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Announcement: Joy Of Satan Guardians [First Announcement Made]

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EnkiUK55 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I would take official orders from HPHC as i know he is clergy.

I have learnt alot from him.

This could prove an issue as you have stated.

I have clarified the relationship between this Rank and Clergy, and did edit the original post to make this clear.

The Clergy is higher and the final ranking. Even within the JoS Guardians, there will be a form of ranking based on merits etc.

Those who do the best [as they get appreciation as it is from the community before this] will again get this while in this rank if they do well.

If its HPHC trial run/change then obviously we need to embrace it.

I can understand a few people might get peeved but im not against this lets bring it on
I feel if there was one place where we wouldn't have such nonsense things as post whores and people who want to be leaders of cliques being labeled as important members it would be the JoS. I'm not assuming anything or going to have full detailed expectations of this but I am looking forward to it to see how it goes in general and have a really positive feeling about it too. :)

Hail Satan!!
The Outlaw Torn said:
I like to have faith with these things but this is absolutely going to crash and burn at some point with an us vs them mentality that will dominate the forum. You can already see this happen on certain posts where old guard members and even newer ones that have bad blood between them use this to either elevate or degrade credibility and content of character. And of course the enemy agents will try to take advantage of this and set up skirmishes between “Gurdian” and regular members essentially creating an Elysium type class system that will ultimately undermine the legitimacy of the JoS and the forum.
It won't crash and burn. This is official command structure, one could say a mini-National Socialism in terms of scale. The Gods and Goddesses are Nazi, and so are we Naturally, so it's all good. There might be teething problems, but it will work.
We're already at the point where people have mindset of "I have more posts than you, therefore I am the better and more advanced member" This will probably make it worse to be honest. Be careful of who gets the 'jos guardian' title. There's a couple few on here already that are off mod that somewhat don't deserve it really, and are just ego inflated post whores that are inflated even more now that they're off mod.

I don't post much on the forums but I've been around since 2015, and its a shame I have to wait for my posts to be 'approved' before seen, while I see other peoples posts going through instantly. One of the reasons why I chose to be so quiet on the forums really. If I was a more advanced member and was in contact with the gods more then I would post replies to peoples topics and try offer help and advice. Life really has a way of fucking over the nice people who deserve good things doesn't it?
As some members have stated, hierarchy is natural and normal as the Gods also have this. I am actually suprised at how many are unsettled over this, although given what i have seen in the forums i have seen why. I also think it makes this all the more necessary, as for the ones who are deserving of this will have the responsibility to be more conscious of things that could be wasteful or unnecessary, also in terms of interpersonal interaction and arguing. For the ones receiving this and actually advancing this can actually help develop an even more pronounced and balanced healthy ego that isn't overt, and honestly some of the ones that fall into this rank have this down packed already imo, and can set a good example for the rest of us. I think everyone realizing this will also actually help with any rough edges, and as we all advance and move along, certain things will not be spent too much time on and just be realized as results of personality differences and different elemental make ups also which is natural, aside from the trolls that come along and people who actually want to do harm.
FancyMancy said:
It won't crash and burn. This is official command structure, one could say a mini-National Socialism in terms of scale. The Gods and Goddesses are Nazi, and so are we Naturally, so it's all good. There might be teething problems, but it will work.

I have seen multiple people use the name 'Nazi'', this is a Jewish slur and in my opinion it shouldn't be used by any SS, it would be way nicer if you said National Socialist instead of Nazi.
How do I get in? This is something I was waiting for! More service to our benevolent gods

I want for sure demonstrate that I'm serious but I have no idea how to start
The Outlaw Torn said:
I like to have faith with these things but this is absolutely going to crash and burn at some point with an us vs them mentality that will dominate the forum. You can already see this happen on certain posts where old guard members and even newer ones that have bad blood between them use this to either elevate or degrade credibility and content of character. And of course the enemy agents will try to take advantage of this and set up skirmishes between “Gurdian” and regular members essentially creating an Elysium type class system that will ultimately undermine the legitimacy of the JoS and the forum.

