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May 6, 2013
    Much like Geocentrism is everything Revolving around the Earth, which was later changed to Heliocentrism where everything revolves around the sun. Then how appropriate such a word as Egocentrism should come to us. Many People live Empty Desolate lives, only out to self gratify that of their selves. Their interests fall into the panoramic view of Nihilism. However, as the saying goes Hind sight is 20/20, as they only realize this when they are nearing the end of their life. When engrossed into their First Person View of their Stagnating purposeless lives, they believe the best thing to suffer the moment is pleasure to the self.
  This becomes a self perpetuating path of destruction. As they are trying to please the Higher Mind with mindless activities, that will never permeate the truth of existence. Like an endless Void that is never Satiated. A junkie of cheap entertainment at best. Then one day The Light of the truth of Lucifer shines before you. A flow of Spiritual Prowess pours through your veins as a sea of ecstasy. With Meditation comes a new drug, one which exists on the Meta and Biological Plains of existence. The Euphoria offered is a new food to the Self. One that Replenishes while Satiating the inner levels of consciousness.
  Later in the Journey one is introduced to the Ideals of Humility. But How can one obtain this state of Self-LESS? Does one no longer care about their well being? Welcome a new way of thinking, of which is known by Allocentricism. To have ones interests revolve around the needs of others. To be Humble for the sake of Humility produces nothing, other then perhaps Pretentious Mannerisms. Instead One must be replaced with the Other. The needs of the self shall not become selfless, but instead be replaced by the needs of others.
  Rather then Following some senseless Arbitrary Method of Humility, Allocentricism suggests that a direct approach is Plausible. In the Light of this knowledge, I urge the reader to think about the Countless Gentiles who are suffering around the world in this moment. Regardless if one is Aryan, African or Asian, We are ALL the children of Satan. There is but two sides to this Horrid War, Team Jew and Team Gentiles. Those of us here have become enlightened to this Knowledge by Association with the Representation of Satan, chosen by Satan.
  We have been thrust the weapons which possess the power to destroy the jews and all they created into our hands. Now each and everyone of us must decide what we do from here. Will we sacrifice for the Good of others? Or will we continue in our unenlightened States of self Gratification? Regardless of your Ethnicity, Gender or Sexual Preference, Together we must Unite under the Banner of Satan as Team Gentile. We must enact upon the gifts given to us by our Gods. We must help one another in times of need. Together if we are to be successful in these endeavors, we will Win this War and be proclaimed by all Victorious of this inter Galactic War which has spanned the course of Ten Thousand years or more.
  Who then will Decide to choose to put the well being of others before themselves? Sacrifice their Time and put effort into Reversing the Torah? That Question is asked to each and everyone of us and only YOU know the Answer.

 Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satanas Forever 
 LGBT Website: http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/about/
 LGBT Group: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Satanicgaycommunity/info
 LGBT YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPNQBm0fmA7G949VelTaLtg

You're still going with the Buddhist crap, I see.
I've stated this before, I will do it again. What you're telling people to do is extremely unhealthy. You tell them to jump from one extreme to the another. This is not how it works. The Ancient Romans had this saying "In medio stat virtus.", which means that virtue is found in the middle. How does it apply here? It stands to reason that being extremely selfish is unhealthy, just like being selfless. The initiate should strive for a state of balance between the two. The purpose of Satanism is to improve yourself, your community and the universe. You are part of it. What you're asking them is to neglect yourself in favour of the others, which is not healthy, just like it isn't healthy to neglect the others and care exclusively about yourself.
The whole message is thus incorrect, but some details in your speech are worth taking into consideration. More than that, they are worth applying. However, the fact that we should help each other as already been highlighted in sermons where National Socialism is presented and also in sermons that explain how will be the world when we win the war.
This is some weird buddhist shit. What do you have against self-gratification? Why do I have to place my needs above the needs of everyone elses? Self-sacrifice (self-destruction) is a Christian concept; jesus dying on the cross for example.
'Why do I have to place my needs above the needs of everyone elses?" 
rameses you meant to say, why do i have to place everyones needs above my own, but what YOU said Ramses is self contradictory.
you should be sure to proof read your message before you send them.
on the other hand, i think aldrick is noble in his efforts to pump us up, and try and be positive on here, as well as always urging us to support the rtr war.
he is much more selfless and giving than i am, i have only been helping with rtrs on dates of extreme importance, yet aldrick is slaving away for the greater good, using his energies for others when he could be using them to raise his kundalini.
however he is being manipulative, and using his seniority here to make people believe that they should literally do this,  "The needs of the self shall not become selfless, but instead be replaced by the needs of others."

this is not what he believes, he is simply trying to manipulate newer members into taking the burden of the RTRs off of his hands, so that he can focus on himself.

remember we are all connected, and the same goes for our thoughts to some extent.
however, if aldrick truly believes this to be true, and he is selflessly working for satan, satan will reward him massively once we are free, and have lots of extra energy.
so it does not matter how "wrong" he is, everyone gets what is coming to them, if working your ass off for satan, and not considering the self before others is what you think you should do, then go ahead and do it. this is beneficial to everyone in the end, even the self

May I call you al… I'm gonna call you al just to shorten up texting and all that… wait a minute…hmm…anyway… yoy can't help the world until you've helped yourself!… what you seem to be saying to everyone is… ok I get you possessed… but this other guy is also possessed and you gotten help him first!… don't worry so much as the fact that he won't help you back and that you are in total agony… we have to come together and help everyone!…
i read this again another time before bed, and i see that i was correct, you actually are saying what i think you are saying, it is pretty shamefull that you would resort to such words, is this because you  have hit a dead end in your advancement aldrick?''
is this because you dont feel like you can be of any importance, unless you make an example of yourself?
or are you doing what i feel as if you are doing, and manipulating others so that you can focus on yourself in an act of absolute hypocrisy?

