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Altered and Super Saiyan Meditations To Take Your Power Meditations To The Next Level


New member
Dec 3, 2021
Good Morning my fellow comrades. As you all know we are in a spiritual war against degenerates who wish to turn this once beautiful kingdom called Earth into a degenerate cesspool completely devoid of spirituality, individuality, freedom, and the long forgotten ancient knowledge that kept this world balanced and in order.

For the past 6 years now ever since finding Joy of Satan I have been getting severely targeted by jewish cucks, psychic vampires, christian and islamic nut jobs, and brain dead NPC zombies who believe by putting out another person's light will make theirs brighter. I went from being a popular spiritual influencer on social media, to homeless, human trafficked, and humiliated. Constantly under psychic attacks, being drained by degenerate psychic vampires, all my business ideas stolen, and people in the music industry signed to jewish labels befriending me and then trying to groom me and abuse me when I refused to comply.

Well I have snapped. I have officially snapped. I will no longer be anyone's victim and I'm not only going to destroy a lot of people, i'm getting my MF BAG, I'm taking my MF CROWN, and making earth lit again and hope you guys will join me.

Let's go. Returning Curses 1 & 2 Improvised with added meditations

With your minds eye, create a giant wormhole portal that has the mechanism of a turbo speed vacuum. Make it as large as possible. This is designed that nothing can lead to you, and can only suction things that you program it to vacuum and send elsewhere. Imagine it as a bright golden white portal like the sun. Build an astral temple dungeon to direct everything you remove to be stored here.

"The powerful, invisible, brilliant golden vacuum has completely and totally cleaned and removed all spells, hexes, curses, bindings, entities, etheric and astral tags and implants, etheric and astral parasites, psychic vampire tendrils, black magick, graveyard magick, astral hooks, thoughtforms, death spells, santeria, voodoo, vodun, IFA, obeah, hoodoo, evil eye, christian & jewish prayers and thoughtforms, wicca, white magick, chaos magick, mind control, anchors, hatred, ill will, jinxes, kabbalah magick, hypnosis and prompts, disease, trauma, PTSD, ceremonial magick, ill will, negative energy, and anything else of malevolent intention on or connected to my mind, body, soul, chakras, aura, etheric field, akashic records, finances, love life, and all my astral bodies, subtle bodies, emotional bodies, casual bodies, celestial bodies, etheric bodies, and mental bodies in the name of the true Gods & Goddesses/Satan. This is permanent and cannot be reversed or sent back to me, across all space time continuums, all dimensions, all universes, all timelines, all frequency domains, all bubbles in the omniverse, all planes of existences, the astral and etheric realms, and the entire Quantum Matrix.

State this three times, then activate the vacuum. Make sure your astral dungeon that has high security, weapons of destruction, booby traps, and the guards of your choosing to protect this place this until later use when it's time to use another portal to dump it on your enemies. do this everyday for a month, then at the end of the month create multiple portals and target all your enemies and key figures in the jewish community.

Repeat this exercise 3 times.

Trust me when I say this works. My family is in financial ruin and my mother had to sell her house and downgrade to a ranch, that is full of problems and will make her bankrupt. My father's business is declining and he is losing money and his health fast. A girl that was targeting me doing black magic on me is in severe debt, lost her condo, and gets uglier and uglier every day. all the people in the music industry that targeted me fell off. They one got millions of views on their music videos, now their videos cant even get 10,000 views. All of their instagram accounts keep getting deleted. One of them made her 7th instagram account, and it got deleted again and has to resort to porn now to make a living. The other 2 accounts deleted. another jewish cuck is shadow banned and songs can't reach past 5,000 views and sony kicked them off the label. Oh the list is endless, I enjoy to hurt them even more.

Next exercise. This one is a bit controversial because many of you will believe that none of these exist, but they really do and are technologies and tactics used by the jews, draconians, reptilians, and greys. they have advanced technology. so whether you think i'm crazy, swallow your pride and do it and you will see how it benefits your life.

"My aura, etheric field, chakras, subtle bodies, emotional bodies, mental bodies, astral bodies, celestial bodies, casual bodies, and etheric bodies are constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling all narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths, etheric cords, tendrils, energy and psychic vampires, freemasons, christians, jews, muslims, mormons, scientologists, drug addicts, illuminati members, jesuits, werewolves, greys, reptilians, draconians, archons, spiders, intersections, remote viewers, astral spies, gangstalkers, the CIA, strongmen, jezebels, familiar spirits, jesus, malevolent entities, astral parasites, hackers, the FBI, MIB, NSA, telepathic attacks, mind readers, abductions, skim walkers, emf radiation, smart dust, scalar and direct energy weapons, voice to skull technology, government agents, the order of the golden dawn, Jinns, morgellons, nanotechnology, the effects of chemtrails, blank state technologies, disease, trauma, PTSD, 5G and satellite frequencies, low vibrational energies, rapists and predators, emotional vampires, cult members, evil secret society members, muslims, and all malevolent witches/warlocks/occultists/wizards/brujas in the name of the TRUE GODS and Goddesses, across all space time continuums, all dimensions, all universes, all timelines, all universes, all frequency domains, across all bubbles in the omniverse, the etheric and astral realms, , all planes of existences, the entire quantum matrix, and anywhere else i'm unaware of."

Repeat 18-26 times daily after doing returning curses. Not only envision a bright white light for your aura, but a layer over that is your etheric field. The stronger it gets, the more it will look like this really advanced looking force field that has hues of the rainbow and looks like an electric fence (looks like this https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/powerlisting/images/2/2f/Chase%27s_Foce_Field_Ball.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20200423233545)

This has worked wonders for me. No more astral attacks, gangstalking has reached a minimum, no more getting poisoned, i sleep like a baby, and for example I met a narcissist and my aura programming worked so well that when he saw me at the beach, he literally got up and walked to the opposite side of the beach to avoid me.

Exercise 3:

"My aura and etheric field are constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling all spells, hexes, curses, bindings, entities, etheric and astral parasites, black magick, graveyard magick, thoughtforms, death spells, santeria, voodoo, negative energy, evil eye, christian and jewish prayers, vodun, voodoo, hoodoo, obeah, wicca, white magick, chaos magick, solomonic magick, hatred, ill will, jinxes, kabbalah magick, IFA, directed entities, anger, disease, ceremonial magick, all forms of magic secret societies use, and anything else im unaware of with malevolent intent and IMMEDIATELY sends them back to the senders a trillion times stronger times three. This is permanent, cannot be reversed, or sent back to me. In the name of the TRUE Gods and Goddesses. Across all space time continuums, all dimensions, all universes, all dimensions, all frequency domains, all timelines, across all bubbles in the omniverse, the entire quantum matrix, all planes of existences, the etheric and astral realms, and anywhere else I'm unaware of."

Repeat 18 to 26 times and make sure to say it will all your force, all your might, and imagine someone hexing you and it immediately bouncing back and destroying them within seconds.

Exercise 4:
aura of protection revised.

3 times, breathe in energy from the sun. The more sensitive you are, the more you'll be able to feel it when your drawing in energy from the sun. Repeat " I have breathed in powerful protective energy from the sun. This energy has built an invisible aura and force field around me. This aura and force field protect me at all times in EVERY WAY"

If your astral senses are strong, like myself you'll literally see that electric rainbow force field I mentioned start to shine and dazzle. Its really cool.

Do this for 40 days straight. Make a schedule, write it down. choose a time everyday you will commit to when the moon isn't in void. I recommended wearing white everyday for the duration of this as white is a cleansing colour. To go the extra mile, do a full body cleanse. I don't advocate for veganism, but a lot of meat today is toxic so cleanses are necessary.

for the entire 40 days do the medical medium cleanse. Only eat fruits and vegetables. Cut all oils, meat, fats, nuts, seeds, butters, dairy out of your diet. do not bake or fry your food. Only

Invest in herbs like Haritaki, Kutki Churna, Turmeric and Curcumin, Ginger, Garlic, Cilantro, and Spirulina. This all helps detoxify heavy metals and bad toxins from your body Also if you rub your gums with haritaki every day, it will help you manifest more abundance in your life. The first time I tried it, the next day someone sent me 245$ for no reason.

Make a paste with turmeric, buy some kum kum and mix it with the tumeric paste and add a pinch of black pepper. Everyday for 9-13 days apply the paste to your forehead to detoxify your pineal gland. Trust me, this works. also invest in sea moss paste as iodine helps to decalcify the pineal gland.

After all this, you can go back to eating meat. For now, just vegetables, smoothies, LOTS OF fruits like pineapple, papaya, kiwi, oranges, various tropical fruits. No grains whatsoever. no rice, no cereals, breads, nothing.

Practice ayurveda, please dont mix certain foods together. Fruits are always to be eat on their own, and melons should never be mixed with other fruit.

I know this all sounds over board and intense, but as I learned, would you rather be weak, or put in the effort to become a powerful satanist and super saiyan up so we can DEFEAT OUR ENEMIES. Health is wealth. As above, so below, and vice versa. You gutt is your second brain, so if your gut is unhealthy, so will your mind. This will block your GOD GIVEN intuition and indecently block your pineal gland which is connected to your vagus nerve fyi. One this is complete and you choose to eat meat, only eat grass fed and organic and make sure its not a fake company pretending it's organic and grass fed.

Buy a non lactose base probiotics and for this month, overdose on them. Take 5 of thos probiotics a day, it sounds like pseudoscience and magic, but this will change you gut microbes rapidly and make it so you never crave junk food again. You'll eat junk food and it will taste like poop, literally. You'll start craving fruits, veggies, and healthy wholesome natural foods like our bodies were designed too. The enemy purposely puts addictive chemicals in the frankenfood to make you hooked so you will continue to buy. These foods are designed to lower your vibration and also lower your IQ. The man that told me about this probiotic trick, I thought he was crazy. Then I tried it, and it actually worked. If I eat chips I want to throw up.


Everyday when you brush your teeth, stand on your left food and use your left hand to brush your teeth. No matter how uncomfortable, don't stop. Do this for two minutes. Begin journaling, and everyday before bed do a journal entry and write with your left hand.

There is a reason that most everyday objects in society are designed for people who are right handed. Scissors, school desks, note books, mouses, keyboards. There's also a reason that once upon a time in the 1900's school teachers you to hit students with paddles and rulers for using their left hand. There's also a reason that once upon a time in the dark ages, if people saw you writing with your left hand or using your left hand they would label you a witch and burn you at the stake.

The FAKE "elites", the nasty jews for centuries now have been trying to suppress and hide knowledge about the right side of the brain, which is far superior to the left brain. The conscious brain only accounts for less than 0.5-5% of the brain, while the subconscious accounts for 95-99% of the brain. That's why you'll hear scientists say will only use a small percentage of our brains. This is a direct attack by the enemy.

So start doing this everyday, and if you want while meditating in tree position, stand on your left foot on some object you can balance on and do void meditation for 2-10 minutes depending on where you are at with void meditation. I will later write a topic about the suppression of the left hand/right brain.

Next, I want you to buy a bag of chickens feet, black ribbon, a couple of shoe boxes, and print the pictures of all the enemies. All the rothschild family members, paris hilton's sister Nikki hilton, Drake the rapper, Madonna, Various rabbis, the head pope of the vatican, all jewish celebrities and ceos, and all prominent jews in society, the heads of all jewish own banks. Find out all of their birthdates. On the back of the each picture, write out their full names, write down their birthdays. Cut 6 inches of the black ribbon, Take a pair of the chickens feet and with the black ribbon tie the picture of the person to the chickens feet.

While you do this take all rage you have pent up against them or anything that angers you and imagine the most evil, most fowl things you can think of happening to these people and envision an aura of death around them. If you want, throw some items in there that represent death and torture. Some damaged cars, mini explosives, a toy gun, etc. Go to a graveyard or cross road and dig a hole 6 inches deep, bury the box, cover up the hole. Do a prayer to the Gods and Goddesses to help destroy these people, Then walk away. Don't under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES LOOK BACK. AT ALL. Just walk away, and go do something fun and never think about what you just did ever again.

Please make a youtube playlist and listen to these EVERYDAY in the exact order I have linked them. Frequencies and Morphogenic Fields have been proven by science to work and are not placebo effects. I have used morphogenetic fields to straighten my teeth, and make my hair grow 9 inches in one month, heal my posture, straighten my spine, amongst many other things to help with spiritual health.


In the future I will be making more posts, but let's start off with this and GETTT IT. Time to defeat the enemy once and for all.

I know a lot of ya'll looooooooove to hate my guts for no reason, but truthfully I'm so thankful a lot of you bullied me. You helped me go harder with power meditations, boss up, and conquer so many attacks, spiritual warfare, gangstalking, oppression, and attempts on my life. Your bullying motivated me to become more powerful.

Just in November I was depressed suicidal, broke, and lived in the hood. Now I'm super duper happy, empowered once again, wake up everyday with gratitude, rebuilding my social media following rapidly, rebuilding everything my enemies destroyed, and live in a luxury condo that has a rooftop pool.

