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Another big fight + I left home


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2019
I entered another big fight at home this time with my younger brother that ended in me beating him.

I left home.
I’m also going to get a full-time job again so I’m not homeless and to put bread on the table.

I’m going for full independence I can’t have/don’t want this family again.

Spirituality and JoS is going to take a backstage for a while.

Survival first.

(Not looking for criticism, as most of you probably would never understand.)
You might be surprised, but your relationship will probably improve with some distance.

It's tough out there but you have plenty of motive to make it. Necessity is the mother of invention.

Glad you're trying to take care of yourself. Good luck.
You might be surprised, but your relationship will probably improve with some distance.

It's tough out there but you have plenty of motive to make it. Necessity is the mother of invention.

Glad you're trying to take care of yourself. Good luck.
Thank you I hope it gets better for me.

I will try to have strength again.
I’m truly sorry to hear this brother. Please stay safe out there. The Gods will always protect you. Remember to stay aware and we are here if you need us.
Spirituality and JoS is going to take a backstage for a while.

I don't think this is ever a good idea...

Before anything else, I'm sorry things have gone this way. I know what it's like to have a shitty home life. And I wish you success.

But I suggest you continue to put time and effort into this path. The choice you've made (going out on your own in the world) is one that when made suddenly like this can end up putting a person in extremely bad situations. Things you don't even want to think about. Having your protection and other powers is essential, and you may need help from the Gods.

If you've never lived on your own before, you're going to face new challenges and difficulties, and you're going to grow. You'll have to. This is part of life and is ultimately a good thing, even though it doesn't always seem to be at the time.

I wish you well. Take care of yourself and be wise in your decisions and actions.
I don't think this is ever a good idea...

Before anything else, I'm sorry things have gone this way. I know what it's like to have a shitty home life. And I wish you success.

But I suggest you continue to put time and effort into this path. The choice you've made (going out on your own in the world) is one that when made suddenly like this can end up putting a person in extremely bad situations. Things you don't even want to think about. Having your protection and other powers is essential, and you may need help from the Gods.

If you've never lived on your own before, you're going to face new challenges and difficulties, and you're going to grow. You'll have to. This is part of life and is ultimately a good thing, even though it doesn't always seem to be at the time.

I wish you well. Take care of yourself and be wise in your decisions and actions.
I’m staying with friends until I rent after a paycheck. Friends are muslim. They are really good friends though, they are almost like siblings and there might be workarounds however spirituality would be playing with fire in this situation.

Until I get a place with privacy, survival comes first and foremost.
I entered another big fight at home this time with my younger brother that ended in me beating him.

I left home.
I’m also going to get a full-time job again so I’m not homeless and to put bread on the table.

I’m going for full independence I can’t have/don’t want this family again.

Spirituality and JoS is going to take a backstage for a while.

Survival first.

(Not looking for criticism, as most of you probably would never understand.)
Well done. Observe your transits and understand the situation.
Grow economically.
The ideal would be to find a way to make your economic income independent of your time and your level of tiredness.
I wish you luck in your move.

But I will point out, for you or anyone else reading this, Mars is now Rx, which can cause arguments... but it is also a great time to do workings for peace and harmony. Green energy, Wunjo rune. In case you wanted to have an easier financial option of moving back in with your family :)
I’m staying with friends until I rent after a paycheck. Friends are muslim. They are really good friends though, they are almost like siblings and there might be workarounds however spirituality would be playing with fire in this situation.

Until I get a place with privacy, survival comes first and foremost.

Something very similar happened to me, in cycles. As soon as I stopped meditating due to these kind of events, as soon as I started meditating again the same event would repeat itself. Until the last time, where I bit the bullet, suffered, gritted my teeth, and continued to meditate. What came next was INCREDIBLE progress.
Find at least an hour of privacy, and meditate. There is always a way, and progress requires commitment.
I wish you luck in your move.

