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Hello, i'm new and still learning. Already invested hours in the forum reading, searching and have some questions that i could not find answers.

1) Who create the gods in their home planet ? Evolution ?

2) Some people say that there are 2 types of Jews, are they the same in the "soul" level ?

3) Why some many big companies logos use the 666 or other symbols that are related with the old gods ? Ex: World Economic Forum

4) Is it possible that the politics that work for the TPTB are from another type of satanism, different of SS ?

5) Why the politics that work for the TPTB and that are not reptilian, work for them ? Just for money, power or something else ?

6) What is the "all seeing eye" for the SS ? The eye of Lucifer ?
EnjoySS said:
1) Who create the gods in their home planet ? Evolution ?


EnjoySS said:
2) Some people say that there are 2 types of Jews, are they the same in the "soul" level ?

By 2 types I assume you mean the typical "askhenazi" jews and the others more dark skinned "sefardic". There are jews of other races, like Ethiopian, Chinese and Indian jews. All of them are the same at the soul level, they are just like trojan horses externally to look like the cultures they want to infiltrate.

EnjoySS said:
3) Why some many big companies logos use the 666 or other symbols that are related with the old gods ? Ex: World Economic Forum

The WEF doesn't have 666 in its logo, it's just xiantard confirmation bias bullshit where they seek to find 666 everywhere and they connect random things like the 3 o's with the circle in that logo and pretend as if it's they deliberately hid 666 there. You can find 666 in xian church logos too if you follow their same stupid method.

EnjoySS said:
4) Is it possible that the politics that work for the TPTB are from another type of satanism, different of SS ?

There's no "other type" of Satanism, since SS is True Satanism. These aliens they work for are enemies of Satan, they are the so-called "yahweh". Jews, who are behind all this are also enemies of Satan. So, put two and two together, and you can see that those who work for TPTB are enemies of Satan. And those who are in contact with Satan and the Gods know that Satan hates them and their time is short after the Demons have been freed, that's why they have been panicking and try to rush their NWO. Satan is the God of the Gentiles, so trying to harm or enslave his people means you are working against him and you will incur his wrath.

It's true though that the elites are into the occult, and xians thinking in a black and white way have twisted this to make them "Satanists" somehow. There is enemy occultism, such as enemy grimoires with instructions about abusing the Demons (which no longer work because the Demons are free now) and jewish kabalah and sick pedophilia rituals that the jews have been caught doing in the name of yahweh. That's the "occultism" the elites practice. These are literally the opposite of Satanism.

It's also true that some of these organizations (Freemasonry for example) used to be Satanic 300+ years ago but got infiltrated by jews and now work for Satan's enemies.

By the way, all this globalism and taking over the world is from the buybull and "yahweh" commands it, both in the old and the new testament. Especially in the new, with kike paul saying "there's neither jew nor greek". Those xians who claim that the globalists are Satanists somehow haven't read their buybull.

EnjoySS said:
5) Why the politics that work for the TPTB and that are not reptilian, work for them ? Just for money, power or something else ?

They are either jews, or they are greedy bastards or just threatened by them.

EnjoySS said:
6) What is the "all seeing eye" for the SS ? The eye of Lucifer ?

What do you mean? The all-seeing eye represents a powerful allegory. From JoS:

The PYRAMID is symbolic of the shape of the human chakra. The missing capstone represents the unfinished work and the ALL-SEEING EYE represents the gnosis and all-knowing when one reaches the godhead. This state is also known as "SAMADI" or "SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS." The photo at left was taken from the US One Dollar Bill. The United States, government and all, was founded upon Masonic prinicples and is not Christian by any stretch of the imagination. Original Freemasonry was of Satan.
Does anyone have a working link for the JoS mega file, the Blue Star Athenaeum or at least any other big files?

I tried downloading on my tablet the one HPHC has in his signature but when it reaches 100% it always says failed. I tried twice and I have around 35GB storage left so storage is not the problem.

Ardgion said:
Does anyone have a working link for the JoS mega file, the Blue Star Athenaeum or at least any other big files?

