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Announcement: Joy Of Satan Guardians [First Announcement Made]

SSinHeartandSoul said:
FancyMancy said:
It won't crash and burn. This is official command structure, one could say a mini-National Socialism in terms of scale. The Gods and Goddesses are Nazi, and so are we Naturally, so it's all good. There might be teething problems, but it will work.

I have seen multiple people use the name 'Nazi'', this is a Jewish slur and in my opinion it shouldn't be used by any SS, it would be way nicer if you said National Socialist instead of Nazi.
"Nazi" and "Goy"/"Goyim" are jewish offensive terms against Humans. I'm a Goy and I'm a Nazi. There's no point in crying over spilt milk. It's called defiance. I won't invite others to join me in this, but the jew has control over those who say "Nazi offends meh! Me a National Socialist! Muh!". Sorry to say that. The jew may call me a Nazi and a Goy, and I say, "Yeah, yeah, OK, jew. I'm a Nazi and I'm a Goy; you're a one-minded slave race whose time is nearly at an end, and I can be a God. Lol. Enjoy! ^^"

SETI said:
Why are people so negative?
Some are just comfortable with what they have and where they are. Change and improvement is not easy.

To all of those who disagree with this forthcoming rank, and to those who think that it is a bad idea - it will happen regardless. It is going to happen. This is like a pre-version of when NN/SS is widespread and when we are out in the Physical World, openly and freely (any and all jewish magic, and christian/muslim prayers, will not prevent this), some on here who have the rank of Guardian (or higher by such time in the future) could have the rank/title in the Physical World, as well, I estimate.
This is incredible news. In light with the planned expansion of the Joy of Satan, this will be most beneficial and necessary for the Joy of Satan.

Seeing the Joy of Satan progress and grow as a whole is wonderful, brings a tear to me eye.

Congratulations to all people who will be chosen for this role, either publicly or privately.

For all of those who are concerned, the people HP HoodedCobra chooses are very carefully considered by him, and the requirements are high, exactly to prevent issues from arising or people from abusing any given rights or ego tripping because of being given a title.

The people considered for this are ones who are already beyond that level of acting and understanding, or those who HP HoodedCobra and the Gods think have great prospects for growth from being given extra responsibility, which for some is the push and motivation needed to facilitate growth and change on the individual level while they activate and put their ability and talent to use in helping maintain the JoS forum and teachings of the Gods, helping to guide others so we may all continue advancing together as a family of souls part of Satan's Empire.

When it is put in practice, this will become apparent.

In other communities or places something like this would lead to significant ego tripping, creation of cliques and other issues, however because us all here do follow different standards from the average person, this is exactly to do the opposite and prevent those problems from manifesting as it did in the past with random people forming their own cliques and groups.

I hope everyone can see the merit and intended purpose of this soon, even those of you who are skeptical for understandable reasons.

I am certain all members who become part of the JoS Guardians will see to that.

Hail Satan!
Hail the Joy of Satan!
HI all SS Family. Congrats on the selected nominated to become Guardians.

My you all become more and those individuals who are following up after you have advanced beyond. Hell yeah!!

Betelgeuse said:
We're already at the point where people have mindset of "I have more posts than you, therefore I am the better and more advanced member" This will probably make it worse to be honest. Be careful of who gets the 'jos guardian' title. There's a couple few on here already that are off mod that somewhat don't deserve it really, and are just ego inflated post whores that are inflated even more now that they're off mod.

The Outlaw Torn said:
I like to have faith with these things but this is absolutely going to crash and burn at some point with an us vs them mentality that will dominate the forum.
This will be a `us vs them` mentality only if you want to stimulate such a mentality yourself, and this applies to every single member. There will be dissension on this matter only if members want to create it deliberately, not because it will naturally arise as a consequence of this decision.

Beyond the conflicts that this mere anouncement already started to generate (without anybody being officially given this status), such decision is extremely neccesary for the future of the comunity because the more people will join us in the future, the bigger and bigger will be the pressure to the very few people who are managing the forum, to the point where this pressure might become unbearable, meaning that there will be way more posts to approve, possibly more puerile conflicts might arise which many times require intervention from HPs, way more people to help and so on. The logical output of such decision is that only people who proved to be spiritually above the average and responsible will be given such `power` to serve as model for the other members to follow, so them at their turn will become more responsible and take spirituality and their meditations more serious, because the reality is, meditations are changing you completely as a person on many levels (psychologically, mentally, intelectually etc)

Most forums, small or big, have moderators and generally people who are deemed responsible enough to fullfill the duties assigned to their position, such (increasing in our case) weight cannot be carried only by people that you can probably count on the fingers of one hand.
As usual, many people will only see things from a negative perspective when new changes and initiatives arrive.
As this is an unprecedented announcement some guys are now thinking about this as a possible failure or an idea that will not work at all, however, the mission of JoS is not to make us feel "motivated" but to open our eyes and criteria, to feed us constantly with relevant information, get closer to Father Satan and the Gods and thus make us grow and evolve.
Each individual in this community can take and use the valuable resources as they wish, but only those truly dedicated and concerned about the Father's agenda will understand that no effort is sufficient to advance on this path.
To the Clergy of JoS - Congratulations on your hard, daily and unstoppable work.
As someone said earlier in this post, this is not a contest but a commitment.
Thanks JoS.

