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Academic Scholar said:
Osiris Silvio said:
Does anyone have information about this (forged) speech allegedly by Himmler?
Can you tell me whether Himmler really made that speech and why isn't there any refutation for it on the internet? How can we refute it?
In Nazi Germany Homosexuality Was Never An Issue - Heinrich Himmler

This book proves that Hitler and Nazi Germany accepted homosexuality: https://web.archive.org/web/20201101142512/https://electrodes.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/the_pink_swastika_lively__abrams_1995_4th_edition.pdf

Thank you
GoldenxChild1 said:
I'm doing an Aura of Protection and was wondering if this layout is acceptable

30 REPS - Algiz
AUM *9
It's legit.

Altough, I would prefer number 8 more. And you could add another AUM at the beginning between SATANAS and affirmation.
Henu the Great said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
I'm doing an Aura of Protection and was wondering if this layout is acceptable

30 REPS - Algiz
AUM *9
It's legit.

Altough, I would prefer number 8 more. And you could add another AUM at the beginning between SATANAS and affirmation.

I only started today; therefore, it's probably okay to switch to 8 and incorporate the extra AUM. I'll just start counting from tomorrow. Thanks Henu
Akay Alaz said:
How can ı keep him away from me?
You could program your aura to repel him and keep him away:
For keeping unwanted individuals away:
Breathe in white light like the Sun. White light reflects and repels.
“My aura is repelling, [inspire fear/dread] in _______, and keeping ________far away from me at all times.”
Source: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AURA.html

It sounds like you should also do these workings:

How to Detach Unwanted People/Entities from Your Aura:

How To Free Your Soul From Enemy Influences by HP HoodedCobra

PURPOSE: This will help cut off bad links from past lives, present incarnation, people you could have linked ‘involuntarily' like when you were drunk or when you had sex with somebody.

1. Breathe in blue Satanic energy into your chakra.

2. Vibrate ANSUZ or UR 9 times in the chakra you feel is linked in some way to the enemy or if you feel your chakra being drained of energy out of nowhere.

3. Affirm 9 times: “The energy of the _[rune you chose]_ is now freeing my ____ chakra from all connections and influences of the enemies of Satan, eternally and completely, NOW.”

4. Feel the chakra vibrating and engulf it in blue Satanic fire. Imagine all links on the chakra getting burned and your chakra becoming bright as a blue Sun, or whitegold. You can do this for all your chakras, so that would be 9x7. You can do more than x9 vibrations.

How to pronounce the runes:

How to breathe in energy:

Diagram of the chakras by Dahaarkan: https://archive.is/QZ7Lk

Original working: https://web.archive.org/web/20160506025546/http:/dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Hphoodedcobra666vol1.pdf (page 50)
Emotional Healing Working by Lydia

START: Waning moon in Scorpio, Cancer or Pisces. Never start this working during the void of course moon.

1. Raise your energies: https://archive.fo/nLuwC
2. Vibrate WUNJO (or it’s variations such as VIN) 40 times or 88 times.
3. Affirm 9 times:
“In a positive and healthy manner for me, the energies of [WUNJO or variation of] are totally and completely healing me from any and all psychological, mental and emotional damage and pain forever.”

Do this everyday for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days.

How to pronounce WUNJO:

Complete SS Calendar For 2021
Working To Remove Negative People From Your Life

START: Waning Moon in Scorpio, Pisces or Capricorn. The best time to start this is as close to the new moon as possible. Never start this working during the Void of Course moon.

1. Raise your energies: https://archive.fo/nLuwC
2. Vibrate MUNKA, ANSUZ or THURISAZ 40 times.
3. Affirm 9 times: "In a positive and healthy manner for me, I am eternally free from any and all negative, toxic, and harmful people."

Do this everyday for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days.

How to pronounce ANSUZ or THURISAZ: https://mega.nz/file/KB8y2bzJ#4cTLSB26DB09-HfBhhXXZNjsDsb7y2Ac6WWYJqn5LXI

How to pronounce MUNKA: https://archive.is/87FxL

Complete SS Calendar For 2021
Can Runes change one's mind?
If yes, which runes?
I need to know this, I might have to take the Pfizer vaccine
Nazista lunar said:
Renascendo das cinzas said:

Boa tarde à todos. Desculpem quaisquer erros, minha língua natal é português e eu mal aprendi a mexer no site ainda...

Eu me inscrevi no site a pouco tempo, porém acompanho o site de vocês há alguns anos nesses meus altos e baixos (encontrei o site porém só lia ele, agora que estou começando a seguir realmente). Inicialmente tive um preconceito muito grande em relação ao que li no site pelo que era dito dos nazistas. Voltei e deixei de ler o site várias vezes pelo mesmo motivo mas acho que existe um Demônio que me acompanha e não me deixa sossegar se eu não fizer o que devo kkk ele me fez voltar por várias vezes ao mesmo site por varios meios diferentes até o muro da minha mente cair e eu enxergar a verdade. Apesar de nunca ter sido uma cristã fervorosa eu fui criada em uma familia cristã, mas dentro do meu coração eu sempre soube que esse não era o jeito correto de viver. E pasmem, sempre blasfemei a Jeová. Ex: Eu dizia que o odiava, pelejava contra ele em vários palavrões e semelhantes... Meus pais começavam até a rezar às vezes. Mas ter lido sobre esse lado do nazismo e sobre Hitler foi um grande choque que eu superei e aceitei. Hoje acredito, NACIONAL SOCIALISMO É A RESPOSTA.

