Ion said:
These thoughts stay in my brain like a splinter and I feel like they are stopping me from advancing spiritually.
How do RTRs influence the outside world? What is the link? I understand meditation for self improvement, but how are the RTR's going to impact the outside world? Are there no other more direct means of helping the cause? What action can we take?
I don't want to sound like I am ridiculing satanism, because I am not. Just call me pessimist, because from my perspective, it simply looks like we are loosing the battle, and things are going in a very dark direction.
Ion said:
These thoughts stay in my brain like a splinter and I feel like they are stopping me from advancing spiritually.
How do RTRs influence the outside world? What is the link? I understand meditation for self improvement, but how are the RTR's going to impact the outside world? Are there no other more direct means of helping the cause? What action can we take?
I don't want to sound like I am ridiculing satanism, because I am not. Just call me pessimist, because from my perspective, it simply looks like we are loosing the battle, and things are going in a very dark direction.
FAQ about the Final RTR:
A Course in our RTRs spiritual weaponry:
Things being dark is nothing new. It's just that we are now more exposed and aware of it:
And historical examples of occultism and how it was a major deciding factor in the world wars.
Spiritual War The Battle of 1919 -
The Psychic Warfare of WW2 -
Further Study -
Do take the time to read through the above. It'll answer your inquiries and doubts in great detail and give you clarity on the whole picture.
In a nutshell, there is a psychic 'veil' over the populace. This is created through occult rituals where Jews use torah curses (boosted by animal and human sacrifice) to keep the Gentile masses stupid and unaware. While their material plots work towards the enslavement of humanity. In the same way that a magician can curse another person to insanity, a group of Jewish occultists curse the entirety of Gentile humanity to be blind, weak, and docile. Thus giving them time, opportunity, and power to move forward with their plans on the material.
RTRs destroy the foundation of their entire magickal system and their soul structure, the Jewish alphabet. RTRs lift that psychic veil, allowing humanity to see who their enemy is once again. You have to be aware of a problem first to act on it.
Through RTRs, we create the "origin" for ALL real resistance to occur. Before a punch hits your opponent, first there is the will to throw a punch, then the shoulder and the arm moves before the fist connects.
This image is a little clunky. (If anyone wants to make suggestions or improve on it themselves, be my guest.) But it should help demonstrate what I'm trying to say.
Also, by focusing solely on information and spiritual warfare, we do as much damage as possible, while preserving our vital positions as Satanic Elite. Those that opt for 'direct action' at this time are easily put down by the enemy, as they control the majority of the media, and political + military power. Whereas they are susceptible in the informational and spiritual spheres. (Internet Activism + RTRs)
29. Military tactics are like unto water; for water in its natural course runs away from high places and hastens downwards.
30. So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak.
31. Water shapes its course according to the nature of the ground over which it flows; the soldier works out his victory in relation to the foe whom he is facing. (Art of War)