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This will be a long one, How would one overcome all the external pressure when one is on an extreme situation for survival.

Honestly, a number of us are suffering, like in my current situation with a lack of job, no money, no food, bills accumulating, fear of being homeless any moment, their is no internal peace due to all the pressure and most of all, the struggle of finding balance after you you've discovered all the lies you've been fed from an early age.

That's not all, even trying to meditate becomes more hard and hard as time goes on, but the desire to grow spiritually keeps on elevating but you are just stuck in a loop, It feels like a prison.

Making matters worse, I can't stop thinking of ways to help and grow the community, to serve and dedicate to the Gods. being a web developer Ideas keep on running in me but I have no way to make them come to life due to my current situation.

Any advice will be of huge help and what I should do.
Villainous said:
This will be a long one, How would one overcome all the external pressure when one is on an extreme situation for survival.

Honestly, a number of us are suffering, like in my current situation with a lack of job, no money, no food, bills accumulating, fear of being homeless any moment, their is no internal peace due to all the pressure and most of all, the struggle of finding balance after you you've discovered all the lies you've been fed from an early age.

That's not all, even trying to meditate becomes more hard and hard as time goes on, but the desire to grow spiritually keeps on elevating but you are just stuck in a loop, It feels like a prison.

Making matters worse, I can't stop thinking of ways to help and grow the community, to serve and dedicate to the Gods. being a web developer Ideas keep on running in me but I have no way to make them come to life due to my current situation.

Any advice will be of huge help and what I should do.

I've been there. Keep doing your best to advance spiritually and likewise you will grow materially. Also, if you're ready there is a Taurus moon coming; in which, you can definitely turn your financial situation around.

Don't underestimate your ability to overcome. Your lack of job can be easily turned around with unrelenting persistence, even if you have the flip burgers until you find something better. There is always a solution to a problem, that is the law.

Best of luck
Villainous said:
This will be a long one, How would one overcome all the external pressure when one is on an extreme situation for survival.

Honestly, a number of us are suffering, like in my current situation with a lack of job, no money, no food, bills accumulating, fear of being homeless any moment, their is no internal peace due to all the pressure and most of all, the struggle of finding balance after you you've discovered all the lies you've been fed from an early age.

That's not all, even trying to meditate becomes more hard and hard as time goes on, but the desire to grow spiritually keeps on elevating but you are just stuck in a loop, It feels like a prison.

Making matters worse, I can't stop thinking of ways to help and grow the community, to serve and dedicate to the Gods. being a web developer Ideas keep on running in me but I have no way to make them come to life due to my current situation.

Any advice will be of huge help and what I should do.

I cannot give you the advice that others wiser here could give you, but I can tell you that your intentions are great and this does you honor ... talking about your situation in my opinion maybe you should change something in your life, maybe you should think first to you with your situation that you have and then contribute here, in the meantime you could mark the ideas that come to you for the future if they are compatible
Does the Wealth and Prosperity for Satanists Ritual go for anyone who is dedicated or does one also have to be a member of the site?
FlameGhost said:
Does the Wealth and Prosperity for Satanists Ritual go for anyone who is dedicated or does one also have to be a member of the site?
"All the members of the Joy of Satan Ministries, Dedicated to Lord Satan by blood, advancing in this Spiritual Path

Also in the opening prayer: assist us in the direction of this blessed energy on your dedicated people linked by bond of blood, and the whole Joy of Satan members, of all ranks and levels in accordance to your Will and Power, and Service!"
Henu the Great said:
FlameGhost said:
Does the Wealth and Prosperity for Satanists Ritual go for anyone who is dedicated or does one also have to be a member of the site?
"All the members of the Joy of Satan Ministries, Dedicated to Lord Satan by blood, advancing in this Spiritual Path

Also in the opening prayer: assist us in the direction of this blessed energy on your dedicated people linked by bond of blood, and the whole Joy of Satan members, of all ranks and levels in accordance to your Will and Power, and Service!"

