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Blacklight said:
Thank you Ghost and Sabazios. I managed to complete the Dedication Ritual after you cleared my doubts.
Something is making me uneasy though. I was prepared to be bombarded by the enemy after doing the dedication due to my vulnerabilities but they never came. I mean, I'm glad they are not targeting me but something feels... odd. Almost too convenient.
Even the attacks they were launching at me earlier are gone. They are not messing with my mind anymore and they are not bothering my meditations or my sleep either. Now there is simply nothing. Complete silence. Is this normal?
As Ol Argedco has stated now that you are dedicated you have the protection from the Gods, so you don t have to worry too much about that silence, in the beginning I ve also been like this, (not the fact that my mind stayed silent though :)) but remember, you must do the aura of protection daily. And also keep going at your own pace with the meditation that you feel like you can do, don t overexert yourself, with time and patience you will be able to go for the ones you can t right now, you know what s best for you, do the final rtr, and keep persevering.
Henu the Great said:
You are protected..! Now is the perfect time to work on the protection of yourself, by yourself so you do not need to always rely on the Gods.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Doing the dedication seperates you away from the enemy forces, that's why you don't feel them anymore. And also connects you inside of protection forces, that is why you feel so much better.

The dedication is a good thing and it feels good, that is why you feel better. It is not supposed to make you feel worse, so I don't know why you would have that expectation.

Well, I don't doubt that we are protected or that the dedication is a good thing. It's just that I've seen people on the forums talking about enemy attacks, how the Gods protects us from real threats but we have to endure the enemy's psychic attacks on our own, like an obstacle we had to overcome. Maybe I misinterpreted something?
But since you guys are saying this with so much confidence I feel much more relieved and encouraged. Thank you very much. :D

Bone Dust said:
I've started a working to tame debilitating worries, stresses, anxieties, depression and frustrations with the Wunjo rune. I had decided on using RAUM as "a primer" for raising strong energy without having to vibrate too much of the rune itself, but to also mainly get RAUM going at the same time.

While following the 40 day guide, I've performed all the chakra opening exercises (third eye, 6th, crown, throat, heart, solar, sacral then root). After doing the third RAUM, I notice there's now a pressure at the top of my head after i focus any meditations now. It doesn't "hurt", and I'm not exactly "light headed" I'm just conscious that its there and understand it may also be a side effect of crown (days later effect). The intensity lessens as i ease into other daily activities but comes back as soon as i relax into any meditations. Especially after RAUM+WUNJO.

Perhaps i should stop RAUM for now and convert WUNJO into a high rep set? I was aiming for a 90 day working to blast the problem apart. I am concerned that I might be accumulating too much energy (for me to handle), assuming it IS excess energy. Is there a convenient way to simply gift excess energy to Satan / Demons? Because I'd rather not deviate but will if its going to cause me late term issues if there isn't any other option.

Btw, the working is already having a positive effect despite all this.
Keep doing whatever it is you're doing. Looks like it's working.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Keep doing whatever it is you're doing. Looks like it's working.
I don't doubt that it is working, but the pressure tells me i may be over-reaching and might need to back off for a bit or find a way to counter the excess (ie gifting). Maybe I'm going too strong / too fast. I recognize the irony of this concern but its legitimate at least and worth asking about.
I love that I am part of this website I am so happy I am part of it,

But when I told y’all about why it’s my first step it’s because my journey,

Is totally so excuse me if I use to talk about telekinesis,

And the hand chakras but right now I am working on empowering and mastering the basic,

So now I am working on getting rid of distraction,

And focus on deep meditation and first step master the basic second is
Master healing/hand chakras,

Well that comes from the basic anyways also I am working on the step 7 of the hand chakras I will practice using the air ball more,

But how will I know I’m ready to fight the war,
I love that I am part of this website I am so happy I am part of it,

But when I told y’all about why it’s my first step it’s because my journey,

Is totally so excuse me if I use to talk about telekinesis,

And the hand chakras but right now I am working on empowering and mastering the basic,

So now I am working on getting rid of distraction,

And focus on deep meditation and first step master the basic second is
Master healing/hand chakras,

Well that comes from the basic anyways also I am working on the step 7 of the hand chakras I will practice using the air ball more,