Salve Satán!
serpentwalker666 said:
Stormblood said:
serpentwalker666 said:
I would deeply desire to be involved with this process, but my biggest issue is I have issues properly articulating my words to other members, explaining myself properly, and while I have experienced alot of spiritual experiences in the past couple years through close association, and my advancement being guided with andras, gusion, and a few other demons, I do not know exactly how I could help out, I'm rather uncertain.

What would your advice, and recommendation be in this case Hooded Cobra?

My other issue is I forget things often, and alot of information can slip my mind, which leads me doubting my capabilities in trying to build towards something like this.

For memory, there are some exercises you can do. You can find Jim Qwik's Recall programme online. That is an amazing resource to drastically improve your memory, not to mention learn how to learn faster. I highly recommend it.

Thank you so much stormblood. Also wanted to mention thank you for pointing out that erroneous view I had I that other post, about ethics in warfare. While I was hesitant to acknowledge it at first, you have helped point my mind in the correct direction. Thank you.
No worries. Though, in hindsight, I think I could have the second thing in a different, more empowering way.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

If I can make a suggestion, I think people with the Guardian position could benefit from a voting system in the same way as in Reddit.

The way I see this is that them (and obviously you as HP) are given the power to upvote or downvote replies from others, much like on Reddit but only limited to these people in order to prevent trolls and infiltrators from abusing this power.

This voting system could be used as a form of acknowledging useful answers from other users who don't have this position. The total number of upvotes and downvotes in general could be displayed on the side of each post, right under the number of posts the user has. That data could be taken in account in discussions. This could be a way to make people with less activity (but helpful) to be noticed by you and considered in your decision of who to take off-mod and who to make Guardian.

I don't know how this could be implemented on this platform because I am not a tech wiz, but I thought it could be a useful addition to increase visibility of forum helpers, especially those with lower activity due to be busy in real life.

What do you think about it? What does anyone else think about it?
Given the fact that there are some people who have worries about this can I recapitulate the idea in order to see if I got it right? Yes, thank you!

So the whole idea about this is to give the SS in the forums who really struggle for this community some new colors and a fancy title + admin privileges depending on ranks, and the most advanced could became a HP themselves, right?

Well... can't see why that would be so scary as long as you're not giving the power to delete and change others messages there can not be wrong with any of it, just look at Lydia, prob the only person I could put my full trust on having full privileges I suppose.
Gear88 said:

Wait.. there were times when I wondered what happened with Ghost in the machine, liked some of his replies, did he just quit or gone mad orrr...?
serpentwalker666 said:
Haven't done many planetary squares as I usually mess them up halfway through, however thank you for the information. I'll look into incorporating this into my next planned workings.

Planetary squares are great for focusing specifically on planetary energies within the soul. In addition, they make use of the numerology and astrological context to generate way more energy than a normal working. So it is certainly worth the investment.

Yes, you have to be very careful not to screw up the repetitions of the square, but this is not so bad with proper precautions. I would recommend using the "Lilith's Master Square" program, by Bigot Boy: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=41610

Use Henu's download link, as the others are broken: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=271472#p271472

This tool will allow you to easily follow the pathway of the square, as well as keep track of the reps. When I use this, I make sure that I am not tired or otherwise unfocused. Then, also clearly watch the rep counter as you press space/click the mouse, so you know exactly which reps you are on. Otherwise, you may get confused if you misclick, not knowing whether your hit registered into the counter.

I post a long message yesterday but it didn't show up. I will try to do it again.

I won't talk about JoS Ministry's decision to create a Guardian rank. That's fine, you have to experiment. No, I want to talk about moderation.

It's great that old members are out of moderation. It would be nice if intermediate members or "old" beginners, in short all those who are known not to be trolls and who have shown their seriousness, benefit from a pre-approval of their messages, with moderation afterwards. If necessary.