Thank you for the reply. I was worried if my boyfriend would also recieve the same benifits and I thought that the "Joy of Satan Ministries" meant the forum here, I did search a bit after and realized that it did have "Joy of Satan Ministries" on the main JOS site. I guess I should wait at least 30 minutes and think everything over and check everything before making a post.
Henu the Great said:
FlameGhost said:
Does the Wealth and Prosperity for Satanists Ritual go for anyone who is dedicated or does one also have to be a member of the site?
"All the members of the Joy of Satan Ministries, Dedicated to Lord Satan by blood, advancing in this Spiritual Path

Also in the opening prayer: assist us in the direction of this blessed energy on your dedicated people linked by bond of blood, and the whole Joy of Satan members, of all ranks and levels in accordance to your Will and Power, and Service!"

Thank you for the reply. I was worried if my boyfriend would also recieve the same benifits and I thought that the "Joy of Satan Ministries" meant the forum here, I did search a bit after and realized that it did have "Joy of Satan Ministries" on the main JOS site. I guess I should wait at least 30 minutes and think everything over and check everything before making a post.
Hi everyone!

I hope I find answers and some understanding here, do not be so harsh, please. Also, excuse me for my english, it is not my mother tongue.

I joined JoS a few years ago as a teen. I lived my life as an atheist before, but suddenly I had an urgent feeling to find my God/Gods. I have always hated Christianity but even like that I started to look for info about all the popular religions I knew, like Christianity, Islam, and so on, but they scared me away with all the rules they had and what they said. Then I found JoS and everything just clicked. I did the dedication and started to work on myself. However, something happened and I went astray really bad. I could come up with excuses but I will not, no matter how old I was the blame is mine so is the shit I have gotten myself into, but to sum up I left Satanism and joined Islam, I also married and have a daughter now. I actually successfully convinced myself during these years that what I am doing has sense and it should be like that, but I could never practise the religion because there was another part of me saying this is not good. This all left to emptiness and depression, self-blame until I have had enough and stopped it completely, I am not even trying no more. My husband is not a practising muslim either so I am in an easier situation than others however, any kind of satanism would freak him out. I am full of shame and regret, but after a long time of break I would like to reconnect with Father Satan, I am just not sure if I am going to be accepted again. I know it is not enough to apologise, I get that and it makes sense...anyway, in such a case, should I do the dedication again or the first one is valid no matter what? I hope no one falls into the stupidity I did, and thank you for your answers.
One dedication is enough.

You realized your error, and so now is the time to make corrective measures. That is all there is to it.

In case you lack privacy you can resort to privacy friendly methods of meditations, such as visualisation, mantras in mind, pranyama and so on. Also you could try to set up time so that you are undistrurbed and once that is the case, then you can recite mantras and so forth without worry.
I don't know where to post it so I'm posting here.
My mom restricts me too much. I'm 14 years old and I hate her.He suspects that I am a satanist 🙂🙂.I already am.
Can I kill him with magic? Or can I cast a binding spell on it?
If the answer is yes, could you please tell me how to do it with the recipe?
please enlighten me
İ m New said:
I don't know where to post it so I'm posting here.
My mom restricts me too much. I'm 14 years old and I hate her.He suspects that I am a satanist 🙂🙂.I already am.
Can I kill him with magic? Or can I cast a binding spell on it?
If the answer is yes, could you please tell me how to do it with the recipe?
please enlighten me
You need to understand why she does this. She loves you and she sees Satanism as something wrong and therefore she is trying to prevent you from getting harmed. Of course there's absolutely nothing wrong with Satanism, but that's what she was led to believe by the jewish influenced society. This is not a reason for her life to be taken from her like that. You would regret this choice when you are older and wiser.

Also Black Magick is one of the most advanced disciplines and you'd probably get yourself killed instead because there are many factors you are not aware of and don't comprehend yet. It's not as simple as following a recipe like the nonsense you see on movies.

Instead, you can learn what Spiritual Satanism is all about at the Joy of Satan website and in time when you are older, have freed yourself from the enemy doctrines and have more credibility, you can explain it to her, deprogramming her from jewish related programs. For now, study hard, and do your meditations as privately as you can so you can elevate your soul and grow spiritually but also in knowledge so you can one day teach your mom and others as well. Lay low and keep this to yourself.

