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Nero said:
Dear HP, can you please post these rituals one or two days prior the starting date? It was already the 3d of December in my country when this post appeared on the website..

Hail Satan!

Do not worry, you have a time window. The schedules always have an extra day.
Arcadia said:
The fall of the Atenist heresy and the rising again of the great faith of Amun Ra and the Ogdoad Gods has always been a point of inspiration for me. It was one of the enemy's most bitter defeats, and something I can only hope to see a re-enactment of in my lifetime, with the Gods throwing down Christianity, Islam and Judaism down into the furthest depths of Tartarus forever more. Akhenaten's evil is long dead, so mote it be that the monotheist swindle perpetuated by his spiritual descendants meets the same fate.

This fact has forever scarred the minds of the Jews, as Amun Ra is, aside from Satan and Beelzebul, the outright most cursed God by these fiends. For all the curses and loathing heaped upon our Gods by the enemy, it's rare they dared to invoke one by name with such specific hatred, which leads me to believe they carried a particular bitter racial memory towards Him. The curse in question is found at Jeremiah 46:25, though I don't suggest you waste your time leafing through enemy degeneracy.

Again, Amon-Ra-Ptah was honoured by Pharaoh Merenptah in Luxor, for his victory over the enigma of the "Sea People" who had brought barbaric ruination to many of our great ancestor's civilizations, but not great Thebes.

These victories over tyrants earned a special place for Amun Ra in the hearts of the people, above all, for He was seen as a patron of the poor and misbegotten, referenced in a well known prayer to His name.

"He who hears the prayer, who comes at the cry of the poor and distressed - Beware of him! Repeat Him to son and daughter, to great and small; relate Him to generations of generations who have not yet come into being; relate Him to fishes in the deep, to birds in heaven; repeat Him to him who does not know Him and to him who knows Him. Though it may be that the servant is normal in doing wrong, yet the Lord is normal in being merciful. The Lord of Thebes does not spend an entire day angry. As for His anger – in the completion of a moment there is no remnant. As thy Ka endures! Thou wilt be merciful!"

For those who have the privilege to travel, and the will to brave a place besotted with unfortunate Islamic borne dangers, one can still see His great temple stand in Karnak to this day, which, by my recollection, remains the largest religious structure on this earth in terms of scale.

Finally, in doing this ritual, take heed of the Ancient wisdom pertaining to the great God, and remember your worth beyond the ignorance of the masses who have chosen to forget the true Gods - Amon is more effective than millions for he who places Him in his heart. Thanks to Him the single man becomes stronger than a crowd.

Praise be to the Hidden One, and may His wind be ever in your sails.

Your response to this is simply beautiful and filled with praise and emotion. Thank you for this wonderful response.
Can someone please confirm or correct my pronunciation of these names?

AMON RA - AMON as in "Aw", "Mon" as in "Monday"
BI-ELGAR BI as in bee, El as in the letter "L", gAr with a as in Apple or Ah?
HA-AMON Again what "a" sound in "HA"?
AMUN-RA-PTAH Mun = moon? A sound in PTAH?

Arcadia said:
The fall of the Atenist heresy and the rising again of the great faith of Amun Ra and the Ogdoad Gods has always been a point of inspiration for me. It was one of the enemy's most bitter defeats, and something I can only hope to see a re-enactment of in my lifetime, with the Gods throwing down Christianity, Islam and Judaism down into the furthest depths of Tartarus forever more. Akhenaten's evil is long dead, so mote it be that the monotheist swindle perpetuated by his spiritual descendants meets the same fate.

This fact has forever scarred the minds of the Jews, as Amun Ra is, aside from Satan and Beelzebul, the outright most cursed God by these fiends. For all the curses and loathing heaped upon our Gods by the enemy, it's rare they dared to invoke one by name with such specific hatred, which leads me to believe they carried a particular bitter racial memory towards Him. The curse in question is found at Jeremiah 46:25, though I don't suggest you waste your time leafing through enemy degeneracy.

Again, Amon-Ra-Ptah was honoured by Pharaoh Merenptah in Luxor, for his victory over the enigma of the "Sea People" who had brought barbaric ruination to many of our great ancestor's civilizations, but not great Thebes.

These victories over tyrants earned a special place for Amun Ra in the hearts of the people, above all, for He was seen as a patron of the poor and misbegotten, referenced in a well known prayer to His name.

