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About Taking Oaths, Promises To The Gods & Succubi/Incubi

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Over the years it's important to look back and reflect. There is a popular subject which commonly occurs which is the subject of "oaths". People who have made errors and so on, do take "oaths" to say that they will not error again, or might take oaths out of the blue. This also includes oaths about Succubi or Incubi, or even oaths that promise specific things to Satan.

Oaths are very holy and important sacraments and should never be taken in vain. When one is not very much spiritually developed, or when one feels shaky or uncertain, an oath can be as good as nothing. Oaths clearly require to be maintained, and should be taken very seriously. The Gods do respect people that keep their oaths and try to stay on the straight path, since they understand fully how difficult it can be to hold things together.

With the passing of time I have seen many people who have had all the good predisposition and all the good heart to be very prominent and great Spiritual Satanists and followers of the Gods. Actually what I do everyday is show ultimate faith work in that regard.

Of course, as we have it, there are moments in our life where we have clear epiphanies, such as seeing what we are to do for the Gods or how important this path is. But due to human nature, these moments can be fleeting. Strong memory and being resolute is required in this path.

As we can understand, the nature of oaths is to use one's word to certify for what one will do in an unwavering manner. In Spiritual Satanism and in front of the Gods, the oaths should be kept at a minimal. Christians and other fools constantly "take the name of the Lord in vain", which they always do.

This advice is from Egyptian teachings and as with everything stolen from the Pagans. One metric of this "Not taking the name in vain" is to not invoke the Demons for no reason, and on the other end, to not swear solemn oaths for no reason. All of this is stolen and perverted into the enemy system, and we know the results for Chirsturds, Muslims and Jews alike.

"God help me find my lost car keys!", "Only God can judge me!" and other nonsense constantly flies out of their mouth all the time. Many Christians and others in full knowledge that their oaths are as good as non-existent, abuse this constantly in courts of law and everywhere else, since they know that the "God" they swear upon does not exist.

There is one fundamental difference here. Our Gods DO exist.

The reason they take the names of their "deities" in vain is because they are very little self aware, and because their "oaths" and "sacraments" do not matter whatsoever since they are built on top of non-existent deities. These "oaths" and "agreements" can be reversed every other day, and they can forget their "God" as they forget everything all the time. The "Loyalty" of the average Christian towards their own Gods is as long as until a woman bends over in front of them, or when a big cheeseburger appears and their "holy diet" is about to get instantly violated.

In other words, one must not behave like a Christian and take the names of the Gods in vain, let alone when one knows that they will almost certainly violate what they have said they wouldn't do.

Now, in Spiritual Satanism, exactly because Oaths, sacraments, Rituals and other things are taken very seriously, they are also seen as a two sided bond. I will mention an example so you can understand how it is when you make "Oaths" or "Agreements" with Demons but you cannot follow through because you are naive or still do not understand much yet, which is very common when you have recently dedicated and you have outpouring emotions.

Many many years ago I made an agreement with the Goddess Maat because I was fascinated by her, to guide me to the Great Work and help me become a God. I was starstruck when I saw her [I still am...]. Of course, that would never be a negative thing, as one can see and therefore that is not an example of an oath one has trespassed. Yet, as years passed Maat herself related to me that this exists in Spiritual Satanism by default, and that this was not necessary in the first place. Depsite of anything, a great bond was created. That is an example of an "agreement" with a Demon going very well.

Our Gods almost never ever punish anyone for taking place in such faults. The reasons for this are explained in the early texts of our culture, one of them being the Odyssey. There, it's explained how the power of oaths is very great and valid, but that the Gods are aware that humans might not be able to follow through with their oaths.

As a result, it's brave and commendable to take an oath, but it's the going that keeps everything going. It's a pain to fail, but a glory to succeed at not failing. Yet due to human nature, predisposition to failing is very common, while unwavering word is something that is commonly observed on the Gods.