Do not mention my name nor my attributes, lest ye regret it; for ye do not know what those who are without may do.
Father Satan, Al Jilwah
İ m New said:
I don't know where to post it so I'm posting here.
My mom restricts me too much. I'm 14 years old and I hate her.He suspects that I am a satanist 🙂🙂.I already am.
Can I kill him with magic? Or can I cast a binding spell on it?
If the answer is yes, could you please tell me how to do it with the recipe?
please enlighten me
She does these restrictions because she thinks it is good for you. Do not tell hervabout Satanism!
If your situation is so hard, practice Satanism when she isnt there or when she is asleep
İ m New said:
I don't know where to post it so I'm posting here.
My mom restricts me too much. I'm 14 years old and I hate her.He suspects that I am a satanist 🙂🙂.I already am.
Can I kill him with magic? Or can I cast a binding spell on it?
If the answer is yes, could you please tell me how to do it with the recipe?
please enlighten me

I don't know what you are doing now, but what you are doing is wrong. How did you even think of that? You shouldn't be doing this at 14. I don't know where you got that idea in your head... You want some clarification? Okay, fine.

Mothers play a very important role in your life, they work tirelessly to make sure their child is okay. What's limiting you? Is it so rude that you would do what you wrote down? I'm sure he's just trying protect you... ( although I don't know what it is that is limiting you that is affecting you so negatively ). Not to mention their job, they work to give their child the best, they do their best. Respect To All Moms! , Respect For All Women!

Im not directing what I write against you, I'm just saying think about what you're trying to do. It's not right in any way.

Think, do the 40-day meditation program, do empty meditation, grow! Don't do anything stupid! Besides, what you are asking is not right. It is not proper to do such things, especially not to Him! Have you even thought rationally about what you want to do? I hope you only wrote what you wrote out of thoughtlessness. Think! If you don't like something, say so, discuss it. She's the one you can count on, she always wants the best for you. When in doubt, think about what she does for you and you'll see.
BlackOnyx8 said:
İ m New said:
I don't know where to post it so I'm posting here.
My mom restricts me too much. I'm 14 years old and I hate her.He suspects that I am a satanist 🙂🙂.I already am.
Can I kill him with magic? Or can I cast a binding spell on it?
If the answer is yes, could you please tell me how to do it with the recipe?
please enlighten me
You need to understand why she does this. She loves you and she sees Satanism as something wrong and therefore she is trying to prevent you from getting harmed. Of course there's absolutely nothing wrong with Satanism, but that's what she was led to believe by the jewish influenced society. This is not a reason for her life to be taken from her like that. You would regret this choice when you are older and wiser.

Also Black Magick is one of the most advanced disciplines and you'd probably get yourself killed instead because there are many factors you are not aware of and don't comprehend yet. It's not as simple as following a recipe like the nonsense you see on movies.

Instead, you can learn what Spiritual Satanism is all about at the Joy of Satan website and in time when you are older, have freed yourself from the enemy doctrines and have more credibility, you can explain it to her, deprogramming her from jewish related programs. For now, study hard, and do your meditations as privately as you can so you can elevate your soul and grow spiritually but also in knowledge so you can one day teach your mom and others as well. Lay low and keep this to yourself.

Do not mention my name nor my attributes, lest ye regret it; for ye do not know what those who are without may do.
Father Satan, Al Jilwah

I understand what you are saying, but for my improvement, he must not interfere with me.
Can't I at least hook it up?
İ m New said:
BlackOnyx8 said:
İ m New said:
I don't know where to post it so I'm posting here.
My mom restricts me too much. I'm 14 years old and I hate her.He suspects that I am a satanist 🙂🙂.I already am.
Can I kill him with magic? Or can I cast a binding spell on it?
If the answer is yes, could you please tell me how to do it with the recipe?
please enlighten me
You need to understand why she does this. She loves you and she sees Satanism as something wrong and therefore she is trying to prevent you from getting harmed. Of course there's absolutely nothing wrong with Satanism, but that's what she was led to believe by the jewish influenced society. This is not a reason for her life to be taken from her like that. You would regret this choice when you are older and wiser.

Also Black Magick is one of the most advanced disciplines and you'd probably get yourself killed instead because there are many factors you are not aware of and don't comprehend yet. It's not as simple as following a recipe like the nonsense you see on movies.

