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"Acausal intrusions" inside our minds


Oct 9, 2023
if you are experiencing any negative thoughts , especially if there's no real rational reason for having such thoughts,then just assume that this is some kind of "Acausal intrusion" from anti-cosmic energies...said energies are a pandimensional threat generated by dimensionless entities ,outside our dimension and all dimensions you can think of...said threat can project itself in any dimension at all times in many ways indeed ^

...intrusive thoughts being planted inside your mind can be one of those nefarious manifestations ^

at that point,if you're experiencing anything of that kind, it doesn't matter that much to know exactly which entity is directly influencing you,since they are all directly or indirectly manifestations of said anti-cosmic energy in the first place... what truly matters is that you immediately think that those thoughts are not yours, they are simply an attempt to infiltrate and manipulate your mind, and therefore, you have the right to defend yourself, by completely banishing Said "Acausal intruders" ^

with that kind of mentality,it'll be quite difficult for most enemies to manipulate your mind ^

obviously it has to be kept in mind, context matters, not all thoughts are necessarily intrusions obviously, and those that aren't planted, are indeed a necessity for every human beings to experience, sometimes leading to improve ourselves , re-evaluating lifestyle choices etc, therefore, you need to able to identify whether it is false or true/friend or foe... abuse of the "banishing" mentality can indeed potentially lead to nefarious consequences and missed opportunities in regards to self-improvement and life in general  ^
Interesting pov.
Have you been summoned by Anupu Jakal at sirus star for something? I have been summoned by Anupu want to know if you?
ANPUemsaf-666 said:
if you are experiencing any negative thoughts , especially if there's no real rational reason for having such thoughts,then just assume that this is some kind of "Acausal intrusion" from anti-cosmic energies...said energies are a pandimensional threat generated by dimensionless entities ,outside our dimension and all dimensions you can think of...said threat can project itself in any dimension at all times in many ways indeed ^

...intrusive thoughts being planted inside your mind can be one of those nefarious manifestations ^

at that point,if you're experiencing anything of that kind, it doesn't matter that much to know exactly which entity is directly influencing you,since they are all directly or indirectly manifestations of said anti-cosmic energy in the first place... what truly matters is that you immediately think that those thoughts are not yours, they are simply an attempt to infiltrate and manipulate your mind, and therefore, you have the right to defend yourself, by completely banishing Said "Acausal intruders" ^

with that kind of mentality,it'll be quite difficult for most enemies to manipulate your mind ^

obviously it has to be kept in mind, context matters, not all thoughts are necessarily intrusions obviously, and those that aren't planted, are indeed a necessity for every human beings to experience, sometimes leading to improve ourselves , re-evaluating lifestyle choices etc, therefore, you need to able to identify whether it is false or true/friend or foe... abuse of the "banishing" mentality can indeed potentially lead to nefarious consequences and missed opportunities in regards to self-improvement and life in general  ^

Looking back at some fragments of my past, I wonder if I even had this a lot before becoming an SS, I'd always get severely punished my whole life just because of somethings I couldn't remember doing and tried not to do even if something made me do it.

Well known culprits to blame for these kinds of intrusion attacks: greys, reptards, enemy nordics as in the demographic portion of the alien Nordic race that went full traitortarded or whatever and lastly, some advanced enemy mages(A.K.A. some stupid people who have occult abilities they use to forward enemy agenda) that noticed you and wanted to do some stupid fooling like the pathetic losers they are.

There's hope though, freeing the soul workings with Ansuz plus Saulo runes to boot them out of one's head(I hope you know how to make proper affirmations in doing magick here and if not, here's a guide.) and to protect oneself with an AoP like with blitzkreig's warfare AoP.

OR JUST REFER TO WHAT AFODO HAS TO SAY ABOUT ENEMY CONTROL/MIND JACKING SHENANIGANS. This really clears out enemy influence and connections.

The banishing mentality abuse, well shit I'm bad guilty of that. But I'm over being some over-paranoid and totally closed-off retard.