The most honorable thing one can do in their lives, is to uphold serious and meaningful oaths that they take in mouth and in paper. Clearly, maintaining these does come at a price, facing adversity, holding strong and so on. I have been severely tested for these and still I am everyday for mine.

I have lost track of times where people say stuff like "I swear to..." that ... insert topic here such as: "I will be meditating daily from now on!". Well, swearing or not swearing a literally pointless heavy oath will not do more in that regard than simply doing what you want to do. In the eyes of the Gods, the outcome will matter as the most important thing.

On the other hand, making a serious promise [not an oath] can be desirable and will raise your accountability and respect that you receive from the Gods if you follow this through. But things as serious as oaths should be treated with the highest care as their violation can be sacrilegious and a product of utmost blasphemy.

An example here further is infatuation. When you meet two people who are crazy in love, they will swear by all stars and luminaries that they will be together forever. Yet, as situations come against them that might try to make them part, it's common that people might stand beneath the power to fix certain situations, or the interest simply wanes off.

As admirable and beautiful this part of love is, oaths like marriages and so on should be taken seriously.

The "oaths" of the enemy that "only death will do us apart" are constantly violated, with the average Christian having at least 3 marriages and many more affairs. In Spiritual Satanism, one does not have to do it, and when one finally is able to make such oaths, if they are kept, the Gods look upon the people involved with great honors and great esteem.

Now moving from the above subject, we have the subject of the Incubi and Succubi. A lot of people due to sexual lust or needs of love, might go to the Gods and request Succubus or Incubus. Long story short if the level of development is not there, or if there is no patience to lead up to this level, one has a long way to walk, and not everyone is willing or even able to do this at the time being.

Some people will succeed with this, yet others might not. As there can be loss of contact, loss of understanding, or simply the level of development is not there, confusion that is rampant might ensue. This rampant confusion might allow anything from the enemy getting in the middle, impersonations of deities and so on.

I cannot humanely imagine how we reached this place, since most people can hardly create a relationship with another human, yet the claim had to be that Succubi and Incubi are 'accessible' to basically everyone. Now, what is most important than all, is to do a preliminary ritual asking Father Satan and the Gods if you are fit for this [you might know this inside, but you must ask].

The Incubi and Succubi will not be vengeful and will understand if you cause certain problems in the relationship, as they are very wise. But one must not hassle them and waste their time, as on their behalf, they know and see basically "all" about people let alone their respective partner.

Additionally, to have such a bond, certain aspects of sacrifice and tolerance with one's self are required and not everyone has these personality traits. For example, certain people do require a materially existing partner, and would never be satisfied in this form of a relationship.

In the Ancient religions the relationships with Incubi and Succubi were only kept for the top initiates. By top I mean the top of the top, which compared to today, the levels are incomparable.

Now, fringe American nonsense culture of quick sex, drugs and rock and roll, has extrapolated too far with this, a situation that arose from falsehoods in Judaism, which claim that "Everyone can have an incubus" or "The prostitutes of the Demons will come to take your seed" and other nonsense from the Jewish Kabbalah.

Then this nonsense was reversed in Demonolatry and we have the situation of confusion that we have today with 15 year olds dressing as Succubi and so on. The largely sexomaniac American culture of course didn't lose any time from taking this and appropriating this in the Demonolatric culture, and here we go with the Joy of Satan section which is arguably one of the most misunderstood.

The Incubi and Succubi as I have explained before, are Demons and they are very advanced beings. When they are sent to relate to any human being, this is done out of a certain attraction that is in part based on mercy, in part based on the fact they want to help a participant in the spiritual elevation of themselves, and in part because they have been humans too recently and have been sympathizing.

Now I have mentioned the above subject as another very common question is this: When people get in heat, and they want succubi and so on, time might pass and they might recognize that they cannot proceed with this.

In this case, one must make a Ritual explaining the situation [the Gods know this already] and postpone this relationship or explain their situation. One might need to take time to evolve and so on. Especially where very serious relationships are about to be created, one must take time to THINK.