Is because of that, that the HP said that there will be logical and emotional tests to know who will get each rank, don't worry
Blitzkreig said:
serpentwalker666 said:
I would deeply desire to be involved with this process, but my biggest issue is I have issues properly articulating my words to other members, explaining myself properly, and while I have experienced alot of spiritual experiences in the past couple years through close association, and my advancement being guided with andras, gusion, and a few other demons, I do not know exactly how I could help out, I'm rather uncertain.

What would your advice, and recommendation be in this case Hooded Cobra?

My other issue is I forget things often, and alot of information can slip my mind, which leads me doubting my capabilities in trying to build towards something like this.

Communication falls under the air element and natal mercury. Memory is also a function of mercury, although earth aspects can strengthen memory as well. For improving memory, the best way would be direct-training, as HP Cobra mentioned, through the recall and analysis exercise he posted about some months ago.

For improving your articulation, I would suggest doing a Mercury Square, which is currently in Aquarius, or in April when it enters Gemini. Associated runes would be Ansuz for oratory power, and also Ehwaz for allowing you to relate to others. Mannaz for raw intellect, too.

Double-check your natal chart and make sure you don't have any bad aspects that can harm your communication, as well. This would require going back and removing the negative karma associated with those placements, not just doing "additive" workings.

I have always had the same problem and I have a weakened Mercury in my natal chart, although I have done many Mercury squares to strengthen it I only experienced some improvement but the problem was not solved, after a couple of months working to obliterate my Saturn combining it with the cleansing esbast it is incredible the amount of things that have come to the surface, this shows that cleansing and freeing yourself from negative karma is key to solve your problems.
serpentwalker666 said:
I would deeply desire to be involved with this process, but my biggest issue is I have issues properly articulating my words to other members, explaining myself properly, and while I have experienced alot of spiritual experiences in the past couple years through close association, and my advancement being guided with andras, gusion, and a few other demons, I do not know exactly how I could help out, I'm rather uncertain.

What would your advice, and recommendation be in this case Hooded Cobra?

My other issue is I forget things often, and alot of information can slip my mind, which leads me doubting my capabilities in trying to build towards something like this.

The human mind forgets things often, it's okay, even the HP says that from time to time he re-read the full joyofsatan to refresh his mind, if that is your problem don't worry

And about your writing, that will also improve with time if you put some effort on it
Lydia said:
Wonderful announcement, HP Cobra. It is so exciting to see such progress, expansion, and advancement of the JoS being made. This new rank will be pivotal and progressive, as a lot of people contribute immensely but do not want to be Clergy (or are not ready to be).

Hail Satan, Eternally!

Im pretty sure that if you want to join you will be the first to get a pretty high rank! You have help so much of us, I say thanks in name of all of us that you have help
Wooo!! I am also very excited about this!! I'm happy we're moving forward and elevating in this way! :mrgreen:
OpenMind2 said:

The ranks given here are not like those in any video game.

For the time that Ive been here Ive only had a handful of posts disapproved. Nothing more. I am also not off moderation.

The thing is, you can grind and grind and grind and try to contribute and be the best just for status.. but if you don't grow into that role, you are not having the support or proper foundation built to keep standing on that level.

Also there are no mediators in satanism. Giving out such a rank as "verified to have contact with the gods" might one make seek the easy way out, contact others instead of putting the focus where it matters, to contact and build a relationship with the gods themselves.

As for me, the time will be right when things are issued. I trust in the process and the path ahead of me.
This is really a great idea!
Given how fast the Community is growing, it is mandatory to build a strong hierarchy of roles and responsibilities.

Congratulations to everyone that will join the Guardians. Also, a big thank you for the constant work on helping the people here on the forum.

Even though I believe furthering Satan's goals and helping people who are seeking spiritual knowledge and power are rewarding on their own I also have to admit having these titles mentally pushes me to do better in order to be worthy of attaining them. I also really like the idea of having an official mid-way between a newcomer and clergy because it is a physical goal we can look up to and strive for + being closer to clergy(on a personal level) is something that I am really looking forward to
Why are people so negative? At least they should be positive and see the purpose in a bigger picture.
It's normal that when an organization is growing, responsibilities are passed down to lower subjects.

This "Guardian" initiative resembles the reason Adolf Hitler founded The "Nazi SS" which is to protect and uphold the Pagan and "National Socialist" philosophy.