This saves time for the moderators (except at the beginning, the time to make the list of the pre-approved) and gains fluidity in the threads. It's true, it's frustrating to have to wait sometimes almost 24 hours before your message appears (in rare cases, some of my messages took 48 hours to be published!). As a result, the messages are inserted between the messages of the members not subject to moderation, etc. In short, nobody reads them.

It would be a mark of confidence given to all the pre-approved members: "use this confidence wisely or remain "children"".

Only real new members and aggressive ones would have their posts all moderated.

Any abuse by pre-approved members would result in the end of this pre-approval privilege.

What do you think HP?
Stormblood said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Stormblood said:
For memory, there are some exercises you can do. You can find Jim Qwik's Recall programme online. That is an amazing resource to drastically improve your memory, not to mention learn how to learn faster. I highly recommend it.

Thank you so much stormblood. Also wanted to mention thank you for pointing out that erroneous view I had I that other post, about ethics in warfare. While I was hesitant to acknowledge it at first, you have helped point my mind in the correct direction. Thank you.
No worries. Though, in hindsight, I think I could have the second thing in a different, more empowering way.
*could have said
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

If I can make a suggestion, I think people with the Guardian position could benefit from a voting system in the same way as in Reddit.

The way I see this is that them (and obviously you as HP) are given the power to upvote or downvote replies from others, much like on Reddit but only limited to these people in order to prevent trolls and infiltrators from abusing this power.

This voting system could be used as a form of acknowledging useful answers from other users who don't have this position. The total number of upvotes and downvotes in general could be displayed on the side of each post, right under the number of posts the user has. That data could be taken in account in discussions. This could be a way to make people with less activity (but helpful) to be noticed by you and considered in your decision of who to take off-mod and who to make Guardian.

I don't know how this could be implemented on this platform because I am not a tech wiz, but I thought it could be a useful addition to increase visibility of forum helpers, especially those with lower activity due to be busy in real life.

What do you think about it? What does anyone else think about it?

It's easy from a moderator or admin perspective to see who is helping and doing what in replies. However votes and all this nonsense will create a climate of rushing, false expectations, even pretending one's behavior, and other nonsense which will not produce fruit.

There is no need of this and these types of things only overly complicate matters. People are being noticed and that is a natural process, there is no need for voting and so on, as votes are deceitful false notions that will create chasing votes conditions and further manipulations, as with every nonsense modern electorate bogus stuff.

Therefore, no, that is not happening [refer to my latest reply on how we could make it work, below].

This could work however in another platform we have in mind but that will be like external to the JoS and is currently only a plan, not a reality.
SShiva_fr said:

I post a long message yesterday but it didn't show up. I will try to do it again.

I won't talk about JoS Ministry's decision to create a Guardian rank. That's fine, you have to experiment. No, I want to talk about moderation.

It's great that old members are out of moderation. It would be nice if intermediate members or "old" beginners, in short all those who are known not to be trolls and who have shown their seriousness, benefit from a pre-approval of their messages, with moderation afterwards. If necessary.

This saves time for the moderators (except at the beginning, the time to make the list of the pre-approved) and gains fluidity in the threads. It's true, it's frustrating to have to wait sometimes almost 24 hours before your message appears (in rare cases, some of my messages took 48 hours to be published!). As a result, the messages are inserted between the messages of the members not subject to moderation, etc. In short, nobody reads them.

It would be a mark of confidence given to all the pre-approved members: "use this confidence wisely or remain "children"".

Only real new members and aggressive ones would have their posts all moderated.

Any abuse by pre-approved members would result in the end of this pre-approval privilege.

What do you think HP?

Moderation has never really been a "just because" situation more than it has been a security question, because for example one might get "unmoderated" and then they might decide to post something very bad, in which case their privileges will be removed for obvious reasons.

Likewise moderation that allows this is a necessary protection feature in line to avoid destruction. This is like wearing armor to go to war instead of going naked. The downside, I know...It makes things slower.

The idea is that every member past a point becomes unmoderated on the main forums. But we have influx of trolling and so on that prevents it, and the enemy on top of it.

Currently the solution is for people to gain these rights by good posting and eventually more and more moderators will make the moderation look almost as if "non existent". However due to the actual issue that moderation is also a very important position, there can only be certain people in there. It's already a few, but we will expand.

Even with them, I have to for example some days moderate around 150 posts or more. It doesn't look obvious, but there is a big value of posts.

I think what is required is faster moderation, I truly know this is a major need, but as you can see, moderation position has excessive power and responsibility to it. It requires being impartial and so on.

