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About The "We Are With JoS But..." - Enemy Groups

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Every so often a new situation arises where "groups" that claim to be "of JoS" are attempting to form while basically claiming they are "with JoS" while doing exactly what is nothing beneficial to Joy of Satan, Father Satan, or Spiritual Satanists.

Because many people are still on the lower levels of understanding where the sole drivers of blind desire are taking place, it can become confusing to understand why these have no point in existing or why this isn't even necessary, let alone the situations where the enemy is literally running these in order to delay Spiritual Satanists from their mission.

There are always some people who cannot evaluate leadership and cannot evaluate what is of the Gods or not might happen to find themselves in troublesome situations with these groups.

New members especially, not knowing what to do, or guided around by confusion and confused emotions, are generally the audience of these "groups".

This is a guide to spot these, and move away immediately if you find yourself in one of these. Since some of these places have acted in very erratic ways before, even trying to get to know people or "visit" them, then ask the Gods if you find yourself in a very negative situation where detaching can be difficult.

To clear this up, nobody of the Joy of Satan is with Joy of Satan if they defame, pervert our message, instill worthless doubts, procure slander, try to sell material that is free, or do all sorts of other nonsense around Spiritual Satanism.

Those who do this to divide, cause damage on others, or in particular try to sever ties with JoS or keep Satan's people away from Him, you will receive inordinate punishment for this.

We have seen this happen by an amount that is now closing in to hundreds of times, and it is never a pretty ending.

Solely the reason this is written for is to save people time, energy, and effort from being wasted into nothingness withe enemy groups and places where years of their life will be wasted to no avail.

If you are still decidedly allowing this to happen, that is your fault and not nobody elses in that regard. It is even better in many cases to be alone and to fare the path alone, than to fare it with infiltrators and strange gatherings with teenagers in nonsensical groups.

Spiritual Satanism can advance you, but you must allow this to happen. One way to allow this, is to not fall into small satellite nonsense "groups" that have no direction and no aim, and seek only to waste your time.

These groups claim they are "not against JoS" but they primarily do this to draw people in. As the people are drawn in, we have the very similar pattern taking place which is bred by low understanding, egotism, or merely jewish genetics at play:

1. A couple of self entitled egotistic fools that are incompetent, trying to lead even more naive people. In this case, these people make boastful claims, which as you try to "stay" in these places, become even more boastful. They will tell you that they are Gods, and so on.

This takes place on an entry level at first, which might appear to be "like the JoS". After you stay in for a while, you will discover all sorts of crazier and crazier nonsense, leading up all the way to delusions never stated here.

This is how you know you are in a place of suckers, so one has to leave.

2. To cover the fact they have nothing to offer, you will be sitting there and they will tell you that they are Gods, reincarnations of Demons, that they can communicate with the Gods, or that they are reincarnations of very important people.

They are in reality the least important and the most worthless people, only existing there to solve their own emotional hangups about attention, leadership and other problems they cannot find in the real world.

Do not be fooled and do not be retarded. People who are very important beings will NOT sit with you in Discord for 8 and 10 hours on end gaming.

Unfortunately, common sense is becoming more and more scarce as time goes. If you are fooled by these people, it is your fault. Some people can be fooled for years on end, wasting precious Satanic years in full scale delusions and wasting their time.

3. 'But, the Clergy..." Other tactics also include undermining the Clergy, or the Joy of Satan. That one can be done covertly, praising the Joy of Satan on one hand while on the other trying to speak against it. As they see people are retarded and might tolerate this, they continue.

Hot topics include HPS Maxine, HP Cobra who took the group from 308 members and turned it to 300,000+ members and double digit millions of clicks being lesser than them [20 people in Discord with the average median IQ of 85 is a very big feat, it takes the reincarnation of a God to do this], some nonsense story they would never know about being repeated from 2002 [a time from where they were not even born].

They like to scrap these subjects to merely waste people's time. Another favorite line is not to stand with the best High Priests, but focus on people on the rising stage of the Joy of Satan, who have offered them and others nothing: merely to undermine those who do.

The general air of these people is to undermine others, not to help anywhere. After this, you will be followed back to back with something exceptionally stupid.

4. "I agree with the Clergy but after a whole of 6 months of dedication...but...". A favorite line of the infiltrator is not to openly speak against the Joy of Satan, but rather beat around the bush trying to impose on others confusing subjects and a lot of confusion or disinformation.

This can come out of confusion of the people involved, or ill intent. In other way, that is bad and will delay everyone involved.

5. "I care about the Joy of Satan this is why I do the infiltrating business with creating hostile forums, because X told me so". That is another humongous lie, which revolves around other theories about the Joy of Satan which these people create. That is only to cover for the uselessness of their existence and not wanting to truly do anything for the Joy of Satan or their brothers or sisters in the forum or otherwise.

This is attempted to be covered by hiding in secret places where the knowledge and standards of participants are really low, and subverting them in this way.

6. "The Rituals of JoS are fine, but do this Ritual instead". There is nothing further to say here, those who communicate with the Gods do readily understand why we do what we do both through experience and understanding of the whole situation that necessitates our progress.

7. "We are the real group of the Gods, the JoS or X does not talk with them, only we do". People who can hardly do a summoning or know the most basic tenets in Satanism, as dopamine rises due to their inferior natures, can suddenly and without any justification believe that they are very advanced.

Other people who cannot make decisions or think for themselves might get convinced. Selling "Fast paths" and other nonsense is always included in this package as it really preys on the emotional weaknesses of people, and everyone in these groups builds on the weakness of the other.

The reality is that you need a long time and to be persistent to advance. Everything you need is in JoS and we are adding more information to help in that regard. But nobody can advance you "faster", let alone Discord gurus or other failures.

Take this seriously and don't fall on for that nonsense.

8. "Why are you not in JoS Grandma? Because I am too advanced for JoS".

All of this is always geared either to confuse or to pretend they are an authority that they have not been vested by the Gods to be, or through popular work.

The levels of these individuals as explained are tragically low. For this reason, they cannot exist around with other Spiritual Satanists who have any real measurable value, because none of their lies would survive in the light of logic or being compared to other SS who do actual work for Father Satan.

That is only feasible as they try to undermine other Satanists, which is very common on these groups.

9. "Why is your nose too big to be into JoS Grandma? Because my brain is too big". The clearest thing you will see in these groups is basically many jews. There is nothing else to this. As they feel uneasy here, opening other places to procure decay is necessary to them.

10. "Members of JoS are...Forum is..." Another very famous line is blanket violation of the position of all the JoS members and all the JoS people in their entirety, like the Forum or even important members collectively.

The big nose cannot handle to be around these people, so it went into smart hiding with very smart people instead, to share big nose wisdom nobody understands. The day will come when JoS will understand, but it will not, because of evil Cobra or someone else, which includes around 99.99% of JoS excluding the few jews in this little den project.

Only if you are that wise, you can join them and grow on your own nose.

11. Another funnier thing is when people say nonsense and act as mediators when it also involves the connection with the Gods and Clergy.

This might include nonsense about HPS Maxine, or a "random statement" the "leader" of this "group" has received about my standing with the Gods or HPS Maxine's, or someone else's here. The amount of things made up as lies can exceed the lines of even borderline logic.

It gets even crazier when these people might say to be in "direct communication" with me, or HPS Maxine, to use this as justification for every nonsense they might say. If they discover that anyone knows of their negative nonsense, the tune might turn.

