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Aquarius said:
Cosmic6999 said:
Can marijuana affect me while I and empowering see,
I am detoxing I will detox for the 40 days empowerment, can it affect me
Marijuana will make you retarded and opens you to mental ilnessess, don't use it. Also, use the search function, it's been talked about a lot already.

Thank you I will will it to not smoke no more I can detox right by drinking a lot of water
Stormblood said:
Cosmic6999 said:
Can marijuana affect me while I and empowering see,
I am detoxing I will detox for the 40 days empowerment, can it affect me

Marijuana is a drug and negatively affects your body, mind and soul. Avoid using it. There are several sermons on the subject. You should read them. Before asking questions, guys, look on the library and also use the search function on this forum, because in 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999% of the cases your question has already been answered tens if not hundreds of times.

Thank you
Kokusz said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I look forward to answering any questions anyone may have. Truth and knowledge are the foundation of this path of which I relentlessly enforce.

Hello Ghost in the Machine!

Can I have your opinion again?
It will sound crazy but there is - I believe - a demon trying to contact me in a way I don't want to describe publicly. I have no idea how to respond back, I am on a very beginner level. What should I do? I don't want to be disrespectful.
Thanks for any answers!

Your relationships and interactions with Satan, the gods and demons is your own business, that's all I will say on that.

As for on how to respond, when meeting or experiencing encounters with any demon, you go straight to Satan first. Not all demons are of Satan and not every being of whom you believe is one of our allies is actually so.

What you can try is focus on Satan's sigil or visualize it in your mind, focus intently and speak as though you are speaking directly to Satan himself. Tell him of the interaction and about the demon, ask him if it is safe to interact with them and if they are one of his demons.

Since you are a beginner you might not feel a positive and blissful sensation in your 6th chakra, of which would be interpreted as an 'okay' or 'yes' response from him in which it is safe to interact with this individual.

You may be shown signs in other ways or even in dreams regarding a yes or no response. Communication is difficult and leaves room to misinterpretation when you are not spiritually or intuitively open enough, so don't be frustrated or disheartened if you have to simply be patient for a while and work to advance further before you can get a proper response that you recognize.
First of all, it is an honor to finally speak to you guys for the first time. I found the JoS about a year ago in the most difficult moment for me, and ever since then I've been here reading the forums. You have been a part of my life for a while now and I want you to know you have my undying respect. I apologize if that was a bit unecessary or just downright cheesy, but I really wanted to express my admiration and my gratitude for all your hard work. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Anyway, to business. I have some questions regarding the dedication and some other things, but they are relative to my current situation. I'll have to explain my condition and that will probably result in a wall of text. Would that be okay?
Blacklight said:
First of all, it is an honor to finally speak to you guys for the first time. I found the JoS about a year ago in the most difficult moment for me, and ever since then I've been here reading the forums. You have been a part of my life for a while now and I want you to know you have my undying respect. I apologize if that was a bit unecessary or just downright cheesy, but I really wanted to express my admiration and my gratitude for all your hard work. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Anyway, to business. I have some questions regarding the dedication and some other things, but they are relative to my current situation. I'll have to explain my condition and that will probably result in a wall of text. Would that be okay?
Ofcourse it is okay. This thread is specifically made to ask and answer questions.
Blacklight said:
First of all, it is an honor to finally speak to you guys for the first time. I found the JoS about a year ago in the most difficult moment for me, and ever since then I've been here reading the forums. You have been a part of my life for a while now and I want you to know you have my undying respect. I apologize if that was a bit unecessary or just downright cheesy, but I really wanted to express my admiration and my gratitude for all your hard work. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Anyway, to business. I have some questions regarding the dedication and some other things, but they are relative to my current situation. I'll have to explain my condition and that will probably result in a wall of text. Would that be okay?

Glad you've decided to join the forum and become a direct part of it too.

A wall of text is perfectly okay here if you're not comfortable with making a thread.
Blacklight said:
First of all, it is an honor to finally speak to you guys for the first time. I found the JoS about a year ago in the most difficult moment for me, and ever since then I've been here reading the forums. You have been a part of my life for a while now and I want you to know you have my undying respect. I apologize if that was a bit unecessary or just downright cheesy, but I really wanted to express my admiration and my gratitude for all your hard work. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Anyway, to business. I have some questions regarding the dedication and some other things, but they are relative to my current situation. I'll have to explain my condition and that will probably result in a wall of text. Would that be okay?
If it's going to be really long, you can put it into its own new topic.
Ok, thank you. I'll try to keep it short.
So, here's the situation: As you already know, I've been here for around a year and ever since I've been determined to do the dedication ritual. Problem is, I live in an extremely tight space with two other family members and a pet. The only few moments of tranquility I have is when everybody is asleep and I can stay in the bathroom browsing the internet on my phone. Even still, one of them usually gets up to use the bathroom, so the little privacy I have is already uncertain. I'm not sure I'll be able to maintain a consistent meditation schedule as they seem to get considerably longer later on.