Quando fiz 17/18 anos comecei com as meditações, comecei a estudar sobre e criei uma curiosidade notável a respeito dos extraterrestres. Comecei a seguir alguns canais no youtube que inicialmente abriram minha mente junto a meditação porém me perdi nas porcarias cristãs no meio do caminho. Quase me tornei espírita, bom que Satanás não abandona seus filhos, mesmo eu, uma filha traidora. Mas eu sei que Ele entende que eu fiz o que fiz por falta de conhecimento, não por maldade. Quando comecei as meditações um universo inteiro se abriu em minha mente. Eu chamava de "Fonte", para não ter que chamar de Deus e me confundir ou enviar energias ao jeová mesmo sem querer. Na época, eu não sabia quem eram Satanás e seus demônios. Eu sempre dizia/orava ao Pai deixando claro que não era a jeová que eu estava orando, e sim ao verdadeiro Criador de tudo e todas as coisas e eu conseguia o sentir. Adorei muitos Deuses hindus e me surpreendi ao saber que eles estão ao lado de Satan. Eu sentia em cada célula do meu corpo a conexão com o mundo na época. Pode soar meio bobo, mas eu sentia em cada batida do meu coração a conexão com a terra, com o ar, com as plantas, com o fogo, com os insetos, com o Sol... Foi então que me perdi ouvindo padres, buscando conhecimentos em sites cristãos e coisas do tipo. E claro, lendo sobre o budismo corrompido. Foi apenas a poucos dias atrás que eu percebi que eu estava com a alma brilhante nesta época por causa das meditações, apesar de não saber que era Satanás quem eu adorava, e que agora estou como estou por degeneração espiritual. Fazendo práticas cristãs anti-vida perdi tudo o que havia semeado até então. Me perdi bastante mas recentemente me encontrei novamente. Faz mais ou menos 3 meses que voltei a meditar, agora da forma correta (sem exagerar no chackra cardíaco), comecei o hatha yoga e estou tentando colocar o kundalini yoga no meu dia a dia. Com passos leves vamos longe, e não quero me sobrecarregar. Dentro desses 3 meses ja passei por dias em que eu estava sobrecarregada demais. Alguns dias parecia mesmo que entidades do inimigo ficavam me rondando para tentar me atrapalhar/perturbar. Mas não sou madura espiritualmente o suficiente para perceber todas as vezes se sou eu desequilibrada ou se tem algo querendo que eu me desequilibre. Estou colocando tudo aos poucos nos meus habitos diarios. Sou fumante, tanto maconha como cigarro. Ha dias atras tive uma lucidez forte e vontade de parar, e vou. Mas ainda estou trabalhando nisso. Percebi que o que me impede de avançar drasticamente também é isso. Eu trabalho meu espirito e de repente jogo porcarias nele e depois tenho que trabalhar tudo denovo. Bom... resumindo, me perdi, me encontrei e estou lutando com toda força que tenho para ser melhor para mim mesma, para os Demônios, para o universo (que vai ganhar mais uma alma com clareza mental o bastante para defende-lo quando necessário) e ate mesmo para os outros. Quando não estamos bem com nós mesmos, não fazemos bem a ninguém.

Isso foi apenas um resumo básico, agora vem algumas dúvidas que para alguns mais avançados pode parecer bobo, mas são dúvidas que eu acho que me ajudariam a colocar a mente no lugar.

1. Existe um post que a hp maxine mencionou sobre descrever o passo a passo de como usar a magia. Se alguém encontrar (acreditem eu procurei) e puder postar agradeço imensamente.

2. Sobre alguns demônios serem Deuses adorados do Egito antigo apenas com outros nomes, ia ser muito interessante, na lista dos Demônios, ter os respectivos Deuses que eles são ligando eles aos seus verdadeiros nomes da época. Alguns eu vi que ja tem, mas parece que outros não. Se eu não estiver errada, Satanás é Shiva, certo? Onde Vishnu se encaixaria? Li em algum artigo anos atrás (fora do JOS) que dizia que Vishnu era o criador do universo e de tudo que nele existe. Outro que Vishnu, Shiva e Brahma são a mesma entidade porém em suas 3 faces. Seria correto? Qualquer iluminação que alguém puder me dar sobre esse assunto vai me ajudar demais. QUALQUER INFORMAÇÃO VAI SER DE GRANDE AJUDA.

3. Sobre as runas e palavras de poder, nas meditações são dadas algumas opções. As mais conhecidas que não são runas, ex: AUM, OM (que foi corrompido sem a letra a) etc. Li no JOS que essas quase não tem resultados e que apenas servem para ampliar o que ja existe em si, não são como as runas que mudam as energias. Então entoar AUM sem uma limpeza antes vai ampliar tanto as coisas boas quanto ruins que estão nos crackras, aura etc. Estou correta? Então teria problema fazer alguns trabalhos ouvindo mantras? Tipo rtr? Porque em minha vida é dificil encontrar silêncio, então eu preciso improvisar. Eu abafo barulhos tensos, como som alto dos vizinhos, ou serra elétrica etc com mantras para meditar e fazer os rtrs. Algum conselho? As vezes medito até de fone porque aqui o silêncio é impossível.

