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Ghost in the Machine said:
Lucían Le Chevalier said:
Hola disculpen soy nuevo y vivo en Venezuela, seré breve, desde pequeño me eh visto atraído por el satanismo y eh simpatizado mucho con los demonio, pero necesito un guía que me ayude a entrar como tal a este mundo, por favor necesito ayuda... Gracias

La Gioia di Satana
Lol! you linked the italian website, he's spanish. :lol:
Aquarius said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Lucían Le Chevalier said:
Hola disculpen soy nuevo y vivo en Venezuela, seré breve, desde pequeño me eh visto atraído por el satanismo y eh simpatizado mucho con los demonio, pero necesito un guía que me ayude a entrar como tal a este mundo, por favor necesito ayuda... Gracias

La Gioia di Satana
Lol! you linked the italian website, he's spanish. :lol:

Oh we do have a Spanish version. I linked the italian version because italian shares words with the spanish language and I assumed it would've been more easily run through a translator to spanish than english.

I'll have to bookmark this spanish one though for future use, hah.
buongiorno, sono nuovo, la mia situazione è questa:
sono minorenne, obbligato a stare a casa in quarantena con i miei che lavorano.
io, avendo letto parte del sito joy of satan ho deciso di dedicarmi.
il rituale andava bene, solo che ero teso, dato che se i miei mi avessero visto sarebbe stata la fine .
ho scritto la preghiera e ho fatto tutto da manuale come scritto sul sito, il problema è che io, da persona molto stupida, ho sbagliato e appena prima di dover bruciare la preghiera firmata si è spenta la candela :(
dato che non potevo andare nella cucina a prendere un altro fiammifero (mi avrebbero visto i miei) ho tenuto il foglio firmato senza bruciarlo quindi non concludendo il rituale.
dopo di ciò sono venuto qui a scrivere.
sono come dire, nei guai e non potrò finire il rituale o se poi ho occasione mi basta bruciare il foglio e terminare la preghiera?
These thoughts stay in my brain like a splinter and I feel like they are stopping me from advancing spiritually.

How do RTRs influence the outside world? What is the link? I understand meditation for self improvement, but how are the RTR's going to impact the outside world? Are there no other more direct means of helping the cause? What action can we take?

I don't want to sound like I am ridiculing satanism, because I am not. Just call me pessimist, because from my perspective, it simply looks like we are loosing the battle, and things are going in a very dark direction.
Gabi1234 said:
It's about the third eye when you said vizuzle the color of the third eye like the miniature sun can you show me a picture how it look like?


Here is a great link to understand and using the third eye. There is a photo of just where the third eye is on the opening meditation but take that indigo light and replace it with the warmth and brightness of the sun. The picture below is just a reference for color and shine. I couldn’t find one as a third eye. Hope it helps!!!
buongiorno fratelli e sorelle, sono nuovo al satanismo spirituale, volevo chiedere, dato che io vado in una scuola cristiana ho bisogno di sapere cosa fare, quali meditazioni fare prima di andare a scuola o se andare in una scuola cristiana è come andare in ogni scuola.
se influisce negativamente nell'apprensione del satanismo vorrei capire come prevenire un possibile disastro.

How do the gods teach you things?

For example they have specialtys like some can teach astrology, languages ect. I assume you invoke them but then what?
Ghost in the Machine said:
I look forward to answering any questions anyone may have. Truth and knowledge are the foundation of this path of which I relentlessly enforce.

Hello! I’m new to spiritual satanism. I dedicated my soul to Satan a couple of days ago. My ritual was outside in front of my back door and I went in for a minute because I stuggled to get some blood out of my finger then suddenly a black cat (with a white face) walked into my house and looked at me. What do you think, it has any meaning? I felt positive about it and I hope Satan accepted my dedication but I wanted to ask someone about it just to be sure. Thanks for any answers! (English is not my first language sorry about any mistakes)
Taurus said:
How do the gods teach you things?

For example they have specialtys like some can teach astrology, languages ect. I assume you invoke them but then what?
Good Afternoon,

I want to state first and foremost that all of my questions are not coming from a beingness of judgment, skepticism or presumption, only from a desire to understand.