I am also mentally ill. I have been diagnosed with low level Asperger's Syndrome, depression and several degrees of anxiety, including Social Anxiety. Consequently, I'm a shut-in. Going outside to do any rituals would be impossible for me.
Things get even worse on the spiritual. A twisted woman has been attacking me and my family in the astral for years, trying to kill us. As far as I know she pays somebody adept in some sort of African occultism to do the workings. On top of that, I have recently started to see greys in my dreams and the "You are a Jew" thing is also happening a lot. They are messing with my thoughts in other ways as well.

In short, I need to perform the dedication ritual fast, but I am aware that Father Satan's protection does not come for free and I don't want to do this lightly.
My mother is doing all she can to get us a larger place, so I was planning on waiting a little more to start my workings, but things are escalating too fast.
I may be able to get my family to leave for a few hours so I can perform the dedication, and I may even be able to find a window to meditate, but there is not enough room for me to do yoga.

My questions are:
- English is not my first language but I am much more comfortable with it. Can I perform the dedication and do the prayer in English?
- After I perform the dedication, would Father Satan understand my situation and help us get a larger place or do I have to prove my worth first?
- Is my mental health condition going to amplify the attacks from the enemy?
- I live in a town infested with hardcore Christians and Jews. How much training does it take for you to mask your presence? Also, will the negative energy they produce interfere with my progress?
- Given my situation, is the 40 Day Program still the best option for me to begin or should I limit myself to just do the Void Meditation, Aura Cleaning and AoP until I'm able to do the rest properly?
- In the event that I have to delay the 40 Day Program, should I do the Final RTR in the meantime?
Blacklight said:

There is what is called an Astral Temple.

The astral realm is known as the thought-plane, this is where our thoughts manifest as energy in order to direct and perform workings with it using our willpower. An Astral Temple is like a massive thoughtform on this thought-plane where you use your imagination, focus and intent to create an astral location for yourself; This will be your safe-haven where you can have privacy and you can perform the dedication there in which it will be valid enough until you can perform it physically, but you still have to mean it with sincerity.

Now to quickly explain how this works, what this is called is Soul-Splitting. All thoughts, all visuals in our mind, everything to do with mental imagery, things like daydreaming, all of it is strictly on the astral, the physical brain cannot do this, it's all astral. So what Soul-Splitting is, is you are projecting with focus your visual perception to the astral plane to create a mimic vessel to traverse and work with the plane, this is a form of astral projection but your soul remains in your body and you will still feel yourself in your physical body until you learn how to fully disassociate from it with focus.

You do the best that you can. Close your eyes and just like with daydreaming, visualize your ideal location, you are essentially creating a dream scenario here as dreams are also on the astral, this is why our gods and the enemy can manipulate them, our dreams are our perception on the astral realm. Anyways, this location can be a field, it can be on a mountain, a volcanic region, your temple can be in whatever location you want it to be.

Now as described on the webpage in the link I provided, you can visualize your temple to look however you want it to look. Start with the exterior, have it built out of a strong material (My temple is built from stone and looks like stone on the outside, but inside these bricks they are solid diamond just as an example for if you care about appearances and aesthetics.), make it look in whatever way you want, it can be a grand palace, a simple small temple, a castle or even a small village with different houses devoted to difference purposes.

Try to really 'see' all of this standing before you through your 'eyes', try to visualize with as much detail as you can. Now visualize yourself walking through the main doors leading into your central temple, or the main area. You can make the interior again however you want, but this main area is going to be your most important. This is going to be where you'll primarily interact with our gods and demons in the future, like a lounge area, so have some places to sit or make it generally cozy and like a comfortable hangout if you want. I personally have some red velvet-cushioned benches for example lining the walls of my main hall and have had demons visit me here to sit with me. This should be a pleasant location and this can also be where you perform the dedication ritual if you want.

You can add additional rooms for different purposes if you'd like, or just for fun and to add some extra to it, it's your temple, it's up to you, this is your own place like your own personal realm to go to for privacy, freedom, space, peace and quiet. You don't have to stress about finishing or doing the whole temple in one go, you can always come back and work on it again, so if you're in a hurry for the dedication, you can just make a quick main hall.

Now with doing the dedication ritual in your astral temple, the only difference between doing it this way vs physically is... well it's not physical. You're going to be visualizing yourself with as much detail as you can manage, focus and intent going through the steps and motions of the ritual in your astral temple. You can visualize candles being lit, you can have the paper sitting upon an altar, you're still going to visualize yourself drawing blood and signing your name with it, you're still going to visualize yourself burning the paper in a bowl, everything.

You're just visualizing yourself in your temple doing the ritual as if it were physical. In regards to the prayer you can try to memorize it, or if you want you can physically write it down, and when you're about to recite it in your mind in your temple, you can open your eyes, look to the paper and read it in your head and when finished just close your eyes and go back to your temple and finish the rest of the steps. The dedication will still be valid enough for the time being until you can physically do it. There is also lots of meditations you can do quietly.

