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Meteor said:
NinRick said:
Meteor said:
Don't you think that is an overly harsh way to put it? It was just a mistake.

Please try to understand that Jack is doing his best too, and reflect on how you worded things. You could've said that in a much more positive manner or said nothing at all, but you let your emotions control you in a negative way.

If I understand the situation correctly, quite some people don’t like Jack. I can not fully understand why tho.
So when they find an opening, they will take it to try to make him look bad in public.

Nice you stepped up, as this was indeed unnecessary.

It's because he tends to simplify his opinions in order to send a clear message, and openly wishes for everyone else to have the same opinion as him. Because he opts to keep things simple instead of accounting for every little exception or nuance, his opinions are often in conflict with some people's personal experiences, so when they read those posts of his, they feel like he's trying to create an environment or even world where they're not welcome, and then they feel misunderstood, or in some cases even personally attacked and threatened.

To give some examples: some of the things he said about what he believes women are like in general, and in this case specifically, that he said that absolutely no one should accept transgenderism under any circumstances whatsoever.

I assume grandfitzpoobah666 felt threatened by this and called Jack powerless in order to assert that Jack will never be able to create a world where everyone shares his opinion on the topic, so that he/she knows he/she will always have a place to belong (I don't know which pronouns to use here to add the least fuel to the fire, so I'm sorry if the way I'm writing is confusing). While it is probably true that Jack is unable to change opinions globally to such an extent, calling him powerless in general is just mean and uncalled for, but grandfitzpoobah666 probably did it to soothe his/her own hurt feelings and affirm a sense of security. Do you understand now?

I think in a case like this it's important to realise that not everyone will get along or agree on everything; it's fine to have some differences, so long as we have a common cause that benefits humanity. Instead of responding to what was perceived as a personal attack with another personal attack, it's often better to take a step back, calm down, and move on from the disagreement.

I am not a psychic, but when I think about the future, I hear AoT final season opening playing, and I see how Jack changes the world by crushing modern society itself. Muhaha!
Call Jack powerless, I dare you!

Enough with AoT references, lol.

I also think that you are right, also I do believe that Jack doesn‘t care what other people think about him, and that he stands for what he believes in, and he is 100% sure that his views are perfectly right. At least for him, he has a do or die mentality, he doesn’t say this all the time for no reason. Even if he were wrong, it would be his own mistake, and not someone’s else.

Then I do believe that he hurts some people by what he says, so those people of course don’t like him.

But Jack never directly attacks anyone, just for the sake of attacking them. In fact, he is very caring and considerate towards our people, even if he doesn’t show this. Idk if he is aware of how nice he actually is tbh. But then again, maybe there is no „value“ in being nice for him, so he doesn’t really care about that? Ahh Jack is truly hard to read.

But he does help a lot of people, and puts great effort in that. Even if some people have severe hangups he wants them to understand something. If they don’t even try to understand him, he probably thinks that at least he tried to help.

And then again, despite of anything, he is strong and very loyal to Satan. This alone is more than enough for us to respect him very much. Am I right? ;D
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do as you judge best. There are some cases where this may help, but oftentimes, this achieves not further than make an already samsaric ego more samsaric. The bubble doesn't always pop, oftentimes, one tries to hold tighter to it.

Please correct me if I'm wrong on this, High Priest. I thought Samsara was just the opposite of Nirvana (which is a state of uncreation or otherwise obliteration), and that when we raise the serpent and achieve the MO, the infinite cycle of life death and rebirth is then just applied to our consciousness instead of our physical bodies. So we wake, we live, we die (sleep) and then are reborn again (waking). Have I misunderstood these spiritual concepts and/or the meaning of Samsara? The suffering part about Samsara seems to me to be just something that the jews put in there to make people hate life and seek Nirvana/dissolution, and obviously the jews cause the suffering.
Blitzkreig said:
MrIntrepid said:
I'm one of those people who is extremely blunt and judgmental because of the character traits I've been dealt by my chart. Simply going to shut up and ignore it when I feel like someone is screwing around because while it bothers me, it doesn't bother me enough for me to go around causing a bunch of unnecessary chaos.

Besides, I'm not perfect either. I just think I am.

Being blunt and judgemental is not a bad thing unless you make it. These traits are a necessary component of constructive criticism. You just have to make sure your message is still conveyed as constructive. Don't think you are simple prone to hostility because this is not the case. It is just a matter of sublimating your emotions and thoughts into a useful package of advice.

I am assuming you get bothered by others screwing around because you care about them, or you care about JOS. You have to remind people that you are only trying to help them because you think they have acted inappropriately, not that you are trying to break them down and leave them that way. If this is not made clear, either by obvious or subtle means, then the other party will assume the worse about your intent.

I'm just in a volatile state at the moment because of some work I'm doing related to my planets. I'll get more active on the forum when I feel like I'm in a better place mentally.
BlackJackal said:
Jack said:
The only ways to make real money is investing in Stocks, Mutual Funds, Bonds or Crypto (if its legal in your country. )

Mutual Funds and Bonds are crap.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
An occasional walk on 4chan and Reddit tells me the situation is going to be difficult. On a primary level of contact, people have to feel welcome.

Everywhere I go on internet there is at least one guy who calls someone else autist or retard so I doubt many people give a damn if someone rages and insults at them.


:mrgreen: :lol: :lol:
I made enormous amounts of money off of them. Too good to be true infact. Those were sectoral Tech stocks. They had a turnover rate of 116% average yearly. Bonds are awesome as well. I managed to buy Gold Bonds from the Government at dirt cheap which i know after i sell them will be extremely high.
jrvan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do as you judge best. There are some cases where this may help, but oftentimes, this achieves not further than make an already samsaric ego more samsaric. The bubble doesn't always pop, oftentimes, one tries to hold tighter to it.

Please correct me if I'm wrong on this, High Priest. I thought Samsara was just the opposite of Nirvana (which is a state of uncreation or otherwise obliteration), and that when we raise the serpent and achieve the MO, the infinite cycle of life death and rebirth is then just applied to our consciousness instead of our physical bodies. So we wake, we live, we die (sleep) and then are reborn again (waking). Have I misunderstood these spiritual concepts and/or the meaning of Samsara? The suffering part about Samsara seems to me to be just something that the jews put in there to make people hate life and seek Nirvana/dissolution, and obviously the jews cause the suffering.

Samsara and Nirvana are parts of theory and generally theoretical Buddhism. Generally, Nirvana symbolizes the 7th chakra consciousness, and Samsara being stuck on the base. A lot of nonsense has been written about these, and pseudophilosophy.

We might as well say, low consciousness or base consciousness. Any of the two working by itself can cause serious imbalances to a person.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jrvan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do as you judge best. There are some cases where this may help, but oftentimes, this achieves not further than make an already samsaric ego more samsaric. The bubble doesn't always pop, oftentimes, one tries to hold tighter to it.

Please correct me if I'm wrong on this, High Priest. I thought Samsara was just the opposite of Nirvana (which is a state of uncreation or otherwise obliteration), and that when we raise the serpent and achieve the MO, the infinite cycle of life death and rebirth is then just applied to our consciousness instead of our physical bodies. So we wake, we live, we die (sleep) and then are reborn again (waking). Have I misunderstood these spiritual concepts and/or the meaning of Samsara? The suffering part about Samsara seems to me to be just something that the jews put in there to make people hate life and seek Nirvana/dissolution, and obviously the jews cause the suffering.

Samsara and Nirvana are parts of theory and generally theoretical Buddhism. Generally, Nirvana symbolizes the 7th chakra consciousness, and Samsara being stuck on the base. A lot of nonsense has been written about these, and pseudophilosophy.

We might as well say, low consciousness or base consciousness. Any of the two working by itself can cause serious imbalances to a person.

Looks like I had the wrong approach to sorting out the garbage then. Or maybe I was partway there, but not quite at the right conclusion. At least now I don't have to be wary of the word Nirvana. Actually, I did think perhaps I was wrong to assume that there would be a word in the powerful Sanskrit language to mean spiritual death. Silly me. Thank you, High Priest. I appreciate this answer a lot.
Meteor said:
jrvan said:
Meteor said:

I agree with Jack. Transgenders collectively need a freaking intervention. I'd suggest sterilization if they weren't already doing it themselves :lol:

I agree with both of you in the sense of that something needs to be done about the transgender problem in society. As I said, it's the simplicity of Jack's opinions is what causes people to feel misunderstood, although I'm unsure if this is because he consciously wants to send a clear message, because some information is lost in trying to put his opinion (which tends to come from within, based on an idea or feeling) into words, or because he himself isn't able to fully understand the ideas that come to him yet and some details or nuances are lost on that step. While I would love for society to change in a way that would make such people not feel the need to do such things, I don't believe in stereotypes when it comes to individuals. Everyone is their own person, and whether or not I accept an individual's behaviour depends on all the nuances. That is why I cannot reject it as a whole, even if I reject most.

That said, I don't exactly have any friends who are like that right now. People like that who are genuine enough to befriend me despite their condition are extremely rare, and even when I befriended some, there was always something that caused me to lose interest sooner or later. Nowadays I tend to just stay away from such people because the amount of spiritual problems such people have disgusts me a bit, even if it's things I can't even put into words properly other than their Souls being covered in wounds or scars (before they even have any kind of surgery). But I think if someone like that dedicated and did meditation, that would make them much cleaner and then I might be able to be friends with them if they wanted to be. I don't believe in rejecting them outright based on such things. Even those that I stopped being friends with, it isn't because I don't care for them. I genuinely hope that whatever they decide to do makes them happier and helps to ease the problems that torment them so much one way or another.

To get back on my point, I look forward to seeing the wisdom that will spring forth from Jack as he refines his thought process more. But in its current state, his words only tend to portray a portion of the truth. With how black and white his words tend to make things out to be, people who don't fit into perspective he paints will feel left out and misunderstood, which causes people to find issues with things he said, simply because there actually are issues due to their incompleteness.

In this case specifically it was slightly different, but basically grandfitzpoobah666 took Jack's words as "I want everyone in the world to reject people like you"; although Jack didn't phrase it like a personal attack and was just stating his opinion in general, not directed at anyone in particular. Still, I can see why they don't get along. I think that's always unfortunate when it comes to SS, although sometimes it just can't be helped due to some people just being too incompatible with each other.

I searched my feelings on it after reading what you said about friends, and for me it has nothing to do with accepting or rejecting them as a person. It's about frustration from watching beloved members of my race do such a thing to themselves. They need to get their shit together.

I think in a lot of cases it's just because they're not allowed to be men, and the pain and frustration they have from that lack of acceptance and lack of acknowledgement, and everyone telling them they're a piece of garbage for having testicles, gets turned into a desperation to be female and receive love and validation from society. Nobody listens to men, and anytime they express their feelings in society they get shut down and shamed. They just need to be heard and acknowledged, and convinced that it's okay to be a male.

Ironically this is what men have done to women for thousands of years now by following xianity, but this sort of sick twisted revenge was never the answer. Men need to stop paying jews to cut their nuts off, immediately. It needs to end.

About Jack and any sort of abrasiveness people feel from his words... I think it's potentially beneficial in a way. Some people need that. People who are used to having everything sugarcoated and patted on the back don't grow much, and they are probably in great need of being triggered and riled up. Sometimes that's just what someone needs in order to have their hissy fit, meltdown, or whatever so they can then reflect afterwards and pick themselves back up. Protecting people from harsh words and telling them what they want to hear in the way they want to hear it, is just holding them back in my opinion. Jack's approach is different from most, and it has its own benefit. If we changed Jack then we'd have to get someone new to play Jack, and honestly no one can play Jack better than Jack. He does it so well.
Even if JoS isn't too popular as a community it will, however, remain dominant as an ideology and this is where its true strength is at imo, hence further work on the main site. Really looking forward to the progression of JoS.
NakedPluto said:
Am I toxic? Real question

Not at all! I read forums often and your posts too and you are really nice to people. <3
Aquarius said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
I'm not exactly sure how to interect with someone saying kids should be able to transition by giving them pills to stop their hormones, other than telling them to fuck off. These kind of people I'd put them in mental institutions if it was up to me.
How am I supposed to act "balanced" and "constructively" with such pests?

I personally don't even think this applies to the thread and the issues written about here, as this is nothing really constructive, positive, for Satanism, or for anyone's benefit.

Satanism has nothing to do with any of this. This topic keeps coming up eventhough the position of the JoS is clear, as in, your personal life is your own. But nobody else has to have your personal life shoved into their face.

It's just people coming in to shill to us that Vikings were transexuals or something because they have emotional gaps they need to fill by construction of lies like their High Priestess Yaniv Biqueer. And they are just preaching a religion of what they are here, to make everyone forcibly accept this.

However, none of the JoS states that these people will be penaltized or removed, because these are part of their personal choices. But it's not "Social agenda" nor a subject that has as much magnitude as they ALWAYS make it look like.

Most real humans and real people out there don't give a shit, plain and simple. In this case, this is only a High Priestess Yaniv ranting and nothing more. Which has no constructive or positive outcome for nobody involved.

This will never be the official line in the JoS nor will it ever be, nor it ever was before. Even some insane degenerate things written never reflected any official statement from JoS, let alone the opinion of the Gods on the subject, which is fair and square.

It's not an agenda or large scale situation, has really nothing to do with advancement, and falls lowly on the domain of personal choices, which aren't deserving of all that much attention.

Personally as I see it it's just a time and energy sinkhole, sort of like the writings of Magnus Hierschfield on the subject which people falsely preach like fundamentalists here.

