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SeekerOfTruth666 said:
Aquarius said:
SeekerOfTruth666 said:
You can go on aliexpress and buy mala beads or even individual beads and make your own rosary. It's damn cheap too and shipping is usually free.

I found some really nice metal beads with the Runes engraved. You could make a great Satanic rosary with these.

If you're okay with slave labour practices and extremely low quality then go along with aliexpress. If not then find more artisanal quality or original beads from Tibet.

I got my beads from https://www.nepacrafts.com/ about 2 years ago. That's a small company in Nepal. But the shipping costs are gonna be quite high if you are buying just the beads. You have to buy above usd100 to qualify for free shipping, that's how it is with most Nepalese, Bhutanese or other suppliers in the Tibetan region. When i bought my beads from Nepacrafts, i bought a bunch of stuff at once, like beads, incenses, incense holders, rings, pendants etc. You can do the same if you don't want to pay usd 50 for shipping and just buy beads.

I'm not promoting aliexpress whatsoever. But everything on aliexpress or everything that comes from China aren't made by slave workers. There are honest and fair people in China. There are Chinese businesses where the workers are paid fairly and treated properly.
Also, everything on aliexpress or chinese made isn't low quality. I know because i own a lot of things made in China. From the Runic pendant i wear to the computer system i use, they are all Chinese and very good quality. Of course i had some bad experiences with some Chinese suppliers and products. But these things can be avoided with a little bit of research before buying anything.
When I can, I'd rather not buy chinese stuff.
Matter of opinions.
Hesffcs115 said:
From a back of the head angle is your peanal gland on the left or right side of your 6th Chakra in the middle of your head? thank you.
A little bit to the right, but close to the center. You really just have to try to feel for it, and you will feel for yourself where it is. Kind of as far right as the tear duct of the right eye, but a little lower and in the middle of your head.

I was wondering why blood type usually isn't considered important by most race conscious groups? I know blood type is not as important as other racial features but most race conscious groups don't care about blood type at all. What's the reason for this?

Also what is blood type important for besides blood transfusion, from a JoS perspective.
Aquarius said:
SeekerOfTruth666 said:
Aquarius said:
If you're okay with slave labour practices and extremely low quality then go along with aliexpress. If not then find more artisanal quality or original beads from Tibet.

I got my beads from https://www.nepacrafts.com/ about 2 years ago. That's a small company in Nepal. But the shipping costs are gonna be quite high if you are buying just the beads. You have to buy above usd100 to qualify for free shipping, that's how it is with most Nepalese, Bhutanese or other suppliers in the Tibetan region. When i bought my beads from Nepacrafts, i bought a bunch of stuff at once, like beads, incenses, incense holders, rings, pendants etc. You can do the same if you don't want to pay usd 50 for shipping and just buy beads.

I'm not promoting aliexpress whatsoever. But everything on aliexpress or everything that comes from China aren't made by slave workers. There are honest and fair people in China. There are Chinese businesses where the workers are paid fairly and treated properly.
Also, everything on aliexpress or chinese made isn't low quality. I know because i own a lot of things made in China. From the Runic pendant i wear to the computer system i use, they are all Chinese and very good quality. Of course i had some bad experiences with some Chinese suppliers and products. But these things can be avoided with a little bit of research before buying anything.
When I can, I'd rather not buy chinese stuff.
Matter of opinions.

Sure that's fine. Again, I'm not promoting chinese stuff. I was just trying to help.
Henu the Great said:
I would first and foremost look for beads locally/nationally. In most western countries those shouls be well available. If not from occult store, then from crafting supplies store. Why buy from China anyway, are you chinese???