Things like the Foundation Meditation, Aura Cleaning, Aura of Protection which are three basic fundamentals to start out with require only some focus, intent and visualization which can even be done with your eyes open and you don't even need to be in a deep trance for this, I always did them casually. They can be done while doing chores, walking, eating, laying down, all you need to do is turn your attention to it with focus and use intent and a bit of visualization and trying to feel the energy.

Those three meditations should be your priority focus once you've done the dedication ritual in your astral time, they are all equally very important. Foundation Meditation is going to be what raises your overall spiritual power and energy, aura cleaning will help with cleaning out negative energy and filth from your soul that has manifested as depression and anxiety disorders of which can be entirely rid of if you clean your soul thoroughly every day for however long it takes. In 2 years I had entirely rid myself of a debilitating anxiety disorder just from cleaning and freeing my soul this way, it's different for everyone but it doesn't matter about reaching that goal as you'll get there eventually anyways because you need to clean your soul thoroughly everyday regardless of any issues, I still do it every day after 9 years and will keep doing it.

And the aura of protection is what will manifest in keeping you physically and spiritually safe from generally negative things and from harm, starting out it will be weak but the more you build this up to be stronger every day the more it will be able to protect you from. These three meditations should be done twice each every day, once in the morning and once at night (preferably 3-4 hours before bed as working and raising energies immediately before bed can keep you stimulated and awake which can prevent you from sleeping and basically cause insomnia)

My questions are:
- English is not my first language but I am much more comfortable with it. Can I perform the dedication and do the prayer in English?
You can recite the prayer in whatever language you want.

- After I perform the dedication, would Father Satan understand my situation and help us get a larger place or do I have to prove my worth first?
If you are truly determined to advance by all means and are sincerely devoted to this path then keep to the fundamentals of the meditations you can do every day and prove this determination. Satan and the gods are very powerful beings, they can make the most unlikeliest of things happen in order to enable a dedicated and devoted follower to do things for themselves, humanity, the ministry or for him and the gods/demons. Our well-being, freedom and safety is always on his mind, but only for those who prove to be truly dedicated to this path and loyal to him and his cause. Satan looks out for and cares for his own.

- Is my mental health condition going to amplify the attacks from the enemy?
Well they're not exactly going to go well together. This is why you should be devoted and work towards truly earning protection and safety to the best of your ability, be honest to Satan, be loyal and put in the work that you can put in, and you will receive the protection you need until you can fix these conditions and free your soul to the degree of being better able to handle and deal with the enemy, eventually being able to do it on your own with confidence and success.

- I live in a town infested with hardcore Christians and Jews. How much training does it take for you to mask your presence? Also, will the negative energy they produce interfere with my progress?
The protection Satan and the gods provide can definitely fan out to this as well, they will be able to keep you safe in this manner too, don't worry. I had a psychic xian mother I lived with who was onto me on an almost weekly basis before I did the dedication ritual. After I did the ritual and earned protection she stopped completely and no longer felt or sensed anything about me.

Your AoP will also work to help protect you from their parasitic energies but it's also up to you to not deliberately befriend or form emotional attachments to them, as attachments like this are on the astral and can enable their energies to then directly enter you through these attachments.

I'd advise you ultimately in regards to enemies and such to learn loyalty towards Satan and not betrayal. You should read The Black Book of Satan, Satan's own words and dictations.

- Given my situation, is the 40 Day Program still the best option for me to begin or should I limit myself to just do the Void Meditation, Aura Cleaning and AoP until I'm able to do the rest properly?
Your safety is a priority, don't risk outing yourself to others. Do what you can do to the best of your ability. With things like runes and mantras, you can vibrate them very quietly or even have some white-noise or background music/sound playing to mask it, but if you legit cannot do them at all, then the very last resort is to just try and 'vibrate' them in your head with focus and intent. Affirmations can also be recited in your head and usually are anyways.

- In the event that I have to delay the 40 Day Program, should I do the Final RTR in the meantime?
Again do what you can, when you can, where you can. I suggest working towards eventually being able to move out and live on your own a priority, however small of steps you can take.
Blacklight said:
Ok, thank you. I'll try to keep it short.
So, here's the situation: As you already know, I've been here for around a year and ever since I've been determined to do the dedication ritual. Problem is, I live in an extremely tight space with two other family members and a pet. The only few moments of tranquility I have is when everybody is asleep and I can stay in the bathroom browsing the internet on my phone. Even still, one of them usually gets up to use the bathroom, so the little privacy I have is already uncertain. I'm not sure I'll be able to maintain a consistent meditation schedule as they seem to get considerably longer later on.

I am also mentally ill. I have been diagnosed with low level Asperger's Syndrome, depression and several degrees of anxiety, including Social Anxiety. Consequently, I'm a shut-in. Going outside to do any rituals would be impossible for me.
Things get even worse on the spiritual. A twisted woman has been attacking me and my family in the astral for years, trying to kill us. As far as I know she pays somebody adept in some sort of African occultism to do the workings. On top of that, I have recently started to see greys in my dreams and the "You are a Jew" thing is also happening a lot. They are messing with my thoughts in other ways as well.