1) I've noticed that chanting intonations is a strong practice here, what noticeable effects occur with the practice of chanting? I've chanted the Hindu Maha mantra on many occasions and notice that I begin to feel feelings of devotion, of subtle elation, of 'letting go', but I seek a more esoteric and well-articulated understanding.

2) I have loosely researched Satanism and loosely understand that LaVey Satanism is primarily theoretical; Satan as a concept. I see that LaVey's teachings are starkly different from what JoS practices. What is a way to explain the nature of contact with demons/demonic forces and what is the general aim or goal from making contact?

3) It seems a lot of members reference Eastern topics like chakras, Kundalini, the nadis, etc. Does Eastern thought tie I to JoS views somehow? Are the practices meant to stimulate siddhis or lead one to the inner rungs of Yoga? Or are they entirely unrelated?

I know that's a lot to ask, but it's coming from someone who seeks understanding. I appreciate any responses, the more in-depth the better, thank you.
Taurus said:
How do the gods teach you things?

For example they have specialtys like some can teach astrology, languages ect. I assume you invoke them but then what?

I think the methods of communication are different for each member, depending on how they associate something with a response and communication. Personally for me I'm usually guided by urges to read up on certain things and tend to end up finding something that gives me the answers I was seeking. Dreams are also a very common means of communication between me and the gods, but these require a lot of interpretation on my part.

Those who are psychically open to hearing things on the astral can telepathically communicate with the gods. I myself am not yet very adept at this but some words do come through clearly enough and sometimes I can even hear the the sound of their actual voices. Another method of communication I have with the gods is through sensation in my 6th chakra. I'll ask various questions to confirm something, and whenever I get a sudden shot of bliss in my 6th chakra then this is a positive or 'yes' answer to whatever I asked.

They'll always find a way to talk to you and guide you, but it's up to you to be able to interpret it and know what the responses actually mean. Having an open and empowered third eye as well as upper chakras helps very much with this.

Kokusz said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
I look forward to answering any questions anyone may have. Truth and knowledge are the foundation of this path of which I relentlessly enforce.

Hello! I’m new to spiritual satanism. I dedicated my soul to Satan a couple of days ago. My ritual was outside in front of my back door and I went in for a minute because I stuggled to get some blood out of my finger then suddenly a black cat (with a white face) walked into my house and looked at me. What do you think, it has any meaning? I felt positive about it and I hope Satan accepted my dedication but I wanted to ask someone about it just to be sure. Thanks for any answers! (English is not my first language sorry about any mistakes)

If it was some random cat you don't know or have never seen before then I'd say it's likely to not be a coincidence. You only need a single drop of blood for the dedication and what really matters is your intent and desire.

The ritual was valid. Welcome comrade.
Ion said:
These thoughts stay in my brain like a splinter and I feel like they are stopping me from advancing spiritually.

How do RTRs influence the outside world? What is the link? I understand meditation for self improvement, but how are the RTR's going to impact the outside world? Are there no other more direct means of helping the cause? What action can we take?

I don't want to sound like I am ridiculing satanism, because I am not. Just call me pessimist, because from my perspective, it simply looks like we are loosing the battle, and things are going in a very dark direction.

Ion said:
These thoughts stay in my brain like a splinter and I feel like they are stopping me from advancing spiritually.

How do RTRs influence the outside world? What is the link? I understand meditation for self improvement, but how are the RTR's going to impact the outside world? Are there no other more direct means of helping the cause? What action can we take?

I don't want to sound like I am ridiculing satanism, because I am not. Just call me pessimist, because from my perspective, it simply looks like we are loosing the battle, and things are going in a very dark direction.

FAQ about the Final RTR: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=11560
A Course in our RTRs spiritual weaponry: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=2982

Things being dark is nothing new. It's just that we are now more exposed and aware of it: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=32674

And historical examples of occultism and how it was a major deciding factor in the world wars.
Spiritual War The Battle of 1919 - https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=24506
The Psychic Warfare of WW2 - https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=36645
Further Study - https://www.kabbalahexposed.com/

Do take the time to read through the above. It'll answer your inquiries and doubts in great detail and give you clarity on the whole picture.

