This is from an old comment I made, but it's important to understand so I'm copying it here for more people to see. Somebody basically asked "I'm doing all these works to clean out my soul and it was feeling like a great improvement for the first several days, but then all the problems suddenly came back all at once and I felt worse than before. What's happening?!"
This was my answer:
I've experienced things like this, it's part of the growth. Basically there have been bad emotions locked deep into your soul, kind of folded inside in another dimension in a way that you don't really feel or experience, but it is still there subconsciously. As you grow and improve, all of this negativity is being pulled out of you. So first it sort of "unfolds and unlocks" out of the deep way that it was locked in in your soul, which feels like there's suddenly this huge pile of negativity on top of you even worse than before. But once that negativity is gathered up into a big ball, it is then transformed into goodness and you make a really big jump in improvement.
I guess the best way I can explain it is like groundwater. Every moment of being depressed is pouring negativity into the person's soul just like pouring water into the ground. During this time, they don't see what water is already in the ground, just what they are currently pouring. When the depression stops, you aren't pouring anymore water, the ground surface is dry, it looks like everything is fine. But all that water that soaked in is still down there locked away, you just aren't connected to it in a way to feel it anymore. So when you do a work to fix this and remove all that negativity out of you, it first dries the surface of the ground, but then it starts pumping every drop that got spilled back up and out, so suddenly you're in the middle of a big lake wondering "Where did all this come from? The ground was just drying up the last few days!" Then there are 2 things that could happen, either it all simply flows away and separates from you or you can transform it into a new type of energy which is now positive and helping you, either way the negativity is all gone now. The soul/ground is cleaned up inside. This is all just a normal part of the process of cleaning and improving. And I just realized, the physical body is the Earth element and the emotional energy of depression is the Water element, so this description truly is exactly what is happening. Thank you for asking this question, this is something that all of us experience and if we don't know what is happening it could discourage us, but it's a normal part of healing and growing.