I tried downloading on my tablet the one HPHC has in his signature but when it reaches 100% it always says failed. I tried twice and I have around 35GB storage left so storage is not the problem.

https://mega.nz/folder/MnQ2kZbY#i4ggfY3e8bfqziYmFFz0Kw - The Blue Star Athenaeum
Ardgion said:
Does anyone have a working link for the JoS mega file, the Blue Star Athenaeum or at least any other big files?

I tried downloading on my tablet the one HPHC has in his signature but when it reaches 100% it always says failed. I tried twice and I have around 35GB storage left so storage is not the problem.


A lot of things are not in there that are in this link. But there also a lot of things that it has that this link does not have.

This war how would it be honestly? And why people so damn racist to black peoples on here?
Foundation meditation And energy meditation which is better?
Cosmic6999 said:
This war how would it be honestly?

I don't know what you mean.

Cosmic6999 said:
And why people so damn racist to black peoples on here?

Do you have any evidence of a "racist" post that didn't get challenged/called out by members, or are you trying to race bait? See an example post that got attacked:


There are also black members like Blackdragon and Ramier here that you can ask if they have been racially attacked by anyone except by trolls here.

Cosmic6999 said:
Foundation meditation And energy meditation which is better?

They are used for different purposes.

Cosmic6999 said:
How powerful is our sexual energy can we use our energy to attract naturally?

Attract what?
In Al Jilwah there are 5 chapters, why 5? does it refer to something specific (elements, staff, etc.), or am I just fantasizing?
off topic:
Is this site reliable for the birth chart and interpretations?
Cosmic6999 said:
And why people so damn racist to black peoples on here?
We're not racist, we just don't support the racial mix (there's a lot of arguments on that, try the search function), we're not all white here on JoS.
Cosmic6999 said:
This war how would it be honestly? And why people so damn racist to black peoples on here?
Foundation meditation And energy meditation which is better?

Neither are better than the other. One is for absorbing energy while the other is for expanding and strengthening the aura.
Cosmic6999 said:
How powerful is our sexual energy can we use our energy to attract naturally?

Have you begun to study the JOS?
GoldenxChild1 said:
one of goat ppl said:
I think Jews cant do MATh alt all.
BECAUSE of 1+1+1 = 1???????????????????????
From Pseudo-Psychology side, Many of them are diagnosed as autism.
What do you think about it???????????????????????

I'm not sure the purpose of this post; however, do not underestimate a Jew. Yes, they are of inferior design to Satanic Gentiles but they're dangerous and intelligent in their own way.
Thx for advice!
Hello, I have a question about the gods of Ancient Greece and the correlation with Satan and the Demons. Prometheus is Satan; are they the same entity? And who is Zeus; Athena Neptune Poseidon Apollo Ares Hermes which Demons are they and do they also have seals ?
I’m asking how would this war turn out how would we fight and plus I been slacking off my studies. Any advice
Akis 666 said:
Hello, I have a question about the gods of Ancient Greece and the correlation with Satan and the Demons. Prometheus is Satan; are they the same entity?

No. Prometheus was a Titan. From my research I've found that the Titans were allegories and not real beings. And this entire thing of Prometheus equating to Satan assumes that the buybull story is true and yahweh is who the buybull says it is and that Zeus is yahweh. All these are false. There was no equivalent to yahweh in ancient mythologies.

Akis 666 said:
And who is Zeus

A separate being of his own. The JoS site says that the name "Mammon" was given to him somehow, and he has been known as Mammon, but that is just a kike word for money.

Akis 666 said:


Akis 666 said:
Neptune Poseidon

Neptune is the Roman version of the Greek Poseidon. I'm not sure how correct is this, but it's mentioned by JoS members that Poseidon is Satan because of being the same being as Enki, the Sumerian alias of Satan.

Akis 666 said:


Akis 666 said:


Akis 666 said:

No idea. Possibly Andras.
Sirhc666 said:
in the 40day program
Third Eye opening.
how to check if third eye is open? do I move to next stage and follow the program as directed? also I have started doing yoga and kundalini alternatively since day 1 of the program. although senses on the third eye area are.getting more intense, i still want to verify if it is open already. i want to talk to a demoness who will guide me thru my Returning of curses...