In a nutshell, there is a psychic 'veil' over the populace. This is created through occult rituals where Jews use torah curses (boosted by animal and human sacrifice) to keep the Gentile masses stupid and unaware. While their material plots work towards the enslavement of humanity. In the same way that a magician can curse another person to insanity, a group of Jewish occultists curse the entirety of Gentile humanity to be blind, weak, and docile. Thus giving them time, opportunity, and power to move forward with their plans on the material.

RTRs destroy the foundation of their entire magickal system and their soul structure, the Jewish alphabet. RTRs lift that psychic veil, allowing humanity to see who their enemy is once again. You have to be aware of a problem first to act on it.
Through RTRs, we create the "origin" for ALL real resistance to occur. Before a punch hits your opponent, first there is the will to throw a punch, then the shoulder and the arm moves before the fist connects.

This image is a little clunky. (If anyone wants to make suggestions or improve on it themselves, be my guest.) But it should help demonstrate what I'm trying to say.

Also, by focusing solely on information and spiritual warfare, we do as much damage as possible, while preserving our vital positions as Satanic Elite. Those that opt for 'direct action' at this time are easily put down by the enemy, as they control the majority of the media, and political + military power. Whereas they are susceptible in the informational and spiritual spheres. (Internet Activism + RTRs)

29. Military tactics are like unto water; for water in its natural course runs away from high places and hastens downwards.
30. So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak.
31. Water shapes its course according to the nature of the ground over which it flows; the soldier works out his victory in relation to the foe whom he is facing. (Art of War)
This image is a little clunky. (If anyone wants to make suggestions or improve on it themselves, be my guest.) But it should help demonstrate what I'm trying to say.

Also, by focusing solely on information and spiritual warfare, we do as much damage as possible, while preserving our vital positions as Satanic Elite. Those that opt for 'direct action' at this time are easily put down by the enemy, as they control the majority of the media, and political + military power. Whereas they are susceptible in the informational and spiritual spheres. (Internet Activism + RTRs)

29. Military tactics are like unto water; for water in its natural course runs away from high places and hastens downwards.
30. So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak.
31. Water shapes its course according to the nature of the ground over which it flows; the soldier works out his victory in relation to the foe whom he is facing. (Art of War)[/quote]

Thank you! You have actually answered all of my questions. Even some that I dared not to ask. )

I will study the links you gave me tonight. I will reserve 2 hours of my time for it. Thank you again for taking the time and explaining this in so much depth.
Cinimod9 said:
Good Afternoon,

I want to state first and foremost that all of my questions are not coming from a beingness of judgment, skepticism or presumption, only from a desire to understand. (...)

1) Mantras are used to empower and clean different parts of the soul. They are also used in witchcraft to achieve a variety of goals. Sound is the strongest form for these purposes. We don't chant like Hindus and Buddhists, we chant properly as it was done before Hinduism and Buddhism even existed. For examples, look at this YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClDkn1cOs7_LkA30wZNmZ_w

2) Demons are the original Gods of mankind. Satan created human beings through genetic engineering around 500 thousand years ago. The goal of Satan and the Demons is to complete their work on humanity, which is aiding them in becoming Gods and Goddesses and take their place as part of their family. The rest of our knowledge, wisdom and experience is to be consulted at these venues:

https://www.satanisgod.org/ (portal to almost all of our websites)
https://ancient-forums.com/viewforum.php?f=24 (main JoS forums with up-to-date information that haven't been updated to the main website yet.
The last link to be provided would be that of our groups archive, which is currently being restored.

3) Those are the original teachings of our Gods and predate any modern religion. The practices are meant to advance you spiritually. Whether one wants to develop siddhis or not, that is perfectly possible and it depends on individual interest in it. Siddhi also develop as a byproduct of spiritual advancement. Our spiritual path set the basis for all original Pagan (not the New Age/Wiccan version) and all original Dharmic (Bon and so on) religions. Through study and communication with the Gods, we are reconstructing our original practices, as the modern practices have all been corrupted and watered down compared to the original ones.

For more in-depth information, read the aforementioned websites. They provide answers to most of the questions supplicants have and go deeper.