I look forward for a Greater JoS.

Hail Satan!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is going to be great for many people. Cheers to 2022!
This is great. Congratulations to all the chosen Guardians.

This also will give the rest of us a bit more motivation to advance and reach higher levels.

Thank you for this initiative HP Cobra. One day i shall prove myself and become one of the Guardians as well.

Hail Father Satan!
It will be nice to see how this thing works out in practice.

It's better when it's organized like this. If you're successful with this, it can become a very productive institution.

Congratulations to the Joy of Satan Guardians! : )

May your work become excellent!
This is an amazing announcement, and evidence that this community is only growing and will only keep growing forever. I believe this further refinement of the hierarchy will motivate some people to stop slacking off and pick up their pace, as some people are motivated by recognition and achievement, not just the informal type in the way of gratitude (which is also very positive) but also in a formal fashion like a title.

My congratulations go to everyone who has received an invitation and I hope I will see more and more quality material coming from them at this point in time.
serpentwalker666 said:
I would deeply desire to be involved with this process, but my biggest issue is I have issues properly articulating my words to other members, explaining myself properly, and while I have experienced alot of spiritual experiences in the past couple years through close association, and my advancement being guided with andras, gusion, and a few other demons, I do not know exactly how I could help out, I'm rather uncertain.

What would your advice, and recommendation be in this case Hooded Cobra?

My other issue is I forget things often, and alot of information can slip my mind, which leads me doubting my capabilities in trying to build towards something like this.

For memory, there are some exercises you can do. You can find Jim Qwik's Recall programme online. That is an amazing resource to drastically improve your memory, not to mention learn how to learn faster. I highly recommend it.
The Outlaw Torn said:
I like to have faith with these things but this is absolutely going to crash and burn at some point with an us vs them mentality that will dominate the forum. You can already see this happen on certain posts where old guard members and even newer ones that have bad blood between them use this to either elevate or degrade credibility and content of character. And of course the enemy agents will try to take advantage of this and set up skirmishes between “Gurdian” and regular members essentially creating an Elysium type class system that will ultimately undermine the legitimacy of the JoS and the forum.

I definitely agree with this post. I already see it happening.
Ok so. I'm gonna voice my opinion.

So most of you know, I don't really post that much anymore. I personally think this JoS Guardianship isn't the answer because one could use it and abuse it and cater to one's ego but honestly if they want to make a fool of themselves if they choose to do this.... Go ahead. I won't be there.

But I agree with some of the posts about this becoming a problem. Why? I've seen way too much bullshit happen in these forums for years.

Personally I have taken a road who secretly follows the Satanic Path but choose to remain in the shadows. I use to let things bother me because of being so desperate for approval. I guess I just wisened up and don't really care what people think of me. I only speak when it's necessary and not garbage come out of my mouth mindlessly.

So what I'm speaking about now, to me should be given a lot of thought about the problems one could face and sadly losing members. I'm sure some individuals would be good to have in that position.

To advice to those who want it so bad. Try not to desire it so much to where you will do ass kissing but if you do desire it, try to redirect that desire to help others evolve. Or my other alternative, do not care about being a "guardian" or should I say at least detach.
Many have worked behind the scenes for our sake and it would be nice for them to have more public recognition. I think a lot of the issues brought up are nothing to worry about because these members have already been giving without expecting anything in return.
honestly this is pretty cool. :cool: :cool: always thought the forums needed something like this. Thought it was weird how merits didn't add up. (I mean I know the gods keep tabs but that's different) this should work nicely, provided everyone keeps cool and doesn't fawn over rank.

Oh and just because no one has said it yet imma say it DO NOT ASK FOR IT MORE THAN ONCE. people certainly remember who you are and a somewhat general consensus of what your about,(changes with time) all it would do is make yourself more annoyed. and give our dear guardians and HP's headaches.

Hail Satan
Betelgeuse said:
We're already at the point where people have mindset of "I have more posts than you, therefore I am the better and more advanced member" This will probably make it worse to be honest. Be careful of who gets the 'jos guardian' title. There's a couple few on here already that are off mod that somewhat don't deserve it really, and are just ego inflated post whores that are inflated even more now that they're off mod.