 So let me get this straight. So when Hitler asked of his fellow German people to sacrifice everything, To become Soldiers and give their lives for their homeland. Those great warriors for truth, Rose up and fought with everything they had, In the end giving their lives for the third Reich. This is considered Buddhist shit to you? 
 What I am asking of people, is to stop living for themselves all the time. To sacrifice their time and efforts to do Reverse Torah Rituals and change the world.  Check Thy Self :p 



 Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satanas Forever 
 LGBT Website: http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/about/
 LGBT Group: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Satanicgaycommunity/info
 LGBT YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPNQBm0fmA7G949VelTaLtg
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reAvWtL ... na85bR85kC

i prefer this one, as the above is epic but it does not contain these lines
the ss did not serve the purpose of dying for germany, those who were meditating and were on the path to godhead did not rush into battle as cannon fodder.
no a spiritually advanced german dying for the germany that lost the war, and is now in shambles again is stupid, it is more important to preserve ones life so that one can procreate, and create more advanced humans.
living again to fight another day is the Aryan way, going down with ones ship is just dumb

just as it is important for us to focus on advancing ourselves, instead of dropping all concern for our own souls, so that we can give every ounce of our energy to the snap chatting retards that the human race is now made up of.

i agree with you aldrick, i do not feel as if i can hold my head up high, and i feel rather guilty, but to me it is more important to use my power to keep me safe from enemy attacks, and to advance in meditation.
i need my power more than billy joe and bobby sue working at Walmart eating hohos and hostess pies 24/7
i can help on days of maximum importance, but otherwise doing rtrs everyday is exhausting, and i wake up the next morning with my aura feeling small, and my soul dirty..the enemies outnumber us, and they take advantage of it.
and on top of it im going to school now, and this is causing even more problems like sleep deprivation, i have to deal with nasty freaks all day on a shitty breakfast, and a shitty lunch.
i need my own power more than the pothead losers.
Oh, Aldrick. You're certainly not Hitler and not even close to his wavelength. But that's not point. The point is Hitler never asked Germans to neglect themselves or forgot about themselves. He asked people to care about one other and help one other.[*]Hitler: help your people, care about your people. No mentions about forget about yourself.
</li>[*]You: forget about yourself and only care about others.</li>Everyone with half a mind can see the difference. You're stuck in binary thinking: either selfless or selfish, black or white. That's not how it works.
So are you, candycrush. You think you can't work to advance yourself if you're doing spiritual warfare non-stop. This couldn't be farther from the truth and it's exactly the difference between a true warrior of Satan and someone like you, who is not even SS at this point. If you don't advance yourself and do spiritual warfare daily, you're no SS. It's not the beliefs that make you such, but your own actions. This is exactly the difference between Satanism and the enemy programs. You're just a dabbler, nothing more. It's also ironic to see you telling people to proofread what they write (though, rightfully so), since just a couple of days ago you were raging against grammar.
The RTRs asked of everyone everyday takes little time maybe the absolute most 2 hours

What's important is everyone do their own best for our cause and always persevere at all areas to keep balance. And not spend too much wasted time. Time is valuable

 Starts laughing myself to tears on the floor. I make a post saying how we need to help other people and do reverse Torah Rituals, sacrificing our time and efforts to change the world. Low and behold the Satanism is all about the self squad comes out and has a problem with it. 
 Now you think I feel no importance? When I feel the greatest of importance fighting for others!? Hahahahaa. 

 Maybe you should get off the video games and do something for someone other then yourself and you would understand. 

 Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satanas Forever 
 LGBT Website: http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/about/
 LGBT Group: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Satanicgaycommunity/info
 LGBT YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPNQBm0fmA7G949VelTaLtg


 Lol you must be taking drugs because I was never raging about Grammar. Get your facts straight. So you mean people like Heinrich Himmler who was tortured to death? Or other High Ranking Nazi's who took a cyanide pill because they would have been tortured for all they did? THOSE people that sacrificed everything? That is who you are going to reference. 
 HOW DARE YOU, mock our soldiers that gave their lives for YOU. Thats all they were was fuckin cannon fodder to you? They gave their lives so you would have freedom. Name me ONE SS that was spiritually advanced that survived the war. Oh thats right there isn't any because they either joined the war and gave their lives or they were hung. 

  Also I never mentioned not caring about yourself. I only Mentioned putting our Brothers and Sisters need over your own selfish ones. But it seems neither one of you can you do that. What only two? Come on you are gonna need at least ten self righteous noobs to challenge me. 

 Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satanas Forever 
 LGBT Website: http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/about/
 LGBT Group: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Satanicgaycommunity/info
 LGBT YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPNQBm0fmA7G949VelTaLtg

 Oh and about the video he clearly says think about people who are worse off then you. Just like he says if you think you have given enough, turn your gaze and you will see someone who has given more for Germany then you. He also mentions those who cannot see beyond their own nose. 
 You see little boy. Let me educate you here as to what he is plainly saying. He is not saying go help yourself. He is saying go help yourselves. Meaning that the people should all help each other. See you learned something today. Don't worry its not your fault you have been off in the forums. It seems there are quite of few of you that need to learn your place on the totem pole. I was getting bored. 

 Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satanas Forever 
 LGBT Website: http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/about/
 LGBT Group: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Satanicgaycommunity/info
 LGBT YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPNQBm0fmA7G949VelTaLtg
i dont care about grammar, yet there was no rage
 and i didnt call him stupid for how he mistyped his message either, he totally fucked up the entire point he was making, and it had nothing to do with grammar at all, i simply corrected him, because i know what he meant, and i agree with him... 
"You're just a dabbler"
it seems you have decided to dabble in retardation...i think you may be projecting on to me
Here is a copy-paste from the other thread, since your imbecility knows no boundaries and deserves no more replies. This is so the readers can keep up.