Take my advice or don't, but just know I'm not your enemy, definitely not a jew, and far far far from stupid :) I shouldn't even be sharing any of these meditations truthfully, but i'm not in a crab in a barrel or have to tear others down to feel powerful so I will be generous and be the bigger person.
Okay, not sure what kind of drugs might be going on here but based off of “music scene” and the general attitude plus the rant, I’d say first of all get off of those and keep this off of the forums. You’re not onto anything big. Also, maybe stay out of the “music scene” too.
Well if your in this music scene and doing Jewish stuff that explains the problems. Don't understand all of this or much of it and it doesn't sound like an occult working more like some rant from a skitsophrenic person.
I was just thinking to myself the other day, "haven't seen that many drug addicts on the forums lately."

Saying "I'm definitely not a jew" is the biggest take away from this post. Someone who actually meditates doesn't have this level of disturbed paranoia. For any newer person in the groups all the things this person complains about are almost all created in their own mind.
You are an unstable and not advanced person at best, you should stick to taking advice instead of giving advice.
According to the lore, Saiyajins were sent to earth to conquer it, they are foreign to earth and an enemy alien race.
Also, this word closely resembles the word Sayanim, which in reality are undercover jewish agents whose work is to infiltrate people and gather information.
slyscorpion said:
Well if your in this music scene and doing Jewish stuff that explains the problems. Don't understand all of this or much of it and it doesn't sound like an occult working more like some rant from a skitsophrenic person.

Wow back to your normal bullying self once again. I was surprised that you were actually being nice to me for once in previous posts. Looks like that didn’t last very long.

I’ve been diagnosed by a psychiatrist for complex-PTSD, anxiety, and depression. No skitzo diagnosis so not sure why you think you can throw around diagnosis’.

Everything I said here was sound minded and coherent. A lot of advice I have also is scientific based? Health is wealth, a healthy body is a healthy mind.

All those herbs really do help your body, and the hindus in India use tumeric and Kum Kum for pineal gland detoxification from the fluoride.

But I’m crazy and delusional?

The funny thing is I bet you 1000$ that you’re going to go take my advice like you did when I mentioned psychic vampires attaching tendrils to drain you. I mentioned that book, and boom you went ahead and did the ritual BECAUSE of me and pretended that you thought up the idea to do it all on your own.

It’s fine, it’s been made very clear here that most of you on here are bullies, lack real power in real life so in order to feel superior and significant you have to tear down others and try to dim another’s light to feel yours shines brighter.

I wish you healing from whatever caused you to be a bully.

When you guys wonder why no one wants to become a satanist and why so many people leave joy of Satan (I’ve seen multiple posts where people left)? Just remember it’s you and your fellow bullies giving a very bad name to it going around calling everyone a Jew, drug addict, and scizo, and ganging up on them.

You make spiritual satanism look like a joke and look just like how the media paints it out to be.

I’m out!
Aquarius said:
You are an unstable and not advanced person at best, you should stick to taking advice instead of giving advice.

Okay well since this is horrible , stupid, paranoid? Scizo advice and I’m so unstable you can ask hooded cobra to delete my post and ban my account then since I’m not worthy to be apart of joy of Satan and not worthy or being treated with kindness and respect.
You’ve got to keep your affirmations simple. The more complex they are the less likely that the energy you’ve raised will do anything.
fairy666 said:
Aquarius said:
You are an unstable and not advanced person at best, you should stick to taking advice instead of giving advice.

Okay well since this is horrible , stupid, paranoid? Scizo advice and I’m so unstable you can ask hooded cobra to delete my post and ban my account then since I’m not worthy to be apart of joy of Satan and not worthy or being treated with kindness and respect.
Why would I? Stay here, learn, grow and heal.
You shouldn't act like this at the first sign of criticism.
Sundara said:
Okay, not sure what kind of drugs might be going on here but based off of “music scene” and the general attitude plus the rant, I’d say first of all get off of those and keep this off of the forums. You’re not onto anything big. Also, maybe stay out of the “music scene” too.

Music & art is my passion so no, i will not be staying away from pursuing my dreams.

I looked through the forum and saw many people left joy of satan and begged for their accounts to be deleted. There's a reason why, and it's not because they're weak.

You all make satanism look like how the media and society paints it out to be. you want people to join but then scare them away with your mob mentality and superiority complexes.

Go ask hooded cobra to remove my schizophrenic rants, schizophrenic advice, and ban my account. I'm not worthy to be in your presence your highness.
Aquarius said:
fairy666 said:
Aquarius said:
You are an unstable and not advanced person at best, you should stick to taking advice instead of giving advice.

Okay well since this is horrible , stupid, paranoid? Scizo advice and I’m so unstable you can ask hooded cobra to delete my post and ban my account then since I’m not worthy to be apart of joy of Satan and not worthy or being treated with kindness and respect.
Why would I? Stay here, learn, grow and heal.
You shouldn't act like this at the first sign of criticism.

I worked very hard doing power meditations, and the unstable meditations I posted here to get to a point where I'm not constantly under psychic attack, targeted as badly, not be suicidal, and have more contentment and willpower for life.

Whenever I come back on this forum, most of you make me start feeling suicidal again, and like I said I worked very hard not to feel that way.. There is a difference between constructive criticism, and just overall just being cruel.

For my own safety and mental health, I respectfully don't want to be affiliated with this website because all these comments made me cry and start feeling suicidal again. You all have made is clear i'm not welcome here.

I hope you have a good day
fairy666 said:
Sundara said:
Okay, not sure what kind of drugs might be going on here but based off of “music scene” and the general attitude plus the rant, I’d say first of all get off of those and keep this off of the forums. You’re not onto anything big. Also, maybe stay out of the “music scene” too.

Music & art is my passion so no, i will not be staying away from pursuing my dreams.

I looked through the forum and saw many people left joy of satan and begged for their accounts to be deleted. There's a reason why, and it's not because they're weak.

You all make satanism look like how the media and society paints it out to be. you want people to join but then scare them away with your mob mentality and superiority complexes.

Go ask hooded cobra to remove my schizophrenic rants, schizophrenic advice, and ban my account. I'm not worthy to be in your presence your highness.
Being part of the forum does not make you a Spiritual Satanist. This is simply a community for us to exchange ideas for many different things, and evolve along with it all. You can very well be a SS only lurking here. Anyone who 'leaves' never was a Spiritual Satanist. You do not simply enter and leave, it's just incomphrehensible for anyone who understands the value and importance of the 8 fold path. The posts you are referring to are trolls and/or outsiders dabbling in satanism.

You should learn to take criticism better. You are now acting like a victim here which does not serve you nor anyone else. Learn, grow, evolve. Or die trying.
Henu the Great said:
fairy666 said:
Sundara said:
Okay, not sure what kind of drugs might be going on here but based off of “music scene” and the general attitude plus the rant, I’d say first of all get off of those and keep this off of the forums. You’re not onto anything big. Also, maybe stay out of the “music scene” too.

Music & art is my passion so no, i will not be staying away from pursuing my dreams.

I looked through the forum and saw many people left joy of satan and begged for their accounts to be deleted. There's a reason why, and it's not because they're weak.

You all make satanism look like how the media and society paints it out to be. you want people to join but then scare them away with your mob mentality and superiority complexes.

Go ask hooded cobra to remove my schizophrenic rants, schizophrenic advice, and ban my account. I'm not worthy to be in your presence your highness.
Being part of the forum does not make you a Spiritual Satanist. This is simply a community for us to exchange ideas for many different things, and evolve along with it all. You can very well be a SS only lurking here. Anyone who 'leaves' never was a Spiritual Satanist. You do not simply enter and leave, it's just incomphrehensible for anyone who understands the value and importance of the 8 fold path. The posts you are referring to are trolls and/or outsiders dabbling in satanism.

You should learn to take criticism better. You are now acting like a victim here which does not serve you nor anyone else. Learn, grow, evolve. Or die trying.

Yeah but like I said there is a difference between criticism and cruelty. People like Blitzkreig are a perfect example of someone who gives me criticism in a constructive manner. Since I joined this forum, he has shown my nothing but kindness and respect while calling me out on where I'm wrong, or when correcting me. He criticizes me without name calling me, belittling me, and using harsh language. He has disagreed with many things I've said, and have called me out on many things many time and him and I have never been in an argument. He has given very good advice.

That, is constructive criticism.

Telling me i'm a jew, a drug addict, unstable, accusing me of being skizo, stupid, etc and like what Sundara said: ". I am sure other spiritual groups and artist groups would be happy if you fled too."

or something saying "I was just thinking to myself the other day, "haven't seen that many drug addicts on the forums lately."

these things are not constructive criticism. It is cruel, and it is bullying.

I do not feel safe in this forum. I really wanted to be accepted by you guys and just shown kindness and respect but you have showed me just like my parents and peers that i'm not worthy to be treated with neither kindness or respect. I will never trust a single human being ever again and will stay isolated.

Being on here makes me suicidal. I will grant all of your wishes and won't ever come back here since i'm not worthy.
Henu the Great said:
fairy666 said:
Sundara said:
Okay, not sure what kind of drugs might be going on here but based off of “music scene” and the general attitude plus the rant, I’d say first of all get off of those and keep this off of the forums. You’re not onto anything big. Also, maybe stay out of the “music scene” too.

Music & art is my passion so no, i will not be staying away from pursuing my dreams.

I looked through the forum and saw many people left joy of satan and begged for their accounts to be deleted. There's a reason why, and it's not because they're weak.

You all make satanism look like how the media and society paints it out to be. you want people to join but then scare them away with your mob mentality and superiority complexes.

Go ask hooded cobra to remove my schizophrenic rants, schizophrenic advice, and ban my account. I'm not worthy to be in your presence your highness.
Being part of the forum does not make you a Spiritual Satanist. This is simply a community for us to exchange ideas for many different things, and evolve along with it all. You can very well be a SS only lurking here. Anyone who 'leaves' never was a Spiritual Satanist. You do not simply enter and leave, it's just incomphrehensible for anyone who understands the value and importance of the 8 fold path. The posts you are referring to are trolls and/or outsiders dabbling in satanism.

You should learn to take criticism better. You are now acting like a victim here which does not serve you nor anyone else. Learn, grow, evolve. Or die trying.

don't get it twisted, yeah im leaving this weird bullying cult but truly I thank all of you for being mean to me.

Im in my feelings right now and emotional but when I wipe my tears, i'll just use peoples cruelty as an another opportunity to grow stronger and persevere against all odds and those that oppose me.

So truly, thank you.

I'm not a victim, I'm a survivor. I survived multiple hits put out on my life, lifelong abuse and bullying, targeting, gang-stalking. no weapon formed against me will prevail.

I only want to be around people who lift me up and empower me because thats how I treat people that I love and care about. My old social media before it got destroyed by my fake friends and stupid mother, I used my platform to uplift others and empower them and go against societies goal to disempower people and lower them to nothing but numbers
in a computer, and corporate slaves .

"Society lied to you. Know your worth.
It aint got nothing to do with your race, appearance, weight, gender, class, social status, what kind of car you drive, the clothes you wear, the job your work, how big your house is, or financial status."

139 likes on that post ^^^^

Yet people wanna diss and bully me and act like I deserve it? oh well. I will wipe my tears and search else where for community that has the same mentality as me and don't have to tear others down to feel powerful.
fairy666 said:
Okay well since this is horrible , stupid, paranoid? Scizo advice and I’m so unstable you can ask hooded cobra to delete my post and ban my account then since I’m not worthy to be apart of joy of Satan and not worthy or being treated with kindness and respect.

You were victimized in the past and that has put you in a low frequency, combative state. Now you are very likely to perceive anything as an attack. You need to get out of that state of mind.
I always try to keep my mind at a high frequency and nothing affects me.
fairy666 said:

If all of this works for you fine, but most of the affirmations etc is allready covered by the normal aop, returning curses allready puplished, maybe tendrils should be added.

It´s also fine to have a big imagination. But I think these are more personal and won´t help most other people.

If I would do everything you stated, I would have to use much more time, time which I can spend otherwise better.

We want to advance as efficient as we can.

If you don´t do Kunda or Hatha joga, you should do these, daily.
fairy666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Well if your in this music scene and doing Jewish stuff that explains the problems. Don't understand all of this or much of it and it doesn't sound like an occult working more like some rant from a skitsophrenic person.

Wow back to your normal bullying self once again. I was surprised that you were actually being nice to me for once in previous posts. Looks like that didn’t last very long.

I’ve been diagnosed by a psychiatrist for complex-PTSD, anxiety, and depression. No skitzo diagnosis so not sure why you think you can throw around diagnosis’.

Everything I said here was sound minded and coherent. A lot of advice I have also is scientific based? Health is wealth, a healthy body is a healthy mind.

All those herbs really do help your body, and the hindus in India use tumeric and Kum Kum for pineal gland detoxification from the fluoride.

But I’m crazy and delusional?

The funny thing is I bet you 1000$ that you’re going to go take my advice like you did when I mentioned psychic vampires attaching tendrils to drain you. I mentioned that book, and boom you went ahead and did the ritual BECAUSE of me and pretended that you thought up the idea to do it all on your own.

It’s fine, it’s been made very clear here that most of you on here are bullies, lack real power in real life so in order to feel superior and significant you have to tear down others and try to dim another’s light to feel yours shines brighter.

I wish you healing from whatever caused you to be a bully.

When you guys wonder why no one wants to become a satanist and why so many people leave joy of Satan (I’ve seen multiple posts where people left)? Just remember it’s you and your fellow bullies giving a very bad name to it going around calling everyone a Jew, drug addict, and scizo, and ganging up on them.

