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About Violence & Conversion Of "People" To "God"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
A few people appear to think still that "violence" could be a solution to bring people back to any Gods. These Gods, would certainly not be our own. Only if something as simple as "violence" could be the answer, humanity would not have many of the problems it has today. But for most fundamental topics of natural evolution, violence simply does not work.

Looking back on this topic, this practice was never done in the Ancient World. Even in the "Sieges" of Alexander the Great, they did not change the Ancient Pagan religions of the Natives, nor they forced anyone on their knees to rebuke "Their Gods" for "Our Gods".

That's because fundamentally, all people back then believed in the Pagan Gods. So it was of no reason for such acts to happen. There were also, in Ancient Pagan history, never instated any forms of "Religion Warfare". There was territoral warfare, resources warfare, even warfare of the foolish aspect of the Ego, but there was never a form of warfare that explicitly said to anyone else that "We shall replace your Gods with our own!".

These God hating tenets, begin only with the advent of the Jews, who being an alien element to mankind, poised to turn the most important thing of the Gods and of Philosophy, to a gutter of war, darkness and despairing tribulation for human societies.

When the enemy made their advances, they decided that violence, blackmail, coersion and miserable pain were the "turning points" that could be used to make people of the Ancient Gods, into slaves of the jews, to obey them. This represents human downfall, so violence in their case worked to instate a temporary rule of brutality upon which they made their "thrones".

The "results" of these "thrones" are these: 6 out of 10 people do not believe in Christianity, 9 out of 10 are hypocritical about it, and 1 out of 10 in a schizoid aggressive animal, that only gains joy by inflicting terror to others - none of this truly connected to God in anyway. They created an asylum of miserable slaves, and that was their first and primary concern. This concern differs in opposition from our own, or the concern of the Gods who care about mankind.

The enemy, built their programs of control based on fear or violence. However, the aim of the enemy was also just that: Reduce human beings to ashes, instate fears on them and perpetually abuse them. Reducing anything to ashes, only requires violence and to that end, violence is enough.

Violent regimes and violence does require a constant effort on the part of the person that does it, to keep people in check. That is the case since nobody wants to be ruled by these, so violence, perversion and manipulation is how these are run all the time.

This is required because people who are enforced into these, are not truly on board based on their own will to engage in certain topics. Humans at first opportunity seek to escape. As history gave outlets for many of the enslaved people to go out, they will go out. And on their way out, they will carry arms to destroy those that enslaved them.

That's how nature works and that is why Christians leave Christianity or Islam in vengeance, but also why most of them define as Atheists or nobody believes in these cults in applied reality of life. As such, Jews who facilitated this "change", are always and eternally living in fear, or in worry that one day they will be holocausted by the angry masses of the Gentiles, who upon finding out what has happened to them, will seek vengeance of untold proportions against them.

And they are right to fear this; in order to stop them therefore, more lies, coercion, control and violence is required. They have earned for themselves an eternal problem in the subjugation of other humans for no other reason than their own defiling need to enslave others.

The point of spirituality or the Gods overall, is to evolve human beings exactly in the opposite direction of fear, humanity's reduction to ashes, or anything related. While the enemy attempts to lock humans down to the consciousness level of an animal, merely replacing this animal's urges, our side wants to turn human beings into intelligent, brave beings and Gods.

Internally, a human being has to be on a certain level of acceptance, consciousness and willingness to embrace this path, because this path works spiritually and with their soul. One can not violently bring people into this trajectory of evolution, no different than how one cannot enforce a wild monkey through violence to become a NASA scientist.

Even if one goes as far as to make the monkey wear certain clothes, or hold a pencil, it still will forever, no matter the violence or pressure exacted upon it, be unable to participate truly or willingly as a NASA scientist. Further, the only beings that have time to do this to a monkey [or another human being] are of a sadomasochistic nature, and they oftentimes mask their own needs to subvert others for no real purpose or attainment, through "violence", claiming that is "Good for the Gods".

Theoretically speaking, even if one spent all their life trying to tame this wild monkey, and bring it into NASA, the monkey would still be both unwilling to co-operate, or provide any substaintial value to the undertakings of NASA. Therefore, one has to also think about how violence essentially creates haters of the Gods, who will be internally and in all ways incapable of partaking in the Mysteries of the Gods, and therefore 'useless'.

Bringing this primitive creature in NASA's headquarters, would only create unrest, and Gods forbid if it was ever exposed to any advanced computing panel, because all it would do is beat the panel. Of course, it would also be angry at the person who gave it white clothes to wear, vengeful, and aggressive, something it would take out on it's previous "violent handler".

The same psychological process is how our people here have been victimized by the enemy: Force, coercion, blackmail, threats of "hellfire", attacks, subversion of our cultures and so on. But when people find out, what happens? Hatred, need to destroy, aggression, and sworn enemies. These methods however, only work in the generation of slaves and not in the generation of human beings let alone Gods.