Severe reactions are to be expected if they engage people in these dialectics to abduct their children and force hormones down on them.
Alright thank you.

Say alright, thank you Commander Cobra, kid, show respect to your superiors. Sorry for being a dick but that should be obvious. I've seen you dish it the most on here, can you take it. Enough stated.
Here's the issue I've observed for years. Number one, disrespecting the Clergy. When a clergy-member talks to you, fucking refer to them by their rank. Like disrespect 101 -- fuck anyone here who accepted Clerical-Commander Cobra's offer for astrology chart refunds, ohhhh my god (facepalm) That's a very generous gesture. You all know that stupid fucking xians tithe 10-percent. High Priest Hooded Cobra goes all out and you TAKE ADVANTAGE. What his Highness says, with all due respect, is my solid opinion. I bought a chart on June 17/ 2018 and never got it after communications. I'm glad he kept that money, that's the LEAST I COULD DO!!! When most-rad High Priestess Maxine stated in 2015 stated to spam a list of links daily, who the fuck does it besides me on gab Officer Anglo @SaxonStranger1488666. I remember the Twitter days too, with you losers so far behind me I didn't know yu were there until I looked at your idle pages from following the JoS page there....so lame.. Commander cobra stated fight like a wild animal years ago and I do -- now he puts brighten up and No one of you lazy fucks does shit. You make excuses and act as elitist socialists with your pretentious ideas, stipulations and moderating imposition when you aren't even of that rank. You take the final word and twist it to your own. I've seen it if someone hit weed at the beach once a few weeks ago or whatever. There are NO FUCKING MEDIATORS in Satanism you cucks. I had a dream in 2015 that I was in Tulsa with Maxine, She looked white but Native as well, that's none of my fucking business, I just knew. She was frantically handing me out orders to serve to the JoS school kids. It was hectic and stressful and symbolic of doing your FUCKIING JOBS FOR YOu. Get off your ass and respect the DIRECT ORDERS of literally, Reichsmartial and Oberstgrüppenfuhrer. It doesn't matter how much bio-electricity you have, you're lack of effort for spamming will land you at a different table in the Great Halls of Shambhala than me because I don't want to fucking sit with you ungrateful losers. The magick pens the door but you gotta drop the package off, baby -- duh! I have no respect for any of you who don't spam at least once a day in multiple places with a myriad of info. That's some poser shit, so stop being soft and disrespecting the beloved clerics, Satan and the Gods -- and yourselves. I hope this get's reposted as t's own threat like the opiate addiction issue because this is not cool. What did the Gods and clerics do to deserve this; RHETORICAL QUESTION. I'm a serious German-Italian-Irish fuck and I will not go silent. You are hypocrites. Only ShermanTank666 is on my level with this because he feeds me videos for the new library. Mageson's info has been debunked, like got is god is goat. You know I looked up goatan/goatzan and all I found was a power rangers villain. We need stricter regimentation. I'm breathing in the energy of all the positive stars that make one RAW AT WAR! What the fuck are you doing, oh yeah, preaching to the choir on the forums. The war isn't at the base -- IT'S ON THE FUCKING FIELD. Furthermore, anyone here who is afraid to fight like a wild animal because of the CIA or whatever is a disgrace and needs to stop being a lame-shame and set a fucking fire in their heart. I LAY MY LIFE DOWN FOR SATAN EVERY DAY. I spam in Russian, German, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish and Swedish. I make pdfs out of pages, I make collages and I SHOWPOPEL WHO DON'T HAVE IT AS WELL AS US because that's the right thing to do. You have no levity to fire back, it would be embarrassing for you. I got locked out of poal, but I'm on Gab, Xephula, Brighteon and Minds. Do you think I'm afraid of cowardly-kike Pooputin and his froggy-fucks coming after me. It's hard fr newbies to join, they are disrespectful and annoying oftentimes, but aren't you old souls, are you going to get impatient. I am baffled by the stridence and the defiance and the petulance on this site. The mature members just stick to facts a lot. You guys stop being soft and call a spade a spade. Most of this forum is beautiful and good but the tumor festers. Punks like Aquarius are a terrible example of leadership here. Humility is like a foreign word to some people. By the way, when you spam, see how I do it before you jump headfirst. My guardian is a crowned prince, gee I wonder why. I'm not being sanctimonious, I have levity to preach. Experience is the best teacher and I'm Officer Anglo who is our new spokesperson because you all are OUT TO FUCKING LUNCH and because I fucking said so and I trad wherever I please, as they say. I never see any of you anywhere!!!! e and when I do, it's like someone posting one link on their timeline or sending a couple of emails, Pathetic. Grow up, cheers fam*, the cage needs to be rattled. Stop disappointing the leaders. If you all had been pushing the word like me since 2016, we'd be farther along, regardless of the Tetragrammaton. Now the growth is exponentially accelerated, but I'm right. High Priestess Maxine has stated this. She also stated that Father Satan wants the truth out in Russian five-six years ago and it is THANKS TO MY EFFORTS. I had to edit some documents that were scattered and fragmented from the haphazard Russian site. Why am I the only one who made a PDF out of blacks for Satan.....Fuck, like really you guys. I don't want to sit at the table with anyone other than ShermanTank at this point. I don't fucking care how much you do behind the scenes. The only scene I'm concerned about IS FUCKING SOCIAL MEDIA. ...Goddamnit! Really stressful to type this out but you need to be force-fed my fat white cock right now, take it up the ass, figuratively, that's nasty, to me; I digress. You are all fucking insubordinate and it is a direct order that you start spamming now. Someone needs to change shit around here. Commander Cobra is overworked. Stop being pussies. More questions -- fewer statements when interacting. I I literally command all mature people on here to fucking step up their assertion and spend less time on here -- keyword search for topics like in a research class, so you don't spend too much time paruzing. You could have spent that time fucking the enemy up. It's like Ex-Navy Seal bossman Jocko Willink said (paraphrased) 'you wnt to go party and drink while we're fighting the enemy -- fuck you I hate you.' You guys talk about how angry you are but you don't have the wit to channel it in a constructive way. I am in the top 98th percentile in perceptive reasoning, had multiple tests and I will tell you to heed my wisdom now. The fool thinks he's wise and the wise man thinks he's a fool only to a point. This is Satanism, not fucking Buddhism. I'm a solution-oriented person, I see problem-oriented people here. Are you prepared for the EMP? You guys need to get REAL with Satan r-i-g-h-t fucking now!

Hail High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, Hail Cleric-Commander Hooded Cobra, Hail Hitler and HAIL SATAN!!! HISSSSS!!!
SaxonStranger100 said:
Here's the issue I've observed for years. Number one, disrespecting the Clergy. When a clergy-member talks to you, fucking refer to them by their rank. Like disrespect 101 -- fuck anyone here who accepted Clerical-Commander Cobra's offer for astrology chart refunds, ohhhh my god (facepalm) That's a very generous gesture. You all know that stupid fucking xians tithe 10-percent. High Priest Hooded Cobra goes all out and you TAKE ADVANTAGE. What his Highness says, with all due respect, is my solid opinion. I bought a chart on June 17/ 2018 and never got it after communications. I'm glad he kept that money, that's the LEAST I COULD DO!!! When most-rad High Priestess Maxine stated in 2015 stated to spam a list of links daily, who the fuck does it besides me on gab Officer Anglo @SaxonStranger1488666. I remember the Twitter days too, with you losers so far behind me I didn't know yu were there until I looked at your idle pages from following the JoS page there....so lame.. Commander cobra stated fight like a wild animal years ago and I do -- now he puts brighten up and No one of you lazy fucks does shit. You make excuses and act as elitist socialists with your pretentious ideas, stipulations and moderating imposition when you aren't even of that rank. You take the final word and twist it to your own. I've seen it if someone hit weed at the beach once a few weeks ago or whatever. There are NO FUCKING MEDIATORS in Satanism you cucks. I had a dream in 2015 that I was in Tulsa with Maxine, She looked white but Native as well, that's none of my fucking business, I just knew. She was frantically handing me out orders to serve to the JoS school kids. It was hectic and stressful and symbolic of doing your FUCKIING JOBS FOR YOu. Get off your ass and respect the DIRECT ORDERS of literally, Reichsmartial and Oberstgrüppenfuhrer. It doesn't matter how much bio-electricity you have, you're lack of effort for spamming will land you at a different table in the Great Halls of Shambhala than me because I don't want to fucking sit with you ungrateful losers. The magick pens the door but you gotta drop the package off, baby -- duh! I have no respect for any of you who don't spam at least once a day in multiple places with a myriad of info. That's some poser shit, so stop being soft and disrespecting the beloved clerics, Satan and the Gods -- and yourselves. I hope this get's reposted as t's own threat like the opiate addiction issue because this is not cool. What did the Gods and clerics do to deserve this; RHETORICAL QUESTION. I'm a serious German-Italian-Irish fuck and I will not go silent. You are hypocrites. Only ShermanTank666 is on my level with this because he feeds me videos for the new library. Mageson's info has been debunked, like got is god is goat. You know I looked up goatan/goatzan and all I found was a power rangers villain. We need stricter regimentation. I'm breathing in the energy of all the positive stars that make one RAW AT WAR! What the fuck are you doing, oh yeah, preaching to the choir on the forums. The war isn't at the base -- IT'S ON THE FUCKING FIELD. Furthermore, anyone here who is afraid to fight like a wild animal because of the CIA or whatever is a disgrace and needs to stop being a lame-shame and set a fucking fire in their heart. I LAY MY LIFE DOWN FOR SATAN EVERY DAY. I spam in Russian, German, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish and Swedish. I make pdfs out of pages, I make collages and I SHOWPOPEL WHO DON'T HAVE IT AS WELL AS US because that's the right thing to do. You have no levity to fire back, it would be embarrassing for you. I got locked out of poal, but I'm on Gab, Xephula, Brighteon and Minds. Do you think I'm afraid of cowardly-kike Pooputin and his froggy-fucks coming after me. It's hard fr newbies to join, they are disrespectful and annoying oftentimes, but aren't you old souls, are you going to get impatient. I am baffled by the stridence and the defiance and the petulance on this site. The mature members just stick to facts a lot. You guys stop being soft and call a spade a spade. Most of this forum is beautiful and good but the tumor festers. Punks like Aquarius are a terrible example of leadership here. Humility is like a foreign word to some people. By the way, when you spam, see how I do it before you jump headfirst. My guardian is a crowned prince, gee I wonder why. I'm not being sanctimonious, I have levity to preach. Experience is the best teacher and I'm Officer Anglo who is our new spokesperson because you all are OUT TO FUCKING LUNCH and because I fucking said so and I trad wherever I please, as they say. I never see any of you anywhere!!!! e and when I do, it's like someone posting one link on their timeline or sending a couple of emails, Pathetic. Grow up, cheers fam*, the cage needs to be rattled. Stop disappointing the leaders. If you all had been pushing the word like me since 2016, we'd be farther along, regardless of the Tetragrammaton. Now the growth is exponentially accelerated, but I'm right. High Priestess Maxine has stated this. She also stated that Father Satan wants the truth out in Russian five-six years ago and it is THANKS TO MY EFFORTS. I had to edit some documents that were scattered and fragmented from the haphazard Russian site. Why am I the only one who made a PDF out of blacks for Satan.....Fuck, like really you guys. I don't want to sit at the table with anyone other than ShermanTank at this point. I don't fucking care how much you do behind the scenes. The only scene I'm concerned about IS FUCKING SOCIAL MEDIA. ...Goddamnit! Really stressful to type this out but you need to be force-fed my fat white cock right now, take it up the ass, figuratively, that's nasty, to me; I digress. You are all fucking insubordinate and it is a direct order that you start spamming now. Someone needs to change shit around here. Commander Cobra is overworked. Stop being pussies. More questions -- fewer statements when interacting. I I literally command all mature people on here to fucking step up their assertion and spend less time on here -- keyword search for topics like in a research class, so you don't spend too much time paruzing. You could have spent that time fucking the enemy up. It's like Ex-Navy Seal bossman Jocko Willink said (paraphrased) 'you wnt to go party and drink while we're fighting the enemy -- fuck you I hate you.' You guys talk about how angry you are but you don't have the wit to channel it in a constructive way. I am in the top 98th percentile in perceptive reasoning, had multiple tests and I will tell you to heed my wisdom now. The fool thinks he's wise and the wise man thinks he's a fool only to a point. This is Satanism, not fucking Buddhism. I'm a solution-oriented person, I see problem-oriented people here. Are you prepared for the EMP? You guys need to get REAL with Satan r-i-g-h-t fucking now!

Hail High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, Hail Cleric-Commander Hooded Cobra, Hail Hitler and HAIL SATAN!!! HISSSSS!!!

Remember to also breathe and do spiritual warfare not only online activities. Also if you'd let the ego in your post a little down I would've totally agreed with you, but the ego and unsolicited jabs makes this not a "leadership" post but more of a bully one and "Im the daddy" post. Which clearly you are no daddy to us here.

Also I wouldn't want the way you speak, be the face of online presentation and interaction of JoS. Please lead yourself to better communication, I for a fact laughed about it at first, but since you want this serious, make it so.

And be careful of telling people going open Identity online and such. If you desire you can go all in, don't tell other to do so only based on a 10 minute ego trip and emotional discharge. If you been yelled out in the military, here the same thing doesn't work, rather take the stance of an educator, not forcing "your white big" pp. :lol: :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Oftentimes there are few people here who are always helpful, positive, corrective when needed, and a beacon of light to others. That is great. They have found a balance in helping others in a balanced manner. The Demons are highly fond of this behavior and approach.