You make spiritual satanism look like a joke and look just like how the media paints it out to be.

I’m out!

Not really bullying you simply stating facts. Take it or leave it. We can't have a bunch of people doing meditations that are unproven at best and target stuff that doesn't exist or isn't an issue or at worst don't do anything or are actually harmful how do we know this isn't from the types of things you claim happen to you. We don't need a bunch of SS having bad experiences like you do by some kind of energy or attachment to something bad. Most probably including me dont understand what this is getting at or doing so far as the meditations you posted.

Doing something spiritual you don't understand at all is like piloting an airplane by punching a bunch or random buttons and doing random stuff. Probably not going to have a good result.

So people have to be careful.

That is why people are writing this stuff.
slyscorpion said:
fairy666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Well if your in this music scene and doing Jewish stuff that explains the problems. Don't understand all of this or much of it and it doesn't sound like an occult working more like some rant from a skitsophrenic person.

Wow back to your normal bullying self once again. I was surprised that you were actually being nice to me for once in previous posts. Looks like that didn’t last very long.

I’ve been diagnosed by a psychiatrist for complex-PTSD, anxiety, and depression. No skitzo diagnosis so not sure why you think you can throw around diagnosis’.

Everything I said here was sound minded and coherent. A lot of advice I have also is scientific based? Health is wealth, a healthy body is a healthy mind.

All those herbs really do help your body, and the hindus in India use tumeric and Kum Kum for pineal gland detoxification from the fluoride.

But I’m crazy and delusional?

The funny thing is I bet you 1000$ that you’re going to go take my advice like you did when I mentioned psychic vampires attaching tendrils to drain you. I mentioned that book, and boom you went ahead and did the ritual BECAUSE of me and pretended that you thought up the idea to do it all on your own.

It’s fine, it’s been made very clear here that most of you on here are bullies, lack real power in real life so in order to feel superior and significant you have to tear down others and try to dim another’s light to feel yours shines brighter.

I wish you healing from whatever caused you to be a bully.

When you guys wonder why no one wants to become a satanist and why so many people leave joy of Satan (I’ve seen multiple posts where people left)? Just remember it’s you and your fellow bullies giving a very bad name to it going around calling everyone a Jew, drug addict, and scizo, and ganging up on them.

You make spiritual satanism look like a joke and look just like how the media paints it out to be.

I’m out!

Not really bullying you simply stating facts. Take it or leave it. We can't have a bunch of people doing meditations that are unproven at best and target stuff that doesn't exist or isn't an issue or at worst don't do anything or are actually harmful how do we know this isn't from the types of things you claim happen to you. We don't need a bunch of SS having bad experiences like you do by some kind of energy or attachment to something bad. Most probably including me dont understand what this is getting at or doing so far as the meditations you posted.

Doing something spiritual you don't understand at all is like piloting an airplane by punching a bunch or random buttons and doing random stuff. Probably not going to have a good result.

So people have to be careful.

That is why people are writing this stuff.

If you wrote how you just wrote, I wouldn't of taken it personally. It's the resorting to name calling thats a bit off to me. I learned in psychology that people who have to resort to name calling and bullying have low IQ's and can't come up with anything intelligent to say.

Now, by all means you dont have to take my advice at all. I simply stated what HELPED ME. My mistake was trying to share this info. I should of kept it to myself, but im not a hater crab in barrel. I have abundance mindset. People with lack mindsets hoard knowledge.

November I was living in the hood, going through hell, going through things that are legitimate, and overall in a horrible place. Multiple hits on my life, people in the music industry humiliating me, being gangstalked, severe psychic attack, some girl even did this creepy curse on me and put my name in a jar with a scorpion. My hair was falling out bro how bad these attacks were.

Doing these meditations, now I live in a new country, live in a beautiful home that has a rooftop pool, my rent it prepaid 3 months in advanced, I work out of a regular basis when before I couldn't even get out of bed and was in constant pain. I still suffer with PTSD, but i've healed from a lot and will continue to do so. What astounds me is that high priestess maxime said she was targeted by the fbi, but I say I get gang-stalked and im a drug addict? people in the music industry were paying people to rape me and film it? drugging me? paying people to stalk me? I had psychic vampires draining the fuck out of me. I wont even list everything why prove anything to you when you clearly hate me.

Everyone that did me dirty, their lives are in shambles now. Ex best friend that did black magic on me lost her condo, is broke, and has to keep pulling out loans. My fathers business is going under and isn't doing as financially well anymore. My mother can no longer afford her luxury home and had to downgrade to some ranch. All the people in the music industry that targeted me fell off. Many of their instagrams keep getting deleted, and they used to get millions of views on their music videos on youtube and now cant even break past 10k views. The famous Dj's that I thought were cool with me who i've stood up for against bullies really did me dirty last year and showed support to someone who raped me. Now theyre on instagram complaining how their business is going under and scared how they're going to pay their bills.

But hey, to each their own. You're not obligated to listen to me or take my advice. You're superior to me anyways right? why waste your time even giving a peasant schizophrenic drug addict like myself any attention.

I'm no longer apart of Joy of Satan. i'll find a community that uplifts each other and work with me, not against me.
slyscorpion said:
fairy666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Well if your in this music scene and doing Jewish stuff that explains the problems. Don't understand all of this or much of it and it doesn't sound like an occult working more like some rant from a skitsophrenic person.

Wow back to your normal bullying self once again. I was surprised that you were actually being nice to me for once in previous posts. Looks like that didn’t last very long.

I’ve been diagnosed by a psychiatrist for complex-PTSD, anxiety, and depression. No skitzo diagnosis so not sure why you think you can throw around diagnosis’.

Everything I said here was sound minded and coherent. A lot of advice I have also is scientific based? Health is wealth, a healthy body is a healthy mind.

All those herbs really do help your body, and the hindus in India use tumeric and Kum Kum for pineal gland detoxification from the fluoride.

But I’m crazy and delusional?

The funny thing is I bet you 1000$ that you’re going to go take my advice like you did when I mentioned psychic vampires attaching tendrils to drain you. I mentioned that book, and boom you went ahead and did the ritual BECAUSE of me and pretended that you thought up the idea to do it all on your own.

It’s fine, it’s been made very clear here that most of you on here are bullies, lack real power in real life so in order to feel superior and significant you have to tear down others and try to dim another’s light to feel yours shines brighter.

I wish you healing from whatever caused you to be a bully.

When you guys wonder why no one wants to become a satanist and why so many people leave joy of Satan (I’ve seen multiple posts where people left)? Just remember it’s you and your fellow bullies giving a very bad name to it going around calling everyone a Jew, drug addict, and scizo, and ganging up on them.

You make spiritual satanism look like a joke and look just like how the media paints it out to be.

I’m out!

Not really bullying you simply stating facts. Take it or leave it. We can't have a bunch of people doing meditations that are unproven at best and target stuff that doesn't exist or isn't an issue or at worst don't do anything or are actually harmful how do we know this isn't from the types of things you claim happen to you. We don't need a bunch of SS having bad experiences like you do by some kind of energy or attachment to something bad. Most probably including me dont understand what this is getting at or doing so far as the meditations you posted.

Doing something spiritual you don't understand at all is like piloting an airplane by punching a bunch or random buttons and doing random stuff. Probably not going to have a good result.

So people have to be careful.

That is why people are writing this stuff.

Also I could give you proof a lot of these technologies exist, but why waste my time you've already made up your mind. Plus in your mind your superior to me so it's pointless anyways.

But hey just to be nice, not prove a point let me send you links for verified websites (not nut job conspiracy websites) of patents various governments and intelligence agencies own.










this one is my favourite, vaccine nano technology



Weather manipulation patent : https://patents.google.com/patent/US2550324A/en


you're probably one of those people that think mind control isn't real either, despite declassified documents on the cia website. or a whoel section on joy of satan that teaches you how to hypnotise people. you think hypnotizing someone to self destruct or commit a mass shooting isnt real? then why are there guides how to hypnosis others and yourself on JOS

your aura is also not your only line of defence your energy bodies have various levels. but hey idk im scizo even though you can search and find evidence from reputable sources

thanks for being so kind to me babe hope u have a good day
Fuchs said:
fairy666 said:

If all of this works for you fine, but most of the affirmations etc is allready covered by the normal aop, returning curses allready puplished, maybe tendrils should be added.

It´s also fine to have a big imagination. But I think these are more personal and won´t help most other people.

If I would do everything you stated, I would have to use much more time, time which I can spend otherwise better.

We want to advance as efficient as we can.

If you don´t do Kunda or Hatha joga, you should do these, daily.

Hey, I'm no longer affiliated with Joy of Satan or these forums, but wanted to take time to thank you for being kind, giving constructive criticism, and not resorting to name calling. If it weren't for what I listed above, I wouldn't be in a better place in life right now.

None of this is my imagination, I linked below to slyscorpion or whatever his name is, a list of verified patents of these exact technologies I listed. if they were my imagination then why do various governments and intelligents agencies own the patents and rights to these things? idk.

Society is rampant with energy and psychic vampires, delusional occultists that like to hex people for fun, and a lot of sociopaths/psychopaths/narcs. if I hadn't done these meditations, narcissists wouldnt walk to the other side of the beach just to avoid me?

also reptillian, draconians, all of that are real. I used to thing that was just a nutjob conspiracy theory and made fun of people who talked about it until i saw a fucking reptilian, some police officer and witnessed with my own eyes someone who shape shifted.

the way a lot of peoples logic works on this forum, im surprised they think black magick is real. technically thats some nut job conspiracy theory too but hey.

I agree, everything I listed is very time consuming, but it helped me and if people actually just gave it a shot instead of diss it off the bat, who knows maybe they'll see im not such a crazy drug addict after all

I wish you the best, if you guys want you can get this post deleted. I would hate for someone to follow advice from a scizo drug addict like me.

the funny thing is this forum constantly accuses me of drug addiction so much, that I kinda just wanna go smoke a blunt and have fun since i'm already labelled as such. this forum stresses me out and is a vibe killer and super bad for my mental health.
AgainstAllAuthority said:
fairy666 said:
Okay well since this is horrible , stupid, paranoid? Scizo advice and I’m so unstable you can ask hooded cobra to delete my post and ban my account then since I’m not worthy to be apart of joy of Satan and not worthy or being treated with kindness and respect.

You were victimized in the past and that has put you in a low frequency, combative state. Now you are very likely to perceive anything as an attack. You need to get out of that state of mind.
I always try to keep my mind at a high frequency and nothing affects me.

you know i usually wake up with a high frequency and gratitude for life. my vibe is great actually, someone commented on my airbnb account that I have a "beautiful vibe" , want proof?

personally, this forum lowers my vibration and is toxic. So Namaste, nama go.

im finding a community that has higher vibrations and dont call people drug addicts and scizo just for sharing meditations that worked for them and being enthusiastic about it.
fairy666 said:
Good Morning my fellow comrades. As you all know we are in a spiritual war against degenerates who wish to turn this once beautiful kingdom called Earth into a degenerate cesspool completely devoid of spirituality, individuality, freedom, and the long forgotten ancient knowledge that kept this world balanced and in order.

For the past 6 years now ever since finding Joy of Satan I have been getting severely targeted by jewish cucks, psychic vampires, christian and islamic nut jobs, and brain dead NPC zombies who believe by putting out another person's light will make theirs brighter. I went from being a popular spiritual influencer on social media, to homeless, human trafficked, and humiliated. Constantly under psychic attacks, being drained by degenerate psychic vampires, all my business ideas stolen, and people in the music industry signed to jewish labels befriending me and then trying to groom me and abuse me when I refused to comply.

Well I have snapped. I have officially snapped. I will no longer be anyone's victim and I'm not only going to destroy a lot of people, i'm getting my MF BAG, I'm taking my MF CROWN, and making earth lit again and hope you guys will join me.

Let's go. Returning Curses 1 & 2 Improvised with added meditations

With your minds eye, create a giant wormhole portal that has the mechanism of a turbo speed vacuum. Make it as large as possible. This is designed that nothing can lead to you, and can only suction things that you program it to vacuum and send elsewhere. Imagine it as a bright golden white portal like the sun. Build an astral temple dungeon to direct everything you remove to be stored here.

"The powerful, invisible, brilliant golden vacuum has completely and totally cleaned and removed all spells, hexes, curses, bindings, entities, etheric and astral tags and implants, etheric and astral parasites, psychic vampire tendrils, black magick, graveyard magick, astral hooks, thoughtforms, death spells, santeria, voodoo, vodun, IFA, obeah, hoodoo, evil eye, christian & jewish prayers and thoughtforms, wicca, white magick, chaos magick, mind control, anchors, hatred, ill will, jinxes, kabbalah magick, hypnosis and prompts, disease, trauma, PTSD, ceremonial magick, ill will, negative energy, and anything else of malevolent intention on or connected to my mind, body, soul, chakras, aura, etheric field, akashic records, finances, love life, and all my astral bodies, subtle bodies, emotional bodies, casual bodies, celestial bodies, etheric bodies, and mental bodies in the name of the true Gods & Goddesses/Satan. This is permanent and cannot be reversed or sent back to me, across all space time continuums, all dimensions, all universes, all timelines, all frequency domains, all bubbles in the omniverse, all planes of existences, the astral and etheric realms, and the entire Quantum Matrix.