Currently its 4 people that have this position on the main forums, and we need more speed as time goes, and this will increase. I believe when this number doubles most of these problems will be rectified.
Wotanwarrior said:

Thank you for your input. Yes, this shows that sometimes one needs to work along both angles of removing obstacles, as well as adding upgrades to deficient natal structures. In the case of your Saturn strongly limiting Mercury-like energy, then this would definitely necessitate putting energy towards removing Saturn's negative limitations.

Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

If I can make a suggestion, I think people with the Guardian position could benefit from a voting system in the same way as in Reddit.


I think this is a pretty good idea, which was probably not viable before the Guardian ranking was established.

Whether we want to try to quantify someone's usefulness with that may be up for debate, although people already take the post count as some reflection of that.

What I think is less controversial is the ability for highlighting useful posts by Guardian (or perhaps just clergy). As you mention, this would be more efficient than having HPHC reply to the person and acknowledge their content.

This may be more necessary as the community swells in number and the amount of advanced members shrinks, proportionally.
Blitzkreig said:
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

If I can make a suggestion, I think people with the Guardian position could benefit from a voting system in the same way as in Reddit.


I think this is a pretty good idea, which was probably not viable before the Guardian ranking was established.

Whether we want to try to quantify someone's usefulness with that may be up for debate, although people already take the post count as some reflection of that.

What I think is less controversial is the ability for highlighting useful posts by Guardian (or perhaps just clergy). As you mention, this would be more efficient than having HPHC reply to the person and acknowledge their content.

This may be more necessary as the community swells in number and the amount of advanced members shrinks, proportionally.

Instead of voting, ie, stacking votes on a post or reply, maybe we can find a way to illustrate and uplift or selectively bring more attention to these topics [it could be a JoS Guardian's job] to find out these gems in the forum and promote them in a weekly post and so on. Then these posts can be given highlighted status or advanced up in a weekly topic or something similar.

Maybe the situation of Reddit is a bad parallel here. I understand the function or even possible application. Not sure about how it could work inside this platform [there is no embed feature in this platform, but we can get a developer for this specific to the platform].

We need a clarified idea on this. The Reddit system is quite broken, therefore maybe this parallel makes this appear as a no-go zone. A judging of quality is necessary and seeking this quality, and the quantitative approach of voting seems false to that end, even if the main idea would be under conditions very useful.

I am open to hear further suggestions on this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Moderation has never really been a "just because" situation more than it has been a security question, because for example one might get "unmoderated" and then they might decide to post something very bad, in which case their privileges will be removed for obvious reasons.

Likewise moderation that allows this is a necessary protection feature in line to avoid destruction. This is like wearing armor to go to war instead of going naked. The downside, I know...It makes things slower.

The idea is that every member past a point becomes unmoderated on the main forums. But we have influx of trolling and so on that prevents it, and the enemy on top of it.

Currently the solution is for people to gain these rights by good posting and eventually more and more moderators will make the moderation look almost as if "non existent". However due to the actual issue that moderation is also a very important position, there can only be certain people in there. It's already a few, but we will expand.

Even with them, I have to for example some days moderate around 150 posts or more. It doesn't look obvious, but there is a big value of posts.

I think what is required is faster moderation, I truly know this is a major need, but as you can see, moderation position has excessive power and responsibility to it. It requires being impartial and so on.

Currently its 4 people that have this position on the main forums, and we need more speed as time goes, and this will increase. I believe when this number doubles most of these problems will be rectified.

Okay, I understand. Especially since I have a very limited vision of the work that is behind it. Thank you for your answer HP
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blitzkreig said:
Stormblood said:
If I can make a suggestion, I think people with the Guardian position could benefit from a voting system in the same way as in Reddit.


I think this is a pretty good idea, which was probably not viable before the Guardian ranking was established.

Whether we want to try to quantify someone's usefulness with that may be up for debate, although people already take the post count as some reflection of that.

What I think is less controversial is the ability for highlighting useful posts by Guardian (or perhaps just clergy). As you mention, this would be more efficient than having HPHC reply to the person and acknowledge their content.

This may be more necessary as the community swells in number and the amount of advanced members shrinks, proportionally.

Instead of voting, ie, stacking votes on a post or reply, maybe we can find a way to illustrate and uplift or selectively bring more attention to these topics [it could be a JoS Guardian's job] to find out these gems in the forum and promote them in a weekly post and so on. Then these posts can be given highlighted status or advanced up in a weekly topic or something similar.

Maybe the situation of Reddit is a bad parallel here. I understand the function or even possible application. Not sure about how it could work inside this platform [there is no embed feature in this platform, but we can get a developer for this specific to the platform].

We need a clarified idea on this. The Reddit system is quite broken, therefore maybe this parallel makes this appear as a no-go zone. A judging of quality is necessary and seeking this quality, and the quantitative approach of voting seems false to that end, even if the main idea would be under conditions very useful.