Instead, you can learn what Spiritual Satanism is all about at the Joy of Satan website and in time when you are older, have freed yourself from the enemy doctrines and have more credibility, you can explain it to her, deprogramming her from jewish related programs. For now, study hard, and do your meditations as privately as you can so you can elevate your soul and grow spiritually but also in knowledge so you can one day teach your mom and others as well. Lay low and keep this to yourself.

Do not mention my name nor my attributes, lest ye regret it; for ye do not know what those who are without may do.
Father Satan, Al Jilwah

I understand what you are saying, but for my improvement, he must not interfere with me.
Can't I at least hook it up?

You're just misguided right now. Try and direct her attention away from Satanism and have her belief your faith is just eastern religion like Shaivism. That way you can explain the Yoga, meditation, and pranayama.
Hi brothers and sisters, i'm new to Satanism, and i have a question that i know to be trivial, but has been bugging me a lot.
I've done the Dedication ritual, but due to complications mostly due to my family, i couldn't get any blood on the paper, i've read that the amount of blood is only a formality, but also that it represents the very act of bonding your soul. Is the ritual still valid? Or should i do it again the proper way?

Thank you for your patience and time, dark blessings to all of you
Chrom666 said:
Hi brothers and sisters, i'm new to Satanism, and i have a question that i know to be trivial, but has been bugging me a lot.
I've done the Dedication ritual, but due to complications mostly due to my family, i couldn't get any blood on the paper, i've read that the amount of blood is only a formality, but also that it represents the very act of bonding your soul. Is the ritual still valid? Or should i do it again the proper way?

Thank you for your patience and time, dark blessings to all of you

You don't have to repeat it again. It's your heart felt intention that Satan notices.
Chrom666 said:
Hi brothers and sisters, i'm new to Satanism, and i have a question that i know to be trivial, but has been bugging me a lot.
I've done the Dedication ritual, but due to complications mostly due to my family, i couldn't get any blood on the paper, i've read that the amount of blood is only a formality, but also that it represents the very act of bonding your soul. Is the ritual still valid? Or should i do it again the proper way?

Thank you for your patience and time, dark blessings to all of you

Do not worry and do not doubt this, it is still valid.
The ritual itself, is both a formality and also a test of character, with this you show Satan, that you really and truly want to be of him, and that you really mean what you say.

Satan is incredibly powerful, and knows everything what is going on in the universe, so by that he also know everything about you. Your past, present ans future, and also everything that makes you, you, including your intentions, feelings and character.

What is in your heart, really is what is most important, not even blood. Because this is only a formality, and a test of character.

So do not worry.
Welcome into the family and good luck on your path!

Hail Satan!
Hae.i remember doing the dedication ritual but forgot to sign in with my name and signed it with my signature.is it OK if you forgot to sign in with your name and signed it with signature.
I have been working on my astral senses for a while. But today I felt itchy that I really wanted to scratch it but I couldn’t as the itchy feeling came from inside. Why was that? I had this feeling before, it was during aoc and aop.
Shael said:
FlameGhost said:
Alright, the odd thing is I haven't found another source for it online, but. " https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Eight_Gates " It seems to be refering to something like that, but the person describes it differently.

01:10]: After you cleared your mind and relaxed you can begin opening a gate
[01:13] : I good place to start is from your stomach
[01:14] : And then moveing up a gate at a time until you reach your forhead
01:14] : Each gate basicly is gonna take focus and a special way for unlocking
04:29] : Once your past a gate you usely should feel something new, behind the first gate is a chakrapoint connected to your guts that if you get to control then you should be able freely control them like me

So yes, I'm sorry I don't really not have any site in particular other than the text from this person. So basically as you have 7 chakras there are 7 gates that have to be open before you can get to opening or using your chakras It's been about 3 years since and I still haven't found out much more about it, so yes; I hope you can look into this and find out more about it. I'm happy that you could help me with this. Many thanks.
This seems to be nothing more than a corrupted, watered-down version of simple chakra opening and empowerment.

Read the JoS website. It has tons of knowledge on it including meditations on opening your chakras. https://satanisgod.org

Also check the link in my signature to the "40 day meditation program" by HP. Hoodedcobra666. It includes this chakra opening as well.