I'm not from a western country Henu. I'm not Chinese either. Where I'm living in there are no occult stores. Only a couple of crafting supplies stores in the whole country. Not many options are available at those stores. The only way to get things we really want here is to either buy stuff when travelling overseas or to buy from online stores delivering worldwide. When i first dedicated, i was looking for a black candle which i couldnt find anywhere, not even on aliexpress. I had to buy a black candle online from a supplier in Spain for about usd30. That's not a small amount to pay for a candle for me.
Here the best option is aliexpress because the shipping fees if i buy from anywhere else is damn high. Most of the businesses here imports stuff mainly from China, India,Thailand, Malaysia or Indonesia. This is the reason why i recommended aliexpress because of where I'm living in and how things are here. I can only talk with what i experienced myself. I can't talk or give advice with a westerner's experience or point of view. I know things in western countries are extremely different compared to a country like this. The population of my country is below 500k.

I don't know why I'm having to defend this because i was simply trying to help out a fellow SS, not promoting China or Chinese made stuff. If i offended anyone by recommending aliexpress or Chinese products, i apologize. I don't really care for or support China in any way.
Just keep in mind that life in this region is very different from western countries where you have options with everything. In this region, China has been dominating the economies of most countries for years. Politically China has embedded themselves well in my country and most countries in this region. The only damn bridge in my whole country was built and gifted to us by the Chinese too.
Henu the Great said:
Cosmic6999 said:
I been having a lot of trouble lately with my meditation I skip my meditation my studies and all been having trouble i don’t know but I been going through it why is that
For spiritual practices, set aside time every morning for just those things, and do them then. Be accountable for yourself and your advancement.

Same with studies. Set aside certain time, and follow through with it.

Certain runes, and void meditation help with this, but most importantly you need to be accountable to yourself and structure your life in such a way that you do what you need to do.

First work, then play, in other words.

So basically study the site every morning as well as power meditation and I haven’t been working on my third eye
SeekerOfTruth666 said:
I don't know why I'm having to defend this because i was simply trying to help out a fellow SS, not promoting China or Chinese made stuff. If i offended anyone by recommending aliexpress or Chinese products, i apologize. I don't really care for or support China in any way.
Don't worry mate, I was just saying that I hate chinese stuff, for some people there's no other way, don't take it harshly.
I was just trying to make sure you guys understood me. No worries my brothers!

Good afternoon, I would like to know how I will know when my third eye opens and the other chakras.

I had weird "visions" tonight, I was focusing on my third eye before I went to sleep (I was just paying attention to it, I wasn't doing any kind of meditation but I had done the third eye meditation a few hours before) and I started to literally "see" a rainbow amidst the darkness of my closed eyes. I heard a crackle and some light before it got dark again. This happened before I went to sleep and then when I went to sleep I think I had an accidental astral projection or something. I was just above my body and I heard breathing behind my head, as if it were my physical body breathing while the spiritual body hovered a few inches above. My vision was a little fuzzy and distorted (maybe) and I was startled by the sound of breathing and "screamed". At that moment I came back to my physical body literally screaming. It may sound silly but I was really confused and I would like to know (and if so it could also become a fixed post for beginners) how we will know when our chakras open, including the third eye. I know we shouldn't be scared, and I wasn't really scared, but I got scared and it made me come back. Or it could have been a dream (the projection part) but I highly doubt it. It was very real and I've had this habit for years of dreaming and often "waking up" in the middle of the dream, knowing it really is a dream, especially when it's nightmares. This is something that has been with me since childhood. If I'm having a nightmare and realize it's a dream, sometimes I can control, run away, fly (no wings), and when I scream out loud I manage to get out of the dream, I wake up and wake up screaming scaring everyone around me hahaha Some look like dreams but others are very real. So whenever I get scared and scream, even if I don't want to get out of the "dream", I go out, as if it were already a schedule, you know?!

Another thing is that I read in some JoS article that the number 11 has to do with destruction and that the Jews use it a lot in the bible. Everyday literally every day I see 11:11, 1:11 and so on... Should I worry about something?

Thanks everyone.
Good afternoon, I would like to know how I will know when my third eye opens and the other chakras.