I don't post much on the forums but I've been around since 2015, and its a shame I have to wait for my posts to be 'approved' before seen, while I see other peoples posts going through instantly. One of the reasons why I chose to be so quiet on the forums really. If I was a more advanced member and was in contact with the gods more then I would post replies to peoples topics and try offer help and advice. Life really has a way of fucking over the nice people who deserve good things doesn't it?

You should be aware that people in this category will be bound by far more parameters of good behavior, positive will, and caring for others, than certain people who might be overusing their privileges to do nonsense.

In this case, one will not be able to do this.

The modulation of this behavior is inverse. Getting cast down will be the next thing one knows will happen if their rights are abused. Abuse by normal members or even off mod people, is one thing. Abuse through an official position is another, and will lead to a series of penalties until a potential final cast down.
Betelgeuse said:
We're already at the point where people have mindset of "I have more posts than you, therefore I am the better and more advanced member" This will probably make it worse to be honest. Be careful of who gets the 'jos guardian' title. There's a couple few on here already that are off mod that somewhat don't deserve it really, and are just ego inflated post whores that are inflated even more now that they're off mod.

I don't post much on the forums but I've been around since 2015, and its a shame I have to wait for my posts to be 'approved' before seen, while I see other peoples posts going through instantly. One of the reasons why I chose to be so quiet on the forums really. If I was a more advanced member and was in contact with the gods more then I would post replies to peoples topics and try offer help and advice. Life really has a way of fucking over the nice people who deserve good things doesn't it?

If I may offer some advice about your mindset: If you believe you deserve good things, then you need to put the work into it. Being off mod is for those who participate more in the forums, you only have 40 posts. Therefore, your posts won't be seen enough in moderation for you to be noticed and taken off mod.

From reading books and articles on success in life, you have the very mindset demonstrated that keeps people back. You consider yourself being fucked over by life because you have not been posting enough to be taken off mod. This isn't about who is good and nice or who isn't, it's about who participates in the community. If someone doesn't, then it shouldn't be seen as a big deal that they don't get any of the privileges that come with participating. It just is what it is, don't take it personally.

One's mindset, and view of the world, strongly determines everything in their life.
MoonlessNight666 said:
Even though I believe furthering Satan's goals and helping people who are seeking spiritual knowledge and power are rewarding on their own I also have to admit having these titles mentally pushes me to do better in order to be worthy of attaining them. I also really like the idea of having an official mid-way between a newcomer and clergy because it is a physical goal we can look up to and strive for + being closer to clergy(on a personal level) is something that I am really looking forward to

Ambitious people and creators have to look up to advancement. There is too much potential in the forum, and many rapidly advancing people. They need to see and discover how this will be manifest. Maybe it will be through this avenue or another, but this has to be open to all as it will be.
Fanboy said:
EnkiUK55 said:
Cant buy trust or loyalty.

Enjoy moderating people who have made it to this level.

You'll get yours alot sooner than you think
I can tell

HPHC put my email in my inbox i just dont know my password ;)

Have a great day pal
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I have noticed the past couple days that the notifications are not always working correctly anymore. There were multiple topics that I did not get a notification for new comments on them, or even not getting notifications for people quoting me. But in the Unread Topics, it shows up as unread, and it has the star in the top corner of the icon to show that I made a comment on that topic. Then when I click on it from there I see that people replied to me or quoted me.

I'm just telling you because I think this might be related to whatever changes you were making recently. It doesn't bother me, and doesn't do it every time, but I thought you should know since it just started happening.

And maybe this is a bad idea, but I was thinking the past couple weeks that there could be a button to Mark As Read all topics that are not English subforums. Or maybe in the settings, have a setting that could select or unselect subforums to not show on your New or Unread pages. I am very happy for the people in Turkey, Brazil/Portugal, and Italy, that they are all getting so much more connected with the truth, but it is getting harder to sort past all of their topics on the New and Unread pages and I am multiple times every day going to all their individual non-english subforums to click Mark All As Read. And since they all have that button, I think it could be possible to make another button that connects those buttons together to mark all of them at the same time.
Betelgeuse said:
We're already at the point where people have mindset of "I have more posts than you, therefore I am the better and more advanced member" This will probably make it worse to be honest. Be careful of who gets the 'jos guardian' title. There's a couple few on here already that are off mod that somewhat don't deserve it really, and are just ego inflated post whores that are inflated even more now that they're off mod.

