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Are humans naturally vegetarians or omnivores

Jun 11, 2010
I have been hearing arguments that say that eating any animal products like eggs is not needed to be healthy.

That there is proof that humans are natural vegetarians by the structure of human body; stomach acid not as strong as natural meat eaters, or that meat eaters do not produce cholesterol but plant eaters do. While plant eaters require Vitamin C from plants while meat eaters produce their own vitamin C.

I'd like to hear people's thoughts on this subject.

This is just bullshit started by the jews. Humans are omnivores. This has been touched on SEVERAL times by the clergy. Ever noticed that anyone who goes vegetarian or vegan has to take lots of supplements?? That's not healthy to need pills and shit to be fine. Meat is necessary for survival, it provides specific nutrients to help build and maintain muscle, as well as keep the brain healthy
We are omnivores. If we were not meat eaters we'd be shitting out pieces of meat. And we all know we don't.

We need the protein and iron from the meat for our bodies to function healthily as well as vitamin B12 since we can not make that ourselves. The best natural source for that is meat.

Given this small specific very logic information we are omnivores and it does not matter how strong the sours in our belly are.

As well as you already said about the plant eaters. We eat both, so it'd be normal for us to have traits and things that we need to eat and digest BOTH.
If we don't eat plants we lack in vitamins and minerals VITAL to keep diseases at bay, to keep us healthy and probably mainly to stop us from having any problems with our teeth and bones.

That being said, Sugar, especially white refined ones should NOT BE DIGESTED IN ANY CASE. They take a lot of those 'vital' vitamins and such out of the body and cripples it, making it prone to all kinds of disease and disbalances. Not to mention it tires and wears our body out.

(yes that hyperactive is only temporary)
Here are some topics and sermons on the subject:

Veganism, Ownership, Workers Class, Animals... And.. Jews

Jewish Run China Forcing Veganism On Populations

Vegan toddler admitted to ICU for malnutrition, parents coul

Why Vegan?

Are You Vegan Or Vegetarian? National Socialism

Veganism Is Leftard Lunacy

MEME Da Vegan
Why do you ppl always blame all you problems on the Jews?. What about Roman Catholic & other false Cristian religions?. Do you hate them as much as the Jews, hmmm?. 

– Isaac 
On Sep 18, 2016, at 6:22 PM, ljossmyrkr@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  This is just bullshit started by the jews. Humans are omnivores. This has been touched on SEVERAL times by the clergy. Ever noticed that anyone who goes vegetarian or vegan has to take lots of supplements?? That's not healthy to need pills and shit to be fine. Meat is necessary for survival, it provides specific nutrients to help build and maintain muscle, as well as keep the brain healthy
Roman Catholics and other xian religions are just proxies of the jews. That's why they worship Jebooz, the KING OF THE JEWS.

The jews are the root of the problem, xians are merely the branches.
I tried telling my friend that, that she actually does need meat to
maintain proper health, but she didn't believe me. *sigh* Maybe I
should copy and paste, send her one of these sermons. She is a
practicing Satanist, but she is not Jos.

On 9/19/16, ivan.folghera@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
Roman Catholics and other xian religions are just proxies of the jews.
That's why they worship Jebooz, the KING OF THE JEWS.

The jews are the root of the problem, xians are merely the branches.
Those were all started by the jews. Origins are in judaism, please do your research. So yes, we hate those as much too, but the jews are the root, so that is what we focus on
Almost as much but they are us who have been stolen.You want to know why but you're not seeking the answer.You have to study it.Its too long of a reason the explain here.Short answer:because they exist to enslave and/or destroy us.
The christian religions, as well as a number of others, are generally considered inventions intentionally created and/or propagated by the Jews for the sake of capturing the people who are smart/aware enough to not follow Judaism, but have not discovered the truth yet.
I personally don't hate most of the followers of those religions, I see them as lost and in need of guidance.

---In [email protected], <the_forbidden_practice@... wrote :

Why do you ppl always blame all you problems on the Jews?. What about Roman Catholic & other false Cristian religions?. Do you hate them as much as the Jews, hmmm?. 