"He who hears the prayer, who comes at the cry of the poor and distressed - Beware of him! Repeat Him to son and daughter, to great and small; relate Him to generations of generations who have not yet come into being; relate Him to fishes in the deep, to birds in heaven; repeat Him to him who does not know Him and to him who knows Him. Though it may be that the servant is normal in doing wrong, yet the Lord is normal in being merciful. The Lord of Thebes does not spend an entire day angry. As for His anger – in the completion of a moment there is no remnant. As thy Ka endures! Thou wilt be merciful!"

For those who have the privilege to travel, and the will to brave a place besotted with unfortunate Islamic borne dangers, one can still see His great temple stand in Karnak to this day, which, by my recollection, remains the largest religious structure on this earth in terms of scale.

Finally, in doing this ritual, take heed of the Ancient wisdom pertaining to the great God, and remember your worth beyond the ignorance of the masses who have chosen to forget the true Gods - Amon is more effective than millions for he who places Him in his heart. Thanks to Him the single man becomes stronger than a crowd.

Praise be to the Hidden One, and may His wind be ever in your sails.

As someone that hasn’t dived deep yet, I really enjoyed reading this excerpt thank you. I wish we could like posts!
Hey, Im having privacy problems a little bit, i want to participate on future Ones, now is to late to do this One is it possible to do the ritual on my astral temple? I dont think is possible, because if i dont vibrante the runes is useless?
Very beautiful ritual, thank you!!!
I was really looking forward for this ritual, Ra was always one of the gods I felt drawn to!
Doing it gave me a feeling very similar as a powerful meditation on the solar chakra but stronger. I would describe this as an intense sense of joy ,confidence and strength,all at once! While meditating on His sigil I felt like my whole soul was glowing with a warm and brilliant light that was strong and calming at the same time!
After so many years even before coming to Satan, Amon Ra has been a God I love to read of.
Two days before the ritual, I asked so many Questions and I was directed to Pray to Amon Ra, but I didn't want to say we don't have a ritual but I'm glad HP is so thoughtful. This was well timed as my need for him is very eminent.
On the first day of this ritual, the energy which I emitted was unlike me, I seemed to be really funny and creative with my words, everyone just kept laughing at everything I said, so much joy I gave people around me, seemed to me I became a talkative at point but was conscious and had to practice silence as quickly too.
I'm glad about the journey and how the Gods influence everything in us. Amon Ra my long awaited God I wished to get close to, this is truly Golden for me and the details of the Ritual is very different. I also yearned for a God who dealt directly with the sun and solar chakra. This God is most loved and this shows around me after I do ritual.
I'm thrilled when ever I read that " all his enemies loose power in his presence", crazy!

Words can't say everything, I look forward to the Journey and growth with Amon Ra. Truly Powerful.
Sarramixa said:
Hey, Im having privacy problems a little bit, i want to participate on future Ones, now is to late to do this One is it possible to do the ritual on my astral temple? I dont think is possible, because if i dont vibrante the runes is useless?

Yes, it can be done, in any way. Although it should be done out loud. It can be done, in a low voice or mentally.
Hs666 said:
Sarramixa said:
Hey, Im having privacy problems a little bit, i want to participate on future Ones, now is to late to do this One is it possible to do the ritual on my astral temple? I dont think is possible, because if i dont vibrante the runes is useless?

Yes, it can be done, in any way. Although it should be done out loud. It can be done, in a low voice or mentally.
Thanks 👍
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Family,

Everyone knows Amon Ra, one of the most famous Egyptian Gods, who have received the highest respect, reverence and love in Ancient Egyptian History. Of course, this extended everywhere. One of the most major thefts of the enemy is concerning Amon Ra and other Egyptian Gods, who for all intents remain extremely loved and famous to this day by all of mankind.

Thanks to all of you who understand the efforts going in all of this. There is a lot of back-end work with every Ritual, so it is accurate and spiritual to the very last letter.

Thanks to everyone who keeps making the dream of the Joy of Satan into a reality through help, time, expertise, spiritually and most importantly materially. The Gods will be the first to assist you for caring about their Eternal Home.

Two New Rituals are also upcoming. I have been inexorably busy and I will get back to e-mails and everything ASAP since this is now done.

May Lord Amon Ra bestow upon all of us His blessings, wisdom and power.

May all of you who do this receive these blessings.

May Father Satan and our Gods bless us eternally.



Below, are the links to the Ritual. The first link is the new interface of JoS Rituals, the second is the old interface. We will go according to choice.