In short, I need to perform the dedication ritual fast, but I am aware that Father Satan's protection does not come for free and I don't want to do this lightly.
My mother is doing all she can to get us a larger place, so I was planning on waiting a little more to start my workings, but things are escalating too fast.
I may be able to get my family to leave for a few hours so I can perform the dedication, and I may even be able to find a window to meditate, but there is not enough room for me to do yoga.

My questions are:
- English is not my first language but I am much more comfortable with it. Can I perform the dedication and do the prayer in English?
- After I perform the dedication, would Father Satan understand my situation and help us get a larger place or do I have to prove my worth first?
- Is my mental health condition going to amplify the attacks from the enemy?
- I live in a town infested with hardcore Christians and Jews. How much training does it take for you to mask your presence? Also, will the negative energy they produce interfere with my progress?
- Given my situation, is the 40 Day Program still the best option for me to begin or should I limit myself to just do the Void Meditation, Aura Cleaning and AoP until I'm able to do the rest properly?
- In the event that I have to delay the 40 Day Program, should I do the Final RTR in the meantime?
As I ve read about that syndrome, it said that it s gonna "dissapear" once one reaches maturity, so I don t think you have to worry too much about it. Meditation also helps to cure illnesses.
For the first question.
Yes you can do the ritual as you see fit, I also did it in English when my first language is Romanian, so I don t find any problem with it.
2. Father Satan protects and helps those of his own. But btw, you can also do workings for that purpose.
3. I don't think it will amplify the attacks, but just in case you can do more aura of protection, returning curses and cleaning.
4. You know by now what Amdusias stated right? "Just as the enemy has people who cannot see us, we cannot see them. However, they will manifest blatantly as we get closer to the climax of our cause" . Unless you are in direct contact with them and tell them blatantly what you are no jew or xian will actually know for sure. It depends, it might make you feel their filthy energy from time to time but your progress if you are dedicated and maintain a consistent routine won t be too affected, as their energies are dissapearing and don t really amount much by now.
5. The 40 days program is perfectly fine for beginners, but for starters try and see which you can do without any problems(I personally think it will not cause any problems but you know your case better than I do, so just do what s best for you)
6. The final rtr is of utmost importance, either way after dedicating you should do it daily.
Question about MUNKA usage:

I am beginning a 40-day programming with munka. After 108 reps I do affirmation "I am totally and completely free from any and all religious programming in a positive way for me."

I also found something from jos pdf library in the munka meditation section:

Another one, for a hampered love life:
'I am totally and completely free and absolved from any and all former vows and
ties regarding my love life and extending into past lives.' 'I am now totally free to
have a happy and fulfilling love relationship with whomever I consciously desire
in my present life right now.'

Can I use this affirmation after the same 108 reps or do I have to do another set of 108 reps for another affirmation ?

Plz help, need to advance. Fast! :D

You should have these as two separate workings as they are different goals thus different paths for energy to go to.

Henu the Great said:
Question about MUNKA usage:

I am beginning a 40-day programming with munka. After 108 reps I do affirmation "I am totally and completely free from any and all religious programming in a positive way for me."

I also found something from jos pdf library in the munka meditation section:

Another one, for a hampered love life:
'I am totally and completely free and absolved from any and all former vows and
ties regarding my love life and extending into past lives.' 'I am now totally free to
have a happy and fulfilling love relationship with whomever I consciously desire
in my present life right now.'

Can I use this affirmation after the same 108 reps or do I have to do another set of 108 reps for another affirmation ?

Plz help, need to advance. Fast! :D

Now I been practicing the 40 days empowerment, but I am taking my time with it and question, if our soul is light can light increase our aura
Cosmic6999 said:
Now I been practicing the 40 days empowerment, but I am taking my time with it and question, if our soul is light can light increase our aura

The light is in reference to the light of sun energy, the light our soul runs off of on the astral plane. We are essentially living stars on the astral and thrive off of this light.

The "Shape of the Human Soul" is in the form of the Equal Armed Cross:


This does not mean the literal shape of our astral form but rather the shape of what makes up our soul, which is light. Here is what light photons look like:



If you really want to directly empower your soul with light, you can go stand outside in direct sunlight and directly absorb the sun's energy into your soul. This is very powerful and this energy can be used like any other energy in that you can direct it to simply empower your whole soul, empower or strengthen your aura or even directly breathe it into a specific chakra of your choosing.

Light is power, health and strength for our souls.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Cosmic6999 said:
Now I been practicing the 40 days empowerment, but I am taking my time with it and question, if our soul is light can light increase our aura

The light is in reference to the light of sun energy, the light our soul runs off of on the astral plane. We are essentially living stars on the astral and thrive off of this light.

The "Shape of the Human Soul" is in the form of the Equal Armed Cross:


This does not mean the literal shape of our astral form but rather the shape of what makes up our soul, which is light. Here is what light photons look like:



If you really want to directly empower your soul with light, you can go stand outside in direct sunlight and directly absorb the sun's energy into your soul. This is very powerful and this energy can be used like any other energy in that you can direct it to simply empower your whole soul, empower or strengthen your aura or even directly breathe it into a specific chakra of your choosing.