But I will point out, for you or anyone else reading this, Mars is now Rx, which can cause arguments... but it is also a great time to do workings for peace and harmony. Green energy, Wunjo rune. In case you wanted to have an easier financial option of moving back in with your family :)
Dear Priestess,
I am some argument with my Dad . I want to make harmony between us. In which time and which mantra/Runes can be helpful? If possible, please kindly give also affirmation.
واللات حولت اكلمك بس انتي مدتنيش فرصة يعن انا ممكن اسالك ظروفك المادية عاملا ازاي عشان كده مضطرا تشتغلي عشان تبعدي عن العيلا او هنا دول الصحابك بس انتي ممكن يكون مش قابلا سؤالي
سأقيم مع أصدقائي حتى أستأجر مسكنًا بعد حصولي على راتبي. أصدقائي مسلمون. لكنهم أصدقاء جيدون حقًا، فهم أشبه بالإخوة وقد تكون هناك حلول بديلة، لكن الروحانية ستكون بمثابة لعبة بالنار في هذا الموقف.

حتى أحصل على مكان يتمتع بالخصوصية، البقاء على قيد الحياة يأتي في المقام الأول والأخير.
ايوا علي النفس القانون الاعلي
I said to you before, I think a while ago, that young men often have to leave their families and this is a natural part of life in making a young man, often things come to a head where this occurs and is fated. That's part of the Aries modality of men. Aquarius and Gemini (friends, neighbors, siblings, locals) that are sextile to Aries are part of this, as with your friends who helped you.

I'm not saying this as an 'I told you so' moment as your situation is extremely complicated, it's just something to consider.

Please at least maintain the Foundation Meditation and AoP and be safe.
I wish you luck in your move.

But I will point out, for you or anyone else reading this, Mars is now Rx, which can cause arguments... but it is also a great time to do workings for peace and harmony. Green energy, Wunjo rune. In case you wanted to have an easier financial option of moving back in with your family :)
Thank you High Priestess.

Yes Mars going retro has been a big part of this and problematic. Since the tensions increased much more after that.

Right now I will just do my best to be better and go to a better place.
I entered another big fight at home this time with my younger brother that ended in me beating him.

I left home.
I’m also going to get a full-time job again so I’m not homeless and to put bread on the table.

I’m going for full independence I can’t have/don’t want this family again.

Spirituality and JoS is going to take a backstage for a while.

Survival first.

(Not looking for criticism, as most of you probably would never understand.)
متخفيش هتعدي ياما حصلنا مشاكل قولنا مش هتعدي وعدت عادي هوا بس الشغل فمصر تعب بتقفي علي رجلك بتسع سعات مقابل اجور ضعيفا وكل يوم شغل وزهق انا عنفسي مبحبش الشغل بس لازم تكوني ناجحة عشان تعملي العيزاه فده ممكن يكون اول طريقق عشان تبني نفسك خليكي متفالا ممكن تلاقي شغل حلو وتسافري وبعد كده تشتري فيزا حره بره متبقيش مهتما تشتغلي عشان تدخلي فلوس الفلوس بتجيلك وانتي اعدا ممكن تبقي مديرا هتعدي عادي المرت لا يقل عن ١٥ الف انا معرفش انتي من انهي طبقا ممكن ال ١٥ الف دي مش حاجة بنسبالك 😆 بس اكيد لما تكبري معاشك وتاميناتك هتكون احسن من موظف عادي محنا مش هنفضل طول عمرنا نشتغل
I said to you before, I think a while ago, that young men often have to leave their families and this is a natural part of life in making a young man, often things come to a head where this occurs and is fated. That's part of the Aries modality of men. Aquarius and Gemini (friends, neighbors, siblings, locals) that are sextile to Aries are part of this, as with your friends who helped you.

I'm not saying this as an 'I told you so' moment as your situation is extremely complicated, it's just something to consider.

Please at least maintain the Foundation Meditation and AoP and be safe.
I don’t remember you mentioning this to me.

I have moved out before but it wasn’t sustainable as I have moved to an extremely toxic environment, because it was convenient it was a relative’s place so I wasn’t paying rent. Going back home helped me heal as I was destroyed and almost dying. (A whole lot happened when I moved out first time.)