That is why Satan is very much insistent that the people who join Him, are Free Willed humans, who do this out of understanding, education and then love. This is the most loyal follower and the most able one to achieve high ranking in spiritual greatness.

Those who believe that these are the ways to "expand" are also oftentimes very immature, and very lacking in experience of life overall; they do not understand the importance of free will in this topic, and that the only path to Godhead can be one of freedom of choice. You cannot enforce people to meditate, spiritually advance, or open their hearts up to the Truth.

In regard to the outcomes of this process as a "way" to "impose" the Truth, we can look at the Christians and the Islamics. Both of them are comprised of the most stupid followers, the most worthless human beings, and the most lesser minds in their large majority. The definition of their followers is that of a low IQ slave. Filled with fear of "punishment", they feign "belief", where there is none. Privately, they all disbelieve their Gods and they act in the most atrocious manners towards their so called "Faith".

Violence is constantly required to keep them in order, and nobody really from the enemy knows who, what or why they believe in it. This state of consciousness is great for one tries to instate a mill of serfs, as the humans in these are exactly that; worthless slaves.

But beyond that level, these people or the methods these "religions" follow, can never procure anything higher, nor a "Free Man", let alone a God. Freedom or the ability to choose, is the basis upon which one makes the first choices: From slave of the jews, to a human being, to a complete human being, to the Gods.

The above must be made out of free will, and no amount of force, coercion, pain or misery can trigger these choices through other people. One cannot enforce a person to clean their aura, their mind is the deciding factor of this process, whether or not one will do this or not.

Force or violence in nature is something that flows downwards, wisdom & education and freedom are things that flow upwards. The destiny of the Spiritual Soul is upward, the destiny of the slave is downward. A good marble does not get created by throwing explosive powder on the rocks, it only gets created by long work, evolution of the sculptor, patience, knowledge and understanding.

Of course, it's part of human nature to be angry and sometimes, one thinks that if you literally throw a stone on the floor that will make anything out of it, except of break it. But it will not create it, it will break it. And breaking it will not create a much anticipated sculpture.

Lastly, those who still engage in zealoted acts in the "Name of the Gods", know that this is on their own accord and not that of the Gods. This also will never bear fruit or work out.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I think some Spiritual Satanists underestimate how hard being an SS is for the average person, being a Satanist is one thing, its as simple as acknowledging him as your true God but being an SS is a constant daily commitment, a nearly never ending path of self improvement, even during the time of Ancient Greece and Egypt most people I assume were not on the path as seriously as we are, it was the priests, heroes, rulers and acolytes who did as we do now, to be SS is to be a member of the spiritual elite as true now as it was then, its not something that can be compelled any more than you can force someone to be a world class sprinter, its part innate disposition and a much larger part dedication and training.

Most people know you shouldnt do drugs and you should have a healthy lifestyle for your own benefit and even despite this 100% factual well understood by all knowledge many do the opposite being fat and drug addicted, being an SS is hard, extremely hard most people cannot do what we do even if the Gods walked up to them and gave them step by step instructions, I agree fully with HPHC it cannot be forced its a blessing and privilege.
Excellent Sermon, sir. To clarify, I wasn’t suggesting forcing ourselves on people to accept us. I meant to receive adequate vengeance against those who have wronged us, and that the removal of vain opposition(even if by force) is something I view as a net positive.
I’m not advocating for violence.
Thank you, High Priest, this helped me a lot! :)
Человек хитер и будет стараться всегда выставлять себя в приличном свете, а другого принизить. Говорить всегда красивые слова легче, чем жить по-настоящему красиво. Поэтому мне хотелось бы вообще перестать говорить где-либо и так мне диктует мое внутреннее чутье. В последнее время дома я тоже не люблю разговаривать. Никогда открытый рот в интернете мне не приносил ничего хорошего, всегда кто-то перекрутит. Я общаюсь всегда вынуждено и здесь также, просто потому что мне некуда идти в этом мире, кроме как замкнуться в себе самой и жить своей жизнью. Я не знаю, кто все эти люди за картинками и какая у них жизнь, насколько соответствуют их слова их жизни, но я хорошо понимаю человеческое…, за свои прожитые годы я достаточно повидала. Когда случается какая-то беда, то я замечаю, что всегда остаюсь один на один с этой бедой. Я чувствую великую усталость от многих вещей, от людей, от разговоров и т.п. Лучше я буду развивать другой язык.