I hope this helped you. If you have any doubt, don't hesitate to ask again here or on a less cluttered thread.
Can someone please name a few reasons for why Satan would leave someone after the dedication ritual? Because my mother is or used to be a dedicated SS but recently she has said some veeery questionable things about the enemy, almost like she was sympathizing with them. Shortly after that she met a guy with an ((interesting)) last name and I pointed it out to her and she just shrugged it of, like it would be no big deal if he would be of the enemy. Now she's in a relationship with him and lives with him and all of a sudden she's like a different person, in a bad way. She is full of hatred and anger, especially towards me and my husband for no reason. Very confusing, I'm starting to think her meeting that guy was a test, she failed it and Satan left her. What do you think? For what reasons does Satan leave you?
Justice11 said:
Can someone please name a few reasons for why Satan would leave someone after the dedication ritual? Because my mother is or used to be a dedicated SS but recently she has said some veeery questionable things about the enemy, almost like she was sympathizing with them. Shortly after that she met a guy with an ((interesting)) last name and I pointed it out to her and she just shrugged it of, like it would be no big deal if he would be of the enemy. Now she's in a relationship with him and lives with him and all of a sudden she's like a different person, in a bad way. She is full of hatred and anger, especially towards me and my husband for no reason. Very confusing, I'm starting to think her meeting that guy was a test, she failed it and Satan left her. What do you think? For what reasons does Satan leave you?
Satan doesn't abbandon anybody, it's others who abbandon him. Why would you think your mother was abbandoned by Satan while it's perfectly clear it's her who left him.
Taurus said:
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

I don't think I share your level of humour to provide an 'answer' to your question.

Justice11 said:
Can someone please name a few reasons for why Satan would leave someone after the dedication ritual? Because my mother is or used to be a dedicated SS but recently she has said some veeery questionable things about the enemy, almost like she was sympathizing with them. Shortly after that she met a guy with an ((interesting)) last name and I pointed it out to her and she just shrugged it of, like it would be no big deal if he would be of the enemy. Now she's in a relationship with him and lives with him and all of a sudden she's like a different person, in a bad way. She is full of hatred and anger, especially towards me and my husband for no reason. Very confusing, I'm starting to think her meeting that guy was a test, she failed it and Satan left her. What do you think? For what reasons does Satan leave you?

The only real foundational thing Satan seems to desire from us is loyalty; To fraternize with the enemy knowingly is a definite severe betrayal, to which he may abandon the individual. I don't like to put 'words in the mouth of the gods' though so I'm only basing this off of what I know.

"but he that opposes me will regret it sorely." -Satan, The Al Jilwah
Justice11 said:
I’ve wondered the same thing. My ex was a SS but he fell out and sympathized with the jews. I could see how Satan would leave this person behind and if said person were to come back and admit fault and start putting Him as a priority then the relationship is established. But I believe Satan only totally leaves after a reverse dedication ritual. He leaves when you leave Him.
Justice11 said:
Can someone please name a few reasons for why Satan would leave someone after the dedication ritual? Because my mother is or used to be a dedicated SS but recently she has said some veeery questionable things about the enemy, almost like she was sympathizing with them. Shortly after that she met a guy with an ((interesting)) last name and I pointed it out to her and she just shrugged it of, like it would be no big deal if he would be of the enemy. Now she's in a relationship with him and lives with him and all of a sudden she's like a different person, in a bad way. She is full of hatred and anger, especially towards me and my husband for no reason. Very confusing, I'm starting to think her meeting that guy was a test, she failed it and Satan left her. What do you think? For what reasons does Satan leave you?

None. It's her who left Satan, not the other way around.
Ok, i have an actual question.

Could you use energy to your advantage in athletics or sports?
Say someone is a armwrestler, could they direct the energy to thier arm to give them some sort of an advantage? Possibly make them stronger or effect the other person?
Taurus said:
Ok, i have an actual question.