The chakra openings exercises are just an initial opening. They still need continual empowerment, cleaning, unblocking, and so on. Do the prescribed days and reps for the chakras, then move on. You can do more or at once, and you can always come back to them later, either with targeted empowerment or the chakra opening exercises themselves.

The Laguz rune can be used for increasing astral sensitivities. Something simple like 10x Laguz and affirmed properly, for example. Don't stress too much as a beginner though.

Focus on building up your initial energy, then I would recommend doing deep cleaning, as this will remove lots of gunk holding you back, plus it is very empowering in its own right.

Doing yoga is very good. I am happy you started doing this. Don't stop. There are too many benefits of it to list.

Speak mentally through Satan's sigil to him and respectfully ask for assistance with the RC meditations. Focus as if you are putting thoughts right into his head. He will send someone.
how many spiritual practices are there just 8 like in astaroths eight fold path also how many magick spells are there are there technically infinite and also like the Final RTR would other species especially EVIL alien species be destoyed by an equivalent magick ritual?

also how does a culture get created or destroyed?
i don't know if i already said this so i'm sorry if this is being repeated if it is but the question I have is how many ways are there to raise energy to either increase your energy or runic is it just breathing exercises, yoga, foundation meditation, runes and mantras?
Blitzkreig said:
Sirhc666 said:
in the 40day program
Third Eye opening.
how to check if third eye is open? do I move to next stage and follow the program as directed? also I have started doing yoga and kundalini alternatively since day 1 of the program. although senses on the third eye area are.getting more intense, i still want to verify if it is open already. i want to talk to a demoness who will guide me thru my Returning of curses...


The chakra openings exercises are just an initial opening. They still need continual empowerment, cleaning, unblocking, and so on. Do the prescribed days and reps for the chakras, then move on. You can do more or at once, and you can always come back to them later, either with targeted empowerment or the chakra opening exercises themselves.

The Laguz rune can be used for increasing astral sensitivities. Something simple like 10x Laguz and affirmed properly, for example. Don't stress too much as a beginner though.

Focus on building up your initial energy, then I would recommend doing deep cleaning, as this will remove lots of gunk holding you back, plus it is very empowering in its own right.

Doing yoga is very good. I am happy you started doing this. Don't stop. There are too many benefits of it to list.

Speak mentally through Satan's sigil to him and respectfully ask for assistance with the RC meditations. Focus as if you are putting thoughts right into his head. He will send someone.

Thank you Blitzkreig.

As of now I am stuck with the days in opening the third eye, although started feeling pulsating sensations between the eyebrows, I want to be definite that I has already opened.
Also someone has told me that first thing to open are the minor chakras and not the third eye, i am a bit confused but still i am following the 40day program of HC.
I will move on to the next phase.
If there are other links that you can share with regards to third eye opening please share it to me.
Now I am doing daily Returning Curses together with the program that I started since waning moon of this month. I am still continuing up to now as it is beneficial as advised on the Returning curses page to do it continually.

As for the deep cleansing, Is the 216 SURYA vibration ok?? Also I do sunbathing if there is enough sunlight while I do gardening and grounding as well.

Ill check about the Laguz rune. Is there a specific timing for this as I am already doing 2 routines the daily 40prog day and night and RC in the afternoon.

I do daily Hatha Yoga as well during afternoon after workout routine. Yes I like it and also the Kundalini where I felt electrical pulses at the end of my hands feet and funny I even felt it on my Phallus.

On speaking to Satan I will try it tonight. yes I ask for Satan to send me a demoness to help me with RC. althouth I havent felt anyone yet I talked to him and I asked if Satan could gently show up in my dreams so I can ask him what to do next.
not yet successful on this part though..I hope I can feel the progress of my daily routine.
Crystallized Mushroom said:
how many spiritual practices are there just 8 like in astaroths eight fold path

The Eight-Fold path is just the basic techniques that all practices use. Spiritual practices are combinations of the techniques in the eight-fold path. They all use one or many of them.