But how will I know I’m ready to fight the war,
I am mainly focus on energy manipulation so that’s why I talk about the hand chakras,

And telekinesis a lot why it’s because I am getting messages everytime,

But before I really dedicate my soul to Satan I need to talk to him build a bond,

And also empowering my soul so I am focus on that,

And mainly energy manipulation such as healing telekinesis spells and telepathy and many more,

So what should I practice to get to that point, I am really ready to join this war I am a Satanism and I am proud,

Bare with me and please help me I also read the hand chakras help as well,
Cosmic6999 said:
But how will I know I’m ready to fight the war,

U did the dedication, yes? Good, then you are ready. Doing at least one F-RTR per day every day and on top of that advancing yourself daily is just fine. That means aura/soul/chakra cleaning, aura of protection and void meditation. That is the minimum and you will advance doing that just fine. I do not know you so you might have other issues (like all of us) so maybe using runes for different purposes to better yourself. Read JoS for knowledge and apply that knowledge to your daily life.

There is 40day meditation program pdf from hoodedcobra somewhere. Using that, or using it as a template slightly modifying it is something worthwile considering.

Check this page out btw: https://web.archive.org/web/20160214142145/https://hailtosatansvictory666.angelfire.com/Hells_Army_666.html

There is a good pdf file including 6-month program. Following that will advance you too. Options are many, so consider the possibilities and apply things that interest you in your daily practice.

Hope this helps.

Have a good one.
I'm not sure if this has been asked before. I had some limited meditation practice but what exactly should a neophyte focus on? I want to help and contribute with RTR's but I've also heard you should meditate and protect yourself beforehand? Should I just do void meditation for a while or can I just jump right in?
Muskrat said:
I'm not sure if this has been asked before. I had some limited meditation practice but what exactly should a neophyte focus on? I want to help and contribute with RTR's but I've also heard you should meditate and protect yourself beforehand? Should I just do void meditation for a while or can I just jump right in?
Doing the dedication comes first. Then you do whatever you want to do. RTR can be started immediately, meditations can be started immediately.
Henu the Great said:
Cosmic6999 said:
But how will I know I’m ready to fight the war,

U did the dedication, yes? Good, then you are ready. Doing at least one F-RTR per day every day and on top of that advancing yourself daily is just fine. That means aura/soul/chakra cleaning, aura of protection and void meditation. That is the minimum and you will advance doing that just fine. I do not know you so you might have other issues (like all of us) so maybe using runes for different purposes to better yourself. Read JoS for knowledge and apply that knowledge to your daily life.

There is 40day meditation program pdf from hoodedcobra somewhere. Using that, or using it as a template slightly modifying it is something worthwile considering.

Check this page out btw: https://web.archive.org/web/20160214142145/https://hailtosatansvictory666.angelfire.com/Hells_Army_666.html

There is a good pdf file including 6-month program. Following that will advance you too. Options are many, so consider the possibilities and apply things that interest you in your daily practice.

Hope this helps.

Have a good one.

No I didn’t do it yet but I will do it
How can I open my soul if I don’t know how energy feels,

And what I am training for don’t the foundation meditation,

Void meditation and energy meditation helps,

And the hand chakras meditation
Helps with sensing raising and directing energy?
Does the enemy focus more psychic attacks on active SS?

I ask this because when I used to do 1 RTR per day with returning curses/aura cleaning, I felt like a burden would be lifted off me for the day, but now, I only feel that way after 3 RTRs (one RTR but with 27 reps each pronounciation), and it feels like I might have to move up my reps, to 6 RTRs (54 reps). Is this normal, or all self-deception? Is this the reason some people spam close to ten RTRs per day?
Quick astrology question. My first house contains an intercepted sign. Maxine stated that this means I have another co-ruler, but I fail to see how. Can someone explain this? Also, when Saturn transits the first house, will its negative effect be lessened due to the house interception? Thanks!
Good morning everyone, fellow satanists, friends and family.

Not really sure if it shows my status as I have only joined the forum today after years of visiting joyofsatan website and practising the meditations.

I do however have a very important question, in 2013 I dedicated my soul to Satan. Although I feel it wasn't done properly as when I burnt the paper with the written oath it nearly burnt the room and I managed to take the flaming page out the house before the whole carpet in my bedroom could burn, luckily there were only my brothers in the house and they never mentioned it to anyone.

