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About The Planets And Your Astrology: Fixing Your "Karma"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
There are some important points that need to be related in regards to Astrology as these are constantly expressed by many people.

In our charts, the energies appear to be "Set". The Natal chart, affects our existence for our lives for better or for worse, representing a blueprint of our karma when we enter this world and therefore describes who are "are". The fundamental knowledge of astrology speaks about this, and then, based on this, we can predict certain things, positive or negative.

The above is a reflection of the powers of Karma, or cause and effect, as these are explained by the rotations of the stars in the heavens. Except of this, the Astrology Chart is a map for one's "set" psychology, but also a level of development when one enters this earth.

Now, many people understand the above as "determinism", and while the above is deterministic to an extent, the reason we meditate is to come above this influence. Escaping this fully comes with the Godhead, and as "escape" we mean simply not that we change our fundamental character, but that we have freedom of choice, understanding and direction, instead of just fate throwing things on us while we are fully unaware.

The universe does not care about this, and the Gods handed us the spiritual means to help us create an escape from these deterministic and brutal forces. This escape belongs to those that apply this knowledge.

Now, to reveal some necessary hidden knowledge in regards to Planets and your Astrology, we need to go into the underlying meanings of the Greek words for "Planet". This word is a literal Ancient Greek word. It has a few meanings on which I will elaborate and analyze, in order to show you your relationship with the "planets" and give you a better insight on how to regulate this for your spiritual advancement.

Even in English, you can see the underlying meaning- inside the word "Plan-et" we have the word "Plan", which we can broadly understand as a "set plan" for one's life.

Inside this word, we have three hidden terms:

1. The word "Planet" deals with movement, or that which moves. This has to do with movement, and life has to be understood as a movement or volition for movement.

What does not move, is not "alive". The underlying meaning here is that your planets are a set motion towards some direction, which you can change - but you must "wake up" spiritually and understand their influence to change them.

The notion of movement here, also implies life, but also implies that this movement can be shaped. In plain words, you can shape your future.

Here, we also have the implied meaning that situations which many consider "endless" or "permanent", are not really that permanent, and that they WILL change. One just has to know how to hold strong while facilitating these changes.

2. The same word, also hides the underlying meaning of "Plane", translating into the English "Deception" as, in Ancient Greek, dealing with literal deception.

The planets, while they give you true information, they also have a deceptive factor. One part of this deception is that they try to forcibly control everyone, not in the silly sense of evil, but in the sense that even if you have certain planets, you can still be "Free", no matter what or how the situation looks.

Many people who are nihilists or followers of a sheer deterministic approach [and those who are without] cannot understand this, and therefore fall prey and victim to the powerful forces of fate. Another aspect of this deception, is that with all "deceptions", these are subtle forces that make all of this happen, going unnoticed by the people who are not spiritually initiated. Then, these forces run their life.

3. Another, third meaning, has to do with size and the power of these forces, also implied by this word. This power, while ruling, can be put into perspective and one can over time stop falling it's victim.

Combining the above meanings one must understand, that no matter what planetary motions have been set forth in your life, with the knowledge the JoS gives you, you can escape, delete certain aspects of this, grow spiritually, overcome this, or accept the positives when they come.

You are, in other words, only partially a victim of fate when you understand these forces exist. As you advance, knowledge grows and liberation arrives. This takes time and spiritual effort to achieve.

Lastly, the meaning of "Deception" is fought against by the very definition of this path, which is about understanding the Truth. With the higher understanding, one's power over one's destiny and soul grows. If one is not seeing much of this, then this means one is not working in accordance to factuality or realistic spiritual or material work.

That is done by conscious thought and elevation of the soul and spirit. One must also stand above the illusion that one is, like an animal, trapped into these influences without and "escape". Put simply, with applied workings and power, these set forces can be changed, and the soul itself can choose it's destiny, escape blows or damage, and grow even in the problematic areas.

At the same time, positive areas can be boosted so one's soul can profit and grow more from one's respective life in a far faster rate.