Crystallized Mushroom said:
also how many magick spells are there are there technically infinite

Of course there are infinite because you create your own spells. There are no fixed spells that you just follow in SS. A better way to put it: just concentrating on something if you are advanced, this is a spell. You don't even need a specific formula.

Crystallized Mushroom said:
and also like the Final RTR would other species especially EVIL alien species be destoyed by an equivalent magick ritual?

The enemy aliens are too powerful for us to destroy. The Gods take care of them, and we fight the jews, since they are at our level of power.
Rational Satanist said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
how many spiritual practices are there just 8 like in astaroths eight fold path

The Eight-Fold path is just the basic techniques that all practices use. Spiritual practices are combinations of the techniques in the eight-fold path. They all use one or many of them.

Crystallized Mushroom said:
also how many magick spells are there are there technically infinite

Of course there are infinite because you create your own spells. There are no fixed spells that you just follow in SS. A better way to put it: just concentrating on something if you are advanced, this is a spell. You don't even need a specific formula.

Crystallized Mushroom said:
and also like the Final RTR would other species especially EVIL alien species be destoyed by an equivalent magick ritual?

The enemy aliens are too powerful for us to destroy. The Gods take care of them, and we fight the jews, since they are at our level of power.

thank you for answering :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: :D :D :D :D
So I decided to switch hatha yoga with kundalini and after I did it I felt great but my question here is while I was doing the 3rd kriya I wasn't able to hold my hands up and I had to take a small break between each 8 reps.
Is that okay or am I only supposed to rest after I do the kriya?

Or maybe I should still stick with hatha yoga. :?
Hello I've recently registered to the forum although I had made my dedication to Satan some years ago now,
I was just wondering if its acceptable to draw sigils of certain demons or gods of the underworld, to be used in scrying etc.
Additionally what is the stance on using such symbols in works of art and such?
Many thanks
Hail satan!
Ardgion said:
So I decided to switch hatha yoga with kundalini and after I did it I felt great but my question here is while I was doing the 3rd kriya I wasn't able to hold my hands up and I had to take a small break between each 8 reps.
Is that okay or am I only supposed to rest after I do the kriya?

Or maybe I should still stick with hatha yoga. :?
You can start with lower than 26x reps which is instructed and build up yourself slowly. For example increase one repetition every two days, or week, or something that fits you.

Ideally you should do both, but do what you find best suitable for your present situation. Kundalini yoga is also much more than that one you are doing now.
TheFallenOne97 said:
Hello I've recently registered to the forum although I had made my dedication to Satan some years ago now,
I was just wondering if its acceptable to draw sigils of certain demons or gods of the underworld, to be used in scrying etc.
Additionally what is the stance on using such symbols in works of art and such?
Many thanks
Hail satan!

Of course, as long as you use the ones from JoS and not the enemy versions with double circles around them. That's the only thing that's disrespectful. Other than that, whether you draw them and use them in art or whatever it's all good.
sola said:
Hi. The JoS website says:
Hematite used with this rune can shield against electro-magnetic energies and is therefore helpful in deflecting curses.
However, Wikipedia says:
(Hematite) is electrically conductive
Does hematite actually shield against electro-magnetic energies, even if is electrically conductive?

Wikipedia https://ibb.co/GJ81W4t
JoS Site https://ibb.co/1vgzzvF

It is conducive materials that are used for electromagnetic shielding. Materials that are not conducive have no ability to shield anything.

That is why everything electronic is built inside of metal boxes. Or if they are plastic, they are still coated inside with a metal material. Part of the reason is for grounding, so if something breaks high voltage is grounded directly to the box instead of going through your body. The other reason is electromagnetic insulation.
Of course, as long as you use the ones from JoS and not the enemy versions with double circles around them. That's the only thing that's disrespectful. Other than that, whether you draw them and use them in art or whatever it's all good.