Since then I have been meditating and reading on the knowledge on the site. I did however encounter a problem, my biological father found me meditating in my room and he proclaimed me a satanist not that he was wrong but it was an energy block.

I however continued to meditate and when I was done with the intermediate level I figured I was ready to summon a God. I couldn't find the necessary resources, insence, colored candles etc and after w weekend home alone I got discouraged as the family returned home.

Since then, I have been up and down, in and out. I stopped meditating as frequently as I did, infact all I've been doing was cleansing, protecting,chakra spinning and voiding and from time to time I would speak to Father Satan.

My lack of freedom to express my beliefs had left me with doubt and I started seeking closure in the Illuminati, I know it was a bad choice as they toyed with me endlessly. I was promised my own house,car and cash reward for joining and all I had to do was pay a membership fee.

I did everything they asked to the point of paying the fee. I did this because I was thinking of the freedom, irregardless of the doubts and lack of attention to my True Father Satan, I have always had the satanist goal in mind, to be like a God and advance the rest of humanity too.

After I had paid the fee, this is now in 2020 a few months ago. They payment was cancelled and the receiver who was clearly a scam artist was in despair.

I didn't know what to make of it, until a day ago, I meditated and realized my fault and mistakes. I sincerely want to apologise to Father and resume my He'll Army Training but this time with a God.

Please anyone out there with experience , advise me on what I should do next? Should I re do my oath as I had sworn on a false oath of the Illuminati? Can I summon a Demon for help and if I do, will he/she be happy about what I did?

The truth is, now I have the necessary freedom to exercise my beliefs irregardless of the fact that I still live with family. I can leave home and go to a safe place for a weekend etc.

Your urgent responses are appreciated brothers and sisters.

Hail Satan with everything I have!!
Invictus said:
Does the enemy focus more psychic attacks on active SS?

I ask this because when I used to do 1 RTR per day with returning curses/aura cleaning, I felt like a burden would be lifted off me for the day, but now, I only feel that way after 3 RTRs (one RTR but with 27 reps each pronounciation), and it feels like I might have to move up my reps, to 6 RTRs (54 reps). Is this normal, or all self-deception? Is this the reason some people spam close to ten RTRs per day?

I've noticed this myself over time. Given I've been doing the same number of reps every day for a very long time now without feeling the need to raise it any higher, I believe it's safe to say this feeling is because of enemy attack.

I don't think it's direct attack on you personally though as it never felt this way for me, the enemy is always cursing us as a whole every day so we all feel these curses they send upon us build up over time of which we then feel relief when we do the RTR as it destroys and removes these curses. The enemy has gotten desperate over time so they're really throwing their all at us, thus the lower number of RTRs a day you'd do before this severe pressure was on them felt great and was able to clean everything out.

But now you end up feeling like you have to do more because the enemy has been throwing more and more at us as they've become so pressured by our efforts against them over time, so a single RTR may not suffice anymore to get that full cleaning because they're sending a lot more at us in desperation now than they were before. If these curses are building up in you faster than the RTRs you do are getting rid of them, then you just need to amp up your spiritual protection.

For people who only have time to do 1 RTR or shortform RTRs a day then this spiritual protection will be of utmost importance and it can be done while multitasking things like chores or at a job even if one has fair enough focus for such, same thing with cleaning, every little thing builds up to something in time.

Spend more time, energy and focus on your Aura of Protection. A method of intent I use along with building up and strengthening the white-gold aura is I incorporate a visualization and intent of solid diamond armour being built around me in multiple layers, getting stronger, more powerful and impenetrable against negative energies and attacks with each layer I build up. I do this along with the affirmations and all of my other visualizations and directions/intents. This is something that works for me and I really make sure to believe and have confidence in it.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Invictus said:
Does the enemy focus more psychic attacks on active SS?

I ask this because when I used to do 1 RTR per day with returning curses/aura cleaning, I felt like a burden would be lifted off me for the day, but now, I only feel that way after 3 RTRs (one RTR but with 27 reps each pronounciation), and it feels like I might have to move up my reps, to 6 RTRs (54 reps). Is this normal, or all self-deception? Is this the reason some people spam close to ten RTRs per day?

