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Answers: "Are The Gods Responsible?"

The Jews from what remains in history were running their scams the same way back then they are today. They would take over the banking and corporate world and then the political elites. All the while assimilating in public and attempting to pass themselves off as Gentiles to scam the Gentiles. They also ran their subversive scams under fake fronts in many cases they just never came out with "hey Goyim its the Jews" just as they don't in our time. The Jews are a race that behaves like a collective enemy intelligence network not normal people.
Zeffie of the Wind said:
ZmajEriksson said:
Zeffie of the Wind said:
Except we aren't ruthless and warmongering. What you suggest is akin to genocide of any and all "potential" threats. They key here is potential. The more we advance and evolve the more options we get. At this point in time with our limited understanding and knowledge of the ancient people we could point fingers and blame them about all sorts of whys and why nots. The reality of the matter is that the Jews are still here and those civilizations aren't. Perhaps they were "too merciful" or some other reason. Taking that logic to the extreme we could even say "why didnt the Gods just completely eradicate the Reptilians etc from the start before they even became a threat". Its a pointless train of thought when there isnt enough information and level of understanding.

From my point of view, one could decide to go out of their way and destroy any thing that could harm them. Its what the Reptilians seem to want to do. We are a potential threat to them so they decided to come and wipe us out of existence. It also seems like they have been doing that to many others. But we aren't like that. Its why the Jews were tolerated for so long. But that time has come and has passed. The option of peaceful negotiations have disappeared. This ends either in their destruction or ours and nothing in-between. In the future maybe something similar happens with a different group but at the very least I believe "ex***ination" as the first and only option right at the start isn't the right answer.

The Reptilians want to enslave us, not destroy us. If their concern was removing threats they'd blow up every planet with life like they did Mars and Phaeton. A parasite thrives off of abuse and as such is not a "potential" threat but a legitimate one. And as HoodedCobra said, expulsion doesn't work. When fighting an existential threat, you have to go hard or your species is gone and if you're aware a species is genetically engineered spacifically to cause your species as much suffering as possible, there's only one solution: extermination

Yes they are a legitimate threat "now". Current tense. In the present. But there was once a time when they weren't. There was a time when we and the Gods lived side by side. But the enemy decided to attack and now there's war. If they can they will enslave us and use us as resource for themselves. If they cant they will destroy us. Both are things they will do.

The point I am trying to address is the notion of "destroying all parasitical life" that you mentioned. It is equivalent to saying any and all threats that could hurt us must be eliminated without room for compromise. I would agree if it was a direct threat to us. Anything or anyone that wants war against us will get war. But if its simply "potentially dangerous life" that lives somewhere far away from us and have nothing to do with us or our way of life then going out of our way to intrude on their home and destroy them seems very wrong to me.

The Jews and their group are very much here and a direct threat. Therefore we will fight back and destroy them as these thousands of years of war show that there is no room for peace. Maybe back then we believed there were other options we could take. Maybe it was something else. I certainly do not know what they thought of. I can only speculate based on limited information.

From my point of view, we should have many options we could take in regards to any threat. Complete destruction and extermination shouldn't be the very first thing we think "at the start" of any conflict. Full blown at war should be the last option. Once there is war there is no more room for compromise. That's why it should be last thing we do rather than the first. Preventing conflict from happening or making the conflict as small as possible is much better than going to war like this. But just as we have our own way of life others have their own. We could do what we can to keep things from happening but we aren't responsible for the actions other species take. A small example would be a person taking action to stay healthy but "the common cold" still decides to invade your body. We do what we do, they do what they do. And then the white blood cells attack the cold and we get healthy again. On a larger scale things aren't this simple but I hope I described my point well enough.

FancyMancy said:
ConsistentMeditator said:
There are many things that seemed to be left behind with knowledge that just got lost anyways. I am sure if the alexandria library and many other important things were not destroyed that humanity would probably already be in space by now as you and mageson said in other articles here.

The whole renaissance was literally just based on picking up the remains of what the classical philosophers knew before the Christians destroyed nearly everything and started the Dark Ages. Nobody points out in the mainstream media nowadays how for their time, the ancient Greeks and Romans and others were making pretty decently fast technological progress, far far faster compared to the Christians who mostly just erased progress, they were not 'primitives' at all, I worded that a bit poorly.