I'm dead serious. If this was a game, I would be playing. If I knew you were going to get dramatic, I would have ignored you altogether and just kept the debate with candycrush. But let's analyse all your drama:

The only one who mentioned Lydia is you right now. I haven't done it here and neither I did it on your Allocentrism topic.You keep telling people to put the needs of others above themselves, thus deliberately coercing them into creating an imbalance. Pseudo-bullshit nonsense, like me and the guy Ramsesses have already said.You twist my words by stating that I expressed the exact opposite, namely that we should put our needs before those of the other. But have I ever said this? Go back and re-read everything I posted and you'll be shown that I never said. Of course, I haven't. It would have just unbalanced as your statements. What I've said is that people need to develop an healthy balance between their needs and other people's needs (their nation, their race, their community).Let's skip all the bias where you try to elevate your position in an underhanded way by displaying higher-up connections, and where you try several logical fallacies to achieve the same goal.Nothing to add about the aura of protection and physical meetings. You clearly haven't read anything I wrote. So go back and read it again, instead of using logical fallacy to try and make yourself look good. You failed at it.You talk about comparing advancement, but you're the first to strongly mock and make fun of all those who disagree with your views and show you your faults. It's shown in your very first comment here, but also in all the other comments whenever I'm part of the conversation.You conclude by admitting you're stubborn and you won't change your mind.
Summarising, you haven't understood anything of what I wrote, but decide to mock it and go against me and my statements, just because they don't stand up to the little gilded fantasy you have built in your own mind. First you mock, then with someone is tired of your antics and gives you an ultimatum, you go ahead and play the victim card. Bravo!
I suggest that before you read something, you calm your mind down by chanting SATANAMA while you using deep, long breath. After that, you first tune in your crown chakra, then you go about reading.
A little warning: don't bother replying again with the same strawman techniques and other logical fallacies. If you do, you won't receive an answer from me. That's for sure.

lol aldrick Im not retarded, I know what it means.
I simply linked it because I thought that it was a better video to support your point then "sacrifice"
appearantly you guys don't feel drained when you do the rtrs,
however I find it to be literally exhausting
so chill out, there are no sides here and im not against you

on the off hand she was referring to me as thee grammar Nazi, but actually Lydia was being crazy about proper grammar, and calling some guy retarded because he misspelled 2 words, and forgot to put a space after his comma.....

I told Lydia that grammar and intelligence do not parallel one another, blah blah BLAH

so they weren't calling you the grammar dick head, they were calling me the grammar dickhead, except it wasn't even me... and I wasn't even correcting the guy based upon grammar, I was politely correcting his message, because he didn't write what he meant to write, yet I understood his point.

so chill everyone, but I don't think that concern for the self needs to be totally replaced with concern for the needs of others
that is just wrong TO ME, and I wanted to say how I felt about it
@Aldrick : I'm not sure if the last diatribe was for me. I posted the video to support you because I wasn't in the mood to write inspiring paragraphs about self-sacrifice and belonging to your people. Anyway it's all good. The Gods know my heart.

 Thank you for the video :) 
 Yes I am a fucking Dabbler because I believe that the lives of Hundreds of millions of people actually mean something and not just to further my agenda. 
 Claps hands. Good job. It is true how the enemy blames you for what they are. You got it right about the retardation. Only a retard would believe what you have to say. Good job. I mean if you idiots are going to actually do any harm, you really gotta get a little smarter then this. 

 I mean I love playing with you noobs. But god they use to be some what inventive. Now I just feel like I am picking on a special Ed Kid. 
 Now I feel like giving a Trump Speech about the intelligence level of my Haters. 



 Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satanas Forever 
 LGBT Website: http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/about/
 LGBT Group: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Satanicgaycommunity/info
 LGBT YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPNQBm0fmA7G949VelTaLtg

chill out guys, aldrick is not an imbecile, he is actually a very valuable member here, we can have diagreementts, but its important to recognize when things start to gain too much momentum.

in hindsight this is gonna be long, go ahead and close this message here if you like...

he had literally left the forms for like a month, so that he could try and be better for us, and he comes back and its not what we wanted....he is just trying to help and be inspiring, and were bashing the hell out of him.
im not even going to read the post from aldrick you copy pasted, it isnt going to result in anything other than us seriously not liking eachother.

i think that aldrick possibly didn't even mean what he wrote about selflessness to be true, i believe he was likely trying to inspire new members to pick up the slack so that he could use his time and energy elsewhere,

i woke up late on the weekend, did a twin serpent meditation at about 4 pm after yoga, and i was feeling my blue chakra above my head, and i felt like it is responsible for helping with telapathic communication, so i focused on it, and i had the thought that perhaps instead of doing constant rtrs, i should be really hard on newbies that arent doing the rtrs in order to make up for the slack on my behalf.

i immediately felt like someone was angry at me for thinking it, i felt it in my chest, ""what the fuck is wrong with you" is the feeling i got if i had to put it into words
and i told myself i would never do that,, and it is the definition of hypocracy, however a few hours later after i finished, i came here to see a very weird speech from aldrick, and it indicated to me that i had somehow tapped into the minds of us all even the gods, as i felt such an intense anger directed t me that i thought it must be someone very powerful, like i gained heightened awareness for a minute.
it made sense to me then, however maybe i was wrong, and it was a thought from me.
but just because he is going though some weird stuff doesn't mean we have to get super crazy about it.

i think the enemy is working to stamp out our intelligence again, our awareness.
perhaps im just feeling and realizing it, or maybe they are doing rituals against us specifically to lower our brain power.
but things seem rather off, there is only like 5 of us posting here, the occasional annoying noobs and infiltrators
and those of us here are getting into ridiculous arguments over words we are putting on screens...not real physical actions, just words misconceptions and opinions.
its actually making me kind of sad that such hostility has broken out, i was typing a bit of a hostile message the other day, and a big fly landed on my paper infront of me, and i thought "Beelzebub is the lord of all that flies, and he does not let that shit fly"
i deleted most of my venting, and sent something moderately helpful.
my life is better than ever, but i cant help feeling like this is falling apart, idk i had weird thought of a world with the jos crushed. it was pretty vivid, and concerning, i tried not to dwell on it, but the possibility is very real.