4. Eu sou casada e meu marido é satanista, porém segue o satanismo cristianizado básico. Não faz nada pelo próprio espírito, não acredita que temos esse potencial e acredita mais em quimbanda e pedir favores a entidades do que se fortalecer e aprender a fazer por si mesmo. O quanto isso pode me afetar espiritualmente? Eu o amo e não desejo deixa-lo, mas imagino que devam existir exercícios que podem me ajudar a me proteger espiritualmente de qualquer coisa que o acompanhe (como entidades de quimbanda, candomblé etc). Ele nao frequenta mas ja teve contato e tem um longo historico de macumbas feitas contra ele, o que as vzs respinga em mim, né?! Enfim, e se puderem esclarecer pra mim, essas entidades são os inimigos a jogar dos dois lados, certo?

5. Lilith seria uma Deusa ou um Demônio? Mantenho um altar para ela em casa mas confesso que desde que comecei as meditações sinto que ele nao é necessário, mas as vezes ainda acendo velas. Uma vez pedi a ela algo que em uma semana foi resolvido. Fiz o pedido em uma cachoeira, acendi velas e deixei algumas oferendas. Fiz o pedido com muito sentimento, em lágrimas e ela fez por mim o que eu não tive coragem de fazer. SEMPRE SEREI GRATA. Prometi minha fidelidade a ela, eternamente, porem hoje me sinto mais proxima a Satanás. *Isso teria algum problema entre eu e ela?* Pois todos são do mesmo seguimento... Esses seres tem sentimentos como nós, porem não sei o quão diferente podem ser, não quero desrespeitar Lilith, por isso essa pergunta. Eu a senti uma vez, senti mesmo, tivemos uma ligação, tive muitos sonhos com serpentes onde elas me olhavam, me acompanhavam, eu as carregava e coisas do tipo. Sonhos vividos e reais. Senti uma vez, quando fui agradecer oque ela havia feito por mim, me ajudado e a senti na nuca e na parte de tras da cabeça. Senti um formigamento bem forte nessa região e entendi que era ela querendo que eu a sentisse, que eu soubesse que ela estava ali.

6. Na época em que eu meditava bastante aos meus 17/18 anos (hoje tenho 25) eu cheguei a ter uma visão que se alguém puder me esclarecer eu agradeceria. Vou descrever em detalhes: eu parecia ser ar, ou algo do tipo, não tinha corpo e apenas flutuava. Logo a minha frente, existia uma cachoeira 360°. Parecia um redemoinho gigante. Uma vez li que existiam entradas para o centro da Terra nos polos do planeta, foi o que desencadeou minha busca pela espiritualidade. Esse dia eu estava meditando, e tive essa visão. Parecia o mar, e era como se tivesse aberto um ralo no fundo dele, onde toda a agua girava e caia nesse ralo (a ideia do ralo é so pra explicar como o mar estava, porque era só uma grande cachoeira giratoria no meio do mar). Eu levei para este lado de ser a entrada para o "centro da terra". Li no JOS que existe realmente algo dentro da terra onde estão algumas pessoas que ascenderam e tal. Na entrada tinha um gênio, LITERALMENTE. Metade homem e metade fumaça. Não vi o rosto mas parecia belo, com cabelos negros, lisos e longos ate a cintura. Ao lado dele havia um homem. O gênio tinha o dobro do tamanho do homem e o jogou para o centro da Terra. Fui tirada desta "viagem" bruscamente e retornei ao meu corpo. Parecia que meu espirito tinha saido e acabado de entrar. (Tudo isso sem o uso de nenhuma droga, na época eu havia diminuido drasticamente o uso).

7. Gostaria de abrir meus sentidos rapidamente (de forma saudável, claro), teriam meditações específicas que eu possa usar? Quero ter um contato mais próximo, ver, ou ouvir, enfim, com o Demônio guardião, nao sei qual é, o sinto proximo e as vezes quase posso ouvi-lo. Vejo seus sinais, mas ainda quero mais. E sei que todos querem, não estou desesperada, mas pretendo "evoluir" o mais breve possível.

8. Ja tive também um encontro com Ganesh, eu estava dormindo, mas foi aquele tipo de sonho vivido que agente sabe que nao é so um sonho. Diferente da outra visão que foi em meditação. Neste sonho eu estava deitada e Ganesh apareceu. O que eu vi foi um elefante extremamente colorido, mas ele era etéreo, não tinha um corpo realmente, o que eu podia ver eram luzes coloridas em forma de elefante. Ele subiu em cima de mim e me olhou nos olhos, quando abriu a boca "vomitou" um arco íris gigantesco dentro da minha boca, como se tivesse me dando um presente. Acordei cheia de energia. E isso me leva a outra pergunta, qual a ideia geral de serem representados por animais? Quando eu lia muito sobre extraterrestres eu lembro de ler algo sobre felideos (felinos humanoides amigaveis a humanidade) e até tive um sonho vivido com um. Queria entender, eles são assim? Ja cheguei a pensar até que eram animais que ascenderam, não sei se é possivel em outros mundos, dimensões etc... fica ai a minha dúvida. Alguém pode me esclarecer?