Thanks for the post Anpu. :)
Nice article brother!
Wildfire said:
Well known culprits to blame for these kinds of intrusion attacks: greys, reptards, enemy nordics as in the demographic portion of the alien Nordic race that went full traitortarded or whatever and lastly, some advanced enemy mages(A.K.A. some stupid people who have occult abilities they use to forward enemy agenda) that noticed you and wanted to do some stupid fooling like the pathetic losers they are.

yeah, that's more or less most of the entities that can do those kinds of manipulations, albeit i would also add into the list the archons/archontic viruses and Psychotronics ^

and in regards to the past, it's probably better to not think much about that... honestly it feels like i started truly living(out of the matrix) only when i found something that felt true since the beginning AKA the JOS ,in end of march of this year... never before i had that kind of feeling, and that's why i simply don't care anymore about the past(matrix) with just a very very few exceptions of previous experiences that has been quite positive,and that i think, were simply a prelude of what was gonna happen sooner or later, ^

and about the workings, thanks for having mentioned em' , they might be useful for other people which might be in dire need of em' ^

with that said, for me, personally, nowadays, i do have an almost un-penentrable mind, naturally, without having to do any protection/banishing ... it's definitely one of my strongpoints right now...i might be lacking on other aspects such as meditations, knowledge etc... but in regards to "mind-defense", i can say that i'm very resilient for sure ^

i would say to any entity, nefarious or not, reading this, if ya wanna experiment on me, feel free to give it a try, i would be absolutely fine with that... you won't be able to break through the wall around my mind, and even if you do somehow, then i can still banish you anyway! ^
sarvayonipranava said:
Interesting pov.
Have you been summoned by Anupu Jakal at sirus star for something? I have been summoned by Anupu want to know if you?

yes, it appears i have been chosen and divine protection potentially granted, in order to fullfill a certain task... i don't consider myself superior because of this, it's just that i do have some kind of uniqueness, which seems to help in regards to achieving certain objectives the gods and my Guardian demon might have in mind ^

overall, i can say that the actual summoning process started in 2022, because of the attention i attracted and the will i had to take risks in order to do something in which i strongly believed into ... the gods noticed said behaviour and slowly but surely directed me towards the right path... it started with getting fascinated by the kemetik gods, and then i carefully approached satanism, starting from temple of set which kind of attracted me(seth is one of my favourite demons btw) in that period where i was "approaching" , but i still didn't know about JOS, while my sixth sense/gods influence always kept me off stuff like the church of satan or other highly fake satanist groups... ^
AFODO said:
Nice article brother!

ah thank you, i'm trying to do my best with the actual very small amount of knowledge i do have...one of my weaknesses i do admit, but at least, i'm trying to fix that, slowly but surely... ^
ANPUemsaf-666 said:
sarvayonipranava said:
Interesting pov.
Have you been summoned by Anupu Jakal at sirus star for something? I have been summoned by Anupu want to know if you?

yes, it appears i have been chosen and divine protection potentially granted, in order to fullfill a certain task... i don't consider myself superior because of this, it's just that i do have some kind of uniqueness, which seems to help in regards to achieving certain objectives the gods and my Guardian demon might have in mind ^

overall, i can say that the actual summoning process started in 2022, because of the attention i attracted and the will i had to take risks in order to do something in which i strongly believed into ... the gods noticed said behaviour and slowly but surely directed me towards the right path... it started with getting fascinated by the kemetik gods, and then i carefully approached satanism, starting from temple of set which kind of attracted me(seth is one of my favourite demons btw) in that period where i was "approaching" , but i still didn't know about JOS, while my sixth sense/gods influence always kept me off stuff like the church of satan or other highly fake satanist groups... ^

Ok nice one, I think it has to do more to do with quest for power that usually drives me places indiscriminately otherwise it's just gonna be a bundle of ego drives that lead nowhere but familiar places. I know people who summon Asuras from Agartha. Hell below can be more exciting than the skies for afterlife than being a star. I Don't know but meeting Giants is cool, I think going to the pyramids at Gaza Mexico China and mqyb3 Antarctica could work somehow, I know someone who says to not go to the pyramids when astral projected but I can't a.p so I guess I'm staying home :lol: :lol:
ANPUemsaf-666 said:
with that said, for me, personally, nowadays, i do have an almost un-penentrable mind, naturally, without having to do any protection/banishing ... it's definitely one of my strongpoints right now...i might be lacking on other aspects such as meditations, knowledge etc... but in regards to "mind-defense", i can say that i'm very resilient for sure ^

i would say to any entity, nefarious or not, reading this, if ya wanna experiment on me, feel free to give it a try, i would be absolutely fine with that... you won't be able to break through the wall around my mind, and even if you do somehow, then i can still banish you anyway! ^

It is good to have natural strength here, but just make sure not to let this lead you to overconfidence or recklessness. Particularly, I am referring to making sure that your AOP is very strong, as attacks can happen in a variety of ways, perhaps outside of our initial awareness and mind's direct control, or other situations which are best avoided.