Could you use energy to your advantage in athletics or sports?
Say someone is a armwrestler, could they direct the energy to thier arm to give them some sort of an advantage? Possibly make them stronger or effect the other person?
Yes, of course you can.
I have a good question see I am doing the 40 days empowerment of my soul also I be working towards unlock telekinesis when I click on it it says the foundation meditation and the hand chakra meditation should be master one person in the group told me I must empower my soul and open all my chakras my shoulder chakras my main chakras and etc but in y’all opinion what must be done to unlock tk
Ciao; sono nuovo. Mi sono dedicato a padre Satana da 7 giorni, ho letto dei demoni guida, come faccio a chiedere a Padre Satana una guida?
Come faccio a capire se Padre Satana sente le mie richieste oppure se sono ancora troppo poco potente per farle giungere a lui?
Vi prego rispondete, mi sento perso senza una guida e non so praticamente come fare.
Grazie in anticipo per chi risponderà.
Ave Padre Satana.
alpha666 said:
Ciao; sono nuovo. Mi sono dedicato a padre Satana da 7 giorni, ho letto dei demoni guida, come faccio a chiedere a Padre Satana una guida?
Come faccio a capire se Padre Satana sente le mie richieste oppure se sono ancora troppo poco potente per farle giungere a lui?
Vi prego rispondete, mi sento perso senza una guida e non so praticamente come fare.
Grazie in anticipo per chi risponderà.
Ave Padre Satana.
Ciao, per gli Italiani c'è un subforum dedicato, sarai il benvenuto lì. Se tu parli a Satana resta sicuro che lui ti sente e sa benissimo cosa provi, lui e gli Dei sanno di te più di quanto sappia chiunque altro, incluso te stesso. Riguardo alla guida, alla dedica ti viene assegnato un Demone guardiano, solo perchè non sei aperto psichicamente e quindi non puoi sentirlo non vuoldire che non ce l'hai ;) Chiedi a Satana di essere guidato verso ciò che è meglio per te e resta aperto a indizi e idee. Essendo nuovo dovrai fare il programma da 40 giorni, lo troverai usando la funzione cerca. Benvenuto:)
Cosmic6999 said:
I have a good question see I am doing the 40 days empowerment of my soul also I be working towards unlock telekinesis when I click on it it says the foundation meditation and the hand chakra meditation should be master one person in the group told me I must empower my soul and open all my chakras my shoulder chakras my main chakras and etc but in y’all opinion what must be done to unlock tk

Before taking on advanced feats, consolidate the basics. All the content in the 40-day programme and most of the content in the spiritual warfare programme must be mastered in order to have solid foundations. Mastery is not mere completion, it goes much beyond that.

P.S. Punctuation is not optional in any language based on the Latin alphabet, which is the one used for most languages, including the one you're currently writing in.
alpha666 said:
Ciao; sono nuovo. Mi sono dedicato a padre Satana da 7 giorni, ho letto dei demoni guida, come faccio a chiedere a Padre Satana una guida?
Come faccio a capire se Padre Satana sente le mie richieste oppure se sono ancora troppo poco potente per farle giungere a lui?
Vi prego rispondete, mi sento perso senza una guida e non so praticamente come fare.
Grazie in anticipo per chi risponderà.
Ave Padre Satana.

Un Demone Guardiano ti viene assegnato alla dedica. Se sei stato dedicato in vite passate, hai già un guardiano dalla tua prima dedica, in qualunque vita essa sia avvenuta. L'aura di Padre Satana arriva in tutto l'universo: non c'è bisogno che tu sia forte perché ti senta. Potresti essere anche mezzo morto spiritualmente ma ci riuscirebbe comunque.

Ti invito a leggere meglio il sito web italiano.

Questa volta ti ho risposto in italiano, ma in seguito sarebbe opportuno che tu scrivessi in inglese in questo forum. Se vuoi scrivere in italiano, c'è una sezione apposita. Segui il link: https://ancient-forums.com/viewforum.php?f=6
Okaaay, Hello again, i had a question about a meditation that i have just done if it is valid, because i read up yesterday about no mediators how it rly works, so i wanna ask if this is okay or just some bs delusion that i came up with.

I was getting rdy to do Void meditation with closed eyes(to get powered up for the RTR), ive done a few deep breaths like where my belly expands, and suddenly i got an idea, that when i breath in i breath in energy trough my crown and my root chakra that then travells trough the chakras(like the ez chakra spin) and meets between the sacral chakra and solar plexus chakra, then as my belly expands the point where the energies meet expands also and when i make the full inhale i start to slowly exale dispersing the energy trought my whole body and powering it up, dunno how many breaths i made but i stoped after 15 mins, my whole body was buzzing with energy. So i came online fast to ask if it is valid and if it is okay that i incoporate it with my other meditations. Cheers and thanks in advance
Hail Satan!

