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About The Astral


Active member
Oct 27, 2021
The astral or astral plane has many interesting things. From people to buildings to negative beings. There are beautiful places on the astral plane, but travelling and spending time there can affect you. This post was inspired by one of my dear companions, thank you, slyscorpion.

A bit from the beginning. What is an astral? The astral, astral plane, astral dimension, fourth dimension is completely different from here on Earth. In fact, we are talking about a place where souls can walk, dwell and manifest. For an ordinary person this place is almost inaccessible.

We SS have the ability or capacity to experience what this dimension is like. There are specific ways to do this, several, I won't go into details, but with the right intensity and persistence, projection can be done.

The projection itself is a moment when you separate from your body and move with your soul.You are in control, just like your body, but from a completely different perspective. I don't know exactly what the right method is for the process of projection because, as I wrote, there are several, but I'll write about that in a moment.

Once you leave your body, you go into another dimension. Different atmosphere, different areas and different beings. As I said, there are many positive beings here and unfortunately there are negative ones.

Within the astral plane you can go anywhere, you can travel anywhere, you can go anywhere you don't really want to go, you can encounter many things you have not known before. Once you experience this world, you will see things in a completely different light.

As far as the ejection is concerned, I think the correct practice, as far as I know, is to stop your chakras and turn them a little bit in the opposite direction. Then you try to leave your body. I read this variation a long time ago, and I think it's absolutely correct. It will be difficult at first, but then with trial and error you'll get the hang of it.

You can easily get back into your body if you want to.

What's really interesting for me here are the buildings in this dimension. Although it's just as possible in the world we live in. In fact, if one builds such a place there in the astral and programs it properly to be theirs, it is possible that it will be there for many lifetimes as a safe place for them because it is theirs.

In the astral world, constructions last a long time, just as in the material world. Understandably, such places are built of strong, brick, sturdy materials. Its maker certainly has some connection, emotional or personal attachment to the place. He may always stumble upon it by chance, but he finds it anyway. Because he sees and feels something in it through his astral senses, he knows or may know that it has something to do with him.

At such times, when he is away, other souls and beings may actually go there, because they are also on the astral and meet him. Opening our astral senses is to our advantage in many ways.

We can meet astral beings, good and not so good. It all depends on how developed our minds are. With a strong mind we can ward off and distance ourselves from these more negative beings. It's worth paying attention during astral projection, because if you go into it just for the adventure, you might meet one or two nasty creatures.

Who, as you might guess, are not very friendly. You should also be careful on the astral plane. If you have experience in this, you know what I'm talking about.

The astral world is not small. You can travel all over, see the past and the future. When you reach one of the four levels of trance, you can experience this world. The astral is an interesting dimension, we don't know much about it. When we start to develop ourselves, that's when we enter this wonderful world and that's when we really get to know it. It is totally different from the material world.

If you want to get out of it, or if you're new to it, I suggest you read posts on this topic to avoid misunderstandings. I may not write as clearly, but I'll try. A certain main chakra, the heart chakra, plays a big role in astral work. As we know, the heart chakra is responsible for transmitting energy through your chakras.

If you have a weak heart chakra, this will show up in your astral work and your senses. Because the heart chakra is the centre, much of your astral work depends on the strength of this chakra. I should also mention another chakra that also plays a role in projection, the navel chakra.

These characteristics make up the general knowledge. These are the two most important chakras that greatly influence the success of the work. Experienced projectors know this. Learn and you will know a lot.

Once you have managed to leave your body, you will slide into this dimension from then on. Look around, experience and learn about this wonderful place.

It really is a wonderful place full of friendly beings and souls who are all helpful.

Yeah if your in the correct plane or state of consciousness otherwise this place is a nightmare to be honest. The plane I talked about is almost all together positive or neutral beings I don't think anyone would harm you there feel free to check it out if you like. It might not be fully connected to earth humans anymore cause most people are not on that level. Maybe I am not at all either right now but I remember it enough to be connected enough to go there if I want.

The trick for me is getting out of the body. I had so many times I tried but something lower level stops me. One time I was next to my partner in bed for example I try to project I am above the bed in the astral there is some force that prevents me from moving the hallway of the apartment I am in looks different and the light is on music playing in a weird way. Someone says No don't let him see that I try but still something forces me back into my body.

The other times too I make it out for a little bit but something forces or jams me back into my body. Any advice.
Do not end up where the reptilians and greys are if you can help it. If you try astral projection or you will have a bad time. That did happen to me once temporarily this was 2019 I had a lot of xtian and Jewish energy and curses lowering my vibration my experience there was this lizard being there I was in this dark place he was crawling all over me. I heard this tortured screaming and all sorts of weird random disjointed stuff. Luckily like the above something always forces me back to my body after a minute or so.

You can raise or lower your consciousness level to go to different places and planes here. I remember that not that I have been able to do it this life.

Can you help me figure out how to get rid of whatever is preventing me from fully doing this. It's like a thoughtform or entity of some sort.
BrightSpace666 said:
The astral or astral plane has many interesting things. From people to buildings to negative beings. There are beautiful places on the astral plane, but travelling and spending time there can affect you. This post was inspired by one of my dear companions, thank you, slyscorpion.

A bit from the beginning. What is an astral? The astral, astral plane, astral dimension, fourth dimension is completely different from here on Earth. In fact, we are talking about a place where souls can walk, dwell and manifest. For an ordinary person this place is almost inaccessible.

We SS have the ability or capacity to experience what this dimension is like. There are specific ways to do this, several, I won't go into details, but with the right intensity and persistence, projection can be done.

The projection itself is a moment when you separate from your body and move with your soul.You are in control, just like your body, but from a completely different perspective. I don't know exactly what the right method is for the process of projection because, as I wrote, there are several, but I'll write about that in a moment.

Once you leave your body, you go into another dimension. Different atmosphere, different areas and different beings. As I said, there are many positive beings here and unfortunately there are negative ones.

Within the astral plane you can go anywhere, you can travel anywhere, you can go anywhere you don't really want to go, you can encounter many things you have not known before. Once you experience this world, you will see things in a completely different light.

As far as the ejection is concerned, I think the correct practice, as far as I know, is to stop your chakras and turn them a little bit in the opposite direction. Then you try to leave your body. I read this variation a long time ago, and I think it's absolutely correct. It will be difficult at first, but then with trial and error you'll get the hang of it.

You can easily get back into your body if you want to.

What's really interesting for me here are the buildings in this dimension. Although it's just as possible in the world we live in. In fact, if one builds such a place there in the astral and programs it properly to be theirs, it is possible that it will be there for many lifetimes as a safe place for them because it is theirs.

In the astral world, constructions last a long time, just as in the material world. Understandably, such places are built of strong, brick, sturdy materials. Its maker certainly has some connection, emotional or personal attachment to the place. He may always stumble upon it by chance, but he finds it anyway. Because he sees and feels something in it through his astral senses, he knows or may know that it has something to do with him.

At such times, when he is away, other souls and beings may actually go there, because they are also on the astral and meet him. Opening our astral senses is to our advantage in many ways.

We can meet astral beings, good and not so good. It all depends on how developed our minds are. With a strong mind we can ward off and distance ourselves from these more negative beings. It's worth paying attention during astral projection, because if you go into it just for the adventure, you might meet one or two nasty creatures.

Who, as you might guess, are not very friendly. You should also be careful on the astral plane. If you have experience in this, you know what I'm talking about.

The astral world is not small. You can travel all over, see the past and the future. When you reach one of the four levels of trance, you can experience this world. The astral is an interesting dimension, we don't know much about it. When we start to develop ourselves, that's when we enter this wonderful world and that's when we really get to know it. It is totally different from the material world.

If you want to get out of it, or if you're new to it, I suggest you read posts on this topic to avoid misunderstandings. I may not write as clearly, but I'll try. A certain main chakra, the heart chakra, plays a big role in astral work. As we know, the heart chakra is responsible for transmitting energy through your chakras.

If you have a weak heart chakra, this will show up in your astral work and your senses. Because the heart chakra is the centre, much of your astral work depends on the strength of this chakra. I should also mention another chakra that also plays a role in projection, the navel chakra.

These characteristics make up the general knowledge. These are the two most important chakras that greatly influence the success of the work. Experienced projectors know this. Learn and you will know a lot.

Once you have managed to leave your body, you will slide into this dimension from then on. Look around, experience and learn about this wonderful place.

It really is a wonderful place full of friendly beings and souls who are all helpful.


In another thread I wrote this. I'm not sure if it's a dimension of perception or a astral projection into a real astral world and if so does this add to the real astral world overtime? Can you maybe help me understand please

The mind body and all the layers of the soul are the different things that work together right. Now for me this is mostly my brain not my soul leaving the body but what makes it complicated is that I can enter into a world completely surrounded by whatever my brain has manifested like a whole new world created out of nothing where I can absorb energy from build whatever I want and even learn the deeper finer things of a idea to build something.. I have never seen auras before and that means I have not connected to the spiritual reality of things only a self generated projection of a unknown cosmos. Or is it the astral and I'm only tapping into it with the power of inner eyes only and not my heart chakra as you say and just being creative. I once definitely projected to something on the astral because it was a distance memory with deep feeling and what I did was only focus on that while slowly projecting into it. My senses became stronger and the feeling of the memory I was tuning into slowly became stronger. When I fully tuned into it it was extremely powerful energy and the light was red and orange but with the intensity of white light which seemed to be present to a degree. It even made sound as loud as loud can get which was unpleasant in a way. It looked like a living energy it was flowing transparent things thats looked like gears and huge mining vehicles. If someone had to ask me with what can you compare this place to I would say the sun but of a unknown unfound origin.

Post from other thread:
think of it like this. The higher your vibrations of the chakras the higher dimensions you can tap into. I'm not sure what they mean by density of dimensions but the third eye can switch or tune into many of these at will. I think of it like this your eyes can only see the material in one dimension therefor you see what is dense and what is not like water compared to a stone and all you will see is this dimensional realms density until you vibrate your inner eye until you reach the full spectrum of the other dimension which connects to your real eyes then you will see the aura fields of these things like the density of light surrounding objects that's why we can see different colours.This is density I believe.
One Wire Phenomenon
Re: Inquiry into dimensions and vibration
Post 30 Dec 2021, 14:01

The reason I say so is because if you close your eyes and look at the darkness or red depending on outside light and you have a image in your subconscious mind it manifests as a shadow or a faint disturbance in colour moving around. Then by focusing on this you can start seeing what it is the more you focus on it like looking at a real thing instead of a imaginary thing it will eventually become so real looking you won't be able to tell the difference between this and reality. It's like looking at a picture from the time the first camera was invented too where we are now with the technology but this can happen in the mind instantly aswell and can fluctuate between different layers of colours, non physical details,size and this is infinite so far I can tell there are no limits of this. Also this can be done with your eyes open and a non physical thing can be projected onto this reality like a hologram. I have seen this for myself willing a nothing into a dot that became red and eventually looked like a laser dot that I could move at will it looked real as the surrounding reality to a point that I wanted to call my mom and ask her if she can see it. Which I never did but this maybe can explain the density of dimensions and what if it is actually possible to will something out of the Aether into this world without it taking a long time to manifest I mean like it becomes a actual material with mass and weight.
Yesterday I had a similar experience but in this case I saw a photo of Saturns hexagon on one of its poles. I went there with my mind and started drawing its colour into my third eye and then opened my eyes and what I saw was everything I was looking at was a misty colour the same colour at that what I was drawing in. The same effect as wearing shades.
It whent away after some time.
Holy fuck I just remembered something. I was going to tell you the first time I experienced this then It came to me now I had memory loss and nerve damage through out my whole body due to over stimulation. That's why I said it was a memory holy fuck now I remember it was only years after the accident when I found JoS on that day I projected to it again but this time I had control.