These supreme enlightened masters of the pendulum after a whole single week of training it [for less than 5 minutes per day on that end], have "suddenly" [and oftentimes in rhyme with a jewish holiday during which the enemy will sacrifice people to send all against me or JoS or people here] that there is a big negative thing going on that they must instigate doubt towards or attack.

Generally this involves other Satanists, reasonable SS, the Joy of Satan, or people who are absolutely the best or at least decent Satanists, and never a single jew or anything.

That is pathetic, but it also has been noted to take place many times. Clearly it yields nothing but most people like to do this in some sort of eventful event to just attack the JoS when they say they are part of it or something while they aren't even a part of it or something.

Final Note: as these groups always move towards disbandment, destruction, internal failure, and also the wrath of the Gods for wasting the time of many people for a long time, it's better to quickly disengage them and allow idiots to keep wasting their time with them.

The real Satanist will not have time to spend on these places, and will only seek the real place. Here, you do not have to worship anyone, you do not have to sit online for 8 hours on any discord, and you do not have to do a myriad of other things.

On the slight chance that there are true operating "groups" that try to help Satanists outside of the official ones, you will not see anything of the above. Yet, the quality might still be below expectations and might cause you problems.

As one can see, to engage in all of this, one unwillingly might become an enemy, creating the very same circumstances the enemy creates for their own brothers and sisters in Satan, only amplified due their own stupidity. The Gods do not like this. Sit down very seriously and consider if this is doing anything besides wasting everyone's time.

We are not affiliated with any group nor anyone of the real SS in the Joy of Satan has any other activity of this nature, as they would rather help massively and put their energy where this really matters.

Stay strong and stay out of nonsense trouble,

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
In times of crisis, what sells most are miraculous solutions.
On the topic it seems to me the same tactic of the financial market in advertisements or technological novelties, where the only one who definitely wins, whatever the pleasure, is who makes others crazy, even if what exists in the joy of satan itself are true blessings provided for those who have will, discipline and ability.
The (((enemy))) is dirty, misinformation and corruptions everywhere.
Give time to time.
Negative herd mentality. Lowest of the lowest circumstances. Beyond the criminal penalty of actual physical acts in my opinion. Why? Because this kind of influence upon another affects them after death in other lives.

Innocence, naivety, stupidity has nothing to do with this. If that's the case, there's hope for you. Anything more than this, as a conscious effort against yourself and others, is punishable.

There's also the cost of opportunity. Blinding and stealing the potential of something, is beyond criminal. Members are like flowers, we are a garden. The Sun is here, not anywhere else.
HPHC bro who is behind it can you name names.

Always got to be loyal and true.

You cant buy loyalty.
HP. Hoodedcobra666

They're so stupid, cobra. We're dealing with a bunch of brats who think they're something.
I was reminded of something upon reading point #10, which is that I often find myself looking down on people I disagree with. I tend to seek out unusual experiences in life, and the knowledge I gained that way has at times led me to disagree with so many people that it led to me being disappointed with an online community altogether, then taking a break to calm down.
That has been the case for me with the JoS forums as well a few times.

For example, a member here claimed that something which he has no personal experience with is completely up to luck, and I thought that was stupid, as I know from experience that there's no luck involved if you know what you're doing. I considered writing a reply with some basic tips and an explanation on how to acquire the knowledge and skill necessary in order to fully eliminate factors of luck, but didn't bother as I felt like he wasn't really interested in that. But despite not replying to him, I sure thought he was an arrogant fool for acting as if his delusional assumptions and flawed reasoning, stemming from inexperience, are "scientific knowledge".

It reminded me of when I was playing Minesweeper as a kid, and my older brother called me lucky for winning several times in a row. When I tried to explain to him that I wasn't lucky but was simply using the numbers to deduce where the mines were, he said I'm wrong and insisted it's a luck-based game. I was disappointed in him, but was too annoyed by his arrogance to explain it further, so I thought to myself: "maybe he'll get it someday."

Would you say this sort of mentality is fine to have, or is there perhaps a more positive way to look at it? I've tried to be less judgemental, but even if I repress those feelings, they just end up simmering for a while until I can't ignore them anymore. But if I point out people's errors, they tend to get upset, and then there's no end to the pointless argument that ensues, which just feels like a waste of everyone's time. I currently don't know how to deal with this properly, so advice is welcome.
Sadly, this is the truth. The only good that can come from this type of situation is for those responsible to get what they deserve and the ones victim to see how insane and bogus these claims are, and hopefully want to find the real truth for themselves.

Something similar I wanted to shed light on is the act of our members confronting others in a very negative way, no different than a youtube comment section. This makes me wonder that, while trying to get others to join our side is a good thing, should this be taken to the extent of having a full blown argument? Should we give these people the time of day?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Yes thank you for posting this.

New members beware of telegram groups of JoS. Remember: the only legit place is the forums, no where else. Use your discretion. Some ppl are out there promoting transgenderism and call themselves " yezidic pagans" instead of SS. Beware of these shills.
And this is why I never buyed into richard lester’s bullcrap and even lots more from all other people like him back in those wild youtube comment section days, whenever I went into dumb internet fights thanks to stupid big ego who thought he could make them an internet joke for anyone else to publicly roast. I really wish there can be cancel culture/roast mob waves hitting them once the kike finally hits the fan and we are realized as saviors this whole time.
Hello HPHC666.

Great sermon. Yes there are infiltrators and delusioned persons. But I see that there exists another problem. The lack of spiritual knowledge and how to interpret spiritual messages and how to take action on them.

Many of these persons who "claim they are gods" probably get valid messages from real sources, but do not know how to properly put these into action. The main errors with these folks are:

There are always some people who cannot evaluate leadership and cannot evaluate what is of the Gods or not might happen to find themselves in troublesome situations with these groups.

  • So true. Much of this comes from inability to interpret these messages as, allegory, or, as mythological guidance to carry one one's life or spiritual advancement.

For example, I could really get a message passed on to me that I am Ringydingy, the fifth Crowned Princess. Someone naive in how to interpret spiritual information would get online and state this literally. And believe it. And seriously mislead others into joining some movement of theirs. But look here now -- are the gods really telling me that I am _now_ this "Goddess" -- or are they just telling me I am needing to spiritually advance so I can become this Goddess, or anything? Come on folks, _use your mind more_ and drill down deeper into this type of datum/data. This is a skill that once was possessed by many of our Pagan/SS family and has been lost -- thanks a million, enemy.

  • Lack of alignment with occult/hermetic resources.

This just comes with doing one's research and studying up. This takes some time and energy investment. The literature on this, as on this forum and sister sites, helps one greatly with the first problem above.

  • For those who would choose to do so, lack of knowledge of how to interpret data gotten from drug use or certain mental practices.

Because many of these persons who start those forums, blogs, etc. stating they are "with us" do these drugs, or enemy mental practices, and then get online with these messages they perceive, or actually maybe have, received from valid sources.

Use of psychedelic drugs, alcohol, etc., is a dangerous practice, but for one acquainted with real knowledge (not corrupted by the enemy) can yield valuable data for those who have been so spiritually oppressed that they have not really been able to get on with real living -- those suffering from abuse as a child; low SES (Socio economic status) persons -- etc. In many cases they can be the only valid start to advancement. But only a start. For one choosing to go down this path, I will not judge you, I can only advise you to fully educate oneself on the risks vs. benefits of the substance you decide to use; almost all the "street" drugs have hidden pitfalls.