I had weird "visions" tonight, I was focusing on my third eye before I went to sleep (I was just paying attention to it, I wasn't doing any kind of meditation but I had done the third eye meditation a few hours before) and I started to literally "see" a rainbow amidst the darkness of my closed eyes. I heard a crackle and some light before it got dark again. This happened before I went to sleep and then when I went to sleep I think I had an accidental astral projection or something. I was just above my body and I heard breathing behind my head, as if it were my physical body breathing while the spiritual body hovered a few inches above. My vision was a little fuzzy and distorted (maybe) and I was startled by the sound of breathing and "screamed". At that moment I came back to my physical body literally screaming. It may sound silly but I was really confused and I would like to know (and if so it could also become a fixed post for beginners) how we will know when our chakras open, including the third eye. I know we shouldn't be scared, and I wasn't really scared, but I got scared and it made me come back. Or it could have been a dream (the projection part) but I highly doubt it. It was very real and I've had this habit for years of dreaming and often "waking up" in the middle of the dream, knowing it really is a dream, especially when it's nightmares. This is something that has been with me since childhood. If I'm having a nightmare and realize it's a dream, sometimes I can control, run away, fly (no wings), and when I scream out loud I manage to get out of the dream, I wake up and wake up screaming scaring everyone around me hahaha Some look like dreams but others are very real. So whenever I get scared and scream, even if I don't want to get out of the "dream", I go out, as if it were already a schedule, you know?!

Another thing is that I read in some JoS article that the number 11 has to do with destruction and that the Jews use it a lot in the bible. Everyday literally every day I see 11:11, 1:11 and so on... Should I worry about something?

Thanks everyone.
FuckYu_666 said:
to put a circle around a rune or around the pentagram is a blasphemy?

Yes. A circle is used for binding and/or destroying the energies of the symbol and whatever the symbol symbolizes. Never use a circle around a symbol, unless it's an enemy symbol. For example, there was a jewish destruction ritual for JoS members some years ago where you had to draw/print a jewish star of david with a circle around it and the Sanskrit word ucceda (which means destruction) around the circle.
Hey guys
Do you have access to lilith Square app?

Liliths.top is not working

Hello, Brothers. I performed a standard ritual on the devil and asked for a succubus. I didn't feel anything on the night I wanted to, and when I asked my guard, he said my request had been granted and I needed to work harder on my succubus. Yesterday I asked my guard to come to me with my succubus and I felt a completely intense energy on the left side of my body. My Astral visions are not good at advanced level, but I can see my succubus, I can feel different energies intensely, but I don't feel anything in my succubus as energy. Can someone with a spiritual wife help? I don't want to bother the Gods/Goddesses too much about these issues in times of war.
Just wondering about a couple of things.

1) How are souls made? I understand that when a soul doesn't have enough energy to last without a body then it's reincarnated immediately after death. But the population of the world has been increasing since forever that means more souls today than yesterday, which, in turn, means new souls are being created. As the sexual bodily fluids have the power of life, does the fusion of the sperm and egg create a new soul? If so then how are souls reincarnated? Any information or a sermon or any other source of info where I could read more would be appreciated. It's just got me stumped.

2) About mantra's, runes, words of power. So the same mantra, etc can be vibrated in different pitches am I right? Like say when vibrating AUM, one can vibrate it corresponding to different pitches or notes (think of notes on a piano, I can vibrate A-A-A-A-U-U-U-U-M-M-M-M as an A note, a B note, C note and so on on the piano). My question is does it matter? Like does the actual pitch of the vibration matter? I would think that it would because a vibration would technically be slightly different for different pitches. But I couldn't find any mentions of this in whatever material I have read so far. Just wondering.