If you do not have the answer that you see [we would know with a little self honesty] let me tell you there are billions and billions of people waiting for you, to love you and to be loved by you. The Gods have power over this and the workings that we have provided can help you even in the most adverse situations.

Therefore, there is nothing really to worry about. Going back to the succubi situation now that has been taken severely out of context.

As if the above was not enough, the above circus American nonsense also generated the false belief that all of this is perfectly feasible by all or that everyone is "Entitled" to this. One has to build up to this level and there are stairs one must climb. As we see in normal human relationships, whether or not people are willing to do this, is literally up to them, and not up to any entitlement.

I have not met a single Westerner who has ever admitted of being wrong in a relationship that they parted with. The psychological issues of entitlement have all us entitled for love yet so few of us do what is necessitated for it. That's a hidden humor here you can skip this.

Adding a little Zecharia Stichin's mistranslated in the mix, the hyper-immoral and overly sexualized culture of today, many hangups and so on, and modern beliefs about this holy sacrament have become as lesser as they could have been.

Now, to claim that literally otherworldly beings would be interested into this and the flip flop process that so much interests human beings, should be highlighted as being factual only under the serious conditions that I mention. It requires a certain degree of work.

Those of you who have serious relationships with Succubi that you have toiled for, you know what I mean here.

Therefore, let us lastly articulate what is what. There are oaths, who are very serious and are done in front of the Gods. These are important and heavy, and should be treated with utmost seriousness.

Sacraments are also in this category. Lastly, we have promises and promises we make unto ourselves and others. These are very important and are basically what human beings should mostly focus in being reliable about.

Realistically speaking if my cat or my dog could speak to me, they would say they would never shit on the carpet again [but I do not expect them to take an oath as I know the chances are that they will almost definitely shit on the carpet].

Yet, if they gave me this promise and it was kept through for 99.9% of the time, I would be appalled and love my cat, because it would have greatly exceeded all the expectations.

We Spiritual Satanists must not take oaths in vain, and we must seek to make sound promises and follow them through to the best of our ability, and then some. The advancement of this path implies that we are to reach the higher levels, where we become like the immortals, and adopt this level of existence.

But until this, we must behave in the most proper way in this temporal level and do our best to reach this state. Step by step, nothing will be too far above us and beyond our reach.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Another brilliant sermon from a brilliant mind.

The Gods must be pleased, yet again :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

So many of the things you named came instinctively to me. I was never under the impression that everyone that would ask for a Demon partner would receive such, as you have mentioned, most people cannot even relate properly to another human in this manner. I highly doubt any Demon is going to choose someone in this manner who does not know what they want yet out of life, much less love.

As for the attraction on the part of the Demon, is there really all that is to it as far as mercy and sympathy? I was hoping there could be a part of their human partner they could be attracted to and be genuinely happy with, most people look for these things also too see what they can get only and not the other way around.
When I was a xian, I often asked "god" for things. Nothing much ever happened. My habit carried on into my first few months as a Satanist, and Satan actually answered. :shock:

I would make random requests by habit, like "Please help me find __X__ missing item.", and then I would find it immediately.

I once asked Satan if he could make a certain girl fall in love with me. Very soon after, the whole issue was cleanly swept under the rug and out of my life, forever. Later I found out that she was a jew. These kinds of answers from Satan prove that it is a conscious being looking out for what was best for me, not just my own subconscious giving me what I wanted.

Never forget, our Gods are REAL and they DO hear us.

The dedication ritual is very real, and Satan keeps his part, if we genuinely intend to follow Him.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=379256 time=1659727514 user_id=346]
When I was a xian, I often asked "god" for things. Nothing much ever happened. My habit carried on into my first few months as a Satanist, and Satan actually answered. :shock:

I would make random requests by habit, like "Please help me find __X__ missing item.", and then I would find it immediately.