Há alguns dias chorei por me lembrar que eu estava tão cheia de vida e joguei tudo fora. Pedi perdão aos Deuses, aos Demônios e aos Heróis por te-los blasfemado. Foi por ignorância. Eu sinto que me perdoaram. Eu fui levada ao engano, seguindo canais do youtube acreditando no que certas pessoas diziam. E eles diziam que tudo no mundo é ruim (versão budista corrompida). Não pode acumular bens, não pode desejar ouro, não pode ter desejo sexual (até hoje tento desbloquear isso em minha mente e alma)... então o "meliante" (hehehe) dizia: "Como aqueles Deuses hindus podem estar fazendo o certo quando esbanjam riquezas? Ensinando a odiar o dinheiro para sobrar mais pros judeus infelizes. E eu levei isso a serio na epoca e destrui meu espirito me afastando dos Deuses. Mas eu estou decidida! Ja fiz o ritual de dedicação, ja renunciei a todas as entidades que não são do lado de Satanás. Eu decidi que vou mudar minha vida, mas quero me abrir o bastante para não tomar decisões precipitadas, como da outra vez e me arrepender depois. Preciso de clareza para seguir em frente de maneira benéfica a mim.

Vocês mais experientes, eu não sei como funciona o contato de vocês com os Deuses, mas se ao lerem isso receberem qualquer recado, conselho ou quaquer coisa direcionada a minha pessoa, eu peço, postem. Me passem esse recado, seja bom ou ruim, será bem vindo. Qualquer pequeno detalhe para mim é de grande ajuda. As coisas parecem estar melhorando para mim novamente, mas não estou nem 1/3 do que ja fui um dia com a meditação e isso me frusta sabe... mas eu sei que devagar eu chego la, ja cheguei uma vez e chegarei novamente.

Desculpem o grande texto e desde já agradeço a atenção de quem leu até o fim e se deu ao trabalho de me responder. Vamos nos unir, todos nós. Vamos ser fortes, vamos unir as pessoas como Hitler, VAMOS MUDAR O MUNDO EM NOME DE SATANÁS E TODOS OS DEUSES QUE O ACOMPANHAM E POR FIM, EM NOME DE TODA A HUMANIDADE POIS NÓS MERECEMOS!



1- Os Três Passos da Bruxaria




3-Om não tem poder nenhum.Thaum é bem melhor pro terceiro olho. Aum é um poderoso mantra usado pra fortalecer o quarto chakra( do coração). Quer vibrar mantras na aura? Tenta raum ou surya na limpeza completa de aura.

5- Demônios são os Deuses do paganismo.


7- Abrir chakras.É preciso abrir sexto, terceiro olho e coronário. Aumente a repetição dos mantra, use 40-60 reps.


Não é bom escrever em língua portuguesa aqui. Essa parte do fórum é na língua inglesa.Se vai usar essa parte do fórum, use um tradutor.

Fórum em PT : https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4860&start=250

Sorry, I didn't know I could only write in English. Thank you so much for clearing up my doubts and I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes as it's not my native language. I will read all the information you provided. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
Fearless said:
Sirhc666 said:

New here, i would like to learn and open my mind about so many things. I hope someone can guide me so I can cleanse myself and forget about all hatred and betrayal i have gone through since november last year. i want to awaken my capabilities and be able to help others as well.

First, you can start with this guide and then ask the topics you want to ask here.


thank you..

I am starting with the 40 day cleansing then i want to attract money.
this way i could prove that i have changed in a big way since my wife left me for another man,
i want to prove myself that by being focused on what i am doing i will be able to stand on my own. i am ignoring all the people that my ex wife had told lies about me and smeared everyone lies about me. i don't want revenge anymore. I want to prove something that my consistent studying and learning must give me tons of benefit without letting anyone know what i am doing. i moved away from the negative people who believed the lies that my ex wife had told. now i want to focus on myself. i left all negative vices like drinking and smoking. living alone and not talking to anyone connected to my ex wife. i want to grow spiritually and learn the real way of living life to the fullest without ever caring to those negative people. also, i want to protect myself from those who may have done a curse on me why me and my ex wife fell apart. i want to know how to be totally respected again. so when they see me ill be this new person that they didn't care about and prove them they are wrong about believing my narcissistic ex wife.
Sirhc666 said:
Fearless said:
Sirhc666 said:

New here, i would like to learn and open my mind about so many things. I hope someone can guide me so I can cleanse myself and forget about all hatred and betrayal i have gone through since november last year. i want to awaken my capabilities and be able to help others as well.

First, you can start with this guide and then ask the topics you want to ask here.


thank you..

I am starting with the 40 day cleansing then i want to attract money.
this way i could prove that i have changed in a big way since my wife left me for another man,
i want to prove myself that by being focused on what i am doing i will be able to stand on my own. i am ignoring all the people that my ex wife had told lies about me and smeared everyone lies about me. i don't want revenge anymore. I want to prove something that my consistent studying and learning must give me tons of benefit without letting anyone know what i am doing. i moved away from the negative people who believed the lies that my ex wife had told. now i want to focus on myself. i left all negative vices like drinking and smoking. living alone and not talking to anyone connected to my ex wife. i want to grow spiritually and learn the real way of living life to the fullest without ever caring to those negative people. also, i want to protect myself from those who may have done a curse on me why me and my ex wife fell apart. i want to know how to be totally respected again. so when they see me ill be this new person that they didn't care about and prove them they are wrong about believing my narcissistic ex wife.
I like how you think.

Cleaning will be ongoing all the time. Same with aura of protection. Cultivate your witch power with breathing exercises and yoga every day. Clean and open your chakras. Do void meditation and spiritual warfare. And only after all of that comes the spells, only then. Because the power poured into spells is dependant on your bioelectricity and focus (will/intent) which is trained by these other things. Doing this every day is like hitting the gym or whatever else physical training. You'll get stronger with consistency. Don't forget to rest well and eat healthy. If there are obstacles on your way, and you have no idea how to push through, you can come here to ask guidance.