The first time was when I was with 6 people smoking a bong and I don't know if they put something in the weed or what but it never happened before and I was a big smoker. I remember feeling very nervous because my body started feeling on fire and I was losing touch with reality. My eyes were open and I could not see anyone around me anymore or hear them talking and shouting at one another including me. They were fucked up friends who were no good with no sense of what it means to be human one of them might even of been a Jew. Anyway I completely entered this place with no control over it. It got so extreme with noise and my body could not handle the energy at all and that's when I lost my memory and hit the trip switch I woke up I don't know how long after the incidence but I could not walk I felt so tired and could not even speak although I was me again. All of them except one were laughing at me and were taunting me like I'm a retarted dog or something. My one friend help me to the sofa where I layer down thats when the guy who I think was a Jew started harrassing me and blowing a fucking vuvuzela in my ears. I could not move my body my nerves were absolutely traumatized. I remember lying there looking at my one friend who helped me to the sofa and trying to telepathically ask him to help me and get this guy away from me and it happened. He then took me to the room where I immediately fell asleep and woke up the next day about 3 pm.
The trauma lasted for a very long time and my mind would try and find ways to block it out but also in a way try to understand what happened. I remember sitting at the swimming pool and instantly traveled back to the same place just to try and grasp what it was anyway I think it was Satan who made everything a healing deep blue colour for me and I still remember me being grateful for it this happened before I found JoS so yeah. Years later I found JoS and until now did not link that incident to what I saw when I Astral projected thank you for making opening this topic it must be the Gods who wanted me to see this.
slyscorpion said:
Yeah if your in the correct plane or state of consciousness otherwise this place is a nightmare to be honest. The plane I talked about is almost all together positive or neutral beings I don't think anyone would harm you there feel free to check it out if you like. It might not be fully connected to earth humans anymore cause most people are not on that level. Maybe I am not at all either right now but I remember it enough to be connected enough to go there if I want.

The trick for me is getting out of the body. I had so many times I tried but something lower level stops me. One time I was next to my partner in bed for example I try to project I am above the bed in the astral there is some force that prevents me from moving the hallway of the apartment I am in looks different and the light is on music playing in a weird way. Someone says No don't let him see that I try but still something forces me back into my body.

The other times too I make it out for a little bit but something forces or jams me back into my body. Any advice.

Yes, I wrote in the post because there are several methods for the projection itself, I don't know which is the most effective. For the projection itself, there are separate, preliminary meditations that prepare you for it, and then the projection happens. The projection itself is the most difficult part of this work.

The astral itself is very far removed from the civilisation in which we currently live. The programme itself is for the advanced. For most people it is a totally unknown world, and on the basis of the current trend in the level of development of the mind, it will remain so.

It's worth experimenting, of course, but it takes the longest to master the projection process. It takes the most persistence. Once you get the hang of it, and practice for a while, you can project anywhere, anytime.

I am proud of your success, brother, in terms of astral projections. Way to go!
slyscorpion said:
Do not end up where the reptilians and greys are if you can help it. If you try astral projection or you will have a bad time. That did happen to me once temporarily this was 2019 I had a lot of xtian and Jewish energy and curses lowering my vibration my experience there was this lizard being there I was in this dark place he was crawling all over me. I heard this tortured screaming and all sorts of weird random disjointed stuff. Luckily like the above something always forces me back to my body after a minute or so.

You can raise or lower your consciousness level to go to different places and planes here. I remember that not that I have been able to do it this life.

Can you help me figure out how to get rid of whatever is preventing me from fully doing this. It's like a thoughtform or entity of some sort.

I think you can start with the lowest level of trance state. To get to the Alpha or Theta state. The trance state itself has a big influence on the outcome of the work. When you get into this state, your concentration is greatly enhanced, your thoughts quieten down, you can concentrate better.

In fact, my advice on this problem is to look for the source of the problem. Because most of these problems can be solved by thinking about the situation itself. Astral projection is difficult, it requires experience, and I think you have all that.

I don't know if I can give you a 100% constructive answer to what you describe, as you are much more experienced in this than I am, but I will try.

What you can try is that before attempting the project, you should first thoroughly clear your aura, raise your energies with a specially designed exercise, quiet your mind, and only then attempt. Because if you do these, your aura and mind will be clear, so you can avoid a significant amount of negative entities. That's the purpose of working with your energies, because if something does happen in the meantime, your high energy level can easily eliminate it.

When you're in the projection stage, it's worth paying attention to the environment you're projecting from. If it is, you can eliminate one more problem. I'll explain what I mean in a moment.

If there is any negative entity present in the place, in the physical place from which you have initiated the process of projection, if there is any negative entity that you are not sensing or not noticing, it is possible that it will affect the program itself. Although I think we can put that statement aside, because you would detect it, and the chances of that are very small.

If the ejection was successful, it is worth clearing your aura again, lest you bring back energy from the astral that could cause damage later. Not incidentally, proper Void meditation is also required.
BrightSpace666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Do not end up where the reptilians and greys are if you can help it. If you try astral projection or you will have a bad time. That did happen to me once temporarily this was 2019 I had a lot of xtian and Jewish energy and curses lowering my vibration my experience there was this lizard being there I was in this dark place he was crawling all over me. I heard this tortured screaming and all sorts of weird random disjointed stuff. Luckily like the above something always forces me back to my body after a minute or so.

You can raise or lower your consciousness level to go to different places and planes here. I remember that not that I have been able to do it this life.

Can you help me figure out how to get rid of whatever is preventing me from fully doing this. It's like a thoughtform or entity of some sort.

I think you can start with the lowest level of trance state. To get to the Alpha or Theta state. The trance state itself has a big influence on the outcome of the work. When you get into this state, your concentration is greatly enhanced, your thoughts quieten down, you can concentrate better.

In fact, my advice on this problem is to look for the source of the problem. Because most of these problems can be solved by thinking about the situation itself. Astral projection is difficult, it requires experience, and I think you have all that.

I don't know if I can give you a 100% constructive answer to what you describe, as you are much more experienced in this than I am, but I will try.

What you can try is that before attempting the project, you should first thoroughly clear your aura, raise your energies with a specially designed exercise, quiet your mind, and only then attempt. Because if you do these, your aura and mind will be clear, so you can avoid a significant amount of negative entities. That's the purpose of working with your energies, because if something does happen in the meantime, your high energy level can easily eliminate it.

When you're in the projection stage, it's worth paying attention to the environment you're projecting from. If it is, you can eliminate one more problem. I'll explain what I mean in a moment.

If there is any negative entity present in the place, in the physical place from which you have initiated the process of projection, if there is any negative entity that you are not sensing or not noticing, it is possible that it will affect the program itself. Although I think we can put that statement aside, because you would detect it, and the chances of that are very small.

If the ejection was successful, it is worth clearing your aura again, lest you bring back energy from the astral that could cause damage later. Not incidentally, proper Void meditation is also required.

I am going to keep trying it doesn't appear to be an environment thing as I had this problem for awhile no matter where I have been located at. The entity feels like an angelic thoughtform. Has gross green black energy but tries to project an aura of loving energy when attacking me for some reason. There were a couple times it pulled me out of my body and tried to drag me somewhere too. The problem is I don't know how to disconnect from an entity yet just how to detach from people.
slyscorpion said:
BrightSpace666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Do not end up where the reptilians and greys are if you can help it. If you try astral projection or you will have a bad time. That did happen to me once temporarily this was 2019 I had a lot of xtian and Jewish energy and curses lowering my vibration my experience there was this lizard being there I was in this dark place he was crawling all over me. I heard this tortured screaming and all sorts of weird random disjointed stuff. Luckily like the above something always forces me back to my body after a minute or so.

You can raise or lower your consciousness level to go to different places and planes here. I remember that not that I have been able to do it this life.

Can you help me figure out how to get rid of whatever is preventing me from fully doing this. It's like a thoughtform or entity of some sort.

I think you can start with the lowest level of trance state. To get to the Alpha or Theta state. The trance state itself has a big influence on the outcome of the work. When you get into this state, your concentration is greatly enhanced, your thoughts quieten down, you can concentrate better.

In fact, my advice on this problem is to look for the source of the problem. Because most of these problems can be solved by thinking about the situation itself. Astral projection is difficult, it requires experience, and I think you have all that.

I don't know if I can give you a 100% constructive answer to what you describe, as you are much more experienced in this than I am, but I will try.

What you can try is that before attempting the project, you should first thoroughly clear your aura, raise your energies with a specially designed exercise, quiet your mind, and only then attempt. Because if you do these, your aura and mind will be clear, so you can avoid a significant amount of negative entities. That's the purpose of working with your energies, because if something does happen in the meantime, your high energy level can easily eliminate it.

When you're in the projection stage, it's worth paying attention to the environment you're projecting from. If it is, you can eliminate one more problem. I'll explain what I mean in a moment.

If there is any negative entity present in the place, in the physical place from which you have initiated the process of projection, if there is any negative entity that you are not sensing or not noticing, it is possible that it will affect the program itself. Although I think we can put that statement aside, because you would detect it, and the chances of that are very small.

If the ejection was successful, it is worth clearing your aura again, lest you bring back energy from the astral that could cause damage later. Not incidentally, proper Void meditation is also required.

I am going to keep trying it doesn't appear to be an environment thing as I had this problem for awhile no matter where I have been located at. The entity feels like an angelic thoughtform. Has gross green black energy but tries to project an aura of loving energy when attacking me for some reason. There were a couple times it pulled me out of my body and tried to drag me somewhere too. The problem is I don't know how to disconnect from an entity yet just how to detach from people.

Sorry for the delayed reply, I hope you don't mind.

I'm trying to help you, brother. What you wrote should not be neglected. Such creatures will only harm you, disturb you and only annoy you. What you said about black and green energy, I think it will come in handy for you. The connections are probably in your chakras or aura.

Go into a deeper trance and try to find that energy. Also look at your chakras, you never know. Once you feel a strange sensation or pressure in a particular chakra, it's worth noting which chakra it is and moving on. If you only feel it in one chakra, that's fine, if you feel it in several chakras, that's fine too.

Visualize the negative energy from that being that is attached to you and try to remove it. This may be a longer post I write, but I need to help you. Visualize the black and green energy that is attached to your chakra and pull it out. Or remove it with some astral tool.

The trance will be important here, as the negative being can distract you, so raise your energies first. Once you have removed this energy from your chakra, you can move on. I think it is worth starting this exercise with the waxing moon. Once you start, you may finish it quickly, it may take longer, but eventually you will succeed.

After you have removed the energy from your chakra, say an affirmation, "I have removed all energy from my chakra that came from this being! (while visualizing the being) It has no effect on me!" for example. When you are done with that, you can do the aura. Tune into your aura, visualize it, and remove the energy from it. You can try the same astral tool you used for your chakras.

It may not work as fast, but you have to want it. Concentrate hard and remove it from yourself. When you are done, say an affirmation, "I have removed the negative energies from this being from my aura, forever! It will never affect me again, get out of here!" for example. It would also be worthwhile to strengthen your chakras.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
BrightSpace666 said:
The astral or astral plane has many interesting things. From people to buildings to negative beings. There are beautiful places on the astral plane, but travelling and spending time there can affect you. This post was inspired by one of my dear companions, thank you, slyscorpion.

A bit from the beginning. What is an astral? The astral, astral plane, astral dimension, fourth dimension is completely different from here on Earth. In fact, we are talking about a place where souls can walk, dwell and manifest. For an ordinary person this place is almost inaccessible.

We SS have the ability or capacity to experience what this dimension is like. There are specific ways to do this, several, I won't go into details, but with the right intensity and persistence, projection can be done.

The projection itself is a moment when you separate from your body and move with your soul.You are in control, just like your body, but from a completely different perspective. I don't know exactly what the right method is for the process of projection because, as I wrote, there are several, but I'll write about that in a moment.

Once you leave your body, you go into another dimension. Different atmosphere, different areas and different beings. As I said, there are many positive beings here and unfortunately there are negative ones.

Within the astral plane you can go anywhere, you can travel anywhere, you can go anywhere you don't really want to go, you can encounter many things you have not known before. Once you experience this world, you will see things in a completely different light.