I once asked Satan if he could make a certain girl fall in love with me. Very soon after, the whole issue was cleanly swept under the rug and out of my life, forever. Later I found out that she was a jew. These kinds of answers from Satan prove that it is a conscious being looking out for what was best for me, not just my own subconscious giving me what I wanted.

Never forget, our Gods are REAL and they DO hear us.

The dedication ritual is very real, and Satan keeps his part, if we genuinely intend to follow Him.

Sometimes if the Gods see fit, they will come to you on their own account to go out of their way. This also happened to me recently with something. I remember running into Kepu's sigil and feeling drawn to it somehow and I stared at it for some time. I read up on Him and saw that he helps find what is lost. Days later, I randomly came across a favorite item that I thought at first might have been stolen and could find it nowhere. Just out of the blue.
So interesting how you made an oath with Maat.
The Great Work seems like such a massive undertaking. And there are Ups and Downs. I must admit I was on a roll with acomplishments and then it seems like I lost control. The energy that woke up in my body years ago, now faded around a year ago. I felt like I was on a shortcut to a kundalini rising. But If the energy didnt fade I wouldnt of take care of my life materially and I wouldnt get admitted into college. So maybe it was the gods intervention.
There was a small number of members a while back who kinda wished the Incubi/Succubi page would be shuttered and people ask they are explained on the forums.

Is it really necessary to have this page or at least explanation of why this requires a properly advanced person?
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=379256 time=1659727514 user_id=346]
When I was a xian, I often asked "god" for things. Nothing much ever happened. My habit carried on into my first few months as a Satanist, and Satan actually answered. :shock:

I would make random requests by habit, like "Please help me find __X__ missing item.", and then I would find it immediately.

I once asked Satan if he could make a certain girl fall in love with me. Very soon after, the whole issue was cleanly swept under the rug and out of my life, forever. Later I found out that she was a jew. These kinds of answers from Satan prove that it is a conscious being looking out for what was best for me, not just my own subconscious giving me what I wanted.

Never forget, our Gods are REAL and they DO hear us.

The dedication ritual is very real, and Satan keeps his part, if we genuinely intend to follow Him.

Very true. Yes, they are very real and they are here, they can literally pick up on this. Therefore it's imperative to treat the whole situation likewise.

This can be done by them to show you that they are here. It's necessary for them to do this because so many people are not in the right understanding.

I write this for other SS reading this I know you most definitely know all this.
I have made ritualistic oaths in my life. My boldest ones was to take responsibility for the well-being of loved ones in face of the Gods. Over 10 years ago this being. This is either extremely stupid or extremely honorable. But I had deliberately assumed all of this responsibility, as it felt not only right but extremely meaningful to me. If not this, then what do I do in life?

As you know, I am "paying" and also benefit from the "price" of this. But I take extreme joy that in doing this I have made the truth known to my family and every soul that has had meaningful contact with me in life, and they are dedicated. This essential part of life, for their soul, is fulfilled.

Any place where my affection has been directed, it was with the truth, in any and all forms.

I remember all of the times I have asked Satan, to let me have responsibility and assume power to influence positively someone's life.

I have been put in situations. People who died few days after meeting me, and me telling them the truth. Having brief contact with the truth before death. I have been a blessing for others in this way, but it also is a burden and it takes a heavy soul to weight it out in mind, emotions.
Nice sermon.
I like what you write about the oath.It strengthens me to take my work and spiritual development even more seriously.

If I were at the spiritual level to be able to maintain a relationship with a Sucubbi,I wouldn't want to,because I couldn't imagine a relationship,if she(Sucubbi) is not physically present.I need a real deep embrace(cuddling) and physical touching.I couldn't imagine the relationship it without it(without the embrace and physical touching).
This is why I keep my oaths far and few between I have only really sworn to not talk trash about the gods and to do my best to do spiritual warfare and to keep my shit together and to not go be a part of the enemy's foolishness.