Good luck, and have fun. ;)
I been having a lot of trouble lately with my meditation I skip my meditation my studies and all been having trouble i don’t know but I been going through it why is that
Henu the Great said:
Sirhc666 said:
Fearless said:
First, you can start with this guide and then ask the topics you want to ask here.


thank you..

I am starting with the 40 day cleansing then i want to attract money.
this way i could prove that i have changed in a big way since my wife left me for another man,
i want to prove myself that by being focused on what i am doing i will be able to stand on my own. i am ignoring all the people that my ex wife had told lies about me and smeared everyone lies about me. i don't want revenge anymore. I want to prove something that my consistent studying and learning must give me tons of benefit without letting anyone know what i am doing. i moved away from the negative people who believed the lies that my ex wife had told. now i want to focus on myself. i left all negative vices like drinking and smoking. living alone and not talking to anyone connected to my ex wife. i want to grow spiritually and learn the real way of living life to the fullest without ever caring to those negative people. also, i want to protect myself from those who may have done a curse on me why me and my ex wife fell apart. i want to know how to be totally respected again. so when they see me ill be this new person that they didn't care about and prove them they are wrong about believing my narcissistic ex wife.
I like how you think.

Cleaning will be ongoing all the time. Same with aura of protection. Cultivate your witch power with breathing exercises and yoga every day. Clean and open your chakras. Do void meditation and spiritual warfare. And only after all of that comes the spells, only then. Because the power poured into spells is dependant on your bioelectricity and focus (will/intent) which is trained by these other things. Doing this every day is like hitting the gym or whatever else physical training. You'll get stronger with consistency. Don't forget to rest well and eat healthy. If there are obstacles on your way, and you have no idea how to push through, you can come here to ask guidance.

Good luck, and have fun. ;)

thank you.

i can say it has not been easy since last year with so many things that has happened i have gone through a lot.. i lost my family, my bestfriend died january then my father died last april. seeking for the real reason why things happen...

im not really an avid xtian and have been constantly seeking lots of things about our existence on earth. maybe it is a good cause this things happened to me which lead me here to expand my capabilities rather than sulking and dwelling on past hurtful events. after all my efforts for my ex wife and family went all down the drain, im tired of caring for other people and just using me for the purpose of earning money and stealing my business ideas. after all the hardwork and lessons that I have shared to my ex wife i am left with nothing. not even money to have my father have hospitalized. even if all the capital for our business came from my savings... :(

maybe it is time to give myself what i really deserve that will make me really happy. i hope i can find my strength and enlightenment with the help of spiritual guidance from everyone here.

yes i have been doing my routine since i have joined the group. will do my dedication as soon as necessary stuff arrives.
doing exercise yoga and meditation as part of my daily habit and reading a lot of good stuff here to awaken my self and avoid stuff that will ruin my focus.

I want to make myself ready because I know there is someone who really did this to me. someone I know that also psychic powers and i know he has bad intentions with my wife as well. I prepared myself by closing my chakras because I can sense something or someone might be attacking my mind. and I cannot trust anybody anymore.
when the right time comes i will be ready to show them my real worth. and all my efforts will be of good use.

thank you so much for making me feel welcome here and for your guidance.

Hail Satan!
I want to learn Tai Chi. What books shoul I read?
What videos should I watch? Where Can I find information about tai chi ?
Hello everyone, I have some questions
1-at the time of ascension of kundaline I should focus on the inner chakras or on the center of the spine.
2-I read in JOS that the base and crown chakras do not have adjacent chakras but in the energy circulation meditation it is stated that the base chakra has its adjacent ones in the spine and frontal, if it has the location?
in the description of the meditation he was confused.

Nazista lunar said:
Serbon said:
Nazista lunar said:
Can raum mantra be used to clean the aura?

Yes, but in cleaning aura DO NOT roll the r

Why not?

As far as I know the R is of the octave of purifying fire and should be rolled in most cases. I've used it for cleaning while rolling with satisfying results.
Sirhc666 said:
thank you.

i can say it has not been easy since last year with so many things that has happened i have gone through a lot.. i lost my family, my bestfriend died january then my father died last april. seeking for the real reason why things happen...

im not really an avid xtian and have been constantly seeking lots of things about our existence on earth. maybe it is a good cause this things happened to me which lead me here to expand my capabilities rather than sulking and dwelling on past hurtful events. after all my efforts for my ex wife and family went all down the drain, im tired of caring for other people and just using me for the purpose of earning money and stealing my business ideas. after all the hardwork and lessons that I have shared to my ex wife i am left with nothing. not even money to have my father have hospitalized. even if all the capital for our business came from my savings... :(

maybe it is time to give myself what i really deserve that will make me really happy. i hope i can find my strength and enlightenment with the help of spiritual guidance from everyone here.

yes i have been doing my routine since i have joined the group. will do my dedication as soon as necessary stuff arrives.
doing exercise yoga and meditation as part of my daily habit and reading a lot of good stuff here to awaken my self and avoid stuff that will ruin my focus.