These include the obvious biological/biochemical hazards, as well as a vested interest in those selling these drugs, to get one addicted to them. For example, most strains of marijuana are cultivated to yield 3-4x the THC as marijuana back in the 60's. The obvious vested interest by "dealers" and, also, there are also Wall Street influences on legal marijuana, you can guess what that means -- "shareholders" profit maximally from folks who buy this stuff and stay addicted to it. All about money money money. Know what you are getting into.

Again, I won't judge persons who use drugs, etc., but for crissakes, can you wait and exercise some judgment and not interpret these "visions" you get, so literally. I can state that this can be an extremely dangerous path since these things drain the body of nutrients and can permanently damage the brain and other vital bodily functions.

There is evidence that much wisdom has been obtained from the using psychedelic mushrooms, psilocybin, etc., this could be true or false. Judge for oneself and would you please do your due diligence before proceeding with these. Seek the truth and be sure you really have it. After all, it is your life you are going to be enriching, or throwing away, by using the right or wrong of these.

Above all, generally guide yourself to practicing mind practices as outline in this Forum and the sister pages. One thing about this life most of us live on this planet is that the R (Reality) factor on these spiritual practices is low -- most folks new to spiritual practices don't believe these really work, and hence are focused toward a lower reality based on a purely biochemical or material reality. Try the above first before you turn to substances, and if you already use them, try the spiritual practices, you will find they will reduce and eventually end your reliance on purely material/chemical means to understanding.

These problem groups are a real pain, and can be defeated by doing your spiritual warfare as well as the Abrasax ritual (toward understanding). Don't despair. And don't let these get to you. As one of my favorite authors L. Ron Hubbard has said, "Even heroes can have lice." :lol: Swat the lice and move on.

Much love,
All of those enemy groups are just an absolute mockery beyond belief.

The Gods awhile ago lead me to a specific site like that, to see for myself how much of a joke and laughable they were.

Just the complete antithesis of what we represent, and what Satanism represents for humanity.

Yes, members past a point of advancement here, can see through the lies, delusion.

The whole site was a complete energetic shithole even, and made me want to vomit, even seeing and skimming through it. The absolute lowest depths, disgusting shit ever. Literally like a jew just took a shit and rubbed it on the walls and called it "spiritual".

Literally just a bunch of hooknosed lizardbergsteins circle jerking how much they hate the joy of Satan and half assed, bullshit arguments to try and justify it, along with slander, and retarded things of that nature, in hopes they bring gentiles on board to betray the Joy of Satan basically, and then stupid gentiles actually jump on board because they are either degenerate, misguided and or unspiritual.

Sometimes innocents get dragged in and misguided... but past a point how "innocent" are they? They aren't. Once they get in they just go full tilt schizo against us, and flaunt their rotten feathers.

I hope Satan and the Gods just wreck them all belief.
Either way these groups and discord is nothing more then Fed/Glownigger technology implementations. As far as I'm aware Discord has become a fed bombers place as I like to call them or B17 carpet/dive bombing(yes dive bombing with strategic bombers it's a play on bombers role and makes perfect sense how can a person use a strategic bomber to dive bomb).

From basically getting information from various groups we have particularly some Euro/Turkish and other people. As well as my own research. Discord started off as innocent or from the ground up may have had intentions with being a glower operations. You see the problem is many gamers even sorta degenerate gamers are either right winger, pro-Trump, or are not really for lefty positions or wanting America to collapse or ANY nation for that manner.

As well as gaming has a mass appeal with some people spending 12-15 hours daily playing. It's the same with some of these youtube gamer stars like the girl on Twitch that sounds like Siri and spends hours+ talking like Siri. Or for example a few years ago back in the early 2010s or so when auto-tuned vox systems started being employed and people talked like Duke Nukem or Arnold Schwarzenegger or Cleveland Brown without automated pre-recorded messages no rather the person is being modulated throughout the whole thing live through talk.

Sheer fact is the feds got the idea for Cointel operations to gather up people willing to perform crimes to subvert nation-state. In essence like Tim Pool said the FBI is really gone off the rails these past few years and has gotten so involved in Democrat politics it's no surprise they incurred Trump's wrath.

Sheer fact is like all these shooters that are online for example Facebook scanners hunting down guns for example like one person said. Never put your guns online because even though the serial number is not visible and you might have or have not removed your EXIF data the feds are marking down everyone with a gun to have knock or no-knock warrants and take the guns. Like SaltyCracker's goes "There's a little over 300 million guns, THAT you know of!".

In essence gaming has become = Another operation to subvert nation state. As a matter of fact it's getting to the point whereby I wouldn't be surprised if one day some reddit thread or some website opens up detailing fed operations in all major voice-chat systems. I think for closed systems like ventrillo and teamspeak it's okay because you can create closed networks and have just your own clan and people or MMORPG players speak through it, through password closed chat. But these open places like Discord and Twitch. That's just echelon target trace program.

I want to feel like Discord was an innocent project and popped out the feds and said lets Americanize it with B17 bomber freedom. But I highly doubt Discord was created to be innocent maybe even be from the ground up a fed op.

Sheer fact is I'd like in the future for programs to have point-to-point security as well as vox modulation programs so if you man-in-the-middle attack it all you hear is non-sense and modulated sounds and effects. Sorta like a voice Enigma machine and the old radio-wave telex systems, whereby they can yeah sorta crack it but just add another wheel and it fucks with the allies way of hacking the code.

Sheer fact is even gaming these days has become dangerous and lots of people are probably on lists from various countries ready to get the commie bullet into the person's head to show them the love and liberty of praising the lawd and real nations.

As for these groups. Besides idiots and retards not knowing there is an "Official JoS forum system" in place. It's just speed bumps. Oy vey we gotta JoS it up it's the new shit 'n' sheit. Cool thanks your moving members to us. In the act of fools and enemies praising JoS acting like speed bumps and traps they are in fact aggrandizing our forces.

This isn't 1910s-1920s post-WW1 whereby Ustache jews can act like jewish nazis and perform glownigger operations and make the populace hate everyone and going "Oh the fascist/Nazi groups are attacking us we need hlap from them ebil, debil peple".

Funny it's like the enemy doesn't understand the internet and mass dispersion. Or maybe they do understand the internet perfectly well and don't comprehend it at the same time. Sorta like Marilyn Manson states in Beautiful People "They can't see the Forest, nor the Trees, and they can't smell their own shit on their knees".

These groups just feed into us like Nick "Tasteless" Plott states Starcraft 2 commentator. "At what point are you feeding into your opponent?!".

These groups will grow up, glownigger warnings are done, some don't heed the warning they come in and are like "Yeah ebil, debil stuff hallelujah praise the debil which is God and God is the Debil". Then we come along and go "Perhaps you'd like to start from the beginning, here goy here is a hip old religion; The Joy of Satan and the Empire of Orion technologies of Spirituality".

And then it's like "o_O what the fuck did I join". You joined and glowie/retard hive nest of shit eaters, lulz.

I think these groups are just gonna collapse unto us and aggrandize our forces. Even the 800lb elephant in the room Hitler and Nazism is going to be liked because we are telling them the truth.

I don't know why people are so gullible or something. Reminds me of Tim Pool "Do people not use google and google-fu stuff? do they not study various websites on the same story to understand the left, central-moderate, and right side?".