In fact, this is what the Gods want you to do, to try to understand the Truth so you escape more and more deception each successive lifetime, until you understand a lot and have the ability to free yourself.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is a great writing. Our Charts and the planetary placements can basically be seen as a script for life almost but it isn't set in stone. Its like becoming lucid in a dream where you can wake up in it and change it to what you want it to be. Scripts can be rewritten and refined. Sometimes it takes some extra effort as to how to do this the best but it can be done. Only people who are asleep have to be subject to the fate of their placements. Knowing how to utilize the energy of the planets with self empowerment goes a very long way in becoming awake and aware.
Thank you, High Priest. This makes a lot of sense and is well written and articulated. I have some questions, and I was hoping you could help me with my paths of thinking if you don't mind.

To start, let's hypothetically say that someone has removed all of the negative karma and negative aspects, and there is only positive and/or desirable sublimated qualities of the planets remaining in the influence of the life. What is confusing me is whether or not it is meant for someone to, in the end goals, overcome the entire chart altogether including what is considered the positives and desirable qualities, positive karma and all. With my thinking, when I got to that point of consideration and tried to imagine it, it seemed like an empty blank state. Like as in there would never be any reaction or anything to anything, and just totally "free" in that sense as its own energy without any planetary energies or influence of the planets at all. I mean, the soul is a mass of energy in a sense (more than that, of course, but for explanation purposes), and has its own unique energy... but it's also made up of the planetary energies with the chakras and all, correct? And if this new unique energy that is completely its own and standing separate from the planets without any of the planetary energies and influences, reacted to other energies and persons in its own way, then the way that it reacts might necessarily fall into a category of one of the planetary influences, right? So even if there was no planetary influence at all, I presume that they would still act or react that way as if there was a planetary influence. Like shooting a dart, and it has to land SOMEWHERE on the board, you know? The board being the astrological categories. Also, hypothetically, if someone became big enough in their unique energy to escape the planetary energies completely then wouldn't that make them their own planet in a way with their own influence acting on others beneath them?

It's a little bit confusing to me. I'm leaning towards the idea that we just sublimate our charts to create the life that we want, and the energies that we want to embody in eternity. Also like you said gaining the ability to move through the future of eternity safely and in the way that we choose, and as best as we can which becomes better with more power, understanding, and advancement.
One way without being at or maybe even near Godhead you can have more control and free will. Is to really work on your 6th chakra and third eye knowing the future reading auras and soon astral impressions if you keep working on it.

Everything that really crates major changes in your life good or bad will show up including details on it sometimes long before it happens. In some cases it may be possible not to take actions or adjust your life so that it doesn't happen or happens differently.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Something I noticed as well, is as I've advanced, past a certain point it's like astrological, energetic forces seem to crush down much harder then before, in an attempt to buckle you harder, make you bend and break. I don't know if this has any truth to it, or it's just my own misinterpretation.

Like honestly I've gotten far compared to where I wanted to be originally. It's like along with this, that their is more oppositional force to combat at every angle. Whether it's the enemy, some internal conflict, or strange, coincidental cycles of negative occurrences, that happen often throughout a year, or just everything.

Seems to be that the higher you go, the pressure increases and increases, until this eventually "breaks" with the end goal being godhead and you have wrestled control of fate, in a symbolic, literal sense.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you for this. Hail Satan 💙♥️🖤
I believe that astrology is one of the most important disciplines one can learn as Satanist. If it wasn't so difficult to learn I would go as far as suggesting that every beginner should learn it before getting into a meditation program. It would certainly save him/her a lot of time.

I do have a natural inclination towards it (prominent Uranus), so I suppose that is why I take this so seriously.

It completely change my life. It helped me understand myself and what is my role in this world. And above all gave me the ability to escape fate, not only my own karma, but actual negative fated events that I have successfully dodged, and benefic ones that I have taken advantage of.