As far as the ejection is concerned, I think the correct practice, as far as I know, is to stop your chakras and turn them a little bit in the opposite direction. Then you try to leave your body. I read this variation a long time ago, and I think it's absolutely correct. It will be difficult at first, but then with trial and error you'll get the hang of it.

You can easily get back into your body if you want to.

What's really interesting for me here are the buildings in this dimension. Although it's just as possible in the world we live in. In fact, if one builds such a place there in the astral and programs it properly to be theirs, it is possible that it will be there for many lifetimes as a safe place for them because it is theirs.

In the astral world, constructions last a long time, just as in the material world. Understandably, such places are built of strong, brick, sturdy materials. Its maker certainly has some connection, emotional or personal attachment to the place. He may always stumble upon it by chance, but he finds it anyway. Because he sees and feels something in it through his astral senses, he knows or may know that it has something to do with him.

At such times, when he is away, other souls and beings may actually go there, because they are also on the astral and meet him. Opening our astral senses is to our advantage in many ways.

We can meet astral beings, good and not so good. It all depends on how developed our minds are. With a strong mind we can ward off and distance ourselves from these more negative beings. It's worth paying attention during astral projection, because if you go into it just for the adventure, you might meet one or two nasty creatures.

Who, as you might guess, are not very friendly. You should also be careful on the astral plane. If you have experience in this, you know what I'm talking about.

The astral world is not small. You can travel all over, see the past and the future. When you reach one of the four levels of trance, you can experience this world. The astral is an interesting dimension, we don't know much about it. When we start to develop ourselves, that's when we enter this wonderful world and that's when we really get to know it. It is totally different from the material world.

If you want to get out of it, or if you're new to it, I suggest you read posts on this topic to avoid misunderstandings. I may not write as clearly, but I'll try. A certain main chakra, the heart chakra, plays a big role in astral work. As we know, the heart chakra is responsible for transmitting energy through your chakras.

If you have a weak heart chakra, this will show up in your astral work and your senses. Because the heart chakra is the centre, much of your astral work depends on the strength of this chakra. I should also mention another chakra that also plays a role in projection, the navel chakra.

These characteristics make up the general knowledge. These are the two most important chakras that greatly influence the success of the work. Experienced projectors know this. Learn and you will know a lot.

Once you have managed to leave your body, you will slide into this dimension from then on. Look around, experience and learn about this wonderful place.

It really is a wonderful place full of friendly beings and souls who are all helpful.


In another thread I wrote this. I'm not sure if it's a dimension of perception or a astral projection into a real astral world and if so does this add to the real astral world overtime? Can you maybe help me understand please

The mind body and all the layers of the soul are the different things that work together right. Now for me this is mostly my brain not my soul leaving the body but what makes it complicated is that I can enter into a world completely surrounded by whatever my brain has manifested like a whole new world created out of nothing where I can absorb energy from build whatever I want and even learn the deeper finer things of a idea to build something.. I have never seen auras before and that means I have not connected to the spiritual reality of things only a self generated projection of a unknown cosmos. Or is it the astral and I'm only tapping into it with the power of inner eyes only and not my heart chakra as you say and just being creative. I once definitely projected to something on the astral because it was a distance memory with deep feeling and what I did was only focus on that while slowly projecting into it. My senses became stronger and the feeling of the memory I was tuning into slowly became stronger. When I fully tuned into it it was extremely powerful energy and the light was red and orange but with the intensity of white light which seemed to be present to a degree. It even made sound as loud as loud can get which was unpleasant in a way. It looked like a living energy it was flowing transparent things thats looked like gears and huge mining vehicles. If someone had to ask me with what can you compare this place to I would say the sun but of a unknown unfound origin.

Post from other thread:
think of it like this. The higher your vibrations of the chakras the higher dimensions you can tap into. I'm not sure what they mean by density of dimensions but the third eye can switch or tune into many of these at will. I think of it like this your eyes can only see the material in one dimension therefor you see what is dense and what is not like water compared to a stone and all you will see is this dimensional realms density until you vibrate your inner eye until you reach the full spectrum of the other dimension which connects to your real eyes then you will see the aura fields of these things like the density of light surrounding objects that's why we can see different colours.This is density I believe.
One Wire Phenomenon
Re: Inquiry into dimensions and vibration
Post 30 Dec 2021, 14:01

The reason I say so is because if you close your eyes and look at the darkness or red depending on outside light and you have a image in your subconscious mind it manifests as a shadow or a faint disturbance in colour moving around. Then by focusing on this you can start seeing what it is the more you focus on it like looking at a real thing instead of a imaginary thing it will eventually become so real looking you won't be able to tell the difference between this and reality. It's like looking at a picture from the time the first camera was invented too where we are now with the technology but this can happen in the mind instantly aswell and can fluctuate between different layers of colours, non physical details,size and this is infinite so far I can tell there are no limits of this. Also this can be done with your eyes open and a non physical thing can be projected onto this reality like a hologram. I have seen this for myself willing a nothing into a dot that became red and eventually looked like a laser dot that I could move at will it looked real as the surrounding reality to a point that I wanted to call my mom and ask her if she can see it. Which I never did but this maybe can explain the density of dimensions and what if it is actually possible to will something out of the Aether into this world without it taking a long time to manifest I mean like it becomes a actual material with mass and weight.
Yesterday I had a similar experience but in this case I saw a photo of Saturns hexagon on one of its poles. I went there with my mind and started drawing its colour into my third eye and then opened my eyes and what I saw was everything I was looking at was a misty colour the same colour at that what I was drawing in. The same effect as wearing shades.
It whent away after some time.

The astral dimension relies almost exclusively on the astral senses. As strong as your senses are, you can experience this dimension.

Yes, what you have written about the fading of the image, and as you try to focus on it, you must also focus on the astral to the same extent. As you step out of your body, you will thereby experience all that you experience in the physical world, only in a completely different dimension, more advanced than ours.

The heart chakra is actually one of the most important steps in this practice, as I've written. When you project yourself into the astral, your astral senses need to be open enough for you to fully perceive the reality you have entered. You should also strengthen your third eye chakra for more accurate imaging. What you say about creativity is possible.

When you meditate, your mind, your intuition, your image of reality, changes completely in the constructive direction. It is possible that this is the case for you, that the evolution of your mind creates for you a reality that you think of as astral.

I understand what you are saying about the Ether, and I think that with a high level of development and mind it is possible. It is also a kind of ability and belongs to a higher dimension of abilities. For example, if you concentrate strongly on something in the Ether, it is possible that it will manifest physically. But it requires an extraordinary development.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Holy fuck I just remembered something. I was going to tell you the first time I experienced this then It came to me now I had memory loss and nerve damage through out my whole body due to over stimulation. That's why I said it was a memory holy fuck now I remember it was only years after the accident when I found JoS on that day I projected to it again but this time I had control.

The first time was when I was with 6 people smoking a bong and I don't know if they put something in the weed or what but it never happened before and I was a big smoker. I remember feeling very nervous because my body started feeling on fire and I was losing touch with reality. My eyes were open and I could not see anyone around me anymore or hear them talking and shouting at one another including me. They were fucked up friends who were no good with no sense of what it means to be human one of them might even of been a Jew. Anyway I completely entered this place with no control over it. It got so extreme with noise and my body could not handle the energy at all and that's when I lost my memory and hit the trip switch I woke up I don't know how long after the incidence but I could not walk I felt so tired and could not even speak although I was me again. All of them except one were laughing at me and were taunting me like I'm a retarted dog or something. My one friend help me to the sofa where I layer down thats when the guy who I think was a Jew started harrassing me and blowing a fucking vuvuzela in my ears. I could not move my body my nerves were absolutely traumatized. I remember lying there looking at my one friend who helped me to the sofa and trying to telepathically ask him to help me and get this guy away from me and it happened. He then took me to the room where I immediately fell asleep and woke up the next day about 3 pm.
The trauma lasted for a very long time and my mind would try and find ways to block it out but also in a way try to understand what happened. I remember sitting at the swimming pool and instantly traveled back to the same place just to try and grasp what it was anyway I think it was Satan who made everything a healing deep blue colour for me and I still remember me being grateful for it this happened before I found JoS so yeah. Years later I found JoS and until now did not link that incident to what I saw when I Astral projected thank you for making opening this topic it must be the Gods who wanted me to see this.

Do not make the mistake you make after consuming and using these substances. It can change your perception of reality and the Spiritual in completely the wrong direction.

I'm glad I could help on this topic and thank you for sharing this story. One final note, brother, if I may: avoid these drugs. They have short term effects, but in the long run they will ruin you if you continue because they are addictive. I hope you are no longer living with such drugs.
BrightSpace666 said:
slyscorpion said:
BrightSpace666 said:
I think you can start with the lowest level of trance state. To get to the Alpha or Theta state. The trance state itself has a big influence on the outcome of the work. When you get into this state, your concentration is greatly enhanced, your thoughts quieten down, you can concentrate better.

In fact, my advice on this problem is to look for the source of the problem. Because most of these problems can be solved by thinking about the situation itself. Astral projection is difficult, it requires experience, and I think you have all that.

I don't know if I can give you a 100% constructive answer to what you describe, as you are much more experienced in this than I am, but I will try.

What you can try is that before attempting the project, you should first thoroughly clear your aura, raise your energies with a specially designed exercise, quiet your mind, and only then attempt. Because if you do these, your aura and mind will be clear, so you can avoid a significant amount of negative entities. That's the purpose of working with your energies, because if something does happen in the meantime, your high energy level can easily eliminate it.

When you're in the projection stage, it's worth paying attention to the environment you're projecting from. If it is, you can eliminate one more problem. I'll explain what I mean in a moment.

If there is any negative entity present in the place, in the physical place from which you have initiated the process of projection, if there is any negative entity that you are not sensing or not noticing, it is possible that it will affect the program itself. Although I think we can put that statement aside, because you would detect it, and the chances of that are very small.

If the ejection was successful, it is worth clearing your aura again, lest you bring back energy from the astral that could cause damage later. Not incidentally, proper Void meditation is also required.

I am going to keep trying it doesn't appear to be an environment thing as I had this problem for awhile no matter where I have been located at. The entity feels like an angelic thoughtform. Has gross green black energy but tries to project an aura of loving energy when attacking me for some reason. There were a couple times it pulled me out of my body and tried to drag me somewhere too. The problem is I don't know how to disconnect from an entity yet just how to detach from people.

Sorry for the delayed reply, I hope you don't mind.

I'm trying to help you, brother. What you wrote should not be neglected. Such creatures will only harm you, disturb you and only annoy you. What you said about black and green energy, I think it will come in handy for you. The connections are probably in your chakras or aura.

Go into a deeper trance and try to find that energy. Also look at your chakras, you never know. Once you feel a strange sensation or pressure in a particular chakra, it's worth noting which chakra it is and moving on. If you only feel it in one chakra, that's fine, if you feel it in several chakras, that's fine too.

Visualize the negative energy from that being that is attached to you and try to remove it. This may be a longer post I write, but I need to help you. Visualize the black and green energy that is attached to your chakra and pull it out. Or remove it with some astral tool.

The trance will be important here, as the negative being can distract you, so raise your energies first. Once you have removed this energy from your chakra, you can move on. I think it is worth starting this exercise with the waxing moon. Once you start, you may finish it quickly, it may take longer, but eventually you will succeed.

After you have removed the energy from your chakra, say an affirmation, "I have removed all energy from my chakra that came from this being! (while visualizing the being) It has no effect on me!" for example. When you are done with that, you can do the aura. Tune into your aura, visualize it, and remove the energy from it. You can try the same astral tool you used for your chakras.

It may not work as fast, but you have to want it. Concentrate hard and remove it from yourself. When you are done, say an affirmation, "I have removed the negative energies from this being from my aura, forever! It will never affect me again, get out of here!" for example. It would also be worthwhile to strengthen your chakras.

Anyway, it's interesting, and I hope you can solve the problem with that.
BrightSpace666 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
BrightSpace666 said:
The astral or astral plane has many interesting things. From people to buildings to negative beings. There are beautiful places on the astral plane, but travelling and spending time there can affect you. This post was inspired by one of my dear companions, thank you, slyscorpion.