Even if you have a higher than normal fighting chance, going with lesser protection still puts you at a disadvantage relative to a more prepared opponent, and causes you to spend more energy repairing damage than would be spent with creating a defense alone.

As an example of an AOP specific to combat, please view this thread: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=388765#p388765
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=472951 time=1700214518 user_id=21286]

It is good to have natural strength here, but just make sure not to let this lead you to overconfidence or recklessness. Particularly, I am referring to making sure that your AOP is very strong, as attacks can happen in a variety of ways, perhaps outside of our initial awareness and mind's direct control, or other situations which are best avoided.

Even if you have a higher than normal fighting chance, going with lesser protection still puts you at a disadvantage relative to a more prepared opponent, and causes you to spend more energy repairing damage than would be spent with creating a defense alone.

As an example of an AOP specific to combat, please view this thread: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=388765#p388765

thanks for reminding me of this, i'll keep that in mind for sure ^

i won't hide the fact that i did acquire such "natural" resilience by doing things in a quite reckless way... basically i just went berserker on the RTR's shortly after i found JOS ,basically without having done any of the protection workings or meditations before ^

i went a lil' insane on the amount of rituals done too,hours in a row literally, in a very short time period, infact, i got almost sick because of that, i had to basically stop for quite some time, letting my mind and soul process everything they went through ^

at the end of that "berserker phase" , one day in particular i couldn't sleep and had trouble breathing, which was weird considering that i have no health issues... the only explanation possible is that i did attract A LOT of attention indeed ^

but, as you know, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger ^

obviously i will never advise anybody to do what i did... i was willing to experiment, which is something i enjoy, and take a risk in that case, and i think it somehow worked...but again, to anybody reading this, at least the beginners,please, never go insane with the amount of RTR's, it can be very dangerous for physical and mental health indeed ^
sarvayonipranava said:
Interesting pov.
Have you been summoned by Anupu Jakal at sirus star for something? I have been summoned by Anupu want to know if you?

Ok nice one, I think it has to do more to do with quest for power that usually drives me places indiscriminately otherwise it's just gonna be a bundle of ego drives that lead nowhere but familiar places. I know people who summon Asuras from Agartha. Hell below can be more exciting than the skies for afterlife than being a star. I Don't know but meeting Giants is cool, I think going to the pyramids at Gaza Mexico China and mqyb3 Antarctica could work somehow, I know someone who says to not go to the pyramids when astral projected but I can't a.p so I guess I'm staying home :lol: :lol:

oh, i've gotta admit that i'm quite curious...you said you have been summoned too by the beloved Anpu and i wonder why...do you know the reason behind that, or it's something you simply cannot explain yet? ^

and in regards to places where to "travel", well, there's no doubt that my main connection is with Kemet and it's underworld , and potentially ...Orion too ^
i did also see the pyramids projecting power towards that place above indeed^

it's kinda likely that my past lives have been directly related to those locations one way or another...unless... it's the gods that wants me to feel attached to that for some currently unknown reason,even though i might have had completely different past lives?... unfortunately in regards to all of this i am not capable of giving a 100% sure answer to said questions...maybe in the future i'll be able to know the truth about myself ^
ANPUemsaf-666 said:
sarvayonipranava said:
Interesting pov.
Have you been summoned by Anupu Jakal at sirus star for something? I have been summoned by Anupu want to know if you?