I express interest in wanting to make certain things happen like engage in politics and to raise an army of witch's I try often and usually don't succeed but I learn from my failures and try again its like starting a business you might fail at first and you should learn from your failures and ask yourself why did you fail rather then beating yourself up about it.

So far ever since I have known about spiritual warfare a little bit before the yahoo groups got shut down I have been doing always atleast the schedules so I have managed to stick with that one.

Meditation I used to go through periods where I would meditate a lot and then nothing and that cycle repeated itself over the last 3 years I have been very consistent with power meditation.

As for starting an army of witch's well that didn't succeed mostly because of winter time coming its hard to get hippies who believe in "free events only" to contribute to say rent out a recreation centre or hall where you could have a regular spiritual gathering without worrying about the weather.

After this month I will begin once again the mass manufacture of pamphlets and posters once summer comes around the JOS will flood the streets of Western Australia once more.

My only regret so far has been that I was not able to maintain a spiritual relationship with Haures or as I call her Hecate she's an amazing woman and just understands me completely but as you say I need someone whom is standing in front of me, we did even manage to have sex a few times and she's great to cuddle up with and talk to such a great listener and very good at giving advice and she still does give me good advice but yeah I just don't want to hurt her feelings anymore or mine but I do miss her.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Over the years it's important to look back and reflect. There is a popular subject which commonly occurs which is the subject of "oaths". People who have made errors and so on, do take "oaths" to say that they will not error again, or might take oaths out of the blue. This also includes oaths about Succubi or Incubi, or even oaths that promise specific things to Satan.

Oaths are very holy and important sacraments and should never be taken in vain. When one is not very much spiritually developed, or when one feels shaky or uncertain, an oath can be as good as nothing. Oaths clearly require to be maintained, and should be taken very seriously. The Gods do respect people that keep their oaths and try to stay on the straight path, since they understand fully how difficult it can be to hold things together.

With the passing of time I have seen many people who have had all the good predisposition and all the good heart to be very prominent and great Spiritual Satanists and followers of the Gods. Actually what I do everyday is show ultimate faith work in that regard.

Of course, as we have it, there are moments in our life where we have clear epiphanies, such as seeing what we are to do for the Gods or how important this path is. But due to human nature, these moments can be fleeting. Strong memory and being resolute is required in this path.

As we can understand, the nature of oaths is to use one's word to certify for what one will do in an unwavering manner. In Spiritual Satanism and in front of the Gods, the oaths should be kept at a minimal. Christians and other fools constantly "take the name of the Lord in vain", which they always do.

This advice is from Egyptian teachings and as with everything stolen from the Pagans. One metric of this "Not taking the name in vain" is to not invoke the Demons for no reason, and on the other end, to not swear solemn oaths for no reason. All of this is stolen and perverted into the enemy system, and we know the results for Chirsturds, Muslims and Jews alike.

"God help me find my lost car keys!", "Only God can judge me!" and other nonsense constantly flies out of their mouth all the time. Many Christians and others in full knowledge that their oaths are as good as non-existent, abuse this constantly in courts of law and everywhere else, since they know that the "God" they swear upon does not exist.

There is one fundamental difference here. Our Gods DO exist.

The reason they take the names of their "deities" in vain is because they are very little self aware, and because their "oaths" and "sacraments" do not matter whatsoever since they are built on top of non-existent deities. These "oaths" and "agreements" can be reversed every other day, and they can forget their "God" as they forget everything all the time. The "Loyalty" of the average Christian towards their own Gods is as long as until a woman bends over in front of them, or when a big cheeseburger appears and their "holy diet" is about to get instantly violated.

In other words, one must not behave like a Christian and take the names of the Gods in vain, let alone when one knows that they will almost certainly violate what they have said they wouldn't do.