State this three times, then activate the vacuum. Make sure your astral dungeon that has high security, weapons of destruction, booby traps, and the guards of your choosing to protect this place this until later use when it's time to use another portal to dump it on your enemies. do this everyday for a month, then at the end of the month create multiple portals and target all your enemies and key figures in the jewish community.

Repeat this exercise 3 times.

Trust me when I say this works. My family is in financial ruin and my mother had to sell her house and downgrade to a ranch, that is full of problems and will make her bankrupt. My father's business is declining and he is losing money and his health fast. A girl that was targeting me doing black magic on me is in severe debt, lost her condo, and gets uglier and uglier every day. all the people in the music industry that targeted me fell off. They one got millions of views on their music videos, now their videos cant even get 10,000 views. All of their instagram accounts keep getting deleted. One of them made her 7th instagram account, and it got deleted again and has to resort to porn now to make a living. The other 2 accounts deleted. another jewish cuck is shadow banned and songs can't reach past 5,000 views and sony kicked them off the label. Oh the list is endless, I enjoy to hurt them even more.

Next exercise. This one is a bit controversial because many of you will believe that none of these exist, but they really do and are technologies and tactics used by the jews, draconians, reptilians, and greys. they have advanced technology. so whether you think i'm crazy, swallow your pride and do it and you will see how it benefits your life.

"My aura, etheric field, chakras, subtle bodies, emotional bodies, mental bodies, astral bodies, celestial bodies, casual bodies, and etheric bodies are constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling all narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths, etheric cords, tendrils, energy and psychic vampires, freemasons, christians, jews, muslims, mormons, scientologists, drug addicts, illuminati members, jesuits, werewolves, greys, reptilians, draconians, archons, spiders, intersections, remote viewers, astral spies, gangstalkers, the CIA, strongmen, jezebels, familiar spirits, jesus, malevolent entities, astral parasites, hackers, the FBI, MIB, NSA, telepathic attacks, mind readers, abductions, skim walkers, emf radiation, smart dust, scalar and direct energy weapons, voice to skull technology, government agents, the order of the golden dawn, Jinns, morgellons, nanotechnology, the effects of chemtrails, blank state technologies, disease, trauma, PTSD, 5G and satellite frequencies, low vibrational energies, rapists and predators, emotional vampires, cult members, evil secret society members, muslims, and all malevolent witches/warlocks/occultists/wizards/brujas in the name of the TRUE GODS and Goddesses, across all space time continuums, all dimensions, all universes, all timelines, all universes, all frequency domains, across all bubbles in the omniverse, the etheric and astral realms, , all planes of existences, the entire quantum matrix, and anywhere else i'm unaware of."

Repeat 18-26 times daily after doing returning curses. Not only envision a bright white light for your aura, but a layer over that is your etheric field. The stronger it gets, the more it will look like this really advanced looking force field that has hues of the rainbow and looks like an electric fence (looks like this https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/powerlisting/images/2/2f/Chase%27s_Foce_Field_Ball.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20200423233545)

This has worked wonders for me. No more astral attacks, gangstalking has reached a minimum, no more getting poisoned, i sleep like a baby, and for example I met a narcissist and my aura programming worked so well that when he saw me at the beach, he literally got up and walked to the opposite side of the beach to avoid me.

Exercise 3:

"My aura and etheric field are constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling all spells, hexes, curses, bindings, entities, etheric and astral parasites, black magick, graveyard magick, thoughtforms, death spells, santeria, voodoo, negative energy, evil eye, christian and jewish prayers, vodun, voodoo, hoodoo, obeah, wicca, white magick, chaos magick, solomonic magick, hatred, ill will, jinxes, kabbalah magick, IFA, directed entities, anger, disease, ceremonial magick, all forms of magic secret societies use, and anything else im unaware of with malevolent intent and IMMEDIATELY sends them back to the senders a trillion times stronger times three. This is permanent, cannot be reversed, or sent back to me. In the name of the TRUE Gods and Goddesses. Across all space time continuums, all dimensions, all universes, all dimensions, all frequency domains, all timelines, across all bubbles in the omniverse, the entire quantum matrix, all planes of existences, the etheric and astral realms, and anywhere else I'm unaware of."

Repeat 18 to 26 times and make sure to say it will all your force, all your might, and imagine someone hexing you and it immediately bouncing back and destroying them within seconds.

Exercise 4:
aura of protection revised.

3 times, breathe in energy from the sun. The more sensitive you are, the more you'll be able to feel it when your drawing in energy from the sun. Repeat " I have breathed in powerful protective energy from the sun. This energy has built an invisible aura and force field around me. This aura and force field protect me at all times in EVERY WAY"

If your astral senses are strong, like myself you'll literally see that electric rainbow force field I mentioned start to shine and dazzle. Its really cool.

Do this for 40 days straight. Make a schedule, write it down. choose a time everyday you will commit to when the moon isn't in void. I recommended wearing white everyday for the duration of this as white is a cleansing colour. To go the extra mile, do a full body cleanse. I don't advocate for veganism, but a lot of meat today is toxic so cleanses are necessary.

for the entire 40 days do the medical medium cleanse. Only eat fruits and vegetables. Cut all oils, meat, fats, nuts, seeds, butters, dairy out of your diet. do not bake or fry your food. Only

Invest in herbs like Haritaki, Kutki Churna, Turmeric and Curcumin, Ginger, Garlic, Cilantro, and Spirulina. This all helps detoxify heavy metals and bad toxins from your body Also if you rub your gums with haritaki every day, it will help you manifest more abundance in your life. The first time I tried it, the next day someone sent me 245$ for no reason.

Make a paste with turmeric, buy some kum kum and mix it with the tumeric paste and add a pinch of black pepper. Everyday for 9-13 days apply the paste to your forehead to detoxify your pineal gland. Trust me, this works. also invest in sea moss paste as iodine helps to decalcify the pineal gland.

After all this, you can go back to eating meat. For now, just vegetables, smoothies, LOTS OF fruits like pineapple, papaya, kiwi, oranges, various tropical fruits. No grains whatsoever. no rice, no cereals, breads, nothing.

Practice ayurveda, please dont mix certain foods together. Fruits are always to be eat on their own, and melons should never be mixed with other fruit.

I know this all sounds over board and intense, but as I learned, would you rather be weak, or put in the effort to become a powerful satanist and super saiyan up so we can DEFEAT OUR ENEMIES. Health is wealth. As above, so below, and vice versa. You gutt is your second brain, so if your gut is unhealthy, so will your mind. This will block your GOD GIVEN intuition and indecently block your pineal gland which is connected to your vagus nerve fyi. One this is complete and you choose to eat meat, only eat grass fed and organic and make sure its not a fake company pretending it's organic and grass fed.

Buy a non lactose base probiotics and for this month, overdose on them. Take 5 of thos probiotics a day, it sounds like pseudoscience and magic, but this will change you gut microbes rapidly and make it so you never crave junk food again. You'll eat junk food and it will taste like poop, literally. You'll start craving fruits, veggies, and healthy wholesome natural foods like our bodies were designed too. The enemy purposely puts addictive chemicals in the frankenfood to make you hooked so you will continue to buy. These foods are designed to lower your vibration and also lower your IQ. The man that told me about this probiotic trick, I thought he was crazy. Then I tried it, and it actually worked. If I eat chips I want to throw up.


Everyday when you brush your teeth, stand on your left food and use your left hand to brush your teeth. No matter how uncomfortable, don't stop. Do this for two minutes. Begin journaling, and everyday before bed do a journal entry and write with your left hand.

There is a reason that most everyday objects in society are designed for people who are right handed. Scissors, school desks, note books, mouses, keyboards. There's also a reason that once upon a time in the 1900's school teachers you to hit students with paddles and rulers for using their left hand. There's also a reason that once upon a time in the dark ages, if people saw you writing with your left hand or using your left hand they would label you a witch and burn you at the stake.

The FAKE "elites", the nasty jews for centuries now have been trying to suppress and hide knowledge about the right side of the brain, which is far superior to the left brain. The conscious brain only accounts for less than 0.5-5% of the brain, while the subconscious accounts for 95-99% of the brain. That's why you'll hear scientists say will only use a small percentage of our brains. This is a direct attack by the enemy.

So start doing this everyday, and if you want while meditating in tree position, stand on your left foot on some object you can balance on and do void meditation for 2-10 minutes depending on where you are at with void meditation. I will later write a topic about the suppression of the left hand/right brain.

Next, I want you to buy a bag of chickens feet, black ribbon, a couple of shoe boxes, and print the pictures of all the enemies. All the rothschild family members, paris hilton's sister Nikki hilton, Drake the rapper, Madonna, Various rabbis, the head pope of the vatican, all jewish celebrities and ceos, and all prominent jews in society, the heads of all jewish own banks. Find out all of their birthdates. On the back of the each picture, write out their full names, write down their birthdays. Cut 6 inches of the black ribbon, Take a pair of the chickens feet and with the black ribbon tie the picture of the person to the chickens feet.

While you do this take all rage you have pent up against them or anything that angers you and imagine the most evil, most fowl things you can think of happening to these people and envision an aura of death around them. If you want, throw some items in there that represent death and torture. Some damaged cars, mini explosives, a toy gun, etc. Go to a graveyard or cross road and dig a hole 6 inches deep, bury the box, cover up the hole. Do a prayer to the Gods and Goddesses to help destroy these people, Then walk away. Don't under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES LOOK BACK. AT ALL. Just walk away, and go do something fun and never think about what you just did ever again.

Please make a youtube playlist and listen to these EVERYDAY in the exact order I have linked them. Frequencies and Morphogenic Fields have been proven by science to work and are not placebo effects. I have used morphogenetic fields to straighten my teeth, and make my hair grow 9 inches in one month, heal my posture, straighten my spine, amongst many other things to help with spiritual health.


In the future I will be making more posts, but let's start off with this and GETTT IT. Time to defeat the enemy once and for all.

I know a lot of ya'll looooooooove to hate my guts for no reason, but truthfully I'm so thankful a lot of you bullied me. You helped me go harder with power meditations, boss up, and conquer so many attacks, spiritual warfare, gangstalking, oppression, and attempts on my life. Your bullying motivated me to become more powerful.

Just in November I was depressed suicidal, broke, and lived in the hood. Now I'm super duper happy, empowered once again, wake up everyday with gratitude, rebuilding my social media following rapidly, rebuilding everything my enemies destroyed, and live in a luxury condo that has a rooftop pool.

Take my advice or don't, but just know I'm not your enemy, definitely not a jew, and far far far from stupid :) I shouldn't even be sharing any of these meditations truthfully, but i'm not in a crab in a barrel or have to tear others down to feel powerful so I will be generous and be the bigger person.

I want some drugs too. Are mixing drugs?
fairy666 said:

Now, since you received very different than you expected, you need to understand that you were deluded in a way. But in what way?
Was it because of who you are?
Was it because of what you said or how you put it?
Did people misunderstand anything, or did you say something they do not like?
Was it a mix of factors and/or something else?

You just need to understand why people reacted the way they did, and change your approach, if you want to receive more positive outcomes and reactions.

In any case you need to keep moving and advancing. Each step you take towards Satan, is a step forward to advancement.

Good luck!
fairy666 said:
slyscorpion said:
fairy666 said:
Wow back to your normal bullying self once again. I was surprised that you were actually being nice to me for once in previous posts. Looks like that didn’t last very long.

I’ve been diagnosed by a psychiatrist for complex-PTSD, anxiety, and depression. No skitzo diagnosis so not sure why you think you can throw around diagnosis’.

Everything I said here was sound minded and coherent. A lot of advice I have also is scientific based? Health is wealth, a healthy body is a healthy mind.

All those herbs really do help your body, and the hindus in India use tumeric and Kum Kum for pineal gland detoxification from the fluoride.

But I’m crazy and delusional?

The funny thing is I bet you 1000$ that you’re going to go take my advice like you did when I mentioned psychic vampires attaching tendrils to drain you. I mentioned that book, and boom you went ahead and did the ritual BECAUSE of me and pretended that you thought up the idea to do it all on your own.

It’s fine, it’s been made very clear here that most of you on here are bullies, lack real power in real life so in order to feel superior and significant you have to tear down others and try to dim another’s light to feel yours shines brighter.

I wish you healing from whatever caused you to be a bully.

When you guys wonder why no one wants to become a satanist and why so many people leave joy of Satan (I’ve seen multiple posts where people left)? Just remember it’s you and your fellow bullies giving a very bad name to it going around calling everyone a Jew, drug addict, and scizo, and ganging up on them.

You make spiritual satanism look like a joke and look just like how the media paints it out to be.

I’m out!

Not really bullying you simply stating facts. Take it or leave it. We can't have a bunch of people doing meditations that are unproven at best and target stuff that doesn't exist or isn't an issue or at worst don't do anything or are actually harmful how do we know this isn't from the types of things you claim happen to you. We don't need a bunch of SS having bad experiences like you do by some kind of energy or attachment to something bad. Most probably including me dont understand what this is getting at or doing so far as the meditations you posted.

Doing something spiritual you don't understand at all is like piloting an airplane by punching a bunch or random buttons and doing random stuff. Probably not going to have a good result.