A person is cunning and will try to always make himself look decent and belittle the other. It is easier to speak beautiful words than to live a truly beautiful life. So I would like to stop speaking anywhere at all and that's what my inner gut dictates to me. I don't like to talk at home lately either. Never an open mouth on the internet has ever done me any good, someone will always twist it. I socialize always forced and here as well, simply because I have nowhere to go in this world but to shut myself in myself and live my life. I don't know who all these people behind the pictures are and what their lives are like, how much their words match their lives, but I understand humanity well..., I've seen enough in my passing years. When some misfortune happens, I notice that I am always left alone with that misfortune. I feel a great weariness of many things, of people, of talking, etc. I would rather develop another language.
A few people appear to think still that "violence" could be a solution to bring people back to any Gods. These Gods, would certainly not be our own. Only if something as simple as "violence" could be the answer, humanity would not have many of the problems it has today. But for most fundamental topics of natural evolution, violence simply does not work.

Looking back on this topic, this practice was never done in the Ancient World. Even in the "Sieges" of Alexander the Great, they did not change the Ancient Pagan religions of the Natives, nor they forced anyone on their knees to rebuke "Their Gods" for "Our Gods".

That's because fundamentally, all people back then believed in the Pagan Gods. So it was of no reason for such acts to happen. There were also, in Ancient Pagan history, never instated any forms of "Religion Warfare". There was territoral warfare, resources warfare, even warfare of the foolish aspect of the Ego, but there was never a form of warfare that explicitly said to anyone else that "We shall replace your Gods with our own!".

These God hating tenets, begin only with the advent of the Jews, who being an alien element to mankind, poised to turn the most important thing of the Gods and of Philosophy, to a gutter of war, darkness and despairing tribulation for human societies.

When the enemy made their advances, they decided that violence, blackmail, coersion and miserable pain were the "turning points" that could be used to make people of the Ancient Gods, into slaves of the jews, to obey them. This represents human downfall, so violence in their case worked to instate a temporary rule of brutality upon which they made their "thrones".

The "results" of these "thrones" are these: 6 out of 10 people do not believe in Christianity, 9 out of 10 are hypocritical about it, and 1 out of 10 in a schizoid aggressive animal, that only gains joy by inflicting terror to others - none of this truly connected to God in anyway. They created an asylum of miserable slaves, and that was their first and primary concern. This concern differs in opposition from our own, or the concern of the Gods who care about mankind.

The enemy, built their programs of control based on fear or violence. However, the aim of the enemy was also just that: Reduce human beings to ashes, instate fears on them and perpetually abuse them. Reducing anything to ashes, only requires violence and to that end, violence is enough.

Violent regimes and violence does require a constant effort on the part of the person that does it, to keep people in check. That is the case since nobody wants to be ruled by these, so violence, perversion and manipulation is how these are run all the time.

This is required because people who are enforced into these, are not truly on board based on their own will to engage in certain topics. Humans at first opportunity seek to escape. As history gave outlets for many of the enslaved people to go out, they will go out. And on their way out, they will carry arms to destroy those that enslaved them.

That's how nature works and that is why Christians leave Christianity or Islam in vengeance, but also why most of them define as Atheists or nobody believes in these cults in applied reality of life. As such, Jews who facilitated this "change", are always and eternally living in fear, or in worry that one day they will be holocausted by the angry masses of the Gentiles, who upon finding out what has happened to them, will seek vengeance of untold proportions against them.

And they are right to fear this; in order to stop them therefore, more lies, coercion, control and violence is required. They have earned for themselves an eternal problem in the subjugation of other humans for no other reason than their own defiling need to enslave others.

The point of spirituality or the Gods overall, is to evolve human beings exactly in the opposite direction of fear, humanity's reduction to ashes, or anything related. While the enemy attempts to lock humans down to the consciousness level of an animal, merely replacing this animal's urges, our side wants to turn human beings into intelligent, brave beings and Gods.

Internally, a human being has to be on a certain level of acceptance, consciousness and willingness to embrace this path, because this path works spiritually and with their soul. One can not violently bring people into this trajectory of evolution, no different than how one cannot enforce a wild monkey through violence to become a NASA scientist.

Even if one goes as far as to make the monkey wear certain clothes, or hold a pencil, it still will forever, no matter the violence or pressure exacted upon it, be unable to participate truly or willingly as a NASA scientist. Further, the only beings that have time to do this to a monkey [or another human being] are of a sadomasochistic nature, and they oftentimes mask their own needs to subvert others for no real purpose or attainment, through "violence", claiming that is "Good for the Gods".

Theoretically speaking, even if one spent all their life trying to tame this wild monkey, and bring it into NASA, the monkey would still be both unwilling to co-operate, or provide any substaintial value to the undertakings of NASA. Therefore, one has to also think about how violence essentially creates haters of the Gods, who will be internally and in all ways incapable of partaking in the Mysteries of the Gods, and therefore 'useless'.

Bringing this primitive creature in NASA's headquarters, would only create unrest, and Gods forbid if it was ever exposed to any advanced computing panel, because all it would do is beat the panel. Of course, it would also be angry at the person who gave it white clothes to wear, vengeful, and aggressive, something it would take out on it's previous "violent handler".