But what can I say they get the gullible ones to follow their glowisms and their terrorism. Gotta marxise the young while we can so we can fuck up reality 'n' sheit.
I heard some people on Discord say "HP is against the Satan,not the priestess" and those who say this are SS (they call themselves ss) I hope people don't fall for it
stayhigh666 said:
I heard some people on Discord say "HP is against the Satan,not the priestess" and those who say this are SS (they call themselves ss) I hope people don't fall for it

Nobody in our position can be against Satan or exist without his love and support.

These people are as stupid as to think Father Satan is lesser than them.

These lies build on stupidity and lack of knowledge about the Gods.

Use sense and logic. If anyone falls for this, then they are stupid, let them fall for it.

Anaten Piewalker said:
Hello HPHC666.

Great sermon. Yes there are infiltrators and delusioned persons. But I see that there exists another problem. The lack of spiritual knowledge and how to interpret spiritual messages and how to take action on them.

Many of these persons who "claim they are gods" probably get valid messages from real sources, but do not know how to properly put these into action. The main errors with these folks are:
Much love,

I do not want to shock anyone but most of this is just fantastical nonsense on their behalf and weak personalities that try to give themselves a pointless boost of ego in front of other idiots.

This is on line with people who claim bogus shit that they are Jesus or an Angel or the Antichrist or whatever.

The Gods do not work in this way and would not give pointless clues that would lead to disaster. Even if they give some information, it would be within another context.

These people are not Gods and they are on the opposite side not even proper human beings yet. This is a very high level of delusion.

Sooner or later they will understand this but the problem is by then they have confused many and lost a lot of time.

Drugs are a sureproof way to cause excessive and very dangerous illusions. They are in many cases combined with the above. All of this is lies and delusions and has nothing to do with any reality.

If anyone tells you to do drug use, stray away immediately, they are a fraud.
Thank you very much for this post, as I know there is a lot out there that are still naive like I was.
Wanting to interact with people is a very normal human feeling, especially people who are more like us, but it will bring nothing but grief and problems if you go looking for this outside of the forums in any capacity.

As for "spotting infiltrators", be careful, as I have seen comments in other threads about this as well, look if someone really has bad intentions it will show in time, there is no need to fixate over it. You may think you are doing some good trying to "root out" these people but this can eventually go overboard as well and proves to be a time waste and can even be an annoyance to others. Just because someone comes off as a little odd or with a disagreeing viewpoint doesn't make them an infiltrator. A lot of times these people are new and do not know any better. People come from a lot of different walks of life and as a result, will come off as a little strange to others or have "weird" ways of interacting. This will never of course excuse any attacks against the Gods or JOS, and one must also have a genuine intent to want to advance or learn through their confusion.

There may have been people who have had genuinely good intentions with "spying" or rooting out baddies, (While others and actual jews have had another agenda entirely..) and if this applies to you, please do not worry, these people will always somehow reveal themselves, do not waste your time on them because the Gods always have ways to light up any potential rat holes and they see way more than we do. Focus instead on helping people here and getting important projects done and donating.

There is still a lot of drama that goes on, on and off the forums, take it from someone who is stubborn and learned the hard way, and stay out of it and leave it be, there are more important things to focus on.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thanks for the explanation. This is nothing new to me, as I already knew most of the tactics you described, which belongs to the bullshit of idiots such as the groups of Vovim and Kai and Mageson and Zola. It also describes morons such as the group of transgendered furries of DeviantART who claims to be "Satanists".

We should also not forget other morons such as "Warriors of Lucifer", who makes crappy blasphemous animations on our Gods on Bitchute while pretending to be "on our side".

A thing that reminds me is of these so-called "former members" who "exposes" the JoS as "controlled opposition", while being of course kikes who had cursed themselves, such as the idiot who put a Trollface on Father Satan face.

Although not an infiltrators I would also mention that there is a website who uses Joy of Satan's name and part of what is written in the home page to sell some shitty new age books.

May the Gods have no mercy on such circus. Hail Satan and all the Gods!
Can I say that here in Italy there are really too many people who say they are "Satanists" and groups of people who make a lot of videos on social media or have groups or in any case lie shamelessly being followed by many people, and that they all go against the truths of JoS? I am a witness to all this and I have listened to the greatest blasphemies in my life (which out of modesty and respect, I will not repeat either here or elsewhere). I have spent much of my satanic years fighting all these lies with some success, but the situation in some circles is devastating and often people who would really love and know Father Satan encounter these thugs and rascals who tell them untruths. And these good people who would really like to give their whole heart to Satan believe anything. This is very sad ...
Sorry for the emotional outburst, I hope I expressed myself well even though I'm not English.
The coincedence of this post. I was shown something yesterday evening about this particular matter actually. While I have known it for a while, I have never really cared to bother myself about it. But, there it was, shoved in my face...

These degenerate low life spirituality punks...with the audacity to claim and tell people false things that they don't even understand about JoS, HP Maxine, Satan and the Demons. The Jewish scumbags do very much put out false information that is nothing but a trap to keep people away from Satan!

I will not go into what I was shown here, or share it for obvious reasons.

They lied, slandered and as perverted they are, showing their true colors in all their shades of shit. They couldn't even hide all the jewishness in their statements. They do go the extra mile to make JoS, HP Maxine, HP Hooded Cobra and Satan to loose their credibility and legitimacy.

The thing is, we know by doing and having direct experience of what the Truth is! Many of us have seen Satan's miracles! We know, especially for the ones who have been meditating, the effects of meditation. We have felt our souls, and many of us have had the pleasure of interacting with the Gods and Goddeses and seen their blessings. Just think about how well your life have IMPROVED after dedicating your soul to Satan and begun a meditation program where you work upon your soul and mind. Satan is the bringer of Truth, Knowledge and Immortality.

If you fall under the falsehood of degenerate people that lies about JoS being bad, wrong, or being an ascended God to fill their own petty ego, then you are in for a rude awakening.


You haven't said much new this time. It's simply a shortened version of the infiltrators, who have been mentioned many times before, but this is like an expanded version. They can still be overcome I think with minor to major success, but there are much bigger problems. I have been following JoS since 2013 and committed in 2015. So as far as I am concerned, I am no longer fresh meat. Over the last nearly 7 and a half years I have sadly noticed that the whole system has been diluted. I noticed it from the very beginning, but after Maxine's departure it got worse. By dilution I mean that literally everyone is now mixing whatever they want into the initial occult, philosophical and ideological system. From the "freedom seeking" liberal to the feminist to the homophobic neo-Nazi, it's almost completely wide ranging, all the way down to the "cave dweller" (Don't watch anime or any show/film because it's Jewish. Don't listen to light music because it's Jewish. Don't play video games because it's Jewish. In fact! Don't go around people and don't look at women, an incubus/succubus is enough for you). Or sneak in a little Anton Lavey. Or a bit of ONA. But the "braver" ones are even going so far as to preach against black magic. I think everyone gets it even though I could go on for a good while. And let's not even talk about a couple of cases where he goes so far as to disregard his own physical body at the expense of "occultism". Speaking of the physical body, here's an analogy for someone who spends part of his free time bodybuilding. After a workout, one usually looks forward to drinking a well-deserved shake. Then some degenerate comes along and explains to you that if you piss in it, the protein will be better absorbed into your muscles. If you're dumb enough you'll do it, but instead of a well-deserved and delicious protein shake, you'll get a stale slop. I know it's a silly analogy, but I think everyone gets the point in light of the above. Of course, I am not saying that we should not try to apply various occult or hermetic techniques, or take philosophical or ideological values from elsewhere, as Maxine once said: 'Discover new things'. But copy-paste always results in the aforementioned swill. I also miss the real old school line that Maxine created, which I myself try to maintain with varying degrees of success.
It burns me when infiltrators get in JOS and try to misdirect new members and waste SS time. Any other group are conformist jew shills whether knowingly or unknowingly, with the exception of a few. Yet no group can compare to our advancement and TRUE direct communications with the Gods and Father Satan.
We are a diamond in the rough as I saw another SS state in the past when another member suggested we join forces with BALG/SatanicKikeTemple or something. Other groups should want to join us SS as should humanity, and so it shall in time!
Fuck the jews and their pathetic infiltrators and shabbos kike worshippers.
Bless the Gods and Satan most genius and powerful!
Nimrod33 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thanks for the explanation. This is nothing new to me, as I already knew most of the tactics you described, which belongs to the bullshit of idiots such as the groups of Vovim and Kai and Mageson and Zola. It also describes morons such as the group of transgendered furries of DeviantART who claims to be "Satanists".