A bit after we last talked about this I have done a bit more of each and have started doing regular RTRs. I just looked backed through and realised about the rest that this person was talking about. Which is "Gather all your body energi in your stomach. And then move it up slowly true each gate. A gate will feel like a baricate stopping it". And that is before what I mentioned in that last bit. Honestly I'm doing work now to remove connections with this person because I already have a good idea from what I know now as to what this could be for and what this person is. So to summarize, "Gather all your energy for me Goyim" I guess what I can ask now is if there is anything else that I should do besides continuing the RTRs, vibrating the Runes Algis, Sowilo, and Tyr. Along with imagining blue flames and vibrating Satanas and Satanama?
homeraee said:
I have been working on my astral senses for a while. But today I felt itchy that I really wanted to scratch it but I couldn’t as the itchy feeling came from inside. Why was that? I had this feeling before, it was during aoc and aop.

It could be your bioelectricity
Serbon said:
homeraee said:
I have been working on my astral senses for a while. But today I felt itchy that I really wanted to scratch it but I couldn’t as the itchy feeling came from inside. Why was that? I had this feeling before, it was during aoc and aop.

It could be your bioelectricity

Could that cause the crawlies in my head and chest? Because ever since I was like 15, I've felt like wind blowing in my head or a spider crawling, and I thought it was my hair so I cut my hair only to feel the same thing. I heard that there is a obstacle near the crown or 3rd eye that the Kundalini needs to break through or else it just gets stuck there causing the crawlies. It could be that.
I have just started learning about Satanism and I have a some questions regarding it. For some context I come from a VERY Christian background. My family are all different sects but all fall under Protestants. I even attended a Christian school for a couple years. I believed strongly when I was little but as I got older I felt like "God", or Yahweh as I call him now, wasn't an all good being like he said he was. How could a morally perfect being create evil and why set humanity up to fail for nothing more than his own glory. So for a long time I just said I was spiritual, part of me believed he existed but I also refused to stand for what he stood for as I felt it was wrong. Anyway, my boyfriend is a Satanist and I have began to dive into my own spirituality as a result. Something about Satanism is everything that Yahweh wasn't for me but there is still a lot of fear surrounding it. Does anyone have good advice for me? Stuff I should look into and read? Also is Satan omnipotent and omnipresent as Christians are taught Yahweh is? What are Satan goals? What does he want? Are demons something I should be afraid of? Who is Yahweh then? Is he pure evil as he made Satan out to be or is it more he like a human in that regard? I'm still to afraid to let him talk to me directly. He seems to be respectful of that and has even said a few things to my boyfriend regarding me. I think my biggest issue is that yes I can see how Yahweh is a liar but what stops Satan from doing the same?
Kevin Hernandez said:
Serbon said:
homeraee said:
I have been working on my astral senses for a while. But today I felt itchy that I really wanted to scratch it but I couldn’t as the itchy feeling came from inside. Why was that? I had this feeling before, it was during aoc and aop.