So people have to be careful.

That is why people are writing this stuff.

Also I could give you proof a lot of these technologies exist, but why waste my time you've already made up your mind. Plus in your mind your superior to me so it's pointless anyways.

But hey just to be nice, not prove a point let me send you links for verified websites (not nut job conspiracy websites) of patents various governments and intelligence agencies own.










this one is my favourite, vaccine nano technology



Weather manipulation patent : https://patents.google.com/patent/US2550324A/en


you're probably one of those people that think mind control isn't real either, despite declassified documents on the cia website. or a whoel section on joy of satan that teaches you how to hypnotise people. you think hypnotizing someone to self destruct or commit a mass shooting isnt real? then why are there guides how to hypnosis others and yourself on JOS

your aura is also not your only line of defence your energy bodies have various levels. but hey idk im scizo even though you can search and find evidence from reputable sources

thanks for being so kind to me babe hope u have a good day
Hmm interesting I have seen mind control in action I mean literal mind control where someone became a total puppet so I know it exists. The rest ok this is stuff the Governments are experimenting with no evidence they have a working model of any of it from this and also No evidence even if they do any of it is in widespread use or something a person should worry about. Also they build stuff for the average human bioelectric field when using it there are always people this doesn't effect even when in use. I walked right through some place that had some weird negative waves and electrical sounds nothing happened to me.

Hypnosis I know about. Subliminals I know about.
fairy666 said:

Your post comes off as a bit overzealous or hyper, which is maybe why some people think you are ungrounded. This doesn't have to be the case, but that is at least where it comes from.

No, you shouldn't have been outright called crazy. Unfortunately, people don't also communicate in the best way. Some people do have good intentions, even if they are being rude about it. It is worse in this case, though, since you have past experience with being bullied.

As far as what you post here, none of this is specifically wrong, rather it is more about choosing what you are investing your time in. Unfortunately, most people have to work and therefore plan out exactly what they do in their overall advancement routine.

The above goes for both what you describe with health, but also working with props and so forth. The props are only there to guide your focus, but beyond that, you probably don't need them.


It is not that health is not important, but about using your time efficiently. Your health or vitality is kind of like an energy pool: if you lose too much, then you get symptoms. Some things, like yoga, good food, and meditation add energy. Negatives like overexertion, toxins, or staying up late remove energy.

However, not everyone is equal. For example, instead of spending a cumulative amount of 20-30 minutes tending to your supplements and food, this time could instead be spent doing yoga. It does not take much time to buy clean food, but it would take too long to fully grow your food to be perfect. This is just an example but also applies to other things here.

If you are eating enough vegetables daily, you should not have to make excessive dietary modifications to be able to detox. This is especially true if you are doing yoga or otherwise sweating daily.

While food items other than fruits can introduce more toxins, they also have other benefits (such as meat being the best source of yin substance). Removing these things for too long could end up doing more harm than good if you aren't careful.

If you want to permanently upgrade your health, look into doing work on your lower chakras through the associated runes or planetary energies. Someone with a strong enough solar chakra and vitality would be able to "tank" all of these health concerns without suffering symptoms.


As far as the rest of this: your affirmations are meant to guide your focus, so it should be broad and not this specific. If you create an AOP and program it to defend yourself against all negativity, then it should already be blocking all these things automatically. You don't have to list out every single thing.

Be careful with online audio files that people post, because you don't know what they put in them. If you are having good results, then I am glad, just be careful.


Having conflicts with other members does not invalidate you as a JOS member. Everyone here, not just you, has things they have to work on. It is unfortunate that others were not able to be nicer with their advice, but you also have to be able to take what they are telling you.

The people who responded to you are long-time members with personal success, so their advice does have value to it. None of them are perfect, either, but they aren't trying to wish harm upon another SS.

Leaving JOS would only harm you, not them, and anyone who does work for Satan, such as the ritual schedules, is valued. Like I mentioned before, it is unfortunate that you have been bullied before and are now subject to harsh words, but you have to be able to tank it. Getting up and leaving JOS is a destructive action that may feel emotionally satisfying, but is not actually wise in the long run.

Anyway, I hope you are feeling better now. Good luck.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=317481 time=1642642307 user_id=21286]
fairy666 said:

Your post comes off as a bit overzealous or hyper, which is maybe why some people think you are ungrounded. This doesn't have to be the case, but that is at least where it comes from.

No, you shouldn't have been outright called crazy. Unfortunately, people don't also communicate in the best way. Some people do have good intentions, even if they are being rude about it. It is worse in this case, though, since you have past experience with being bullied.

As far as what you post here, none of this is specifically wrong, rather it is more about choosing what you are investing your time in. Unfortunately, most people have to work and therefore plan out exactly what they do in their overall advancement routine.

The above goes for both what you describe with health, but also working with props and so forth. The props are only there to guide your focus, but beyond that, you probably don't need them.


It is not that health is not important, but about using your time efficiently. Your health or vitality is kind of like an energy pool: if you lose too much, then you get symptoms. Some things, like yoga, good food, and meditation add energy. Negatives like overexertion, toxins, or staying up late remove energy.

However, not everyone is equal. For example, instead of spending a cumulative amount of 20-30 minutes tending to your supplements and food, this time could instead be spent doing yoga. It does not take much time to buy clean food, but it would take too long to fully grow your food to be perfect. This is just an example but also applies to other things here.

If you are eating enough vegetables daily, you should not have to make excessive dietary modifications to be able to detox. This is especially true if you are doing yoga or otherwise sweating daily.

While food items other than fruits can introduce more toxins, they also have other benefits (such as meat being the best source of yin substance). Removing these things for too long could end up doing more harm than good if you aren't careful.

If you want to permanently upgrade your health, look into doing work on your lower chakras through the associated runes or planetary energies. Someone with a strong enough solar chakra and vitality would be able to "tank" all of these health concerns without suffering symptoms.


As far as the rest of this: your affirmations are meant to guide your focus, so it should be broad and not this specific. If you create an AOP and program it to defend yourself against all negativity, then it should already be blocking all these things automatically. You don't have to list out every single thing.

Be careful with online audio files that people post, because you don't know what they put in them. If you are having good results, then I am glad, just be careful.


Having conflicts with other members does not invalidate you as a JOS member. Everyone here, not just you, has things they have to work on. It is unfortunate that others were not able to be nicer with their advice, but you also have to be able to take what they are telling you.

The people who responded to you are long-time members with personal success, so their advice does have value to it. None of them are perfect, either, but they aren't trying to wish harm upon another SS.

Leaving JOS would only harm you, not them, and anyone who does work for Satan, such as the ritual schedules, is valued. Like I mentioned before, it is unfortunate that you have been bullied before and are now subject to harsh words, but you have to be able to tank it. Getting up and leaving JOS is a destructive action that may feel emotionally satisfying, but is not actually wise in the long run.

Anyway, I hope you are feeling better now. Good luck.

It may come across overzealous or hyper because when i'm not being bullied or have mean things said to me, i'm a very happy person and extremely passionate. I wrote this because I was excited to share something that has helped my life, and I felt very optimistic that together we could destroy the enemy. Sorry for being optimistic and cheerful and excited at the idea of destroying the enemy.
newbie40 said:
fairy666 said:
Good Morning my fellow comrades. As you all know we are in a spiritual war against degenerates who wish to turn this once beautiful kingdom called Earth into a degenerate cesspool completely devoid of spirituality, individuality, freedom, and the long forgotten ancient knowledge that kept this world balanced and in order.

For the past 6 years now ever since finding Joy of Satan I have been getting severely targeted by jewish cucks, psychic vampires, christian and islamic nut jobs, and brain dead NPC zombies who believe by putting out another person's light will make theirs brighter. I went from being a popular spiritual influencer on social media, to homeless, human trafficked, and humiliated. Constantly under psychic attacks, being drained by degenerate psychic vampires, all my business ideas stolen, and people in the music industry signed to jewish labels befriending me and then trying to groom me and abuse me when I refused to comply.

Well I have snapped. I have officially snapped. I will no longer be anyone's victim and I'm not only going to destroy a lot of people, i'm getting my MF BAG, I'm taking my MF CROWN, and making earth lit again and hope you guys will join me.

Let's go. Returning Curses 1 & 2 Improvised with added meditations

With your minds eye, create a giant wormhole portal that has the mechanism of a turbo speed vacuum. Make it as large as possible. This is designed that nothing can lead to you, and can only suction things that you program it to vacuum and send elsewhere. Imagine it as a bright golden white portal like the sun. Build an astral temple dungeon to direct everything you remove to be stored here.

"The powerful, invisible, brilliant golden vacuum has completely and totally cleaned and removed all spells, hexes, curses, bindings, entities, etheric and astral tags and implants, etheric and astral parasites, psychic vampire tendrils, black magick, graveyard magick, astral hooks, thoughtforms, death spells, santeria, voodoo, vodun, IFA, obeah, hoodoo, evil eye, christian & jewish prayers and thoughtforms, wicca, white magick, chaos magick, mind control, anchors, hatred, ill will, jinxes, kabbalah magick, hypnosis and prompts, disease, trauma, PTSD, ceremonial magick, ill will, negative energy, and anything else of malevolent intention on or connected to my mind, body, soul, chakras, aura, etheric field, akashic records, finances, love life, and all my astral bodies, subtle bodies, emotional bodies, casual bodies, celestial bodies, etheric bodies, and mental bodies in the name of the true Gods & Goddesses/Satan. This is permanent and cannot be reversed or sent back to me, across all space time continuums, all dimensions, all universes, all timelines, all frequency domains, all bubbles in the omniverse, all planes of existences, the astral and etheric realms, and the entire Quantum Matrix.

State this three times, then activate the vacuum. Make sure your astral dungeon that has high security, weapons of destruction, booby traps, and the guards of your choosing to protect this place this until later use when it's time to use another portal to dump it on your enemies. do this everyday for a month, then at the end of the month create multiple portals and target all your enemies and key figures in the jewish community.

Repeat this exercise 3 times.

Trust me when I say this works. My family is in financial ruin and my mother had to sell her house and downgrade to a ranch, that is full of problems and will make her bankrupt. My father's business is declining and he is losing money and his health fast. A girl that was targeting me doing black magic on me is in severe debt, lost her condo, and gets uglier and uglier every day. all the people in the music industry that targeted me fell off. They one got millions of views on their music videos, now their videos cant even get 10,000 views. All of their instagram accounts keep getting deleted. One of them made her 7th instagram account, and it got deleted again and has to resort to porn now to make a living. The other 2 accounts deleted. another jewish cuck is shadow banned and songs can't reach past 5,000 views and sony kicked them off the label. Oh the list is endless, I enjoy to hurt them even more.

Next exercise. This one is a bit controversial because many of you will believe that none of these exist, but they really do and are technologies and tactics used by the jews, draconians, reptilians, and greys. they have advanced technology. so whether you think i'm crazy, swallow your pride and do it and you will see how it benefits your life.

"My aura, etheric field, chakras, subtle bodies, emotional bodies, mental bodies, astral bodies, celestial bodies, casual bodies, and etheric bodies are constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling all narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths, etheric cords, tendrils, energy and psychic vampires, freemasons, christians, jews, muslims, mormons, scientologists, drug addicts, illuminati members, jesuits, werewolves, greys, reptilians, draconians, archons, spiders, intersections, remote viewers, astral spies, gangstalkers, the CIA, strongmen, jezebels, familiar spirits, jesus, malevolent entities, astral parasites, hackers, the FBI, MIB, NSA, telepathic attacks, mind readers, abductions, skim walkers, emf radiation, smart dust, scalar and direct energy weapons, voice to skull technology, government agents, the order of the golden dawn, Jinns, morgellons, nanotechnology, the effects of chemtrails, blank state technologies, disease, trauma, PTSD, 5G and satellite frequencies, low vibrational energies, rapists and predators, emotional vampires, cult members, evil secret society members, muslims, and all malevolent witches/warlocks/occultists/wizards/brujas in the name of the TRUE GODS and Goddesses, across all space time continuums, all dimensions, all universes, all timelines, all universes, all frequency domains, across all bubbles in the omniverse, the etheric and astral realms, , all planes of existences, the entire quantum matrix, and anywhere else i'm unaware of."

Repeat 18-26 times daily after doing returning curses. Not only envision a bright white light for your aura, but a layer over that is your etheric field. The stronger it gets, the more it will look like this really advanced looking force field that has hues of the rainbow and looks like an electric fence (looks like this https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/powerlisting/images/2/2f/Chase%27s_Foce_Field_Ball.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20200423233545)

This has worked wonders for me. No more astral attacks, gangstalking has reached a minimum, no more getting poisoned, i sleep like a baby, and for example I met a narcissist and my aura programming worked so well that when he saw me at the beach, he literally got up and walked to the opposite side of the beach to avoid me.

Exercise 3:

"My aura and etheric field are constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling all spells, hexes, curses, bindings, entities, etheric and astral parasites, black magick, graveyard magick, thoughtforms, death spells, santeria, voodoo, negative energy, evil eye, christian and jewish prayers, vodun, voodoo, hoodoo, obeah, wicca, white magick, chaos magick, solomonic magick, hatred, ill will, jinxes, kabbalah magick, IFA, directed entities, anger, disease, ceremonial magick, all forms of magic secret societies use, and anything else im unaware of with malevolent intent and IMMEDIATELY sends them back to the senders a trillion times stronger times three. This is permanent, cannot be reversed, or sent back to me. In the name of the TRUE Gods and Goddesses. Across all space time continuums, all dimensions, all universes, all dimensions, all frequency domains, all timelines, across all bubbles in the omniverse, the entire quantum matrix, all planes of existences, the etheric and astral realms, and anywhere else I'm unaware of."