I am eternally grateful to High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, High Priest Hooded Cobra, and all the other Astrologers and Aspiring Astrologers that we have here, with whom I have learned so much.

This is one of the most beautiful Gifts the Gods gave us. The ability to transcend the planets and thus be able to rise to higher levels of existence without the limitations that these enforce upon us.
I was recently reading one of your HPHC article from the past, an article similar to this one that talked about enlightenment and divinity, although written several years ago it has many important points about personal liberation (one of the most important goals, from the tronde), and reading it I understood more who I really am and who the external influences are ... because many consider, conditioning and other influences as if they were their own thoughts.
Hail Satan.! Someone can teach me how to read my astral chart?
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=344467 time=1649879528 user_id=21286]
Thank you for writing this.

Unrelated to the topic, but if you could give me guidance on what runes to use for improving concentration and focus ( hopefully drastically) when meditating or in life in general, i will be very thankful. I get distracted a lot by the exterior, and the daily stress of life doesnt help either. 💙♥️🖤
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Unrelated to the topic, but if you could give me guidance on what runes to use for improving concentration and focus ( hopefully drastically) when meditating or in life in general, i will be very thankful. I get distracted a lot by the exterior, and the daily stress of life doesnt help either. 💙♥️🖤

In general, fire gives the energy to focus or transform something. Water gives senses, receives, and holds. Earth creates limits, which can be good or bad, and in that way, it can also hold your focus. Compared to water, Earth has more endurance, but may not feel as much. Air gives quickness, and so a bad air placement, or too much, can hinder the focus.

Pluto/Scorpio is similar to water+fire, and is a fixed sign, so that is why it can both hold something in the mind, and transform it. Without earth, this can become ungrounded or obsessive. Without air, it has a hard time taking things lightly or being adaptable.


The point in the above is that there are a lot of ways to go about this. In addition to all of this, if you have a negative placement, it may be worth removing that first. Another case could be a situation where you may have a strong mind, but a lack of vitality doesn't provide sufficient "power" to use it enough.

Anyway, Eihwaz is similar to Scorpio. Nauthiz is similar to Saturn. Isa is frozen water, making it closer to earth, but not entirely the same. Sowilo gives pure energy and health. Uruz can give endurance, but also has other attributes.

I am using Isa as an ongoing working to calm my mind. I combined it with Berkano to ensure it works positively, just to be cautious. Nauthiz also has protective powers and could be used instead.

So you could use Eihwaz, Isa, and Nauthiz, for example. This would make your mind much more frigid in a sense, not in a negative way, assuming you program it that way. Obviously, you are improving the staying power of your mind, not hurting the other quicker characteristics.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In fact, this is what the Gods want you to do, to try to understand the Truth so you escape more and more deception each successive lifetime, until you understand a lot and have the ability to free yourself.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is something that I sort of fear. For myself and my loved ones - "many will want to join in the end, but it will be too late". It's hardly easy trying to convince people to improve their lives... I can't be certain if they will reincarnate or not. If they do, then they have chances in a more-likely-than-not Spiritual Satanist World, or at least something closer to it. I feel, for those who I care about, that their fate rests with me; if I were to ever reject Satan and be beyond retardedly-stupid, then they would not be protected, as far as I understand it; me being on Satan's side and in the Cause = they having some protections and I hope safety so they can reincarnate safely; if I leave, then it all comes tumbling down. Despite that, I am not certain that even as I stay on this side and Cause that any or all will be reincarnated safely (I favour some over others, of course).

For all I know, I might reincarnate into a different family and bloodline, so these family members and other closer friends, lovers, etc. I might not know in future lives... I am staying on this side and Cause not entirely for, but in part for, the hopes that these I care about will reincarnate safely, even if I don't know them in the future. One or more who has been through very bad things doesn't fancy the idea of living forever... but I don't want to put their existence and Soul to waste... Due to them having gone through very bad things, I don't know that, along with them having been through depression and negative thinking and perhaps dislike for life, whether they will be strong enough to reincarnate or not. It's their choice, but since I know some things, in some ways better than they do, I feel compelled that it is not entirely their decision; that it is also partly my decision to disallow them to not live forever, by hook or by crook, if that were possible.
This relates to a lot of ideas I've had. We're very lucky and fortunate that the JoS teaches the path to raising the serpent or "taming our serpents" as seen in the oppiuchus constellation is the key here, where the spheres of planetary influence carried in the chakras are sublimated.