The same psychological process is how our people here have been victimized by the enemy: Force, coercion, blackmail, threats of "hellfire", attacks, subversion of our cultures and so on. But when people find out, what happens? Hatred, need to destroy, aggression, and sworn enemies. These methods however, only work in the generation of slaves and not in the generation of human beings let alone Gods.

That is why Satan is very much insistent that the people who join Him, are Free Willed humans, who do this out of understanding, education and then love. This is the most loyal follower and the most able one to achieve high ranking in spiritual greatness.

Those who believe that these are the ways to "expand" are also oftentimes very immature, and very lacking in experience of life overall; they do not understand the importance of free will in this topic, and that the only path to Godhead can be one of freedom of choice. You cannot enforce people to meditate, spiritually advance, or open their hearts up to the Truth.

In regard to the outcomes of this process as a "way" to "impose" the Truth, we can look at the Christians and the Islamics. Both of them are comprised of the most stupid followers, the most worthless human beings, and the most lesser minds in their large majority. The definition of their followers is that of a low IQ slave. Filled with fear of "punishment", they feign "belief", where there is none. Privately, they all disbelieve their Gods and they act in the most atrocious manners towards their so called "Faith".

Violence is constantly required to keep them in order, and nobody really from the enemy knows who, what or why they believe in it. This state of consciousness is great for one tries to instate a mill of serfs, as the humans in these are exactly that; worthless slaves.

But beyond that level, these people or the methods these "religions" follow, can never procure anything higher, nor a "Free Man", let alone a God. Freedom or the ability to choose, is the basis upon which one makes the first choices: From slave of the jews, to a human being, to a complete human being, to the Gods.

The above must be made out of free will, and no amount of force, coercion, pain or misery can trigger these choices through other people. One cannot enforce a person to clean their aura, their mind is the deciding factor of this process, whether or not one will do this or not.

Force or violence in nature is something that flows downwards, wisdom & education and freedom are things that flow upwards. The destiny of the Spiritual Soul is upward, the destiny of the slave is downward. A good marble does not get created by throwing explosive powder on the rocks, it only gets created by long work, evolution of the sculptor, patience, knowledge and understanding.

Of course, it's part of human nature to be angry and sometimes, one thinks that if you literally throw a stone on the floor that will make anything out of it, except of break it. But it will not create it, it will break it. And breaking it will not create a much anticipated sculpture.

Lastly, those who still engage in zealoted acts in the "Name of the Gods", know that this is on their own accord and not that of the Gods. This also will never bear fruit or work out.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Reading this reminds me of the Satanic Ethics, particularly how Queen Astarte teaches us to build and create as it is a holy act, rather than destroy.

Gaining understanding, knowledge, wisdom and eventually returning to the Gods out of pudd Love is something that can take time and effort because of the way things are right now but eventually, one will be able to be a proper and loyal Spiritual Satanist.

To receive the Gods through acts of destruction as our High Priest describes, would only lead to unwanted consequences and a subconscious unwillingness for one to put genuine effort into their spiritual growth. This is the natural result of a destructive act where creation was necessary.

Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra for this beautiful and insightful sermon.

Excellent Sermon, sir. To clarify, I wasn’t suggesting forcing ourselves on people to accept us. I meant to receive adequate vengeance against those who have wronged us, and that the removal of vain opposition(even if by force) is something I view as a net positive.
I’m not advocating for violence.

Everyone knows we are not advocating for violence here, but I write that disclaimer also, to get it out of the way.

What you describe here, these are enemies, not exactly what I write about in this topic. Enemies are a different subject. There is no prohibition and it's moral and ethical to fight against those that oppose us and against their will which they want to impose upon us, because the alternative is our subjugation to them or eventually our death.

What many call "vengeance" here is not vengeance, is the need to not be subjugated by an enemy with a well defined plan to subvert us and enslave us all.

Resistance and spiritual warfare is quintessential to that end.

Yet when it comes to bringing people under our midst, while the enemy is desperate for slaves, we are not desperate for slaves, but new willing warriors and new people of a pure heart and understanding, who are ready to stand beneath the banner in knowledge, not in ignorance.
Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 for the disclaimer. As we do not advocate violence in the first place, we do not turn the other cheek and are steadfast to path of our Gods. The understanding from our Gods is an unabated journey unto Godhead and all obstructions and obstacles need to be cleared from the path and that aren't violence but standing our grounds in all positivity with our Gods guiding and protecting us as we walk in their directives as always through our High Priests, Priestesses and guardians and all the rank and file of our big SS family. What an eternal joy to find the truth of our original Gods in each passing day. We're forever grateful to our Gods for their love.
Hail Father Satan
Hail Mama Astarte
Hail all our Gods and Goddesses of Hell forever
A few people appear to think still that "violence" could be a solution to bring people back to any Gods. These Gods, would certainly not be our own. Only if something as simple as "violence" could be the answer, humanity would not have many of the problems it has today. But for most fundamental topics of natural evolution, violence simply does not work.