Same here, and thanks HPHC for more details on this subject. I remember when I first got here and tried to find more info about the Demons listed here on JoS. I would type in the name of a God or Goddess in any search engine and end up with corrupted data shown by several other websites.

Also, furries are still a thing? 🤮 I remember when those weirdos were invading some old video game server I used to play on years ago. They creeped me out, and when I found out what their "codewords" in the game chat meant I felt sick and logged out.
Thanks for the heads up. I know the enemy is trying to make us all look bad, in every angle. And i know that they are bullheaded, stubborn and won't give up either. And they have had many attempts at attacking us and our website here. And of course! Go figure did they would go as far as taking information from the group and create their own variation of what we have going on here! The Jews don't give up! Considering the mess that they have made with this planet! Fucking things up as it is! They are doing everything they can! To destroy us and twist things around as much as they can! Leaving no stone left unturned! And they know that we are ahead in our game! And we are doing our very best to keep ahead! And We Satanists wint give up either!!🔥 when the going gets tough the tough gets going!!!⚡💀 Hail Satan!! Hail Hitler!!🖤🔥
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is on line with people who claim bogus shit that they are Jesus or an Angel or the Antichrist or whatever.

Online yes, lots of non-sense.

But in real life. I'm aware "health is tied to spirituality".

But why is it when people are sick physically or mental health wise they always seek spirituality? Even non-religious people adopt a attitude of finding a spiritualist to heal. In the mental health community when a crisis occurs they even act out going "I'm christ, the devil, antichrist, Satan, god, Gods, or something".

Why is it both the act to heal and the act of breakdown there is a major spiritual firing occurring?

Is it the whole instinctual principle that the Gods healed people and taught man medicine and cures that is still embedded in the DNA and people react to that?

I'm aware on the mainsite Maxine states in one part with spiritual practices miraculously people are cured. It sounds a bit xtianty convert, pray, and your golden. But I assume this requires a long and strong disciplines of spiritual exercises and magick, exercise, and diet to name a few and being open and listening to the intuition, Gods, and members who experience similar properties or synchronicity particularly when someone posts a new post on a health issue and all of a sudden a bunch of people are like "I got the same issue or something happened to someone I know and it's the same thing you have or I've read about that and was always curious on how that can be solved or rectified".
stayhigh666 said:
I heard some people on Discord say "HP is against the Satan,not the priestess" and those who say this are SS (they call themselves ss) I hope people don't fall for it

Where is this filth i want to see it can you meassage it to me, tried look last night see whos behind it couldnt.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

JOS has always been anti drugs also helped me through a bad period when i myself induldged helped me stop also.

Wont get that help anywhere else trust me.
Some years ago I had also joined a group outside of JOS for "SS"... There were very few people in that group (less than 10) and it remained like that.

I do believe 1-2 of these people were legit SS (one of them being the person who created this group) and we were discussing about the things we read in the forums (not in a negative light, but trying to understand more things) as well as world events that were unfolding at that time. Oftentimes we also messed around, teased one another and just said random stuff, like one does in a chat, like talking to friends online.

Turns out, one of the members of that group was a jew, and that fucking bitch was also known in our forums before she was discovered. She made very strong statements about having personal interactions with the Gods and would eventually start telling us how "unreasonable" HP HC is, and how he is personally attacking her etc...

At some point, two members of that group became boyfriend-girlfriend... And then at some point the boyfriend joined the army and became a HARDCORE xtian. Of course he left the groups.

I also specifically remember how the jewish bitch with the big claims was telling us that if we meditate when we are tired and falling asleep, then it's still okay, because we continue the meditation in our sleep. So, we could for example start doing a sun square, then accidentally fall asleep while doing it, but it still counts because we continue the meditation in our sleep...
I remember how bizarre this had sounded to me, but I also remember how one of the members of that group believed that 100% and was no longer cautious not to do meditations while being very tired and falling asleep halfways.

Eventually, the group stopped existing, but before that happened many people had completely lost their way and are no longer SS.

Perhaps I am biased to say this, but I do believe that the person who created this group didn't do it with any ill intent. There were also big claims, like saying that a specific God was the Patron of our group, and I can't be entirely sure about that, although I did have personal experiences with him (simple things, like feeling his energy or hearing some kind of response from him) because I decided to become closer to him and made some effort into it. To this day I am very fond of that God, so whether he was the Patron of that group is unknown to me, but I believe in my small experiences with him and think of him very dearly.

However, my realization from that experience is very simple. I believe that our forums here have a very special and unique kind of protection from Satan and the Gods/Goddesses themselves, and even if infiltrators try to bring them down (it has happened many times in the past) we are still standing strong, like the strongest and most powerful castle made of indestructible materials that was ever built. This will never fall.

However, all these other groups (and I repeat, even if they were created with good intentions) are like sand castles, and it's only a matter of time before they fall because of infiltration and so on.

This is my personal experience with this.
I wonder who believes them. People should use logic. If they hear of a main site of JoS, official Forums, and some underground groups on discord, people visit those groups!?
To my experience, those groups are often guided by lesser individuals with a big ego and a very low self esteem, basically weak inside.
This allows the enemy - in some cases - to guide those puppets behind the scenes, using unconscious means, so the puppet is even partially unaware of what is doing and is fully overtaken by his ego, in his/her quest towards nothing.
Yes they run after ... being nullified, in the long run.

Some groups suck people in due to the enemy's power behind the puppet, so I personally stay away 100% from them. There's nothing interesting in there, and I would waste energies (my and from my GD) by detaching their negativity later on.

Also, I think putting some energies against the fake groups by some spot rituals and Runes to keep them far, would not be bad if you have time and target a specific group.
Hi there, small group runner here i run a small group on telegram that claims to be friendly towards the JOS a few things i don't do
i don't allow slander of the gods
i don't allow people to have defeatist attitudes in other words shut up about dooms day crap
i don't allow slandering of the JOS i don't mind constructive criticism but out right blaming the JOS or saying they are unworthy or shouldn't be considered good isn't true and isn't acceptable

a few of the things i do do
promote donating to the JOS not mandatory
promote spiritual warfare not mandatory
promote activism not mandatory
promote the main site and forums for knowledge and guidance not mandatory

i believe a lot in freedom of speech and venting this doesnt make them an enemy of the JOS they just might not like how all these things are moderated first before being said i can however also say from running even a small group i can understand why you moderate it thanks to christian garbage trolls and bots i can see why you guys moderate all your posts.

there is one thing id like to apologize to you Cobra for however and that was the nagging of financial planning i have a lot of big ideas some of which are not perhaps the wisest moves to be making for the group as a whole i do see progress towards the same global collaboration beginning to take shape this is obvious with the translations being made i just get passionate about doing something now.

after a discussion with Gusion i realized that i should wait for the main part of the spiritual battle to be over in a few years time and that we don't know how bad this is going to go and that turbulent times does create opportunities but they are risky and that the JOS shouldn't be chasing down my passions but should be concreting its position and expanding appropriately i know our time will come i'm guilty of wanting it to be now.