Repeat 18 to 26 times and make sure to say it will all your force, all your might, and imagine someone hexing you and it immediately bouncing back and destroying them within seconds.

Exercise 4:
aura of protection revised.

3 times, breathe in energy from the sun. The more sensitive you are, the more you'll be able to feel it when your drawing in energy from the sun. Repeat " I have breathed in powerful protective energy from the sun. This energy has built an invisible aura and force field around me. This aura and force field protect me at all times in EVERY WAY"

If your astral senses are strong, like myself you'll literally see that electric rainbow force field I mentioned start to shine and dazzle. Its really cool.

Do this for 40 days straight. Make a schedule, write it down. choose a time everyday you will commit to when the moon isn't in void. I recommended wearing white everyday for the duration of this as white is a cleansing colour. To go the extra mile, do a full body cleanse. I don't advocate for veganism, but a lot of meat today is toxic so cleanses are necessary.

for the entire 40 days do the medical medium cleanse. Only eat fruits and vegetables. Cut all oils, meat, fats, nuts, seeds, butters, dairy out of your diet. do not bake or fry your food. Only

Invest in herbs like Haritaki, Kutki Churna, Turmeric and Curcumin, Ginger, Garlic, Cilantro, and Spirulina. This all helps detoxify heavy metals and bad toxins from your body Also if you rub your gums with haritaki every day, it will help you manifest more abundance in your life. The first time I tried it, the next day someone sent me 245$ for no reason.

Make a paste with turmeric, buy some kum kum and mix it with the tumeric paste and add a pinch of black pepper. Everyday for 9-13 days apply the paste to your forehead to detoxify your pineal gland. Trust me, this works. also invest in sea moss paste as iodine helps to decalcify the pineal gland.

After all this, you can go back to eating meat. For now, just vegetables, smoothies, LOTS OF fruits like pineapple, papaya, kiwi, oranges, various tropical fruits. No grains whatsoever. no rice, no cereals, breads, nothing.

Practice ayurveda, please dont mix certain foods together. Fruits are always to be eat on their own, and melons should never be mixed with other fruit.

I know this all sounds over board and intense, but as I learned, would you rather be weak, or put in the effort to become a powerful satanist and super saiyan up so we can DEFEAT OUR ENEMIES. Health is wealth. As above, so below, and vice versa. You gutt is your second brain, so if your gut is unhealthy, so will your mind. This will block your GOD GIVEN intuition and indecently block your pineal gland which is connected to your vagus nerve fyi. One this is complete and you choose to eat meat, only eat grass fed and organic and make sure its not a fake company pretending it's organic and grass fed.

Buy a non lactose base probiotics and for this month, overdose on them. Take 5 of thos probiotics a day, it sounds like pseudoscience and magic, but this will change you gut microbes rapidly and make it so you never crave junk food again. You'll eat junk food and it will taste like poop, literally. You'll start craving fruits, veggies, and healthy wholesome natural foods like our bodies were designed too. The enemy purposely puts addictive chemicals in the frankenfood to make you hooked so you will continue to buy. These foods are designed to lower your vibration and also lower your IQ. The man that told me about this probiotic trick, I thought he was crazy. Then I tried it, and it actually worked. If I eat chips I want to throw up.


Everyday when you brush your teeth, stand on your left food and use your left hand to brush your teeth. No matter how uncomfortable, don't stop. Do this for two minutes. Begin journaling, and everyday before bed do a journal entry and write with your left hand.

There is a reason that most everyday objects in society are designed for people who are right handed. Scissors, school desks, note books, mouses, keyboards. There's also a reason that once upon a time in the 1900's school teachers you to hit students with paddles and rulers for using their left hand. There's also a reason that once upon a time in the dark ages, if people saw you writing with your left hand or using your left hand they would label you a witch and burn you at the stake.

The FAKE "elites", the nasty jews for centuries now have been trying to suppress and hide knowledge about the right side of the brain, which is far superior to the left brain. The conscious brain only accounts for less than 0.5-5% of the brain, while the subconscious accounts for 95-99% of the brain. That's why you'll hear scientists say will only use a small percentage of our brains. This is a direct attack by the enemy.

So start doing this everyday, and if you want while meditating in tree position, stand on your left foot on some object you can balance on and do void meditation for 2-10 minutes depending on where you are at with void meditation. I will later write a topic about the suppression of the left hand/right brain.

Next, I want you to buy a bag of chickens feet, black ribbon, a couple of shoe boxes, and print the pictures of all the enemies. All the rothschild family members, paris hilton's sister Nikki hilton, Drake the rapper, Madonna, Various rabbis, the head pope of the vatican, all jewish celebrities and ceos, and all prominent jews in society, the heads of all jewish own banks. Find out all of their birthdates. On the back of the each picture, write out their full names, write down their birthdays. Cut 6 inches of the black ribbon, Take a pair of the chickens feet and with the black ribbon tie the picture of the person to the chickens feet.

While you do this take all rage you have pent up against them or anything that angers you and imagine the most evil, most fowl things you can think of happening to these people and envision an aura of death around them. If you want, throw some items in there that represent death and torture. Some damaged cars, mini explosives, a toy gun, etc. Go to a graveyard or cross road and dig a hole 6 inches deep, bury the box, cover up the hole. Do a prayer to the Gods and Goddesses to help destroy these people, Then walk away. Don't under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES LOOK BACK. AT ALL. Just walk away, and go do something fun and never think about what you just did ever again.

Please make a youtube playlist and listen to these EVERYDAY in the exact order I have linked them. Frequencies and Morphogenic Fields have been proven by science to work and are not placebo effects. I have used morphogenetic fields to straighten my teeth, and make my hair grow 9 inches in one month, heal my posture, straighten my spine, amongst many other things to help with spiritual health.


In the future I will be making more posts, but let's start off with this and GETTT IT. Time to defeat the enemy once and for all.

I know a lot of ya'll looooooooove to hate my guts for no reason, but truthfully I'm so thankful a lot of you bullied me. You helped me go harder with power meditations, boss up, and conquer so many attacks, spiritual warfare, gangstalking, oppression, and attempts on my life. Your bullying motivated me to become more powerful.

Just in November I was depressed suicidal, broke, and lived in the hood. Now I'm super duper happy, empowered once again, wake up everyday with gratitude, rebuilding my social media following rapidly, rebuilding everything my enemies destroyed, and live in a luxury condo that has a rooftop pool.

Take my advice or don't, but just know I'm not your enemy, definitely not a jew, and far far far from stupid :) I shouldn't even be sharing any of these meditations truthfully, but i'm not in a crab in a barrel or have to tear others down to feel powerful so I will be generous and be the bigger person.

I want some drugs too. Are mixing drugs?

sorry im a little bit too busy being a drug addict to really care what you have to say lil piggy. maybe if youre nice to me i'll let you suck my toes it turns me on.
fairy666 said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
fairy666 said:
Okay well since this is horrible , stupid, paranoid? Scizo advice and I’m so unstable you can ask hooded cobra to delete my post and ban my account then since I’m not worthy to be apart of joy of Satan and not worthy or being treated with kindness and respect.

You were victimized in the past and that has put you in a low frequency, combative state. Now you are very likely to perceive anything as an attack. You need to get out of that state of mind.
I always try to keep my mind at a high frequency and nothing affects me.

you know i usually wake up with a high frequency and gratitude for life. my vibe is great actually, someone commented on my airbnb account that I have a "beautiful vibe" , want proof?

personally, this forum lowers my vibration and is toxic. So Namaste, nama go.

im finding a community that has higher vibrations and dont call people drug addicts and scizo just for sharing meditations that worked for them and being enthusiastic about it.
From my point of view you can't hold onto that high frequency. Don't take this personally but to me it seems that you are mentally weak.
“…NEXT print out the faces of a thousand jewish people, drink your own menstrual blood, then program it with a 3 pages long affirmation for only 150000 times. But trust me, you stupid JoS member, I am definitely not a jew and it will 1000% work if you do it exactly how I said…”

How is this even allowed? That person is a troll, she laughing at us, trying to make fun us, while happily advocating blood magic and fills the forum with other types of nonsense. At this point she gets the most attention and help but she can’t stop crying about how bad the treatment she gets. She literally feeds on the empathy and kindness of the members of this forum. She doesn’t want to be a member, she want us the recognise her superiority, take her as a leader, follow her instructions and obey. 🤦‍♀️

Call me rude, I don’t share any sympathy with her.
Kokusz said:
“…NEXT print out the faces of a thousand jewish people, drink your own menstrual blood, then program it with a 3 pages long affirmation for only 150000 times. But trust me, you stupid JoS member, I am definitely not a jew and it will 1000% work if you do it exactly how I said…”

How is this even allowed? That person is a troll, she laughing at us, trying to make fun us, while happily advocating blood magic and fills the forum with other types of nonsense. At this point she gets the most attention and help but she can’t stop crying about how bad the treatment she gets. She literally feeds on the empathy and kindness of the members of this forum. She doesn’t want to be a member, she want us the recognise her superiority, take her as a leader, follow her instructions and obey. 🤦‍♀️

Call me rude, I don’t share any sympathy with her.

Wait I’m a litttle confused here I re read my post and no where did I tell anyone to drink period
Blood? That’s gross wtf, are you ok?

And no actually you guys are the one that want me to recognize your superiority , that’s why you guys always bully me so you can exercise your dominance over me. I was just excited when I wrote this post because I want the enemy destroyed.

I bro leave me alone, I already said you guys won and made me leave joy of Satan.

Go find someone else to pick on
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=317481 time=1642642307 user_id=21286]
fairy666 said:


Kokusz said:
“…NEXT print out the faces of a thousand jewish people, drink your own menstrual blood, then program it with a 3 pages long affirmation for only 150000 times. But trust me, you stupid JoS member, I am definitely not a jew and it will 1000% work if you do it exactly how I said…”

How is this even allowed? That person is a troll, she laughing at us, trying to make fun us, while happily advocating blood magic and fills the forum with other types of nonsense. At this point she gets the most attention and help but she can’t stop crying about how bad the treatment she gets. She literally feeds on the empathy and kindness of the members of this forum. She doesn’t want to be a member, she want us the recognise her superiority, take her as a leader, follow her instructions and obey. 🤦‍♀️

Call me rude, I don’t share any sympathy with her.


Nothing. How is me being cheerful and optimistic and wanting to team up with everyone so me how translating now to wanting to be some supreme ruler over everyone here

And I didn’t tell nobody to drink period blood. What kind of weird ass fetishes are these people into here do I look like a Mexican bruja that wants to make you fall in love with me

Bro you have to admit that this is uncalled for and unwarranted. There is no incentive for me to be BE affiliated with this group. You guys look like a evil cult all I see on here is these people attacking people for no reason, accusing everyone of being a Jew, being an infiltrator, being this , being that.

It’s embarrassing. Good luck growing spiritual satanism and getting ppl to join, because treating ppl like this scares them away.

GOODBYE. Let me be a scizo drug addict only good for sucking dick in peace. You ppl already made me cry yesterday go celebrate and leave me alone
slyscorpion said:
fairy666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Not really bullying you simply stating facts. Take it or leave it. We can't have a bunch of people doing meditations that are unproven at best and target stuff that doesn't exist or isn't an issue or at worst don't do anything or are actually harmful how do we know this isn't from the types of things you claim happen to you. We don't need a bunch of SS having bad experiences like you do by some kind of energy or attachment to something bad. Most probably including me dont understand what this is getting at or doing so far as the meditations you posted.

Doing something spiritual you don't understand at all is like piloting an airplane by punching a bunch or random buttons and doing random stuff. Probably not going to have a good result.

So people have to be careful.

That is why people are writing this stuff.

Also I could give you proof a lot of these technologies exist, but why waste my time you've already made up your mind. Plus in your mind your superior to me so it's pointless anyways.

But hey just to be nice, not prove a point let me send you links for verified websites (not nut job conspiracy websites) of patents various governments and intelligence agencies own.










this one is my favourite, vaccine nano technology



Weather manipulation patent : https://patents.google.com/patent/US2550324A/en


you're probably one of those people that think mind control isn't real either, despite declassified documents on the cia website. or a whoel section on joy of satan that teaches you how to hypnotise people. you think hypnotizing someone to self destruct or commit a mass shooting isnt real? then why are there guides how to hypnosis others and yourself on JOS

your aura is also not your only line of defence your energy bodies have various levels. but hey idk im scizo even though you can search and find evidence from reputable sources

thanks for being so kind to me babe hope u have a good day
Hmm interesting I have seen mind control in action I mean literal mind control where someone became a total puppet so I know it exists. The rest ok this is stuff the Governments are experimenting with no evidence they have a working model of any of it from this and also No evidence even if they do any of it is in widespread use or something a person should worry about. Also they build stuff for the average human bioelectric field when using it there are always people this doesn't effect even when in use. I walked right through some place that had some weird negative waves and electrical sounds nothing happened to me.