I want to make myself ready because I know there is someone who really did this to me. someone I know that also psychic powers and i know he has bad intentions with my wife as well. I prepared myself by closing my chakras because I can sense something or someone might be attacking my mind. and I cannot trust anybody anymore.
when the right time comes i will be ready to show them my real worth. and all my efforts will be of good use.

thank you so much for making me feel welcome here and for your guidance.

Hail Satan!
You might want to have a look at astrology for some answers. The situations you are going through can be found from your natal chart, and ongoing planetary transits.

https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/FURCAS.html - Azazel's Astrology for Satanists
Serbon said:
Nazista lunar said:
Can raum mantra be used to clean the aura?

Yes, but in cleaning aura DO NOT roll the r
Makes no sense, why would he not have to roll it? Raum is vibrated with a rolled R.
I think Jews cant do MATh alt all.
BECAUSE of 1+1+1 = 1???????????????????????
From Pseudo-Psychology side, Many of them are diagnosed as autism.
What do you think about it???????????????????????
Aquarius said:
Serbon said:
Nazista lunar said:
Can raum mantra be used to clean the aura?

Yes, but in cleaning aura DO NOT roll the r
Makes no sense, why would he not have to roll it? Raum is vibrated with a rolled R.
U vibrate the r when working on aura. HPS Maxine ssys when working on solar plexus, do not roll the r. She said it in "opening soul" page on JoS
one of goat ppl said:
I think Jews cant do MATh alt all.
BECAUSE of 1+1+1 = 1???????????????????????
From Pseudo-Psychology side, Many of them are diagnosed as autism.
What do you think about it???????????????????????

I'm not sure the purpose of this post; however, do not underestimate a Jew. Yes, they are of inferior design to Satanic Gentiles but they're dangerous and intelligent in their own way.
I come from a Christian background (I was raised in a Christian home). So, therefore I was taught that Satan and anything having to do with Him is bad, such as demons. So, how do I get used to supernatural occurrences like when a demon talks to you or something in your environment moves?
Serbon said:
Aquarius said:
Serbon said:
Yes, but in cleaning aura DO NOT roll the r
Makes no sense, why would he not have to roll it? Raum is vibrated with a rolled R.
U vibrate the r when working on aura. HPS Maxine ssys when working on solar plexus, do not roll the r. She said it in "opening soul" page on JoS
I've just seen it. I'm curious as to why. In my opinion, since Raum is a powerful mantra, she said to not roll the R as the R is a powerful letter to vibrate, and beginners could be overwhelmed.
Heyman342 said:
I come from a Christian background (I was raised in a Christian home). So, therefore I was taught that Satan and anything having to do with Him is bad, such as demons. So, how do I get used to supernatural occurrences like when a demon talks to you or something in your environment moves?
You study to deprogram your mind and meditate. Perseverance and an open mind is the key.
Aquarius said:
Serbon said:
Aquarius said:
Makes no sense, why would he not have to roll it? Raum is vibrated with a rolled R.
U vibrate the r when working on aura. HPS Maxine ssys when working on solar plexus, do not roll the r. She said it in "opening soul" page on JoS
I've just seen it. I'm curious as to why. In my opinion, since Raum is a powerful mantra, she said to not roll the R as the R is a powerful letter to vibrate, and beginners could be overwhelmed.

I always thought that HPS Maxine said not to roll the R in the Solar Plexus opening because we are dropping our chins. It could be a bit hard for some people to roll the R with their chins all the way down. But this is just my guess.
Heyman342 said:
Where can you buy a Satanic Rosary online?

I don't think you can find one of the same type we use here. Most sites that offer a Satanic rosary, what they really do is take a catholic rosary and add an inverted cross or a Baphomet symbol to it. While an actual Satanic rosary is very different: it has 108 beads instead of 54 that the catholic one has because it is based on the Indian/Tibetan Mala.

If you don't want to create your own Satanic rosary, just buy a mala with 108 beads. It's almost the same thing.

Heyman342 said:
I come from a Christian background (I was raised in a Christian home). So, therefore I was taught that Satan and anything having to do with Him is bad, such as demons. So, how do I get used to supernatural occurrences like when a demon talks to you or something in your environment moves?

Don't worry about that, nothing like that will happen if you are not astrally open and you haven't had similar experiences in the past. The Demons don't really talk to you verbally like humans do, they more like communicate with you telepathically, which can happen in images and feelings instead of words. As about things in the enviroment moving on their own, this is very rare and has never happened to most Spiritual Satanists.
Rational Satanist said:
Heyman342 said:
Where can you buy a Satanic Rosary online?

I don't think you can find one of the same type we use here. Most sites that offer a Satanic rosary, what they really do is take a catholic rosary and add an inverted cross or a Baphomet symbol to it. While an actual Satanic rosary is very different: it has 108 beads instead of 54 that the catholic one has because it is based on the Indian/Tibetan Mala.

If you don't want to create your own Satanic rosary, just buy a mala with 108 beads. It's almost the same thing.

Heyman342 said:
I come from a Christian background (I was raised in a Christian home). So, therefore I was taught that Satan and anything having to do with Him is bad, such as demons. So, how do I get used to supernatural occurrences like when a demon talks to you or something in your environment moves?

Don't worry about that, nothing like that will happen if you are not astrally open and you haven't had similar experiences in the past. The Demons don't really talk to you verbally like humans do, they more like communicate with you telepathically, which can happen in images and feelings instead of words. As about things in the enviroment moving on their own, this is very rare and has never happened to most Spiritual Satanists.