Yeah, 10/10 post there, i agree 100%, thanks.
Even though this sermon comes as a response to an idiot very nice one HP Hooded Bro.
Ankh666 said:
What if you could censor people's thoughts too.. Wouldn't that be awesome? Plenty of Jewish companies out there that could help you develop such.

Oy vey, oy gevalt, annuda Nazi, Annuda shoa. Dis goyim don't feel negative emotions about their own Gods, which I try to cause by pretending I pose "Questions". The big goyim in the room also "censors me". I am not allowed to shill against the gods of the goyim! I wuz being censored and shit.

Dis goyim even blocked my comments of attacking, threatening to harm other Satanists, and just slandering the Gods. Oy vey! Totally Hitler! Why does this goy not allow the holy chosen legal rabbi to post his subversive arguments?

Are you done writing deceitful statements in comments to pretend you are one of us while all you do is promote all a Rabbi would to us within this forum?

Jews go by a rule and they say: "NEVER DISBELIEVE IN HASHEM".

I abide by a similar rule, I never disbelieve in Satan. I know this hurts your jewish emotions and your trust issues, but some of us have a relationship with the Gods build after lengthy years, actual questioning, far more extreme doubts than yours, all answered, while all you have is buckets of tears and a deceitful nature, which disallows you from not blaming, attacking, and trying to dishonor beings which are higher than you.

I happily remove your kosher comments and will continue to do so.
You can explain mercy to a lifeform that is similar to you, if anyone thinks they can explain mercy to a reptilian or a grey, or whatever other intelligence behind them, one must be only ready for death and permanent annihilation.

The idea that goodness can transform a germ into a valuable lifeform is really wrong. Plus, they do not seem to be motivated by what is "logical interest" either, as they still insist on going with everything even if their offspring here is going to get destroyed, and even if they have to pay terrible losses or extinction.

It is even worse than that also.
Ankh666 said:
What if you could censor people's thoughts too.. Wouldn't that be awesome? Plenty of Jewish companies out there that could help you develop such.
Pro tip, what you should do in this kind of situation is avoid upsetting people in the first place with how you make arguments. Your later posts got censored because you annoyed an admin by not considering both sides of the argument you made. For example, your original post basically just stated that the Gods decision to leave was 100% certainly wrong and that they should have definitely stayed there to defend humanity, which implies that they must have been stupid. Either that or your argument is just that the Gods never existed due to the illogical nature of the narrative around their past decisions, but let's just say that's not a very effective argument style either. When you imply that one single thing proves your point instantaneously without addressing most of the main sources of evidence people here use as a reason to believe these gods exist, that laziness is likely to piss some people off. Some will see it as an insult to their beliefs, and it's not just that. Just think about all the effort that went into assembling all the important articles here about history in one site and constantly maintaining that. And not just that, but the several other sites related to this one too. And very much of this was done by the very admins you are asking to prove you wrong, on a site built around this belief system in the first place. It would not be that hard for you to just go to the

Basically, if your argument is not that the gods do not exist or that the history described on this site is majorly wrong in some way, then you need to adjust your argument to the belief system you are using to argue it. If you do believe they exist and are not idiots, then you have to consider that you're probably misunderstanding something and phrase it as a request for clarification. If you believe they don't exist, then you should put in more effort into trying to prove that, or at least make your beliefs on that subject clear. If you are simply doubtful as a result of these thoughts, then it would also assist the ease of understanding the argument if you made that more clear.

Another thing that bothers me very much is when people make arguments like this but don't acknowledge anything they learned from the site. I can understand if you come to doubt some of the beliefs here, this site is all about freedom of thought, but if you were still majorly educated on things here that you didn't learn anywhere else and haven't changed your mind about them, then you should really admit this.