Light is power, health and strength for our souls.

Do you still have the link to the video that showed that shape for the photons? I can't find it any longer.

Also, I wanted to add that each of the four arms of the cross corresponds to an elemental pillar/quarter in the soul, while the conjoining point is the akasha that holds them together.
Stormblood said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Do you still have the link to the video that showed that shape for the photons? I can't find it any longer.

Also, I wanted to add that each of the four arms of the cross corresponds to an elemental pillar/quarter in the soul, while the conjoining point is the akasha that holds them together.

I'm afraid that I don't, sorry. I only recalled these images from a sermon years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if the video got taken down by (((them))), which might be why you can't find it anymore.

If it's all right with you, can you tell me a little bit more about these pillars? This is the first I'm hearing of this. I think I heard of something regarding elemental corners to the soul?
Hello, Ive been following JOS for about 4 years. It all started with National Socialism and Historical WW2 truth. That was my main interest, I studied History at university and always had an special interest for NS Germany. I was always a skeptic for the official ww2 narrative. During university years I became materialistic, it was truth if it could be backed up by evidence and reasonable analysis. Nothing more than good sense, right? That was what proved marxism is a toll to enslave us all, it uses emotion and lies to manipulate its minions, like psychoanalysis it leaves the individual completely lost and subjected to manipulation.

This kind of scientific view also proved that Germany was right both ways, that it advocated justice and that it was telling the truth. Material and spiritual truths.

I watched Hooded Cobra "Exit the Jewtrix" and became very interested knowing that a documentary like that - that could be easily "debunked" by materialistic views - was censored on youtube. Why would youtube censorship a documentary that talks about power prayers ? Everybody knows that praying while doing nothing wont change a thing ... Just like Xtianity. Destiny is made by strong will and action. Even so jewtube censored it.

Back them for me it was hard to think that there was something more than this physical world and spirituality even though something transcendental was still a product from our minds and genetics. I was always interested is psychology too, especially cognitive-behavioral, the field of study closest to the truth or reality.

Then I read the Bhaghavad Gita and was astonished by its wisdom. For me it was ancient wisdom, not something from another world. Just a set of values chosen and written as a story to make people back then understand, live a good life and pass it though to the next generations. No reason to think it came from another dimension or that god himself came down and taught us. It was a product from human reason, which we can say its the conscious expression of god or nature's harmony. For me, most of the answers for todays problems are to be found in the past, in ancient reasoning that is more connected to the source of all, to nature.

A couple of years ago I started studying stoic philosophy, I got a better understanding of Universal Reason and specially of myself. I could look into myself, freeing myself from emotional disturbances that blurred reality as it is. I could easily see my problems and fix them. Im still following the philosofical life as presented in the book "The Inner Citadel". Which I highly recommend.

For me is still hard to understand everything in JOS, and if its the right path for me. I read it a lot, but I cant understand how you talk to demons and Satan. Arent you talking to your conscience and inner god ? How can we fight back International Jewry with meditation ? Why Satan permited his defeat in WW2 ? How can we fight back if we dont mobilize with people around us ? While jews chemtrail, jail, censorship us and hunt us down ? Isnt this satanism somewhat artificial revival ?

I keep coming back to start into this journey, but something prevents me from doing it. I already live in truth, I changed my life, habits and thought behavior through self awareness, discipline and knowledge. Last year I had more spiritual experiences. Coincidences, insights and callings that it cant be products of my mind. I really feel a deep connection when I work on myself and I am following my intuition. Once a beggar stopped me, looked deep into my eyes and said "You are also in the struggle, I can see it through your eyes" then I answered him "and we will Prevail!" .

I know Im fighting against this system since I was a child, I never believed what the media told me and the holohoax bullshit. I always felt disconected with what most people valued, even at school. I always tried unconventional ways of living. I do not use any kind of chemicals at home, I really take care of my health, and protect myself from all kinds of pollution, especially electromagnetic. In my quest for knowledge I found the truth I was looking for.

But now I cannot believe that this is everything. That jewish plan is only about them just like it says on Kevin Macdonald's excelent analysis "The Culture of Critique" or the "Jewish Century" of Yury Slezkine. There must be something behind it. It cannot be that the jews did what they did so they could govern us all. And this is where JOS connects the dots in an awesome way. The jews are not the end in themselves, this is an interdimensional struggle. It really makes me thing of the game Half Life 2 where mankind is already enslaved by an interdimensional empire.
But isnt this a product of some New Age stuff ? Why aliens ? Who said reptilians are behind this agenda ? What what means Hell if what I see as Satan is actually nature, god which is in all things?

One more thing I would like to know that is very important. I already did my research about luciferianists, what are they ?


This banker exposes that luciferianists and jews work together, they are the financial elite. The same pedophile elite that sacrifices children to their sadistic rituals. They call themselves luciferianists, it is the material primacy defying god himself. This is about adenochrome and that crazy stuff. It seems like rituals of secret societies and very closed rings.