Plain Page Format: https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/AmonRa_Power_Ritual.html
New Page Format: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/amonra-power-ritual

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666.

Thank you, Mr. High Priest !
I just did and finished the Amon Ra ritual this afternoon.
Lots of solar energy.
Dear Master Cobra:

Thank you for being the best leader ever! This is a beautiful ritual, as always.

May the Gods bless you for the incredible work you do!

May the Gods bless us all brothers and sisters dedicated to Father Satan by bond of blood!
GoldenxChild1 said:
Just did the ritual! :)

Are there any special instruction to vibrate his names at the end? I stuck with basic kabbalah speech, except for when I vibrated AMUN. I vibrated it as AHHMM-UHH(as in umbrella)NNN. It was reflexive; did anyone else do this?

"Amon Ra" and "Amun Ra" and "Ha-Amon". They both vibrate in the same way. Except for "Ha - Amon ", which has the "HHAA" first and not have "RA".

AAHH-MMUU-NN RR-AA (this pronunciation comes from an Egyptian Kabbalistic meditation, where Amon vibrates in the third eye and Ra in the 4thchakra).

PTAH as a meditation for the pineal.


R's are Rolls.
I am not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I wanted to thank you HPHC for the very timely ritual. I had been looking for my GD for a while now, since I have not had contact with any of the Gods and Goddesses up until now, but I didn't find much success. Unrelated to this, I was also planning on doing a Sun Square to work on some issues with a weak Sun that I have, but looking at the calendar, none of the days this month are good to start the Square. Then you posted this ritual and I started doing it as soon as I saw it. I have to say, I have never felt as good as I felt yesterday when doing a ritual for one of our Gods. I felt myself so happy I was physically smiling while pronouncing the runes, I loved it so much. I then wanted to clean my aura, but I didn't really need to, as soon as I began focusing on it I was almost blinded by how bright it was, absolutely astonishing. This is also the first time I am also aware of a sign from a God/Goddess, so it was an extra special occassion, and if these "coincidences" were not enough, I get to do a ritual for the God the Sun Himself, while I was looking to do a Sun Square. I feel so blessed by Lord Amon Ra, I cannot begin to describe it. It would be amazing if He were to be my GD, but whether He is or not, I am touched by His presence, I even changed my signature for this reason :lol: :lol: :lol:
Much love to you, JoS family, may Lord Amon Ra be blessed and Hail Satan!
Wonderful to hear that you have had such a beautiful experience :)

Sun is now in Sagittarius, you can actually do its square any Sunday now. It isn't the best timing, but it will still be quite effective. And then you can do it again when it is in Aries in March/April.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Your response to this is simply beautiful and filled with praise and emotion. Thank you for this wonderful response.

Thank you, as ever. It's an honor to do these rituals and they've often been the defining part of my path.
With three-natured Gods of Egypt invoked, I'll look forward to what I'm sure will be the inevitable ritual for Thoth-Hermes-Mercury as well. For now, thank you for giving our Gods the light they deserve. May Amum Ra feel the highest amount of love since he's felt since the pinnacle of Egypt.
Incredible ritual great job everybody involved, I was shocked by how quickly and how powerfully I felt Amon's energy post ritual, I was feeling a lot of anxiety during as I kept getting random thoughts and messed up the vibrations a few times and feeling such an awesome wave of calming energy was exactly what I needed and I wanted to express my gratitude to Amon publicly for this, also did anybody else feel an incredible power in their solar chakra!? It was INCREDIBLE!

Two things though with certain runes I struggle for pronunciation basically any rune with an r that isnt at the start or end when I try and roll my r's for those runes, I feel like I mess it up, can I just chant r in the way its done for the raum chant on the opening the solar chakra page on JoS for those runes or should I keep trying to roll my r's for those words even if it means the chant for those words is a little wonky, I can do it fine for most runes but perthro in particular is very difficult for me.

And secondly when finishing a ritual and doing my salutations which is proper etiquette for the gods do I hail Satan first in my salutations or last e.g: Hail Amon!, Hail Satan! or the reverse or does it not matter, I want to be as respectful as possible.
Hs666 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:

Because the gods are called differently. But, in this case, I make them both vibrate in the same way.

Yes, as far as "stew" and "It" are concerned.