I've noticed this myself over time. Given I've been doing the same number of reps every day for a very long time now without feeling the need to raise it any higher, I believe it's safe to say this feeling is because of enemy attack.

I don't think it's direct attack on you personally though as it never felt this way for me, the enemy is always cursing us as a whole every day so we all feel these curses they send upon us build up over time of which we then feel relief when we do the RTR as it destroys and removes these curses. The enemy has gotten desperate over time so they're really throwing their all at us, thus the lower number of RTRs a day you'd do before this severe pressure was on them felt great and was able to clean everything out.

But now you end up feeling like you have to do more because the enemy has been throwing more and more at us as they've become so pressured by our efforts against them over time, so a single RTR may not suffice anymore to get that full cleaning because they're sending a lot more at us in desperation now than they were before. If these curses are building up in you faster than the RTRs you do are getting rid of them, then you just need to amp up your spiritual protection.

For people who only have time to do 1 RTR or shortform RTRs a day then this spiritual protection will be of utmost importance and it can be done while multitasking things like chores or at a job even if one has fair enough focus for such, same thing with cleaning, every little thing builds up to something in time.

Spend more time, energy and focus on your Aura of Protection. A method of intent I use along with building up and strengthening the white-gold aura is I incorporate a visualization and intent of solid diamond armour being built around me in multiple layers, getting stronger, more powerful and impenetrable against negative energies and attacks with each layer I build up. I do this along with the affirmations and all of my other visualizations and directions/intents. This is something that works for me and I really make sure to believe and have confidence in it.

I assumed as much; the enemy has been getting desperate, and my usual 3 RTRs no longer suffices for more than about half a day, and the "clean" feeling wears off, but as you mentioned, I should seriously amp up my spiritual protection. How long would you advise I do the 108 vibrations of Surya for (from the returning curses part 2)? Does the 40 day rule apply to this as well? Or do you do the part 2 every day as well, not just part 1, continously after your RTRs?

If this is the effect the enemy has in their desperate state, then we must be close to victory. I can't wait for the next phase!
Hello everybody, can you say incense / substance that increases my temper or anger during a ritual? (attach)
Invictus said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

I assumed as much; the enemy has been getting desperate, and my usual 3 RTRs no longer suffices for more than about half a day, and the "clean" feeling wears off, but as you mentioned, I should seriously amp up my spiritual protection. How long would you advise I do the 108 vibrations of Surya for (from the returning curses part 2)? Does the 40 day rule apply to this as well? Or do you do the part 2 every day as well, not just part 1, continously after your RTRs?

If this is the effect the enemy has in their desperate state, then we must be close to victory. I can't wait for the next phase!

I personally just build up my aura of protection to as powerful and as strong as I can (sometimes spend 15 to 30 minutes on it) and then vibrate Algiz into it 88 times with strong intent and belief that I am fully and completely protected at all times in every way.

You can vibrate runes into your aura but if you don't incorporate the direction of their energies to specifically strengthening and empowering protection, then their energies are just going to passively do whatever they do, so Surya is sun energy so it will focus on brightening, empowering your energy levels and cleaning, but not necessarily focused to the specific task of protection what with deflecting and repelling negative energy and curses, you need to direct it as such to make this it's primary job.

It will keep you clean and help to dissipate energies sent at you for sure, but if you want to completely deflect and protect against these negative energies entirely from even getting to you at all, then you need to direct it as such.
This is why using the affirmation in RC Part 2: “My aura is constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling any and all negative energies, curses, bindings, hatred, ill will, thoughtforms, and destructive energy directed at me and is immediately returning these directly right back to the senders.” is important to direct it for protection purposes.

I personally don't use this affirmation, I just incorporate it into the belief and 'knowing' with my AoP that my protective aura is doing this anyways, but affirmations help if you're not very good at asserting such beliefs. The purpose of affirmations is to help us direct our focus, will and intent, because sometimes saying what we want helps us to believe it, with time and advancement one can learn to simply direct energy with pure intent and willpower without the need for affirmations. I do still use them for more complex things though.