But here in JOS Lucifer is the good guy ... I know I asked a lot of things, and it may be hard to answer everything. But I really feel the need to know more, I dont feel confortable to make a oath despite all the truth that is backed up. But at the same time it seems that I could be missing something.

I keep coming back to JOS because I see theres a lot of red pilling material here. And all you guys say in the forums is really beautifull. If this is the right path for me I could do a lot more in meaningfull ways, I could excel myself spiritually. I think this the only thing I did not work on myself. I worked only in self knowledge but not related to other spiritual beings, like you seem to do.

Spiritually National Socialism and Stoicism are my foundations. I exercise, I eat carnivore, I meditate, I take cold showers, I keep a journal and all this paves the way so I can receive more and more intuitions and feel connected to the whole in a way to fullfill my mission. I try my best to help my friends and family. I dont feel lost anymore. I really fell a guidance. But what I see here is something more, I seems you guys are doing real work to fight back this tyranny imposed upon us. Maybe I still need is to advance in this path.

Thanks for everything
Taurus said:
Hey guys, i turn 21 soon and i wanted to get really drunk. Would this open me up to enemy attacks more? I only plan on drinking this once, i dont want to put holes on my arua.

I hope you haven’t turned 21 yet, but yeah it definitely will. Have you ever been drunk or drank any alcohol before? It’s honestly not worth it to get super slammed. I get the appeal, especially if you are doing it in a social setting with friends or family for your birthday, but it’s really not worth it to get so drunk. Just have a few beers or a mixed drink or a glass of wine. Get a nice buzz but don’t lose control over yourself. I think it goes without saying, not being in control of your body and your thoughts does the same for your soul.

I may be biased because I come from a family of alcoholics, but alcohol is very overrated. You can have fun without it.
Stormblood said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Do you still have the link to the video that showed that shape for the photons? I can't find it any longer.

Also, I wanted to add that each of the four arms of the cross corresponds to an elemental pillar/quarter in the soul, while the conjoining point is the akasha that holds them together.

Seems my response to you got lost as it was never approved.

I'm afraid that I don't, sorry. I only recalled these images from a sermon years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if the video got taken down by (((them))), which might be why you can't find it anymore.

If it's all right with you, can you tell me a little bit more about these pillars? This is the first I'm hearing of this. I think I read something a few years ago regarding something like elemental corners to the soul?
Ghost in the Machine said:
Stormblood said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Do you still have the link to the video that showed that shape for the photons? I can't find it any longer.

Also, I wanted to add that each of the four arms of the cross corresponds to an elemental pillar/quarter in the soul, while the conjoining point is the akasha that holds them together.

Seems my response to you got lost as it was never approved.

I'm afraid that I don't, sorry. I only recalled these images from a sermon years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if the video got taken down by (((them))), which might be why you can't find it anymore.

If it's all right with you, can you tell me a little bit more about these pillars? This is the first I'm hearing of this. I think I read something a few years ago regarding something like elemental corners to the soul?

I read that if I want to cause a disease in someone, I use purple. If I enveloped the enemy with a black aura, how do I use the color purple? Should I project on it? If I project, do I do it from my chakras or from an external source?
Berserker said:
I read that if I want to cause a disease in someone, I use purple. If I enveloped the enemy with a black aura, how do I use the color purple? Should I project on it? If I project, do I do it from my chakras or from an external source?
Never connect any curse with your chakras or any part of your soul or yourself in any way. Doing that is how to curse and destroy yourself. Would probably affect you a lot worse than the target.
I am not new, however, I don’t want to spam the main page for this shirt question.

What does a black aura mean?
Is it always an attack?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Ghost in the Machine said:


Didn't answer my question really, just brought on more... do you still have those images of that meditation of yours for reference? Something tells me I should do it along with the Star of Astarte. I've never seen these meditations before.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Ghost in the Machine said:


Didn't answer my question really, just brought on more... do you still have those images of that meditation of yours for reference? Something tells me I should do it along with the Star of Astarte. I've never seen these meditations before.
There are no pictures for it and it is not written anywhere else. I thought of it myself, and I'm mostly pretty sure that Lerajie gave me the idea.

It's kind of like the Raum where it focuses on the 4 corners of the body, the front back and sides. But also focuses on all the circuits that go through them.
I need y’all to understand this the real reason why I want to become Satanism,

It’s because I don’t want to be blind and I need to empower the soul,

I want to become family cause my intuition tells me this is the right direction to go,

I am focus on empowering my soul and advance I want to be part of this war,

I just need y’all to understand that and why I am interested in telekinesis,

It’s because it’s the first step of my journey,

I want to master my soul my aura and healing and tk is the first step,

That’s why I talk about it a lot but I am mainly focus on creating a relationship with Satan,

That bond the connection I just first need to empower my soul,

And master my bio electric field and telekinesis is my first step,
That’s why I talk about it the chakras and the hand chakras and the air and a lot other things.
Aquarius said:
Lalisha said:
first i was member in (JOS) when it be in YAHOO, this just to know i'm not new
my (Q)is:
I did Commitment to Satan before many years , but i was teen and did the sign without blood just ink
can i do it again ? because i don't feel did it good,,,sorry for annoying you with question many members asked many times, but i want to be sure the answer from your highest Priest

sorry for my ENGLISH

Yes you can do the dedication again.
And don't worry about the yahoo groups, they are dead.

