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Big thanks goes toΔυσδαιμόνα-Διαμαντής.9393/ for posting
As usual the jewish mythological animals of marine Leviathan, terrestrial Behemoth and aerial Ziz are stolen from Enki/Satan and his three kinds of animals which are representation of everything which swims, runs and flies. They are now used by the likes of Alexander Dugin in their kabalistic eurasianist trickery as symbols of nations which are being pitted against each other. Behemoth is Russia, Leviathan is the Atlantic West (from LaVeyan influence) and Ziz is Sumeria/Iraq/Iran or broader islam in general (note how Iran focuses on aerial weaponry, Russia is a landmass, and the West/Edom sits on three watery islands of Europe,America and Austrailia). This is tied to the jewish holiday of Sukkot, which is a feasting on the corpse of Leviathan in the tents made of it's skin. According to jewish apocalypticism, Ziz will be killed by the messiah and, like Leviathan and Behemoth, served to the righteous (jews) at a feast at the End of the World.
Paintings of these three animals can be found in many synagogues. Clearly they took Enki's kingdom, destroyed its spiritual roots, applied religious, political and cultural division and now using the three aspects to foment a conflict.
There is this jewflix series called "3 body problem" (association with xian trinity is in place) about alien invasion, where there is a talk about how 3-star systems are unstable, which now looks like empowering spell to their agenda. If you will be watching it, keep in mind that this is hostile and vile propaganda meant to convert you to side with enemy invader because humanity is bad and the poor jews must genocide them to have a whole planet for themselves.
In political sphere in some countries being under Leviathan rule but geographically close to the Behemoth, there are voices calling for switch to Behemoth and alliance with Ziz against the Leviathan because of Leviathan's scripted perverted nature and green communist agenda among others .This is Ziz+Behemoth against Leviathan. One star in 3 body system being ejected. Then it will be easier to divide and conquer remaining Ziz and Behemoth which are now united in BRICS and technological alliance thanks to the Leviathan's hostile influence in Ukraine. On one hand this is very short sighted and in the longer term only strengthens jewish invader's scheme because it helps to get rid of Leviathan which is 1/3 of Enki's/Satan's kingdom. On the other hand lesser celestial bodies tend to orbit bigger ones that are closer.
Another aspect of this which makes me sure this is correct way of looking at current situation on more esoteric level is the fact that enemy's main financial tool called Blackrock, as the single and only one company from the outside, just recently got the permission from Chinese government to operate in China which is the heart of BRICS. This is obvious hostile action towards Behemoth-Ziz alliance intended to financially destroy BRICS from inside and suck it dry by profiting from financing both sides of the conflict. It will take time but the cogs already started spinning. Is the time needed to bring down BRICS by the means of jewish Blackrock longer than time needed to finish inciting Ziz-Behemoth vs Leviathan conflict? Probably yes, this would justify these political voices of the countries wanting to switch to Behemoth, as an emanation of their will to survive in 2 vs 1 situation. As above esoteric animal avatars of nations were corrupted and conflicted, so below the brother is readying the steel against his brother. The game is rigged until spiritual order is restored. Its high time to target the real enemy.
As usual the jewish mythological animals of marine Leviathan, terrestrial Behemoth and aerial Ziz are stolen from Enki/Satan and his three kinds of animals which are representation of everything which swims, runs and flies. They are now used by the likes of Alexander Dugin in their kabalistic eurasianist trickery as symbols of nations which are being pitted against each other. Behemoth is Russia, Leviathan is the Atlantic West (from LaVeyan influence) and Ziz is Sumeria/Iraq/Iran or broader islam in general (note how Iran focuses on aerial weaponry, Russia is a landmass, and the West/Edom sits on three watery islands of Europe,America and Austrailia). This is tied to the jewish holiday of Sukkot, which is a feasting on the corpse of Leviathan in the tents made of it's skin. According to jewish apocalypticism, Ziz will be killed by the messiah and, like Leviathan and Behemoth, served to the righteous (jews) at a feast at the End of the World.

Ziz - Wikipedia

Leviathan - Wikipedia

Behemoth - Wikipedia
There is this jewflix series called "3 body problem" (association with xian trinity is in place) about alien invasion, where there is a talk about how 3-star systems are unstable, which now looks like empowering spell to their agenda. If you will be watching it, keep in mind that this is hostile and vile propaganda meant to convert you to side with enemy invader because humanity is bad and the poor jews must genocide them to have a whole planet for themselves.
Triple star systems (from wikipedia)
In a physical triple star system, each star orbits the center of mass of the system. Usually, two of the stars form a close binary system, and the third orbits this pair at a distance much larger than that of the binary orbit. This arrangement is called hierarchical. The reason for this arrangement is that if the inner and outer orbits are comparable in size, the system may become dynamically unstable, leading to a star being ejected from the system
In political sphere in some countries being under Leviathan rule but geographically close to the Behemoth, there are voices calling for switch to Behemoth and alliance with Ziz against the Leviathan because of Leviathan's scripted perverted nature and green communist agenda among others .This is Ziz+Behemoth against Leviathan. One star in 3 body system being ejected. Then it will be easier to divide and conquer remaining Ziz and Behemoth which are now united in BRICS and technological alliance thanks to the Leviathan's hostile influence in Ukraine. On one hand this is very short sighted and in the longer term only strengthens jewish invader's scheme because it helps to get rid of Leviathan which is 1/3 of Enki's/Satan's kingdom. On the other hand lesser celestial bodies tend to orbit bigger ones that are closer.
Another aspect of this which makes me sure this is correct way of looking at current situation on more esoteric level is the fact that enemy's main financial tool called Blackrock, as the single and only one company from the outside, just recently got the permission from Chinese government to operate in China which is the heart of BRICS. This is obvious hostile action towards Behemoth-Ziz alliance intended to financially destroy BRICS from inside and suck it dry by profiting from financing both sides of the conflict. It will take time but the cogs already started spinning. Is the time needed to bring down BRICS by the means of jewish Blackrock longer than time needed to finish inciting Ziz-Behemoth vs Leviathan conflict? Probably yes, this would justify these political voices of the countries wanting to switch to Behemoth, as an emanation of their will to survive in 2 vs 1 situation. As above esoteric animal avatars of nations were corrupted and conflicted, so below the brother is readying the steel against his brother. The game is rigged until spiritual order is restored. Its high time to target the real enemy.