I don't post much on the forums but I've been around since 2015, and its a shame I have to wait for my posts to be 'approved' before seen, while I see other peoples posts going through instantly. One of the reasons why I chose to be so quiet on the forums really. If I was a more advanced member and was in contact with the gods more then I would post replies to peoples topics and try offer help and advice. Life really has a way of fucking over the nice people who deserve good things doesn't it?

You are criticizing people who see the off mod status as just a medal to inflate their ego, but you also seem to be guilty of seeing it for the same purpose considering you want to have it simply because you personally feel inferior for not having it.

You admit it yourself you lack the capabilities to provide answers and advice. So if you say it yourself you're incapable of serving Satan in this regard, why do you want to be offmod if not to serve your ego?

Not being offmod does not make you inferior or worthless. It simply means you lack a specific subset of skills. Which for all you know, you may develop in the future. Do not be discouraged or demoralized!
Stormblood said:

That is how I viewed this as well, where people will now have constructive pressure placed upon them to do better. Some people already carry themselves in a good manner, but formalizing the process will both accelerate their advancement, as well as allow them to handle more responsibilities as well.

It is like being assigned a job, whereas before everyone was sort of doing whatever they wanted. Obviously, this depends on the exact requirements certain Guardians will have placed upon them, but this should definitely help flesh out JOS from a functional standpoint. This is not just a Good Boy medal, rather a position or meritocratic rank.
Congratulations for the Joy of Satan Guardians!🥳

I hope there will be an official announcement of the Guardians so we can thank and congratulate them personally.
Stormblood said:
serpentwalker666 said:
I would deeply desire to be involved with this process, but my biggest issue is I have issues properly articulating my words to other members, explaining myself properly, and while I have experienced alot of spiritual experiences in the past couple years through close association, and my advancement being guided with andras, gusion, and a few other demons, I do not know exactly how I could help out, I'm rather uncertain.

What would your advice, and recommendation be in this case Hooded Cobra?

My other issue is I forget things often, and alot of information can slip my mind, which leads me doubting my capabilities in trying to build towards something like this.

For memory, there are some exercises you can do. You can find Jim Qwik's Recall programme online. That is an amazing resource to drastically improve your memory, not to mention learn how to learn faster. I highly recommend it.

Thank you so much stormblood. Also wanted to mention thank you for pointing out that erroneous view I had I that other post, about ethics in warfare. While I was hesitant to acknowledge it at first, you have helped point my mind in the correct direction. Thank you.
The Librarian said:
serpentwalker666 said:
I would deeply desire to be involved with this process, but my biggest issue is I have issues properly articulating my words to other members, explaining myself properly, and while I have experienced alot of spiritual experiences in the past couple years through close association, and my advancement being guided with andras, gusion, and a few other demons, I do not know exactly how I could help out, I'm rather uncertain.

What would your advice, and recommendation be in this case Hooded Cobra?

My other issue is I forget things often, and alot of information can slip my mind, which leads me doubting my capabilities in trying to build towards something like this.

Mercury rules communications, writing, speech, words, education, neighbors, messengers, the
mind, intellect, mentality, books, newspapers, magazines, coordination, manual dexterity,
media, movement and short distance travel.
The center chakra (which is located in the middle of the chest) is ruled by Mercury. A
weak or blocked center chakra can create nervous disorders, speech disorders,
difficulties in self-expression and learning disabilities, problems with the senses, asthma
as well as other diseases of the lungs.

Have you done a Mercury square working? The mantra for Mercury is for 64 days in a row. It is important never
to skip any days, as this will cancel out the entire work.
Begin the mantra when Mercury is strong in its home signs of Gemini
or Virgo, or when it is in its exalted sign of Aquarius (04/01/22).
DO NOT begin this mantra when Mercury is in the signs of Leo (its
fall) or Sagittarius or Pisces (its detriment).
Begin the mantra on a Wednesday during the hours of Mercury.
Ideally, each day, the mantra chosen for Mercury should be recited
during the hours of Mercury for that day. This is ideal, but regardless
never skip any days, regardless of the hour.