Hail Father Satan Forever!
Hail The Crowned Princes of Hell Forever!
Hail The Powers of Duat Forever!
About Dedication Ritual:

Done with my first step but as soon as the paper was totally burned the candles were also blown out. Is it ok? This was intentionally done to prevent someone from walking in and seeing me do the ritual. I did it around 3PM. i Used 3 blacck candles and 2 red ones arranged in a pentagram manner.

I also started my 40Day Meditation program.
Later that night I experienced the best meditation I had, Also twitching between my eyebrows became more frequent. Sensation was different in every breath.

Is it ok to do the Yoga while I start my 40day program? even it is not in the program yet. This is because I alternate my routine workout with Yoga in the morning ang workouts in the late afternoon.

Any other tips on how to strengthen myself and be ready for fighting and return curses.

Hail Satanas!
Sirhc666 said:
About Dedication Ritual:

Done with my first step but as soon as the paper was totally burned the candles were also blown out. Is it ok? This was intentionally done to prevent someone from walking in and seeing me do the ritual. I did it around 3PM. i Used 3 blacck candles and 2 red ones arranged in a pentagram manner.

I also started my 40Day Meditation program.
Later that night I experienced the best meditation I had, Also twitching between my eyebrows became more frequent. Sensation was different in every breath.

Is it ok to do the Yoga while I start my 40day program? even it is not in the program yet. This is because I alternate my routine workout with Yoga in the morning ang workouts in the late afternoon.

Any other tips on how to strengthen myself and be ready for fighting and return curses.

Hail Satanas!
Sounds like you're doing perfectly. :D

That feeling between your eyes is a possible symptom of the activation of the 3rd eye. There is more energy going into this location, so your muscles are feeling this and reacting to it. Try to relax these muscles. It is a natural reaction a lot of people have to kind of tense up our muscles when we start feeling this energy, but we must be careful to not have this habit. Tensing up the muscles while feeling the energy may cause a blockage.
Hey guys
Why some people can't experience the trance state?
Valeh said:
Hey guys
Why some people can't experience the trance state?

Everyone can and do naturally experience the trance state all the time. It's just like visualization. When you go to the movies and watch a very interesting and captivating movie and become totally absorbed in it and think of nothing else, you're in a trance state. When you attend a very boring lecture and your mind spaces out and you start daydreaming, you're again in a trance state. Trance states are just like that. It's nothing mysterious or complicated.
Valeh said:
Hey guys
Why some people can't experience the trance state?

It's hard for most people to purposefully get into a trance when they want to. It takes practice. But everybody has been in one before.

Have you ever been falling asleep in class and trying to stay awake? And there is a feeling kind of like the entire room disappears, all of the sounds sound like they are very far away, and it feels like you are inside of yourself. If you have ever felt this, this is a trance.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Valeh said:
Hey guys
Why some people can't experience the trance state?

It's hard for most people to purposefully get into a trance when they want to. It takes practice. But everybody has been in one before.

Have you ever been falling asleep in class and trying to stay awake? And there is a feeling kind of like the entire room disappears, all of the sounds sound like they are very far away, and it feels like you are inside of yourself. If you have ever felt this, this is a trance.

"Purposefully" is actually a very proper word here, I think. Valeh, from what I've been observing by myself, most people who can't get in a trance state are simply afraid to GET in a trance state. There's some psychological hangup that needs to be fixed. It can be fear to find xian lies are true, it can be lack of understanding Father Satan's gift to us, could be a number of things, mostly rooted in fear however.

It's right, when you doze off somewhere (in class or anywhere) and you try to stay awake for fuck's sake but you just can't, chances are you've experienced a trance state there, even if very brief.
In my understanding, the trance state is somewhere between the wake state and sleep, but you're either not letting yourself fall asleep, but you're also capable of staying there, not waking up as a consequence. The trick (I think) is to use some kind of trigger that helps you focus and stay "in the zone" so your trance will last longer (from 0.5 seconds to several seconds and more.. I'm no adept at this so a few seconds is really the best I've got, but once you get the hang of it it's not impossible to trigger consciously).