Wonderful sermon. Thank you High Priest HoodedCobra!
I have overcome a couple negative aspects unfortunately I kinda wish I did go with my fate by my readings I would have been a major scientist but mind you I probably would have eneded up being killed as my fascination resides with things like liquid mercury and energy projection and batteries like how the government likes to proclaim that all forms of mercury are poisonous but then I was able to have mercury fillings without dieing simply just made me very angry.

Liquid mercury is found in or under many ancient temples and is a major focus in the ancient world right along side gold I'm pretty sure it's the way gods make either free energy type machines or very efficient machines but maybe it's just not the right time for me to invent such things kind of don't want the enemy asshole governments we have to have these kind of advances best to wait for a humanity that deserves that kind of technology imagine dirty space Christians no thanks
Merhaba ben finansal.anlamda kare yapmak istiyorum, ve hangi kareyi yapmam uygun olur ne zaman uygun vakit acaba ? Tam olarak harita okumayı öğrenemedim. Şu anda ay büyüme.doneminde yanılmıyorsam.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=344809 time=1649960983 user_id=21286]
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Unrelated to the topic, but if you could give me guidance on what runes to use for improving concentration and focus ( hopefully drastically) when meditating or in life in general, i will be very thankful. I get distracted a lot by the exterior, and the daily stress of life doesnt help either. 💙♥️🖤

In general, fire gives the energy to focus or transform something. Water gives senses, receives, and holds. Earth creates limits, which can be good or bad, and in that way, it can also hold your focus. Compared to water, Earth has more endurance, but may not feel as much. Air gives quickness, and so a bad air placement, or too much, can hinder the focus.

Pluto/Scorpio is similar to water+fire, and is a fixed sign, so that is why it can both hold something in the mind, and transform it. Without earth, this can become ungrounded or obsessive. Without air, it has a hard time taking things lightly or being adaptable.


The point in the above is that there are a lot of ways to go about this. In addition to all of this, if you have a negative placement, it may be worth removing that first. Another case could be a situation where you may have a strong mind, but a lack of vitality doesn't provide sufficient "power" to use it enough.

Anyway, Eihwaz is similar to Scorpio. Nauthiz is similar to Saturn. Isa is frozen water, making it closer to earth, but not entirely the same. Sowilo gives pure energy and health. Uruz can give endurance, but also has other attributes.

I am using Isa as an ongoing working to calm my mind. I combined it with Berkano to ensure it works positively, just to be cautious. Nauthiz also has protective powers and could be used instead.

So you could use Eihwaz, Isa, and Nauthiz, for example. This would make your mind much more frigid in a sense, not in a negative way, assuming you program it that way. Obviously, you are improving the staying power of your mind, not hurting the other quicker characteristics.
Thank you so much for this great information 💙♥️🖤
Rambo said:
HP HC per info, JOS italiano é da un bel pezzo che non funziona


This one works. Questo funziona.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There are some important points that need to be related in regards to Astrology as these are constantly expressed by many people.

In our charts, the energies appear to be "Set". The Natal chart, affects our existence for our lives for better or for worse, representing a blueprint of our karma when we enter this world and therefore describes who are "are". The fundamental knowledge of astrology speaks about this, and then, based on this, we can predict certain things, positive or negative.

The above is a reflection of the powers of Karma, or cause and effect, as these are explained by the rotations of the stars in the heavens. Except of this, the Astrology Chart is a map for one's "set" psychology, but also a level of development when one enters this earth.