It could be your bioelectricity

Could that cause the crawlies in my head and chest? Because ever since I was like 15, I've felt like wind blowing in my head or a spider crawling, and I thought it was my hair so I cut my hair only to feel the same thing. I heard that there is a obstacle near the crown or 3rd eye that the Kundalini needs to break through or else it just gets stuck there causing the crawlies. It could be that.
Could be, Im not sure tho. Try working on upper chakras more, try new things, and then write if it went away
Faithiegirl1 said:
I have just started learning about Satanism and I have a some questions regarding it. For some context I come from a VERY Christian background. My family are all different sects but all fall under Protestants. I even attended a Christian school for a couple years. I believed strongly when I was little but as I got older I felt like "God", or Yahweh as I call him now, wasn't an all good being like he said he was. How could a morally perfect being create evil and why set humanity up to fail for nothing more than his own glory. So for a long time I just said I was spiritual, part of me believed he existed but I also refused to stand for what he stood for as I felt it was wrong. Anyway, my boyfriend is a Satanist and I have began to dive into my own spirituality as a result. Something about Satanism is everything that Yahweh wasn't for me but there is still a lot of fear surrounding it. Does anyone have good advice for me? Stuff I should look into and read? Also is Satan omnipotent and omnipresent as Christians are taught Yahweh is? What are Satan goals? What does he want? Are demons something I should be afraid of? Who is Yahweh then? Is he pure evil as he made Satan out to be or is it more he like a human in that regard? I'm still to afraid to let him talk to me directly. He seems to be respectful of that and has even said a few things to my boyfriend regarding me. I think my biggest issue is that yes I can see how Yahweh is a liar but what stops Satan from doing the same?
1. Read the whole joyofsatan.org website
2. No, the abrahamic definition of "all-powerful" being is corrupted. If Satan was all-powerful the world would be a much better place. Satan is the greatest of all Gods, but there is no being in the universe that is all-powerful. And yeah you could say he is omnipresent, but in a spiritual sense
3. Yahweh is a thoughtform created by enemies of the mankind and the Gods. The enemies are the reptiles, the greys (angels) and the jews
4. A thoughtform that has purpose to enslave us
5. What stops Satan from lying? Why would he even lie to us, research what he all went through for us, for his children. All the promises he made, he respected them and did as he said. He is giving us the truth, we all are proof of this
Kevin Hernandez said:
Serbon said:
homeraee said:
I have been working on my astral senses for a while. But today I felt itchy that I really wanted to scratch it but I couldn’t as the itchy feeling came from inside. Why was that? I had this feeling before, it was during aoc and aop.

It could be your bioelectricity

Could that cause the crawlies in my head and chest? Because ever since I was like 15, I've felt like wind blowing in my head or a spider crawling, and I thought it was my hair so I cut my hair only to feel the same thing. I heard that there is a obstacle near the crown or 3rd eye that the Kundalini needs to break through or else it just gets stuck there causing the crawlies. It could be that.
I would make an educated guess that those are blockages. I think you know what to do about those, rigth? :)
Henu the Great said:
Kevin Hernandez said:
Serbon said:
It could be your bioelectricity

Could that cause the crawlies in my head and chest? Because ever since I was like 15, I've felt like wind blowing in my head or a spider crawling, and I thought it was my hair so I cut my hair only to feel the same thing. I heard that there is a obstacle near the crown or 3rd eye that the Kundalini needs to break through or else it just gets stuck there causing the crawlies. It could be that.
I would make an educated guess that those are blockages. I think you know what to do about those, rigth? :)

Yes. I've been working on those meditations and planetary squares. They definitely been helping.
On my natal chart, my eighth house sun is very tightly conjunct with Algol. I have read that the natal sun conjunct Algol predicts a violent death, and the eighth house is also associated with death in astrology. How concerned should I be about this, and is there anything I can do to offset such an unfortunate astrological placement?
Faithiegirl1 said:
Anyway, my boyfriend is a Satanist and I have began to dive into my own spirituality as a result.

Please note that we're our own type of Satanists and we're not affiliated with others who claim to be Satanists. Most others are fakes who give Satan a bad name. I don't know what type of Satanist your boyfriend is, but there's a good test to find out: Does he do power meditation every day? If not, he's not our type of Satanist and therefore a fake Satanist. If he doesn't know what "power meditation" is, it's even worse, it's a dead giveaway he's a fake Satanist. Power meditation is the most important thing in our type of Satanism. Another question you can ask him: does he know who Enki is? If not, he's most cerainly a fake Satanist and not our type (Enki is Satan's Sumerian name, since Satan is an ancient Pagan God and not a christian invention. Also Satan has other names in Ancient mythologies like Odin, Shiva, Poseidon e.t.c.).

Faithiegirl1 said:
Does anyone have good advice for me? Stuff I should look into and read?

Yes, the Joy of Satan website.

Faithiegirl1 said:
Also is Satan omnipotent and omnipresent as Christians are taught Yahweh is?

No, because Satan isn't a formless spook, but a Nordic extraterrestrial being with a physical body. That's why he's a real concrete being with whom you can communicate and not an abstract force.

Faithiegirl1 said:
What are Satan goals? What does he want?

He's the creator of humanity and our teacher who help us transform ourselves and become Gods like Him.

Faithiegirl1 said:
Are demons something I should be afraid of?