Do you have any websites for supplies to make a Satanic Rosary?

Also, in regards to the demon question, I know I can talk to them with my mind (so telepathically). But, do they always hear you?
Heyman342 said:
Rational Satanist said:
Heyman342 said:
Where can you buy a Satanic Rosary online?

I don't think you can find one of the same type we use here. Most sites that offer a Satanic rosary, what they really do is take a catholic rosary and add an inverted cross or a Baphomet symbol to it. While an actual Satanic rosary is very different: it has 108 beads instead of 54 that the catholic one has because it is based on the Indian/Tibetan Mala.

If you don't want to create your own Satanic rosary, just buy a mala with 108 beads. It's almost the same thing.

Heyman342 said:
I come from a Christian background (I was raised in a Christian home). So, therefore I was taught that Satan and anything having to do with Him is bad, such as demons. So, how do I get used to supernatural occurrences like when a demon talks to you or something in your environment moves?

Don't worry about that, nothing like that will happen if you are not astrally open and you haven't had similar experiences in the past. The Demons don't really talk to you verbally like humans do, they more like communicate with you telepathically, which can happen in images and feelings instead of words. As about things in the enviroment moving on their own, this is very rare and has never happened to most Spiritual Satanists.

Do you have any websites for supplies to make a Satanic Rosary?

Also, in regards to the demon question, I know I can talk to them with my mind (so telepathically). But, do they always hear you?

You can go on aliexpress and buy mala beads or even individual beads and make your own rosary. It's damn cheap too and shipping is usually free.

I found some really nice metal beads with the Runes engraved. You could make a great Satanic rosary with these.

Ardgion said:
When doing AoP and when I have to visualize really bright ball of light, like a sun, and when I'm trying to hold it, my eyes start twitching and they roll up. I don't know why this is happening as I am trying to visualize with my eyes closed and it is a bit difficult to do it when this is happening.

Same thing happens when I'm meditating on my 3rd eye. Always when I visualize something bright, this happens, but never when visualizing something else.

I'll just quote it so that it get's reposted again and I ask if someone can simply explain why does this happen.
Cosmic6999 said:
I been having a lot of trouble lately with my meditation I skip my meditation my studies and all been having trouble i don’t know but I been going through it why is that
For spiritual practices, set aside time every morning for just those things, and do them then. Be accountable for yourself and your advancement.

Same with studies. Set aside certain time, and follow through with it.

Certain runes, and void meditation help with this, but most importantly you need to be accountable to yourself and structure your life in such a way that you do what you need to do.

First work, then play, in other words.
SeekerOfTruth666 said:
Heyman342 said:
Rational Satanist said:
I don't think you can find one of the same type we use here. Most sites that offer a Satanic rosary, what they really do is take a catholic rosary and add an inverted cross or a Baphomet symbol to it. While an actual Satanic rosary is very different: it has 108 beads instead of 54 that the catholic one has because it is based on the Indian/Tibetan Mala.

If you don't want to create your own Satanic rosary, just buy a mala with 108 beads. It's almost the same thing.

Don't worry about that, nothing like that will happen if you are not astrally open and you haven't had similar experiences in the past. The Demons don't really talk to you verbally like humans do, they more like communicate with you telepathically, which can happen in images and feelings instead of words. As about things in the enviroment moving on their own, this is very rare and has never happened to most Spiritual Satanists.

Do you have any websites for supplies to make a Satanic Rosary?

Also, in regards to the demon question, I know I can talk to them with my mind (so telepathically). But, do they always hear you?

You can go on aliexpress and buy mala beads or even individual beads and make your own rosary. It's damn cheap too and shipping is usually free.

I found some really nice metal beads with the Runes engraved. You could make a great Satanic rosary with these.

If you're okay with slave labour practices and extremely low quality then go along with aliexpress. If not then find more artisanal quality or original beads from Tibet.
Ardgion said:
Ardgion said:
When doing AoP and when I have to visualize really bright ball of light, like a sun, and when I'm trying to hold it, my eyes start twitching and they roll up. I don't know why this is happening as I am trying to visualize with my eyes closed and it is a bit difficult to do it when this is happening.

Same thing happens when I'm meditating on my 3rd eye. Always when I visualize something bright, this happens, but never when visualizing something else.

I'll just quote it so that it get's reposted again and I ask if someone can simply explain why does this happen.

Simply because your are concentration too much also unconsciously on your body , and you tense your eyes in tandem with your concentration for light.

The way out of this is to first relax your body completely, and with training, learn to relax instantly when noticing the tension of the muscles and refocus by a total relaxed stand point of the body.

In time you'll pass this, as it is a beginner problem most of meditators had when first tried this.
deds_scorpion said:
Hello everyone, I have some questions
1-at the time of ascension of kundaline I should focus on the inner chakras or on the center of the spine.
2-I read in JOS that the base and crown chakras do not have adjacent chakras but in the energy circulation meditation it is stated that the base chakra has its adjacent ones in the spine and frontal, if it has the location?
in the description of the meditation he was confused.


1. When energy is rising on the spine, you should focus on the path of the spine upwards.
2. The tail bone is connected to the base chakra from which the Serpent will rise, the front is of the opposite position, of course, where rising of sexual energy to the Sacral is produced. The crown does not have extensions but it is connected to the 3rd eye etc.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Gear88 said:
I was re-reading the JoS witchcraft section. And it states "affirmations in the mind".