Cheers for clearing that up, Yeah I only use the ones I find here, cheers for noting how I can spot the enemy bastardisations.
Symbology in art is a fascinating subject for me. I'd love to learn more on the origins of each sigil thier history of use and such.
How do I vibrate the words on the rtr?
I thought I had to vibrate them like I would with a rune, which would take me hours to finish (which I would happily do) however recently someone said I only need about 15 mins to do the rtr all 9 vibrations.
So how am I supposed to do it then? Do I just say the words 9 times or do I vibrate them like a rune.

And just to make sure I literally did math for it. If I take around 10 secs (which I recorded me vibrating one of the words) to vibrate one word, then do that 9 times, then do that for 4 times per letter, then 22 times for each letter, it would take me over 2 hours. I just don't get how I'm supposed to do that in 15 mins
Someone.something_ said:
How do I vibrate the words on the rtr?
I thought I had to vibrate them like I would with a rune, which would take me hours to finish (which I would happily do) however recently someone said I only need about 15 mins to do the rtr all 9 vibrations.
So how am I supposed to do it then? Do I just say the words 9 times or do I vibrate them like a rune.

And just to make sure I literally did math for it. If I take around 10 secs (which I recorded me vibrating one of the words) to vibrate one word, then do that 9 times, then do that for 4 times per letter, then 22 times for each letter, it would take me over 2 hours. I just don't get how I'm supposed to do that in 15 mins
There is a link in my signature, the youtube channel. Check it out, it has instructions for rtrs, runes, and more.
When I did aerokinesis and control the wind afterwards. I felt heat around my whole the next day and heat by my based. My whole body was hot my head was thumping I couldn’t sleep, the cover was hot my taste change. My noise been stop up lately I barely feel any pain. I don’t know what’s going on my hometown look so different. I don’t feel like I am my body for some reason any reason why is that?
Cosmic6999 said:
When I did aerokinesis and control the wind afterwards. I felt heat around my whole the next day and heat by my based. My whole body was hot my head was thumping I couldn’t sleep, the cover was hot my taste change. My noise been stop up lately I barely feel any pain. I don’t know what’s going on my hometown look so different. I don’t feel like I am my body for some reason any reason why is that?

Elements can give various side effects (also main effects but in an unexpected form). Depending on the amount of each Element in your Soul you'll notice different effects than others will experience. For example: to feel a lot of effects after you use Aerokinesis/control the wind/use or invoke Air Element COULD mean that you're lacking in that Element, that your Earth is too strong compare to the Air, or that you have some unresolved issue (usually a psychological scar, in my opinion) that causes you to feel something as "too much and too sudden".

Did you take a look at your natal chart? ( https://www.astro.com/cgi/ go to "Free Horoscopes", and then to "Natal Chart, Ascendant" if you have no clue what your Elements look like ...I posted a video on how to do this easily last year but fucking kikes deleted my channel)

Regarding your changed sense of taste, however, I have to say.. it COULD be something else. I've been noticing more and more my sense of smell (had a lot of practice with astral smell, unlike people that have good astral sight or hearing) has had a sharp increase in skill and I can pick up things I couldn't before, even days after the scent is normally gone (it's still there, we just normally can't detect it in smaller quantities). And, I couldn't sleep much either..

Mmmm... :/

Could it be that a HUGE piece of the "spiritual veil of Hebrew magick and consciousness" has been lifted these days and we get to feel more of the astral? :eek:

Sirhc666 said:
Blitzkreig said:
Sirhc666 said:
in the 40day program
Third Eye opening.
how to check if third eye is open? do I move to next stage and follow the program as directed? also I have started doing yoga and kundalini alternatively since day 1 of the program. although senses on the third eye area are.getting more intense, i still want to verify if it is open already. i want to talk to a demoness who will guide me thru my Returning of curses...


The chakra openings exercises are just an initial opening. They still need continual empowerment, cleaning, unblocking, and so on. Do the prescribed days and reps for the chakras, then move on. You can do more or at once, and you can always come back to them later, either with targeted empowerment or the chakra opening exercises themselves.