It inspires people to open up, join, feel secure and welcomed, and so on.

We unfortunately have a share of jews, toxics [striking minority thankfully], and others here as well, who perceive this stance is actually great and makes them look smart. However weeding out crap can be necessary or a forum such as this will not survive, and we will be overrun by the enemy's games.

The definition however when the above is the case and therefore enforcement is required, has to be careful and case related. Many times it just shows one cannot deal with their own emotions or is completely inconsiderate of other people, rather than evening out an actual offense or shilling attempt. Care is required here.

Toxicity in itself, is not a total "sin", but it's something one has to eventually work around by healing the soul. Because toxicity spreads like a plague, and plagues can be rather costly. Many people don't do that and this means others have to overcompensate to gather the results of their issues.

If one doesn't manage it then others will have to clean this in a purgatory style, or it will keep spreading.

At worse, these people have to be removed and cut off from the group as a last resort, to avoid damage spreading to others. But this is not desirable. The only people truly the Gods want out of here are the Jews and those off the lowest far end. None else.

As for people who join this forum, there are different kinds of people to help out and answer you in different ways. Do not worry. Answers will come. This is why this place is here for.

Take the answers from those who give it to you how you understand them better, and move on. One is here to primarily advance, not make everyone their friend.

Our world is promoting weakness, lack of any objectivity, and a complete emotional bullshit rollercoaster on just about anything. Not everyone works in this way. Not everyone can even benefit from this approach even if this feels "Great".

We are also under a major threat to Free Speech right now, claiming falsely that this harms people "Emotionally". This is only a facade to remove Free Speech.

Free Speech, if people want it, could also be used to treat people in a kinder manner. One has to learn to grow in an environment of freedom, where the freedom of others may be used against them, because this is a true reflection of reality.

This is also why Satan gives people spiritual power and understanding. Because no matter what laws are put in place, and no matter what, life can be cruel and others can be harmful to someone.

Meanwhile the above is only a facade for the world, meaning, that the above is totally pointless. Behind the false and ineffective humanism, we have actually a most evil and psychopathic way this world is going.

An example here is, that when Free Speech will be obliterated to "protect the feelings of the weak", eventually, the feelings of all will be bound eternally, with people being unable to speak or be aggressive. Then, humanity will suffer from complete lack of expression, and emotionally wither away.

"Free Speech" has been sufficiently also used by the enemy as an excuse, to primarily hijack, destroy, and tear down and every and all norms and morals of Western Civilization. Now that they are done with this decay, they want it removed.

Our culture right now is saturated with manchildren, people who are mentally weak, and people filled with expectations on how many things that they deserve simply by breathing. This is the easy way of life, just demanding things from others and doing nothing one's self.

Meanwhile the external claim to this is that "We have to be polite" and they will whine on your TV about "Hate Speech".

The only way to guarantee people any safety in this world is individual responsibility, practicality, and strength. These forums try to persist in a fully hostile world and environment and we are so far succeeding. It's like a secluded temple somewhere higher up in the clouds.

When people run and go through the gates of this temple, they should be treated kindly for obvious reasons.

Satan didn't tell us in the things that he left for us to follow, that he will create an Utopia in which nobody else will never be offended again. He just gives us strength so we can withstand and persist, and rise above these challenges.

Rather what Satan constructs through giving us spiritual understanding is a balance of powers and affairs so that people learn, advance and evolve past this level of causing pointless mayhem. This takes time and development.

When people first come around here, they are misguided, misunderstand a lot of things, and the pieces of their own puzzle haven't fell together. This can take years, as it took for many here. One after a point may forget or feel like they can't anymore tolerate this kind of thing.

Yet, this does not create an excuse to treat other people in an very rude way or in a negative fashion. As to those who have a lot of posts here, people expect something from you, as you did expect something from people when you came around.

Everything has been steadily improving in that regard, that is a fact. But we can always do better.

While not eventually restraining one's personal freedom to be one's self, you have a part of responsibility over things you will say to others, and therefore, you have to start thinking also how these affect other people. Especially longterm posters, unmoderated posters now, and longterm members.

Most regular and advanced members think this way already, but a few need to make this more of a habit.

Treatment between human beings is a two way street. People generally think of this only in the way that affects themselves, ie, how they are treated by others. They want to be however they want to everyone else, and they want to be treated nicely by others. This mentality is one of already defunct individuals.

We have to deal with this in a manner as positive as possible when it comes to our own people here.

The greatest achievements of men in history came by utilization of correct empathy, towards what needs to grow, one's country, race, history, falling in love with a dream about the future.

These social issues presenting in people and creating hazardous situations on a social scale, came to be primarily because of sexual and other issues of appreciation, inner damage etc.

Except of this there is a category of people which is completely shit and there is nothing we can objectively do about. Only themselves can work on themselves.

Now, not all humans also have great social skills. One may actually be positive and have good intentions, but be a little off in how they communicate things. We have to be understanding. Or at least try our best to be.

You might be thinking someone comes here to troll for example, but they may be of really poor social skills. It is more beneficial to try to discover if they are having an issue describing their problem, rather than to go on the bandwagon attacking them.

As for those who can't comprehend this, only if the Gods had your mentality, you'd have no Gods, as nobody would want to concern themselves with the "lesser ones". How do they treat people?

Now, in regards to people who put themselves above Satan's interests, ie, you want to be toxic crap to others, without minding how this might affect Satanists [a common behavior in Jews], you will have to be liable to how many people may get off this place from your words or deeds.

We all remember one who was cast down into the gutter of existence which alongside other issues, has had beefs with 97% of all legitimate members here, driving half into a ban and half in leaving, attacking them and so on. This policy is counterproductive for everyone involved.

I've seen cults, individuals, and even medium sized groups getting obliterated because of being kikes, behaving in the worst manner, or simply violating Satan's interests.

Be an asshole if you want, but let this not cost Satan anything of His plans, please.

For those who want to be an asshole at all costs, you can do this in your personal life, experiencing the fruits of this behavior and getting them on your own. There are people who want to be toxic to others be this part of an appropriation of their character, or to generally vent.

It's not the most constructive way to do this here, against new Satanists, or what have you. In the military, this type of behavior makes one stripped of their badges if abused. Here it's no different.

If the cost of having one of these around comes at a severe cost of attacking other people and costing the future of other Satanists, you should know, this is an offense.

At the same rate, quite a few people, come here broken, isolated, attacked, confused, and greatly harboring most of the modern day mentalities that make one really agitated to see after advancing a bit.

The duty of these people is to start weeding out this toxicity and start healing to elevate, not whine on the feet of the stronger and more advanced, let alone attack them.

In this case, those above can use the boot very easily.

The above is nothing but common respect going upwards and downwards. If you want good treatment from upwards to yourself, do also yourself good treatment to those upwards so there is a healthy feedback relationship.

Even if someone is new and mistakes can be excused, this is not your free pass to also become ruinous to this place, advanced members, or individuals.

Satan's benefit and growth of the new people he brings in, is something of particular interest also for those who are already here.

If this doesn't happen on a Forum basis, stalkers, predators, and other jews are going to get in, and wreck these interested. Jews have feigned for a very long time to be caring, good, "loving", while they are nothing of the sort but everything of the reverse.

We are not talking about you becoming a good fake kind Jesus to these people and crucifying yourself for their benefit, but just normal politeness.

Lastly, I notice frequently that some people are agitated over things said by other members. This is unavoidable. Yet, consider what the JoS says and what the Gods have said, rather than what someone else has said here. An example here is your diet or your sexuality. These are up to you.

On a final and more personal note, all these years, I have frequently been confronted with a lot of the above from other people but also from own self, and the enemy has tried just about any method and any button one can press on a human being to get their way.

I've seen numerous people lose everything over these things, because they weren't paying much attention.

To name an example, many have been deceived here by egoistical nonsense such as that their opinion matters more than that of the Gods or actual reality, that "They are Gods", that they are somehow the most important or whatever, that after 2 years of super dedication they are now above everyone else, that it's "finally" time for them to "Move on" and leave everyone else behind, that the "world is beneath them" or whatever. I could write a list of a million of these and keep writing.

These falsehoods can be created by many intricate workings of planets, enemy, or misplaced behavioral patterns. They represent for all purposes, falsehoods however.

We already are the best Satanic Community, but there is infinite room for improvement.

We have to do this collectively and together. We definitely can do this and way more.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Blitzkreig said:
One of HPS Maxine's last posts, made a few months before her last, was correcting another member about starting a working during a VoC moon. Her reply was concise and without any hint of disdain or other negativity at the person for confusing a simple concept. To me, this served as a great example of her caring for others, even noobs. She could have admonished them, or simply ignored them, but chose not to.

If you tell another person here that the Gods had insulted you about something, others would quickly and accurately jump to inform you that that was an enemy attack, not the Gods. So most know that the beings of the highest level of spiritual advancement behave in a certain manner when it comes to correcting and guiding us. This should make it obvious what the correct approach to dealing with others is, especially those below you.


While I know that most have good intentions in regards to correcting others, care must be taken to not offend or insult while delivering advice. This is especially important when engaging with a person new to you. If a person perceives hostility directed towards them, they will react by fighting both you and your argument to protect their ego. If you act as an opponent towards another, even unintentionally, then they will respond similarly.

If you want someone to accept your advice, it must be seen as positively intended for them. Why would they accept something that "hurts" their brain to read? A message must be conveyed in a way that is pleasing in all aspects, both in grammar, syntax, but also emotionally.

If a message conveys a hostile tone, even subtly or unconsciously, it will be rejected by the recipient. At worst, it will make the person reject JOS entirely. This is the case when a person is attacked by many members, without anyone be positive towards them. At this point, they feel that everyone is against them, not just a select few.

If a person was to be separated from JOS, and Satanism by extension, this would be an utterly retarded blunder on those responsible. In many times, one could have just said nothing. Members are lost by attacks and other enemy influences, but losing a member by our own hand is easily avoidable. People fight their whole life to eventually come to Satan, so they should be pulled out of the clownworld pit and cemented here, not kicked in the head while climbing the ladder.


In the case of "trolls" or Jews or fedposting: know that most work in subtle ways. They take their time and worm their way in. They usually have professional support and are thus playing the long game. They may be following a handbook and so on.

Therefore, when you see a poster with a lower number of posts, who is also posting obviously incorrect or strange writing, it is more likely they are not trolling or fedposting. I think it is actually the "worse" the posts are, the more the person actually needs help. However, we all know what such people need: it could be healing, grounding, or detaching from negative energy/items. The last thing they need is someone powerful directing hate on them.

If someone here thinks it hard to help others who are in awful situations, even self-created ones, you better get used to it now while you can. What are you going to do in 5 or 10 years time when the normie swarm returns to Satan? The correct answer is to efficiently and politely point them towards the steps, workings, or meditations they need to prioritize to fix themselves.
If i could count how many time I've been disrespected by long term posters all my fingers woul be cut off, im happy to see that you said this because for a long time I wouldn't even dare to come back to the forums and JoS at all everything you said was like if you read my mind or what I said to Satan he heard it and in a way this post confirmed it that he actually heard me, this is my fifth account i made because each account i would get critisized, and I always felt like Satan never cared for me because I woul see these ppl that went off on me for no reason would talk about how they get prized and stuff like that and how the Gods cared gor them and that would make me feel like if i was on the bottom of the pyramid and feel like i wasnt as important as them, but yea nice to see you posting that im wierded out a little bit because it really looked like u read my mind and Satan in a way showed me this post idk how to explain it but thanks
Aquarius said:
SaxonStranger100 said:
disrespect 101
I think you're off your meds.

I quit weed and got my testosterone back. Figures you'd say something, proving my point -- punk lol...I wasn't asking you, I was telling you. Have the last word, the last laugh is mine.