to be frank most of the hostility here is spewing from me, as i am way too aggressive on these forums, but now i see it spreading a little bit and its concerning me.
i read all the posts, i  can see the trend.
my point is lets try not to really hurt each others feelings, aldrick opened up and let out a very emotionally packed message, revealing to us his sensitive and passionate nature already, on top of it he mentioned that he is a "very" sensitive person, indicating that we did hurt his feelings, but he is being tough about it.
 and to add more fuel to the fire he got rapid fire messages all calling him a retard.

which isn't true, everyone has their beliefs, and their own free will.
sometimes people (nobody among us) have to make themselves believe total lies just so they can sleep at night, 
so if aldrick says something kind of off, because he can relate to it and it makes sense to him then its not such a big deal.
hes got enough of a reputation without us holding every little thing over his head, i personally have spazzed out in the past because i thought a certain individual was dong something that was terribly wrong, and it turns out that they didnt even attempt to do what i thought they were going to...
i wrote a pretty intense message that was fueled by a misunderstanding, and while my friend and i were both called infantile psychos, and called rabbis,  we weren't persecuted, made fun of in any way, or even banned.
however if it had went differently and the person operated using our current level of maturity, i would have likely became very upset, left the forums, and consequently not have the chance to enjoy THIS for what it is, 
this is the only way that us satanists can speak with our friends, our family even.
most of us here have had horrible experiences with our birth families, and they hate us as much as we hate them.
which means this is literally the ONLY place most of us can go to talk about our concerns, talk to each other to really communicate with anyone in an honest and truthful way, revealing our thoughts that we literally CANNOT say to ANYBODY else.
but this results in all our bottled up emotions and our anger to go spilling out through our fingers and it can happen in the most negative of ways.
such a calling people names, and degrading them because you or they were to heated to properly analyze a message.

i dont know how, or why, but aldrick obviously has some seriously fucked up karma, because he has his own sermon, and its not good... but he is still with us which says a lot on its own.

lmao go home shade YOURE DRUNK


 Can Die and Decipi 
 I was not referring anything bad to either of you. I apologize if it seemed that way. 
 We have already won this argument a thousand times over. To care about others is Gentile to care only about the self is a jewish mentality. No matter how much they try to play distraction games. People are not so stupid that they cannot see this. They have completely destroyed their Reputations that they may have built on the forums. If they were not already destroyed. 
 I have alot of Haters, either because I hurt their poor little egos or because they hate the fact that I represent the truth so adamantly. But I have never gained a Hater because of my Stance on Satan, not one time lol. What I think is funny is at one point they said something to the fact of You could have just stayed out of this, we would have argued with these other people. 
 I am in tears over that one. Because they think I am worried about arguing. I do this for fun. No matter how much they try to confuse and distract the issues are thus. 
  Our Team: Supports Giving your all for Satan and caring for Your Race and the Gods. Don't meet strangers its dangerous. 
 Their Team: Thats Buddhism. Its all about the self man. Take what you can from people. Who cares. People died for me? They were cannon fodder. Pfft I dont care. Sure go meet absolute strangers, nothing bad could happen and if it does, well I dont give a shit about you anyway. 

 I think that this is the most Hilarious thing I have ever argued about. To make matters worse their not even good at it. I thought the jews claiming they were gentiles and telling me they knew that for a fact and I was just a piece of shit was like the topper. But Honestly this is even funnier. The problem is, it is SOO Boring. LiKE THEIR not even a challenge. I am trying to give them a few days to like post and really get have their say, so they can get like some what of a fighting chance. But in reality just be digging their hole for me. 
 But God I am so bored by this, it is getting hard to even pay attention anymore. My advice would be if they just stopped posting about it and hoped everyone forgot about it. Hey! I just had an idea, lets use this as momentum. Lets keep posting Inspiration by Hitler and what not. Then we can actually use this to motivate people! 

 Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satanas Forever 
 LGBT Website: http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/about/
 LGBT Group: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Satanicgaycommunity/info
 LGBT YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPNQBm0fmA7G949VelTaLtg

I agree with cand.cru5h3r. 
We are a family, first and foremost. a Satanic Family It is also natural to disagree sometimes, as this is norm in most families. Disagreements, arguments, this all happens between siblings, even husband and wife sometimes. 
But at the end of the day, family still matters. The bond between family still remains. We are a family. Brothers and Sisters in arms, and we are at war....

Put this hate, anger, dissatisfaction to the ENEMY. 
All of you are very important and valuable here, and that is why you are all STILL here. Please put your differences aside, for your Satanic family. 
Do not let the enemy divide us, do not let them win
Hail Satan 666
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 2:13 AM, cand.cru5h3r@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   chill out guys, aldrick is not an imbecile, he is actually a very valuable member here, we can have diagreementts, but its important to recognize when things start to gain too much momentum.

in hindsight this is gonna be long, go ahead and close this message here if you like...

he had literally left the forms for like a month, so that he could try and be better for us, and he comes back and its not what we wanted....he is just trying to help and be inspiring, and were bashing the hell out of him.
im not even going to read the post from aldrick you copy pasted, it isnt going to result in anything other than us seriously not liking eachother.

i think that aldrick possibly didn't even mean what he wrote about selflessness to be true, i believe he was likely trying to inspire new members to pick up the slack so that he could use his time and energy elsewhere,

i woke up late on the weekend, did a twin serpent meditation at about 4 pm after yoga, and i was feeling my blue chakra above my head, and i felt like it is responsible for helping with telapathic communication, so i focused on it, and i had the thought that perhaps instead of doing constant rtrs, i should be really hard on newbies that arent doing the rtrs in order to make up for the slack on my behalf.