The Laguz rune can be used for increasing astral sensitivities. Something simple like 10x Laguz and affirmed properly, for example. Don't stress too much as a beginner though.

Focus on building up your initial energy, then I would recommend doing deep cleaning, as this will remove lots of gunk holding you back, plus it is very empowering in its own right.

Doing yoga is very good. I am happy you started doing this. Don't stop. There are too many benefits of it to list.

Speak mentally through Satan's sigil to him and respectfully ask for assistance with the RC meditations. Focus as if you are putting thoughts right into his head. He will send someone.

Thank you Blitzkreig.

As of now I am stuck with the days in opening the third eye, although started feeling pulsating sensations between the eyebrows, I want to be definite that I has already opened.
Also someone has told me that first thing to open are the minor chakras and not the third eye, i am a bit confused but still i am following the 40day program of HC.
I will move on to the next phase.
If there are other links that you can share with regards to third eye opening please share it to me.
Now I am doing daily Returning Curses together with the program that I started since waning moon of this month. I am still continuing up to now as it is beneficial as advised on the Returning curses page to do it continually.

As for the deep cleansing, Is the 216 SURYA vibration ok?? Also I do sunbathing if there is enough sunlight while I do gardening and grounding as well.

Ill check about the Laguz rune. Is there a specific timing for this as I am already doing 2 routines the daily 40prog day and night and RC in the afternoon.

I do daily Hatha Yoga as well during afternoon after workout routine. Yes I like it and also the Kundalini where I felt electrical pulses at the end of my hands feet and funny I even felt it on my Phallus.

On speaking to Satan I will try it tonight. yes I ask for Satan to send me a demoness to help me with RC. althouth I havent felt anyone yet I talked to him and I asked if Satan could gently show up in my dreams so I can ask him what to do next.
not yet successful on this part though..I hope I can feel the progress of my daily routine.


You don't have to do a MASSIVE blasting of the chakras. The idea is to be a turtle or maybe more of a snail since snails move smoother.

For example the opening the chakra has some-odd numbers of reps for example Raum being 5 or Yaum being 16 or Sahasrara having both Bx7/Maumx8. These are just for initial blasting but you don't have to do what the basic opening does after your done with basic opening. Is it recommended to do basic opening sure but if you want you can [balance] your chakras with say 7-10 vibrations.

So just remember you only need 7-10 vibrations. So visualize the chakra, vibrate into it X(7-10), and then it's not 100% necessary but as time goes on you'll understand why affirmation is very important so state one to several affirmations, and then spend a few minutes visualizing and working with the chakra. The idea is to build up it's smooth and steady not blast 108 or whatever at some point. Even people meditating for years would find 4-5 hours of chakra mantras insane.

A good technique is to spin them so for example you can combine chakra mantra with chakra spinning and since your working from TOP to BOTTOM your good. That's not to state chakra spinning hurts you doing it bottom to top. Just might as well take advantage of chakra meditation schedule and spin them. So yeah follow the 40-day guide seems your doing good but don't dial it up too high just be gentle kinda like yoga gentle stretching and gentle resistance to build up.

We also advise people to perform spiritual warfare F-RTR, Anti-Tetragrammaton, SJD rituals or any ritual schedule. It's real easy once you get the hang of it. Try a 1, 3 or 9 rep of F-RTR try it out for several weeks maybe a month or two and then expand. The recommended by HP.Cobra is 3-5 multiples or 27-45 either 9, 9, 9 or 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 or a multitude of 27-to-45 reps. Don't go crazy in the beginning it's better to do just one rather than none or else a high amount then failing to do more. Spiritual warfare is very important for our organization unlike other organizations.

As for your message on 3rd eye all indications are good. Your third eye is tingling or throbbing or feeling. But again you work on it also it's not just a matter of pumping up the 3rd eye but using it. So try and "see" through it of course that takes time.

Also for basic chakra work and no not opening but basic chakra work I said 7-10 vibrations but there are 10 chakras to work on importantly.