Looking back on this topic, this practice was never done in the Ancient World. Even in the "Sieges" of Alexander the Great, they did not change the Ancient Pagan religions of the Natives, nor they forced anyone on their knees to rebuke "Their Gods" for "Our Gods".

That's because fundamentally, all people back then believed in the Pagan Gods. So it was of no reason for such acts to happen. There were also, in Ancient Pagan history, never instated any forms of "Religion Warfare". There was territoral warfare, resources warfare, even warfare of the foolish aspect of the Ego, but there was never a form of warfare that explicitly said to anyone else that "We shall replace your Gods with our own!".

These God hating tenets, begin only with the advent of the Jews, who being an alien element to mankind, poised to turn the most important thing of the Gods and of Philosophy, to a gutter of war, darkness and despairing tribulation for human societies.

When the enemy made their advances, they decided that violence, blackmail, coersion and miserable pain were the "turning points" that could be used to make people of the Ancient Gods, into slaves of the jews, to obey them. This represents human downfall, so violence in their case worked to instate a temporary rule of brutality upon which they made their "thrones".

The "results" of these "thrones" are these: 6 out of 10 people do not believe in Christianity, 9 out of 10 are hypocritical about it, and 1 out of 10 in a schizoid aggressive animal, that only gains joy by inflicting terror to others - none of this truly connected to God in anyway. They created an asylum of miserable slaves, and that was their first and primary concern. This concern differs in opposition from our own, or the concern of the Gods who care about mankind.

The enemy, built their programs of control based on fear or violence. However, the aim of the enemy was also just that: Reduce human beings to ashes, instate fears on them and perpetually abuse them. Reducing anything to ashes, only requires violence and to that end, violence is enough.

Violent regimes and violence does require a constant effort on the part of the person that does it, to keep people in check. That is the case since nobody wants to be ruled by these, so violence, perversion and manipulation is how these are run all the time.

This is required because people who are enforced into these, are not truly on board based on their own will to engage in certain topics. Humans at first opportunity seek to escape. As history gave outlets for many of the enslaved people to go out, they will go out. And on their way out, they will carry arms to destroy those that enslaved them.

That's how nature works and that is why Christians leave Christianity or Islam in vengeance, but also why most of them define as Atheists or nobody believes in these cults in applied reality of life. As such, Jews who facilitated this "change", are always and eternally living in fear, or in worry that one day they will be holocausted by the angry masses of the Gentiles, who upon finding out what has happened to them, will seek vengeance of untold proportions against them.

And they are right to fear this; in order to stop them therefore, more lies, coercion, control and violence is required. They have earned for themselves an eternal problem in the subjugation of other humans for no other reason than their own defiling need to enslave others.

The point of spirituality or the Gods overall, is to evolve human beings exactly in the opposite direction of fear, humanity's reduction to ashes, or anything related. While the enemy attempts to lock humans down to the consciousness level of an animal, merely replacing this animal's urges, our side wants to turn human beings into intelligent, brave beings and Gods.

Internally, a human being has to be on a certain level of acceptance, consciousness and willingness to embrace this path, because this path works spiritually and with their soul. One can not violently bring people into this trajectory of evolution, no different than how one cannot enforce a wild monkey through violence to become a NASA scientist.

Even if one goes as far as to make the monkey wear certain clothes, or hold a pencil, it still will forever, no matter the violence or pressure exacted upon it, be unable to participate truly or willingly as a NASA scientist. Further, the only beings that have time to do this to a monkey [or another human being] are of a sadomasochistic nature, and they oftentimes mask their own needs to subvert others for no real purpose or attainment, through "violence", claiming that is "Good for the Gods".

Theoretically speaking, even if one spent all their life trying to tame this wild monkey, and bring it into NASA, the monkey would still be both unwilling to co-operate, or provide any substaintial value to the undertakings of NASA. Therefore, one has to also think about how violence essentially creates haters of the Gods, who will be internally and in all ways incapable of partaking in the Mysteries of the Gods, and therefore 'useless'.

Bringing this primitive creature in NASA's headquarters, would only create unrest, and Gods forbid if it was ever exposed to any advanced computing panel, because all it would do is beat the panel. Of course, it would also be angry at the person who gave it white clothes to wear, vengeful, and aggressive, something it would take out on it's previous "violent handler".

The same psychological process is how our people here have been victimized by the enemy: Force, coercion, blackmail, threats of "hellfire", attacks, subversion of our cultures and so on. But when people find out, what happens? Hatred, need to destroy, aggression, and sworn enemies. These methods however, only work in the generation of slaves and not in the generation of human beings let alone Gods.

That is why Satan is very much insistent that the people who join Him, are Free Willed humans, who do this out of understanding, education and then love. This is the most loyal follower and the most able one to achieve high ranking in spiritual greatness.