– Isaac 
 This is just bullshit started by the jews. Humans are omnivores. This has been touched on SEVERAL times by the clergy. Ever noticed that anyone who goes vegetarian or vegan has to take lots of supplements?? That's not healthy to need pills and shit to be fine. Meat is necessary for survival, it provides specific nutrients to help build and maintain muscle, as well as keep the brain healthy
So, yes, when it comes right down to it, it is the jooz. And have you NOT been studying and reading
the sermons, etc. Watching the videos?

And I have questioned your name from the beginning. Definitely a jooz name. But I let it go,
until now. We are not supposed to use our real names here. So, if that is not your real name,
why did you choose it? And, if it is, then I really question your reasons for being here.

Hail Satan!


On Mon, 9/19/16, Linn Trhell the_forbidden_practice@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Are humans naturally vegetarians or omnivores
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Monday, September 19, 2016, 1:05 PM


Why do you ppl always blame all you
problems on the Jews?. What about Roman Catholic & other
false Cristian religions?. Do you hate them as much as the
Jews, hmmm?. 

On Sep 18, 2016, at 6:22
PM, ljossmyrkr@...
[JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]


This is just bullshit started by the jews. Humans
are omnivores. This has been touched on SEVERAL times by the
clergy. Ever noticed that anyone who goes vegetarian or
vegan has to take lots of supplements?? That's not
healthy to need pills and shit to be fine. Meat is necessary
for survival, it provides specific nutrients to help build
and maintain muscle, as well as keep the brain healthy

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Looks like a troll.

Why do you ppl always blame all you problems on the Jews?. What about Roman Catholic & other false Cristian religions?. Do you hate them as much as the Jews, hmmm?. 

– Isaac 
Hail Satan
Hail Bastet
Hail Marchosias
Because if it weren't for jews, there wouldn't be any catcholic fucktards.

I suggest you either get your trolling ass out of the e-groups or learn for once in your fucking useless life.
Meat is a must. I myself have two pointy small fangs on the top that are more pointed and sharp than the average human. This is a true fact. I wonder if I evolved from a monster ;-) I need my meat!
On Sep 18, 2016 4:08 PM, "chrisredfield6413@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I have been hearing arguments that say that eating any animal products like eggs is not needed to be healthy.

That there is proof that humans are natural vegetarians by the structure of human body; stomach acid not as strong as natural meat eaters, or that meat eaters do not produce cholesterol but plant eaters do. While plant eaters require Vitamin C from plants while meat eaters produce their own vitamin C.

I'd like to hear people's thoughts on this subject.
Taol, about the suger, musta missed it some where else.
Only suger can have is organic suger or?
And what about maple syrup meaning the organic ones (if any)

Hail father Satan
Hail mother Lilith
Hail all the Deitie gods/goddess
Weirdly enough, I can't have an actual meal (non-dessert or snack) that doesn't contain meat, or else I just become stuck halfway through it. Even for breakfast I mainly eat ham on my bread or maybe ham in a pancake. However, this also goes for vegetables, but way less than it does with meat for me. So I think humans are omnivores.
Any kind of sugar that is ORGANIC which does NOT have any process of heating or refinery or whatever.

Why do I say heating? Because when honey is heated the enzymes etc that are actually useful (you can use honey on wounds to help them heal) break down, making it unsuitable for in example this purpose.

(so directly from plant or animal) is safe to use.
High fructose corn syrup is a mere substitute of refined sugar and thus those claims that it is better is false, since it is a process in a factory. The sugars get jumbled up in such a manner that the body doesn't know how to use it. The main reason its used.. well.. 1 it fucks up people and 2 its cheaper. ................

However, sugar remains sugar. That means that even if you use it you should NOT overuse it. That being said, it is not good for everyday use.
As for syrup, or honey in it origins, it is best to buy honey that is locally harvested in your area. I have been doing this for a while now, the health benefits are amazing. If you cannot fin anything online, or offline, then it is best to try royal jelly, which can be found on amazon, which is what I am about to have to start doing unless the place I go to has locally harested honey.
Taol, Thanks for the reply, I belive I understand it better now.Enjoyed the ending sentence :)
Hail father SatanHail mother LilithHail all the Deitie gods/goddess

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