Now, in Spiritual Satanism, exactly because Oaths, sacraments, Rituals and other things are taken very seriously, they are also seen as a two sided bond. I will mention an example so you can understand how it is when you make "Oaths" or "Agreements" with Demons but you cannot follow through because you are naive or still do not understand much yet, which is very common when you have recently dedicated and you have outpouring emotions.

Many many years ago I made an agreement with the Goddess Maat because I was fascinated by her, to guide me to the Great Work and help me become a God. I was starstruck when I saw her [I still am...]. Of course, that would never be a negative thing, as one can see and therefore that is not an example of an oath one has trespassed. Yet, as years passed Maat herself related to me that this exists in Spiritual Satanism by default, and that this was not necessary in the first place. Depsite of anything, a great bond was created. That is an example of an "agreement" with a Demon going very well.

Our Gods almost never ever punish anyone for taking place in such faults. The reasons for this are explained in the early texts of our culture, one of them being the Odyssey. There, it's explained how the power of oaths is very great and valid, but that the Gods are aware that humans might not be able to follow through with their oaths.

As a result, it's brave and commendable to take an oath, but it's the going that keeps everything going. It's a pain to fail, but a glory to succeed at not failing. Yet due to human nature, predisposition to failing is very common, while unwavering word is something that is commonly observed on the Gods.

The most honorable thing one can do in their lives, is to uphold serious and meaningful oaths that they take in mouth and in paper. Clearly, maintaining these does come at a price, facing adversity, holding strong and so on. I have been severely tested for these and still I am everyday for mine.

I have lost track of times where people say stuff like "I swear to..." that ... insert topic here such as: "I will be meditating daily from now on!". Well, swearing or not swearing a literally pointless heavy oath will not do more in that regard than simply doing what you want to do. In the eyes of the Gods, the outcome will matter as the most important thing.

On the other hand, making a serious promise [not an oath] can be desirable and will raise your accountability and respect that you receive from the Gods if you follow this through. But things as serious as oaths should be treated with the highest care as their violation can be sacrilegious and a product of utmost blasphemy.

An example here further is infatuation. When you meet two people who are crazy in love, they will swear by all stars and luminaries that they will be together forever. Yet, as situations come against them that might try to make them part, it's common that people might stand beneath the power to fix certain situations, or the interest simply wanes off.

As admirable and beautiful this part of love is, oaths like marriages and so on should be taken seriously.

The "oaths" of the enemy that "only death will do us apart" are constantly violated, with the average Christian having at least 3 marriages and many more affairs. In Spiritual Satanism, one does not have to do it, and when one finally is able to make such oaths, if they are kept, the Gods look upon the people involved with great honors and great esteem.

Now moving from the above subject, we have the subject of the Incubi and Succubi. A lot of people due to sexual lust or needs of love, might go to the Gods and request Succubus or Incubus. Long story short if the level of development is not there, or if there is no patience to lead up to this level, one has a long way to walk, and not everyone is willing or even able to do this at the time being.

Some people will succeed with this, yet others might not. As there can be loss of contact, loss of understanding, or simply the level of development is not there, confusion that is rampant might ensue. This rampant confusion might allow anything from the enemy getting in the middle, impersonations of deities and so on.

I cannot humanely imagine how we reached this place, since most people can hardly create a relationship with another human, yet the claim had to be that Succubi and Incubi are 'accessible' to basically everyone. Now, what is most important than all, is to do a preliminary ritual asking Father Satan and the Gods if you are fit for this [you might know this inside, but you must ask].

The Incubi and Succubi will not be vengeful and will understand if you cause certain problems in the relationship, as they are very wise. But one must not hassle them and waste their time, as on their behalf, they know and see basically "all" about people let alone their respective partner.

Additionally, to have such a bond, certain aspects of sacrifice and tolerance with one's self are required and not everyone has these personality traits. For example, certain people do require a materially existing partner, and would never be satisfied in this form of a relationship.

In the Ancient religions the relationships with Incubi and Succubi were only kept for the top initiates. By top I mean the top of the top, which compared to today, the levels are incomparable.