One thing i would like to see is the revival of the Azazel marketplace candle making is easy and fun id love to buy products and more over manufacture products to sell on the Marketplace i think maybe instead of trying to supply the goods yourself you should make it more like Amazon and just facilitate the sales and let other people who make crystal sets art work and witchcraft products sell their wares for bit coin it doesn't have to be just witch craft stuff either id love to buy all kinds of products with a small fee charged and making money of course to the JOS plus advertising and what not it becomes a very profitable business keep the knowledge free or charge money for the paperback copies of the site put a leather cover on it proper paper parchment pages id pay money for that it would be cool and authentic looking.

Just an idea not telling you to do it right now anyway i hope this finds you all well.
This is great, very much needed.

I really like the part in point 2, about how the people leading other groups are there "to solve their own emotional hangups about attention, leadership and other problems they cannot find in the real world." This is so true. People who have a life in the real world, and who build up their lives and enter prominent or semi-prominent positions in their families and/or communities don't feel the need to be "leaders" in online groups with secret agendas to lead people away from the JoS.
Ursa Minor said:
Also, furries are still a thing? 🤮 I remember when those weirdos were invading some old video game server I used to play on years ago. They creeped me out, and when I found out what their "codewords" in the game chat meant I felt sick and logged out.

Unfortunately yes, they still exist and alongside them other degenerate fandoms as well. I cannot stand them for their idiotic behavior. I wouldn't be surprised if the furry fandom originated from Jews, considering that their scriptures such as the Talmud calls us "animals". As I said in another post, I also hate when they attempt to appropriate our Gods in their Egyptian forms.

I also had the misfortune of becoming a friend of a degenerate of this type, who was also a brony and a moe watcher. He had a toxic personality and became much worse when he started a web relationship with an equally degenerate and toxic girl. I was hoping that he would improve his life, but after seeing his (((face))) in a certain posture I had no doubt that I was wasting my time with them and left them and did a middle finger before leaving their server.

TL:DR: Do not waste your time and Internet connection with fandoms, since they are full of degenerates who can only ruin your soul.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Every so often a new situation arises where "groups" that claim to be "of JoS" are attempting to form while basically claiming they are "with JoS" while doing exactly what is nothing beneficial to Joy of Satan, Father Satan, or Spiritual Satanists.

Because many people are still on the lower levels of understanding where the sole drivers of blind desire are taking place, it can become confusing to understand why these have no point in existing or why this isn't even necessary, let alone the situations where the enemy is literally running these in order to delay Spiritual Satanists from their mission.

There are always some people who cannot evaluate leadership and cannot evaluate what is of the Gods or not might happen to find themselves in troublesome situations with these groups.

New members especially, not knowing what to do, or guided around by confusion and confused emotions, are generally the audience of these "groups".

This is a guide to spot these, and move away immediately if you find yourself in one of these. Since some of these places have acted in very erratic ways before, even trying to get to know people or "visit" them, then ask the Gods if you find yourself in a very negative situation where detaching can be difficult.

To clear this up, nobody of the Joy of Satan is with Joy of Satan if they defame, pervert our message, instill worthless doubts, procure slander, try to sell material that is free, or do all sorts of other nonsense around Spiritual Satanism.

Those who do this to divide, cause damage on others, or in particular try to sever ties with JoS or keep Satan's people away from Him, you will receive inordinate punishment for this.

We have seen this happen by an amount that is now closing in to hundreds of times, and it is never a pretty ending.

Solely the reason this is written for is to save people time, energy, and effort from being wasted into nothingness withe enemy groups and places where years of their life will be wasted to no avail.

If you are still decidedly allowing this to happen, that is your fault and not nobody elses in that regard. It is even better in many cases to be alone and to fare the path alone, than to fare it with infiltrators and strange gatherings with teenagers in nonsensical groups.

Spiritual Satanism can advance you, but you must allow this to happen. One way to allow this, is to not fall into small satellite nonsense "groups" that have no direction and no aim, and seek only to waste your time.

These groups claim they are "not against JoS" but they primarily do this to draw people in. As the people are drawn in, we have the very similar pattern taking place which is bred by low understanding, egotism, or merely jewish genetics at play:

1. A couple of self entitled egotistic fools that are incompetent, trying to lead even more naive people. In this case, these people make boastful claims, which as you try to "stay" in these places, become even more boastful. They will tell you that they are Gods, and so on.

This takes place on an entry level at first, which might appear to be "like the JoS". After you stay in for a while, you will discover all sorts of crazier and crazier nonsense, leading up all the way to delusions never stated here.

This is how you know you are in a place of suckers, so one has to leave.

2. To cover the fact they have nothing to offer, you will be sitting there and they will tell you that they are Gods, reincarnations of Demons, that they can communicate with the Gods, or that they are reincarnations of very important people.

They are in reality the least important and the most worthless people, only existing there to solve their own emotional hangups about attention, leadership and other problems they cannot find in the real world.

Do not be fooled and do not be retarded. People who are very important beings will NOT sit with you in Discord for 8 and 10 hours on end gaming.

Unfortunately, common sense is becoming more and more scarce as time goes. If you are fooled by these people, it is your fault. Some people can be fooled for years on end, wasting precious Satanic years in full scale delusions and wasting their time.

3. 'But, the Clergy..." Other tactics also include undermining the Clergy, or the Joy of Satan. That one can be done covertly, praising the Joy of Satan on one hand while on the other trying to speak against it. As they see people are retarded and might tolerate this, they continue.

Hot topics include HPS Maxine, HP Cobra who took the group from 308 members and turned it to 300,000+ members and double digit millions of clicks being lesser than them [20 people in Discord with the average median IQ of 85 is a very big feat, it takes the reincarnation of a God to do this], some nonsense story they would never know about being repeated from 2002 [a time from where they were not even born].

They like to scrap these subjects to merely waste people's time. Another favorite line is not to stand with the best High Priests, but focus on people on the rising stage of the Joy of Satan, who have offered them and others nothing: merely to undermine those who do.

The general air of these people is to undermine others, not to help anywhere. After this, you will be followed back to back with something exceptionally stupid.

4. "I agree with the Clergy but after a whole of 6 months of dedication...but...". A favorite line of the infiltrator is not to openly speak against the Joy of Satan, but rather beat around the bush trying to impose on others confusing subjects and a lot of confusion or disinformation.

This can come out of confusion of the people involved, or ill intent. In other way, that is bad and will delay everyone involved.

5. "I care about the Joy of Satan this is why I do the infiltrating business with creating hostile forums, because X told me so". That is another humongous lie, which revolves around other theories about the Joy of Satan which these people create. That is only to cover for the uselessness of their existence and not wanting to truly do anything for the Joy of Satan or their brothers or sisters in the forum or otherwise.

This is attempted to be covered by hiding in secret places where the knowledge and standards of participants are really low, and subverting them in this way.