Hail Lord Satan!
NakedPluto said:
SaxonStranger100 said:
Here's the issue I've observed for years. Number one, disrespecting the Clergy. When a clergy-member talks to you, fucking refer to them by their rank. Like disrespect 101 -- fuck anyone here who accepted Clerical-Commander Cobra's offer for astrology chart refunds, ohhhh my god (facepalm) That's a very generous gesture. You all know that stupid fucking xians tithe 10-percent. High Priest Hooded Cobra goes all out and you TAKE ADVANTAGE. What his Highness says, with all due respect, is my solid opinion. I bought a chart on June 17/ 2018 and never got it after communications. I'm glad he kept that money, that's the LEAST I COULD DO!!! When most-rad High Priestess Maxine stated in 2015 stated to spam a list of links daily, who the fuck does it besides me on gab Officer Anglo @SaxonStranger1488666. I remember the Twitter days too, with you losers so far behind me I didn't know yu were there until I looked at your idle pages from following the JoS page there....so lame.. Commander cobra stated fight like a wild animal years ago and I do -- now he puts brighten up and No one of you lazy fucks does shit. You make excuses and act as elitist socialists with your pretentious ideas, stipulations and moderating imposition when you aren't even of that rank. You take the final word and twist it to your own. I've seen it if someone hit weed at the beach once a few weeks ago or whatever. There are NO FUCKING MEDIATORS in Satanism you cucks. I had a dream in 2015 that I was in Tulsa with Maxine, She looked white but Native as well, that's none of my fucking business, I just knew. She was frantically handing me out orders to serve to the JoS school kids. It was hectic and stressful and symbolic of doing your FUCKIING JOBS FOR YOu. Get off your ass and respect the DIRECT ORDERS of literally, Reichsmartial and Oberstgrüppenfuhrer. It doesn't matter how much bio-electricity you have, you're lack of effort for spamming will land you at a different table in the Great Halls of Shambhala than me because I don't want to fucking sit with you ungrateful losers. The magick pens the door but you gotta drop the package off, baby -- duh! I have no respect for any of you who don't spam at least once a day in multiple places with a myriad of info. That's some poser shit, so stop being soft and disrespecting the beloved clerics, Satan and the Gods -- and yourselves. I hope this get's reposted as t's own threat like the opiate addiction issue because this is not cool. What did the Gods and clerics do to deserve this; RHETORICAL QUESTION. I'm a serious German-Italian-Irish fuck and I will not go silent. You are hypocrites. Only ShermanTank666 is on my level with this because he feeds me videos for the new library. Mageson's info has been debunked, like got is god is goat. You know I looked up goatan/goatzan and all I found was a power rangers villain. We need stricter regimentation. I'm breathing in the energy of all the positive stars that make one RAW AT WAR! What the fuck are you doing, oh yeah, preaching to the choir on the forums. The war isn't at the base -- IT'S ON THE FUCKING FIELD. Furthermore, anyone here who is afraid to fight like a wild animal because of the CIA or whatever is a disgrace and needs to stop being a lame-shame and set a fucking fire in their heart. I LAY MY LIFE DOWN FOR SATAN EVERY DAY. I spam in Russian, German, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish and Swedish. I make pdfs out of pages, I make collages and I SHOWPOPEL WHO DON'T HAVE IT AS WELL AS US because that's the right thing to do. You have no levity to fire back, it would be embarrassing for you. I got locked out of poal, but I'm on Gab, Xephula, Brighteon and Minds. Do you think I'm afraid of cowardly-kike Pooputin and his froggy-fucks coming after me. It's hard fr newbies to join, they are disrespectful and annoying oftentimes, but aren't you old souls, are you going to get impatient. I am baffled by the stridence and the defiance and the petulance on this site. The mature members just stick to facts a lot. You guys stop being soft and call a spade a spade. Most of this forum is beautiful and good but the tumor festers. Punks like Aquarius are a terrible example of leadership here. Humility is like a foreign word to some people. By the way, when you spam, see how I do it before you jump headfirst. My guardian is a crowned prince, gee I wonder why. I'm not being sanctimonious, I have levity to preach. Experience is the best teacher and I'm Officer Anglo who is our new spokesperson because you all are OUT TO FUCKING LUNCH and because I fucking said so and I trad wherever I please, as they say. I never see any of you anywhere!!!! e and when I do, it's like someone posting one link on their timeline or sending a couple of emails, Pathetic. Grow up, cheers fam*, the cage needs to be rattled. Stop disappointing the leaders. If you all had been pushing the word like me since 2016, we'd be farther along, regardless of the Tetragrammaton. Now the growth is exponentially accelerated, but I'm right. High Priestess Maxine has stated this. She also stated that Father Satan wants the truth out in Russian five-six years ago and it is THANKS TO MY EFFORTS. I had to edit some documents that were scattered and fragmented from the haphazard Russian site. Why am I the only one who made a PDF out of blacks for Satan.....Fuck, like really you guys. I don't want to sit at the table with anyone other than ShermanTank at this point. I don't fucking care how much you do behind the scenes. The only scene I'm concerned about IS FUCKING SOCIAL MEDIA. ...Goddamnit! Really stressful to type this out but you need to be force-fed my fat white cock right now, take it up the ass, figuratively, that's nasty, to me; I digress. You are all fucking insubordinate and it is a direct order that you start spamming now. Someone needs to change shit around here. Commander Cobra is overworked. Stop being pussies. More questions -- fewer statements when interacting. I I literally command all mature people on here to fucking step up their assertion and spend less time on here -- keyword search for topics like in a research class, so you don't spend too much time paruzing. You could have spent that time fucking the enemy up. It's like Ex-Navy Seal bossman Jocko Willink said (paraphrased) 'you wnt to go party and drink while we're fighting the enemy -- fuck you I hate you.' You guys talk about how angry you are but you don't have the wit to channel it in a constructive way. I am in the top 98th percentile in perceptive reasoning, had multiple tests and I will tell you to heed my wisdom now. The fool thinks he's wise and the wise man thinks he's a fool only to a point. This is Satanism, not fucking Buddhism. I'm a solution-oriented person, I see problem-oriented people here. Are you prepared for the EMP? You guys need to get REAL with Satan r-i-g-h-t fucking now!

Hail High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, Hail Cleric-Commander Hooded Cobra, Hail Hitler and HAIL SATAN!!! HISSSSS!!!

Remember to also breathe and do spiritual warfare not only online activities. Also if you'd let the ego in your post a little down I would've totally agreed with you, but the ego and unsolicited jabs makes this not a "leadership" post but more of a bully one and "Im the daddy" post. Which clearly you are no daddy to us here.

Also I wouldn't want the way you speak, be the face of online presentation and interaction of JoS. Please lead yourself to better communication, I for a fact laughed about it at first, but since you want this serious, make it so.

And be careful of telling people going open Identity online and such. If you desire you can go all in, don't tell other to do so only based on a 10 minute ego trip and emotional discharge. If you been yelled out in the military, here the same thing doesn't work, rather take the stance of an educator, not forcing "your white big" pp. :lol: :lol:

I was having a bad day like I stated, You satanists who chant and rant are fake because none of you do propaganda, you are selfish and diobey direct orders to spam...insubordination... Bottom line. Case dismissed. I'm out of here, I won't at the table with those who don't spam. Daily multiple times at multiple places. You can do it at work, trust me people. Santimony here is actually justified, figures.. Someone needs to swing their big cok around on this forum, people are getting soft, like you. I didn't conduct my behavior and admitted it the next day, doesn't mean you socialites aren't all embarrassments for not pulling your weight. Chanting ranters lol, socialites...Sieg heil!
Aquarius said:
SaxonStranger100 said:
disrespect 101
I think you're off your meds.

No, I'm just calling a spade a spade. I knew you'd respond. I think you're a punk, you are defensive and that is it. You may think I'm a dick or whatever, but feel my truth -- I am right. The last word is yours, bud, the last word is mine. Call me whatever, it's a front. Clerical-Commander is watching, Aquarius. You think messaging you was merely an impetus decision, you're the king of attitude here. I got on with a bone to pick and I will be leaving very soon. I come and go fleetingly while you stay to rant and chant. I hope you grow up and represent with tact and cordiality, and by the way, to being insubordinate and go spam a bit, at least. Someone needs to say something. Show respect dude, just because you are here doesn't make you 'the shit'.

Sieg heil!
SaxonStranger100 said:
Aquarius said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I personally don't even think this applies to the thread and the issues written about here, as this is nothing really constructive, positive, for Satanism, or for anyone's benefit.

Satanism has nothing to do with any of this. This topic keeps coming up eventhough the position of the JoS is clear, as in, your personal life is your own. But nobody else has to have your personal life shoved into their face.

It's just people coming in to shill to us that Vikings were transexuals or something because they have emotional gaps they need to fill by construction of lies like their High Priestess Yaniv Biqueer. And they are just preaching a religion of what they are here, to make everyone forcibly accept this.

However, none of the JoS states that these people will be penaltized or removed, because these are part of their personal choices. But it's not "Social agenda" nor a subject that has as much magnitude as they ALWAYS make it look like.

Most real humans and real people out there don't give a shit, plain and simple. In this case, this is only a High Priestess Yaniv ranting and nothing more. Which has no constructive or positive outcome for nobody involved.

This will never be the official line in the JoS nor will it ever be, nor it ever was before. Even some insane degenerate things written never reflected any official statement from JoS, let alone the opinion of the Gods on the subject, which is fair and square.

It's not an agenda or large scale situation, has really nothing to do with advancement, and falls lowly on the domain of personal choices, which aren't deserving of all that much attention.

Personally as I see it it's just a time and energy sinkhole, sort of like the writings of Magnus Hierschfield on the subject which people falsely preach like fundamentalists here.

Severe reactions are to be expected if they engage people in these dialectics to abduct their children and force hormones down on them.
Alright thank you.

Say alright, thank you Commander Cobra, kid, show respect to your superiors. Sorry for being a dick but that should be obvious. I've seen you dish it the most on here, can you take it. Enough stated.

No need to refer to people like this, but I totally get your points [albeit very forcibly and sternly written] about the absolute, live or die, necessity of Internet warfare. Many people think this is inferior.

I take at least a few days per week and time weekly to do that. This is literal advertising and should be seen as a form of material warfare, that defeats the enemy quickly. Nobody must be placid on this. Just make sure to have an acceptable style when you promote things with instructions given.
Meteor said:
jrvan said:
Meteor said:

You make a good point about Jack's approach having its own benefits, though it's no surprise that someone got upset and lashed out.

Is it a revenge of women against men? Or is it the revenge of reincarnated Third Sex men and women against a society that mistreated or even murdered them for centuries or longer while the xian church was in power? It's not much of a surprise that such a trend would pop up now that xianity with its restrictive norms and severe punishments has lost most of its power, as those who suffered take things way too far now that they finally have a bit of leeway to express that side of themselves.
In that regard, it may be comparable to feminism? Borne from a desire to be free, yet taken so far that it entraps people in new ways. There is a depressing irony in the act of defiantly trying to change one's self because one wasn't allowed to be one's natural self.

First men are punished for being feminine and women are punished for being masculine, now men are punished for being masculine and women are punished for being feminine. Then, which are people supposed to be? Which are they allowed to be?
I believe in strength. The strength to fight for a place to belong. The strength to decide what you're allowed. But there is also strength in numbers. I long for a world where good people are allowed to be true to themselves, and allowed to live happily. Where people are able to understand each other. Do you think such a world will come to be? Or will the cruel, unrealistic expectations of people based on things they can't control still continue?
I don't know the way to such a future; but I'll polish my hope as I walk forward, until it shines so brightly that it becomes reality.
Very nice analysis.

I'm skeptical of the third sex category as I personally think masculinity/femininity is more like a sliding scale in each person. In other words, everyone has their own unique balance. IIRC this was more or less HPHC's stance on it as well, but he can correct me if I'm wrong. As for what jews want people to be... that would be neither masculine nor feminine. They want everyone to be grey colored sheep devoid of life, purpose, and identity.

Now I'll answer your question as I'm not sure if you were being rhetorical.
When the Gods bring back the Divine model of society for humans to follow again (they don't follow it now because they don't know it. The Divine model was replaced by the hebrew model), humans will naturally accept themselves as they are in their purest expression of their souls. A child is naturally in tune with their pure (virgin) self, but through following Adharmic society they lose themselves by trying to fit into it. If you fit into Adharmic society then you no longer follow Dharma. This is why Satanic souls usually don't feel comfortable in society because it defies the truth that they cling to in their souls. It's impure.

