by "pantheon", but there are definitely many beings older than Satan and the Gods since the universe is vast and existed almost forever. However, no other beings than Satan and the Gods guide us and help us transform ourselves to Godhood. Only Satan and the Gods are on humanity's side because they created us. Which is why we look to them and no other beings, no matter how old they claim to be.

Also, if that person is talking about beings in Sumerian mythology like Tiamat who supposedly existed before the Sumerian Gods like Enki/Satan, these beings are allegories and not real. It's very obvious from their stories. Tiamat in particular is just an allegory for the kundalini serpent.
Hello, I have a couple of questions about the information I read on the sites.
It is stupid to use the pentagram upside down because it should be directed downwards and infuse the earth, but elsewhere it says that the pyramid has so much power because it is directed upwards, I understand that the pentagram is not a pyramid, and there is probably a relationship to the elements, correct?

Also in the ways to attract money, it is said that the enemy has some stolen and very powerful techniques that he keeps secret, if there are people who can astral projection, why not "steal" them back, because if we possess the money we will have a much greater power.
Recycler1337 said:
It is stupid to use the pentagram upside down because it should be directed downwards and infuse the earth, but elsewhere it says that the pyramid has so much power because it is directed upwards, I understand that the pentagram is not a pyramid, and there is probably a relationship to the elements, correct?

Years ago a person asked questions about supposed "contradictions" in the JoS site and one of them was the pyramid and pentagram thing. HP Maxine's answer was that the pyramids are symbolic for the lower chakras which must be turned upwards to have power. The pentagram and the pyramids symbolize different things basically.

Recycler1337 said:
Also in the ways to attract money, it is said that the enemy has some stolen and very powerful techniques that he keeps secret, if there are people who can astral projection, why not "steal" them back, because if we possess the money we will have a much greater power.

We already have Satan and the Gods who teach us techniques even better than what the enemy has. We don't need to do such thing. Every technique the enemy has is nothing compared to what Satan can teach us. And what the website says is the enemy has held these techniques in their own hands and disempowered most of the population. In our days, most of these techniques have already already leaked even in New Age circles. Most of the techniques and knowledge that was kept secret in the Middle ages for example can be already found using a simple jewgle search. And they are much inferior than what Satan teaches us, I repeat.
How do i get into trance?? i have tried many times to meditate into a trance state but a always fail to get there, is there something im missing? Please help.
thank you and HAIL SATAN
How do i get into trance?? i have tried many times to meditate into a trance state but a always fail to get there, is there something im missing? Please help.
thank you and HAIL SATAN


First of all, don't be nervous! The place/time of Trans entry varies from person to person. To get there, you need a full level of relaxation. Breathe in for 6 counts, hold your breath for 6 counts, breathe out for 6 counts. That's pretty much it. Many people who start meditating get into a trance. You have to relax completely.

Once you're relaxed, you can go into trance. You won't even notice it, and you're in a trance. Good luck!
Recycler1337 said:
Hello, I have a couple of questions about the information I read on the sites.
It is stupid to use the pentagram upside down because it should be directed downwards and infuse the earth, but elsewhere it says that the pyramid has so much power because it is directed upwards, I understand that the pentagram is not a pyramid, and there is probably a relationship to the elements, correct?

Also in the ways to attract money, it is said that the enemy has some stolen and very powerful techniques that he keeps secret, if there are people who can astral projection, why not "steal" them back, because if we possess the money we will have a much greater power.

This is explained in https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Satanic_Symbols.html

We have those powerful techniques through Kabbalah and Sanskrit. They malformed our original teachings and turned them into something ugly. They use energy of death and despair through insidious rituals to generate their so called "wealth". Continue to read and you will see, a good start is https://kabbalahexposed.com/

Also, because they have had centuries of accumulation it is extremely competitive when it comes to generating wealth and riches.
So I have a chaotic mind and I read breathing in black light is good to gain control over your thoughts, should I breathe in black energy to control my chaotic thoughts?
One Wire Phenomenon said:
NinRick said:
Does anyone have a clue why we only see the Greys and never the Reptilians? (At least I’ve never seen them)

I had this exact same thought. I actually find it hard to believe when someone tells me they encountered a astral reptile. I mean if they are the boss of the greys can you imagine what such a entity would do to a human soul. The greys have advanced mind controlling abilities and I bet it takes a very powerful mind to protect yourself against it. The reptiles are ten to one much more advanced.I have never even read before that HPS Maxine or HP Cobra encountered a reptile before. I think there is a lot we still need to understand.
I'm not attacking the JoS but a month or so ago I thought we only had Jews greys and the reptilians.I found out for myself there are more things out there so why is there so little written about all the other astral enemies we have.
Look in my signature I found this article yesterday and a certain person can go suck it I was right.
now I actually am more aware that we are dealing with a lot more than that. Horrible creatures that feed off humans souls and the reality is shocking.

Yeah, Greys are disgusting and unpleasant fuckers, altho with Satan and the Demons on our side they can not do too much to us. Also with spiritual hygiene we can also deal with them to great extend, as far as self-protection is concerned.
How do i get into trance?? i have tried many times to meditate into a trance state but a always fail to get there, is there something im missing? Please help.
thank you and HAIL SATAN
Keep practicing, everything takes some time
Do not rush things, take your time :D
Hello :) I am new to the forums and believe I posted my question in the wrong forum, I was wondering if there are any specific rituals to do for December 23rd? JoS offers many rituals but I want to make sure we perform the right one :)
The Phantom Stranger said:
In energy breathing how do I not accidentally breathe in gray instead of silver?

Like silver and gray are quite close in color so I want to avoid gray death energy.

Silver will shine with itself. Gray will not.

Think of mercury or quicksilver, they are bright and vibrant.
Kevin Hernandez said:
Is it reccomend to listen to a Beej Mantra for certain planets when you go to sleep? For example, after meditating, I play a mantra for the Sun or Mars for example, and have me fall asleep to it and wake up to it, as it's a playlist for the planetary mantras. Will this help as far as strengthening weakened planets alongside me vibrating them daily during the day?

great question .
Any activities that i can do during sleep time to connect with the satan ?
Ludden174 said:
Unrelated question,

Due to covid 19, I had to take a smaller but still sufficiently paying job but, I have been feeling desperate because of rumors implying that new management (at my current job) is considering mandating vaccines to all employees and due to the weaponized science that went into the vaxx, I wish to become a hacker to gain agility and not to mention the profit from doing rather questionable things but I have literally zero skill at it so if anyone can give me link/s to hacking classes I will be more than happy to look at them. (I'm not a mentally insane person but I do feel rather weary from the prospect of being pushed around by international jewry and their goons, so I feel that making money from black market is a better alternative than being some hopeless drifter subject to subversive law)

Please excuse that little display of near paranoia but to update you on my current situation, my job hasn't done anything major with the vax for some reason (thank the gods for that).

Aside from doing my best to make things better in general (Been doing soul cleaning, AoP, void meditation, chakra spinning), I would like to receive input on what I should do next.
HailSatanHail1221666 said:
Hello :) I am new to the forums and believe I posted my question in the wrong forum, I was wondering if there are any specific rituals to do for December 23rd? JoS offers many rituals but I want to make sure we perform the right one :)

Unless otherwise posted it is up to you as an individual SS. You can perform the standard ritual if you'd like.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