I will make sure I do it right this time and take care of myself, and future.
Dear Priestess,
I am some argument with my Dad . I want to make harmony between us. In which time and which mantra/Runes can be helpful? If possible, please kindly give also affirmation.
You can begin today or tomorrow, Moon is waxing in Taurus which is good :)

Hour of Venus would be best, or Sun, Jupiter, Moon.

Wunjo rune, if you're newer to mantras you can try just 8 repetitions, or 20, 40, or higher if you have more experience. (I'm mentioning this for other readers too.)

Vibrate the mantra into your home, or visualizing yourself and your father together and happy. If possible use Green energy, or just bright White-Gold like the Sun.

Affirmation something like (in your own words or language) "This energy is permanently establishing peace and harmony between my father and I, in beneficial ways for both of us."
Something very similar happened to me, in cycles. As soon as I stopped meditating due to these kind of events, as soon as I started meditating again the same event would repeat itself. Until the last time, where I bit the bullet, suffered, gritted my teeth, and continued to meditate. What came next was INCREDIBLE progress.
Find at least an hour of privacy, and meditate. There is always a way, and progress requires commitment.
Thank you I will try. At least I can do the basics. AoP, cleaning, etc.

Yoga would be tricky I will hold off on it for now.
I entered another big fight at home this time with my younger brother that ended in me beating him.

I left home.
I’m also going to get a full-time job again so I’m not homeless and to put bread on the table.

I’m going for full independence I can’t have/don’t want this family again.

Spirituality and JoS is going to take a backstage for a while.

Survival first.

(Not looking for criticism, as most of you probably would never understand.)
That's sounds terrible! I hope everything works in your favor, stay safe!!
You can begin today or tomorrow, Moon is waxing in Taurus which is good :)

Hour of Venus would be best, or Sun, Jupiter, Moon.

Wunjo rune, if you're newer to mantras you can try just 8 repetitions, or 20, 40, or higher if you have more experience. (I'm mentioning this for other readers too.)

Vibrate the mantra into your home, or visualizing yourself and your father together and happy. If possible use Green energy, or just bright White-Gold like the Sun.

Affirmation something like (in your own words or language) "This energy is permanently establishing peace and harmony between my father and I, in beneficial ways for both of us."
Dear Priestess,
Can I ask a question: What are the chakras? Do they have anything to do with planets such as the crown, the sun, the sixth, the moon, the left temple, Mercury, the crown prince, Venus, the solar plexus, Mars, the sacred Jupiter, and the hell, Saturn? I mean, if I worked on the planets, I would work on the chakras as well? Like Aries, it represents the fool card, or Capricorn represents the death of the sun, and Aries represents the new birth of the sun. I understand that Kundalini is prana or chi, but I think it is more when the one is in altered states of consciousness.
I have moved out before but it wasn’t sustainable as I have moved to an extremely toxic environment, because it was convenient it was a relative’s place so I wasn’t paying rent. Going back home helped me heal as I was destroyed and almost dying. (A whole lot happened when I moved out first time.)
I do not know your exact situation and cannot read all the posts here, but I have the feeling staying with your family caused suffering to you.

According to what you say, it seems you are struggling with some sort of resistance from someone in your family - or maybe your own mind - not leaving you to go out. So you went out, than a setback brought you back, then now again out.... so on.

I fought a similar war with my abusive father and family. Most of that was unconscious, only now I fully understand the value all my efforts.
As soon as I finished my school, I immediately packed my bags and found a job as a waiter in a foreign country, just wanted to go far from home and never return. Everything went bad, house was not more than a shared room with other negative people and job was non-existing. So I returned home drained and with low morale, after a few days and having spent most of my savings to get a flight back.
Later on, another attempt to escape: I needed accommodation, money and distance so I went to the army as a volunteer. Good choice, it could have worked, I also learned some skills, but after a few months, mind fatigue and other circumstances forced me back home.
I spent a couple of years more with family, in the while I found my own job and started to be financially independent. Last attempt, the good one, I found a partner in another city. I managed later on to find a job in that city, and immediately after a home. I did that! Everything odd happened, I found obstacles, crackdowns, car failures, emotional outbursts, and was not easy. but I did that! Years of war with the final victory!
In the coming years I always struggled with some karmic forces and unconscious pulses, from both sides, willing to bring me back. I had hard times, but this never happened. Just once, I was close to fall in the hands of my family again, but I was already dedicated SS and I received help and directions from my GD, so this did not happen.