Ok, well thanks for your advice. It's frustrating to see different people vibrating it slightly different ways. It makes me wonder what's correct. For example, you could easily vibrate Bielgar as BEE-EHHLL-GGAARR.
OuroborphicMystery said:
Though He is not my beloved Guardian, I have always felt indescribably great, instinctive adoration for our glorious Sun God. I am positively exuberant to be blessing Him. This is gonna be a good mini-schedule!

Hail Father Satan and Hail all His Sons!

Greetings Brother,

I apologize for using this way but I lost your address and am unable to contact you otherwise. If you don't mind, there's a few things I'd like to discuss.

In the light of Marduk may we all grow to be worthy of being part of this great house.


Arcadia said:
May Amum Ra feel the highest amount of love since he's felt since the pinnacle of Egypt.

I sincerely believe that Lord Amon Ra is one of the most beloved of the Gods. He arouses so many feelings. It's just crazy. This great God is deep in all of our unconscious and in all of our DNA.
First-born of our Father!

I have so much love and admiration for Lord Amon.

May He be praised forever!
Hail Father Satan !
I don't think anyone asked this question. Although now that I think about it I think HP.Cobra on one of the God rituals did state this happens. I'm just double confirming in case I hallucinated the answer.

But do the Goddess/God rituals do they allow the being of higher power to have more influence on Earth and manipulate the enemy more.

Are we "downloading" Amon Ra's psionic presence unto the planet?

I know we are blessing ourselves much like the RTR help us get out of negativity. But does the specific God/Goddess and Gods that harness Amon Ra in mythology like Ra-Ptah, Satan+Ra including the entities that work with the specific God like his spirit legions and extra-terrestrial assisting mini-Gods like the Gargoyles or Pazuzu's bird people or the rock people like Legend of Zelda, gorgon people like Bes?(I'm not saying Bes is made of rock just looks a lot like Legend of Zelda species in the game).

Do they gain more influence on Earth and feel things better to better manipulate reality and bring about doom and gloom on the enemy and restore our Paganicity?
It's the first time I'm doing the ritual for Amon Ra-sama, I've done this ritual for other demons, but when I did this one I felt a super positive and very pleasant energy that I didn't want this ritual to end. Did I have a connection with him in another life or is it possible that he is my Guardian? I know that when I was a small child I painted a lot of things about ancient Egypt.
Sarramixa said:
Hs666 said:
Sarramixa said:
Hey, Im having privacy problems a little bit, i want to participate on future Ones, now is to late to do this One is it possible to do the ritual on my astral temple? I dont think is possible, because if i dont vibrante the runes is useless?

Yes, it can be done, in any way. Although it should be done out loud. It can be done, in a low voice or mentally.
Thanks 👍
I have done them in my mind , and you can crank the volume way up mentally where it reverberates through the ethers, and expands more than the physical sounds. Try it
At the end of the demon ritual it says to meditate on the sigil and receive the energy from them. I've done a ritual before, but I didn't know how to meditate on a sigil and receive the enrgies and when I tried, I didn't feel any.
How do you meditate on the sigils to receive energies? Is there a specific way? Do I have to wait longer?
Also what does it mean by meditating on myself? Does that mean void meditation?
Meditating on a name can be done by vibrating it as you would with a mantra or rune. It's to be felt in your soul first and then introspection occurs afterwards. You can think over how the vibration feels to you, what thoughts come to your head. What is the meaning of your feelings coming from vibrating the name.

The same type of focus can be done on a number. You start by focusing only on the number, (you can visualize it too), and feel the energy that comes from 'breathing in' that specific number. And then again, introspection on what the energy itself can mean or represent.

The symbol also is both feeling and visualization. Example being Satan's sigil, not only can it be felt upon visualizing and 'breathing it in,' the shape of the sigil itself has meaning, with a major concept of his sigil representing the union of the masculine and feminine energy. So for symbols, the shape of it would also have to be considered as your breathing in its energy.

So overall, meditating on yourself means to totally tune in to how you "feel" after performing the ritual.