I am open to hear further suggestions on this.

Another reason I suggested this is because sometimes I see very good or even excellent replies by people who post less or don't have yet the same respect as other members. I would want to praise them but I wouldn't to seem patronising, which is why I generally avoid.

I thought about the qualitative part and the only possibility that came to mind to evaluate that is the usage of different symbols to determine how good, rather than a simple thumb up. Maybe other people have ideas of how this could be implemented and whether it holds value.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Instead of voting, ie, stacking votes on a post or reply, maybe we can find a way to illustrate and uplift or selectively bring more attention to these topics [it could be a JoS Guardian's job] to find out these gems in the forum and promote them in a weekly post and so on. Then these posts can be given highlighted status or advanced up in a weekly topic or something similar.

Maybe the situation of Reddit is a bad parallel here. I understand the function or even possible application. Not sure about how it could work inside this platform [there is no embed feature in this platform, but we can get a developer for this specific to the platform].

We need a clarified idea on this. The Reddit system is quite broken, therefore maybe this parallel makes this appear as a no-go zone. A judging of quality is necessary and seeking this quality, and the quantitative approach of voting seems false to that end, even if the main idea would be under conditions very useful.

I am open to hear further suggestions on this.

The Reddit system itself was busted before they added the ability for people to pay for posts to be highlighted. Furthermore, Reddit also manipulates the threads so that downvoted content is practically invisible.

What I like about our forum structure, which is similar to 4chan's, is that it forces you to read the posts in a thread and make your own judgments, rather than falling to peer pressure. Although people may eventually learn better ways of extracting useful information, this is much slower than simply seeing the highlights, as Reddit can provide (in theory).

This is similar to your post on moderation, where we currently have a conservative approach. Also related to what you wrote on moderation, that as more people go off-mod, it may be harder for you or others to notice quality posts.


In my mind, the objective here is to accelerate the rate of learning of quality information. This already happens through your own efforts at highlighting posts, but this is limited by space on the announcement board. This can be helped by responding and congratulating individual posts, but this is not feasible to do every single time.

So I think the best route would be some sort of ability for you to highlight posts of good quality as you see them. Doing this would be a more informal approach that should not take up too much of your time, as it should be done as you normally read.

Setting up a system of scouring through the majority of posts and highlighting them with some regularity (either within the thread or to a separate weekly thread) also has its benefits, but this of course requires a regular time investment. The 1st option is more flexible on time, whereas the 2nd option would likely require additional help from trusted members.

As far as actually highlighting goes, some sort of additional forum functionality may be required. I don't know what you had in mind for Guardian rank notation, but you might be able to accomplish two things at once: adding something to distinguish Guardian/Clergy users in addition to distinguishing individual quality posts.


These aren't perfect solutions, and perhaps you may still feel obligated to provide the context for why the post is good. However, there are many threads that become giant and unreasonable to skim through, especially after a week or some time. If posts were highlighted, then someone could grab the key lessons and leave. This is also useful for skimming through archives as well.

Given that you already moderate many posts, perhaps it is not unreasonable for Guardians to submit candidates of good posts, along with a brief summary as to why. Then, after some time, these posts could be approved and either highlighted within the thread or into a separate collection.

The main problem is that this requires not just trust, but also wisdom to determine what is useful. Regular moderation seems to need lots of trust, but not a considerable amount of wisdom (unless I am mistaken). My point is that if you could get more regular moderators, then you would have more time for this "advanced" content filtering.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blitzkreig said:
Stormblood said:
If I can make a suggestion, I think people with the Guardian position could benefit from a voting system in the same way as in Reddit.


I think this is a pretty good idea, which was probably not viable before the Guardian ranking was established.

Whether we want to try to quantify someone's usefulness with that may be up for debate, although people already take the post count as some reflection of that.

What I think is less controversial is the ability for highlighting useful posts by Guardian (or perhaps just clergy). As you mention, this would be more efficient than having HPHC reply to the person and acknowledge their content.

This may be more necessary as the community swells in number and the amount of advanced members shrinks, proportionally.

Instead of voting, ie, stacking votes on a post or reply, maybe we can find a way to illustrate and uplift or selectively bring more attention to these topics [it could be a JoS Guardian's job] to find out these gems in the forum and promote them in a weekly post and so on. Then these posts can be given highlighted status or advanced up in a weekly topic or something similar.

Maybe the situation of Reddit is a bad parallel here. I understand the function or even possible application. Not sure about how it could work inside this platform [there is no embed feature in this platform, but we can get a developer for this specific to the platform].