A bit from the beginning. What is an astral? The astral, astral plane, astral dimension, fourth dimension is completely different from here on Earth. In fact, we are talking about a place where souls can walk, dwell and manifest. For an ordinary person this place is almost inaccessible.

We SS have the ability or capacity to experience what this dimension is like. There are specific ways to do this, several, I won't go into details, but with the right intensity and persistence, projection can be done.

The projection itself is a moment when you separate from your body and move with your soul.You are in control, just like your body, but from a completely different perspective. I don't know exactly what the right method is for the process of projection because, as I wrote, there are several, but I'll write about that in a moment.

Once you leave your body, you go into another dimension. Different atmosphere, different areas and different beings. As I said, there are many positive beings here and unfortunately there are negative ones.

Within the astral plane you can go anywhere, you can travel anywhere, you can go anywhere you don't really want to go, you can encounter many things you have not known before. Once you experience this world, you will see things in a completely different light.

As far as the ejection is concerned, I think the correct practice, as far as I know, is to stop your chakras and turn them a little bit in the opposite direction. Then you try to leave your body. I read this variation a long time ago, and I think it's absolutely correct. It will be difficult at first, but then with trial and error you'll get the hang of it.

You can easily get back into your body if you want to.

What's really interesting for me here are the buildings in this dimension. Although it's just as possible in the world we live in. In fact, if one builds such a place there in the astral and programs it properly to be theirs, it is possible that it will be there for many lifetimes as a safe place for them because it is theirs.

In the astral world, constructions last a long time, just as in the material world. Understandably, such places are built of strong, brick, sturdy materials. Its maker certainly has some connection, emotional or personal attachment to the place. He may always stumble upon it by chance, but he finds it anyway. Because he sees and feels something in it through his astral senses, he knows or may know that it has something to do with him.

At such times, when he is away, other souls and beings may actually go there, because they are also on the astral and meet him. Opening our astral senses is to our advantage in many ways.

We can meet astral beings, good and not so good. It all depends on how developed our minds are. With a strong mind we can ward off and distance ourselves from these more negative beings. It's worth paying attention during astral projection, because if you go into it just for the adventure, you might meet one or two nasty creatures.

Who, as you might guess, are not very friendly. You should also be careful on the astral plane. If you have experience in this, you know what I'm talking about.

The astral world is not small. You can travel all over, see the past and the future. When you reach one of the four levels of trance, you can experience this world. The astral is an interesting dimension, we don't know much about it. When we start to develop ourselves, that's when we enter this wonderful world and that's when we really get to know it. It is totally different from the material world.

If you want to get out of it, or if you're new to it, I suggest you read posts on this topic to avoid misunderstandings. I may not write as clearly, but I'll try. A certain main chakra, the heart chakra, plays a big role in astral work. As we know, the heart chakra is responsible for transmitting energy through your chakras.

If you have a weak heart chakra, this will show up in your astral work and your senses. Because the heart chakra is the centre, much of your astral work depends on the strength of this chakra. I should also mention another chakra that also plays a role in projection, the navel chakra.

These characteristics make up the general knowledge. These are the two most important chakras that greatly influence the success of the work. Experienced projectors know this. Learn and you will know a lot.

Once you have managed to leave your body, you will slide into this dimension from then on. Look around, experience and learn about this wonderful place.

It really is a wonderful place full of friendly beings and souls who are all helpful.


In another thread I wrote this. I'm not sure if it's a dimension of perception or a astral projection into a real astral world and if so does this add to the real astral world overtime? Can you maybe help me understand please

The mind body and all the layers of the soul are the different things that work together right. Now for me this is mostly my brain not my soul leaving the body but what makes it complicated is that I can enter into a world completely surrounded by whatever my brain has manifested like a whole new world created out of nothing where I can absorb energy from build whatever I want and even learn the deeper finer things of a idea to build something.. I have never seen auras before and that means I have not connected to the spiritual reality of things only a self generated projection of a unknown cosmos. Or is it the astral and I'm only tapping into it with the power of inner eyes only and not my heart chakra as you say and just being creative. I once definitely projected to something on the astral because it was a distance memory with deep feeling and what I did was only focus on that while slowly projecting into it. My senses became stronger and the feeling of the memory I was tuning into slowly became stronger. When I fully tuned into it it was extremely powerful energy and the light was red and orange but with the intensity of white light which seemed to be present to a degree. It even made sound as loud as loud can get which was unpleasant in a way. It looked like a living energy it was flowing transparent things thats looked like gears and huge mining vehicles. If someone had to ask me with what can you compare this place to I would say the sun but of a unknown unfound origin.

Post from other thread:
think of it like this. The higher your vibrations of the chakras the higher dimensions you can tap into. I'm not sure what they mean by density of dimensions but the third eye can switch or tune into many of these at will. I think of it like this your eyes can only see the material in one dimension therefor you see what is dense and what is not like water compared to a stone and all you will see is this dimensional realms density until you vibrate your inner eye until you reach the full spectrum of the other dimension which connects to your real eyes then you will see the aura fields of these things like the density of light surrounding objects that's why we can see different colours.This is density I believe.
One Wire Phenomenon
Re: Inquiry into dimensions and vibration
Post 30 Dec 2021, 14:01

The reason I say so is because if you close your eyes and look at the darkness or red depending on outside light and you have a image in your subconscious mind it manifests as a shadow or a faint disturbance in colour moving around. Then by focusing on this you can start seeing what it is the more you focus on it like looking at a real thing instead of a imaginary thing it will eventually become so real looking you won't be able to tell the difference between this and reality. It's like looking at a picture from the time the first camera was invented too where we are now with the technology but this can happen in the mind instantly aswell and can fluctuate between different layers of colours, non physical details,size and this is infinite so far I can tell there are no limits of this. Also this can be done with your eyes open and a non physical thing can be projected onto this reality like a hologram. I have seen this for myself willing a nothing into a dot that became red and eventually looked like a laser dot that I could move at will it looked real as the surrounding reality to a point that I wanted to call my mom and ask her if she can see it. Which I never did but this maybe can explain the density of dimensions and what if it is actually possible to will something out of the Aether into this world without it taking a long time to manifest I mean like it becomes a actual material with mass and weight.
Yesterday I had a similar experience but in this case I saw a photo of Saturns hexagon on one of its poles. I went there with my mind and started drawing its colour into my third eye and then opened my eyes and what I saw was everything I was looking at was a misty colour the same colour at that what I was drawing in. The same effect as wearing shades.
It whent away after some time.

The astral dimension relies almost exclusively on the astral senses. As strong as your senses are, you can experience this dimension.

Yes, what you have written about the fading of the image, and as you try to focus on it, you must also focus on the astral to the same extent. As you step out of your body, you will thereby experience all that you experience in the physical world, only in a completely different dimension, more advanced than ours.

The heart chakra is actually one of the most important steps in this practice, as I've written. When you project yourself into the astral, your astral senses need to be open enough for you to fully perceive the reality you have entered. You should also strengthen your third eye chakra for more accurate imaging. What you say about creativity is possible.

When you meditate, your mind, your intuition, your image of reality, changes completely in the constructive direction. It is possible that this is the case for you, that the evolution of your mind creates for you a reality that you think of as astral.

I understand what you are saying about the Ether, and I think that with a high level of development and mind it is possible. It is also a kind of ability and belongs to a higher dimension of abilities. For example, if you concentrate strongly on something in the Ether, it is possible that it will manifest physically. But it requires an extraordinary development.

As for my last question yes it probably does. I saw I wrote it wrong again. All light emits photons and carries electromagnetic waves.

A simple video at its foundation
BrightSpace666 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Holy fuck I just remembered something. I was going to tell you the first time I experienced this then It came to me now I had memory loss and nerve damage through out my whole body due to over stimulation. That's why I said it was a memory holy fuck now I remember it was only years after the accident when I found JoS on that day I projected to it again but this time I had control.

The first time was when I was with 6 people smoking a bong and I don't know if they put something in the weed or what but it never happened before and I was a big smoker. I remember feeling very nervous because my body started feeling on fire and I was losing touch with reality. My eyes were open and I could not see anyone around me anymore or hear them talking and shouting at one another including me. They were fucked up friends who were no good with no sense of what it means to be human one of them might even of been a Jew. Anyway I completely entered this place with no control over it. It got so extreme with noise and my body could not handle the energy at all and that's when I lost my memory and hit the trip switch I woke up I don't know how long after the incidence but I could not walk I felt so tired and could not even speak although I was me again. All of them except one were laughing at me and were taunting me like I'm a retarted dog or something. My one friend help me to the sofa where I layer down thats when the guy who I think was a Jew started harrassing me and blowing a fucking vuvuzela in my ears. I could not move my body my nerves were absolutely traumatized. I remember lying there looking at my one friend who helped me to the sofa and trying to telepathically ask him to help me and get this guy away from me and it happened. He then took me to the room where I immediately fell asleep and woke up the next day about 3 pm.
The trauma lasted for a very long time and my mind would try and find ways to block it out but also in a way try to understand what happened. I remember sitting at the swimming pool and instantly traveled back to the same place just to try and grasp what it was anyway I think it was Satan who made everything a healing deep blue colour for me and I still remember me being grateful for it this happened before I found JoS so yeah. Years later I found JoS and until now did not link that incident to what I saw when I Astral projected thank you for making opening this topic it must be the Gods who wanted me to see this.

Do not make the mistake you make after consuming and using these substances. It can change your perception of reality and the Spiritual in completely the wrong direction.

I'm glad I could help on this topic and thank you for sharing this story. One final note, brother, if I may: avoid these drugs. They have short term effects, but in the long run they will ruin you if you continue because they are addictive. I hope you are no longer living with such drugs.

Everytime I tried to smoke weed again I had paranoia. I don't smoke weed anymore it's dangerous
BrightSpace666 said:
BrightSpace666 said:
slyscorpion said:
I am going to keep trying it doesn't appear to be an environment thing as I had this problem for awhile no matter where I have been located at. The entity feels like an angelic thoughtform. Has gross green black energy but tries to project an aura of loving energy when attacking me for some reason. There were a couple times it pulled me out of my body and tried to drag me somewhere too. The problem is I don't know how to disconnect from an entity yet just how to detach from people.

Sorry for the delayed reply, I hope you don't mind.

I'm trying to help you, brother. What you wrote should not be neglected. Such creatures will only harm you, disturb you and only annoy you. What you said about black and green energy, I think it will come in handy for you. The connections are probably in your chakras or aura.

Go into a deeper trance and try to find that energy. Also look at your chakras, you never know. Once you feel a strange sensation or pressure in a particular chakra, it's worth noting which chakra it is and moving on. If you only feel it in one chakra, that's fine, if you feel it in several chakras, that's fine too.

Visualize the negative energy from that being that is attached to you and try to remove it. This may be a longer post I write, but I need to help you. Visualize the black and green energy that is attached to your chakra and pull it out. Or remove it with some astral tool.

The trance will be important here, as the negative being can distract you, so raise your energies first. Once you have removed this energy from your chakra, you can move on. I think it is worth starting this exercise with the waxing moon. Once you start, you may finish it quickly, it may take longer, but eventually you will succeed.

After you have removed the energy from your chakra, say an affirmation, "I have removed all energy from my chakra that came from this being! (while visualizing the being) It has no effect on me!" for example. When you are done with that, you can do the aura. Tune into your aura, visualize it, and remove the energy from it. You can try the same astral tool you used for your chakras.

It may not work as fast, but you have to want it. Concentrate hard and remove it from yourself. When you are done, say an affirmation, "I have removed the negative energies from this being from my aura, forever! It will never affect me again, get out of here!" for example. It would also be worthwhile to strengthen your chakras.

Anyway, it's interesting, and I hope you can solve the problem with that.

Thank you for helping me
One Wire Phenomenon said:
BrightSpace666 said:
BrightSpace666 said:
Sorry for the delayed reply, I hope you don't mind.