You don't need to vibrate a word or rune a whole lot, 40 or 88 times is okay if that's all you have time and energy for, but just make sure you are not relying on it as the sole source of the protection, you rely on your actual protective aura that you build up for this and then you use the word or vibration as a tool to empower and strengthen that protective aura by vibrating it into it with intent, charging it with energy, light and power.

Hope this helps and also don't neglect your cleaning meditation/s, you still must continue to do these every day. Working with light and sun energy like this a lot and more intensely raises the fire element over time, so keep an eye on your behavior and take note when you need to incorporate some blue energy/water element and shiny black energy/earth element for balance and grounding lest your fire get too wild and start causing issues. If you ever start to become too fiery in behaviour beyond what's normal for you and if you start to get really obsessed with yourself and your ego, that's a good sign your fire has gotten too high. Maintain balance in such cases.
shekeb said:
Does satan know all languages?
When you speak telepatically you're not sending words of your language but rather waves that rappresent the feelings of the words you're saying, so if you were to communicate telepathically with someone chinese in your own language he would still understand(if you both can speak telepathicalli of course).
But even then I believe it's not hard for a God to know all languages pretty easily, so he might aswell know all languages on earth.
Hi there I hope everyone is well and good. A while ago I got into spiritual Satanism and started to read more about it, after a while I wanted to be fully dedicated and I did the binding ritual. However a while after I sort of stopped believing in religion and basically went on as an atheist without any religion. Some reason my instincts have lead me back to the joys of Satan website and this time I feel more ready than ever to fully embrace it and start evolving my mind and soul. My question is that the ritual can only be done once, so am I still bound to Satan or do I need to re do the ritual?

I never did anything to reverse the ritual either. Thanks in advance. Hail Satan!
* Online translator

Hi, everybody. I've only been on this road for a month. I have a question about clearing the aura. I have been doing this systematically for a month since my initiation, but due to problems with visualization during the purification process, I feel like I am putting gray energy on myself. Is there any other way to purify yourself? Please advise
I am sticking to this and I have a question,

Is it a good idea to start a lil organization,

On Satanism it would be based on empowering our soul basically,

Working on strengthening our aura
And be in ranks as well,

But before we get into this since I will be the head,

Tell me if this is a good idea first
Since I am the leader of the organization,

I am working on building a relationship and a connection with our father,

I don’t care what y’all say but I am and will be the one who working on mainly,

Telekinesis the hand chakras opening my shoulder chakras and all the important basics I need,

And mainly empowering and focu on a connection with our father Satan now I need y’all help if y’all don’t mind me asking,

Cause after this I will be done for a while and mainly focusing on study,

Y’all say the site will answer all my question but yet what should I look at,
Cosmic6999 said:
I am sticking to this and I have a question,

Is it a good idea to start a lil organization,

On Satanism it would be based on empowering our soul basically,

Working on strengthening our aura
And be in ranks as well,

But before we get into this since I will be the head,

Tell me if this is a good idea first
Since I am the leader of the organization,

I am working on building a relationship and a connection with our father,

I don’t care what y’all say but I am and will be the one who working on mainly,

Telekinesis the hand chakras opening my shoulder chakras and all the important basics I need,

And mainly empowering and focu on a connection with our father Satan now I need y’all help if y’all don’t mind me asking,

Cause after this I will be done for a while and mainly focusing on study,

Y’all say the site will answer all my question but yet what should I look at,
You don't even understand what Satanism and meditation is and yet you want to create an organization just to satisfy that hungry naive ego of yours? That's pretty idiotic if you ask me.
Cosmic6999 said:
I am sticking to this and I have a question,

Is it a good idea to start a lil organization,

On Satanism it would be based on empowering our soul basically,

Working on strengthening our aura
And be in ranks as well,

But before we get into this since I will be the head,

Tell me if this is a good idea first
Since I am the leader of the organization,

I am working on building a relationship and a connection with our father,

I don’t care what y’all say but I am and will be the one who working on mainly,

Telekinesis the hand chakras opening my shoulder chakras and all the important basics I need,

And mainly empowering and focu on a connection with our father Satan now I need y’all help if y’all don’t mind me asking,

Cause after this I will be done for a while and mainly focusing on study,

Y’all say the site will answer all my question but yet what should I look at,

You do not know the basics and yet you want to form an organization. Lol! Know this, there are no mediators in Satanism. We have JoS, and what do you have to offer besides a rude attitude? (I am referring to a post where you replied basically fuck u when you were warned not share personal info.)