I have a question about ripping someone's energy.

I’m not clear about this part :
“...Always draw energy with your feminine chakras as these absorb. The masculine chakras project energy. It is best to absorb this type of energy in the lower chakras...”

So what I need to do is to draw the energies with the feminine chakras then absorb them to the lower (masculine) chakras?

The hungarian translation tells that I have to absorb the energies in to my lower feminine chakras but in my understanding the lower chakras are masculine. Or are there any feminine lower chakras I don’t know about? I’m confused.

Thanks for any answers.
F_For_Flamingo said:
Okaaay, Hello again, i had a question about a meditation that i have just done if it is valid, because i read up yesterday about no mediators how it rly works, so i wanna ask if this is okay or just some bs delusion that i came up with.

I was getting rdy to do Void meditation with closed eyes(to get powered up for the RTR), ive done a few deep breaths like where my belly expands, and suddenly i got an idea, that when i breath in i breath in energy trough my crown and my root chakra that then travells trough the chakras(like the ez chakra spin) and meets between the sacral chakra and solar plexus chakra, then as my belly expands the point where the energies meet expands also and when i make the full inhale i start to slowly exale dispersing the energy trought my whole body and powering it up, dunno how many breaths i made but i stoped after 15 mins, my whole body was buzzing with energy. So i came online fast to ask if it is valid and if it is okay that i incoporate it with my other meditations. Cheers and thanks in advance
Hail Satan!
Sounds good, it works for you. Using your own intuition to decide what would be helpful to you, that's exactly what you should be doing. That is also how gods communicate with newer people who can't yet directly hear them, they give you the idea and a strong feeling of what to do.
F_For_Flamingo said:
That reminds me a lot of the Star of Astaroth meditation and energy circulation. Feeling the energy buzz is very important, it’s successfully raising your energies. Each of us are different and individual so what works for you stick with it!!
Thanks for the anwsers! Still dunno how to Tag ppl xD off to do some meditating, cheers!
No, absorb and draw means the same thing in English. The lower chakras are the feminine ones. What it says in that page:

Begin by visualizing yourself drawing off the victim's aura and disintegrating it. You can visualize yourself actually eating and ingesting the aura until it is completely gone or drawing it into your sexual chakra. Always draw energy with your feminine chakras as these absorb. The masculine chakras project energy. It is best to absorb this type of energy in the lower chakras.

The masculine (upper) chakras project the energy, i.e. they send it outwards. You don't use them when absorbing energy at all.

Sexual chakra=2nd chakra.

Kokusz said:

I have a question about ripping someone's energy.

I’m not clear about this part :
“...Always draw energy with your feminine chakras as these absorb. The masculine chakras project energy. It is best to absorb this type of energy in the lower chakras...”

So what I need to do is to draw the energies with the feminine chakras then absorb them to the lower (masculine) chakras?

The hungarian translation tells that I have to absorb the energies in to my lower feminine chakras but in my understanding the lower chakras are masculine. Or are there any feminine lower chakras I don’t know about? I’m confused.

Thanks for any answers.
Aquarius said:
Justice11 said:
Can someone please name a few reasons for why Satan would leave someone after the dedication ritual? Because my mother is or used to be a dedicated SS but recently she has said some veeery questionable things about the enemy, almost like she was sympathizing with them. Shortly after that she met a guy with an ((interesting)) last name and I pointed it out to her and she just shrugged it of, like it would be no big deal if he would be of the enemy. Now she's in a relationship with him and lives with him and all of a sudden she's like a different person, in a bad way. She is full of hatred and anger, especially towards me and my husband for no reason. Very confusing, I'm starting to think her meeting that guy was a test, she failed it and Satan left her. What do you think? For what reasons does Satan leave you?
Satan doesn't abbandon anybody, it's others who abbandon him. Why would you think your mother was abbandoned by Satan while it's perfectly clear it's her who left him.