I'm trying to help you, brother. What you wrote should not be neglected. Such creatures will only harm you, disturb you and only annoy you. What you said about black and green energy, I think it will come in handy for you. The connections are probably in your chakras or aura.

Go into a deeper trance and try to find that energy. Also look at your chakras, you never know. Once you feel a strange sensation or pressure in a particular chakra, it's worth noting which chakra it is and moving on. If you only feel it in one chakra, that's fine, if you feel it in several chakras, that's fine too.

Visualize the negative energy from that being that is attached to you and try to remove it. This may be a longer post I write, but I need to help you. Visualize the black and green energy that is attached to your chakra and pull it out. Or remove it with some astral tool.

The trance will be important here, as the negative being can distract you, so raise your energies first. Once you have removed this energy from your chakra, you can move on. I think it is worth starting this exercise with the waxing moon. Once you start, you may finish it quickly, it may take longer, but eventually you will succeed.

After you have removed the energy from your chakra, say an affirmation, "I have removed all energy from my chakra that came from this being! (while visualizing the being) It has no effect on me!" for example. When you are done with that, you can do the aura. Tune into your aura, visualize it, and remove the energy from it. You can try the same astral tool you used for your chakras.

It may not work as fast, but you have to want it. Concentrate hard and remove it from yourself. When you are done, say an affirmation, "I have removed the negative energies from this being from my aura, forever! It will never affect me again, get out of here!" for example. It would also be worthwhile to strengthen your chakras.

Anyway, it's interesting, and I hope you can solve the problem with that.

Thank you for helping me

Glad I could help.
BrightSpace666 said:
The astral or astral plane has many interesting things. From people to buildings to negative beings. There are beautiful places on the astral plane, but travelling and spending time there can affect you. This post was inspired by one of my dear companions, thank you, slyscorpion.

A bit from the beginning. What is an astral? The astral, astral plane, astral dimension, fourth dimension is completely different from here on Earth. In fact, we are talking about a place where souls can walk, dwell and manifest. For an ordinary person this place is almost inaccessible.

We SS have the ability or capacity to experience what this dimension is like. There are specific ways to do this, several, I won't go into details, but with the right intensity and persistence, projection can be done.

The projection itself is a moment when you separate from your body and move with your soul.You are in control, just like your body, but from a completely different perspective. I don't know exactly what the right method is for the process of projection because, as I wrote, there are several, but I'll write about that in a moment.

Once you leave your body, you go into another dimension. Different atmosphere, different areas and different beings. As I said, there are many positive beings here and unfortunately there are negative ones.

Within the astral plane you can go anywhere, you can travel anywhere, you can go anywhere you don't really want to go, you can encounter many things you have not known before. Once you experience this world, you will see things in a completely different light.

As far as the ejection is concerned, I think the correct practice, as far as I know, is to stop your chakras and turn them a little bit in the opposite direction. Then you try to leave your body. I read this variation a long time ago, and I think it's absolutely correct. It will be difficult at first, but then with trial and error you'll get the hang of it.

You can easily get back into your body if you want to.

What's really interesting for me here are the buildings in this dimension. Although it's just as possible in the world we live in. In fact, if one builds such a place there in the astral and programs it properly to be theirs, it is possible that it will be there for many lifetimes as a safe place for them because it is theirs.

In the astral world, constructions last a long time, just as in the material world. Understandably, such places are built of strong, brick, sturdy materials. Its maker certainly has some connection, emotional or personal attachment to the place. He may always stumble upon it by chance, but he finds it anyway. Because he sees and feels something in it through his astral senses, he knows or may know that it has something to do with him.

At such times, when he is away, other souls and beings may actually go there, because they are also on the astral and meet him. Opening our astral senses is to our advantage in many ways.

We can meet astral beings, good and not so good. It all depends on how developed our minds are. With a strong mind we can ward off and distance ourselves from these more negative beings. It's worth paying attention during astral projection, because if you go into it just for the adventure, you might meet one or two nasty creatures.

Who, as you might guess, are not very friendly. You should also be careful on the astral plane. If you have experience in this, you know what I'm talking about.

The astral world is not small. You can travel all over, see the past and the future. When you reach one of the four levels of trance, you can experience this world. The astral is an interesting dimension, we don't know much about it. When we start to develop ourselves, that's when we enter this wonderful world and that's when we really get to know it. It is totally different from the material world.

If you want to get out of it, or if you're new to it, I suggest you read posts on this topic to avoid misunderstandings. I may not write as clearly, but I'll try. A certain main chakra, the heart chakra, plays a big role in astral work. As we know, the heart chakra is responsible for transmitting energy through your chakras.

If you have a weak heart chakra, this will show up in your astral work and your senses. Because the heart chakra is the centre, much of your astral work depends on the strength of this chakra. I should also mention another chakra that also plays a role in projection, the navel chakra.

These characteristics make up the general knowledge. These are the two most important chakras that greatly influence the success of the work. Experienced projectors know this. Learn and you will know a lot.

Once you have managed to leave your body, you will slide into this dimension from then on. Look around, experience and learn about this wonderful place.

It really is a wonderful place full of friendly beings and souls who are all helpful.

hello and thanks for the info. if i remember correctly, maxine said there is a cord connecting the soul to the body which breaks upon death. i was wondering if that cord could be in the danger of being cut when astral projecting?
slyscorpion said:
Do not end up where the reptilians and greys are if you can help it. If you try astral projection or you will have a bad time. That did happen to me once temporarily this was 2019 I had a lot of xtian and Jewish energy and curses lowering my vibration my experience there was this lizard being there I was in this dark place he was crawling all over me. I heard this tortured screaming and all sorts of weird random disjointed stuff. Luckily like the above something always forces me back to my body after a minute or so.

You can raise or lower your consciousness level to go to different places and planes here. I remember that not that I have been able to do it this life.

Can you help me figure out how to get rid of whatever is preventing me from fully doing this. It's like a thoughtform or entity of some sort.

The first time I "broke through" and astral projected, I "ended up" hovering right next to what appeared to be my physical body. Then all of a sudden, a dark, shadowy skeleton creature (kind of like the monster from the movie Scream) came out of the corner and approached me in a menacing manner.

It immediately scared the shit out of me and I woke up from the trance. I later researched this and came across a phenomena called "The dweller in the threshold"

It turns out a lot of people have a similar experience to this. Some believe the monster is actually the shadow side of your personality, or your fears being projected onto yourself. I really don't know what it is. All I know is it set me back on AP for many years due to the fear. I've always thought about going back and trying to embrace and accept the monster and to turn that shadowy skeleton figure into a beautiful seductive woman with my "mind power" and to give it a big smooch on the lips....I never got to trying that yet. Im still a little scared. Would love to hear other people's opinions on this matter. I don't want to unintentionally embrace a grey/reptilian/monster.......
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
slyscorpion said:
Do not end up where the reptilians and greys are if you can help it. If you try astral projection or you will have a bad time. That did happen to me once temporarily this was 2019 I had a lot of xtian and Jewish energy and curses lowering my vibration my experience there was this lizard being there I was in this dark place he was crawling all over me. I heard this tortured screaming and all sorts of weird random disjointed stuff. Luckily like the above something always forces me back to my body after a minute or so.

You can raise or lower your consciousness level to go to different places and planes here. I remember that not that I have been able to do it this life.

Can you help me figure out how to get rid of whatever is preventing me from fully doing this. It's like a thoughtform or entity of some sort.

The first time I "broke through" and astral projected, I "ended up" hovering right next to what appeared to be my physical body. Then all of a sudden, a dark, shadowy skeleton creature (kind of like the monster from the movie Scream) came out of the corner and approached me in a menacing manner.

It immediately scared the shit out of me and I woke up from the trance. I later researched this and came across a phenomena called "The dweller in the threshold"

It turns out a lot of people have a similar experience to this. Some believe the monster is actually the shadow side of your personality, or your fears being projected onto yourself. I really don't know what it is. All I know is it set me back on AP for many years due to the fear. I've always thought about going back and trying to embrace and accept the monster and to turn that shadowy skeleton figure into a beautiful seductive woman with my "mind power" and to give it a big smooch on the lips....I never got to trying that yet. Im still a little scared. Would love to hear other people's opinions on this matter. I don't want to unintentionally embrace a grey/reptilian/monster.......
I myself have been attacked multiple times by angels and enemy aliens while dreaming. And let me tell you if it is a grey or something like that dont even bother turning it into your sexual fantasy :lol: i personally suggest you work a lot on your aura of protection and to clean your aura and chakras every day. If that thing still doesnt go away do a banishment ritual or ask your guardian demon to help you.... to be honest it all might just be an aspect of your subconscious which you need to work on, that possibility exists too.
Considering the knowledge I have gained regarding Astral Projection from Robert Bruce's Treatise on it, and his book Astral Dynamics, I've consistently tried projection for about 2 months now. Inspired by other members who have written extensively on Astral Projection, some of who are present in this thread, my interest in the subject everlastingly increases.

Although I continue to exert my best efforts, everything but the moment of conscious exit eludes me. Its extent of difficulty can be discouraging sometimes, though I attempt it almost every night.

Let's say someone's doing everything correctly, and the only elements left to finalize the process successfully, is time and persistence. If even some normal people out there can astral project, we as SS should be even more strongly capable and privileged?

On top of what BrightSpace666 said to slyscorpion about raising energies, cleaning the aura, and potentially purifying the area of obstructive entities, perhaps we could utilise runes like Reid which assists in astral travel, too? NakedPluto also once said that he almost never decides to project without his GD, so we've got that kind of luxury too.
OhNoItsMook said:
Considering the knowledge I have gained regarding Astral Projection from Robert Bruce's Treatise on it, and his book Astral Dynamics, I've consistently tried projection for about 2 months now. Inspired by other members who have written extensively on Astral Projection, some of who are present in this thread, my interest in the subject everlastingly increases.

Although I continue to exert my best efforts, everything but the moment of conscious exit eludes me. Its extent of difficulty can be discouraging sometimes, though I attempt it almost every night.

Let's say someone's doing everything correctly, and the only elements left to finalize the process successfully, is time and persistence. If even some normal people out there can astral project, we as SS should be even more strongly capable and privileged?

On top of what BrightSpace666 said to slyscorpion about raising energies, cleaning the aura, and potentially purifying the area of obstructive entities, perhaps we could utilise runes like Reid which assists in astral travel, too? NakedPluto also once said that he almost never decides to project without his GD, so we've got that kind of luxury too.

From what I have heard it is that some people have the talent to project, while this doesn’t necessarily means that you are not advanced if you are not able to do so.

In my opinion, if you are not able to astrally see and hear yet, you shoule first work on that.
Projection is already above that in my view.
You might want to ask a Demon/Demoness for assistance in working on your senses, especially when you try to practice those.

This should be the most efficient way.
NinRick said:
OhNoItsMook said:
Considering the knowledge I have gained regarding Astral Projection from Robert Bruce's Treatise on it, and his book Astral Dynamics, I've consistently tried projection for about 2 months now. Inspired by other members who have written extensively on Astral Projection, some of who are present in this thread, my interest in the subject everlastingly increases.

Although I continue to exert my best efforts, everything but the moment of conscious exit eludes me. Its extent of difficulty can be discouraging sometimes, though I attempt it almost every night.

Let's say someone's doing everything correctly, and the only elements left to finalize the process successfully, is time and persistence. If even some normal people out there can astral project, we as SS should be even more strongly capable and privileged?

On top of what BrightSpace666 said to slyscorpion about raising energies, cleaning the aura, and potentially purifying the area of obstructive entities, perhaps we could utilise runes like Reid which assists in astral travel, too? NakedPluto also once said that he almost never decides to project without his GD, so we've got that kind of luxury too.

From what I have heard it is that some people have the talent to project, while this doesn’t necessarily means that you are not advanced if you are not able to do so.

In my opinion, if you are not able to astrally see and hear yet, you shoule first work on that.
Projection is already above that in my view.
You might want to ask a Demon/Demoness for assistance in working on your senses, especially when you try to practice those.

This should be the most efficient way.