One way that's pretty simply but was effective for me was to count numbers when you're sleepy.. but focusing on the number that comes next, you force your mind to stay awake, but you also let it relax and 'stretch' your consciousness to the right side of the brain. That's where you'll more than likely get visions, images, sounds, some sort of sensorial phenomena.. when this "space" acts as a room where you can stay at will, you can invite the Gods there and chances are you will perceive them just like any person in the waking state.
Hope that helps a bit, I know how hard it can be and how frustrating it is to hear other people's marvelous experiences. Just give it time and try every day, the best would be to try even just a few minutes but multiple times a day. When this becomes something you make a habit of, your skill will start to raise in level and you'll see tiny results, and then better and better ones. Never give up and say you're not good at it, because you'll probably materialize that reality (like an affirmation). Keep it up and you will master this in time.

I was thinking on how to end past curses or anything that may have been cursed on me.
May I ask for help on what I should do since I am on my first week of 40Day meditation and have just started on it. Can I do clearing of curses together while starting on the 40day program? As I am making myself empowered for a working at the end of my 40day program what would be my best option?

Sirhc666 said:
I was thinking on how to end past curses or anything that may have been cursed on me.
May I ask for help on what I should do since I am on my first week of 40Day meditation and have just started on it. Can I do clearing of curses together while starting on the 40day program? As I am making myself empowered for a working at the end of my 40day program what would be my best option?

Yes, you can do these things at the same time.

Look at the beginner section on the Satanic Meditation page. You'll find your answer there, it's on the latter half of the list.

This is also best time to begin such thing, because the Moon has just begun waning.
I ended up getting this for a Satanic Rosary: https://www.etsy.com/listing/225735715/natural-wood-beads-108-beads-full-mala?ga_search_query=108&ref=shop_items_search_22

I don't mind not tying a Baphomet to it. If anyone has any Baphomets they'd recommend, let me know!
Henu the Great said:
Sirhc666 said:
I was thinking on how to end past curses or anything that may have been cursed on me.
May I ask for help on what I should do since I am on my first week of 40Day meditation and have just started on it. Can I do clearing of curses together while starting on the 40day program? As I am making myself empowered for a working at the end of my 40day program what would be my best option?

Yes, you can do these things at the same time.

Look at the beginner section on the Satanic Meditation page. You'll find your answer there, it's on the latter half of the list.

This is also best time to begin such thing, because the Moon has just begun waning.

Thank you Henu the Great,

Will this deplete what I have been preparing?

will it lower my chances of being more powerful if I do 40day meditations together with another working?

Since I have just started to get used to doing concentration and meditation how many other working should be done together with the meditation for it to be of high effect?

Is it right that I need to finish the 40 day program before I start the working or should I do it together?
My purpose as I have stated on my previous post is to do money working, love spell and protection against previous curses.

what can you suggest would be the first thing to do and what Runes to use?
I know it is the perfect timing for removing past curses due to the waning moon.

thank you so much for the guidance

Sirhc666 said:
I was thinking on how to end past curses or anything that may have been cursed on me.
May I ask for help on what I should do since I am on my first week of 40Day meditation and have just started on it. Can I do clearing of curses together while starting on the 40day program? As I am making myself empowered for a working at the end of my 40day program what would be my best option?


In my personal experience, the Final RTR is what did it for me. Before doing it I was feeling no energy, almost nothing even from meditations that people reported 'huge effects' from. When I started doing the FRTR every day (taking a liking to how it was lengthy but effective) I realized I was finally removing what what holding me back my entire life. Things started becoming more and more clearly, I'd feel a buzz in some chakras and more RTRs from schedules (the Serpent ones more than anything) helped me feel more energy from the base chakra, adding to my knowing that I was doing the right thing for me too, not just for the war.