Kabalistic Squares:

Otherwise, do a combined Rune working on the center chakra of MANNAZ= memory, intellect. SOWILO, WUNJO= confidence, self-esteem, leadership. 40 day working now as waxing new moon started yesterday (02/01/22). repetitions of multiple of rune numbers, or 50, 88, 100, 216.

Good Luck.

Haven't done many planetary squares as I usually mess them up halfway through, however thank you for the information. I'll look into incorporating this into my next planned workings.
Blitzkreig said:
serpentwalker666 said:
I would deeply desire to be involved with this process, but my biggest issue is I have issues properly articulating my words to other members, explaining myself properly, and while I have experienced alot of spiritual experiences in the past couple years through close association, and my advancement being guided with andras, gusion, and a few other demons, I do not know exactly how I could help out, I'm rather uncertain.

What would your advice, and recommendation be in this case Hooded Cobra?

My other issue is I forget things often, and alot of information can slip my mind, which leads me doubting my capabilities in trying to build towards something like this.

Communication falls under the air element and natal mercury. Memory is also a function of mercury, although earth aspects can strengthen memory as well. For improving memory, the best way would be direct-training, as HP Cobra mentioned, through the recall and analysis exercise he posted about some months ago.

For improving your articulation, I would suggest doing a Mercury Square, which is currently in Aquarius, or in April when it enters Gemini. Associated runes would be Ansuz for oratory power, and also Ehwaz for allowing you to relate to others. Mannaz for raw intellect, too.

Double-check your natal chart and make sure you don't have any bad aspects that can harm your communication, as well. This would require going back and removing the negative karma associated with those placements, not just doing "additive" workings.

Definitely will look into a Mercury square. I have issues with planetary squares as I usually mess them up, but it's probably about time.

Also I might as well mention I'm very dominant fire and air, lacking water and earth.

I've done some balancing on that, may have to do some more though.
Betelgeuse said:
We're already at the point where people have mindset of "I have more posts than you, therefore I am the better and more advanced member" This will probably make it worse to be honest. Be careful of who gets the 'jos guardian' title. There's a couple few on here already that are off mod that somewhat don't deserve it really, and are just ego inflated post whores that are inflated even more now that they're off mod.

I don't post much on the forums but I've been around since 2015, and its a shame I have to wait for my posts to be 'approved' before seen, while I see other peoples posts going through instantly. One of the reasons why I chose to be so quiet on the forums really. If I was a more advanced member and was in contact with the gods more then I would post replies to peoples topics and try offer help and advice. Life really has a way of fucking over the nice people who deserve good things doesn't it?

I think the reason for that is that people here have strong personalities and a very strong pride in their belief, Satan(ism). This is nothing wrong, but some may appear or come across as quite aggressive, yes. I honestly don't think this has necessarily anything to do with that they are better in that sense. Just passionate about their perspective. This will also change with time, as people grow.

I have been here since 2011, and HPHC know me well. But, this doesn't give me the free passage of "off-mod" privileges. Which, at times I am happy about, and dont really (pardon my language) give a fuck. There is a reason for this. I know my place, for example. I don't post that often, nor often with good quality content. And often, I also post before I have thought things through. This can be a problem, and sometimes actually caused quarrels here and there. This can be seen natally too. And absolutely, this will change in the future (me acting without thinking).

If you want to elevate yourself and obtain such status and privileges, I suggest you make this as a goal for yourself. There is nothing wrong with this, this only in fact shows the desire for growth mentally, emotionally and spiritually. With such desire and goal, you will most certainly help more SS also! Just don't drag other people down, as well as yourself because of insecurities. Growth and advancement takes time, for some sooner and others later, but it still happens.

The Joy of Satan Guardians won't just be a random person who posts often. These people are chosen based on their qualities, sincerity, knowledge and advanced nature that is prominent and obviously seen in their posts (I believe).

Best way to do this is to meditate and EDUCATE yourself, even if you have to read same things a thousand times. Rehearsal is imperative. When you are at loss, Satan and the gods are there to guide you, as well as our brilliant community here.

Stay strong in yourself, comrade!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