Should affirmations be only stated in the mind or is it okay to state them outloud?

Any difference? or is it a matter of using the subtle vibration to program the energy with the mind?

Affirmation should be stated out loud when able. It causes friction with physical vibration.

You can state them in your mind, but I found it to be less effective in programming.

Where intention is supreme, the difference is none existent loud vs mentally.
NakedPluto said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Gear88 said:
I was re-reading the JoS witchcraft section. And it states "affirmations in the mind".

Should affirmations be only stated in the mind or is it okay to state them outloud?

Any difference? or is it a matter of using the subtle vibration to program the energy with the mind?

Affirmation should be stated out loud when able. It causes friction with physical vibration.

You can state them in your mind, but I found it to be less effective in programming.

Where intention is supreme, the difference is none existent loud vs mentally.

I won't say that I know irrevocably, but I would have to disagree. Wouldn't you attest that It gives the intention an absolute physical existence through a denser vibration?

That's like saying "I do Yoga through visualization alone". Sure the intention of Yoga is there; however, it isn't being performed physically.
SeekerOfTruth666 said:
Heyman342 said:
Rational Satanist said:
I don't think you can find one of the same type we use here. Most sites that offer a Satanic rosary, what they really do is take a catholic rosary and add an inverted cross or a Baphomet symbol to it. While an actual Satanic rosary is very different: it has 108 beads instead of 54 that the catholic one has because it is based on the Indian/Tibetan Mala.

If you don't want to create your own Satanic rosary, just buy a mala with 108 beads. It's almost the same thing.

Don't worry about that, nothing like that will happen if you are not astrally open and you haven't had similar experiences in the past. The Demons don't really talk to you verbally like humans do, they more like communicate with you telepathically, which can happen in images and feelings instead of words. As about things in the enviroment moving on their own, this is very rare and has never happened to most Spiritual Satanists.

Do you have any websites for supplies to make a Satanic Rosary?

Also, in regards to the demon question, I know I can talk to them with my mind (so telepathically). But, do they always hear you?

You can go on aliexpress and buy mala beads or even individual beads and make your own rosary. It's damn cheap too and shipping is usually free.

I found some really nice metal beads with the Runes engraved. You could make a great Satanic rosary with these.


What about this one?


Also, for the Baphomet, where did you get yours? There are a lot online. I was thinking of tying it on to the string.
Aquarius said:
SeekerOfTruth666 said:
Heyman342 said:
Do you have any websites for supplies to make a Satanic Rosary?

Also, in regards to the demon question, I know I can talk to them with my mind (so telepathically). But, do they always hear you?

You can go on aliexpress and buy mala beads or even individual beads and make your own rosary. It's damn cheap too and shipping is usually free.

I found some really nice metal beads with the Runes engraved. You could make a great Satanic rosary with these.

If you're okay with slave labour practices and extremely low quality then go along with aliexpress. If not then find more artisanal quality or original beads from Tibet.

I got my beads from https://www.nepacrafts.com/ about 2 years ago. That's a small company in Nepal. But the shipping costs are gonna be quite high if you are buying just the beads. You have to buy above usd100 to qualify for free shipping, that's how it is with most Nepalese, Bhutanese or other suppliers in the Tibetan region. When i bought my beads from Nepacrafts, i bought a bunch of stuff at once, like beads, incenses, incense holders, rings, pendants etc. You can do the same if you don't want to pay usd 50 for shipping and just buy beads.

I'm not promoting aliexpress whatsoever. But everything on aliexpress or everything that comes from China aren't made by slave workers. There are honest and fair people in China. There are Chinese businesses where the workers are paid fairly and treated properly.
Also, everything on aliexpress or chinese made isn't low quality. I know because i own a lot of things made in China. From the Runic pendant i wear to the computer system i use, they are all Chinese and very good quality. Of course i had some bad experiences with some Chinese suppliers and products. But these things can be avoided with a little bit of research before buying anything.
GoldenxChild1 said:
NakedPluto said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Affirmation should be stated out loud when able. It causes friction with physical vibration.

You can state them in your mind, but I found it to be less effective in programming.

Where intention is supreme, the difference is none existent loud vs mentally.

I won't say that I know irrevocably, but I would have to disagree. Wouldn't you attest that It gives the intention an absolute physical existence through a denser vibration?

That's like saying "I do Yoga through visualization alone". Sure the intention of Yoga is there; however, it isn't being performed physically.

It is the intention behind the affirmation that realizes the guidance. If you have a crack in voice the working is null? Affirmations is not yoga nor other comparisons.

When I said " where intention is supreme" I wasn't talking about beginners, but asserting the reality. It is of importance to do things the way you like and think that work.
NakedPluto said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
NakedPluto said:
Where intention is supreme, the difference is none existent loud vs mentally.

I won't say that I know irrevocably, but I would have to disagree. Wouldn't you attest that It gives the intention an absolute physical existence through a denser vibration?

That's like saying "I do Yoga through visualization alone". Sure the intention of Yoga is there; however, it isn't being performed physically.

It is the intention behind the affirmation that realizes the guidance. If you have a crack in voice the working is null? Affirmations is not yoga nor other comparisons.

When I said " where intention is supreme" I wasn't talking about beginners, but asserting the reality. It is of importance to do things the way you like and think that work.

I suppose not. Thanks for explaining further.
From a back of the head angle is your peanal gland on the left or right side of your 6th Chakra in the middle of your head? thank you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