So fear not. It's coming. The Golden Age of Aquarius will be everything your heart longs for. We're building towards it right now with the JoS.
NakedPluto said:
SaxonStranger100 said:
Here's the issue I've observed for years. Number one, disrespecting the Clergy. When a clergy-member talks to you, fucking refer to them by their rank. Like disrespect 101 -- fuck anyone here who accepted Clerical-Commander Cobra's offer for astrology chart refunds, ohhhh my god (facepalm) That's a very generous gesture. You all know that stupid fucking xians tithe 10-percent. High Priest Hooded Cobra goes all out and you TAKE ADVANTAGE. What his Highness says, with all due respect, is my solid opinion. I bought a chart on June 17/ 2018 and never got it after communications. I'm glad he kept that money, that's the LEAST I COULD DO!!! When most-rad High Priestess Maxine stated in 2015 stated to spam a list of links daily, who the fuck does it besides me on gab Officer Anglo @SaxonStranger1488666. I remember the Twitter days too, with you losers so far behind me I didn't know yu were there until I looked at your idle pages from following the JoS page there....so lame.. Commander cobra stated fight like a wild animal years ago and I do -- now he puts brighten up and No one of you lazy fucks does shit. You make excuses and act as elitist socialists with your pretentious ideas, stipulations and moderating imposition when you aren't even of that rank. You take the final word and twist it to your own. I've seen it if someone hit weed at the beach once a few weeks ago or whatever. There are NO FUCKING MEDIATORS in Satanism you cucks. I had a dream in 2015 that I was in Tulsa with Maxine, She looked white but Native as well, that's none of my fucking business, I just knew. She was frantically handing me out orders to serve to the JoS school kids. It was hectic and stressful and symbolic of doing your FUCKIING JOBS FOR YOu. Get off your ass and respect the DIRECT ORDERS of literally, Reichsmartial and Oberstgrüppenfuhrer. It doesn't matter how much bio-electricity you have, you're lack of effort for spamming will land you at a different table in the Great Halls of Shambhala than me because I don't want to fucking sit with you ungrateful losers. The magick pens the door but you gotta drop the package off, baby -- duh! I have no respect for any of you who don't spam at least once a day in multiple places with a myriad of info. That's some poser shit, so stop being soft and disrespecting the beloved clerics, Satan and the Gods -- and yourselves. I hope this get's reposted as t's own threat like the opiate addiction issue because this is not cool. What did the Gods and clerics do to deserve this; RHETORICAL QUESTION. I'm a serious German-Italian-Irish fuck and I will not go silent. You are hypocrites. Only ShermanTank666 is on my level with this because he feeds me videos for the new library. Mageson's info has been debunked, like got is god is goat. You know I looked up goatan/goatzan and all I found was a power rangers villain. We need stricter regimentation. I'm breathing in the energy of all the positive stars that make one RAW AT WAR! What the fuck are you doing, oh yeah, preaching to the choir on the forums. The war isn't at the base -- IT'S ON THE FUCKING FIELD. Furthermore, anyone here who is afraid to fight like a wild animal because of the CIA or whatever is a disgrace and needs to stop being a lame-shame and set a fucking fire in their heart. I LAY MY LIFE DOWN FOR SATAN EVERY DAY. I spam in Russian, German, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish and Swedish. I make pdfs out of pages, I make collages and I SHOWPOPEL WHO DON'T HAVE IT AS WELL AS US because that's the right thing to do. You have no levity to fire back, it would be embarrassing for you. I got locked out of poal, but I'm on Gab, Xephula, Brighteon and Minds. Do you think I'm afraid of cowardly-kike Pooputin and his froggy-fucks coming after me. It's hard fr newbies to join, they are disrespectful and annoying oftentimes, but aren't you old souls, are you going to get impatient. I am baffled by the stridence and the defiance and the petulance on this site. The mature members just stick to facts a lot. You guys stop being soft and call a spade a spade. Most of this forum is beautiful and good but the tumor festers. Punks like Aquarius are a terrible example of leadership here. Humility is like a foreign word to some people. By the way, when you spam, see how I do it before you jump headfirst. My guardian is a crowned prince, gee I wonder why. I'm not being sanctimonious, I have levity to preach. Experience is the best teacher and I'm Officer Anglo who is our new spokesperson because you all are OUT TO FUCKING LUNCH and because I fucking said so and I trad wherever I please, as they say. I never see any of you anywhere!!!! e and when I do, it's like someone posting one link on their timeline or sending a couple of emails, Pathetic. Grow up, cheers fam*, the cage needs to be rattled. Stop disappointing the leaders. If you all had been pushing the word like me since 2016, we'd be farther along, regardless of the Tetragrammaton. Now the growth is exponentially accelerated, but I'm right. High Priestess Maxine has stated this. She also stated that Father Satan wants the truth out in Russian five-six years ago and it is THANKS TO MY EFFORTS. I had to edit some documents that were scattered and fragmented from the haphazard Russian site. Why am I the only one who made a PDF out of blacks for Satan.....Fuck, like really you guys. I don't want to sit at the table with anyone other than ShermanTank at this point. I don't fucking care how much you do behind the scenes. The only scene I'm concerned about IS FUCKING SOCIAL MEDIA. ...Goddamnit! Really stressful to type this out but you need to be force-fed my fat white cock right now, take it up the ass, figuratively, that's nasty, to me; I digress. You are all fucking insubordinate and it is a direct order that you start spamming now. Someone needs to change shit around here. Commander Cobra is overworked. Stop being pussies. More questions -- fewer statements when interacting. I I literally command all mature people on here to fucking step up their assertion and spend less time on here -- keyword search for topics like in a research class, so you don't spend too much time paruzing. You could have spent that time fucking the enemy up. It's like Ex-Navy Seal bossman Jocko Willink said (paraphrased) 'you wnt to go party and drink while we're fighting the enemy -- fuck you I hate you.' You guys talk about how angry you are but you don't have the wit to channel it in a constructive way. I am in the top 98th percentile in perceptive reasoning, had multiple tests and I will tell you to heed my wisdom now. The fool thinks he's wise and the wise man thinks he's a fool only to a point. This is Satanism, not fucking Buddhism. I'm a solution-oriented person, I see problem-oriented people here. Are you prepared for the EMP? You guys need to get REAL with Satan r-i-g-h-t fucking now!

Hail High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, Hail Cleric-Commander Hooded Cobra, Hail Hitler and HAIL SATAN!!! HISSSSS!!!

Remember to also breathe and do spiritual warfare not only online activities. Also if you'd let the ego in your post a little down I would've totally agreed with you, but the ego and unsolicited jabs makes this not a "leadership" post but more of a bully one and "Im the daddy" post. Which clearly you are no daddy to us here.

Also I wouldn't want the way you speak, be the face of online presentation and interaction of JoS. Please lead yourself to better communication, I for a fact laughed about it at first, but since you want this serious, make it so.

And be careful of telling people going open Identity online and such. If you desire you can go all in, don't tell other to do so only based on a 10 minute ego trip and emotional discharge. If you been yelled out in the military, here the same thing doesn't work, rather take the stance of an educator, not forcing "your white big" pp. :lol: :lol:

He stated to be teaching JOS school kids in his dreams. Whahahah what a teacher he would be! The JOS kids would walk out of the class!!!😂
SaxonStranger100 said:
Aquarius said:
SaxonStranger100 said:
disrespect 101
I think you're off your meds.

Following up on my last message today (given it gets approved) I love my fam and sincerely wish you the best -- we'll get there. You're not the only alpha bro in JoS.
You don't look like a troll or bad guy, but you have an inflated ego that really makes someone not take you seriously, you should work on that while you're off the forums.
Meteor said:
This peaceful life has already helped me heal so much. I think some people don't realise how much this world has already changed for the better since two centuries ago, as they're too preoccupied with more contemporary issues. But when I think about the ideal society I still long for - a society in which I and others would be free of weights - I wonder if I'm being overly optimistic. For the Gods to just come here and fix everything for us sounds unbelievable to me, even though it's the concensus. It sounds so convenient and almost like a dream. I cannot rest easy clinging only to hope; I have to think about ways to change this world myself as well.
And that's why I do spiritual warfare, to pave the way for my hope to manifest into reality; at least that's one of the reasons.

The thought that everything will go as easily and conveniently as you say is a nice and pleasant. I'll believe in it. Thank you.
I didn't say it would be easy or smooth. Just that it would happen. It's inevitable. Like you say we're paving the path to that reality. You should also realize that there are many societies on planets within the Empire of Orion, and they are all Dharmic. Those that aren't caged under reptilian control, are prosperous and follow the ways of the Gods (Cosmic Law). They're advanced and have psychic abilities. Maxine has said this before, I believe.
Anyway, to restate - since this planet is within the territory of Orion, Dharmic human society will be re-established.

As for what I meant by third sex, I was referring to people who have a natural tendency to prefer sexual relations with the same sex as themselves in most of their lives. I don't think of it as a category either; there are countless things that factor into a person's sexual desires and preferences. It isn't set in stone, yet it can't be controlled; and even if you think you understand it, it can still surprise you. That's why I don't really like labels for sexual orientation. Something as complex as a person's sexuality could never fit in such overly simplified boxes. Although I used the term "third sex" because I learned about it here, I wonder if that's actually even worse, because it makes it sound as if such people are fundamentally different from non-third-sex people in some way, when I don't think that's necessarily the case. I believe sexuality is simply a consequence of who someone is as a person, as well as someone's experiences. Unless I'm overlooking something important, there's no need to segregate people to such an extent for it.

Even so, I felt it was relevant here, as people who were unable to hide their tendencies faced discrimination that sometimes went as far as to take their lives, or worse. But I'll consider avoiding using that term from now on.
Ah. If we're talking about sexuality then I personally believe that's completely different and separate. I don't think being gay, straight, or bi determines a person's balance of masculinity/femininity, and I don't think their balance of masculinity/femininity determines their sexual preference(s) either. I don't know what causes sexual preference, and I don't wish to speculate. Some have claimed it's imprinted in the soul, but I don't know and I don't pretend to know. It seems largely irrelevant to me anyway. As long as people aren't attracted to children, animals, corpses - that sort of thing... then I don't really care. Extreme sexual deviancy can obviously be problematic, and if such people aren't jews then they need to be treated as someone with a disorder.

You can use any terminology you like. I'm not outlawing the term as that's not my authority to do so, and it's not a big deal to me. I just think the word is misleading because there's not actually more than two sexes. Everything is either male or female depending on its natural anatomy. If the word is still useful for explanations though then so be it. I was just giving my opinion on it.
SaxonStranger100 said:
Aquarius said:
SaxonStranger100 said:
disrespect 101
I think you're off your meds.

No, I'm just calling a spade a spade. I knew you'd respond. I think you're a punk, you are defensive and that is it. You may think I'm a dick or whatever, but feel my truth -- I am right. The last word is yours, bud, the last word is mine. Call me whatever, it's a front. Clerical-Commander is watching, Aquarius. You think messaging you was merely an impetus decision, you're the king of attitude here. I got on with a bone to pick and I will be leaving very soon. I come and go fleetingly while you stay to rant and chant. I hope you grow up and represent with tact and cordiality, and by the way, to being insubordinate and go spam a bit, at least. Someone needs to say something. Show respect dude, just because you are here doesn't make you 'the shit'.

Sieg heil!

You talk of respect while simultaneously disrespecting Aquarius, Naked Pluto, and indirectly many others who have made huge contributions. You don't even know Aquarius, but you will regret talking down to him one day. You have no idea what he's made of. You're the one who is going to look silly in the great halls, and you really will be sitting by yourself all alone if that's the way you speak to your brothers and sisters in Satan. No one would want someone like you for company.

And here's a free tip: louder =/= better. Contemplate that.
SaxonStranger100 said:
Here's the issue I've observed for years. Number one, disrespecting the Clergy. When a clergy-member talks to you, fucking refer to them by their rank. Like disrespect 101 -- fuck anyone here who accepted Clerical-Commander Cobra's offer for astrology chart refunds, ohhhh my god (facepalm) That's a very generous gesture. You all know that stupid fucking xians tithe 10-percent. High Priest Hooded Cobra goes all out and you TAKE ADVANTAGE. What his Highness says, with all due respect, is my solid opinion. I bought a chart on June 17/ 2018 and never got it after communications. I'm glad he kept that money, that's the LEAST I COULD DO!!! When most-rad High Priestess Maxine stated in 2015 stated to spam a list of links daily, who the fuck does it besides me on gab Officer Anglo @SaxonStranger1488666. I remember the Twitter days too, with you losers so far behind me I didn't know yu were there until I looked at your idle pages from following the JoS page there....so lame.. Commander cobra stated fight like a wild animal years ago and I do -- now he puts brighten up and No one of you lazy fucks does shit. You make excuses and act as elitist socialists with your pretentious ideas, stipulations and moderating imposition when you aren't even of that rank. You take the final word and twist it to your own. I've seen it if someone hit weed at the beach once a few weeks ago or whatever. There are NO FUCKING MEDIATORS in Satanism you cucks. I had a dream in 2015 that I was in Tulsa with Maxine, She looked white but Native as well, that's none of my fucking business, I just knew. She was frantically handing me out orders to serve to the JoS school kids. It was hectic and stressful and symbolic of doing your FUCKIING JOBS FOR YOu. Get off your ass and respect the DIRECT ORDERS of literally, Reichsmartial and Oberstgrüppenfuhrer. It doesn't matter how much bio-electricity you have, you're lack of effort for spamming will land you at a different table in the Great Halls of Shambhala than me because I don't want to fucking sit with you ungrateful losers. The magick pens the door but you gotta drop the package off, baby -- duh! I have no respect for any of you who don't spam at least once a day in multiple places with a myriad of info. That's some poser shit, so stop being soft and disrespecting the beloved clerics, Satan and the Gods -- and yourselves. I hope this get's reposted as t's own threat like the opiate addiction issue because this is not cool. What did the Gods and clerics do to deserve this; RHETORICAL QUESTION. I'm a serious German-Italian-Irish fuck and I will not go silent. You are hypocrites. Only ShermanTank666 is on my level with this because he feeds me videos for the new library. Mageson's info has been debunked, like got is god is goat. You know I looked up goatan/goatzan and all I found was a power rangers villain. We need stricter regimentation. I'm breathing in the energy of all the positive stars that make one RAW AT WAR! What the fuck are you doing, oh yeah, preaching to the choir on the forums. The war isn't at the base -- IT'S ON THE FUCKING FIELD. Furthermore, anyone here who is afraid to fight like a wild animal because of the CIA or whatever is a disgrace and needs to stop being a lame-shame and set a fucking fire in their heart. I LAY MY LIFE DOWN FOR SATAN EVERY DAY. I spam in Russian, German, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish and Swedish. I make pdfs out of pages, I make collages and I SHOWPOPEL WHO DON'T HAVE IT AS WELL AS US because that's the right thing to do. You have no levity to fire back, it would be embarrassing for you. I got locked out of poal, but I'm on Gab, Xephula, Brighteon and Minds. Do you think I'm afraid of cowardly-kike Pooputin and his froggy-fucks coming after me. It's hard fr newbies to join, they are disrespectful and annoying oftentimes, but aren't you old souls, are you going to get impatient. I am baffled by the stridence and the defiance and the petulance on this site. The mature members just stick to facts a lot. You guys stop being soft and call a spade a spade. Most of this forum is beautiful and good but the tumor festers. Punks like Aquarius are a terrible example of leadership here. Humility is like a foreign word to some people. By the way, when you spam, see how I do it before you jump headfirst. My guardian is a crowned prince, gee I wonder why. I'm not being sanctimonious, I have levity to preach. Experience is the best teacher and I'm Officer Anglo who is our new spokesperson because you all are OUT TO FUCKING LUNCH and because I fucking said so and I trad wherever I please, as they say. I never see any of you anywhere!!!! e and when I do, it's like someone posting one link on their timeline or sending a couple of emails, Pathetic. Grow up, cheers fam*, the cage needs to be rattled. Stop disappointing the leaders. If you all had been pushing the word like me since 2016, we'd be farther along, regardless of the Tetragrammaton. Now the growth is exponentially accelerated, but I'm right. High Priestess Maxine has stated this. She also stated that Father Satan wants the truth out in Russian five-six years ago and it is THANKS TO MY EFFORTS. I had to edit some documents that were scattered and fragmented from the haphazard Russian site. Why am I the only one who made a PDF out of blacks for Satan.....Fuck, like really you guys. I don't want to sit at the table with anyone other than ShermanTank at this point. I don't fucking care how much you do behind the scenes. The only scene I'm concerned about IS FUCKING SOCIAL MEDIA. ...Goddamnit! Really stressful to type this out but you need to be force-fed my fat white cock right now, take it up the ass, figuratively, that's nasty, to me; I digress. You are all fucking insubordinate and it is a direct order that you start spamming now. Someone needs to change shit around here. Commander Cobra is overworked. Stop being pussies. More questions -- fewer statements when interacting. I I literally command all mature people on here to fucking step up their assertion and spend less time on here -- keyword search for topics like in a research class, so you don't spend too much time paruzing. You could have spent that time fucking the enemy up. It's like Ex-Navy Seal bossman Jocko Willink said (paraphrased) 'you wnt to go party and drink while we're fighting the enemy -- fuck you I hate you.' You guys talk about how angry you are but you don't have the wit to channel it in a constructive way. I am in the top 98th percentile in perceptive reasoning, had multiple tests and I will tell you to heed my wisdom now. The fool thinks he's wise and the wise man thinks he's a fool only to a point. This is Satanism, not fucking Buddhism. I'm a solution-oriented person, I see problem-oriented people here. Are you prepared for the EMP? You guys need to get REAL with Satan r-i-g-h-t fucking now!