What can help and I think it's some sort of astral projection on its own is to for example do flame meditation and with the imprint of the flame you can easily go into a light trance without feeling that strong conscious exit feeling like falling off a mountain which makes it difficult to let go. By just focusing on the imprint and relaxing into it asif you are literally looking at it the more details you begin to see and the more real it becomes the deeper you are going into a trance and let it be you and the flame only. Make your astral self small and the flame big then let your mind float with ease around it. Once you can do this you will see how powerful your mind is and that it's actually very easy its just mental blocks we have that stop us from being like the green lantern lol. The only problem Is I'm not sure if it's an actual existing of your body with your soul it does definitely feel like other realm but at the same time you are aware that you are in your body and can return at will. I have never felt like my soul literally leaves my body with controlled meditation and saw the silver cord. It feels in a way like it but I doubt it because why don't I see my body lying there while in the air.

Hope someone can clear it up anyway its a great start I believe. There is also something like a death trance where I have went before you litterly feel like you are dying this is very dangerous and that's where the astral parasites wait. And i believe this is what Satan meant when he said those who are not mindfull of Me at death will have eternal suffering or something like that. This is where the Aliens steal human souls I believe and it happens at the very lower vibrations I fear this the most I cannot even explain the horror that I felt there with words it's extremely serious. It's Lower than life itself. That's my own view and experience I might be explaining it wrong but places of the enemy are REAL!!
But don't worry I think it only happens to people who are miserable an want to die that's why I would never again try sucide..
I haven't been able to astral project yet but I do wonder if I have without knowing.

I had one dream where I was flying around the city. I ended up on a the top of a high-rise building where three people were doing something I knew was bad, but I couldn't figure out what. It was like they were arranging for something to happen, like a black-market sale or something.

The rest of the dream involved me floating around a grocery store for some random reason. It was so vivid though! I could see the tops of people's heads, isles and so on. I left and flew up high to see where my house was. I flew back home and remembered feeling like it was real, like I had super powers. Ascending felt scary though, almost as though if I put too much force I may lose control and plummet to my death.

That's about all I remember. It was the most realistic dream I ever experienced yet it made zero sense.

Do you suppose vivid dreams like these are spiritual? Or could it be just some illusion? In any case it inspired me to work on opening my chakras, astral senses and working at mastering this amazing power.
OhNoItsMook said:
Considering the knowledge I have gained regarding Astral Projection from Robert Bruce's Treatise on it, and his book Astral Dynamics, I've consistently tried projection for about 2 months now. Inspired by other members who have written extensively on Astral Projection, some of who are present in this thread, my interest in the subject everlastingly increases.

Although I continue to exert my best efforts, everything but the moment of conscious exit eludes me. Its extent of difficulty can be discouraging sometimes, though I attempt it almost every night.

Let's say someone's doing everything correctly, and the only elements left to finalize the process successfully, is time and persistence. If even some normal people out there can astral project, we as SS should be even more strongly capable and privileged?

On top of what BrightSpace666 said to slyscorpion about raising energies, cleaning the aura, and potentially purifying the area of obstructive entities, perhaps we could utilise runes like Reid which assists in astral travel, too? NakedPluto also once said that he almost never decides to project without his GD, so we've got that kind of luxury too.

As soon as I saw you write "though I attempt it almost every night", a bell went off in my head

I can recall reading in books and on forums that the best time to astral project is actually not at night, but rather in the morning, when the body is well rested and the mind is relaxed..

I also recommend a book called Do_Obe by Donald J. DeGracia, you can get it free online if you use a search engine for "Do_Obe by Donald J. DeGracia free pdf"

Definitely vet the book first to make sure it isn't (((corrupted))), because I myself have only perused through a few pages of it and got distracted and moved on to something else. But, alas, hearing your story has brought me back to it and i will be checking it out as well again so thank you my SS brother in that regard!
One Wire Phenomenon said:
NinRick said:
OhNoItsMook said:
Considering the knowledge I have gained regarding Astral Projection from Robert Bruce's Treatise on it, and his book Astral Dynamics, I've consistently tried projection for about 2 months now. Inspired by other members who have written extensively on Astral Projection, some of who are present in this thread, my interest in the subject everlastingly increases.

Although I continue to exert my best efforts, everything but the moment of conscious exit eludes me. Its extent of difficulty can be discouraging sometimes, though I attempt it almost every night.

Let's say someone's doing everything correctly, and the only elements left to finalize the process successfully, is time and persistence. If even some normal people out there can astral project, we as SS should be even more strongly capable and privileged?

On top of what BrightSpace666 said to slyscorpion about raising energies, cleaning the aura, and potentially purifying the area of obstructive entities, perhaps we could utilise runes like Reid which assists in astral travel, too? NakedPluto also once said that he almost never decides to project without his GD, so we've got that kind of luxury too.

From what I have heard it is that some people have the talent to project, while this doesn’t necessarily means that you are not advanced if you are not able to do so.

In my opinion, if you are not able to astrally see and hear yet, you shoule first work on that.
Projection is already above that in my view.
You might want to ask a Demon/Demoness for assistance in working on your senses, especially when you try to practice those.

This should be the most efficient way.

What can help and I think it's some sort of astral projection on its own is to for example do flame meditation and with the imprint of the flame you can easily go into a light trance without feeling that strong conscious exit feeling like falling off a mountain which makes it difficult to let go. By just focusing on the imprint and relaxing into it asif you are literally looking at it the more details you begin to see and the more real it becomes the deeper you are going into a trance and let it be you and the flame only. Make your astral self small and the flame big then let your mind float with ease around it. Once you can do this you will see how powerful your mind is and that it's actually very easy its just mental blocks we have that stop us from being like the green lantern lol. The only problem Is I'm not sure if it's an actual existing of your body with your soul it does definitely feel like other realm but at the same time you are aware that you are in your body and can return at will. I have never felt like my soul literally leaves my body with controlled meditation and saw the silver cord. It feels in a way like it but I doubt it because why don't I see my body lying there while in the air.

Hope someone can clear it up anyway its a great start I believe. There is also something like a death trance where I have went before you litterly feel like you are dying this is very dangerous and that's where the astral parasites wait. And i believe this is what Satan meant when he said those who are not mindfull of Me at death will have eternal suffering or something like that. This is where the Aliens steal human souls I believe and it happens at the very lower vibrations I fear this the most I cannot even explain the horror that I felt there with words it's extremely serious. It's Lower than life itself. That's my own view and experience I might be explaining it wrong but places of the enemy are REAL!!
But don't worry I think it only happens to people who are miserable an want to die that's why I would never again try sucide..

I just want to add the room should be completely dark. Pitch black so that the only light you see will be from the imprint this makes it a lot easier. Your eyes can be open aswell it works better this way for me but everyone is different so try it out and see. Also the more you rush this the more you will feel the unpleasant surge of energy centres opening. If you relax into it and just go with the flow without really trying it happens naturally and you will suddenly realise wow I'm actually doing it this is where you need to focus more because the feeling can be overwhelming sometimes just stay focused on the flame. The colours are something to behold it's very beautiful. The deeper you go into this state the easier it becomes to change the size of the flame and the more out of body you feel. I have found when I have achieved the full spectrum of this the mind can think and reason like ask questions and speak to yourself and even allow it to wonder without breaking the projection almost like having a brain within your brain that can work independently. When you reach this state you can create whatever you desire but carefully and slowly because sometimes it does break the projection if you are not in full control. I hope this helps someone I think I wrote it properly this time.
OhNoItsMook said:
Considering the knowledge I have gained regarding Astral Projection from Robert Bruce's Treatise on it, and his book Astral Dynamics, I've consistently tried projection for about 2 months now. Inspired by other members who have written extensively on Astral Projection, some of who are present in this thread, my interest in the subject everlastingly increases.

Although I continue to exert my best efforts, everything but the moment of conscious exit eludes me. Its extent of difficulty can be discouraging sometimes, though I attempt it almost every night.

Let's say someone's doing everything correctly, and the only elements left to finalize the process successfully, is time and persistence. If even some normal people out there can astral project, we as SS should be even more strongly capable and privileged?

On top of what BrightSpace666 said to slyscorpion about raising energies, cleaning the aura, and potentially purifying the area of obstructive entities, perhaps we could utilise runes like Reid which assists in astral travel, too? NakedPluto also once said that he almost never decides to project without his GD, so we've got that kind of luxury too.

The interest in Astral is very good. In fact, for most people it is an unknown place and very interesting. In fact, the use of runes can and should help. Not only for the astral project, but also in general, as their power and force is a great help to progress.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
slyscorpion said:
Do not end up where the reptilians and greys are if you can help it. If you try astral projection or you will have a bad time. That did happen to me once temporarily this was 2019 I had a lot of xtian and Jewish energy and curses lowering my vibration my experience there was this lizard being there I was in this dark place he was crawling all over me. I heard this tortured screaming and all sorts of weird random disjointed stuff. Luckily like the above something always forces me back to my body after a minute or so.

You can raise or lower your consciousness level to go to different places and planes here. I remember that not that I have been able to do it this life.

Can you help me figure out how to get rid of whatever is preventing me from fully doing this. It's like a thoughtform or entity of some sort.

The first time I "broke through" and astral projected, I "ended up" hovering right next to what appeared to be my physical body. Then all of a sudden, a dark, shadowy skeleton creature (kind of like the monster from the movie Scream) came out of the corner and approached me in a menacing manner.

It immediately scared the shit out of me and I woke up from the trance. I later researched this and came across a phenomena called "The dweller in the threshold"

It turns out a lot of people have a similar experience to this. Some believe the monster is actually the shadow side of your personality, or your fears being projected onto yourself. I really don't know what it is. All I know is it set me back on AP for many years due to the fear. I've always thought about going back and trying to embrace and accept the monster and to turn that shadowy skeleton figure into a beautiful seductive woman with my "mind power" and to give it a big smooch on the lips....I never got to trying that yet. Im still a little scared. Would love to hear other people's opinions on this matter. I don't want to unintentionally embrace a grey/reptilian/monster.......
I myself have been attacked multiple times by angels and enemy aliens while dreaming. And let me tell you if it is a grey or something like that dont even bother turning it into your sexual fantasy :lol: i personally suggest you work a lot on your aura of protection and to clean your aura and chakras every day. If that thing still doesnt go away do a banishment ritual or ask your guardian demon to help you.... to be honest it all might just be an aspect of your subconscious which you need to work on, that possibility exists too.

Yes, strengthening the aura and strengthening and developing the chakras is half of success.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
BrightSpace666 said:
The astral or astral plane has many interesting things. From people to buildings to negative beings. There are beautiful places on the astral plane, but travelling and spending time there can affect you. This post was inspired by one of my dear companions, thank you, slyscorpion.

A bit from the beginning. What is an astral? The astral, astral plane, astral dimension, fourth dimension is completely different from here on Earth. In fact, we are talking about a place where souls can walk, dwell and manifest. For an ordinary person this place is almost inaccessible.

We SS have the ability or capacity to experience what this dimension is like. There are specific ways to do this, several, I won't go into details, but with the right intensity and persistence, projection can be done.

The projection itself is a moment when you separate from your body and move with your soul.You are in control, just like your body, but from a completely different perspective. I don't know exactly what the right method is for the process of projection because, as I wrote, there are several, but I'll write about that in a moment.

Once you leave your body, you go into another dimension. Different atmosphere, different areas and different beings. As I said, there are many positive beings here and unfortunately there are negative ones.

Within the astral plane you can go anywhere, you can travel anywhere, you can go anywhere you don't really want to go, you can encounter many things you have not known before. Once you experience this world, you will see things in a completely different light.

As far as the ejection is concerned, I think the correct practice, as far as I know, is to stop your chakras and turn them a little bit in the opposite direction. Then you try to leave your body. I read this variation a long time ago, and I think it's absolutely correct. It will be difficult at first, but then with trial and error you'll get the hang of it.

You can easily get back into your body if you want to.

What's really interesting for me here are the buildings in this dimension. Although it's just as possible in the world we live in. In fact, if one builds such a place there in the astral and programs it properly to be theirs, it is possible that it will be there for many lifetimes as a safe place for them because it is theirs.