Ok nice one, I think it has to do more to do with quest for power that usually drives me places indiscriminately otherwise it's just gonna be a bundle of ego drives that lead nowhere but familiar places. I know people who summon Asuras from Agartha. Hell below can be more exciting than the skies for afterlife than being a star. I Don't know but meeting Giants is cool, I think going to the pyramids at Gaza Mexico China and mqyb3 Antarctica could work somehow, I know someone who says to not go to the pyramids when astral projected but I can't a.p so I guess I'm staying home :lol: :lol:

oh, i've gotta admit that i'm quite curious...you said you have been summoned too by the beloved Anpu and i wonder why...do you know the reason behind that, or it's something you simply cannot explain yet? ^

and in regards to places where to "travel", well, there's no doubt that my main connection is with Kemet and it's underworld , and potentially ...Orion too ^
i did also see the pyramids projecting power towards that place above indeed^

it's kinda likely that my past lives have been directly related to those locations one way or another...unless... it's the gods that wants me to feel attached to that for some currently unknown reason,even though i might have had completely different past lives?... unfortunately in regards to all of this i am not capable of giving a 100% sure answer to said questions...maybe in the future i'll be able to know the truth about myself ^

Well my teachers have said not to share my experiences of power and it can be dangerous talking about things from the other side in detail.
But at that time I didnt know things and I was experimenting on the metaphysical reality through chemical extractions (and usage) in labs dedicated to awaking my soul and potential. I work with only naturally occurring chemicals found in body and i did this before the hype. I was a fugitive wizard in a sense

There's basically no limit to the abilities of what we can do btw that's what I noticed, but there needs to be like a discipline so push that continuity. Most notable thing is silence both inner and outer, and not using artificial lights.

When I did some meditation here I resonated with my old state of being far more and got attuned. But I noticed compounding energy can only work for some time and isn't effective permanently even though it is vibratory, I was thinking of embodying those energy totally btw.

What if we chanted raum or those energies 10,000 times? Would you like to experiment
10,000x chant for runes and specific energies for occult powers and heightened senses
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=472951 time=1700214518 user_id=21286]
ANPUemsaf-666 said:
with that said, for me, personally, nowadays, i do have an almost un-penentrable mind, naturally, without having to do any protection/banishing ... it's definitely one of my strongpoints right now...i might be lacking on other aspects such as meditations, knowledge etc... but in regards to "mind-defense", i can say that i'm very resilient for sure ^

i would say to any entity, nefarious or not, reading this, if ya wanna experiment on me, feel free to give it a try, i would be absolutely fine with that... you won't be able to break through the wall around my mind, and even if you do somehow, then i can still banish you anyway! ^

It is good to have natural strength here, but just make sure not to let this lead you to overconfidence or recklessness. Particularly, I am referring to making sure that your AOP is very strong, as attacks can happen in a variety of ways, perhaps outside of our initial awareness and mind's direct control, or other situations which are best avoided.

Even if you have a higher than normal fighting chance, going with lesser protection still puts you at a disadvantage relative to a more prepared opponent, and causes you to spend more energy repairing damage than would be spent with creating a defense alone.

As an example of an AOP specific to combat, please view this thread: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=388765#p388765

100% I agree with this, better to fight behind solid cover than go out in the open and be a visible target.
sarvayonipranava said:
What if we chanted raum or those energies 10,000 times? Would you like to experiment
10,000x chant for runes and specific energies for occult powers and heightened senses

oh, that's something i would love to experiment with, sounds like a really cool thing to try... something that could potentially deeply modify a person's mind and body, on a very deep level,almost permanently, if executed correctly, i guess ^

and in regards to the "teachers" you mentioned before, that's fine, no need to tell me your "secrets", especially if doing so can compromise your powers or safety or whatever ^

añd, i'm curious, what is exactly the issue with artificial lights in regards to discipline,which you mentioned? ^
ANPUemsaf-666 said:
Wildfire said:
Well known culprits to blame for these kinds of intrusion attacks: greys, reptards, enemy nordics as in the demographic portion of the alien Nordic race that went full traitortarded or whatever and lastly, some advanced enemy mages(A.K.A. some stupid people who have occult abilities they use to forward enemy agenda) that noticed you and wanted to do some stupid fooling like the pathetic losers they are.