i immediately felt like someone was angry at me for thinking it, i felt it in my chest, ""what the fuck is wrong with you" is the feeling i got if i had to put it into words
and i told myself i would never do that,, and it is the definition of hypocracy, however a few hours later after i finished, i came here to see a very weird speech from aldrick, and it indicated to me that i had somehow tapped into the minds of us all even the gods, as i felt such an intense anger directed t me that i thought it must be someone very powerful, like i gained heightened awareness for a minute.
it made sense to me then, however maybe i was wrong, and it was a thought from me.
but just because he is going though some weird stuff doesn't mean we have to get super crazy about it.

i think the enemy is working to stamp out our intelligence again, our awareness.
perhaps im just feeling and realizing it, or maybe they are doing rituals against us specifically to lower our brain power.
but things seem rather off, there is only like 5 of us posting here, the occasional annoying noobs and infiltrators
and those of us here are getting into ridiculous arguments over words we are putting on screens...not real physical actions, just words misconceptions and opinions.
its actually making me kind of sad that such hostility has broken out, i was typing a bit of a hostile message the other day, and a big fly landed on my paper infront of me, and i thought "Beelzebub is the lord of all that flies, and he does not let that shit fly"
i deleted most of my venting, and sent something moderately helpful.
my life is better than ever, but i cant help feeling like this is falling apart, idk i had weird thought of a world with the jos crushed. it was pretty vivid, and concerning, i tried not to dwell on it, but the possibility is very real.

to be frank most of the hostility here is spewing from me, as i am way too aggressive on these forums, but now i see it spreading a little bit and its concerning me.
i read all the posts, i  can see the trend.
my point is lets try not to really hurt each others feelings, aldrick opened up and let out a very emotionally packed message, revealing to us his sensitive and passionate nature already, on top of it he mentioned that he is a "very" sensitive person, indicating that we did hurt his feelings, but he is being tough about it.
 and to add more fuel to the fire he got rapid fire messages all calling him a retard.

which isn't true, everyone has their beliefs, and their own free will.
sometimes people (nobody among us) have to make themselves believe total lies just so they can sleep at night, 
so if aldrick says something kind of off, because he can relate to it and it makes sense to him then its not such a big deal.
hes got enough of a reputation without us holding every little thing over his head, i personally have spazzed out in the past because i thought a certain individual was dong something that was terribly wrong, and it turns out that they didnt even attempt to do what i thought they were going to...
i wrote a pretty intense message that was fueled by a misunderstanding, and while my friend and i were both called infantile psychos, and called rabbis,  we weren't persecuted, made fun of in any way, or even banned.
however if it had went differently and the person operated using our current level of maturity, i would have likely became very upset, left the forums, and consequently not have the chance to enjoy THIS for what it is, 
this is the only way that us satanists can speak with our friends, our family even.
most of us here have had horrible experiences with our birth families, and they hate us as much as we hate them.
which means this is literally the ONLY place most of us can go to talk about our concerns, talk to each other to really communicate with anyone in an honest and truthful way, revealing our thoughts that we literally CANNOT say to ANYBODY else.
but this results in all our bottled up emotions and our anger to go spilling out through our fingers and it can happen in the most negative of ways.
such a calling people names, and degrading them because you or they were to heated to properly analyze a message.

i dont know how, or why, but aldrick obviously has some seriously fucked up karma, because he has his own sermon, and its not good... but he is still with us which says a lot on its own.

lmao go home shade YOURE DRUNK
I'll give you a piece a piece of my mind, although Aldrick won't be able to understand it's directed to you, despite directly replying to your message and quoting you, as he's proven he is unable to read literal text. I imagine how he deals with allegories then...

Here's the adv[/IMG]No one[/B] is going to compensate for you, no matter how many times we do the scheduled RTRs in a day. In the Satanic Kingdom to come, everyone will be judged upon his worth. It stands to reason, that if you don't do your part to create a better world you will be regarded in a lower position compared to all those who worked consistently to bring about the enemy's demise. Stand proud among our ranks and do the damage you are supposed to do, regardless of the rewards you might receive from the gods that is proportionate to your efforts. Don't do the same mistakes I did in the past, years ago when the RTRs were first engineered.

That's all I had to say. The rest of the conversation is no longer of my interest, since it's impossible to have a smart interaction with some of the people involved, who don't even bother reading what you write but just spit poison senselessly.
I am quite disappointed with some of the members here attacking Aldrick, Aldrick is a wonderful person and he speaks his mind and as anyone else would do is sticking up for himself as I would too if I were attacked by other members, but I think those younger ones who are attacking Aldrick shouldn't forget Aldrick is I'm sure mature than them and has been a ss a lot longer then most here besides the clergy but yeah just please this is not right attacking Aldrick has a little respect and love and understanding.


Hail Father Satan Forever

Sent on the go with Vodafone

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Allocentricism
From: "cand.cru5h3r@... [JoyofSatan666]"
To: [email protected]

  chill out guys, aldrick is not an imbecile, he is actually a very valuable member here, we can have diagreementts, but its important to recognize when things start to gain too much momentum.

in hindsight this is gonna be long, go ahead and close this message here if you like...

he had literally left the forms for like a month, so that he could try and be better for us, and he comes back and its not what we wanted....he is just trying to help and be inspiring, and were bashing the hell out of him.
im not even going to read the post from aldrick you copy pasted, it isnt going to result in anything other than us seriously not liking eachother.

i think that aldrick possibly didn't even mean what he wrote about selflessness to be true, i believe he was likely trying to inspire new members to pick up the slack so that he could use his time and energy elsewhere,

i woke up late on the weekend, did a twin serpent meditation at about 4 pm after yoga, and i was feeling my blue chakra above my head, and i felt like it is responsible for helping with telapathic communication, so i focused on it, and i had the thought that perhaps instead of doing constant rtrs, i should be really hard on newbies that arent doing the rtrs in order to make up for the slack on my behalf.