Hail High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, Hail Cleric-Commander Hooded Cobra, Hail Hitler and HAIL SATAN!!! HISSSSS!!!

You honestly sound like you have a repressed desire for recognition. If you confronted that desire and worked with it in a healthy way then you would have a higher chance of success in gaining it. And yes, actions speak for themselves, but you can't expect people to be aware of it when you don't even bother with your forum presence, and instead watch from the background as you stated. You're hating on the "socialites" for being social, but that's why people know them. For someone so invested in advertising, it doesn't even occur to you to advertise yourself, so to say. It's fine to be that way, but complaining about the lack of appreciation for your efforts when you have 30-ish posts and don't interact with anyone is foolish because no one sees you around. If they don't see you then how can they know about you? Seriously, you don't see others going around crying about all of their unsung praises, and all the things they have done to contribute to our Satanic mission.

Admit it - this was juvenile. And the irony is that you called Aquarius a punk.
SaxonStranger100 said:

Yikes dude, what a topic to be talking like this under. People will listen to you better when you’re not metaphorically swinging your d in their face.
Meteor said:
It wasn't a rhetorical question. Since I was 2 years old (for as long as I can remember), I've felt like some very heavy things are weighing on me. My circumstances could've easily made for a happy childhood; nothing bad ever happened to me. And yet I was often gloomy, thinking about how easily everything around me could fall apart, and feeling disconnected from reality as it felt like I was little more than a ghost in a living body. Understanding that there was no reason for me to feel that way, I wondered if there was something wrong with me. But over the past year and a half, I've remembered that it's actually society that made me this way in my past lives.

After remembering, it was initially impossible to stay calm; but after telling myself that it's all in the past now, I was able to overcome things and grow as a person. I fell in love with being alive. But sometimes, things still weigh on me, whether I understand them or not. And then I wonder: is it really in the past? Or will it only keep repeating itself? Has society really changed enough? Will it ever?

This peaceful life has already helped me heal so much. I think some people don't realise how much this world has already changed for the better since two centuries ago, as they're too preoccupied with more contemporary issues. But when I think about the ideal society I still long for - a society in which I and others would be free of weights - I wonder if I'm being overly optimistic. For the Gods to just come here and fix everything for us sounds unbelievable to me, even though it's the concensus. It sounds so convenient and almost like a dream. I cannot rest easy clinging only to hope; I have to think about ways to change this world myself as well.
And that's why I do spiritual warfare, to pave the way for my hope to manifest into reality; at least that's one of the reasons.

The thought that everything will go as easily and conveniently as you say is a nice and pleasant. I'll believe in it. Thank you.

I can relate. Anyone looking from the outside would have thought my life was perfect but it was quite a different story on the inside.

Growing up I couldn’t understand why I was constantly feeling gloomy (for lack of a better word myself I’ll use your term, if that’s alright), and felt distant and detached from society. Kinda like looking out at everyone from behind a glass pane. I thought there was something wrong with me, because my home life seemed good, I had all I could need to physically meet my needs, but I was miserable and alone, and everywhere I looked people were miserable (whether they showed it or not didn’t matter, I seemed to have a knack for tapping into the emotions of those around me).

Tapping into the energies of what’s around us... if we can feel others suffering, even if we don’t consciously know that they are, just the energy alone will be enough for us to pick up on and understand, and that reflects in our own mood and thoughts if we can’t actively shield ourselves from being affected by it. Humans are very social by nature, so naturally when others suffer, we can end up sharing that pain as a form of communication in understanding our own.

Things will probably continue to weigh on us a bit because our souls and subconscious mind understand and pick up on things that we don’t consciously yet, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t hope. If we all focused so heavily on the gloomy things all the time, we’d miss the spring or the sound of birds, children laughing at the playground, how green the summer becomes after winter, and we’d forget the beautiful things that are worth fighting for.

We celebrate the birthdays of people every year, because why shouldn’t we? It’s beautiful to be alive and celebrate life, and that’s why we fight as hard as we do to be so, no matter how gloomy the days may get. People are suffering, and we just have to do our best to turn things around, so one day our young ones can grow up and know what it really means to live and be alive, and they don’t have to suffer the way much of our own have growing up.

The Gods will one day return here, yes, but we hold the front until they do, and do what we can to continue to bring Truth back. Freedom isn’t free, after all.
Satanswarlord666 said:
NakedPluto said:
SaxonStranger100 said:
Here's the issue I've observed for years. Number one, disrespecting the Clergy. When a clergy-member talks to you, fucking refer to them by their rank. Like disrespect 101 -- fuck anyone here who accepted Clerical-Commander Cobra's offer for astrology chart refunds, ohhhh my god (facepalm) That's a very generous gesture. You all know that stupid fucking xians tithe 10-percent. High Priest Hooded Cobra goes all out and you TAKE ADVANTAGE. What his Highness says, with all due respect, is my solid opinion. I bought a chart on June 17/ 2018 and never got it after communications. I'm glad he kept that money, that's the LEAST I COULD DO!!! When most-rad High Priestess Maxine stated in 2015 stated to spam a list of links daily, who the fuck does it besides me on gab Officer Anglo @SaxonStranger1488666. I remember the Twitter days too, with you losers so far behind me I didn't know yu were there until I looked at your idle pages from following the JoS page there....so lame.. Commander cobra stated fight like a wild animal years ago and I do -- now he puts brighten up and No one of you lazy fucks does shit. You make excuses and act as elitist socialists with your pretentious ideas, stipulations and moderating imposition when you aren't even of that rank. You take the final word and twist it to your own. I've seen it if someone hit weed at the beach once a few weeks ago or whatever. There are NO FUCKING MEDIATORS in Satanism you cucks. I had a dream in 2015 that I was in Tulsa with Maxine, She looked white but Native as well, that's none of my fucking business, I just knew. She was frantically handing me out orders to serve to the JoS school kids. It was hectic and stressful and symbolic of doing your FUCKIING JOBS FOR YOu. Get off your ass and respect the DIRECT ORDERS of literally, Reichsmartial and Oberstgrüppenfuhrer. It doesn't matter how much bio-electricity you have, you're lack of effort for spamming will land you at a different table in the Great Halls of Shambhala than me because I don't want to fucking sit with you ungrateful losers. The magick pens the door but you gotta drop the package off, baby -- duh! I have no respect for any of you who don't spam at least once a day in multiple places with a myriad of info. That's some poser shit, so stop being soft and disrespecting the beloved clerics, Satan and the Gods -- and yourselves. I hope this get's reposted as t's own threat like the opiate addiction issue because this is not cool. What did the Gods and clerics do to deserve this; RHETORICAL QUESTION. I'm a serious German-Italian-Irish fuck and I will not go silent. You are hypocrites. Only ShermanTank666 is on my level with this because he feeds me videos for the new library. Mageson's info has been debunked, like got is god is goat. You know I looked up goatan/goatzan and all I found was a power rangers villain. We need stricter regimentation. I'm breathing in the energy of all the positive stars that make one RAW AT WAR! What the fuck are you doing, oh yeah, preaching to the choir on the forums. The war isn't at the base -- IT'S ON THE FUCKING FIELD. Furthermore, anyone here who is afraid to fight like a wild animal because of the CIA or whatever is a disgrace and needs to stop being a lame-shame and set a fucking fire in their heart. I LAY MY LIFE DOWN FOR SATAN EVERY DAY. I spam in Russian, German, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish and Swedish. I make pdfs out of pages, I make collages and I SHOWPOPEL WHO DON'T HAVE IT AS WELL AS US because that's the right thing to do. You have no levity to fire back, it would be embarrassing for you. I got locked out of poal, but I'm on Gab, Xephula, Brighteon and Minds. Do you think I'm afraid of cowardly-kike Pooputin and his froggy-fucks coming after me. It's hard fr newbies to join, they are disrespectful and annoying oftentimes, but aren't you old souls, are you going to get impatient. I am baffled by the stridence and the defiance and the petulance on this site. The mature members just stick to facts a lot. You guys stop being soft and call a spade a spade. Most of this forum is beautiful and good but the tumor festers. Punks like Aquarius are a terrible example of leadership here. Humility is like a foreign word to some people. By the way, when you spam, see how I do it before you jump headfirst. My guardian is a crowned prince, gee I wonder why. I'm not being sanctimonious, I have levity to preach. Experience is the best teacher and I'm Officer Anglo who is our new spokesperson because you all are OUT TO FUCKING LUNCH and because I fucking said so and I trad wherever I please, as they say. I never see any of you anywhere!!!! e and when I do, it's like someone posting one link on their timeline or sending a couple of emails, Pathetic. Grow up, cheers fam*, the cage needs to be rattled. Stop disappointing the leaders. If you all had been pushing the word like me since 2016, we'd be farther along, regardless of the Tetragrammaton. Now the growth is exponentially accelerated, but I'm right. High Priestess Maxine has stated this. She also stated that Father Satan wants the truth out in Russian five-six years ago and it is THANKS TO MY EFFORTS. I had to edit some documents that were scattered and fragmented from the haphazard Russian site. Why am I the only one who made a PDF out of blacks for Satan.....Fuck, like really you guys. I don't want to sit at the table with anyone other than ShermanTank at this point. I don't fucking care how much you do behind the scenes. The only scene I'm concerned about IS FUCKING SOCIAL MEDIA. ...Goddamnit! Really stressful to type this out but you need to be force-fed my fat white cock right now, take it up the ass, figuratively, that's nasty, to me; I digress. You are all fucking insubordinate and it is a direct order that you start spamming now. Someone needs to change shit around here. Commander Cobra is overworked. Stop being pussies. More questions -- fewer statements when interacting. I I literally command all mature people on here to fucking step up their assertion and spend less time on here -- keyword search for topics like in a research class, so you don't spend too much time paruzing. You could have spent that time fucking the enemy up. It's like Ex-Navy Seal bossman Jocko Willink said (paraphrased) 'you wnt to go party and drink while we're fighting the enemy -- fuck you I hate you.' You guys talk about how angry you are but you don't have the wit to channel it in a constructive way. I am in the top 98th percentile in perceptive reasoning, had multiple tests and I will tell you to heed my wisdom now. The fool thinks he's wise and the wise man thinks he's a fool only to a point. This is Satanism, not fucking Buddhism. I'm a solution-oriented person, I see problem-oriented people here. Are you prepared for the EMP? You guys need to get REAL with Satan r-i-g-h-t fucking now!

Hail High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, Hail Cleric-Commander Hooded Cobra, Hail Hitler and HAIL SATAN!!! HISSSSS!!!

Remember to also breathe and do spiritual warfare not only online activities. Also if you'd let the ego in your post a little down I would've totally agreed with you, but the ego and unsolicited jabs makes this not a "leadership" post but more of a bully one and "Im the daddy" post. Which clearly you are no daddy to us here.

Also I wouldn't want the way you speak, be the face of online presentation and interaction of JoS. Please lead yourself to better communication, I for a fact laughed about it at first, but since you want this serious, make it so.

And be careful of telling people going open Identity online and such. If you desire you can go all in, don't tell other to do so only based on a 10 minute ego trip and emotional discharge. If you been yelled out in the military, here the same thing doesn't work, rather take the stance of an educator, not forcing "your white big" pp. :lol: :lol:

He stated to be teaching JOS school kids in his dreams. Whahahah what a teacher he would be! The JOS kids would walk out of the class!!!😂
I didn't hate it, I hate that you all had to have the Commander Cobra order you all to spam -- again. No one does it. I lead by example and was the catalyst for change, thanks to my momentarily inflated ego from anger. That is acceptable to move us forward, period. All I'll say to you from your silly post, lol. It's cool, I don't mind. Go spam. Hail Satan!
SaxonStranger100 said:
Here's the issue I've observed for years. Number one, disrespecting the Clergy. When a clergy-member talks to you, fucking refer to them by their rank. Like disrespect 101 -- fuck anyone here who accepted Clerical-Commander Cobra's offer for astrology chart refunds, ohhhh my god (facepalm) That's a very generous gesture. You all know that stupid fucking xians tithe 10-percent. High Priest Hooded Cobra goes all out and you TAKE ADVANTAGE. What his Highness says, with all due respect, is my solid opinion. I bought a chart on June 17/ 2018 and never got it after communications. I'm glad he kept that money, that's the LEAST I COULD DO!!! ...