Hypnosis I know about. Subliminals I know about.

I found an article someone wrote about you and your bullying gang

newbie40 said:
fairy666 said:
Good Morning my fellow comrades. As you all know we are in a spiritual war against degenerates who wish to turn this once beautiful kingdom called Earth into a degenerate cesspool completely devoid of spirituality, individuality, freedom, and the long forgotten ancient knowledge that kept this world balanced and in order.

For the past 6 years now ever since finding Joy of Satan I have been getting severely targeted by jewish cucks, psychic vampires, christian and islamic nut jobs, and brain dead NPC zombies who believe by putting out another person's light will make theirs brighter. I went from being a popular spiritual influencer on social media, to homeless, human trafficked, and humiliated. Constantly under psychic attacks, being drained by degenerate psychic vampires, all my business ideas stolen, and people in the music industry signed to jewish labels befriending me and then trying to groom me and abuse me when I refused to comply.

Well I have snapped. I have officially snapped. I will no longer be anyone's victim and I'm not only going to destroy a lot of people, i'm getting my MF BAG, I'm taking my MF CROWN, and making earth lit again and hope you guys will join me.

Let's go. Returning Curses 1 & 2 Improvised with added meditations

With your minds eye, create a giant wormhole portal that has the mechanism of a turbo speed vacuum. Make it as large as possible. This is designed that nothing can lead to you, and can only suction things that you program it to vacuum and send elsewhere. Imagine it as a bright golden white portal like the sun. Build an astral temple dungeon to direct everything you remove to be stored here.

"The powerful, invisible, brilliant golden vacuum has completely and totally cleaned and removed all spells, hexes, curses, bindings, entities, etheric and astral tags and implants, etheric and astral parasites, psychic vampire tendrils, black magick, graveyard magick, astral hooks, thoughtforms, death spells, santeria, voodoo, vodun, IFA, obeah, hoodoo, evil eye, christian & jewish prayers and thoughtforms, wicca, white magick, chaos magick, mind control, anchors, hatred, ill will, jinxes, kabbalah magick, hypnosis and prompts, disease, trauma, PTSD, ceremonial magick, ill will, negative energy, and anything else of malevolent intention on or connected to my mind, body, soul, chakras, aura, etheric field, akashic records, finances, love life, and all my astral bodies, subtle bodies, emotional bodies, casual bodies, celestial bodies, etheric bodies, and mental bodies in the name of the true Gods & Goddesses/Satan. This is permanent and cannot be reversed or sent back to me, across all space time continuums, all dimensions, all universes, all timelines, all frequency domains, all bubbles in the omniverse, all planes of existences, the astral and etheric realms, and the entire Quantum Matrix.

State this three times, then activate the vacuum. Make sure your astral dungeon that has high security, weapons of destruction, booby traps, and the guards of your choosing to protect this place this until later use when it's time to use another portal to dump it on your enemies. do this everyday for a month, then at the end of the month create multiple portals and target all your enemies and key figures in the jewish community.

Repeat this exercise 3 times.

Trust me when I say this works. My family is in financial ruin and my mother had to sell her house and downgrade to a ranch, that is full of problems and will make her bankrupt. My father's business is declining and he is losing money and his health fast. A girl that was targeting me doing black magic on me is in severe debt, lost her condo, and gets uglier and uglier every day. all the people in the music industry that targeted me fell off. They one got millions of views on their music videos, now their videos cant even get 10,000 views. All of their instagram accounts keep getting deleted. One of them made her 7th instagram account, and it got deleted again and has to resort to porn now to make a living. The other 2 accounts deleted. another jewish cuck is shadow banned and songs can't reach past 5,000 views and sony kicked them off the label. Oh the list is endless, I enjoy to hurt them even more.

Next exercise. This one is a bit controversial because many of you will believe that none of these exist, but they really do and are technologies and tactics used by the jews, draconians, reptilians, and greys. they have advanced technology. so whether you think i'm crazy, swallow your pride and do it and you will see how it benefits your life.

"My aura, etheric field, chakras, subtle bodies, emotional bodies, mental bodies, astral bodies, celestial bodies, casual bodies, and etheric bodies are constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling all narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths, etheric cords, tendrils, energy and psychic vampires, freemasons, christians, jews, muslims, mormons, scientologists, drug addicts, illuminati members, jesuits, werewolves, greys, reptilians, draconians, archons, spiders, intersections, remote viewers, astral spies, gangstalkers, the CIA, strongmen, jezebels, familiar spirits, jesus, malevolent entities, astral parasites, hackers, the FBI, MIB, NSA, telepathic attacks, mind readers, abductions, skim walkers, emf radiation, smart dust, scalar and direct energy weapons, voice to skull technology, government agents, the order of the golden dawn, Jinns, morgellons, nanotechnology, the effects of chemtrails, blank state technologies, disease, trauma, PTSD, 5G and satellite frequencies, low vibrational energies, rapists and predators, emotional vampires, cult members, evil secret society members, muslims, and all malevolent witches/warlocks/occultists/wizards/brujas in the name of the TRUE GODS and Goddesses, across all space time continuums, all dimensions, all universes, all timelines, all universes, all frequency domains, across all bubbles in the omniverse, the etheric and astral realms, , all planes of existences, the entire quantum matrix, and anywhere else i'm unaware of."

Repeat 18-26 times daily after doing returning curses. Not only envision a bright white light for your aura, but a layer over that is your etheric field. The stronger it gets, the more it will look like this really advanced looking force field that has hues of the rainbow and looks like an electric fence (looks like this https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/powerlisting/images/2/2f/Chase%27s_Foce_Field_Ball.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20200423233545)

This has worked wonders for me. No more astral attacks, gangstalking has reached a minimum, no more getting poisoned, i sleep like a baby, and for example I met a narcissist and my aura programming worked so well that when he saw me at the beach, he literally got up and walked to the opposite side of the beach to avoid me.

Exercise 3:

"My aura and etheric field are constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling all spells, hexes, curses, bindings, entities, etheric and astral parasites, black magick, graveyard magick, thoughtforms, death spells, santeria, voodoo, negative energy, evil eye, christian and jewish prayers, vodun, voodoo, hoodoo, obeah, wicca, white magick, chaos magick, solomonic magick, hatred, ill will, jinxes, kabbalah magick, IFA, directed entities, anger, disease, ceremonial magick, all forms of magic secret societies use, and anything else im unaware of with malevolent intent and IMMEDIATELY sends them back to the senders a trillion times stronger times three. This is permanent, cannot be reversed, or sent back to me. In the name of the TRUE Gods and Goddesses. Across all space time continuums, all dimensions, all universes, all dimensions, all frequency domains, all timelines, across all bubbles in the omniverse, the entire quantum matrix, all planes of existences, the etheric and astral realms, and anywhere else I'm unaware of."

Repeat 18 to 26 times and make sure to say it will all your force, all your might, and imagine someone hexing you and it immediately bouncing back and destroying them within seconds.

Exercise 4:
aura of protection revised.

3 times, breathe in energy from the sun. The more sensitive you are, the more you'll be able to feel it when your drawing in energy from the sun. Repeat " I have breathed in powerful protective energy from the sun. This energy has built an invisible aura and force field around me. This aura and force field protect me at all times in EVERY WAY"

If your astral senses are strong, like myself you'll literally see that electric rainbow force field I mentioned start to shine and dazzle. Its really cool.

Do this for 40 days straight. Make a schedule, write it down. choose a time everyday you will commit to when the moon isn't in void. I recommended wearing white everyday for the duration of this as white is a cleansing colour. To go the extra mile, do a full body cleanse. I don't advocate for veganism, but a lot of meat today is toxic so cleanses are necessary.

for the entire 40 days do the medical medium cleanse. Only eat fruits and vegetables. Cut all oils, meat, fats, nuts, seeds, butters, dairy out of your diet. do not bake or fry your food. Only

Invest in herbs like Haritaki, Kutki Churna, Turmeric and Curcumin, Ginger, Garlic, Cilantro, and Spirulina. This all helps detoxify heavy metals and bad toxins from your body Also if you rub your gums with haritaki every day, it will help you manifest more abundance in your life. The first time I tried it, the next day someone sent me 245$ for no reason.

Make a paste with turmeric, buy some kum kum and mix it with the tumeric paste and add a pinch of black pepper. Everyday for 9-13 days apply the paste to your forehead to detoxify your pineal gland. Trust me, this works. also invest in sea moss paste as iodine helps to decalcify the pineal gland.

After all this, you can go back to eating meat. For now, just vegetables, smoothies, LOTS OF fruits like pineapple, papaya, kiwi, oranges, various tropical fruits. No grains whatsoever. no rice, no cereals, breads, nothing.

Practice ayurveda, please dont mix certain foods together. Fruits are always to be eat on their own, and melons should never be mixed with other fruit.

I know this all sounds over board and intense, but as I learned, would you rather be weak, or put in the effort to become a powerful satanist and super saiyan up so we can DEFEAT OUR ENEMIES. Health is wealth. As above, so below, and vice versa. You gutt is your second brain, so if your gut is unhealthy, so will your mind. This will block your GOD GIVEN intuition and indecently block your pineal gland which is connected to your vagus nerve fyi. One this is complete and you choose to eat meat, only eat grass fed and organic and make sure its not a fake company pretending it's organic and grass fed.

Buy a non lactose base probiotics and for this month, overdose on them. Take 5 of thos probiotics a day, it sounds like pseudoscience and magic, but this will change you gut microbes rapidly and make it so you never crave junk food again. You'll eat junk food and it will taste like poop, literally. You'll start craving fruits, veggies, and healthy wholesome natural foods like our bodies were designed too. The enemy purposely puts addictive chemicals in the frankenfood to make you hooked so you will continue to buy. These foods are designed to lower your vibration and also lower your IQ. The man that told me about this probiotic trick, I thought he was crazy. Then I tried it, and it actually worked. If I eat chips I want to throw up.


Everyday when you brush your teeth, stand on your left food and use your left hand to brush your teeth. No matter how uncomfortable, don't stop. Do this for two minutes. Begin journaling, and everyday before bed do a journal entry and write with your left hand.

There is a reason that most everyday objects in society are designed for people who are right handed. Scissors, school desks, note books, mouses, keyboards. There's also a reason that once upon a time in the 1900's school teachers you to hit students with paddles and rulers for using their left hand. There's also a reason that once upon a time in the dark ages, if people saw you writing with your left hand or using your left hand they would label you a witch and burn you at the stake.

The FAKE "elites", the nasty jews for centuries now have been trying to suppress and hide knowledge about the right side of the brain, which is far superior to the left brain. The conscious brain only accounts for less than 0.5-5% of the brain, while the subconscious accounts for 95-99% of the brain. That's why you'll hear scientists say will only use a small percentage of our brains. This is a direct attack by the enemy.

So start doing this everyday, and if you want while meditating in tree position, stand on your left foot on some object you can balance on and do void meditation for 2-10 minutes depending on where you are at with void meditation. I will later write a topic about the suppression of the left hand/right brain.

Next, I want you to buy a bag of chickens feet, black ribbon, a couple of shoe boxes, and print the pictures of all the enemies. All the rothschild family members, paris hilton's sister Nikki hilton, Drake the rapper, Madonna, Various rabbis, the head pope of the vatican, all jewish celebrities and ceos, and all prominent jews in society, the heads of all jewish own banks. Find out all of their birthdates. On the back of the each picture, write out their full names, write down their birthdays. Cut 6 inches of the black ribbon, Take a pair of the chickens feet and with the black ribbon tie the picture of the person to the chickens feet.

While you do this take all rage you have pent up against them or anything that angers you and imagine the most evil, most fowl things you can think of happening to these people and envision an aura of death around them. If you want, throw some items in there that represent death and torture. Some damaged cars, mini explosives, a toy gun, etc. Go to a graveyard or cross road and dig a hole 6 inches deep, bury the box, cover up the hole. Do a prayer to the Gods and Goddesses to help destroy these people, Then walk away. Don't under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES LOOK BACK. AT ALL. Just walk away, and go do something fun and never think about what you just did ever again.

Please make a youtube playlist and listen to these EVERYDAY in the exact order I have linked them. Frequencies and Morphogenic Fields have been proven by science to work and are not placebo effects. I have used morphogenetic fields to straighten my teeth, and make my hair grow 9 inches in one month, heal my posture, straighten my spine, amongst many other things to help with spiritual health.


In the future I will be making more posts, but let's start off with this and GETTT IT. Time to defeat the enemy once and for all.

I know a lot of ya'll looooooooove to hate my guts for no reason, but truthfully I'm so thankful a lot of you bullied me. You helped me go harder with power meditations, boss up, and conquer so many attacks, spiritual warfare, gangstalking, oppression, and attempts on my life. Your bullying motivated me to become more powerful.

Just in November I was depressed suicidal, broke, and lived in the hood. Now I'm super duper happy, empowered once again, wake up everyday with gratitude, rebuilding my social media following rapidly, rebuilding everything my enemies destroyed, and live in a luxury condo that has a rooftop pool.

Take my advice or don't, but just know I'm not your enemy, definitely not a jew, and far far far from stupid :) I shouldn't even be sharing any of these meditations truthfully, but i'm not in a crab in a barrel or have to tear others down to feel powerful so I will be generous and be the bigger person.