i immediately felt like someone was angry at me for thinking it, i felt it in my chest, ""what the fuck is wrong with you" is the feeling i got if i had to put it into words
and i told myself i would never do that,, and it is the definition of hypocracy, however a few hours later after i finished, i came here to see a very weird speech from aldrick, and it indicated to me that i had somehow tapped into the minds of us all even the gods, as i felt such an intense anger directed t me that i thought it must be someone very powerful, like i gained heightened awareness for a minute.
it made sense to me then, however maybe i was wrong, and it was a thought from me.
but just because he is going though some weird stuff doesn't mean we have to get super crazy about it.

i think the enemy is working to stamp out our intelligence again, our awareness.
perhaps im just feeling and realizing it, or maybe they are doing rituals against us specifically to lower our brain power.
but things seem rather off, there is only like 5 of us posting here, the occasional annoying noobs and infiltrators
and those of us here are getting into ridiculous arguments over words we are putting on screens...not real physical actions, just words misconceptions and opinions.
its actually making me kind of sad that such hostility has broken out, i was typing a bit of a hostile message the other day, and a big fly landed on my paper infront of me, and i thought "Beelzebub is the lord of all that flies, and he does not let that shit fly"
i deleted most of my venting, and sent something moderately helpful.
my life is better than ever, but i cant help feeling like this is falling apart, idk i had weird thought of a world with the jos crushed. it was pretty vivid, and concerning, i tried not to dwell on it, but the possibility is very real.

to be frank most of the hostility here is spewing from me, as i am way too aggressive on these forums, but now i see it spreading a little bit and its concerning me.
i read all the posts, i  can see the trend.
my point is lets try not to really hurt each others feelings, aldrick opened up and let out a very emotionally packed message, revealing to us his sensitive and passionate nature already, on top of it he mentioned that he is a "very" sensitive person, indicating that we did hurt his feelings, but he is being tough about it.
 and to add more fuel to the fire he got rapid fire messages all calling him a retard.

which isn't true, everyone has their beliefs, and their own free will.
sometimes people (nobody among us) have to make themselves believe total lies just so they can sleep at night, 
so if aldrick says something kind of off, because he can relate to it and it makes sense to him then its not such a big deal.
hes got enough of a reputation without us holding every little thing over his head, i personally have spazzed out in the past because i thought a certain individual was dong something that was terribly wrong, and it turns out that they didnt even attempt to do what i thought they were going to...
i wrote a pretty intense message that was fueled by a misunderstanding, and while my friend and i were both called infantile psychos, and called rabbis,  we weren't persecuted, made fun of in any way, or even banned.
however if it had went differently and the person operated using our current level of maturity, i would have likely became very upset, left the forums, and consequently not have the chance to enjoy THIS for what it is, 
this is the only way that us satanists can speak with our friends, our family even.
most of us here have had horrible experiences with our birth families, and they hate us as much as we hate them.
which means this is literally the ONLY place most of us can go to talk about our concerns, talk to each other to really communicate with anyone in an honest and truthful way, revealing our thoughts that we literally CANNOT say to ANYBODY else.
but this results in all our bottled up emotions and our anger to go spilling out through our fingers and it can happen in the most negative of ways.
such a calling people names, and degrading them because you or they were to heated to properly analyze a message.

i dont know how, or why, but aldrick obviously has some seriously fucked up karma, because he has his own sermon, and its not good... but he is still with us which says a lot on its own.

lmao go home shade YOURE DRUNK
Brother Aldrick you really make me laugh, I love your style and the way you think and I always enjoy reading your posts :)

Sent on the go with Vodafone

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Allocentricism
From: "aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]"
To: [email protected]

 Can Die and Decipi 
 I was not referring anything bad to either of you. I apologize if it seemed that way. 
 We have already won this argument a thousand times over. To care about others is Gentile to care only about the self is a jewish mentality. No matter how much they try to play distraction games. People are not so stupid that they cannot see this. They have completely destroyed their Reputations that they may have built on the forums. If they were not already destroyed. 
 I have alot of Haters, either because I hurt their poor little egos or because they hate the fact that I represent the truth so adamantly. But I have never gained a Hater because of my Stance on Satan, not one time lol. What I think is funny is at one point they said something to the fact of You could have just stayed out of this, we would have argued with these other people. 
 I am in tears over that one. Because they think I am worried about arguing. I do this for fun. No matter how much they try to confuse and distract the issues are thus. 
  Our Team: Supports Giving your all for Satan and caring for Your Race and the Gods. Don't meet strangers its dangerous. 
 Their Team: Thats Buddhism. Its all about the self man. Take what you can from people. Who cares. People died for me? They were cannon fodder. Pfft I dont care. Sure go meet absolute strangers, nothing bad could happen and if it does, well I dont give a shit about you anyway. 

 I think that this is the most Hilarious thing I have ever argued about. To make matters worse their not even good at it. I thought the jews claiming they were gentiles and telling me they knew that for a fact and I was just a piece of shit was like the topper. But Honestly this is even funnier. The problem is, it is SOO Boring. LiKE THEIR not even a challenge. I am trying to give them a few days to like post and really get have their say, so they can get like some what of a fighting chance. But in reality just be digging their hole for me. 
 But God I am so bored by this, it is getting hard to even pay attention anymore. My advice would be if they just stopped posting about it and hoped everyone forgot about it. Hey! I just had an idea, lets use this as momentum. Lets keep posting Inspiration by Hitler and what not. Then we can actually use this to motivate people! 

 Aldrick Strickland   Hail Father Satanas Forever 
 LGBT Website:  http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/about/
 LGBT Group:  https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Satanicgaycommunity/info
 LGBT YouTube Channel:   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPNQBm0fmA7G949VelTaLtg

Lol gbc4f6xau6kq3v3tmqkleqt2caxgpuqzbsckviit. 