Now, many people understand the above as "determinism", and while the above is deterministic to an extent, the reason we meditate is to come above this influence. Escaping this fully comes with the Godhead, and as "escape" we mean simply not that we change our fundamental character, but that we have freedom of choice, understanding and direction, instead of just fate throwing things on us while we are fully unaware.

The universe does not care about this, and the Gods handed us the spiritual means to help us create an escape from these deterministic and brutal forces. This escape belongs to those that apply this knowledge.

Now, to reveal some necessary hidden knowledge in regards to Planets and your Astrology, we need to go into the underlying meanings of the Greek words for "Planet". This word is a literal Ancient Greek word. It has a few meanings on which I will elaborate and analyze, in order to show you your relationship with the "planets" and give you a better insight on how to regulate this for your spiritual advancement.

Even in English, you can see the underlying meaning- inside the word "Plan-et" we have the word "Plan", which we can broadly understand as a "set plan" for one's life.

Inside this word, we have three hidden terms:

1. The word "Planet" deals with movement, or that which moves. This has to do with movement, and life has to be understood as a movement or volition for movement.

What does not move, is not "alive". The underlying meaning here is that your planets are a set motion towards some direction, which you can change - but you must "wake up" spiritually and understand their influence to change them.

The notion of movement here, also implies life, but also implies that this movement can be shaped. In plain words, you can shape your future.

Here, we also have the implied meaning that situations which many consider "endless" or "permanent", are not really that permanent, and that they WILL change. One just has to know how to hold strong while facilitating these changes.

2. The same word, also hides the underlying meaning of "Plane", translating into the English "Deception" as, in Ancient Greek, dealing with literal deception.

The planets, while they give you true information, they also have a deceptive factor. One part of this deception is that they try to forcibly control everyone, not in the silly sense of evil, but in the sense that even if you have certain planets, you can still be "Free", no matter what or how the situation looks.

Many people who are nihilists or followers of a sheer deterministic approach [and those who are without] cannot understand this, and therefore fall prey and victim to the powerful forces of fate. Another aspect of this deception, is that with all "deceptions", these are subtle forces that make all of this happen, going unnoticed by the people who are not spiritually initiated. Then, these forces run their life.

3. Another, third meaning, has to do with size and the power of these forces, also implied by this word. This power, while ruling, can be put into perspective and one can over time stop falling it's victim.

Combining the above meanings one must understand, that no matter what planetary motions have been set forth in your life, with the knowledge the JoS gives you, you can escape, delete certain aspects of this, grow spiritually, overcome this, or accept the positives when they come.

You are, in other words, only partially a victim of fate when you understand these forces exist. As you advance, knowledge grows and liberation arrives. This takes time and spiritual effort to achieve.

Lastly, the meaning of "Deception" is fought against by the very definition of this path, which is about understanding the Truth. With the higher understanding, one's power over one's destiny and soul grows. If one is not seeing much of this, then this means one is not working in accordance to factuality or realistic spiritual or material work.

That is done by conscious thought and elevation of the soul and spirit. One must also stand above the illusion that one is, like an animal, trapped into these influences without and "escape". Put simply, with applied workings and power, these set forces can be changed, and the soul itself can choose it's destiny, escape blows or damage, and grow even in the problematic areas.

At the same time, positive areas can be boosted so one's soul can profit and grow more from one's respective life in a far faster rate.

In fact, this is what the Gods want you to do, to try to understand the Truth so you escape more and more deception each successive lifetime, until you understand a lot and have the ability to free yourself.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you, Cobra.
if in my chart my first house is in piscis and saturn go on piscis, it means it will be a bad period for me?

the worst moment of my life?
I've been learning about astrology for over a few days now and WOW...

The descriptions in azazel's astrology is crazy accurate on what my life path is on right now with just my birth chart.

I actually understood now a little bit to why I feel and act in certain ways.

It's scary and mind blowing at the same time.

I'll definitely keep learning more about my chart.

Thank you for this sermon HP Hooded Cobra

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