This is TOO OLD and definitely not the case of issues that occurred circa 2020. You should have contacted, and yes, I will definitely refund this. Send me an e-mail.

Eventually circa in a couple of months, any such orders [most from 2020 and early 2021, and not many in number] will all be refunded.

I must prioritize things because I am overblown recently, and as thus the delays. There are a thousand ongoing matters at the same time.

You will be able to re-order again in the future.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SaxonStranger100 said:
Here's the issue I've observed for years. Number one, disrespecting the Clergy. When a clergy-member talks to you, fucking refer to them by their rank. Like disrespect 101 -- fuck anyone here who accepted Clerical-Commander Cobra's offer for astrology chart refunds, ohhhh my god (facepalm) That's a very generous gesture. You all know that stupid fucking xians tithe 10-percent. High Priest Hooded Cobra goes all out and you TAKE ADVANTAGE. What his Highness says, with all due respect, is my solid opinion. I bought a chart on June 17/ 2018 and never got it after communications. I'm glad he kept that money, that's the LEAST I COULD DO!!! ...

This is TOO OLD and definitely not the case of issues that occurred circa 2020. You should have contacted, and yes, I will definitely refund this. Send me an e-mail.

Eventually circa in a couple of months, any such orders [most from 2020 and early 2021, and not many in number] will all be refunded.

I must prioritize things because I am overblown recently, and as thus the delays. There are a thousand ongoing matters at the same time.

You will be able to re-order again in the future.

Clerical-Commander Cobra, I will buy another one sometime when the time is right. It's the LEAST I can do! Thank you, I love you, cheers to you!! I wouldn't accept a refund over my dead Aryan corpse. Its always the thought that counts, Bossman! SIEG HEIL!
jrvan said:
SaxonStranger100 said:
Here's the issue I've observed for years. Number one, disrespecting the Clergy. When a clergy-member talks to you, fucking refer to them by their rank. Like disrespect 101 -- fuck anyone here who accepted Clerical-Commander Cobra's offer for astrology chart refunds, ohhhh my god (facepalm) That's a very generous gesture. You all know that stupid fucking xians tithe 10-percent. High Priest Hooded Cobra goes all out and you TAKE ADVANTAGE. What his Highness says, with all due respect, is my solid opinion. I bought a chart on June 17/ 2018 and never got it after communications. I'm glad he kept that money, that's the LEAST I COULD DO!!! When most-rad High Priestess Maxine stated in 2015 stated to spam a list of links daily, who the fuck does it besides me on gab Officer Anglo @SaxonStranger1488666. I remember the Twitter days too, with you losers so far behind me I didn't know yu were there until I looked at your idle pages from following the JoS page there....so lame.. Commander cobra stated fight like a wild animal years ago and I do -- now he puts brighten up and No one of you lazy fucks does shit. You make excuses and act as elitist socialists with your pretentious ideas, stipulations and moderating imposition when you aren't even of that rank. You take the final word and twist it to your own. I've seen it if someone hit weed at the beach once a few weeks ago or whatever. There are NO FUCKING MEDIATORS in Satanism you cucks. I had a dream in 2015 that I was in Tulsa with Maxine, She looked white but Native as well, that's none of my fucking business, I just knew. She was frantically handing me out orders to serve to the JoS school kids. It was hectic and stressful and symbolic of doing your FUCKIING JOBS FOR YOu. Get off your ass and respect the DIRECT ORDERS of literally, Reichsmartial and Oberstgrüppenfuhrer. It doesn't matter how much bio-electricity you have, you're lack of effort for spamming will land you at a different table in the Great Halls of Shambhala than me because I don't want to fucking sit with you ungrateful losers. The magick pens the door but you gotta drop the package off, baby -- duh! I have no respect for any of you who don't spam at least once a day in multiple places with a myriad of info. That's some poser shit, so stop being soft and disrespecting the beloved clerics, Satan and the Gods -- and yourselves. I hope this get's reposted as t's own threat like the opiate addiction issue because this is not cool. What did the Gods and clerics do to deserve this; RHETORICAL QUESTION. I'm a serious German-Italian-Irish fuck and I will not go silent. You are hypocrites. Only ShermanTank666 is on my level with this because he feeds me videos for the new library. Mageson's info has been debunked, like got is god is goat. You know I looked up goatan/goatzan and all I found was a power rangers villain. We need stricter regimentation. I'm breathing in the energy of all the positive stars that make one RAW AT WAR! What the fuck are you doing, oh yeah, preaching to the choir on the forums. The war isn't at the base -- IT'S ON THE FUCKING FIELD. Furthermore, anyone here who is afraid to fight like a wild animal because of the CIA or whatever is a disgrace and needs to stop being a lame-shame and set a fucking fire in their heart. I LAY MY LIFE DOWN FOR SATAN EVERY DAY. I spam in Russian, German, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish and Swedish. I make pdfs out of pages, I make collages and I SHOWPOPEL WHO DON'T HAVE IT AS WELL AS US because that's the right thing to do. You have no levity to fire back, it would be embarrassing for you. I got locked out of poal, but I'm on Gab, Xephula, Brighteon and Minds. Do you think I'm afraid of cowardly-kike Pooputin and his froggy-fucks coming after me. It's hard fr newbies to join, they are disrespectful and annoying oftentimes, but aren't you old souls, are you going to get impatient. I am baffled by the stridence and the defiance and the petulance on this site. The mature members just stick to facts a lot. You guys stop being soft and call a spade a spade. Most of this forum is beautiful and good but the tumor festers. Punks like Aquarius are a terrible example of leadership here. Humility is like a foreign word to some people. By the way, when you spam, see how I do it before you jump headfirst. My guardian is a crowned prince, gee I wonder why. I'm not being sanctimonious, I have levity to preach. Experience is the best teacher and I'm Officer Anglo who is our new spokesperson because you all are OUT TO FUCKING LUNCH and because I fucking said so and I trad wherever I please, as they say. I never see any of you anywhere!!!! e and when I do, it's like someone posting one link on their timeline or sending a couple of emails, Pathetic. Grow up, cheers fam*, the cage needs to be rattled. Stop disappointing the leaders. If you all had been pushing the word like me since 2016, we'd be farther along, regardless of the Tetragrammaton. Now the growth is exponentially accelerated, but I'm right. High Priestess Maxine has stated this. She also stated that Father Satan wants the truth out in Russian five-six years ago and it is THANKS TO MY EFFORTS. I had to edit some documents that were scattered and fragmented from the haphazard Russian site. Why am I the only one who made a PDF out of blacks for Satan.....Fuck, like really you guys. I don't want to sit at the table with anyone other than ShermanTank at this point. I don't fucking care how much you do behind the scenes. The only scene I'm concerned about IS FUCKING SOCIAL MEDIA. ...Goddamnit! Really stressful to type this out but you need to be force-fed my fat white cock right now, take it up the ass, figuratively, that's nasty, to me; I digress. You are all fucking insubordinate and it is a direct order that you start spamming now. Someone needs to change shit around here. Commander Cobra is overworked. Stop being pussies. More questions -- fewer statements when interacting. I I literally command all mature people on here to fucking step up their assertion and spend less time on here -- keyword search for topics like in a research class, so you don't spend too much time paruzing. You could have spent that time fucking the enemy up. It's like Ex-Navy Seal bossman Jocko Willink said (paraphrased) 'you wnt to go party and drink while we're fighting the enemy -- fuck you I hate you.' You guys talk about how angry you are but you don't have the wit to channel it in a constructive way. I am in the top 98th percentile in perceptive reasoning, had multiple tests and I will tell you to heed my wisdom now. The fool thinks he's wise and the wise man thinks he's a fool only to a point. This is Satanism, not fucking Buddhism. I'm a solution-oriented person, I see problem-oriented people here. Are you prepared for the EMP? You guys need to get REAL with Satan r-i-g-h-t fucking now!

Hail High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, Hail Cleric-Commander Hooded Cobra, Hail Hitler and HAIL SATAN!!! HISSSSS!!!

You honestly sound like you have a repressed desire for recognition. If you confronted that desire and worked with it in a healthy way then you would have a higher chance of success in gaining it. And yes, actions speak for themselves, but you can't expect people to be aware of it when you don't even bother with your forum presence, and instead watch from the background as you stated. You're hating on the "socialites" for being social, but that's why people know them. For someone so invested in advertising, it doesn't even occur to you to advertise yourself, so to say. It's fine to be that way, but complaining about the lack of appreciation for your efforts when you have 30-ish posts and don't interact with anyone is foolish because no one sees you around. If they don't see you then how can they know about you? Seriously, you don't see others going around crying about all of their unsung praises, and all the things they have done to contribute to our Satanic mission.

Admit it - this was juvenile. And the irony is that you called Aquarius a punk.

I'm never on here, I just look at what people write. I don't go on here writing about my accomplishments unless I'm demonstrating what I do. Clerical Commander Cobra knows me, he's known I've been doing this I posted a long time ago I always do this. I don't need recognition. I just want others to get the fucking point, I was having a shitty day and went a little over the top, oh well. I stand by it all. I see a lot of chanting ranters on here who don't propagate, which is by definition -- insubordination. I don't talk about it, I act about it. I called people out and catalyzed our beloved High Priest to RE-mandate it!. BE grateful. It's expected to push the word. I asked nicely when he mandated we move to Brighteon, I saw a couple of others on there. I don't need recognition, I kick ass and take names daily, look at my social media. I have a lot going for me, I work hard and don't need some lower-ranking people yipping at me like a little doggie. Aquarius and I handled it, he had the last word, of course -- and it's over. I don't have any resentment for those who do what's expected, it's the least you could do. What leverage do people have to tell me I'm out of line when it's just talking. I'm the one pulling others' weight, don't FORGET THAT! Go spam, do as you were told, finally! I don't owe you any respect, let alone them, you all disobeyed the orders, got called out and -- are mandated to perform! It's all talk. Notice how when a lower rank salutes a higher rank, the salute is not matched, get it. Ego is good without false pride, earn your stripes by spamming, then talk to me. I call a spade a spade. I see others trying to puff out their chest, I call them out. I'm a 2x leo and 2x dragon, I have to tone it down, nonetheless, I see insubordination from soft people here who don't get it and now we are moving forward. We work on propaganda. I'm not here to interact, it's a waste of time. I wasn't going slow enough because I got heated, [posted some shit in the wrong topic. I was being irresponsible with dyslexia, yes; however, I asserted and am dipping out now -- deal with it Stormtrooper. Someone needed to swing their dick around and say something, you know it too. Should be evident by now given you all have to actually fulfill the full JoS requirements more than now and then -- a little here and there...lol so weak and soft to not propagate like a REAL NAZI! It's over, obviously, the Gods have spoken and we carry on. It should be obvious to act with your full being in war, not 2/3. I'd be surprised if you posted *a lot* of spam before you logged back on here, honestly. You have nothing on me, the last laugh is mine, say whatever lol. Nice try bud.. Case dismissed lol.. Hail Satan!
Any betas who have qualms with my posts, I'm not here to interact -- I'm the SaxonStranger and keep it 100 with soft people that yip at me like barking little doggies. just to catalyze a more hardcore army into action. I've asserted my point well enough. Generally, unless I'm protecting someone, which happens, I don't need the last word, I'm past that stage of my life. Cheers, GO SPAM -- more than chant there and rant here!, LOL...! I'm not coming back, fewww for us all, right lol. I'm Officer Anglo, I handle shit! NOW IT'S YOUR TURN! SIEG HEIL