Why would you ask anything when you at the same time say you do not care? You are making yourself a laughing stock. Please stop before you hurt yourself.
Morfran said:
* Online translator

Hi, everybody. I've only been on this road for a month. I have a question about clearing the aura. I have been doing this systematically for a month since my initiation, but due to problems with visualization during the purification process, I feel like I am putting gray energy on myself. Is there any other way to purify yourself? Please advise

This is just because of a lack of mental discipline. It takes some practice to have control over your willpower and mind to not lose focus.

If you're struggling with visualizing white-gold energy you can look at physical images as a reference to get the colour and association into your mind. Looking at images like this should help:


You can look back at it however many times you need to. In time your visualization skills will improve and you'll be able to visualize things without having to look at an image as a reference.

Cosmic6999 said:
I am sticking to this and I have a question,

Is it a good idea to start a lil organization,

On Satanism it would be based on empowering our soul basically,

Working on strengthening our aura
And be in ranks as well,

But before we get into this since I will be the head,

Tell me if this is a good idea first
Since I am the leader of the organization,

I am working on building a relationship and a connection with our father,

I don’t care what y’all say but I am and will be the one who working on mainly,

Telekinesis the hand chakras opening my shoulder chakras and all the important basics I need,

And mainly empowering and focu on a connection with our father Satan now I need y’all help if y’all don’t mind me asking,

Cause after this I will be done for a while and mainly focusing on study,

Y’all say the site will answer all my question but yet what should I look at,

It sounds to me like what you're talking about is a coven. A coven is not something to mess around with or take lightly, it is an extremely serious devotion and requires a direct and specific purpose to spiritual warfare.

"All Joy of Satan covens are for the purpose of spiritual warfare. Each coven works directly with a Patron Demon/ess who guides and instructs the coven as to the wishes of Satan. The coven is to operate in absolute secrecy." You cannot say anything about your coven outside of your inner circle of members (Of who you better be able to trust your life with), you can't mention any names, you can't say you have one, you can't reveal any locations you can't even hint to it in the slightest. It is an absolute most secret order and I assure you, you will not be the one commanding/guiding it, the coven's patron demon/demoness will be.

I'd advise you make sure you don't ever go getting any ideas that you can become some hotshot leader with the power and authority to command other satanists of your own desire and whim, because I assure you that will never be the case so long as you remain a follower of Satan and even if you weren't a follower of Satan. We all work under Satan and his desires, even through his demons, not each other. As satanists, children and followers of Satan, we are all mediums to his will and desires even if we aren't aware of it because as Satan himself confirmed he has power and control over all his creations who dabble in magic and spiritual ability, including those unaware or not devoted to him such as outsider witches, wiccans, warlocks, etc.

In our spiritual powers, advancement and abilities at this point in time we are of the lowest ranks and at the bottom of the pecking order, we have no right to ever think we are above any level to start commanding anyone, especially of selfish desires that do not adhere to the ideals of Lord Satan.

I'm not saying that such is what you were thinking... I'm just saying that it's something you should never do. Even the highest ranking gods don't just go off and try to start their own empire, they too work under the direction and will of Lord Satan and only him. There is no true god but Satan.
Hi my fellow satanists. I have a question here, with regards to meditating and doing the aura of protection. Where it says to affirm 5 times (I am breathing in protective energy from the sun etc.) it says do this on each exhale, my problem is I struggle to visualize and affirm this at the same time. (basically my visualization weakens abit because I'm now focusing on the affirmation) is this normal and am I still doing it right? I overthink a lot and basically just trying to understand if this needs to be 100% perfect because I give myself a hard time when things aren't done to perfection. Or is it mainly my intention that counts and visualization is an aid to guide the energy? Thank you!
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Cosmic6999 said:
If everybody telling the truth that Satanism isn’t evil and this is not a trap how can I contact my demon and Satan if he is real cause I be want to talk to him but he never showed nothing and also I had a dream about telekinesis this time it was totally different I was far from home I think I was traveling
As a beginner, you might not hear Satan's answers as words spoken to you. You may feel the answers as a very strong feeling that you should do something, a strong feeling that you should think something, or a strong emotion. Or an energetic feeling through your body, like chills or a feeling like air blowing through your body.