If you feel limited or cursed, extend the number of reps from 9 to 18 or more (always multiples of 9 for destruction of the curse) and you'll see more and more effects in time. I did an 18x FRTR yesterday and it took me like 20 minutes or so, but gave me a good buzz for continuing with the Curse Israel RTR immediately after.

Sirhc666 said:
Henu the Great said:
Sirhc666 said:
I was thinking on how to end past curses or anything that may have been cursed on me.
May I ask for help on what I should do since I am on my first week of 40Day meditation and have just started on it. Can I do clearing of curses together while starting on the 40day program? As I am making myself empowered for a working at the end of my 40day program what would be my best option?

Yes, you can do these things at the same time.

Look at the beginner section on the Satanic Meditation page. You'll find your answer there, it's on the latter half of the list.

This is also best time to begin such thing, because the Moon has just begun waning.

Thank you Henu the Great,

Will this deplete what I have been preparing?

will it lower my chances of being more powerful if I do 40day meditations together with another working?

Since I have just started to get used to doing concentration and meditation how many other working should be done together with the meditation for it to be of high effect?

Is it right that I need to finish the 40 day program before I start the working or should I do it together?
My purpose as I have stated on my previous post is to do money working, love spell and protection against previous curses.

what can you suggest would be the first thing to do and what Runes to use?
I know it is the perfect timing for removing past curses due to the waning moon.

thank you so much for the guidance

Returning curses 1&2 are basically aura cleaning and aura of protection. You should always do these two things. They will not hinder your process. There are other methods for cleaning and protection, and you should always do some version of them. This means you can change from one to another at some point, or you can simply do the same over and over. Whichever suits you best.

So you are new to this path? I would suggest that you did basics 90 days straight, including yoga and void meditation before a working so that you would get better results. It is also very much recommended to do only one working at a time so as not to spread your energies thin.

90 days is about three months. You can study the site and forums for the runes and what have you meanwhile you are getting used to heightened bioelectricity and mind control.

Three most important things for a new SS are:

1. Cleaning
2. Void meditation
3. Freeing the soul

Freeing the soul from anything from for example negative habits, xianity, people, emotions and so on. These will set you to path of success and fast development.

Physical yoga is also very important, but some prefer tai-chi or qi-cong instead. These open up energy pathways of your body, among many other things.
Please am new and I want to know how I can sign my name with blood I have read and want to be enlightened more on how to go about it I love Satan and want to be a true satanist
Francesco92 said:
I can't visualize the sigil of Gaap in my mind, solutions?
These are difficult at first, they take practice to have them clearly in your mind. Every time you attempt to visualize the sigil, it becomes more clear and easier to see.

Keep the image of the sigil in front of you on your computer screen. Close your eyes and attempt to visualize it. Open your eyes and look at the picture as many times as you need to remind you what the shape is.
Henu the Great said:
Sirhc666 said:
Henu the Great said:
Yes, you can do these things at the same time.

Look at the beginner section on the Satanic Meditation page. You'll find your answer there, it's on the latter half of the list.

This is also best time to begin such thing, because the Moon has just begun waning.

Thank you Henu the Great,

Will this deplete what I have been preparing?

will it lower my chances of being more powerful if I do 40day meditations together with another working?

Since I have just started to get used to doing concentration and meditation how many other working should be done together with the meditation for it to be of high effect?

Is it right that I need to finish the 40 day program before I start the working or should I do it together?
My purpose as I have stated on my previous post is to do money working, love spell and protection against previous curses.

what can you suggest would be the first thing to do and what Runes to use?
I know it is the perfect timing for removing past curses due to the waning moon.

thank you so much for the guidance

Returning curses 1&2 are basically aura cleaning and aura of protection. You should always do these two things. They will not hinder your process. There are other methods for cleaning and protection, and you should always do some version of them. This means you can change from one to another at some point, or you can simply do the same over and over. Whichever suits you best.