From top to bottom:

1. Crown
2. Center Ajna
3. 3rd Eye
4. Pineal gland(Gaum vibration there's also other mantras like Aum or certain breathing exercises)
5. Center Vishuddi
6. Both shoulder chakras(stick to the ZZZZ vibration and also spin the shoulders to pump them up not mandatory as they are the watchtower chakras but non-the less I personally consider them important)
7. Center Anahata
8. Center Manipura
9. Center Svadisthana
10. Center Muladhara

We work on the center chakras first and foremost.

BTW Returning Curses is done on a Void of Course-less moon. So I hope you look at the calendar and check out a date. It's a ritual and requires a VoC-less day. So double check. Once you do the ritual on the VoC-less date i.e. recite the prayer your golden keep it up. You can do it as many times as you clean so minimum twice a day after waking and just before sleep.

BTW you don't have to clean 216 blast start with a low amount like 9 reps or 18 or maybe 36. It's going the distance not burning yourself out. Also you don't have to do mantra blasting for now you can keep cleaning with aura cleaning and then chakra cleaning the center chakras later on IF you feel you can clean the watchtower chakras i.e. side/front/back chakras but some people have stated center cleaning makes the s/f/b chakras simulate the center. So as long as you clean the center the others mimic the health and become better. It probably depends on the person.

Also I might suggest cleaning in the one minute or more minutes cleaning Aura/Chakra/Aura. I've been thinking this is just my personal theory if the entity is helping clean and whatnot I can see why it's a bit silly. But lets look at this logical. If your cleaning your aura your removing gunk from your aura, a part of your soul, and then cleaning your chakras which releases negative energies as your de-gunking the chakras. Well funny enough with the entity they can help clean without you can make an argument of if negative energies stick to you then what if negative energy is removed and some of it sticks to your aura in the process of cleaning it out. So in my own personal factor I like to clean aura, chakra, then aura again at least 3 minutes but can take longer.

Oh and don't worry how long cleaning takes for a cleaner person maybe a year for someone who is dirtier maybe 2 or 3. And don't forget about aura of protection VERY important the very AoP protects you and keeps you cleaner.

All in all I'd suggest you stick to this schedule for a while maybe in a few months like two or three months at least once your daily meditating consistently you can probably do a freeing the soul or maybe expand on other meditations.

So chakra exercises, one or two breathing exercises, yoga H/K, and deep/er cleaning.

ALSO very important void meditation. I have a few suggestions. Void AFTER cleaning aura/chakra as cleaning has an impact on Void i.e. the dirt/gunk causes issues to the person. And also after your meditation session void. I recall someone back in 2013-2014 on the former yahoo forums. Stating if you think about if while void in the beginning is nice a few minutes 5 minutes to set up a relaxation to meditation. One of the reasons why some suggest breathing exercises before a ritual or before meditation. But AFTER you meditate your at the highest pumped up state of bioelectrical activity which will slowly settle down and drop until your next meditation session.

So why not meditate i.e. void during your session after meditation so the highest level of bioelectricity is the strength level by which your void stays at. So in essence if you void at the highest point you void during the highest resistance and the idea is after your done meditating your void is used to a higher level and thus the next time you void. You void stronger.

You'll come to find out void is very important and we definitely recommend it as important along with trance training. So try and practice trance as well.
Bright Truth said:
Heyman342 said:
I was reading about how to clean your aura with a Satanic Rosary and I need some help. The website I was looking at says to recite a Satanic Rosary, so that means you have to use an affirmation. What would be a good affirmation to use? What do you guys use?

Here's the website I'm talking about :

Here's the website about the Satanic Rosary : https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Satanic_Rosary.html

"In a positive and healthy manner for me, my aura is eternally getting clean from all negative energies." Something like that I suggest. Feel free to change some parts except "positive, healthy and eternally" words. Energy goes at easier way unless you don't specify.

What rune(s) do you recommend?
Four questions,

What happened with Mageson?

Don't have a rosary and I really need to clean my soul, how do I proceed?

I want to dedicate my soul to Lucifer but my time is being taken up and I don't think there are any occult shops near me, anyway I can work around that?

What is Lucifer's real name?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