Long story short : it was hard, I failed a couple of times, I felt drained and desperate at times - BUT I regret nothing. I would do this again and again, because, my family was a block to my spiritual advancement, destructive and enslaving. Leaving that place helped to open my astral senses and empower my Soul, I could not have done this in my family house.
I began my personal war for freedom many years ago, I am getting older now, and if I would not have attempted my "escapes" when I was young, I would probably be alone and cracked living with my old father to clean his toiled in sadness. Also physically impaired. This was my fate WITHOUT 1. help from the Gods 2. my personal efforts. But it never happend and now I am too beyond the point of no return.

I do not know what are you fighting now. I do not know what would have been yoiur karmic fate without this argument with your brother, triggering a new escape. What I know is: don't stop. Pursue your goal of freedom at any cost. I did, even if I did not know but my Soul pushed me, and I am happy I did.

My best encouragement and wish to succeed and see your life getting every day better.
متخفيش هتعدي ياما حصلنا مشاكل قولنا مش هتعدي وعدت عادي هوا بس الشغل فمصر تعب بتقفي علي رجلك بتسع سعات مقابل اجور ضعيفا وكل يوم شغل وزهق انا عنفسي مبحبش الشغل بس لازم تكوني ناجحة عشان تعملي العيزاه فده ممكن يكون اول طريقق عشان تبني نفسك خليكي متفالا ممكن تلاقي شغل حلو وتسافري وبعد كده تشتري فيزا حره بره متبقيش مهتما تشتغلي عشان تدخلي فلوس الفلوس بتجيلك وانتي اعدا ممكن تبقي مديرا هتعدي عادي المرت لا يقل عن ١٥ الف انا معرفش انتي من انهي طبقا ممكن ال ١٥ الف دي مش حاجة بنسبالك 😆 بس اكيد لما تكبري معاشك وتاميناتك هتكون احسن من موظف عادي محنا مش هنفضل طول عمرنا نشتغل
I am a man.
I do not know your exact situation and cannot read all the posts here, but I have the feeling staying with your family caused suffering to you.

According to what you say, it seems you are struggling with some sort of resistance from someone in your family - or maybe your own mind - not leaving you to go out. So you went out, than a setback brought you back, then now again out.... so on.

I fought a similar war with my abusive father and family. Most of that was unconscious, only now I fully understand the value all my efforts.
As soon as I finished my school, I immediately packed my bags and found a job as a waiter in a foreign country, just wanted to go far from home and never return. Everything went bad, house was not more than a shared room with other negative people and job was non-existing. So I returned home drained and with low morale, after a few days and having spent most of my savings to get a flight back.
Later on, another attempt to escape: I needed accommodation, money and distance so I went to the army as a volunteer. Good choice, it could have worked, I also learned some skills, but after a few months, mind fatigue and other circumstances forced me back home.
I spent a couple of years more with family, in the while I found my own job and started to be financially independent. Last attempt, the good one, I found a partner in another city. I managed later on to find a job in that city, and immediately after a home. I did that! Everything odd happened, I found obstacles, crackdowns, car failures, emotional outbursts, and was not easy. but I did that! Years of war with the final victory!
In the coming years I always struggled with some karmic forces and unconscious pulses, from both sides, willing to bring me back. I had hard times, but this never happened. Just once, I was close to fall in the hands of my family again, but I was already dedicated SS and I received help and directions from my GD, so this did not happen.

Long story short : it was hard, I failed a couple of times, I felt drained and desperate at times - BUT I regret nothing. I would do this again and again, because, my family was a block to my spiritual advancement, destructive and enslaving. Leaving that place helped to open my astral senses and empower my Soul, I could not have done this in my family house.
I began my personal war for freedom many years ago, I am getting older now, and if I would not have attempted my "escapes" when I was young, I would probably be alone and cracked living with my old father to clean his toiled in sadness. Also physically impaired. This was my fate WITHOUT 1. help from the Gods 2. my personal efforts. But it never happend and now I am too beyond the point of no return.