I want some drugs too. Are mixing drugs?


fairy666 said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=317481 time=1642642307 user_id=21286]
fairy666 said:

Your post comes off as a bit overzealous or hyper, which is maybe why some people think you are ungrounded. This doesn't have to be the case, but that is at least where it comes from.

No, you shouldn't have been outright called crazy. Unfortunately, people don't also communicate in the best way. Some people do have good intentions, even if they are being rude about it. It is worse in this case, though, since you have past experience with being bullied.

As far as what you post here, none of this is specifically wrong, rather it is more about choosing what you are investing your time in. Unfortunately, most people have to work and therefore plan out exactly what they do in their overall advancement routine.

The above goes for both what you describe with health, but also working with props and so forth. The props are only there to guide your focus, but beyond that, you probably don't need them.


It is not that health is not important, but about using your time efficiently. Your health or vitality is kind of like an energy pool: if you lose too much, then you get symptoms. Some things, like yoga, good food, and meditation add energy. Negatives like overexertion, toxins, or staying up late remove energy.

However, not everyone is equal. For example, instead of spending a cumulative amount of 20-30 minutes tending to your supplements and food, this time could instead be spent doing yoga. It does not take much time to buy clean food, but it would take too long to fully grow your food to be perfect. This is just an example but also applies to other things here.

If you are eating enough vegetables daily, you should not have to make excessive dietary modifications to be able to detox. This is especially true if you are doing yoga or otherwise sweating daily.

While food items other than fruits can introduce more toxins, they also have other benefits (such as meat being the best source of yin substance). Removing these things for too long could end up doing more harm than good if you aren't careful.

If you want to permanently upgrade your health, look into doing work on your lower chakras through the associated runes or planetary energies. Someone with a strong enough solar chakra and vitality would be able to "tank" all of these health concerns without suffering symptoms.


As far as the rest of this: your affirmations are meant to guide your focus, so it should be broad and not this specific. If you create an AOP and program it to defend yourself against all negativity, then it should already be blocking all these things automatically. You don't have to list out every single thing.

Be careful with online audio files that people post, because you don't know what they put in them. If you are having good results, then I am glad, just be careful.


Having conflicts with other members does not invalidate you as a JOS member. Everyone here, not just you, has things they have to work on. It is unfortunate that others were not able to be nicer with their advice, but you also have to be able to take what they are telling you.

The people who responded to you are long-time members with personal success, so their advice does have value to it. None of them are perfect, either, but they aren't trying to wish harm upon another SS.

Leaving JOS would only harm you, not them, and anyone who does work for Satan, such as the ritual schedules, is valued. Like I mentioned before, it is unfortunate that you have been bullied before and are now subject to harsh words, but you have to be able to tank it. Getting up and leaving JOS is a destructive action that may feel emotionally satisfying, but is not actually wise in the long run.

Anyway, I hope you are feeling better now. Good luck.

It may come across overzealous or hyper because when i'm not being bullied or have mean things said to me, i'm a very happy person and extremely passionate. I wrote this because I was excited to share something that has helped my life, and I felt very optimistic that together we could destroy the enemy. Sorry for being optimistic and cheerful and excited at the idea of destroying the enemy.
You don't defeat the enemy by coming here and sharing all kinds of nonsense. You'd better make RTRs.
fairy666 said:
It may come across overzealous or hyper because when i'm not being bullied or have mean things said to me, i'm a very happy person and extremely passionate. I wrote this because I was excited to share something that has helped my life, and I felt very optimistic that together we could destroy the enemy. Sorry for being optimistic and cheerful and excited at the idea of destroying the enemy.

It is unfortunate that people took those emotions, combined with the rest of the post, and came to harsh conclusions about you. Even worse is the effect that had on you. Please don't cry anymore.

If you are as powerful as you evaluate yourself, then you are useful in the war against the enemy, regardless of what you wrote here. When I first came here, I had written strange things that gave me negative attention, as well.

However, if I decided to leave JOS over that, that would've been the worst decision in my entire life. I think you know this yourself because you had already written a post on the New Age communities. No other group focuses its efforts on actual power meditation, dedicated and long-term growth, and most importantly is organized against the enemy.

As you say, know your own worth and see how you do hold value here. Don't let one negative event ruin what is otherwise a very positive thing. If you stay here, then people will see your true value over time.

I wish I could do more to help you, or I wish this situation would have never occurred, but the damage has been done to you. At this point, all I can do is ask you to be strong and continue your involvement here.

We are all not perfect, and we all need to grow more. However, I don't see any other community capable of helping you with that. Others may be super nice to you, but if they cannot give you valuable feedback, then how useful is that?
fairy666 said:
Fuchs said:
fairy666 said:

If all of this works for you fine, but most of the affirmations etc is allready covered by the normal aop, returning curses allready puplished, maybe tendrils should be added.

It´s also fine to have a big imagination. But I think these are more personal and won´t help most other people.

If I would do everything you stated, I would have to use much more time, time which I can spend otherwise better.

We want to advance as efficient as we can.

If you don´t do Kunda or Hatha joga, you should do these, daily.

Hey, I'm no longer affiliated with Joy of Satan or these forums, but wanted to take time to thank you for being kind, giving constructive criticism, and not resorting to name calling. If it weren't for what I listed above, I wouldn't be in a better place in life right now.

None of this is my imagination, I linked below to slyscorpion or whatever his name is, a list of verified patents of these exact technologies I listed. if they were my imagination then why do various governments and intelligents agencies own the patents and rights to these things? idk.

Society is rampant with energy and psychic vampires, delusional occultists that like to hex people for fun, and a lot of sociopaths/psychopaths/narcs. if I hadn't done these meditations, narcissists wouldnt walk to the other side of the beach just to avoid me?

also reptillian, draconians, all of that are real. I used to thing that was just a nutjob conspiracy theory and made fun of people who talked about it until i saw a fucking reptilian, some police officer and witnessed with my own eyes someone who shape shifted.

the way a lot of peoples logic works on this forum, im surprised they think black magick is real. technically thats some nut job conspiracy theory too but hey.

I agree, everything I listed is very time consuming, but it helped me and if people actually just gave it a shot instead of diss it off the bat, who knows maybe they'll see im not such a crazy drug addict after all

I wish you the best, if you guys want you can get this post deleted. I would hate for someone to follow advice from a scizo drug addict like me.

the funny thing is this forum constantly accuses me of drug addiction so much, that I kinda just wanna go smoke a blunt and have fun since i'm already labelled as such. this forum stresses me out and is a vibe killer and super bad for my mental health.

Drugs will only help the enemy getting from you what they want. You don´t want to do daily long workings for protection and then open the door to them wide by doing drugs.
fairy666 said:
AgainstAllAuthority said:
fairy666 said:
Okay well since this is horrible , stupid, paranoid? Scizo advice and I’m so unstable you can ask hooded cobra to delete my post and ban my account then since I’m not worthy to be apart of joy of Satan and not worthy or being treated with kindness and respect.

You were victimized in the past and that has put you in a low frequency, combative state. Now you are very likely to perceive anything as an attack. You need to get out of that state of mind.
I always try to keep my mind at a high frequency and nothing affects me.

you know i usually wake up with a high frequency and gratitude for life. my vibe is great actually, someone commented on my airbnb account that I have a "beautiful vibe" , want proof?

personally, this forum lowers my vibration and is toxic. So Namaste, nama go.

im finding a community that has higher vibrations and dont call people drug addicts and scizo just for sharing meditations that worked for them and being enthusiastic about it.

K so I am going to be straight with you here.

First off I didn't want to read all of this, but then I saw that this topic blew up and I was like 'what is this all about'.
That is the only reason I am even commenting here.

You have those diagnosis, you're desperate and hurt and then you're picking up a dagger and pointing it at everyone.

You don't realize you yourself are being the problem here.

Look: you even admitted that someone said that you had a positive vibe or whatever.

Normies are not to be trusted. Ever. Especially when they say things like that. This is what opens you up to abuse.
You want to be loved, treated well, respected.

You aren't going to gain any of that if you keep letting people cross your boundaries, and if you aren't taking or making the efforts to get your stuff in order, nothing will change.

You'll still be that crying child pointing the dagger at others, afraid of being hurt again, instead of the one leading and finding the right and proper support or at least, connections, that you need.

I really would suggest quitting that part of the music business and to start something yourself.
Become your own producer.

Look it takes more effort and everything, and it may not entirely be your dream in the end, but it is your passion.

Shape up yourself. Become the best version of you that you could be.

This is the only thing that I can and want to say to you. All other kinds of advice has already been given, be it here in this topic or in other topics. Reiterating, or affirming that once again is not going to help.

Just simply get your head out of your arse okay?
Fuchs said:
fairy666 said:
Fuchs said:
If all of this works for you fine, but most of the affirmations etc is allready covered by the normal aop, returning curses allready puplished, maybe tendrils should be added.

It´s also fine to have a big imagination. But I think these are more personal and won´t help most other people.

If I would do everything you stated, I would have to use much more time, time which I can spend otherwise better.

We want to advance as efficient as we can.

If you don´t do Kunda or Hatha joga, you should do these, daily.

Hey, I'm no longer affiliated with Joy of Satan or these forums, but wanted to take time to thank you for being kind, giving constructive criticism, and not resorting to name calling. If it weren't for what I listed above, I wouldn't be in a better place in life right now.

None of this is my imagination, I linked below to slyscorpion or whatever his name is, a list of verified patents of these exact technologies I listed. if they were my imagination then why do various governments and intelligents agencies own the patents and rights to these things? idk.

Society is rampant with energy and psychic vampires, delusional occultists that like to hex people for fun, and a lot of sociopaths/psychopaths/narcs. if I hadn't done these meditations, narcissists wouldnt walk to the other side of the beach just to avoid me?

also reptillian, draconians, all of that are real. I used to thing that was just a nutjob conspiracy theory and made fun of people who talked about it until i saw a fucking reptilian, some police officer and witnessed with my own eyes someone who shape shifted.

the way a lot of peoples logic works on this forum, im surprised they think black magick is real. technically thats some nut job conspiracy theory too but hey.

I agree, everything I listed is very time consuming, but it helped me and if people actually just gave it a shot instead of diss it off the bat, who knows maybe they'll see im not such a crazy drug addict after all

I wish you the best, if you guys want you can get this post deleted. I would hate for someone to follow advice from a scizo drug addict like me.

the funny thing is this forum constantly accuses me of drug addiction so much, that I kinda just wanna go smoke a blunt and have fun since i'm already labelled as such. this forum stresses me out and is a vibe killer and super bad for my mental health.

Drugs will only help the enemy getting from you what they want. You don´t want to do daily long workings for protection and then open the door to them wide by doing drugs.

yooo marijuana is so much fun back when I was a hippy . if people keep accusing me of being a drug addict on here shit, why the fuck am I gunna avoid some good ganja just for the approval of people who like to pick on me and lower my vibration.

im such a drug addict scizo bimbo slut only good for sucking diiicck sweetiieee dont mind me.

i'm going to go snort 10 marijuawannnaas and cry some more about low IQ bullies who say their focus is power meditations, but waste value time and energy bullying woman

which is embarrassing by away. I'm literally younger than all of them, and a woman. Real alpha men go build shit with their hands and learn kungfoo or something, not act like prissy little ballerina Regina Geroges and pick on woman half their size.

yay i wuv being. a drug addict bimbo slut.

bye, ya'll are mean. the only person i like on here is Blitzkreig [JG]. you guys could learn a lot from him. He knows how to give constructive cristism is a manner that snt degrading and cruel towards others, and is a real alpha man.

You guys only made me hate the human race more, I hate everyone and I will never trust a soul in my life.
fairy666 said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=317481 time=1642642307 user_id=21286]
fairy666 said:


Kokusz said:
“…NEXT print out the faces of a thousand jewish people, drink your own menstrual blood, then program it with a 3 pages long affirmation for only 150000 times. But trust me, you stupid JoS member, I am definitely not a jew and it will 1000% work if you do it exactly how I said…”

How is this even allowed? That person is a troll, she laughing at us, trying to make fun us, while happily advocating blood magic and fills the forum with other types of nonsense. At this point she gets the most attention and help but she can’t stop crying about how bad the treatment she gets. She literally feeds on the empathy and kindness of the members of this forum. She doesn’t want to be a member, she want us the recognise her superiority, take her as a leader, follow her instructions and obey. 🤦‍♀️

Call me rude, I don’t share any sympathy with her.


Nothing. How is me being cheerful and optimistic and wanting to team up with everyone so me how translating now to wanting to be some supreme ruler over everyone here

And I didn’t tell nobody to drink period blood. What kind of weird ass fetishes are these people into here do I look like a Mexican bruja that wants to make you fall in love with me

Bro you have to admit that this is uncalled for and unwarranted. There is no incentive for me to be BE affiliated with this group. You guys look like a evil cult all I see on here is these people attacking people for no reason, accusing everyone of being a Jew, being an infiltrator, being this , being that.

It’s embarrassing. Good luck growing spiritual satanism and getting ppl to join, because treating ppl like this scares them away.

GOODBYE. Let me be a scizo drug addict only good for sucking dick in peace. You ppl already made me cry yesterday go celebrate and leave me alone

Too much drama, you reap what you sow.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