The word Demons is another name which refers to our Ancient Pagan Gods, as Satan is one. For example Azazel is the Greek God Apollo (High Priest Hoodedcobra wrote a recent post about that). They also guide us and protect us and help us advance spiritually. A Dedicated Satanist also has a Guardian Demon. For more info you should read the Demons section in the JoS website.

Faithiegirl1 said:
Who is Yahweh then?

It can be any of those things:

  • A thoughtform
  • A collective of enemy greys and reptilians
  • The jews as a collective

Faithiegirl1 said:
I think my biggest issue is that yes I can see how Yahweh is a liar but what stops Satan from doing the same?

Satanism isn't really a blind faith religion and it's not about blindly worshiping a being. You're supposed to question everyone, even Satan. From our experiences, Satan has never lied to us. However, there are enemy beings who pretend to be Satan and usually contact people who have the enemy misconceptions about Satan, or christians in order to scare them into becoming more faithful into their hoax religion. These beings may lie, and may pretend to be Satan or any of our Demons to deceive people but they aren't Satan or any of our Gods/Demons, but enemies of Satan who impersonate them.
Hello, can you tell me please, between magical works, whether affirmations or rituals should pass no more than 24 hours or just necessarily need to do the next day regardless of the number of hours difference.
Let's say if I did the first day of affirmations at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and the next day I did at 5 o'clock in the evening, all is normal or I have missed a day and should begin again?
Hi, I am a new member! I love what is written by the patrons of the website! Thank you for the article on 'YOGA' ! I will forward it to a friend who is confused after a few encounters with our God. It is timely and so true!

I am here to share my experiences and meet others in the left path. I know that each of us had personal contacts by Satan and that brings us together here. This is my recollection of my first contact with him, as far as I remember I was newborn and that memory just became light into my conscience as soon as I learn to talk! I rediscovered two years ago the reality of this in my life just before they lock down our nations, he appeared in all glory, telling me a lot of souls would be called back.

He comes with 5 proposals as you refuse the first one he will make a second one etc, he makes a pact with your soul the very thing which animates your body 1. Powers of strength in battles over others 2. Powers of destruction and rule over others 3. Powers of a multitude of demons to help you 4. Powers of Odin, the light behind the mask (Satan), Odin comes with a warning: you refuse me? no one would ever do that, I will give you everything, I wont propose this again if you refuse, 5. Power of seeing God, to be enlightened and succeed in the quest for the ultimate light and be raised to the highest honors, your soul cannot refuse this. At this point Satan is inside you, the light itself which was behind the mask.

To do rituals I draw the geometric figures which were shown to me to extend to the infinite, 9 figures perfectly revolving into each another, built of like 'rainbow bridge' material, 3 circles, 3 triangles, 3 circles of a specific color.
Recycler1337 said:
Hello, can you tell me please, between magical works, whether affirmations or rituals should pass no more than 24 hours or just necessarily need to do the next day regardless of the number of hours difference.
Let's say if I did the first day of affirmations at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and the next day I did at 5 o'clock in the evening, all is normal or I have missed a day and should begin again?
Day changes at the sunrise. Nighttime begins when the Sun sets.

With this in mind, due to axis of Earth being tilted, days vary in length.

You can use ChronosXP desktop app to see planetary hours of location of your choice, and also duration of day and night time. There must be other options available also, namely websites, but I have not investigated since I use that software and it takes care of that need.

In conclusion, you do one working per day with this information. It's also not a big deal when you do on occasion some parts of your routine before sunrise, for example, yoga or pranyama, when you would normally do them after sunrise. When it's not a working this timing aspect is not as important.
Hello! Please excuse my Grammar and English, As it is not my first language. I am fairly new to Satanism. I found out about Satanism through a music genre called ‘Sigilkore’. I was listening to the song ‘Ave Domina Lilith’ by 4jay x Luci4. This man claims to be Lucifer, and he claims his girlfriend as Lilith. Is this wrong? Also, as I was scrolling through the comment section, a lot of people were pointing out how the song has magick / ‘hexes’? I went onto his Instagram and he’s legit claiming to be Lucifer himself. Is this wrong??