Now, fringe American nonsense culture of quick sex, drugs and rock and roll, has extrapolated too far with this, a situation that arose from falsehoods in Judaism, which claim that "Everyone can have an incubus" or "The prostitutes of the Demons will come to take your seed" and other nonsense from the Jewish Kabbalah.

Then this nonsense was reversed in Demonolatry and we have the situation of confusion that we have today with 15 year olds dressing as Succubi and so on. The largely sexomaniac American culture of course didn't lose any time from taking this and appropriating this in the Demonolatric culture, and here we go with the Joy of Satan section which is arguably one of the most misunderstood.

The Incubi and Succubi as I have explained before, are Demons and they are very advanced beings. When they are sent to relate to any human being, this is done out of a certain attraction that is in part based on mercy, in part based on the fact they want to help a participant in the spiritual elevation of themselves, and in part because they have been humans too recently and have been sympathizing.

Now I have mentioned the above subject as another very common question is this: When people get in heat, and they want succubi and so on, time might pass and they might recognize that they cannot proceed with this.

In this case, one must make a Ritual explaining the situation [the Gods know this already] and postpone this relationship or explain their situation. One might need to take time to evolve and so on. Especially where very serious relationships are about to be created, one must take time to THINK.

If you do not have the answer that you see [we would know with a little self honesty] let me tell you there are billions and billions of people waiting for you, to love you and to be loved by you. The Gods have power over this and the workings that we have provided can help you even in the most adverse situations.

Therefore, there is nothing really to worry about. Going back to the succubi situation now that has been taken severely out of context.

As if the above was not enough, the above circus American nonsense also generated the false belief that all of this is perfectly feasible by all or that everyone is "Entitled" to this. One has to build up to this level and there are stairs one must climb. As we see in normal human relationships, whether or not people are willing to do this, is literally up to them, and not up to any entitlement.

I have not met a single Westerner who has ever admitted of being wrong in a relationship that they parted with. The psychological issues of entitlement have all us entitled for love yet so few of us do what is necessitated for it. That's a hidden humor here you can skip this.

Adding a little Zecharia Stichin's mistranslated in the mix, the hyper-immoral and overly sexualized culture of today, many hangups and so on, and modern beliefs about this holy sacrament have become as lesser as they could have been.

Now, to claim that literally otherworldly beings would be interested into this and the flip flop process that so much interests human beings, should be highlighted as being factual only under the serious conditions that I mention. It requires a certain degree of work.

Those of you who have serious relationships with Succubi that you have toiled for, you know what I mean here.

Therefore, let us lastly articulate what is what. There are oaths, who are very serious and are done in front of the Gods. These are important and heavy, and should be treated with utmost seriousness.

Sacraments are also in this category. Lastly, we have promises and promises we make unto ourselves and others. These are very important and are basically what human beings should mostly focus in being reliable about.

Realistically speaking if my cat or my dog could speak to me, they would say they would never shit on the carpet again [but I do not expect them to take an oath as I know the chances are that they will almost definitely shit on the carpet].

Yet, if they gave me this promise and it was kept through for 99.9% of the time, I would be appalled and love my cat, because it would have greatly exceeded all the expectations.

We Spiritual Satanists must not take oaths in vain, and we must seek to make sound promises and follow them through to the best of our ability, and then some. The advancement of this path implies that we are to reach the higher levels, where we become like the immortals, and adopt this level of existence.

But until this, we must behave in the most proper way in this temporal level and do our best to reach this state. Step by step, nothing will be too far above us and beyond our reach.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I have done my best to hold up any agreements and oaths I've made to the gods, what you say is very serious, and you are fully correct, in that they do take this seriously, if someone really means it. They can definitely see who is going to follow through and who is not.

Without going into too much personal detail. I have wanted to forge myself into a manifestation, of Satan's will, like an extension of him, the demons, and everything they represent.