So you are new to this path? I would suggest that you did basics 90 days straight, including yoga and void meditation before a working so that you would get better results. It is also very much recommended to do only one working at a time so as not to spread your energies thin.

90 days is about three months. You can study the site and forums for the runes and what have you meanwhile you are getting used to heightened bioelectricity and mind control.

Three most important things for a new SS are:

1. Cleaning
2. Void meditation
3. Freeing the soul

Freeing the soul from anything from for example negative habits, xianity, people, emotions and so on. These will set you to path of success and fast development.

Physical yoga is also very important, but some prefer tai-chi or qi-cong instead. These open up energy pathways of your body, among many other things.

[/quote]Returning curses 1&2 are basically aura cleaning and aura of protection. You should always do these two things. They will not hinder your process. There are other methods for cleaning and protection, and you should always do some version of them. This means you can change from one to another at some point, or you can simply do the same over and over. Whichever suits you best.

Ok i will do this Returning curses 1&2 while i still continue my beginner meditations.

So you are new to this path? I would suggest that you did basics 90 days straight, including yoga and void meditation before a working so that you would get better results. It is also very much recommended to do only one working at a time so as not to spread your energies thin.

Yes, newly dedicated. Im happy to know that my birthday is Dec 23 same with our dear Satan...
BTW regarding the 90 days program that you mentioned, will I just continue the 40DAy program or is there another one that I will follow after the 40Day program that I have started? I am still studying on how to empower myself and not yet doing any workings as of the moment, but really would follow the first advise regarding the Returning curses as it would not hinder or thin out my energies as mentioned.


Three most important things for a new SS are:

1. Cleaning
2. Void meditation
3. Freeing the soul

Freeing the soul from anything from for example negative habits, xianity, people, emotions and so on. These will set you to path of success and fast development.

Physical yoga is also very important, but some prefer tai-chi or qi-cong instead. These open up energy pathways of your body, among many other things.
Henu the Great said:
Sirhc666 said:
Henu the Great said:
Yes, you can do these things at the same time.

Look at the beginner section on the Satanic Meditation page. You'll find your answer there, it's on the latter half of the list.

This is also best time to begin such thing, because the Moon has just begun waning.

Thank you Henu the Great,

Will this deplete what I have been preparing?

will it lower my chances of being more powerful if I do 40day meditations together with another working?

Since I have just started to get used to doing concentration and meditation how many other working should be done together with the meditation for it to be of high effect?

Is it right that I need to finish the 40 day program before I start the working or should I do it together?
My purpose as I have stated on my previous post is to do money working, love spell and protection against previous curses.

what can you suggest would be the first thing to do and what Runes to use?
I know it is the perfect timing for removing past curses due to the waning moon.

thank you so much for the guidance

Returning curses 1&2 are basically aura cleaning and aura of protection. You should always do these two things. They will not hinder your process. There are other methods for cleaning and protection, and you should always do some version of them. This means you can change from one to another at some point, or you can simply do the same over and over. Whichever suits you best.

So you are new to this path? I would suggest that you did basics 90 days straight, including yoga and void meditation before a working so that you would get better results. It is also very much recommended to do only one working at a time so as not to spread your energies thin.

90 days is about three months. You can study the site and forums for the runes and what have you meanwhile you are getting used to heightened bioelectricity and mind control.

Three most important things for a new SS are:

1. Cleaning
2. Void meditation
3. Freeing the soul

Freeing the soul from anything from for example negative habits, xianity, people, emotions and so on. These will set you to path of success and fast development.

Physical yoga is also very important, but some prefer tai-chi or qi-cong instead. These open up energy pathways of your body, among many other things.

Yes 3 months it is not that long. I have been blinded and fooled by following xianity all my life, and nothing good has ever happened but meeting the wrong people and end up being used and abused. I would gladly dedicate the rest of my life doing what will make me happy and not taking shit from narcs. as for now all I want to do is improve my energies. for when I can finally prove my powers that is when I will decide how to take my revenge on the people who used me and plan my moves carefully.

still reading daily on how to make it perfect and ensure success in my new path. taking notes as my queries are being answered by our helpful guides here.