Those who believe that these are the ways to "expand" are also oftentimes very immature, and very lacking in experience of life overall; they do not understand the importance of free will in this topic, and that the only path to Godhead can be one of freedom of choice. You cannot enforce people to meditate, spiritually advance, or open their hearts up to the Truth.

In regard to the outcomes of this process as a "way" to "impose" the Truth, we can look at the Christians and the Islamics. Both of them are comprised of the most stupid followers, the most worthless human beings, and the most lesser minds in their large majority. The definition of their followers is that of a low IQ slave. Filled with fear of "punishment", they feign "belief", where there is none. Privately, they all disbelieve their Gods and they act in the most atrocious manners towards their so called "Faith".

Violence is constantly required to keep them in order, and nobody really from the enemy knows who, what or why they believe in it. This state of consciousness is great for one tries to instate a mill of serfs, as the humans in these are exactly that; worthless slaves.

But beyond that level, these people or the methods these "religions" follow, can never procure anything higher, nor a "Free Man", let alone a God. Freedom or the ability to choose, is the basis upon which one makes the first choices: From slave of the jews, to a human being, to a complete human being, to the Gods.

The above must be made out of free will, and no amount of force, coercion, pain or misery can trigger these choices through other people. One cannot enforce a person to clean their aura, their mind is the deciding factor of this process, whether or not one will do this or not.

Force or violence in nature is something that flows downwards, wisdom & education and freedom are things that flow upwards. The destiny of the Spiritual Soul is upward, the destiny of the slave is downward. A good marble does not get created by throwing explosive powder on the rocks, it only gets created by long work, evolution of the sculptor, patience, knowledge and understanding.

Of course, it's part of human nature to be angry and sometimes, one thinks that if you literally throw a stone on the floor that will make anything out of it, except of break it. But it will not create it, it will break it. And breaking it will not create a much anticipated sculpture.

Lastly, those who still engage in zealoted acts in the "Name of the Gods", know that this is on their own accord and not that of the Gods. This also will never bear fruit or work out.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you
People will want to join the JoS happily of their own free will, with excitement and eagerness, and knowing that they are being respectfully lead to the truth.

The xians on the other hand, forced conversion through violence and threat of hunger to the children (the Irish famine for example, families were only given food if they converted to protestantism, giving rise to the nickname slur "souper" for converted protestants.)

Nobody wants to be forced to take on a new identity. Religion is part of one's identity, and people like to be their own individuals, especially as we enter the Age of Aquarius. We are spreading the JoS everywhere for people to, of their own free will, find it and decide for themselves if they want to join.
Brother HPHC, are you going to be making anymore announcements/audio sermons like the one you made for us on Beltane soon? I know you’re busy as hell so no pressure, sir, just curiosity and enthusiasm on my end.
Thank you High Preist. I agree we cannot use the same barbaric tactics the enemy uses to bring the people back to Satan..

Muslims, they are like the embodiment of what is called violence and anger. And as you say, they all resort to every possible means to change the fact that it is not theirs, and in the end, they respond with violence and this leads to destruction, both psychologically and physically. They are the wildest people I have ever seen in my life, even animals are better than them. I think that the ones who will cause us the most problems in the future will be Muslims.

JoS doesn't support things like blood rituals and it's not in the wild, that's why people prefer us. Because we promise them perfection in life, and if instead we promised them destruction and anger and perfection after death, we would be no different from them. We should not spread hatred and curses, and if we do so, we will lose from the beginning. We should be integrating and uplifting people, not separating and degrading them.

Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra for publishing this article. I perceive some things better now.
I think some Spiritual Satanists underestimate how hard being an SS is for the average person, being a Satanist is one thing, its as simple as acknowledging him as your true God but being an SS is a constant daily commitment, a nearly never ending path of self improvement, even during the time of Ancient Greece and Egypt most people I assume were not on the path as seriously as we are, it was the priests, heroes, rulers and acolytes who did as we do now, to be SS is to be a member of the spiritual elite as true now as it was then, its not something that can be compelled any more than you can force someone to be a world class sprinter, its part innate disposition and a much larger part dedication and training.

Most people know you shouldnt do drugs and you should have a healthy lifestyle for your own benefit and even despite this 100% factual well understood by all knowledge many do the opposite being fat and drug addicted, being an SS is hard, extremely hard most people cannot do what we do even if the Gods walked up to them and gave them step by step instructions, I agree fully with HPHC it cannot be forced its a blessing and privilege.
Your comment is from a singular live perspective, being a SS achieveing MO is way more easy, then doing endless lives, growing up again learning to walk, speak, eat, being vulnerabel, reling on fate to have a good start.
All your memory lost (past live regression is possible).

Change will happen, if the pain staying the the same, is greater then chaingeing.