Satan is great and loving, and we are his children. He cares about us as a father. This is why we are all here, because it is true. There are thousands of us here, all different kinds of people with all different kinds of lives, and we are all here because we know it is true.

Hi there! Really enjoyed that answer. I'm still a beginner and never have I seen so many people so kind and willing to help. Honestly feel at home here!

I just started doing the 40 day meditation program which I'm on day 2 now. I'm already seeing results as after each meditation my body is buzzing with energy and the ringing in my ears become really intense. I keep reading everywhere that people are doing RTR's (reverse Torah rituals) as a beginner should I start doing them immediately or should I complete the 40 day meditation course first and then move onto that? Reason I ask is because I obviously don't want to be doing them wrong or inadequately. Thank you.
True Death said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Cosmic6999 said:
If everybody telling the truth that Satanism isn’t evil and this is not a trap how can I contact my demon and Satan if he is real cause I be want to talk to him but he never showed nothing and also I had a dream about telekinesis this time it was totally different I was far from home I think I was traveling
As a beginner, you might not hear Satan's answers as words spoken to you. You may feel the answers as a very strong feeling that you should do something, a strong feeling that you should think something, or a strong emotion. Or an energetic feeling through your body, like chills or a feeling like air blowing through your body.

Satan is great and loving, and we are his children. He cares about us as a father. This is why we are all here, because it is true. There are thousands of us here, all different kinds of people with all different kinds of lives, and we are all here because we know it is true.

Hi there! Really enjoyed that answer. I'm still a beginner and never have I seen so many people so kind and willing to help. Honestly feel at home here!

I just started doing the 40 day meditation program which I'm on day 2 now. I'm already seeing results as after each meditation my body is buzzing with energy and the ringing in my ears become really intense. I keep reading everywhere that people are doing RTR's (reverse Torah rituals) as a beginner should I start doing them immediately or should I complete the 40 day meditation course first and then move onto that? Reason I ask is because I obviously don't want to be doing them wrong or inadequately. Thank you.
Start doing the final rtr immediately, it can be done by the new people, you can read the faq's on the board index
how can magick be used with music? would meditating on Amdusias sigil help inspire musical creativity? thanks
True Death said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Cosmic6999 said:
If everybody telling the truth that Satanism isn’t evil and this is not a trap how can I contact my demon and Satan if he is real cause I be want to talk to him but he never showed nothing and also I had a dream about telekinesis this time it was totally different I was far from home I think I was traveling
As a beginner, you might not hear Satan's answers as words spoken to you. You may feel the answers as a very strong feeling that you should do something, a strong feeling that you should think something, or a strong emotion. Or an energetic feeling through your body, like chills or a feeling like air blowing through your body.

Satan is great and loving, and we are his children. He cares about us as a father. This is why we are all here, because it is true. There are thousands of us here, all different kinds of people with all different kinds of lives, and we are all here because we know it is true.

Hi there! Really enjoyed that answer. I'm still a beginner and never have I seen so many people so kind and willing to help. Honestly feel at home here!

I just started doing the 40 day meditation program which I'm on day 2 now. I'm already seeing results as after each meditation my body is buzzing with energy and the ringing in my ears become really intense. I keep reading everywhere that people are doing RTR's (reverse Torah rituals) as a beginner should I start doing them immediately or should I complete the 40 day meditation course first and then move onto that? Reason I ask is because I obviously don't want to be doing them wrong or inadequately. Thank you.
Sounds great :D :mrgreen: :p

You can start doing the RTR right now if you want to. But you might want to finish your 40 days first to be more experienced. Or you can wait a couple more weeks, and then start the RTR before the 40 days is over. Whatever you choose is probably a good choice, there are benefits in all 3 of those options.
Aquarius said:
Cosmic6999 said:
I am sticking to this and I have a question,

Is it a good idea to start a lil organization,

On Satanism it would be based on empowering our soul basically,

Working on strengthening our aura
And be in ranks as well,

But before we get into this since I will be the head,

Tell me if this is a good idea first
Since I am the leader of the organization,

I am working on building a relationship and a connection with our father,

I don’t care what y’all say but I am and will be the one who working on mainly,

Telekinesis the hand chakras opening my shoulder chakras and all the important basics I need,

And mainly empowering and focu on a connection with our father Satan now I need y’all help if y’all don’t mind me asking,

Cause after this I will be done for a while and mainly focusing on study,

Y’all say the site will answer all my question but yet what should I look at,
You don't even understand what Satanism and meditation is and yet you want to create an organization just to satisfy that hungry naive ego of yours? That's pretty idiotic if you ask me.