Of course, the problem is your posts are so incoherent that i can't even tell what your actual beliefs are and whether you're doubtful or not, it is all too lazy to be fully comprehended. Anyway, if you are going to be skeptical of more things in the future it's fine, but you need to think through what you're saying and not be so whiny and rude so that people who talk to you don't feel like they wasted their time and put too much effort into explaining things to you when you're not willing to look at both sides of the story. People getting upset and deciding they don't want to argue with you anymore is just a reality of life, of course your posts could be censored on a private forum like this one. Generally, private forum moderators do this to avoid the public forum effect of low effort posters always seeming to 'win' arguments because they got in the last word and made the last post before the people they argue with inevitably got tired of wasting time, it's not something unique to this forum or really uncommon at all so i recommend you just get used to it and learn to control yourself better from now on rather than complain more.
"Most lifeforms on other planets who have had a similar stride and met the enemy are definitely gone. We aren't the only ones, there are many planets where this has happened, and they have been gone forever into nothingness."

So have other beings or life forms been subdued before us?
I know this is a terrible truth, but it's still very cruel!
After all, they are advanced parasites in the universe.

Think about what it would have been like if the Gods had not fought against them!

Otherwise the article is great HP!
darkpath said:
So have other beings or life forms been subdued before us?

Yes if you look at a sermon that was posted which I can't seem to find(I did search). Lucifuge Rofocal and the green spectrum hybrids(Green-Nordic E.T.s) like Lucifuge, Valefor, Clistheret, and I believe Mersilde. Well apparently their civilization got some kosher non-sense never managed to slough it off and so they jumped the planet when things got past the point of no return. And only manage to save a total of 50 people so either 50 including them or a little bit over 50.

Powstanie Pogańskie said:
Powstanie Pogańskie wrote:
Ninja 666 said:
I've read the theory that a number of 50 or 500 individuals is enough for a healthy population to arise without inbredding depression. So for reincarnation purposes there shouldn't be a problem.

We just got to learn about that in one of my classes, it is the "50/500 rule." More of a guiding principle, it states that a population of at least 50 is necessary to avoid, as you said, inbreeding depression, whereas a population of at least 500 is needed to minimize the effects of "genetic drift." This is essentially the loss of certain genes because the individuals who carried them simply did not/were unable to reproduce.

Had to jump in there 'cause we just had an exam for that class and I got excited.

This happened about 10,000 years ago give or take so as you can see the Gods have probably dealt with kosher supervision on more than one occasion somewhere else. Albeit it seems in the case of these green spectrum hybrids, the Gods couldn't really do much assistance it seems like either too far away for support or the civilization just fucked itself over too badly and couldn't break free.

In reality it comes to show you the power of the enemy, never underestimate them. Alien or trick-kosher species.
Yes, I read articles about the Greys.
That destiny is destined for us I know! We would be "Greys" or if the project fails, we would destroy the planet so that we would not notify or warn others out there. Think about it that then all that we were, all of humanity along with its history, would be lost! They want to destroy our soul and the "essence" of life! And this is serious because we really only need bioaccumulators for this parasite species!
That's why we have to fight to the end!

As HP said in the Satanic Revelation, "Many people ask, 'What
do they want to achieve this? ”. The answer is not simple and difficult to accept, because it confronts us
known rules of 'reality'. "
Of course, HP describes that they do not think and develop as we or our Gods, and that they are just rotten parasites hated by most species in the universe!

But now, really, how do we explain to these many NPC slaves what the truth is until they experience it themselves? Every day, I see people have less freedom and many have no privacy, just working and working on 12-hour shifts and on weekends. They're not happy and they just chew on that little money. They are also weak spiritually, and are only pursued by the enemy in materialism! Money, drugs are material things, and they suppress one another, but in the mean time, I see it inside!
I also doubted at first, but then the picture came together because I was looking for the answers myself. Many times I was shocked at how true JOS was.



Don't be sorry if I bring it up again it's just really hard to accept that this is the truth!
So they are on top of the enemy (upper caste) and they attacked the solar system in ancient times?

I saved what HP Hoodedcobra666 wrote on the old forum that the enemy had deleted!

Torah, JHVH, Jews, Allah - Greatest Occult Secrets Exposed (December 09, 2015)
"We are aware that it may be hard to swallow for many, but its the Truth and it is what it is. Anyone who would see this would get horrified, but this isn't for us. We are Spiritual Satanists. We know how this goes.Also, this was the desire of Satan for this to be revealed."
Mageson666 said:

Hey mageson! It's been a while since I read some of your slothztales, I missed them.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