With meditation a live is really a live.
I am a warrior in Satans Army. I fight the true way with Spiritual warfare. However, if the day ever comes where we physically engage in warfare against the Jews, I will stand by my SS brothers and sisters to do whatever we are called upon to do. I hope we don’t see the world come to this within my lifetime. But I’m ready and willing if it does. No violence is necessary until that future day. The best way to fight right now, is to keep meditating, do RTRs, and keep my soul advancing towards Godhead. I’m on the path and won’t be deterred.

Hail Satan!!!
However, if the day ever comes where we physically engage in warfare against the Jews, I will stand by my SS brothers and sisters to do whatever we are called upon to do. I hope we don’t see the world come to this within my lifetime. But I’m ready and willing if it does. No violence is necessary until that future day. The best way to fight right now, is to keep meditating, do RTRs, and keep my soul advancing towards Godhead. I’m on the path and won’t be deterred.
I agree with you. RTR's like the ones below help with averting any large-scale conflict in the future:
Thank you.

Is the final RTR still to be completed every day?

I missed a few days because I couldn't fit them into my schedule.
And the conditions were not right.
A few people appear to think still that "violence" could be a solution to bring people back to any Gods. These Gods, would certainly not be our own. Only if something as simple as "violence" could be the answer, humanity would not have many of the problems it has today. But for most fundamental topics of natural evolution, violence simply does not work.

Looking back on this topic, this practice was never done in the Ancient World. Even in the "Sieges" of Alexander the Great, they did not change the Ancient Pagan religions of the Natives, nor they forced anyone on their knees to rebuke "Their Gods" for "Our Gods".

That's because fundamentally, all people back then believed in the Pagan Gods. So it was of no reason for such acts to happen. There were also, in Ancient Pagan history, never instated any forms of "Religion Warfare". There was territoral warfare, resources warfare, even warfare of the foolish aspect of the Ego, but there was never a form of warfare that explicitly said to anyone else that "We shall replace your Gods with our own!".

These God hating tenets, begin only with the advent of the Jews, who being an alien element to mankind, poised to turn the most important thing of the Gods and of Philosophy, to a gutter of war, darkness and despairing tribulation for human societies.

When the enemy made their advances, they decided that violence, blackmail, coersion and miserable pain were the "turning points" that could be used to make people of the Ancient Gods, into slaves of the jews, to obey them. This represents human downfall, so violence in their case worked to instate a temporary rule of brutality upon which they made their "thrones".

The "results" of these "thrones" are these: 6 out of 10 people do not believe in Christianity, 9 out of 10 are hypocritical about it, and 1 out of 10 in a schizoid aggressive animal, that only gains joy by inflicting terror to others - none of this truly connected to God in anyway. They created an asylum of miserable slaves, and that was their first and primary concern. This concern differs in opposition from our own, or the concern of the Gods who care about mankind.

The enemy, built their programs of control based on fear or violence. However, the aim of the enemy was also just that: Reduce human beings to ashes, instate fears on them and perpetually abuse them. Reducing anything to ashes, only requires violence and to that end, violence is enough.

Violent regimes and violence does require a constant effort on the part of the person that does it, to keep people in check. That is the case since nobody wants to be ruled by these, so violence, perversion and manipulation is how these are run all the time.

This is required because people who are enforced into these, are not truly on board based on their own will to engage in certain topics. Humans at first opportunity seek to escape. As history gave outlets for many of the enslaved people to go out, they will go out. And on their way out, they will carry arms to destroy those that enslaved them.

That's how nature works and that is why Christians leave Christianity or Islam in vengeance, but also why most of them define as Atheists or nobody believes in these cults in applied reality of life. As such, Jews who facilitated this "change", are always and eternally living in fear, or in worry that one day they will be holocausted by the angry masses of the Gentiles, who upon finding out what has happened to them, will seek vengeance of untold proportions against them.

And they are right to fear this; in order to stop them therefore, more lies, coercion, control and violence is required. They have earned for themselves an eternal problem in the subjugation of other humans for no other reason than their own defiling need to enslave others.

The point of spirituality or the Gods overall, is to evolve human beings exactly in the opposite direction of fear, humanity's reduction to ashes, or anything related. While the enemy attempts to lock humans down to the consciousness level of an animal, merely replacing this animal's urges, our side wants to turn human beings into intelligent, brave beings and Gods.

Internally, a human being has to be on a certain level of acceptance, consciousness and willingness to embrace this path, because this path works spiritually and with their soul. One can not violently bring people into this trajectory of evolution, no different than how one cannot enforce a wild monkey through violence to become a NASA scientist.

Even if one goes as far as to make the monkey wear certain clothes, or hold a pencil, it still will forever, no matter the violence or pressure exacted upon it, be unable to participate truly or willingly as a NASA scientist. Further, the only beings that have time to do this to a monkey [or another human being] are of a sadomasochistic nature, and they oftentimes mask their own needs to subvert others for no real purpose or attainment, through "violence", claiming that is "Good for the Gods".