We need a clarified idea on this. The Reddit system is quite broken, therefore maybe this parallel makes this appear as a no-go zone. A judging of quality is necessary and seeking this quality, and the quantitative approach of voting seems false to that end, even if the main idea would be under conditions very useful.

I am open to hear further suggestions on this.
The voting system can make things difficult despite the trolls and their multiplicity.

It might be a good idea to put a competent SS in charge of reviewing these items to rank topics daily and announce the best in one post over the weekend.

Using other systems can make things difficult, for example the efficiency of a topic, someone posted a great post about cyber security but for some reason did not get feedback.
High Priest is correct. The moment we would disable the moderation on this forum, this forum would become a mess very quickly. Enemy trolls and infiltrators would interpret this as “attack” sign. They would quickly spam this forum with poison. I’ve seen many places where non SS (but still “redpilled” people) gather, all it takes is couple of trolls to create drama, and the place becomes utter chaos. They derail everything.

So, yes. Moderation might come off as annoying, but it is necessary. We have to preserve this place and for now there is no other method other than moderation and filtering of the posts. As we get more moderators in the future, as Cobra said, this will become less of an issue.
I'm in favor of creating new subforums for specific topics and compiling topics and posts from all around, both recent and past ones. In this way the gems would get the attenttion they deserve and learning would become easier and faster for people across the board.
FancyMancy said:
"Nazi" and "Goy"/"Goyim" are jewish offensive terms against Humans. I'm a Goy and I'm a Nazi. There's no point in crying over spilt milk. It's called defiance. I won't invite others to join me in this, but the jew has control over those who say "Nazi offends meh! Me a National Socialist! Muh!". Sorry to say that. The jew may call me a Nazi and a Goy, and I say, "Yeah, yeah, OK, jew. I'm a Nazi and I'm a Goy; you're a one-minded slave race whose time is nearly at an end, and I can be a God. Lol. Enjoy! ^^"

Well that certainly is one way to look at it. :lol:
In my opinion, the risk of a voting system is that people will simply vote what sounds good to them.
Posts that stroke people's egos will get the most votes.
Someone that tells people that they are good as they currently are and need no improvement will be voted the best.
In the end we could have a situation where the masses of ignorant people are in charge and lead themselves into oblivion.
Stormblood said:
Another reason I suggested this is because sometimes I see very good or even excellent replies by people who post less or don't have yet the same respect as other members. I would want to praise them but I wouldn't to seem patronising, which is why I generally avoid.

I thought about the qualitative part and the only possibility that came to mind to evaluate that is the usage of different symbols to determine how good, rather than a simple thumb up. Maybe other people have ideas of how this could be implemented and whether it holds value.

The easiest way as I see it to bring more attention to these kind of topics, is for other well known and more respected members to reply to those posts and affirm their quality.

The idea on that with the JoS Guardians in mind would be, someone makes a good post, a moderator or Guardian sees this, and gives a reply.

The known name and reputation of the said Guardian or moderator would be enough to serve as a highlight to uplift the post in my opinion.

Especially if more than 1 person makes a reply.

Good posts deserve recognition and praise.

Personally I have already done that from time to time, as I know my name is relatively more well known in the community, so if I see something I believe is valuable, I tend to make a short and curt reply giving appreciation for the persons work or affirming it's value.

Whether someone has a title or not, this can be done already by anyone.

When the Guardian rank is established, this will become easier as the names of these people will be more recognizable, especially to anyone new who may not know yet about reputable members who have gained a deserved reputation after being here for years and contributing with a certain standard of quality and value.

For example, all of us who have been here for over a year, know Lydia as one of our most valuable members, so if she were to give an affirmative reply to a post, people would definitely give more attention and value to that post as well.

Perhaps something that could be done is add a special flare to posts where a JoS Guardian replies.

This way the replies of the JoS Guardians which people may be interested in (I am always interested in reading what Lydia has to say, as well as what BlackDragon has to say as a few examples) are easier to find for members and it can serve to highlight topics and posts as well.

Or perhaps certain JoS Guardians could have the ability to flag a post with a flair when they deem it important or valuable enough, which would highlight it for other members.

Then perhaps after a week or so that flair disappears automatically so as not to clog up the forum.

At the same time, a list could be kept if all those good and valuable posts which could be posted periodically, perhaps weekly, perhaps monthly, to create a recap of all the great discussions and posts people have had and made, to highlight these valuable and good things from our community, which can be kept and posted by one of the Guardians.

This would require the personal input and evaluation of advanced members who are verified by HP HoodedCobra, which the Guardians are to be, to manage this and keep track of this, rather than an empty voting system which in the end causes more problems than benefits.