6. "The Rituals of JoS are fine, but do this Ritual instead". There is nothing further to say here, those who communicate with the Gods do readily understand why we do what we do both through experience and understanding of the whole situation that necessitates our progress.

7. "We are the real group of the Gods, the JoS or X does not talk with them, only we do". People who can hardly do a summoning or know the most basic tenets in Satanism, as dopamine rises due to their inferior natures, can suddenly and without any justification believe that they are very advanced.

Other people who cannot make decisions or think for themselves might get convinced. Selling "Fast paths" and other nonsense is always included in this package as it really preys on the emotional weaknesses of people, and everyone in these groups builds on the weakness of the other.

The reality is that you need a long time and to be persistent to advance. Everything you need is in JoS and we are adding more information to help in that regard. But nobody can advance you "faster", let alone Discord gurus or other failures.

Take this seriously and don't fall on for that nonsense.

8. "Why are you not in JoS Grandma? Because I am too advanced for JoS".

All of this is always geared either to confuse or to pretend they are an authority that they have not been vested by the Gods to be, or through popular work.

The levels of these individuals as explained are tragically low. For this reason, they cannot exist around with other Spiritual Satanists who have any real measurable value, because none of their lies would survive in the light of logic or being compared to other SS who do actual work for Father Satan.

That is only feasible as they try to undermine other Satanists, which is very common on these groups.

9. "Why is your nose too big to be into JoS Grandma? Because my brain is too big". The clearest thing you will see in these groups is basically many jews. There is nothing else to this. As they feel uneasy here, opening other places to procure decay is necessary to them.

10. "Members of JoS are...Forum is..." Another very famous line is blanket violation of the position of all the JoS members and all the JoS people in their entirety, like the Forum or even important members collectively.

The big nose cannot handle to be around these people, so it went into smart hiding with very smart people instead, to share big nose wisdom nobody understands. The day will come when JoS will understand, but it will not, because of evil Cobra or someone else, which includes around 99.99% of JoS excluding the few jews in this little den project.

Only if you are that wise, you can join them and grow on your own nose.

11. Another funnier thing is when people say nonsense and act as mediators when it also involves the connection with the Gods and Clergy.

This might include nonsense about HPS Maxine, or a "random statement" the "leader" of this "group" has received about my standing with the Gods or HPS Maxine's, or someone else's here. The amount of things made up as lies can exceed the lines of even borderline logic.

It gets even crazier when these people might say to be in "direct communication" with me, or HPS Maxine, to use this as justification for every nonsense they might say. If they discover that anyone knows of their negative nonsense, the tune might turn.

These supreme enlightened masters of the pendulum after a whole single week of training it [for less than 5 minutes per day on that end], have "suddenly" [and oftentimes in rhyme with a jewish holiday during which the enemy will sacrifice people to send all against me or JoS or people here] that there is a big negative thing going on that they must instigate doubt towards or attack.

Generally this involves other Satanists, reasonable SS, the Joy of Satan, or people who are absolutely the best or at least decent Satanists, and never a single jew or anything.

That is pathetic, but it also has been noted to take place many times. Clearly it yields nothing but most people like to do this in some sort of eventful event to just attack the JoS when they say they are part of it or something while they aren't even a part of it or something.

Final Note: as these groups always move towards disbandment, destruction, internal failure, and also the wrath of the Gods for wasting the time of many people for a long time, it's better to quickly disengage them and allow idiots to keep wasting their time with them.

The real Satanist will not have time to spend on these places, and will only seek the real place. Here, you do not have to worship anyone, you do not have to sit online for 8 hours on any discord, and you do not have to do a myriad of other things.

On the slight chance that there are true operating "groups" that try to help Satanists outside of the official ones, you will not see anything of the above. Yet, the quality might still be below expectations and might cause you problems.

As one can see, to engage in all of this, one unwillingly might become an enemy, creating the very same circumstances the enemy creates for their own brothers and sisters in Satan, only amplified due their own stupidity. The Gods do not like this. Sit down very seriously and consider if this is doing anything besides wasting everyone's time.

We are not affiliated with any group nor anyone of the real SS in the Joy of Satan has any other activity of this nature, as they would rather help massively and put their energy where this really matters.

Stay strong and stay out of nonsense trouble,

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hypocrisy is intolerable, but it's also important to change as information changes.

There are no mediators in satanism always, so when we are on our feet with the basics, we follow our own individual path with the gods and think for ourselves. A person can easily flip the reverse enemy card and in fact accuse someone of being an enemy when they're not as many people have on here. People should always make their own choices outside of fear of being some sort of insubordinate person, staying true to themselves and hopefully making a decision that's best for them and not influenced by a lie. If they're out they're out. I try to not let other people's judgements as if they are a god or have any personal knowledge of me not have an effect. Stay strong in myself. Things slide at times.

Intentionally drawing people away from the gods would not be great but there's personal accountability on all ends aside from predators who choose weak minds. Just as easily can a person be stuck with this heresy flag for making mistakes. If they are following that there are wars with enemy "entities" or thoughtforms, I believe a person has a choice whether or not to partake in that, to a degree... but in that event - like what's described there are some people who are direct descendants of those who are actively cursed. And thoughtforms may be attached to lineage at times which will naturally manifest as it's destroyed, in some way, usually not causing damning harm with proper protection.

I read that my great great aunt, as she was being killed had priests standing over her body reciting damnation prayers repeatedly for being a "witch". At the same time as dreams occurred about her, I started facing a lot of slander. There was intense negative energy in every dream until I'd find her in an attic and it would fall off and dissipate. Each dream got better. Her body and face used as a literal poppit and still is used to symbolize fear and torture. Not even from that long ago. But to show how weak that side of things is, yeah it's very irrelevant for the most part. A couple of bad dreams and a couple of people making false accusations, a couple of bad moods here and there. The door hit it on the way out.
SeguaceDiSatana said:
Can I say that here in Italy there are really too many people who say they are "Satanists" and groups of people who make a lot of videos on social media or have groups or in any case lie shamelessly being followed by many people, and that they all go against the truths of JoS? I am a witness to all this and I have listened to the greatest blasphemies in my life (which out of modesty and respect, I will not repeat either here or elsewhere). I have spent much of my satanic years fighting all these lies with some success, but the situation in some circles is devastating and often people who would really love and know Father Satan encounter these thugs and rascals who tell them untruths. And these good people who would really like to give their whole heart to Satan believe anything. This is very sad ...
Sorry for the emotional outburst, I hope I expressed myself well even though I'm not English.

It's commendable that you have fought these lies. Your english is great, I understood everything you wrote.

Yes, this is very frequent, and these people are so stupid. Especially when they do socially deplorable things that defame Father Satan, this invites his direct fury on them, which is why many people that have been wanna-be "Satanists" and did all sorts of nonsense, always end up badly, as they do only what a jew would to defame Satan in this case.

In all of these blasphemer groups, it's almost always Jews or idiots gathered together. I never seen a single one not being run or being controlled by the jews.