yeah, that's more or less most of the entities that can do those kinds of manipulations, albeit i would also add into the list the archons/archontic viruses and Psychotronics ^

and in regards to the past, it's probably better to not think much about that... honestly it feels like i started truly living(out of the matrix) only when i found something that felt true since the beginning AKA the JOS ,in end of march of this year... never before i had that kind of feeling, and that's why i simply don't care anymore about the past(matrix) with just a very very few exceptions of previous experiences that has been quite positive,and that i think, were simply a prelude of what was gonna happen sooner or later, ^

and about the workings, thanks for having mentioned em' , they might be useful for other people which might be in dire need of em' ^

with that said, for me, personally, nowadays, i do have an almost un-penentrable mind, naturally, without having to do any protection/banishing ... it's definitely one of my strongpoints right now...i might be lacking on other aspects such as meditations, knowledge etc... but in regards to "mind-defense", i can say that i'm very resilient for sure ^

i would say to any entity, nefarious or not, reading this, if ya wanna experiment on me, feel free to give it a try, i would be absolutely fine with that... you won't be able to break through the wall around my mind, and even if you do somehow, then i can still banish you anyway! ^
You are wide open at the moment, regardless of your perceived abilities. Bring one challenging transit, and your tune would be very different. One of the reasons (there are many more) to practice power meditations, including working to clean aura, chakras, and also creating a protective layer(s) on yourself are planetary influences that each and everyone lesser than a Demon is influenced by. I recommend that you bring yourself up to speed with practices provided within JoS and humble your attitude a bit. You never know what's around the corner, unless you have specific talent, in which case protection is still a fundamental piece of the whole.
Henu the Great said:
You are wide open at the moment, regardless of your perceived abilities. Bring one challenging transit, and your tune would be very different. One of the reasons (there are many more) to practice power meditations, including working to clean aura, chakras, and also creating a protective layer(s) on yourself are planetary influences that each and everyone lesser than a Demon is influenced by. I recommend that you bring yourself up to speed with practices provided within JoS and humble your attitude a bit. You never know what's around the corner, unless you have specific talent, in which case protection is still a fundamental piece of the whole.

i was definitely very wide open in the beginning, yeah,that's for sure, but currently, honestly i don't feel that way, i have never had major attacks of the kind i described, getting through again and i'm exposing myself publicly quite a lot while promoting JOS and having to deal with literal vampires ,both things which i i started doing only recently ^

with that said, don't you worry , i'll keep your words in mind, albeit , i'll have to reduce the social media usage for spreading the word, in order to be able to fit in more meditation, which is something i kinda was already thinking about...that's the only disadvantage i guess ^
ANPUemsaf-666 said:
Henu the Great said:
You are wide open at the moment, regardless of your perceived abilities. Bring one challenging transit, and your tune would be very different. One of the reasons (there are many more) to practice power meditations, including working to clean aura, chakras, and also creating a protective layer(s) on yourself are planetary influences that each and everyone lesser than a Demon is influenced by. I recommend that you bring yourself up to speed with practices provided within JoS and humble your attitude a bit. You never know what's around the corner, unless you have specific talent, in which case protection is still a fundamental piece of the whole.

i was definitely very wide open in the beginning, yeah,that's for sure, but currently, honestly i don't feel that way, i have never had major attacks of the kind i described, getting through again and i'm exposing myself publicly quite a lot while promoting JOS and having to deal with literal vampires ,both things which i i started doing only recently ^

with that said, don't you worry , i'll keep your words in mind, albeit , i'll have to reduce the social media usage for spreading the word, in order to be able to fit in more meditation, which is something i kinda was already thinking about...that's the only disadvantage i guess ^

When a Satanist is new and their defenses are weak the Gods will grant extra protection and watch vary closely so what you’re saying is absolutely true you are being guarded. You’re dedication to spiritual warfare has surely earned you favor as well.

However there should be a time when you grow and the Gods can step back and use their energies elsewhere so that you can stand beside them rather then be coddled in their arms. The Gods occasionally step back and allow you to handle yourself but will always come back and chase off foul spirits if your struggling.

Aura of protection and Aura cleanings are some of the least time consuming but most beneficial things that you can do, and if it is true that you’re just naturally far more resistant then the average person then doing these on top of such and advantage will result in being even more powerful, our goal is to reach Godhood so you can never be too strong.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
