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Mercury occult meaning


Sep 29, 2018
For a long time I could not approach this text; first, the thought of studying the influence of the integral meaning of Mercury in occultism seemed extremely exciting to me. However, the more I thought about these things, the more and more difficult it became to wrap my mind around each aspect. The recent retrograde phase was completely disorienting for me in terms of thinking, so I could only wait for it to end so I could return to this work. Ultimately, I decided that there was no point in waiting any longer and this text would be written, no matter what.

First, let's figure it out and put together everything we know about Mercury? This is a planet with the nature of both sexes (that is, it is both male and female at the same time, so-called Hermaphrodite), associated with the elements of air and earth, ruling two signs: Gemini and Virgo. It personifies our mind and thinking, contacts, connections, and largely determines our intellectual abilities and preferences of the mind.

The name of the planet refers to the Roman God Mercury, who is also known as Hermes to the Greeks and Thoth to the Egyptians. In the Indian pantheon, Mercury is Budhi, and is also often associated with God Ganesha. We know that Thoth is a real and highly revered God, the patron of knowledge, wisdom, magic and writing. The allegorical series becomes clearer.


In spiritual alchemy, Mercury rules our throat and heart chakra along with Venus. The metal of Mercury bears the same name as mercury(Also Hg. Hydrargyrum). The properties of physical mercury are its dual nature, being both a metal and a liquid. We will return to this topic more than once as we continue our research. Mercury is so important that the Satanic alchemists of the past included it in their three primary elements necessary to create the philosopher's stone. These were Sulfur, Salt and Mercury.

Mercury represents our mind, mental plane and thinking skills. On the one side. On the other hand, it is communication, the ability to speak and create connections. These processes are interconnected, but not always identical. This is determined by the two mansions, the ruling signs of Mercury in astrology. Virgo is more focused on the mind and the 6th house, this is the mind of a professional mathematician, for example. Gemini, in turn, refers more to communications, and to the 3rd house, this is the ability to negotiate with a professional trader. Both the first and second are legitimate manifestations of the energy of Mercury, which again creates duality.

In Tantra, the body corresponding to the mental plane is called Buddhic, which is clearly consonant with the Vedic name of the planet Mercury - Budhi. Which again brings us to the same associative series. But this is only the most introductory data.

The human mind is bipolar (this is even expressed in the fact that we have two hemispheres), this may seem obvious, but if you imagine yourself separated from your body, or assume a “pure world of the mind” in itself - this will naturally include male and female elements. Which correlates with the duality of the Mercury principle itself. Feminine energies are traditionally correlated with Yin, and Masculine energies with Yang. Black and white. Hmm wait... could this be similar?


8 multiplied by 8 gives 64, a Mercury square contains 64 squares just like a chessboard. Chess is the most Mercurial game in which there is no element of chance, pure reason and miscalculation. Half of the cells are white, the other half are black. Dual nature again. Mercury is the principle of interaction of opposites, through which they can be united and not destroy each other. In our mind we can imagine different, even mutually exclusive ideas and conduct research, analysis, comparison. This is a tool with the help of which the possible is calculated.

8 rays-directions(also Airs/Winds) are the star of Astarte, in addition to the standard 6 directions (up-down and cardinal directions), this is also the inward-outward direction, which allows us to move between different dimensions in our mind and explore the relationships between micro-cosmic and macro-cosmic objects . Mind-Mercury connects everything together.


In addition to the mind, we also have a spiritual dimension above, which is characterized by the fact that behind 8 there are also two other numbers, 9 and 10, but this is not directly related to this topic.

It is with the help of the mind that we cognize the “chessboard”, the general mental plan that exists on the planet. Plato called it the World of Ideas, Vernadsky called it the Noosphere. Drawing inspiration, at the highest levels of elaboration of Mercury, a person can open up intellectual intuition, expressed in receiving information from this general mental plane. Many authors of great works have said that they did not invent their work, but “received it,” or that they were only conduits through which great ideas could be embodied in material form.

Another feature of Mercury and area of control is language. It is known that people with severely affected Mercury may have stuttering and/or learning difficulties in childhood. This leads us to the idea of the relationship between the mental plane and language. And since language is the very general information zone of the Noosphere within which we live, words and their combinations form something like pieces of code of the linguistic layer of reality. Modern science has long come to realize the role of the relationship between thinking/consciousness and language. We express ourselves and think in language, most people never get into the state of Void Meditation and do not know that they are not equal to their internal dialogue.

Linguistic/information objects in the collective consciousness consist of the simplest units of information - memes. Let's say that Satanism for the average inhabitant of the planet is a set of memes inside his head, no structured information. The media has been manipulating this for a long time. The connections between different concepts and areas both within individuals and in the general field of the Noosphere form the agenda.

The simplest meme is an idea. A picture-joke connection, or a template-meaning connection. Within personal consciousness, connections work in the same way. Knowledge is communication between different areas that relate to each other and explain each other. Many disparate facts become knowledge only when there is a basis connecting them - Mercury. This is what science confirms, the neural connections in our brain are rebuilt and created again. What we don't use, we forget and lose.


Moving further, the meaning of Thoth as the Scribe God becomes clearer. “Writing" is the magical act of creating meaning, a new idea. The embodiment of the world of ideas in the material world, initially in the form of a plan or text. The spiritual path of most people on this forum began precisely by reading the information on the site and books; in this sense, writing is sacred. The creation of thought forms also relates to interaction with the mental plane and writing, being an example of a magical act - programming information to influence reality. By developing and strengthening something in the Noosphere/world of Ideas, we multiply it in reality, one is embodied through the other. The texts of Nietzsche and other philosophers became the prototype for the Third Reich, in turn, as they themselves were based on classical ancient philosophy, etc. As Satanists we must use our Mercury as the impeccable instrument given to us by the Gods.
Very good post, thank you for sharing this with us, as it's very much something to read deeper into and ponder.

One thing I would like to add though that I was curious on the Noosphere. Is it in any similar or has a relation to the stream of knowledge from the higher spheres?

I wonder on this, as at times I have been struck with a blinding white light in meditation, and it was like I could step into this ever expansive white light, and it was an infinitely expanding void of knowledge, language, just everything in existence spiraling all together and interconnected in all directions, moving without end.
Very good post, thank you for sharing this with us, as it's very much something to read deeper into and ponder.

One thing I would like to add though that I was curious on the Noosphere. Is it in any similar or has a relation to the stream of knowledge from the higher spheres?

I wonder on this, as at times I have been struck with a blinding white light in meditation, and it was like I could step into this ever expansive white light, and it was an infinitely expanding void of knowledge, language, just everything in existence spiraling all together and interconnected in all directions, moving without end.
The noosphere in the classical presentation is the “software” of our society. Social institutions and connections form relationships between people, society has an economy/science/culture within it - and all this needs information as glue, a body of knowledge that connects it all together. This is the Lore of our world.

I think what you felt relates more to the spiritual worlds and the connection of the Sahasrara chakra with external stars.

When I was preparing this article, I re-read the Satanic Numerology section, one of the meanings of the number 8 was: multiplication "ad infinitum", this reminded me of the inverted 8 that is drawn above the head of the Arcana Magus in the Tarot. Infinite potential of the mind, similar to what you described. An experience when consciousness comes into contact with an infinite information space.
64 = Αληθεια (Truth)
Excellent post, I have great admiration for the energy and magnitude of mercury as energy.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