In the astral world, constructions last a long time, just as in the material world. Understandably, such places are built of strong, brick, sturdy materials. Its maker certainly has some connection, emotional or personal attachment to the place. He may always stumble upon it by chance, but he finds it anyway. Because he sees and feels something in it through his astral senses, he knows or may know that it has something to do with him.

At such times, when he is away, other souls and beings may actually go there, because they are also on the astral and meet him. Opening our astral senses is to our advantage in many ways.

We can meet astral beings, good and not so good. It all depends on how developed our minds are. With a strong mind we can ward off and distance ourselves from these more negative beings. It's worth paying attention during astral projection, because if you go into it just for the adventure, you might meet one or two nasty creatures.

Who, as you might guess, are not very friendly. You should also be careful on the astral plane. If you have experience in this, you know what I'm talking about.

The astral world is not small. You can travel all over, see the past and the future. When you reach one of the four levels of trance, you can experience this world. The astral is an interesting dimension, we don't know much about it. When we start to develop ourselves, that's when we enter this wonderful world and that's when we really get to know it. It is totally different from the material world.

If you want to get out of it, or if you're new to it, I suggest you read posts on this topic to avoid misunderstandings. I may not write as clearly, but I'll try. A certain main chakra, the heart chakra, plays a big role in astral work. As we know, the heart chakra is responsible for transmitting energy through your chakras.

If you have a weak heart chakra, this will show up in your astral work and your senses. Because the heart chakra is the centre, much of your astral work depends on the strength of this chakra. I should also mention another chakra that also plays a role in projection, the navel chakra.

These characteristics make up the general knowledge. These are the two most important chakras that greatly influence the success of the work. Experienced projectors know this. Learn and you will know a lot.

Once you have managed to leave your body, you will slide into this dimension from then on. Look around, experience and learn about this wonderful place.

It really is a wonderful place full of friendly beings and souls who are all helpful.

hello and thanks for the info. if i remember correctly, maxine said there is a cord connecting the soul to the body which breaks upon death. i was wondering if that cord could be in the danger of being cut when astral projecting?

This cord is not at risk of astral projection. I remember that post, yes. In fact, it's the cord that ties your soul to your body, and it's a very tight cord. In astral projection, that cord cannot be broken.

In astral projection you don't die, you just move into another dimension, completely independent of death. Just because there are more souls wandering around, who have lost contact with their physical bodies, for example, doesn't mean you die. This cord is an important link between your soul and your body, but it is not in danger.
BrightSpace666 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
BrightSpace666 said:
The astral or astral plane has many interesting things. From people to buildings to negative beings. There are beautiful places on the astral plane, but travelling and spending time there can affect you. This post was inspired by one of my dear companions, thank you, slyscorpion.

A bit from the beginning. What is an astral? The astral, astral plane, astral dimension, fourth dimension is completely different from here on Earth. In fact, we are talking about a place where souls can walk, dwell and manifest. For an ordinary person this place is almost inaccessible.

We SS have the ability or capacity to experience what this dimension is like. There are specific ways to do this, several, I won't go into details, but with the right intensity and persistence, projection can be done.

The projection itself is a moment when you separate from your body and move with your soul.You are in control, just like your body, but from a completely different perspective. I don't know exactly what the right method is for the process of projection because, as I wrote, there are several, but I'll write about that in a moment.

Once you leave your body, you go into another dimension. Different atmosphere, different areas and different beings. As I said, there are many positive beings here and unfortunately there are negative ones.

Within the astral plane you can go anywhere, you can travel anywhere, you can go anywhere you don't really want to go, you can encounter many things you have not known before. Once you experience this world, you will see things in a completely different light.

As far as the ejection is concerned, I think the correct practice, as far as I know, is to stop your chakras and turn them a little bit in the opposite direction. Then you try to leave your body. I read this variation a long time ago, and I think it's absolutely correct. It will be difficult at first, but then with trial and error you'll get the hang of it.

You can easily get back into your body if you want to.

What's really interesting for me here are the buildings in this dimension. Although it's just as possible in the world we live in. In fact, if one builds such a place there in the astral and programs it properly to be theirs, it is possible that it will be there for many lifetimes as a safe place for them because it is theirs.

In the astral world, constructions last a long time, just as in the material world. Understandably, such places are built of strong, brick, sturdy materials. Its maker certainly has some connection, emotional or personal attachment to the place. He may always stumble upon it by chance, but he finds it anyway. Because he sees and feels something in it through his astral senses, he knows or may know that it has something to do with him.

At such times, when he is away, other souls and beings may actually go there, because they are also on the astral and meet him. Opening our astral senses is to our advantage in many ways.

We can meet astral beings, good and not so good. It all depends on how developed our minds are. With a strong mind we can ward off and distance ourselves from these more negative beings. It's worth paying attention during astral projection, because if you go into it just for the adventure, you might meet one or two nasty creatures.

Who, as you might guess, are not very friendly. You should also be careful on the astral plane. If you have experience in this, you know what I'm talking about.

The astral world is not small. You can travel all over, see the past and the future. When you reach one of the four levels of trance, you can experience this world. The astral is an interesting dimension, we don't know much about it. When we start to develop ourselves, that's when we enter this wonderful world and that's when we really get to know it. It is totally different from the material world.

If you want to get out of it, or if you're new to it, I suggest you read posts on this topic to avoid misunderstandings. I may not write as clearly, but I'll try. A certain main chakra, the heart chakra, plays a big role in astral work. As we know, the heart chakra is responsible for transmitting energy through your chakras.

If you have a weak heart chakra, this will show up in your astral work and your senses. Because the heart chakra is the centre, much of your astral work depends on the strength of this chakra. I should also mention another chakra that also plays a role in projection, the navel chakra.

These characteristics make up the general knowledge. These are the two most important chakras that greatly influence the success of the work. Experienced projectors know this. Learn and you will know a lot.

Once you have managed to leave your body, you will slide into this dimension from then on. Look around, experience and learn about this wonderful place.

It really is a wonderful place full of friendly beings and souls who are all helpful.

hello and thanks for the info. if i remember correctly, maxine said there is a cord connecting the soul to the body which breaks upon death. i was wondering if that cord could be in the danger of being cut when astral projecting?

This cord is not at risk of astral projection. I remember that post, yes. In fact, it's the cord that ties your soul to your body, and it's a very tight cord. In astral projection, that cord cannot be broken.

In astral projection you don't die, you just move into another dimension, completely independent of death. Just because there are more souls wandering around, who have lost contact with their physical bodies, for example, doesn't mean you die. This cord is an important link between your soul and your body, but it is not in danger.

Thank you
Yesterday I was in astral or I just think like that but anyway, and like always it was scary trip. I don’t know why but there is almost always night only darkness. And something always touches me really painfully, trying to scare me, maybe it is just Father gives me tests, cuz I am dedicated for 3 years. I think these are tests. But It don’t ends, sometimes those trips they are more scary than in really scary horror movie and almost always someone is doing pain to me… but yesterday somehow I managed to fly out of that place very high while shining so bright that whole plane was on light from me, it was very nice experience… but after few seconds I started to fall back and darkness again was everywhere…
One Wire Phenomenon said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:

I just want to add the room should be completely dark. Pitch black so that the only light you see will be from the imprint this makes it a lot easier. Your eyes can be open aswell it works better this way for me but everyone is different so try it out and see. Also the more you rush this the more you will feel the unpleasant surge of energy centres opening. If you relax into it and just go with the flow without really trying it happens naturally and you will suddenly realise wow I'm actually doing it this is where you need to focus more because the feeling can be overwhelming sometimes just stay focused on the flame. The colours are something to behold it's very beautiful. The deeper you go into this state the easier it becomes to change the size of the flame and the more out of body you feel. I have found when I have achieved the full spectrum of this the mind can think and reason like ask questions and speak to yourself and even allow it to wonder without breaking the projection almost like having a brain within your brain that can work independently. When you reach this state you can create whatever you desire but carefully and slowly because sometimes it does break the projection if you are not in full control. I hope this helps someone I think I wrote it properly this time.

I'm really happy about how much everyone has contributed to this thread. It's really interesting to hear about the knowledge and experiences from people regarding astral projection, allowing me to incorporate everything into my learning and understanding of the subject. It's strongly encouraging.

One Wire Phenomenon, I've followed on a lot of your astral experiences, and it seems that you've seen some scary shit, lol. I did the flame meditation for the first time in forever, and I think I'm beginning to understand how the mind works in this regard. With the imprint and visualization ability, it would seem that you can actually begin to see images you formed with the colors merging and forming in your mind, even with your physical eyes open. Is that how astral sight truly works? That laser dot experience you mentioned before, was very interesting...

CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
I can recall reading in books and on forums that the best time to astral project is actually not at night, but rather in the morning, when the body is well rested and the mind is relaxed..

Come to think of it, projecting during the day is the one thing I might've forgotten about, lol. It also seems to help in eliminating fear regarding the dark, which can obstruct the state of deep comfort often required to project successfully. You too have reminded me of something I will return to, so, thank you as well!

Something I've been thinking about a lot regarding astral projection, is that it seems like some people may not even be aware that they have achieved it, like sublimestatanist's experience. If this is true, then it must also apply for people who think they've failed, but have actually already deployed their astral copy out. I read about this being called the mind split effect, where your consciousness splits into the physical mind and astral mind, allowing you to think from both bodies at the same time... but if you haven't flicked your consciousness within the astral double after its ejection, you would never know that it even left your body in the first place? This must be why there's such strong emphasis on "willing" yourself to the target point of view and location. If I understand correctly, this act of conscious willing, is what allows you to view and begin to move as the astral body, and from there experience astral projection...
slyscorpion said:
BrightSpace666 said:
slyscorpion said:
Do not end up where the reptilians and greys are if you can help it. If you try astral projection or you will have a bad time. That did happen to me once temporarily this was 2019 I had a lot of xtian and Jewish energy and curses lowering my vibration my experience there was this lizard being there I was in this dark place he was crawling all over me. I heard this tortured screaming and all sorts of weird random disjointed stuff. Luckily like the above something always forces me back to my body after a minute or so.

You can raise or lower your consciousness level to go to different places and planes here. I remember that not that I have been able to do it this life.

Can you help me figure out how to get rid of whatever is preventing me from fully doing this. It's like a thoughtform or entity of some sort.

I think you can start with the lowest level of trance state. To get to the Alpha or Theta state. The trance state itself has a big influence on the outcome of the work. When you get into this state, your concentration is greatly enhanced, your thoughts quieten down, you can concentrate better.

In fact, my advice on this problem is to look for the source of the problem. Because most of these problems can be solved by thinking about the situation itself. Astral projection is difficult, it requires experience, and I think you have all that.

I don't know if I can give you a 100% constructive answer to what you describe, as you are much more experienced in this than I am, but I will try.

What you can try is that before attempting the project, you should first thoroughly clear your aura, raise your energies with a specially designed exercise, quiet your mind, and only then attempt. Because if you do these, your aura and mind will be clear, so you can avoid a significant amount of negative entities. That's the purpose of working with your energies, because if something does happen in the meantime, your high energy level can easily eliminate it.

When you're in the projection stage, it's worth paying attention to the environment you're projecting from. If it is, you can eliminate one more problem. I'll explain what I mean in a moment.

If there is any negative entity present in the place, in the physical place from which you have initiated the process of projection, if there is any negative entity that you are not sensing or not noticing, it is possible that it will affect the program itself. Although I think we can put that statement aside, because you would detect it, and the chances of that are very small.

If the ejection was successful, it is worth clearing your aura again, lest you bring back energy from the astral that could cause damage later. Not incidentally, proper Void meditation is also required.

