two months has passed since i started to connect myself to said symbol, by attaching it to my name publicly, and it appears that nothing nefarious seems to have happend to me, just as expected, afterall, we must never forget that it's a 100% Gentile symbol, as explained below <
this is some kind of "Elephant in the room" that definitely deserves to be addressed, because unfortunately there's lots of demonization of said symbol going on because of recent and past events related to Israel and the jews, which decided to "hide" behind the Hexagram <
i took the risk, out of my own personal decision, and decided to reclaim on my own, said Spiritual geometrical pattern, which is something i guess almost nobody else closely associated with and dedicated to the JOS has still attempted to do before <
from my perspective,it seems to be the right course of action at this point...Satanism is About TRUTH, and the TRUTH is That the Hexagram is of the gods, especially SANAT KUMARA(666) and nobody can deny this...only a liar could do that, or maybe somebody, purely out of ignorance <
(the latter is absolutely understandable and acceptable,because of the confusion and lack of spiritual knowledge in today's world, and of course, it's acceptable also because it be easily "cured" by showing the TRUTH,as opposed to a liar denying on purpose in order to advance some kind of nefarious agenda, which can only Be Cursed and shall be Cursed)
so, here's a very simple "what if scenario"... let's say that the enemies of humanity were hiding behind and exploiting other very important Gentile symbols such as the 卐SWASTIKA卍 or the ☥ANKH☥, what would you do, would you let said enemies have full control over those, and let em' manipulate their energies in a nefarious way, while out of fear, you,the original owner, avoids connecting to it's own source of power, order and stability, just because some hostile entities has attached themselves to it like a parasite?
something tells me that's exactly what the parasite would want,to have full control over that, while the original owners remains "displaced", "rootless", and therefore,almost assuredly, Weaker and Confused, especially if said parasite also manages to keep the original owners not only "Displaced",but,also, even makes em' focus on engaging in self-Destructive behaviour such as attacking their own symbols, while the parasite itself hiding behind those remains almost untouched, and let's not forget, worst case scenario ,it can potentially even afford to lose something that is not it's own anyway, in the first place, and it can find eventually another alternative to take over and infect <
(note: those are actually not entirely what if scenarios, they kind of happend, for example with the "Jewish swastika"...or, think about all the Corrupted freemasonry out there,which is exploiting Egyptian imagery and symbolism....or the many Fake Satanists out there blaspheming Satanik Symbolism while engaging in Corrupted,degenerate, even Criminal, Behaviour )
but that's just food for thought, i'm not saying that anybody inside the JOS shall be doing exactly what i did... i simply followed my heart, and my sixth sense, while looking at the TRUTH, with an Open-Mind <
Time will tell if i was right or wrong ☥

Shatkona - Wikipedia

this is some kind of "Elephant in the room" that definitely deserves to be addressed, because unfortunately there's lots of demonization of said symbol going on because of recent and past events related to Israel and the jews, which decided to "hide" behind the Hexagram <
i took the risk, out of my own personal decision, and decided to reclaim on my own, said Spiritual geometrical pattern, which is something i guess almost nobody else closely associated with and dedicated to the JOS has still attempted to do before <
from my perspective,it seems to be the right course of action at this point...Satanism is About TRUTH, and the TRUTH is That the Hexagram is of the gods, especially SANAT KUMARA(666) and nobody can deny this...only a liar could do that, or maybe somebody, purely out of ignorance <
(the latter is absolutely understandable and acceptable,because of the confusion and lack of spiritual knowledge in today's world, and of course, it's acceptable also because it be easily "cured" by showing the TRUTH,as opposed to a liar denying on purpose in order to advance some kind of nefarious agenda, which can only Be Cursed and shall be Cursed)
so, here's a very simple "what if scenario"... let's say that the enemies of humanity were hiding behind and exploiting other very important Gentile symbols such as the 卐SWASTIKA卍 or the ☥ANKH☥, what would you do, would you let said enemies have full control over those, and let em' manipulate their energies in a nefarious way, while out of fear, you,the original owner, avoids connecting to it's own source of power, order and stability, just because some hostile entities has attached themselves to it like a parasite?
something tells me that's exactly what the parasite would want,to have full control over that, while the original owners remains "displaced", "rootless", and therefore,almost assuredly, Weaker and Confused, especially if said parasite also manages to keep the original owners not only "Displaced",but,also, even makes em' focus on engaging in self-Destructive behaviour such as attacking their own symbols, while the parasite itself hiding behind those remains almost untouched, and let's not forget, worst case scenario ,it can potentially even afford to lose something that is not it's own anyway, in the first place, and it can find eventually another alternative to take over and infect <
(note: those are actually not entirely what if scenarios, they kind of happend, for example with the "Jewish swastika"...or, think about all the Corrupted freemasonry out there,which is exploiting Egyptian imagery and symbolism....or the many Fake Satanists out there blaspheming Satanik Symbolism while engaging in Corrupted,degenerate, even Criminal, Behaviour )

File:Jewish swastika.jpg - Wikipedia

but that's just food for thought, i'm not saying that anybody inside the JOS shall be doing exactly what i did... i simply followed my heart, and my sixth sense, while looking at the TRUTH, with an Open-Mind <
Time will tell if i was right or wrong ☥