The first problem these groups have is that their love of ignorance makes them truly ignorant, and this has severe penalties from them. As they do not turn themselves correct, this further invites the dislike or the fury of the Gods as time goes.

lybium666 said:

You haven't said much new this time. It's simply a shortened version of the infiltrators, who have been mentioned many times before, but this is like an expanded version. They can still be overcome I think with minor to major success, but there are much bigger problems. I have been following JoS since 2013 and committed in 2015. So as far as I am concerned, I am no longer fresh meat. Over the last nearly 7 and a half years I have sadly noticed that the whole system has been diluted. I noticed it from the very beginning, but after Maxine's departure it got worse. By dilution I mean that literally everyone is now mixing whatever they want into the initial occult, philosophical and ideological system. From the "freedom seeking" liberal to the feminist to the homophobic neo-Nazi, it's almost completely wide ranging, all the way down to the "cave dweller" (Don't watch anime or any show/film because it's Jewish. Don't listen to light music because it's Jewish. Don't play video games because it's Jewish. In fact! Don't go around people and don't look at women, an incubus/succubus is enough for you). Or sneak in a little Anton Lavey. Or a bit of ONA. But the "braver" ones are even going so far as to preach against black magic. ....

HPS Maxine has done the second level of the Great Work and since I have been fully capable of being here and alongside the community, that was a wonderful given opportunity by the Gods for her to continue. Taking obligations was necessary to that end. That allowed of a great opportunity for her and it has been exactly as the Gods wanted it to be.

I willfully accepted this as this is what a brother would do for their own sister, and it has been absolutely necessary for things to happen this way and no other way. The community also has grown immensely.

We did not know how this would escalate in full back on the year where certain events unfolded, besides some knowledge we had prior [but you can never know until the events truly happen]. Then we were faced with the event. Everything worked out as it should have in it's entirety.

It's just that some people in general like to procure lies and fuss where they have no reason to speak, or because they want to try to cause drama to cause issues. That is a foolish waste of time.

Additionally I might in the future reply further on the above topic as after all this time the successful work of certain endeavors allows me to finally speak further on the subject.

The above has been known by many true and legitimate members for years now, by the way. It might have been a few but they knew.

All that we have written and established be it myself or HPS Maxine especially is here, exists, is clear and is under no scrutiny nor under any other problem besides what trolls might make up.

If people want to dilute things only to collapse themselves because of a foolish ego, they can do it, and cause problems. JoS is here and has been and will be, so their issues remain their own.

Do not listen to radical bullshit that will destroy your life such as "Don't get this job because of a jewish boss" or "Don't use money because it's of the jews" and other crazy lunacy that might destroy your life or that of others in the process, leave you destitute etc.

One nutcase was telling people a few years ago to never go to doctors or seek any medical help because the "Establishment was of the Jews", while others have mentioned nonsense like "Never study anything because jews run universities" and other dangerous nonsense.

The list of crazy exaggerations that draws itself to extremes and destroys lives IS *NOT* A PART OF THE JOY OF SATAN.

We mention this NOWHERE. As we have said again before, that is destructive life advice.

I have covered these topics extensively. Same as how I have to repeat myself here because of ongoing repetitive issues.

Pillar said:
To my experience, those groups are often guided by lesser individuals with a big ego and a very low self esteem, basically weak inside.
This allows the enemy - in some cases - to guide those puppets behind the scenes, using unconscious means, so the puppet is even partially unaware of what is doing and is fully overtaken by his ego, in his/her quest towards nothing.
Yes they run after ... being nullified, in the long run.

Some groups suck people in due to the enemy's power behind the puppet, so I personally stay away 100% from them. There's nothing interesting in there, and I would waste energies (my and from my GD) by detaching their negativity later on.

Also, I think putting some energies against the fake groups by some spot rituals and Runes to keep them far, would not be bad if you have time and target a specific group.

Exactly, this is 100/100 on point. Well, generally, nothing is required. These people generally just harm themselves. The Gods do pick up whatever people are decent from this, albeit human choice of doing wrong can go a long way. But in general I have seen people who have been into these and are valid will always return to JoS and will not allow the nonsense to sink in.
Serbon said:
Wotanwarrior, can you please email me?

I have no idea what you want to talk to me about but if it is important, I will send you a message to your protonmail account.
Nimrod33 said:
Ursa Minor said:
Also, furries are still a thing? 🤮 I remember when those weirdos were invading some old video game server I used to play on years ago. They creeped me out, and when I found out what their "codewords" in the game chat meant I felt sick and logged out.

Unfortunately yes, they still exist and alongside them other degenerate fandoms as well. I cannot stand them for their idiotic behavior. I wouldn't be surprised if the furry fandom originated from Jews, considering that their scriptures such as the Talmud calls us "animals". As I said in another post, I also hate when they attempt to appropriate our Gods in their Egyptian forms.

I also had the misfortune of becoming a friend of a degenerate of this type, who was also a brony and a moe watcher. He had a toxic personality and became much worse when he started a web relationship with an equally degenerate and toxic girl. I was hoping that he would improve his life, but after seeing his (((face))) in a certain posture I had no doubt that I was wasting my time with them and left them and did a middle finger before leaving their server.

TL:DR: Do not waste your time and Internet connection with fandoms, since they are full of degenerates who can only ruin your soul.
Yeah I agree
Nimrod33 said:
... I also hate when they attempt to appropriate our Gods in their Egyptian forms.

I also had the misfortune of becoming a friend of a degenerate of this type, who was also a brony and a moe watcher. He had a toxic personality and became much worse when he started a web relationship with an equally degenerate and toxic girl. I was hoping that he would improve his life, but after seeing his (((face))) in a certain posture I had no doubt that I was wasting my time with them and left them and did a middle finger before leaving their server.

TL:DR: Do not waste your time and Internet connection with fandoms, since they are full of degenerates who can only ruin your soul.

I know, I feel like I've seen our Gods blasphemed like that before.

I thought people like that were just on the extreme end of porn addiction or waifuism, but knowing who (((they))) are, it's likely a "cover". When I encounter a Jew, I usually feel something off about them (AVGN is an example, I got tired of his "gross-out" humor rather quickly). After coming here, now I know the more I work on my third eye, the better my "Jew-dar" will work, and my ability to be "conveniently guided" to important things will improve (may be how the Gods communicate to me sometimes?) I still can't see aruas, but I can feel energy. Jews seem to have this "dark mist" around them I can feel, but can't quite see.
I had a shameful past of being one of these people. When I first read JoS content, being the egotistical attention-wanting teen that I was, I went around telling people that I was a "proud Satanic warrior", flaunting upside-down Crosses, Illuminati hand symbols, putting up websites claiming to be an occultist and what-have-you - just to impress Christian/Mudslime girls who came from devoutly religious families, but cowering when confronted by REAL militant Christian/Mudslime/Kike men who had TRUE intentions of getting dirty and bloody for the Reptilian overlord.

I didn't do ANY true research and neither did I properly arm myself, ever in-case I got confronted by hebrew militants, therefore in the early days of getting into arguments with Xians, I got my ass handed to me and embarrassed. I could imagine Satan being very pissed off with me.

The ridiculousness didn't end there......because "when it served me well", I switched to being a teenage Alex Jones/David Icke, reincarnation of some Bible prophet or some angel, made a website proclaiming the END TIMES HAVE COME and to save the world from the Illuminati. Yeah, I was a true mess.

It took years, upon years of re-examining myself, and becoming a TRUE Satanist.

I no longer share my "beliefs" with people, and neither do I ever trust any so-called "JoS"-group outside of this forum or the actual JoS site itself, UNLESS one of the HPs specifically "okays" an outside group.

Still, I long and dream for when Satanists and Pagans can freely and proudly proclaim their faith to the Gods, the JoS becomes a physical collection, replaces the cursed Christian Bible, every church in the United States and Canada will become temples to Satan, His Gods as well the other Gods of the human-friendly star systems!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