Guess what y’all don’t understand me
Henu the Great said:
Cosmic6999 said:
I am sticking to this and I have a question,

Is it a good idea to start a lil organization,

On Satanism it would be based on empowering our soul basically,

Working on strengthening our aura
And be in ranks as well,

But before we get into this since I will be the head,

Tell me if this is a good idea first
Since I am the leader of the organization,

I am working on building a relationship and a connection with our father,

I don’t care what y’all say but I am and will be the one who working on mainly,

Telekinesis the hand chakras opening my shoulder chakras and all the important basics I need,

And mainly empowering and focu on a connection with our father Satan now I need y’all help if y’all don’t mind me asking,

Cause after this I will be done for a while and mainly focusing on study,

Y’all say the site will answer all my question but yet what should I look at,

You do not know the basics and yet you want to form an organization. Lol! Know this, there are no mediators in Satanism. We have JoS, and what do you have to offer besides a rude attitude? (I am referring to a post where you replied basically fuck u when you were warned not share personal info.)

Why would you ask anything when you at the same time say you do not care? You are making yourself a laughing stock. Please stop before you hurt yourself.

Guess what I don’t care about the ones who doubt me if y’all not here to help them don’t comment or mention me in your post unless you really gone step push your wig back
Cosmic6999 said:
Henu the Great said:
Cosmic6999 said:
I am sticking to this and I have a question,

Is it a good idea to start a lil organization,

On Satanism it would be based on empowering our soul basically,

Working on strengthening our aura
And be in ranks as well,

But before we get into this since I will be the head,

Tell me if this is a good idea first
Since I am the leader of the organization,

I am working on building a relationship and a connection with our father,

I don’t care what y’all say but I am and will be the one who working on mainly,

Telekinesis the hand chakras opening my shoulder chakras and all the important basics I need,

And mainly empowering and focu on a connection with our father Satan now I need y’all help if y’all don’t mind me asking,

Cause after this I will be done for a while and mainly focusing on study,

Y’all say the site will answer all my question but yet what should I look at,

You do not know the basics and yet you want to form an organization. Lol! Know this, there are no mediators in Satanism. We have JoS, and what do you have to offer besides a rude attitude? (I am referring to a post where you replied basically fuck u when you were warned not share personal info.)

Why would you ask anything when you at the same time say you do not care? You are making yourself a laughing stock. Please stop before you hurt yourself.

Guess what I don’t care about the ones who doubt me if y’all not here to help them don’t comment or mention me in your post unless you really gone step push your wig back

We're not here to babysit you. Don't confuse helping with babysitting.
Cosmic6999 said:
Aquarius said:
Cosmic6999 said:
I am sticking to this and I have a question,

Is it a good idea to start a lil organization,

On Satanism it would be based on empowering our soul basically,

Working on strengthening our aura
And be in ranks as well,

But before we get into this since I will be the head,

Tell me if this is a good idea first
Since I am the leader of the organization,

I am working on building a relationship and a connection with our father,

I don’t care what y’all say but I am and will be the one who working on mainly,

Telekinesis the hand chakras opening my shoulder chakras and all the important basics I need,

And mainly empowering and focu on a connection with our father Satan now I need y’all help if y’all don’t mind me asking,

Cause after this I will be done for a while and mainly focusing on study,

Y’all say the site will answer all my question but yet what should I look at,
You don't even understand what Satanism and meditation is and yet you want to create an organization just to satisfy that hungry naive ego of yours? That's pretty idiotic if you ask me.

Guess what y’all don’t understand me
We know you and we know you're a dummy. You literally insulted someone who gave you good advice. You're a naive and immature individual with a hungry ego.
When you empower your soul can your bloodlust,

Affect your aura or is it connect to your energy,

And can it affect other people as well

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