thank you from my heart,, you solved my anxiety and make happy to starting.....
nobody knows how much i love my God SATAN,,, and, I tortured, bullying and harassed me for my belief ,,but i don't wanna annoying you with what happened to me in the past long history with religious ppl who want to cut off my head. just I stay stronger no one has power to change my mind or hear,,,,
अग्निसर्प࿗ said:
Stormblood said:
Do you still have the link to the video that showed that shape for the photons? I can't find it any longer.



Thank you very much, comrade.

Ghost in the Machine said:
Seems my response to you got lost as it was never approved.

I'm afraid that I don't, sorry. I only recalled these images from a sermon years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if the video got taken down by (((them))), which might be why you can't find it anymore.

If it's all right with you, can you tell me a little bit more about these pillars? This is the first I'm hearing of this. I think I read something a few years ago regarding something like elemental corners to the soul?

No worries. Seems like someone already dealt with it. Thank you.

Ol Argedco already answered you. It's basically a fancy name for the quarters of the soul. They are pillars because the elements and connect the higher spiritual planes to the lower physical planes. In the Prose Edda, these are represented by the four dwarves that support the sky: Nordhri, Sudhri, Austri and Vestri. In the earlier Poetic Edda, you have the four stags: Dáinn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr and Durathrór. In other traditions, there are beings who serve the same function. The right side of the body, the left side of the body, the front of the body, the rear of the body and spinal column. At the lowest point, they intersect with the root chakra and its extension; at the middle point, they intersect with the anahata and its extension; at the highest point with ajna and its extensions.

You know them already, even you never called them pillars.

Berserker said:
I read that if I want to cause a disease in someone, I use purple. If I enveloped the enemy with a black aura, how do I use the color purple? Should I project on it? If I project, do I do it from my chakras or from an external source?
No, just take it from the ocean of akasha that permeates everything and condense it around your enemy. When working to attack someone, you should never use your own energy.
Thank you Ghost and Sabazios. I managed to complete the Dedication Ritual after you cleared my doubts.
Something is making me uneasy though. I was prepared to be bombarded by the enemy after doing the dedication due to my vulnerabilities but they never came. I mean, I'm glad they are not targeting me but something feels... odd. Almost too convenient.
Even the attacks they were launching at me earlier are gone. They are not messing with my mind anymore and they are not bothering my meditations or my sleep either. Now there is simply nothing. Complete silence. Is this normal?
NSStoic said:
...Luciferianist bankers...

This is EXACTLY the trap they have you fall for. And funny enough all the xtians who listen to these people fall for the trap.

You believe due to growing up and hearing or reading about Lucifer that they are Luciferians and they are. But not what you think. Lucifer is simply an epithet meaning Lightbringer or something to do with light like lux.

Lucifer-christos and Lucifer-Satan, notice the difference now? One is light-bringer Satan the other is light-bringer christos.

https://web.archive.org/web/20190803045939/http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/xianilluminati <-About Lucifer-christos.

Funny enough it's just an epithet:
Even Christos which is pulled from the backdoor in the Kabbalah, Christos just means "The One Initiated In the Mysteries" and absolutely nothing else. It's an epithet.
from https://www.kabbalahexposed.com/ Ancient Greek knowledge stolen by jewish kaballah.

If you like WW2 so much and became obsessed with it; just like me back in elementary school and continuing even to this day.

https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=22778 Army of Mankind website.

Also: https://www.bitchute.com/video/s1nPYDj7KBEQ/ Europa: The Last Battle(~11 hour documentary).

Since youtube censors a lot of stuff for telling truth and hurting the tribes feeling alternatives have popped up and they have a lot of nationalist and racialist information.
Blacklight said:
Thank you Ghost and Sabazios. I managed to complete the Dedication Ritual after you cleared my doubts.
Something is making me uneasy though. I was prepared to be bombarded by the enemy after doing the dedication due to my vulnerabilities but they never came. I mean, I'm glad they are not targeting me but something feels... odd. Almost too convenient.
Even the attacks they were launching at me earlier are gone. They are not messing with my mind anymore and they are not bothering my meditations or my sleep either. Now there is simply nothing. Complete silence. Is this normal?

You are protected..! Now is the perfect time to work on the protection of yourself, by yourself so you do not need to always rely on the Gods.

Have a wonderful day.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:


Didn't answer my question really, just brought on more... do you still have those images of that meditation of yours for reference? Something tells me I should do it along with the Star of Astarte. I've never seen these meditations before.
There are no pictures for it and it is not written anywhere else. I thought of it myself, and I'm mostly pretty sure that Lerajie gave me the idea.

It's kind of like the Raum where it focuses on the 4 corners of the body, the front back and sides. But also focuses on all the circuits that go through them.