HP HoodedCobra has already been doing this by lifting some user posts up to the announcements for some time, which highlights the importance and value of this post, and serves as a motivation and reward for the people making good quality posts as well at the same time.

A flair system could be a middle ground there, something in between that the Guardians could manage, without having to give people any moderation rights that are necessary to highlight posts up to announcements, which would be a higher level of authority reserved for HP HoodedCobra and other future verified Clergy members.

Hail Satan!
I think this is a great idea for the members who are always posting helpful replies and have like 2000 posts under their belt... if someone wants to help then let them by all means. Of course there's people too who don't or can't post as much and they're just important to show it's not a competition and we all simply just have different paths and places in life at times. Maxine doesn't even have that many posts. There's always been a slight competition of posters here but we should all be mature enough to realize your actual worth as a person or Satanist isn't determined by your rank on an internet forum, nor do people think of you less because you have less posts than they do, but you can always do more. People should do what they can for now and the people doing the best and most should just be allowed to do more, it makes enough sense to me. This is probably the best way to handle future infighting too rather than it being a total shitshow of personalities warring with eachother. It's kind of nice being a mysterious hooded guy that works in the shadows. I always wished I could do more, but life happens, I want to be one of the members with 1000+ helpful posts someday. it's hard to explain how important you all are to my life and it's cool to come back here and people actually recognize me anyways. My posts aren't always very helpful to everyone in general, I hope they help some people but the members with thousands of overall top quality posts should just be highlighted out of common sense.
Blitzkreig said:
The main problem is that this requires not just trust, but also wisdom to determine what is useful. Regular moderation seems to need lots of trust, but not a considerable amount of wisdom (unless I am mistaken). My point is that if you could get more regular moderators, then you would have more time for this "advanced" content filtering.

To add some context to moderation, it does require that same level of wisdom that is required for this. Moderation does this already, by deciding what to approve or disapprove.

It is not a simple job of just removing the spam and approving the rest.

I've spoken with HP HoodedCobra about this, as I was interested to help him with this.

After hearing his explanation on the topic, I understood and realized it is not so simple and requires almost a Clergy level of trust and ability.

Moderation would be something separate and reserved for select members that are very trusted by HP HoodedCobra and the Gods.

It is something carefully looked after by the Gods themselves literally. They choose who they believe to be capable enough to do this.

Azazel namely looks over this as far as I know and his evaluation is very strict on this matter, especially because in the past the JoS had situations where moderation was abused by people (you know who).

Impartiality is one of the main qualities required, but also wisdom to provide correct judgements on evaluating the words of others, and consistency to do this on the daily basically everyday for the next foreseeable future.

It is different from being a Guardian, not all Guardians would've qualified for a moderator position immediately, or may for certain reasons not want it or be suitable for it, but essentially it is meant that all moderators are required to be capable and well rounded enough to be JoS Guardians.
Henu the Great said:
I'm in favor of creating new subforums for specific topics and compiling topics and posts from all around, both recent and past ones. In this way the gems would get the attenttion they deserve and learning would become easier and faster for people across the board.

Speaking of "easier and faster". Let's hypothetically say I was a mod or admin for a brief moment:

First my opinion on learning is that there needs to be respect for the beginners; the advice they receive should be tailored for beginners unless otherwise specified. I would therefore sort the general forum into sub categories first and then arrange those posts of "gem like quality" within.


If the member in question decides to venture off into higher categories of learning without being prepared for it, that's on them at that point.

You could then repurpose a lot of important old posts in the beginner section that have been lost to time (or oddly sequestered within someone's signature). Likewise for stuff that belongs in the higher levels.

This would also provide an area of focus for all levels (organized accordingly of course) where members don't have to be worried about being buried by drama and politics in the general forum.

One could then organize a sticky post comprising a compendium of useful information that relate to meditiations specific to their respective categories.

While this would be slow to do (unless nobody really minds starting from scratch and just putting up new posts on the subject I suppose) it would ultimately help streamline learning as well as give space for each category of advancement to participate.
Bone Dust said:
Henu the Great said:
I'm in favor of creating new subforums for specific topics and compiling topics and posts from all around, both recent and past ones. In this way the gems would get the attenttion they deserve and learning would become easier and faster for people across the board.

Speaking of "easier and faster". Let's hypothetically say I was a mod or admin for a brief moment:

First my opinion on learning is that there needs to be respect for the beginners; the advice they receive should be tailored for beginners unless otherwise specified. I would therefore sort the general forum into sub categories first and then arrange those posts of "gem like quality" within.


If the member in question decides to venture off into higher categories of learning without being prepared for it, that's on them at that point.