Theoretically speaking, even if one spent all their life trying to tame this wild monkey, and bring it into NASA, the monkey would still be both unwilling to co-operate, or provide any substaintial value to the undertakings of NASA. Therefore, one has to also think about how violence essentially creates haters of the Gods, who will be internally and in all ways incapable of partaking in the Mysteries of the Gods, and therefore 'useless'.

Bringing this primitive creature in NASA's headquarters, would only create unrest, and Gods forbid if it was ever exposed to any advanced computing panel, because all it would do is beat the panel. Of course, it would also be angry at the person who gave it white clothes to wear, vengeful, and aggressive, something it would take out on it's previous "violent handler".

The same psychological process is how our people here have been victimized by the enemy: Force, coercion, blackmail, threats of "hellfire", attacks, subversion of our cultures and so on. But when people find out, what happens? Hatred, need to destroy, aggression, and sworn enemies. These methods however, only work in the generation of slaves and not in the generation of human beings let alone Gods.

That is why Satan is very much insistent that the people who join Him, are Free Willed humans, who do this out of understanding, education and then love. This is the most loyal follower and the most able one to achieve high ranking in spiritual greatness.

Those who believe that these are the ways to "expand" are also oftentimes very immature, and very lacking in experience of life overall; they do not understand the importance of free will in this topic, and that the only path to Godhead can be one of freedom of choice. You cannot enforce people to meditate, spiritually advance, or open their hearts up to the Truth.

In regard to the outcomes of this process as a "way" to "impose" the Truth, we can look at the Christians and the Islamics. Both of them are comprised of the most stupid followers, the most worthless human beings, and the most lesser minds in their large majority. The definition of their followers is that of a low IQ slave. Filled with fear of "punishment", they feign "belief", where there is none. Privately, they all disbelieve their Gods and they act in the most atrocious manners towards their so called "Faith".

Violence is constantly required to keep them in order, and nobody really from the enemy knows who, what or why they believe in it. This state of consciousness is great for one tries to instate a mill of serfs, as the humans in these are exactly that; worthless slaves.

But beyond that level, these people or the methods these "religions" follow, can never procure anything higher, nor a "Free Man", let alone a God. Freedom or the ability to choose, is the basis upon which one makes the first choices: From slave of the jews, to a human being, to a complete human being, to the Gods.

The above must be made out of free will, and no amount of force, coercion, pain or misery can trigger these choices through other people. One cannot enforce a person to clean their aura, their mind is the deciding factor of this process, whether or not one will do this or not.

Force or violence in nature is something that flows downwards, wisdom & education and freedom are things that flow upwards. The destiny of the Spiritual Soul is upward, the destiny of the slave is downward. A good marble does not get created by throwing explosive powder on the rocks, it only gets created by long work, evolution of the sculptor, patience, knowledge and understanding.

Of course, it's part of human nature to be angry and sometimes, one thinks that if you literally throw a stone on the floor that will make anything out of it, except of break it. But it will not create it, it will break it. And breaking it will not create a much anticipated sculpture.

Lastly, those who still engage in zealoted acts in the "Name of the Gods", know that this is on their own accord and not that of the Gods. This also will never bear fruit or work out.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I know what you mean
It could cause and ruin
Freedom and I understand that
Reason and I believe the Gods
Don't like Volients to represent
To do volient to another human
On there account when the Gods
Can stop them and take care
Of the them from taking compleat
Control of the world when they
Are the volient one's and causing
Slavery out of the Gentiles and
Mistreat them because they think their
God represent volient action's
The Gods will take of us as well
As Satanas! !
Hail Satanas And the Gods
People will want to join the JoS happily of their own free will, with excitement and eagerness, and knowing that they are being respectfully lead to the truth.

The xians on the other hand, forced conversion through violence and threat of hunger to the children (the Irish famine for example, families were only given food if they converted to protestantism, giving rise to the nickname slur "souper" for converted protestants.)

Nobody wants to be forced to take on a new identity. Religion is part of one's identity, and people like to be their own individuals, especially as we enter the Age of Aquarius. We are spreading the JoS everywhere for people to, of their own free will, find it and decide for themselves

People will want to join the JoS happily of their own free will, with excitement and eagerness, and knowing that they are being respectfully lead to the truth.

The xians on the other hand, forced conversion through violence and threat of hunger to the children (the Irish famine for example, families were only given food if they converted to protestantism, giving rise to the nickname slur "souper" for converted protestants.)

Nobody wants to be forced to take on a new identity. Religion is part of one's identity, and people like to be their own individuals, especially as we enter the Age of Aquarius. We are spreading the JoS everywhere for people to, of their own free will, find it and decide for themselves if they want to join.
Christianity uses Volients alot
As well the Catholics through out
History they condone it in the bible condones Volients plum to Mormons
And Muslims which leaves the world
Out of balance
Hail Satanas

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