I gave it a shot yesterday just going by intuition and what felt right.

I definitely felt the energy but it wasn't as powerful feeling as it was implied, it wasn't anything crazy. I think this is just because of me though. The meditation seems to produce a forceful cleansing of dross and opening of the energy channels and circuit-ways in our soul, someone who may have such very dirtied or closed off would've felt a drastic powerful surge of free-flowing energy, thus making it feel very powerful as the energies are no longer hindered and the soul can take in more.

A lot of my energy channels and dirt in my soul and chakras is already well cleaned away and opened, so that's likely why I didn't feel much of a massive difference. But it works, it definitely works and I'll be using it for a while to definitely improve my energy channels and get anything I may have missed and do a little extra. Could also help with allowing more energy into my upper and minors chakras.

Thank you for your efforts in making it, I like it a lot and it will be very useful to me going forward as I may end up using it daily actually for the foreseeable future.
Blacklight said:
Thank you Ghost and Sabazios. I managed to complete the Dedication Ritual after you cleared my doubts.
Something is making me uneasy though. I was prepared to be bombarded by the enemy after doing the dedication due to my vulnerabilities but they never came. I mean, I'm glad they are not targeting me but something feels... odd. Almost too convenient.
Even the attacks they were launching at me earlier are gone. They are not messing with my mind anymore and they are not bothering my meditations or my sleep either. Now there is simply nothing. Complete silence. Is this normal?
Doing the dedication seperates you away from the enemy forces, that's why you don't feel them anymore. And also connects you inside of protection forces, that is why you feel so much better.

The dedication is a good thing and it feels good, that is why you feel better. It is not supposed to make you feel worse, so I don't know why you would have that expectation.
Cosmic6999 said:
I need y’all to understand this the real reason why I want to become Satanism,

It’s because I don’t want to be blind and I need to empower the soul,

I want to become family cause my intuition tells me this is the right direction to go,

I am focus on empowering my soul and advance I want to be part of this war,

I just need y’all to understand that and why I am interested in telekinesis,

It’s because it’s the first step of my journey,

I want to master my soul my aura and healing and tk is the first step,

That’s why I talk about it a lot but I am mainly focus on creating a relationship with Satan,

That bond the connection I just first need to empower my soul,

And master my bio electric field and telekinesis is my first step,
That’s why I talk about it the chakras and the hand chakras and the air and a lot other things.
I respect your motivations. But telekinesis is not the first step, it's really more like the last step. You have many years of hard work improving yourself before you can expect to even start anything with telekinesis. Don't waste your time worrying about things that won't happen, just focus on doing what you can do now.
Stormblood said:
Ol Argedco already answered you. It's basically a fancy name for the quarters of the soul. They are pillars because the elements and connect the higher spiritual planes to the lower physical planes. In the Prose Edda, these are represented by the four dwarves that support the sky: Nordhri, Sudhri, Austri and Vestri. In the earlier Poetic Edda, you have the four stags: Dáinn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr and Durathrór. In other traditions, there are beings who serve the same function. The right side of the body, the left side of the body, the front of the body, the rear of the body and spinal column. At the lowest point, they intersect with the root chakra and its extension; at the middle point, they intersect with the anahata and its extension; at the highest point with ajna and its extensions.

You know them already, even you never called them pillars.

Oooh, now I get it. Yes I did actually seem to know about these albeit subconsciously, I knew there was something like that there in the soul, I felt it, but I didn't have that conscious, logical, informative and exact understanding of just what it is.

There's still a little vagueness but I know my intuition will clarify those for me when I ponder upon it later. Pondering and focusing on something with the desire for answers is all it takes to get them from the akasha for me, I don't know where I'd be without intuition, honestly, I wish more members worked to open up and tune into it more, it a huge helping tool.

Also since you mentioned them, I cannot stress enough how much I really love Dwarves and their symbologies. I wish they were a real race on Earth, I would love to dive into their culture and ways of life.
I've started a working to tame debilitating worries, stresses, anxieties, depression and frustrations with the Wunjo rune. I had decided on using RAUM as "a primer" for raising strong energy without having to vibrate too much of the rune itself, but to also mainly get RAUM going at the same time.

While following the 40 day guide, I've performed all the chakra opening exercises (third eye, 6th, crown, throat, heart, solar, sacral then root). After doing the third RAUM, I notice there's now a pressure at the top of my head after i focus any meditations now. It doesn't "hurt", and I'm not exactly "light headed" I'm just conscious that its there and understand it may also be a side effect of crown (days later effect). The intensity lessens as i ease into other daily activities but comes back as soon as i relax into any meditations. Especially after RAUM+WUNJO.

Perhaps i should stop RAUM for now and convert WUNJO into a high rep set? I was aiming for a 90 day working to blast the problem apart. I am concerned that I might be accumulating too much energy (for me to handle), assuming it IS excess energy. Is there a convenient way to simply gift excess energy to Satan / Demons? Because I'd rather not deviate but will if its going to cause me late term issues if there isn't any other option.

Btw, the working is already having a positive effect despite all this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