I am going to keep trying it doesn't appear to be an environment thing as I had this problem for awhile no matter where I have been located at. The entity feels like an angelic thoughtform. Has gross green black energy but tries to project an aura of loving energy when attacking me for some reason. There were a couple times it pulled me out of my body and tried to drag me somewhere too. The problem is I don't know how to disconnect from an entity yet just how to detach from people.
I'm a bit confused here, I don't think Father Satan or your Guardian Demon/ess would allow an enemy entity to just drag you out of your body for no reason, especially if it's to harrass you. Maybe it was just a phenomenon? Or maybe He allowed that to happen because you wouldn't have exactly gotten hurt, but I can't say for sure because idk what happened. Also, would you be protected by The Gods from something like astral rape?
OhNoItsMook said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:

I just want to add the room should be completely dark. Pitch black so that the only light you see will be from the imprint this makes it a lot easier. Your eyes can be open aswell it works better this way for me but everyone is different so try it out and see. Also the more you rush this the more you will feel the unpleasant surge of energy centres opening. If you relax into it and just go with the flow without really trying it happens naturally and you will suddenly realise wow I'm actually doing it this is where you need to focus more because the feeling can be overwhelming sometimes just stay focused on the flame. The colours are something to behold it's very beautiful. The deeper you go into this state the easier it becomes to change the size of the flame and the more out of body you feel. I have found when I have achieved the full spectrum of this the mind can think and reason like ask questions and speak to yourself and even allow it to wonder without breaking the projection almost like having a brain within your brain that can work independently. When you reach this state you can create whatever you desire but carefully and slowly because sometimes it does break the projection if you are not in full control. I hope this helps someone I think I wrote it properly this time.

I'm really happy about how much everyone has contributed to this thread. It's really interesting to hear about the knowledge and experiences from people regarding astral projection, allowing me to incorporate everything into my learning and understanding of the subject. It's strongly encouraging.

One Wire Phenomenon, I've followed on a lot of your astral experiences, and it seems that you've seen some scary shit, lol. I did the flame meditation for the first time in forever, and I think I'm beginning to understand how the mind works in this regard. With the imprint and visualization ability, it would seem that you can actually begin to see images you formed with the colors merging and forming in your mind, even with your physical eyes open. Is that how astral sight truly works? That laser dot experience you mentioned before, was very interesting...

Yes I think that is how it works. Any light source works aswell not just a flame. Thanks..

I was in a deep trance when I had a horrific experience and did not astral project anywhere everything was dark maybe I did but it was more like falling into my darkest mind.
Whatever it was it's still there and drains me. It could be something I invoked or merged with. I still need more understanding about it before I can get it out. The fear alone is already too much when tuning into it.
As for the other stuff it doesn't come close to this. I have more knowledge about it and like to practice more of it. I'm getting into it again.
TerKorian666 said:
Yesterday I was in astral or I just think like that but anyway, and like always it was scary trip. I don’t know why but there is almost always night only darkness. And something always touches me really painfully, trying to scare me, maybe it is just Father gives me tests, cuz I am dedicated for 3 years. I think these are tests. But It don’t ends, sometimes those trips they are more scary than in really scary horror movie and almost always someone is doing pain to me… but yesterday somehow I managed to fly out of that place very high while shining so bright that whole plane was on light from me, it was very nice experience… but after few seconds I started to fall back and darkness again was everywhere…

I think these could be negative astral beings who are deliberately trying to keep you away from the astral. Or it could be that just because you're not a pro at it yet, they think they can scare you. But when you get to the stage where you're a pro at projection, it's the other way around. Don't give up, practice and perseverance and you will succeed! You've already made pretty good progress, keep going and keep adding to your positive experience!
OhNoItsMook said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:

I just want to add the room should be completely dark. Pitch black so that the only light you see will be from the imprint this makes it a lot easier. Your eyes can be open aswell it works better this way for me but everyone is different so try it out and see. Also the more you rush this the more you will feel the unpleasant surge of energy centres opening. If you relax into it and just go with the flow without really trying it happens naturally and you will suddenly realise wow I'm actually doing it this is where you need to focus more because the feeling can be overwhelming sometimes just stay focused on the flame. The colours are something to behold it's very beautiful. The deeper you go into this state the easier it becomes to change the size of the flame and the more out of body you feel. I have found when I have achieved the full spectrum of this the mind can think and reason like ask questions and speak to yourself and even allow it to wonder without breaking the projection almost like having a brain within your brain that can work independently. When you reach this state you can create whatever you desire but carefully and slowly because sometimes it does break the projection if you are not in full control. I hope this helps someone I think I wrote it properly this time.

I'm really happy about how much everyone has contributed to this thread. It's really interesting to hear about the knowledge and experiences from people regarding astral projection, allowing me to incorporate everything into my learning and understanding of the subject. It's strongly encouraging.

One Wire Phenomenon, I've followed on a lot of your astral experiences, and it seems that you've seen some scary shit, lol. I did the flame meditation for the first time in forever, and I think I'm beginning to understand how the mind works in this regard. With the imprint and visualization ability, it would seem that you can actually begin to see images you formed with the colors merging and forming in your mind, even with your physical eyes open. Is that how astral sight truly works? That laser dot experience you mentioned before, was very interesting...

CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
I can recall reading in books and on forums that the best time to astral project is actually not at night, but rather in the morning, when the body is well rested and the mind is relaxed..

Come to think of it, projecting during the day is the one thing I might've forgotten about, lol. It also seems to help in eliminating fear regarding the dark, which can obstruct the state of deep comfort often required to project successfully. You too have reminded me of something I will return to, so, thank you as well!

Something I've been thinking about a lot regarding astral projection, is that it seems like some people may not even be aware that they have achieved it, like sublimestatanist's experience. If this is true, then it must also apply for people who think they've failed, but have actually already deployed their astral copy out. I read about this being called the mind split effect, where your consciousness splits into the physical mind and astral mind, allowing you to think from both bodies at the same time... but if you haven't flicked your consciousness within the astral double after its ejection, you would never know that it even left your body in the first place? This must be why there's such strong emphasis on "willing" yourself to the target point of view and location. If I understand correctly, this act of conscious willing, is what allows you to view and begin to move as the astral body, and from there experience astral projection...

In fact, flame meditation specifically develops your senses. I can give you one more piece of advice. When you do the meditation again, try to pull it close to you, visualize it as strongly as you can, and try to "step into it". This will develop your abilities even more. Look around, smell the scents, feel the heat emitted by the flame.

Fear must be overcome here. Any fear that inhibits or holds you back, the harder it will be to project. Go into the projection without any hindrance and it will be easier. So I suggest you raise your energies and do the Empty Meditation before the projection to clear your mind.

Anyway, since there were such good responses, I thought this topic could be a separate astral topic to discuss experiences and ask questions about the astral. It wouldn't be a bad thing.
BrightSpace666 said:
In fact, flame meditation specifically develops your senses. I can give you one more piece of advice. When you do the meditation again, try to pull it close to you, visualize it as strongly as you can, and try to "step into it". This will develop your abilities even more. Look around, smell the scents, feel the heat emitted by the flame.

Fear must be overcome here. Any fear that inhibits or holds you back, the harder it will be to project. Go into the projection without any hindrance and it will be easier. So I suggest you raise your energies and do the Empty Meditation before the projection to clear your mind.

Anyway, since there were such good responses, I thought this topic could be a separate astral topic to discuss experiences and ask questions about the astral. It wouldn't be a bad thing.

I've tried to move the flame's imprint closer, but it just expands and loses its form into a blurry dot, like when you maximally zoom into a photo and it becomes indistinguishably pixellated. I'm sure this'll probably improve with consistency, though. It sounds a lot like the merging astral consciousness meditation.

Another interesting thing I've experienced with the flame meditation so far, is that the blackness of having my eyes closed is eventually permeated with a bunch of colors moving around like gases. The only way I know how to describe it is, it looks like thermal vision... but transparent or, like, static?

Fear is indeed strongly exploited by the enemy. Though it tends to occur in many people when delving into unknown matters and experiences... it truly must be eliminated.
OhNoItsMook said:
BrightSpace666 said:
In fact, flame meditation specifically develops your senses. I can give you one more piece of advice. When you do the meditation again, try to pull it close to you, visualize it as strongly as you can, and try to "step into it". This will develop your abilities even more. Look around, smell the scents, feel the heat emitted by the flame.

Fear must be overcome here. Any fear that inhibits or holds you back, the harder it will be to project. Go into the projection without any hindrance and it will be easier. So I suggest you raise your energies and do the Empty Meditation before the projection to clear your mind.

Anyway, since there were such good responses, I thought this topic could be a separate astral topic to discuss experiences and ask questions about the astral. It wouldn't be a bad thing.

I've tried to move the flame's imprint closer, but it just expands and loses its form into a blurry dot, like when you maximally zoom into a photo and it becomes indistinguishably pixellated. I'm sure this'll probably improve with consistency, though. It sounds a lot like the merging astral consciousness meditation.

Another interesting thing I've experienced with the flame meditation so far, is that the blackness of having my eyes closed is eventually permeated with a bunch of colors moving around like gases. The only way I know how to describe it is, it looks like thermal vision... but transparent or, like, static?

Fear is indeed strongly exploited by the enemy. Though it tends to occur in many people when delving into unknown matters and experiences... it truly must be eliminated.

The imprint of the flame will fade for a while, but after a while you will be able to fully control and focus on it as your mind develops.

You can also focus on these colour patterns. For example, when you do sound meditation, there are colours there too, but they are the 'colours' of the music, and as a result you concentrate on them. These are also worth practising with, as they all develop your astral senses.
sublimestatanist said:
I haven't been able to astral project yet but I do wonder if I have without knowing.

I had one dream where I was flying around the city. I ended up on a the top of a high-rise building where three people were doing something I knew was bad, but I couldn't figure out what. It was like they were arranging for something to happen, like a black-market sale or something.

The rest of the dream involved me floating around a grocery store for some random reason. It was so vivid though! I could see the tops of people's heads, isles and so on. I left and flew up high to see where my house was. I flew back home and remembered feeling like it was real, like I had super powers. Ascending felt scary though, almost as though if I put too much force I may lose control and plummet to my death.

That's about all I remember. It was the most realistic dream I ever experienced yet it made zero sense.

Do you suppose vivid dreams like these are spiritual? Or could it be just some illusion? In any case it inspired me to work on opening my chakras, astral senses and working at mastering this amazing power.

I think this dream is one of the Spiritual dreams. The levitation as a Spiritual ability and the shifting of position and "seeming real" sensations could also refer to advanced astral senses, which is also Spiritual.

Do you think it didn't make sense? I think it made a lot of sense. And then you immediately started working on your chakras and that inspired you, so that dream, even if it seemed realistic, made sense. It made a lot of sense. I hope you still have that motivation to strengthen and develop yourself to experience that amazing event, not only in your dream, but in real life.

Sorry for the delayed reply.
This is what happens to me when I Astral project lol I even think this is my astral form with the invincible look I get in there.

Lol sorry for the dragon ball z photos but this truely happens to my soul I get extreme amounts of light and the aura field around the skin causes me to discharge electricity something like static on to things I touch



The red was how I felt with my first accidental projection. Think I almost died and i didn't smile

Has anyone experienced this before???
Another weird thing that happened was I got into a physical fight with this guy much bigger than me. He hurt my brother and I just lost it and started punching him. It was fear mixed with anger and as I hit him I saw this same energy flash in my mind but it literally looked like lightning strikes LITTERLY!
We fought for a long time and I did not even get tired and fucked up his face completely blood was dripping on the whole floor.

Something similar happened but not as intense I build a Gerard Morin generator that produces high frequency high volts but low amps so it cannot kill anyway what happened was I was playing with this thing with live wires on each hand lol I know that is very dump but anyway I was still new. Somehow I got my hands on the live wires with both my hands and the electricity grabbed me. My fingers got pulled down on the wires I didn't burn but it held me there for some time. I was paralyzed so to speak. But what was strange was I felt the same energy(my energy)being pushed out of my body into the generator itsself. The generator doubled its speed and sounded completely abnormal. I was lucky I was standing on me feet and with a slow motion effect fell over backwards and the lives wires pulled out of my hands. I saw my life pass infront of my eyes and remember thinking I was going to die. Lol

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