I do not know what are you fighting now. I do not know what would have been yoiur karmic fate without this argument with your brother, triggering a new escape. What I know is: don't stop. Pursue your goal of freedom at any cost. I did, even if I did not know but my Soul pushed me, and I am happy I did.

My best encouragement and wish to succeed and see your life getting every day better.
Happy for you.

My immediate family isn’t so bad, however with the arguments and these last fights, something was definitely wrong. My mom has been mainly a positive influence in my life, with some problems as well.

It’s not so black and white it seems. But what’s apparent is that I probably have overstayed my welcome. I should dig my own path now.
Questa volta ho avuto un'altra grande rissa a casa con mio fratello minore, e alla fine l'ho sconfitto.

Ho lasciato casa.
Troverò anche un lavoro a tempo pieno per non ritrovarmi senza casa e per riuscire a mettere il pane in tavola.

Voglio raggiungere la completa indipendenza. Non posso/non voglio più avere questa famiglia.

La spiritualità e JoS passeranno in secondo piano per un po'.

La sopravvivenza prima di tutto.

(Non cerco critiche, poiché la maggior parte di voi probabilmente non capirebbe mai.)

I entered another big fight at home this time with my younger brother that ended in me beating him.

I left home.
I’m also going to get a full-time job again so I’m not homeless and to put bread on the table.

I’m going for full independence I can’t have/don’t want this family again.

Spirituality and JoS is going to take a backstage for a while.

Survival first.

(Not looking for criticism, as most of you probably would never understand.)
Io ti capisco. Ero in una relazione tossica bambina e nonna malata sulle mie spalle a soli 20 anni. Non sempre riesgo a meditare ma sempre cerco informazioni su Satana e studio la spiritualità. Senza contatto con Satana sarai gia persa da tempo. Ti consiglio di mantenere sempre un contatto con gli Dei spesso saranno il tuo faro nel buio. Non sentirti giudicato. Ti auguro il meglio
I am a man.
وسيدي الرجاله كمان بس هتجيب منين فلوس موصلات واكل فشغل بس اتاكدي ان الختارك فطريق الشيطان بيحرسك لان مش اي حد بيكون شطاني مش هيسيبك تقع خالص وفي الحظه الصعبه هتلاقي الشطان هوا النور والوعي الجواكي بيوجهك لانو مصدر النور والوعي انا لحظات كتير صعبه ساعدني فيها فمره كنت هموت اوفر دوس عشان شارب بيره وحشيش كتير ورسمت السجل بتاعو واتنفست النور الزرق واتخيلتو حوليا واستنجدت بي خفيت دي مره من المرات انتي ممكن تحسي ظهورهم قليل في حياتك بس متنسيش انهم الدو العلم للبشر وبلعلم ده هتسيطري عطبيعة اوعلاقل هتحقق الحرية عمستوي الروح من من المعاناة
Dear Priestess,
Can I ask a question: What are the chakras? Do they have anything to do with planets such as the crown, the sun, the sixth, the moon, the left temple, Mercury, the crown prince, Venus, the solar plexus, Mars, the sacred Jupiter, and the hell, Saturn? I mean, if I worked on the planets, I would work on the chakras as well? Like Aries, it represents the fool card, or Capricorn represents the death of the sun, and Aries represents the new birth of the sun. I understand that Kundalini is prana or chi, but I think it is more when the one is in altered states of consciousness.
Please start here: https://www.joyofsatan.org/Aware.html & https://www.joyofsatan.org/Satanic_Magick.html

Also, please check out the links in my forum signature for more information.
May the Gods protect you in this great challenge Brother, and may you come out of it ten thousand times stronger than before.
I wish you all the success and luck in the world Brother. Hang in there, it will be alright. The Gods are all here for you, and we are all here if you need anything as well. :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