 That is an interesting little spiel you gave. However, I can see through the tactic you are trying. Oh hey everyone I am here for peace. Lets all come to an agreeance that Aldrick is crazy. He just doesnt know what he is talking about. He is emotionally confused. I am the better man here, trying to just let him go his own way in confusion. 
 Lol you really think people are going to buy this sack of shit? What an emotional manipulator you are. Yes everyone Aldrick has such crazy beliefs, caring ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE! Not just yourself! GASP! What a foreign concept! 
 Also I like how you said it wasnt what we wanted, when most people have agreed with me and its really just you and stardust that are trolling it. The reason I mention that I am sensitive is not because I run around getting my feelings hurt. Though nice way to try to take the bait there. What I am saying is that I am not just a cold and arrogant person that likes to fight. I deeply care about others. That when I engage with people like you that think they are just oh so better then everyone. That you are going to talk down to me and everyone else. That if we do not share your opinion, we are just crazy and need to be ignored. I have ultimately become better at playing this little game then you have. 
 After all I have been here for over a Decade and have been working for Satan, with several Youtube channels a couple websites and the over all distribution of Articles and Sermons. Then a little snot nose brat like you comes in, probably in his teen years with a name that sounds like I am trying to gargle baking soda and thinks that their opinions are law. 
 Pushes jewish mentality bullshit and looks down their hook nose at anyone that disagrees. So please, if you are going to plea then you really need to plea with logic, not emotional manipulative bullshit. Interestingly enough you or star dust have yet to debate the actual thing discussed. You just keep recanting like a little mantra that I believe in selflessness, when I have already mentioned that I do not. What I believe in is caring for others and giving your ALL for your fellow Volk. To give the utmost respect to those who have died in battle and not refer to them as meaningless cannon fodder as you have. 
 So if you think you are going to appeal to peoples emotions and that is going to save you, I am here to tell you it is not. We are a group of Hardened Satanists that hold strictly to the truth. The truth which has been spelled out in Hitlers words himself. We didn't buy into that emotional garbage when people wanted to throw the jewish mentality of christianity on us and were not going to buy into it, this time for the jewish mentality of overt Selfishness and lack of empathy for others. 
 Your going to have do alot better then that. You seem to have taken my advice of wanting to be quiet as you now no doubt realize just how bad this thread really makes you seem. But if you want to walk away and have peace fine then do so. But I however will continue on in proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that Satan STOMPS OUT ALL EGOTISM. You want to continue on in your jewish mentality, then that is fine you may do so. I however will continue on in my path of educating and enlightening my family to the truth of Satan. Irregardless of how many simple minded, rather intentional or unintentional fools like you come around with a superiority complex and nothing whatsoever in merit in intelligence. I have been dealing with your types that never seem to die themselves out for a very long time now. You can rest assured that your stupidity and attempts to troll do not phase me in the slightest anymore. 
 I know you would to think you hurt my feelings or bother me. But Quite the opposite I find this fun anymore. The only thing that hurts my feelings is when I think of the countless Gentiles who are suffering in this world. I know that has little bearing on one as immature as you. In comparison to that, the needs of myself do not matter. For as an ARYAN AND AS A MAN, I WILLINGLY GIVE OF MYSELF AND SACRIFICE OF MYSELF FOR THE LOVE I FEEL TOWARDS MY VOLK. 

 You are either a child or a kike if you do not understand this. But that's okay, either way I will deal with you just the same. 

 Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satanas Forever 
 LGBT Website: http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/about/
 LGBT Group: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Satanicgaycommunity/info
 LGBT YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPNQBm0fmA7G949VelTaLtg
You just keep recanting like a little mantra that I believe in selflessness, when I have already mentioned that I do not. 


" Later in the Journey one is introduced to the Ideals of Humility. But How can one obtain this state of Self-LESS? Does one no longer care about their well being? Welcome a new way of thinking, of which is known by Allocentricism. To have ones interests revolve around the needs of others. To be Humble for the sake of Humility produces nothing, other then perhaps Pretentious Mannerisms. Instead One must be replaced with the Other. The needs of the self shall not become selfless, but instead be replaced by the needs of others."

you said 
"Welcome a new way of thinking, of which is known by Allocentricism. To have ones interests revolve around the needs of others."

"To be Humble for the sake of Humility produces nothing"   my note (dont be humble, just for the sake of not being a self centered asshole)

"Instead One must be replaced with the Other"  my note (the needs and interests of the self and the needs of others)

"The needs of the self shall not become selfless, but instead be replaced by the needs of others."

i have lost all respect for you aldrick, i thought you were someone you are not....i wasn't being condescending, i never said or implied i was better than you, and i NEVER tried to hurt your feelings.
i did the opposite, i wanted to redirect the hatred that was going your way, but instead it was obvious that i was on the wrong side here,  stardust was COMPLETELY correct you literally cannot read aldrick, i was defending you, yet you come back with this nonsense, calling me a jew?

also, i do not want anybody to do the rtrs for me, some times errant crazy thoughts pop into my head.
however it seemed to me like the thought came from aldrick.
"You are either a child or a kike if you do not understand this. But that's okay, either way I will deal with you just the same. "
lol aldrick, you deal with gentile kids and jews the same way? pretty cold

"I know you would to think you hurt my feelings or bother me. But Quite the opposite I find this fun anymore."
youre typing so fast that you cant even make any sense of what you are writing, it is clear that you need to chill out, and think a little before you act.


 Oh wow you unsubscribed to My Channel that shows High Priest Jake Carlsons Sermons. Good for you, your so amazing. Claps hands. Was that really it? Here check this out its much more entertaining. I am more then use to little children like you that have nothing better to do then make videos about me. 