You could then repurpose a lot of important old posts in the beginner section that have been lost to time (or oddly sequestered within someone's signature). Likewise for stuff that belongs in the higher levels.

This would also provide an area of focus for all levels (organized accordingly of course) where members don't have to be worried about being buried by drama and politics in the general forum.

One could then organize a sticky post comprising a compendium of useful information that relate to meditiations specific to their respective categories.

While this would be slow to do (unless nobody really minds starting from scratch and just putting up new posts on the subject I suppose) it would ultimately help streamline learning as well as give space for each category of advancement to participate.
This is excactly what I had in mind, thank you for being more elaborate on the subject. Ultimately there would be need for more subforums for specific topics. It makes little sense to bunch everything under one or four subforums given that there is wide array of subjects and some of them are nonspiritual in essence.
This is a very good news; I like hierarchy and rules, let's call it due organization.
Good luck and thanks to all people who will be involved in this effort!
im not against. but

1. we go quick from 'give position' to =i know better then u= cause monkey brains and too much *** ed people- we see this frequent. seen even exHPS think they somthing, with no respect.

then compeitition for attention, cry public, overestimate ability, go against u? im just worried. why because of situations like magestein

2. ppl here some say no...but had madgestein harass u all and call u autistic stupid retards fools kikes and spit on u for 15 yrs, daily. cobra wasnt afraid to deal with bully asshole. then asshole out and he attack/doxx/reveal himself in full so... stop fear for worse... what there is anything worse POSSIBLY... doubt anything...

3. leaves us with...

stop worrying and trust the Cobra.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
In my opinion, the risk of a voting system is that people will simply vote what sounds good to them.
Posts that stroke people's egos will get the most votes.
Someone that tells people that they are good as they currently are and need no improvement will be voted the best.
In the end we could have a situation where the masses of ignorant people are in charge and lead themselves into oblivion.
The jew certainly is a master of teaching 'the blind to lead the blind' into a pit!
Can i suggest some members?

Henu the Great
Ol argedco luciftias
siatris666 said:
im not against. but

1. we go quick from 'give position' to =i know better then u= cause monkey brains and too much *** ed people- we see this frequent. seen even exHPS think they somthing, with no respect.

then compeitition for attention, cry public, overestimate ability, go against u? im just worried. why because of situations like magestein

2. ppl here some say no...but had madgestein harass u all and call u autistic stupid retards fools kikes and spit on u for 15 yrs, daily. cobra wasnt afraid to deal with bully asshole. then asshole out and he attack/doxx/reveal himself in full so... stop fear for worse... what there is anything worse POSSIBLY... doubt anything...

3. leaves us with...

stop worrying and trust the Cobra.

Mageson ex HP (cant remember why he got banned)(Kikeism communism, i missed it but obviously i need to back the Clergy even though i did like him, many here who say other wise are deluded.

Its very sad if for say ten years this happens, end of the day as long as JOS lives on another ten years and beyond. I back HPHC all the way if he says this is way to go then im in. I like a few good people on here, if they get given this "Role" im delighted for them. Lets back it, yes there is a small clique that bitch about folk off forum about posters...... this isnt good.

Send on the gaurdians lets name them.

Back HPHC and Clergy all the way.

There really is no better time to further expand on the JoS' internal structure and hierachy. As I said regarding the Shenu ritual, the tide is turning in our favor, and the nature of the war is shifting to reflect the enemy's loss of power and the regrowth of our collective, Satanic own. Our expansion as a movement is a purely inevitable thing as such, and with greater numbers and understanding comes the necessity to expand our operations, and refine how we work as an organizational movement. As time goes on, it's only natural those among us who are rising to greater levels will invariably meet opportunities to have their part in bringing positivity to the movement's future.

Certain situations which have arisen in the past, such as when certain lessers held high station, will not be repeated where we are at now. Things are not like how they were. It is inevitable fine tuning will be necessary with any expansion, but it isn't the "wild west" of this movement anymore, where Satan's house found itself being lead in part by the dubious, purely because there were a lack of options, and lesser degrees of understanding. Ultimately, the heightened state of the movement now will be reflected by higher individuals holding station, as is the intended natural way of things.

Looking forward to future updates, as always.
Announcement of some SS in the Joy of Satan Guardians Rank will happen soon.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Announcement of some SS in the Joy of Satan Guardians Rank will happen soon.

This is great, I know I'm new here but this makes sense to me, especially with things growing larger as more truth-seekers find there home here.

From what I've seen, there are many great people who always help. For me, I found ancient-forums first and whilst reading through topics, I followed signature links to JOS and how to accomplish our mutual goals.

Considering all the resources provided and topics covered, I'm stunned how you've been able to keep up, truly staggering.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