Quote from JoS Dedicate your soul to Satan FAQ:
"I received a very small number of letters from people who were confused and harassed by Christians. One person performed a reverse ritual and Satan left him. Totally. Satan does not push himself on anyone.
Christians are deceived. They believe their "God" to be "loving" and "forgiving." In truth, this monster is a spiteful, hateful attacker of human beings. When one is with Satan, one is always under his protection. He looks out for us and we enter a new life where we no longer have the worries that others endure. Things are not perfect, but they are always much better. Satan does not punish people who reject him, he simply leaves and one is left all alone to endure the torments of the enemy."
Maybe I put to much weight on the "Satan left him" and all that. Sure, she left him first by doing what she did and saying what she said and she will regret it. And because she left, he left too. Alright, I guess my train of thought was a bit off there. The situation with this ((guy)) is escalating right now, he attacked us physically and I'm pregnant... I want revenge but working with black magic would probably be a bad idea whilst pregnant, right? :|
Shrekelstein said:
Kokusz said:
Both of you are completely wrong. Base is masculine. Sacral is feminine. Solar is masculine. 4th is neutral, like both at the same time. Throat is feminine. 6th is masculine. Crown is feminine.

The part about absorbing into lower chakras is not about masculine or feminine. It's because the energy becomes more refined as it goes up. If you absorb into higher chakras, it will have a very bad effect on you and you will be making yourself a different person.

Lower chakras handle energy that is less refined, so it is less specific what kind of energy it uses. So if the energy is alittle different, it could be okay. But having different energy into the upper chakras is a more drastic change.

If you are thinking about taking energy from someone else into yourself, don't do it it's a bad idea. You would be getting all of that persons curses, mental and physical problems, fears, thought patterns, ideas, addictions, and anything else.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Shrekelstein said:
Kokusz said:
Both of you are completely wrong. Base is masculine. Sacral is feminine. Solar is masculine. 4th is neutral, like both at the same time. Throat is feminine. 6th is masculine. Crown is feminine.

The part about absorbing into lower chakras is not about masculine or feminine. It's because the energy becomes more refined as it goes up. If you absorb into higher chakras, it will have a very bad effect on you and you will be making yourself a different person.

Lower chakras handle energy that is less refined, so it is less specific what kind of energy it uses. So if the energy is alittle different, it could be okay. But having different energy into the upper chakras is a more drastic change.

If you are thinking about taking energy from someone else into yourself, don't do it it's a bad idea. You would be getting all of that persons curses, mental and physical problems, fears, thought patterns, ideas, addictions, and anything else.

All the lower chakras below the heart chakra are masculine, all of the upper chakras including the 6th chakra above the heart are feminine. This is what the name of the King and Queen meditation is in reference to. This is the combining of the lower masculine enegies with the higher feminine energies, to bring the 'King' and 'Queen' together to work in unison.

Crown - Female

6th - Female

Throat - Female

Heart - Neuter

Solar - Male

Sacral - Male

Base - Male

Lower chakras handle energy that is very powerful, potent and 'logical'. Higher chakras handle energy that is more flowing, light and 'creative'. This is the symbolical comparison and the real meaning of Heaven and Hell. The lower chakras (Hell) are the fiery force and the higher chakras (Heaven) are the spiritual creative direction.

The higher feminine chakras are the most important when it comes to the astral, working with directing energy and the thought-plane. Feminine is the creativity and directing of magic, masculine is the forces and manifestation of it.

Both are needed in unison to bring about the whole of the results.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Shrekelstein said:
Kokusz said:
Both of you are completely wrong. Base is masculine. Sacral is feminine. Solar is masculine. 4th is neutral, like both at the same time. Throat is feminine. 6th is masculine. Crown is feminine.

The part about absorbing into lower chakras is not about masculine or feminine. It's because the energy becomes more refined as it goes up. If you absorb into higher chakras, it will have a very bad effect on you and you will be making yourself a different person.

Lower chakras handle energy that is less refined, so it is less specific what kind of energy it uses. So if the energy is alittle different, it could be okay. But having different energy into the upper chakras is a more drastic change.

If you are thinking about taking energy from someone else into yourself, don't do it it's a bad idea. You would be getting all of that persons curses, mental and physical problems, fears, thought patterns, ideas, addictions, and anything else.

Enough of these jokes, guys. You're confusing newbies. Everyone here knows all lower chakras are masculine and all upper chakras are feminine. There's nothing to discuss about it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