To help you further, work on the Energy Meditation:
It's very evident that Amon Ra's energy says subtly " take it easy / be at ease" . This is feeling now comes to me to change a certain way I can feel. This subtle inner voice or feeling also has the strength to assert will and believe.
I'm just saying how I've felt and how my feelings have been influenced by these feeling that comes like a voice of advice but it's not a voice, just another better option to feel.
I hope I was able to explain my experiences
The Raven said:
Sarramixa said:
Hs666 said:
Yes, it can be done, in any way. Although it should be done out loud. It can be done, in a low voice or mentally.
Thanks 👍
I have done them in my mind , and you can crank the volume way up mentally where it reverberates through the ethers, and expands more than the physical sounds. Try it

Lol, I'll really advice to try and viberate them , u can do it in such a way your voice is really low but you a lone can hear it. That's how I do mine sometimes. I have noticed that everytime I think I'll be interupted especially bcos of no privacy, I always find the way to do it.
Also if you're the type that's too open to people, always ready for a conversation, try to be more reserved and by your action, try to want to be alone or quiet, with that you can always create that space for yourself.
So whenever I see situations like this , I usually feel you don't want it enough. I've been on the sea for a year with roommates and colleagues, yet I did my med and God Rituals very consistently. Find a way.
It's better to vibrate it. Also remember the vibration is short so you won't even spend much time. Do it.
TruthSeekerXX said:

Focus on the seal, relax and try to feel its energy. D'ont worry, if you don't feel it, it depends on your sensitivity, concentration and more.

Meditade on yourself = Meditate/Work on your soul through spritual work.

Void Meditation:
The Raven said:
Sarramixa said:
Hs666 said:
Yes, it can be done, in any way. Although it should be done out loud. It can be done, in a low voice or mentally.
Thanks 👍
I have done them in my mind , and you can crank the volume way up mentally where it reverberates through the ethers, and expands more than the physical sounds. Try it
Thanks, i Will use That tecniqe on future rituals if necessary, i have been able to get some privacy and i started, i had to make a break but Will finish this afternoon, i know is not ideal but In my situation is better like this, i decided to do only today and maybe tomorrow if i can, i didnt start on the 3 of december but still better than nothing i guess.
TruthSeekerXX said:
At the end of the demon ritual it says to meditate on the sigil and receive the energy from them. I've done a ritual before, but I didn't know how to meditate on a sigil and receive the enrgies and when I tried, I didn't feel any.
How do you meditate on the sigils to receive energies? Is there a specific way? Do I have to wait longer?
Also what does it mean by meditating on myself? Does that mean void meditation?

Try to focus on the energy that's entering your body. If you don't feel anything, it's okay, over time you will start feeling something. Use your imagination in this case and visualize lots of golden like and positive energy entering your body
Manofsatan said:
The Raven said:
Sarramixa said:
I have done them in my mind , and you can crank the volume way up mentally where it reverberates through the ethers, and expands more than the physical sounds. Try it

Lol, I'll really advice to try and viberate them , u can do it in such a way your voice is really low but you a lone can hear it. That's how I do mine sometimes. I have noticed that everytime I think I'll be interupted especially bcos of no privacy, I always find the way to do it.
Also if you're the type that's too open to people, always ready for a conversation, try to be more reserved and by your action, try to want to be alone or quiet, with that you can always create that space for yourself.
So whenever I see situations like this , I usually feel you don't want it enough. I've been on the sea for a year with roommates and colleagues, yet I did my med and God Rituals very consistently. Find a way.
It's better to vibrate it. Also remember the vibration is short so you won't even spend much time. Do it.

Thats true maybe i didnt want enough, its hard to hear its because is true, thanks for the tips

I agree when you say that this inner voice, this energy has the will to assert and believe, but I think it's curious how what I felt wasn't "take it easy" or "be at ease", but in my case it was more about "get up, you can do this" or "fight, don't give up". I've felt way more energized since starting, and this leads me to believe that the Gods know what kind of energy everyone needs at any given time. I definitely needed this push to go on, to try harder, and Lord Amon Ra nailed it. I'm just telling my experience because I think it is a nice contrast to yours, and how different people can receive different energies, even if the God/Goddess in question is the same.

[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=475724 time=1701710567 user_id=57]
Thank you! I had given up on that Sun Square for the month :lol:
I'll get ready for this Sunday.
I just finish and i fell a tranquility and also faith, i was anxious about the future now i know i Will manadge dont need to bE anxious, dont Panic organize. Thank u so much lord Amon Ra! Its hard to believe sometimes, but without faith its Impossible to move on. Hail Satan!
Dhruv said:
Can someone please confirm or correct my pronunciation of these names?

AMON RA - AMON as in "Aw", "Mon" as in "Monday"
BI-ELGAR BI as in bee, El as in the letter "L", gAr with a as in Apple or Ah?
HA-AMON Again what "a" sound in "HA"?
AMUN-RA-PTAH Mun = moon? A sound in PTAH?


Help please :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