Doing physical yoga and meditation daily.
Void meditation and concentration still has to be improved as there are so many things running on my mind.

thank you so much.

Lykia said:
Hello again everyone.
I've made my mind up and i'm sure i want to dedicate myself to Satan.
But i have just 1 question.In what order are these meditations done?
Is there some sort of guide for the meditations?

1.Opening your soul meditations.
2.Energy meditations.
3.Protecting yourself meditations.
4.Invoking Fire element meditation.
5.Freeing the soul meditations.
6.Sun square meditation.
7.Eight-fold path metitation.

Meditation number 4 can be performed forever. A blue aura is very helpful in meditations especially with this one.

The above are what I would prescribe for myself.
Lykia said:
Hello again everyone.
I've made my mind up and i'm sure i want to dedicate myself to Satan.
But i have just 1 question.In what order are these meditations done?
Is there some sort of guide for the meditations?

In order to get started and make progress with the fastest route (in my opinion) one should actually start slow.

First of all, you'll want Void Meditation as a daily training:

This will help you wonders because the first thing you need in order to grow stronger and more skilled is control over your own mind. Normally, our thoughts are very scattered, out of control. Chances are you can focus for only a handful of seconds before an unwanted thought will creep in your mind and you'll be thinking about it (this can often be grey activity but most of the time it's just our lack of practice). Just sit down, relax with a few breaths and empty your mind. This is actually much harder than it sounds, but there are some nice tricks you can use to make this easier. You can focus on the sound of your breathing, or on the feel of your breathing, without moving your attention on anything else. This will help your mind relax and you'll be more receptive to psychic communication (usually when the Gods are the easiest to reach for me, this is how I do it). The key is also not to look for answers outside of yourself, but INWARD. We were made by our Gods and Goddesses, so it's even logical that our own Souls are the best bridge to reach them again.
Another way is through mantra/chanting: sound (vibration) is extremely powerful and will help you tune your chakras like a radio when you make it a habit of practicing with different mantras, tone and pitch. I found this, when done properly, creates a decent "psychic window" that lets you open up and receive more information.

That was about the mind, as for energy...

This one is a must for getting a feel for energy and starting to work with it. Do NOT get discouraged if you can't feel anything: today we have more knowledge and a lot of hints on how to bypass "unfeelingness" and unlock ourselves, even for desperate cases (like I was). Just focus on the breath entering your body and be aware of your body, notice anything that happens: tingling on the skin, a particular sense of pressure, hot or cold sensation anywhere.. this varies a lot depending on the person.

Mind, energy... and physical:

The importance of Hatha (physical) Yoga is very often misunderstood and frowned upon by people who think about spirituality, but the truth is that Yoga (that means "union") is actually one of the best things you can do for yourself. The stances are designed to teach (or "teach again") your energy to flow within the body and this alone will unlock all sorts of blockages: you'll feel energy if you don't, you'll eventually feel pain and discomfort the first times you do it but this means the energy (the blocked energy) is being released and you'll feel much, much better when you get used to doing this as a daily routine. Your health will drastically improve and if you have any particularly notable unknown spiritual skill, chances are you will notice it in time as it will become unlocked and easier to access.

This should be the basis of your training.
One last thing (something you'll learn NOT to live without) is the most powerful ritual we have: the Final RTR and Killing the Tetragrammaton.

Not only this is like every Spiritual Satanist's sword against the enemy, but it's also our shield against their constant curses: by doing this ritual daily (as many times as you like) you'll redirect the enemy's curses away from you, weakening them and destroying them entirely, making things so much better and easier for you (so you'll have less and less difficulty learning and getting spiritually more powerful, with all the perks this involves).

Hope this helps, and welcome to the Family. :)


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