  To know that I am getting such feed back, really makes my day. I mean since your not doing anything for Satan, since you only care about yourself, Why don't you make some more? I love to see that my work is being effective to the point it brings the cockroaches out to scream about it. 


 Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satanas Forever 
 LGBT Website: http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/about/
 LGBT Group: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Satanicgaycommunity/info
 LGBT YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPNQBm ... 49VelTaLtg 

Hitler wasn't completely right about everything and buddhists have waged war as well. Well the first half of that sentence is maybe not true but anyways
We do need to introduce ideas of altruism back into the populace
Everything these days is all about YOU, which is a product of capitalism.
The direct opposite and the other side of the coin is communism, which is ENTIRELY about others.
See where this leads? It is about moderation and Natural Order like everything else.
You also can't really tell kids how to be, and kids are selfish.
But its all about the consequences of our actions and why its Godlike to be altruistic because it is this quality which brings civilization in the first place. Altruistic and smart children should be treated like Gods and geniuses and other kids should see them that way so that future generations will grow up with a fairer view of people and morality
I think there is something everyone here is overlooking. And that is astrology.

You see, everyone has different personal dispositions about selfishness and selflessness, certain people are naturally more selfish and others are naturally more selfless.

Selfishness is not a bad thing at all so long as it doesn't manifest as hypocrisy. Some people simply find themselves more important than others around them but they aren't necessarily completely selfish to the point they don't give a damn about others at all.

I have known many children which were extremely selfless, this tendency manifests at an early age if they have such a tendency in their charts.

I'm no expert on astrology, and wouldn't be able to tell you exactly how this manifests, but I know it can all be seen in a persons natal chart.

It mostly depends on what planets are in which houses, certain houses govern affairs and relationships with others, how you look at others and your tendency to care or not care very much about them.

People can also change over time.

I was extremely guillble before, always putting my own needs after others because I wanted to help everyone, however as a result I took on the garbage of inferior people constantly, as I willingly took their shit on my shoulders.

Now that I understand that tendency and can see how it impacts my life severely in a negative manner I'm not so guillable anymore, I put my own needs before others unless dealing with people whom I consider myself very close with, or certain duties that I'm required to perform for the bigger picture.

There is a certain balance in this, but some people are naturally much more selfless than others, more so than me, however this does have negative effects on their life if they aren't aware of this. Same as how completely selfish individuals suffer certain problems as a result of this.

If ones chart shows a tendency to be one extreme or another this should be looked at and sorted out because it has a detrimental effect on the life of the person. Selfishness is needed however in order to develop the person as without any selfishness nobody would want to advance themselves.

In order to be of help to others one must first help themselves, or you will be too weak and degenerate to do anything for people around you. One who elevates them self first and foremost can do the most for others. So in that sense selfishness is required in order to gain the ability to be selfless and give a helping hand to others.

Some people like to think it is selflessness, or altruism that allows for the creation of civilization, however the real thing that allows the formation of civilization is a sense and desire of cooperation between members of a community to pool their individual strengths and power together in order to achieve even greater heights.

Not a vain sense of selflessness to help others, but a desire to cooperate with other strong individuals to achieve things one cannot achieve by themselves.

In a way it is the sense of selfishness that brings forth the desire to achieve greater things, and brings forth the sense of selflessness to help others that are dragging behind the whole of civilization, all for the purpose to keep ascending to greater heights together.

If everyone cares only for the other they cannot accomplish anything, because one must develop themselves in order to give and add to the entirety of civilization.

However as I said earlier if the individuals manifest selfishness to an extreme, where it turns into hypocrisy and completely vain egotism this will tear apart civilization aswell since nobody cooperates anymore and instead only consumes everything around them in order to satisfy their desires.

Even the desire to help others can be traced back to a selfish desire, the desire of "I want to help others, even to the detriment of MYself, I want to give up MY life to help others". It is a selfish desire just like any other desire.

All desires and actions come from the self, they originate in the self, in the ego, which in turn is based upon the persons natal chart/past karma.

This is the foundation of the individual where all desires stem from, the desire and tendency to help others even at the detriment of your own self is still a selfish desire stemming from the ego.

Hail Satan!

 I think everyone has just gone so off track with this. It is so off balance, either people are thinking they need to be selfish garbage or that you have to be completely selfless like a slave. 
 My Point is this. If you try to be Humble for the sake of Humility, it doesn't work. One becomes Humble when they live for something greater then themselves. Yes we must take care of ourselves before we can help others and there is nothing wrong with living it up and doing things for yourself. But when we Fight to Destroy the enemy, this gives our life purpose. For we have something to strive for beyond trying to get high. 
 But after listening to Hitler Tributes all the time. All Hitler says is about giving for your fellow man and helping each other. Thinking about Germany to do or die. I also think about the Soldier that gets shot to death on the battle field, How Hitler was on the battle field in world war 1 and tried to give his life several times. How High Level SS swallowed a cyanide Capsule and choked to Death. Knowing their whole life the work they were doing was going to lead to that. 
 I just don't think this newer generation can grasp that or something. Everything is about me me me me. Well how does this benefit me? Well I could go fight for my country but then I might die and stuff. How does that benefit me? So basically its a bunch of children with Millennial Ideas that cannot grasp giving your life for something. When no one here can tell me that many of our People did not do just that for a greater cause then their own and IF NOT for these people, none of US TODAY would have any freedoms. So instead of calling these people Cannon Fodder that don't mean anything as one here did, I believe in giving the utmost respect for those who created a better today for us. 
 I mean really am I to Debate Respecting our Military and those for died for our freedoms? My Father Raised me as an Aryan Man. Not as a meek little Liberal Pussy. I really do not need to debate this. If someone cannot understand this, then maybe later when they mature and become an Adult and understand the world does not revolve around them they will. 

When we are planning for Posterity, we ought to remember that virtue is not Hereditary - Thomas Paine 

Posterity: You will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it. -John Quincy Adams  

 Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satan Forever 


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