jrvan said:
SaxonStranger100 said:
Here's the issue I've observed for years. Number one, disrespecting the Clergy. When a clergy-member talks to you, fucking refer to them by their rank. Like disrespect 101 -- fuck anyone here who accepted Clerical-Commander Cobra's offer for astrology chart refunds, ohhhh my god (facepalm) That's a very generous gesture. You all know that stupid fucking xians tithe 10-percent. High Priest Hooded Cobra goes all out and you TAKE ADVANTAGE. What his Highness says, with all due respect, is my solid opinion. I bought a chart on June 17/ 2018 and never got it after communications. I'm glad he kept that money, that's the LEAST I COULD DO!!! When most-rad High Priestess Maxine stated in 2015 stated to spam a list of links daily, who the fuck does it besides me on gab Officer Anglo @SaxonStranger1488666. I remember the Twitter days too, with you losers so far behind me I didn't know yu were there until I looked at your idle pages from following the JoS page there....so lame.. Commander cobra stated fight like a wild animal years ago and I do -- now he puts brighten up and No one of you lazy fucks does shit. You make excuses and act as elitist socialists with your pretentious ideas, stipulations and moderating imposition when you aren't even of that rank. You take the final word and twist it to your own. I've seen it if someone hit weed at the beach once a few weeks ago or whatever. There are NO FUCKING MEDIATORS in Satanism you cucks. I had a dream in 2015 that I was in Tulsa with Maxine, She looked white but Native as well, that's none of my fucking business, I just knew. She was frantically handing me out orders to serve to the JoS school kids. It was hectic and stressful and symbolic of doing your FUCKIING JOBS FOR YOu. Get off your ass and respect the DIRECT ORDERS of literally, Reichsmartial and Oberstgrüppenfuhrer. It doesn't matter how much bio-electricity you have, you're lack of effort for spamming will land you at a different table in the Great Halls of Shambhala than me because I don't want to fucking sit with you ungrateful losers. The magick pens the door but you gotta drop the package off, baby -- duh! I have no respect for any of you who don't spam at least once a day in multiple places with a myriad of info. That's some poser shit, so stop being soft and disrespecting the beloved clerics, Satan and the Gods -- and yourselves. I hope this get's reposted as t's own threat like the opiate addiction issue because this is not cool. What did the Gods and clerics do to deserve this; RHETORICAL QUESTION. I'm a serious German-Italian-Irish fuck and I will not go silent. You are hypocrites. Only ShermanTank666 is on my level with this because he feeds me videos for the new library. Mageson's info has been debunked, like got is god is goat. You know I looked up goatan/goatzan and all I found was a power rangers villain. We need stricter regimentation. I'm breathing in the energy of all the positive stars that make one RAW AT WAR! What the fuck are you doing, oh yeah, preaching to the choir on the forums. The war isn't at the base -- IT'S ON THE FUCKING FIELD. Furthermore, anyone here who is afraid to fight like a wild animal because of the CIA or whatever is a disgrace and needs to stop being a lame-shame and set a fucking fire in their heart. I LAY MY LIFE DOWN FOR SATAN EVERY DAY. I spam in Russian, German, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish and Swedish. I make pdfs out of pages, I make collages and I SHOWPOPEL WHO DON'T HAVE IT AS WELL AS US because that's the right thing to do. You have no levity to fire back, it would be embarrassing for you. I got locked out of poal, but I'm on Gab, Xephula, Brighteon and Minds. Do you think I'm afraid of cowardly-kike Pooputin and his froggy-fucks coming after me. It's hard fr newbies to join, they are disrespectful and annoying oftentimes, but aren't you old souls, are you going to get impatient. I am baffled by the stridence and the defiance and the petulance on this site. The mature members just stick to facts a lot. You guys stop being soft and call a spade a spade. Most of this forum is beautiful and good but the tumor festers. Punks like Aquarius are a terrible example of leadership here. Humility is like a foreign word to some people. By the way, when you spam, see how I do it before you jump headfirst. My guardian is a crowned prince, gee I wonder why. I'm not being sanctimonious, I have levity to preach. Experience is the best teacher and I'm Officer Anglo who is our new spokesperson because you all are OUT TO FUCKING LUNCH and because I fucking said so and I trad wherever I please, as they say. I never see any of you anywhere!!!! e and when I do, it's like someone posting one link on their timeline or sending a couple of emails, Pathetic. Grow up, cheers fam*, the cage needs to be rattled. Stop disappointing the leaders. If you all had been pushing the word like me since 2016, we'd be farther along, regardless of the Tetragrammaton. Now the growth is exponentially accelerated, but I'm right. High Priestess Maxine has stated this. She also stated that Father Satan wants the truth out in Russian five-six years ago and it is THANKS TO MY EFFORTS. I had to edit some documents that were scattered and fragmented from the haphazard Russian site. Why am I the only one who made a PDF out of blacks for Satan.....Fuck, like really you guys. I don't want to sit at the table with anyone other than ShermanTank at this point. I don't fucking care how much you do behind the scenes. The only scene I'm concerned about IS FUCKING SOCIAL MEDIA. ...Goddamnit! Really stressful to type this out but you need to be force-fed my fat white cock right now, take it up the ass, figuratively, that's nasty, to me; I digress. You are all fucking insubordinate and it is a direct order that you start spamming now. Someone needs to change shit around here. Commander Cobra is overworked. Stop being pussies. More questions -- fewer statements when interacting. I I literally command all mature people on here to fucking step up their assertion and spend less time on here -- keyword search for topics like in a research class, so you don't spend too much time paruzing. You could have spent that time fucking the enemy up. It's like Ex-Navy Seal bossman Jocko Willink said (paraphrased) 'you wnt to go party and drink while we're fighting the enemy -- fuck you I hate you.' You guys talk about how angry you are but you don't have the wit to channel it in a constructive way. I am in the top 98th percentile in perceptive reasoning, had multiple tests and I will tell you to heed my wisdom now. The fool thinks he's wise and the wise man thinks he's a fool only to a point. This is Satanism, not fucking Buddhism. I'm a solution-oriented person, I see problem-oriented people here. Are you prepared for the EMP? You guys need to get REAL with Satan r-i-g-h-t fucking now!

Hail High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, Hail Cleric-Commander Hooded Cobra, Hail Hitler and HAIL SATAN!!! HISSSSS!!!

You honestly sound like you have a repressed desire for recognition. If you confronted that desire and worked with it in a healthy way then you would have a higher chance of success in gaining it. And yes, actions speak for themselves, but you can't expect people to be aware of it when you don't even bother with your forum presence, and instead watch from the background as you stated. You're hating on the "socialites" for being social, but that's why people know them. For someone so invested in advertising, it doesn't even occur to you to advertise yourself, so to say. It's fine to be that way, but complaining about the lack of appreciation for your efforts when you have 30-ish posts and don't interact with anyone is foolish because no one sees you around. If they don't see you then how can they know about you? Seriously, you don't see others going around crying about all of their unsung praises, and all the things they have done to contribute to our Satanic mission.

Admit it - this was juvenile. And the irony is that you called Aquarius a punk.

btw FYI I must add an addendum, I'm talking about Nazi ranks, not the US troops who all salute each other, this isn't America -- it's Weimerica for us! We don't owe you anything when we work herder, period. That's why we are appointed to make changes and call shots. I don't need anyone else in JoS other than my superiors to help me with direction. Bye bye
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SaxonStranger100 said:
Here's the issue I've observed for years. Number one, disrespecting the Clergy. When a clergy-member talks to you, fucking refer to them by their rank. Like disrespect 101 -- fuck anyone here who accepted Clerical-Commander Cobra's offer for astrology chart refunds, ohhhh my god (facepalm) That's a very generous gesture. You all know that stupid fucking xians tithe 10-percent. High Priest Hooded Cobra goes all out and you TAKE ADVANTAGE. What his Highness says, with all due respect, is my solid opinion. I bought a chart on June 17/ 2018 and never got it after communications. I'm glad he kept that money, that's the LEAST I COULD DO!!! ...

This is TOO OLD and definitely not the case of issues that occurred circa 2020. You should have contacted, and yes, I will definitely refund this. Send me an e-mail.

Eventually circa in a couple of months, any such orders [most from 2020 and early 2021, and not many in number] will all be refunded.

I must prioritize things because I am overblown recently, and as thus the delays. There are a thousand ongoing matters at the same time.

You will be able to re-order again in the future.

I respectfully must abandon this account because if you insist, then I will be like 'okay fine' and not want to but abide. I abandon this account, I never saw anything past now, Clerical Commander Cobra666.. I probably seem crazy for this, but I have high standards of accountability. I'm not going to backfire, I never do on this scale -- in a manner of speaking. Cheers Clerical-Commander Cobra!, Hail Father Satan, Hail Victory!!
This is TOO OLD and definitely not the case of issues that occurred circa 2020. You should have contacted, and yes, I will definitely refund this. Send me an e-mail.

Eventually circa in a couple of months, any such orders [most from 2020 and early 2021, and not many in number] will all be refunded.

I must prioritize things because I am overblown recently, and as thus the delays. There are a thousand ongoing matters at the same time.

You will be able to re-order again in the future.

SaxonStranger100 said:
Here's the issue I've observed for years. Number one, disrespecting the Clergy. When a clergy-member talks to you, fucking refer to them by their rank. Like disrespect 101 -- fuck anyone here who accepted Clerical-Commander Cobra's offer for astrology chart refunds, ohhhh my god (facepalm) That's a very generous gesture. You all know that stupid fucking xians tithe 10-percent. High Priest Hooded Cobra goes all out and you TAKE ADVANTAGE. What his Highness says, with all due respect, is my solid opinion. I bought a chart on June 17/ 2018 and never got it after communications. I'm glad he kept that money, that's the LEAST I COULD DO!!! ...

Well, Saxon? How does it feel to get your balls busted by the High Priest? You see, unlike you, he believes in good business. Services rendered = services paid. There are many here who would love for him to keep the money, but that's what donations are for. From the very beginning, Hoodedcobra didn't want to obtain money for nothing - he wanted to give something in return. He said so himself. That's why he offered the astrology services to begin with.

If you want to forsake your self respect, dignity, and the laws of business then go back to the military and be a jarheaded piece of property who only believes in following orders. Then we won't have to listen to you whine and harshly judge the entire JoS community for basically just respecting High Priest HoodedCobra's wishes.

Your high horse has fallen.
SaxonStranger100 said:
Any betas who have qualms with my posts, I'm not here to interact -- I'm the SaxonStranger and keep it 100 with soft people that yip at me like barking little doggies. just to catalyze a more hardcore army into action. I've asserted my point well enough. Generally, unless I'm protecting someone, which happens, I don't need the last word, I'm past that stage of my life. Cheers, GO SPAM -- more than chant there and rant here!, LOL...! I'm not coming back, fewww for us all, right lol. I'm Officer Anglo, I handle shit! NOW IT'S YOUR TURN! SIEG HEIL



What makes you think it's okay to talk like this, and approach conversation like this?

Personally I just dont understand it. Not even here to debate or anything, but I'm honestly just curious at this point. The way you approach and write is peculiar to say the least. Not saying that in a negative way either.

Mainly just trying to understand.

Perhaps I was a little harsh in my first post towards you, maybe I should of wrote it differently, so not as to sound as if I was taking a stance of reprimanding.
serpentwalker666 said:
SaxonStranger100 said:
Any betas who have qualms with my posts, I'm not here to interact -- I'm the SaxonStranger and keep it 100 with soft people that yip at me like barking little doggies. just to catalyze a more hardcore army into action. I've asserted my point well enough. Generally, unless I'm protecting someone, which happens, I don't need the last word, I'm past that stage of my life. Cheers, GO SPAM -- more than chant there and rant here!, LOL...! I'm not coming back, fewww for us all, right lol. I'm Officer Anglo, I handle shit! NOW IT'S YOUR TURN! SIEG HEIL



What makes you think it's okay to talk like this, and approach conversation like this?

Personally I just dont understand it. Not even here to debate or anything, but I'm honestly just curious at this point. The way you approach and write is peculiar to say the least. Not saying that in a negative way either.

Mainly just trying to understand.

Perhaps I was a little harsh in my first post towards you, maybe I should of wrote it differently, so not as to sound as if I was taking a stance of reprimanding.

It's not okay, I admit that and I feel bad, I am just getting over a severe throat blockage and didn't behave very well. I did a lot of drugs and now am trying to mature. I get triggered over moderators and you know, I get that it's about how you say it -- not what you say. I know you walk your talk, everyone has challenges here. If you ever need to talk about the alcohol or want some help, I'll gladly help. I know you can handle your affairs. I am so glad you wrote me rather than ignoring me. Cheers fam, sieg heil!
jrvan said:
This is TOO OLD and definitely not the case of issues that occurred circa 2020. You should have contacted, and yes, I will definitely refund this. Send me an e-mail.

Eventually circa in a couple of months, any such orders [most from 2020 and early 2021, and not many in number] will all be refunded.

I must prioritize things because I am overblown recently, and as thus the delays. There are a thousand ongoing matters at the same time.

You will be able to re-order again in the future.

SaxonStranger100 said:
Here's the issue I've observed for years. Number one, disrespecting the Clergy. When a clergy-member talks to you, fucking refer to them by their rank. Like disrespect 101 -- fuck anyone here who accepted Clerical-Commander Cobra's offer for astrology chart refunds, ohhhh my god (facepalm) That's a very generous gesture. You all know that stupid fucking xians tithe 10-percent. High Priest Hooded Cobra goes all out and you TAKE ADVANTAGE. What his Highness says, with all due respect, is my solid opinion. I bought a chart on June 17/ 2018 and never got it after communications. I'm glad he kept that money, that's the LEAST I COULD DO!!! ...

Well, Saxon? How does it feel to get your balls busted by the High Priest? You see, unlike you, he believes in good business. Services rendered = services paid. There are many here who would love for him to keep the money, but that's what donations are for. From the very beginning, Hoodedcobra didn't want to obtain money for nothing - he wanted to give something in return. He said so himself. That's why he offered the astrology services to begin with.

If you want to forsake your self respect, dignity, and the laws of business then go back to the military and be a jarheaded piece of property who only believes in following orders. Then we won't have to listen to you whine and harshly judge the entire JoS community for basically just respecting High Priest HoodedCobra's wishes.

Your high horse has fallen.

Jrvan, I realize it's not about what you say sometimes, but how you say it. I am not getting my balls busted, close, but no. I wouldv'e just donated it anyhow. I know Cobra King is kind, but people need to not ask for refunds, that isn't acknowledging how hard ur HP Commander works. I feel like people here need to be more strictly regimented. It was overly audacious to write that after getting lifetimes of throat chakra energy out, even though I did my AoPs x216, just too much. I wish people would have been like 'No thank you, HP-HC666, you keep it Bossman!' Putting a smile on the other person's face is better than winning. I may not seem like I understand that, but I do -- and embody better after this lesson. It's not money for nothing. I feel bad I triggered you, but I am not going to relent on my core positions. I wish more people believed in following direct orders, we'd be farther along. We are fine how we are and everyone plays their part. I won't be a dick on here again. I totally see where you are coming from, Jrvan and I don't have any resentment for you for getting put off by my behavior, cheers fam, sieg heil!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