2nd Question. Why am I seeing dark figures in my dreams? Every other dream I have I’m either being held down by these dark figures and being pulled my hair, etc. It feels physical, like it actually hurts. Whenever I wake up, I’m sweating and or hyperventilating. It’s crazy. Why does this happen? Am I being sent a sign? What exactly does this mean?

3rd Question. What do I do if I’m a school fool of jews? I hate them. They make my blood boil. My teacher, and a few students I sit with are jew. The teacher even started talking about jew ‘religion’.

Final Question. Is race mixing okay? I Am in love with a white male as a black (French) american. He’s honestly very sweet and my feelings for him is deep. My skin tone is quite light though so I assume it will not be a problem? Or will it? I’m so undecided.

Thank you if you all are able to answer my questions! It means a lot to me!
Idyelle said:
He comes with 5 proposals as you refuse the first one he will make a second one etc, he makes a pact with your soul the very thing which animates your body 1. Powers of strength in battles over others 2. Powers of destruction and rule over others 3. Powers of a multitude of demons to help you 4. Powers of Odin, the light behind the mask (Satan), Odin comes with a warning: you refuse me? no one would ever do that, I will give you everything, I wont propose this again if you refuse, 5. Power of seeing God, to be enlightened and succeed in the quest for the ultimate light and be raised to the highest honors, your soul cannot refuse this. At this point Satan is inside you, the light itself which was behind the mask.

To do rituals I draw the geometric figures which were shown to me to extend to the infinite, 9 figures perfectly revolving into each another, built of like 'rainbow bridge' material, 3 circles, 3 triangles, 3 circles of a specific color.
This is total bullshit and is just the result of your immagination.
delicatefeels said:
I found out about Satanism through a music genre called ‘Sigilkore’. I was listening to the song ‘Ave Domina Lilith’ by 4jay x Luci4. This man claims to be Lucifer, and he claims his girlfriend as Lilith. Is this wrong? Also, as I was scrolling through the comment section, a lot of people were pointing out how the song has magick / ‘hexes’? I went onto his Instagram and he’s legit claiming to be Lucifer himself. Is this wrong??

Yep, it's total BS. Satan is his own being living in another planet and not any human on earth. Same with Lilith. Magick isn't some degenerate rap song, but has to do with using the powers of your mind. I looked up the lyrics of that song you mentioned and I'm convinced this was written by a person with very low IQ. It's "nigga" this and "nigga" that. His other songs are pretty much the same: "nigga" this, "bitch" that e.t.c. I highly doubt that person is intelligent enough to embed magick in his songs.

delicatefeels said:
Why am I seeing dark figures in my dreams? Every other dream I have I’m either being held down by these dark figures and being pulled my hair, etc. It feels physical, like it actually hurts. Whenever I wake up, I’m sweating and or hyperventilating. It’s crazy. Why does this happen? Am I being sent a sign? What exactly does this mean?

It could be enemy beings. Make sure you do the protection meditation.

delicatefeels said:
What do I do if I’m a school fool of jews? I hate them. They make my blood boil. My teacher, and a few students I sit with are jew. The teacher even started talking about jew ‘religion’.

You can do nothing except protecting yourself spiritually and tolerating the entire thing. Unless you can convince your parents to send you to a different school.

delicatefeels said:
Is race mixing okay? I Am in love with a white male as a black (French) american. He’s honestly very sweet and my feelings for him is deep. My skin tone is quite light though so I assume it will not be a problem? Or will it? I’m so undecided.

It's may confuse your soul. However, since we don't have any extended rules or dogma in Satanism, I'm not telling you what to do about that, it's your decision whether to love him or leave him. We don't force anything here.

If a person is your soulmate, you will know that because you will have zero obsessiveness/possessiveness toward him. You will have a deeper connection with him and not just an obsessive feeling. You will not fear losing him because you will know deep inside you that it will be impossible to lose him. You won't be jealous or anything.

If your have lots of jealousy and possessiveness about that person, then this isn't anything more than a superficial obsession which will most likely end in a bad/destructive way as all obsessive relationships do.

I've noticed that most interracial relationships have this obsessive feeling. It's very rare that your soulmate would be a person from another race. I've never seen anything like that myself. I've seen interracial couples who claim to be soulmates, but they leave each other pretty soon.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
