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The Ranks Of Humans, Demons & Gods

شكرًا يبدو رائعًا حقًا، أنا أحبه
أنا متحمس للتغييرات
آمل أن أتقدم
مرحبا بالشيطان والآلهة !!!
اسيقضت ولكن ليس هناك من يرشدني لااستطيع نطق الأحرف الرونية اتحدث العربيه
Soon, the most major task of updating the Joy of Satan Gods & Demons Section [will be renamed], will begin.

Currently, the Joy of Satan Dedication Ritual has received the following updates: Prayer, FAQ expanded, visuals.

The Dedication Ritual has been updated, to illustrate where you are going with this. The Godhead and to Dedicate to the Gods, means that one reverses the flow of the Andrapoda path, and wants to become human and then a God.

The Gods have many Ranks, these will be the Central Ranks here as to not create needless confusion. Any "Names" by the enemy will be blotted out, to cease the jewish confusion on the topic. Words like "Angels, Arch-Angels" and so on, are Ancient Greek in origin, but will be explained in another more elaborate topics (they are words that we won't use here, to avoid falsehood and correlation).

More analysis of this is forthcoming. Only very broad explanations are needed for now. At the end of this knowledge, one will know exactly who or what they are dealing with.

Here, there are not included more subdivisions. These are also not for "Humans to decide". Humans who go around parading they are "something else" are not only digging their own ignorance and diving in deeper, but they cannot fool people who will know the full criteria of these.

For example, unless a person can deliberately manifest exceptional changes in humanity, or display other powers, they are not in anyway part of certain ranks. This also has an internal character to it.

Ranks are not shared to procure delusions, but rather to banish them.


"Head Gods"
- This Crown is synonymous with the Crown Chakra, the highest Human Chakra. According to Proclus, these are named "First Ones" or "Πρώτιστοι". These are the highest Gods. The Gods are tasked with making men as Gods directly, with the help of all the other Ranks of Divine Beings. They are the highest ones, and they are the highest of the highest of Ranks. About their powers, they will be described in other sections and more internal knowledge. These teach and are on the highest of the highest spiritual domains, nothing less. The fewest beings will be presided by these. The powers here are to change the Fate of humans, and other Demons, and other miraculous forces that are beyond conception.

"Gods" - These are exceptionally advanced Demons, who draw closer to the Highest Crowns or Gods. They are also of exceptional power. For lack of a better term, they will be called "Demi Gods". They preside on applying the will of the Crowned Princes.

"Demons" - On this level, while these beings are Gods to us [comparable to humans] these Beings are still inconceivably more advanced compared to humans. We call them Gods but some are Demons. Many "Ancient Great Humans" are already in this rank, after exceptional development.

"Half Demons" - This is a very large category, of Heroes who have not fully transitioned to the higher level of being Demons. They can have impressive powers and Siddhis, they are still Gods to human beings.

"Heroes" - Souls of Humans who have reached the transitional level on upward ranking. Compared to humans, again of inconceivable powers. Herein are the "Greatest Humans of History". Previously, these were Human beings. They can act as Guardians to Human beings, humanity and human society, very directly. They are most helpful, as they reside still close to Humans. Still Gods compared to Human beings.

Human Ranks:

"Advanced Human"
- Humans of elevated powers, spiritually awakened for real [not imagined, or deluded to be as such]. Not Heroes or Demons yet, but with affinity to go upward rather than downward. They have many of the actual powers of the Demons.

"Human" - Everything is called human nowadays even if it does not behave as a true human. When one naturally sees these people, they can tell these people are not fully human just yet. What we would refer to as a Human nowadays, here has transformed from an Andrapod permanently to a Human. They no longer have most of the plights of humans, such as random evil, outbursts, ignorance is far less; ignorance is comprehended and attempted to truly be overcome.

As such I have put many codes in the Ethics section; one of them being "Into a Human". Many people think they are human, but they are not fully human yet. Spiritual, ethical intellectual and material advancement is required to get to this rank. That is a miracle. If many of these people existed on earth, we would already be in a form of "Golden Age".

"Aspiring Human" - These beings are good, higher types of people, who are more capable and able to advance. Their trajectory has started to be upward; still, there is strong tendency to evil and ignorance, but one is fighting against it, and they are succeeding for the most part in that task.

"Awakened Human" - Humans recently awakened to spirituality or goodness, basic powers, basic spiritual affinities. Already a huge attainment for a soul, as the entropic pull when one is an Andrapod is of exceptional force. Smart people, good people, people of good vocation. Even if one reaches here in their lifetime, they should be very satisfied; a very large portion of sub-humanity and andrapodism has been removed.

"Andrapod" - Here is where most souls begin. What we falsely call a "Human being" nowadays, is actually an Andrapod, at the bottom of the evolutionary chain of the Gods. Completely unawakened human, very close to animal consciousness, human only in potential form, can be tentative to Good or Evil. Education and spirituality, can kickstart the being from this level, to start becoming more and more human, going upward. Some of these are going to fall in the lesser levels or remain here. A percent is meant for upward movement. Spiritual Satanism concerns ourselves only with those of either higher ranks, or cases where upward movement can happen.

"Fallen Andrapod" - Can have many categories, from "falling" to totally irredeemable. Totally evil, on the downward spiral, bordering anywhere from equal to animals or even beneath them. To call them animals in human form would be a mistake toward all animals, who are noble. Faculties start to not represent humans, but the vile sides of animals.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
That's interesting can you turn
Into does Godhead turn you into
A Demon if you choose or does
Satan help with I think I would
Love to be Demon
And I'm glad of change in
The best site in the world
Hail Satanas And the Gods
That's interesting can you turn
Into does Godhead turn you into
A Demon if you choose or does
Satan help with I think I would
Love to be Demon
And I'm glad of change in
The best site in the world
Hail Satanas And the Gods
Correct me if I'm wrong, but godhood and demonhood are practically the same. Demons are gods that have accepted the role of working with humans. The origin of the English word "demon" comes from the Greek "daemon" which is a teaching spirit or protector.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but godhood and demonhood are practically the same. Demons are gods that have accepted the role of working with humans. The origin of the English word "demon" comes from the Greek "daemon" which is a teaching spirit or protector.
Oh yeah that's right
Yes Demons does mean God's

I have now used deepl to translate my text and make it more coherent and understandable , I hope this will make more sense now. - I will from now on use this when replying or/and making topics.

What I meant to say is that even if a Demon can help you and is powerful and capable enough sometimes it's better for ourselves not to get that help [depending on the gravity of the situation and the overall case] , by that I mean that one can't just stagnate in existence and sit on his ass without doing anything for himself, then the help would be less beneficial even if at the moment he is offered what he needs it can push him further off his path, that's what I meant. Demons in turn have other Higher Demons and the Gods who even if their will is to help you they are eventually stopped by the Higher ones with good intent.

In my journey and wars I have been protected many times by Them but by the time I've grow up and become an adult 18+ they left me on my own to learn how to fight on my own and how to use my own power/s , if they would always protect and give then I would had not been where I am today.

That help at the moment can do you more harm than good in the long run , there's lessons and things that we got to discover by ourselves .

Correct me if I'm wrong, but godhood and demonhood are practically the same. Demons are gods that have accepted the role of working with humans. The origin of the English word "demon" comes from the Greek "daemon" which is a teaching spirit or protector.
I think there are different ranks. A God should be in the top ranks.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