I remember one night some months ago,, I invoked the powers of hell, and it was like the room just exploded with their energy, it was like Satan was right there. I remember how I asked questions, and things pertaining on if I could have Him help in the great work, over time so I could be a God one day.

I remember it so clearly. It was like a booming voice, he said to me "I will make you a God, among men".

I understand to an extent what Father Satan meant, but it was just so intense. They really want us to become like them. They desire this infinitely more then us. We indeed seek it and are trying to get there... but Satan and the gods just see things infinitely better.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many many years ago I made an agreement with the Goddess Maat because I was fascinated by her, to guide me to the Great Work and help me become a God. I was starstruck when I saw her [I still am...]. Of course, that would never be a negative thing, as one can see and therefore that is not an example of an oath one has trespassed. Yet, as years passed Maat herself related to me that this exists in Spiritual Satanism by default, and that this was not necessary in the first place. Depsite of anything, a great bond was created. That is an example of an "agreement" with a Demon going very well.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

She laid me down and placed her feather on my forehead and she showed me where my heart had problems detaching from.
(she dragged me by my heart through my past) My heart felt heavy at that time.
She laid me down in an ancient looking big place with big ancient columns.
This was before i dedicated.
I will never forget this and will be grateful forever.
If she ever wants something done, i will do it.
I am not the kind to forget or be ungrateful.
Hail Maat! Our beautiful goddess! I wish i could marry her.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=379256 time=1659727514 user_id=346]
When I was a xian, I often asked "god" for things. Nothing much ever happened. My habit carried on into my first few months as a Satanist, and Satan actually answered. :shock:

I would make random requests by habit, like "Please help me find __X__ missing item.", and then I would find it immediately.

I once asked Satan if he could make a certain girl fall in love with me. Very soon after, the whole issue was cleanly swept under the rug and out of my life, forever. Later I found out that she was a jew. These kinds of answers from Satan prove that it is a conscious being looking out for what was best for me, not just my own subconscious giving me what I wanted.

Never forget, our Gods are REAL and they DO hear us.

The dedication ritual is very real, and Satan keeps his part, if we genuinely intend to follow Him.

Very true. Yes, they are very real and they are here, they can literally pick up on this. Therefore it's imperative to treat the whole situation likewise.

This can be done by them to show you that they are here. It's necessary for them to do this because so many people are not in the right understanding.

I write this for other SS reading this I know you most definitely know all this.
Certainly, new people get extra special treatment.

And, as one advances in Satanism, these minor requests can be done by oneself, using the tools of magick Satan teaches. When we're new, we ask Satan "Please bring me good luck." After a few months, we say "My aura is continuously bringing me good luck in a positive way for me."

Satan isn't a vending machine; he is a teacher! :D

Shadowcat said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=379256 time=1659727514 user_id=346]
Sometimes if the Gods see fit, they will come to you on their own account to go out of their way. This also happened to me recently with something. I remember running into Kepu's sigil and feeling drawn to it somehow and I stared at it for some time. I read up on Him and saw that he helps find what is lost. Days later, I randomly came across a favorite item that I thought at first might have been stolen and could find it nowhere. Just out of the blue.
Wonderful to hear!
This has happened to me as well. The Gods do watch over dedicated SS and even if we don't ask for help about something, they will help if we need it.
Shadowcat said:
It is not just mercy or sympathy, it is also an attraction.
It is the unique vibrations and characteristics belonging only to your soul, the Gods know what their needs are and they also know what they want, and they will not choose a partner just out of pure mercy, they also see what you will be like when you become an Immortal God.

The unique characteristics of a soul are always the same at every level, at certain lower levels they can be deviated and twisted while at higher levels they are something wonderful.

If a God sees in you what he has always wanted he will be willing to help you until you become perfect, besides it is a matter of time (all in all relatively short) and you will be a God/Goddess at his side.

Hence it is like a normal relationship between Gods, so a God does not condemn himself to an eternal relationship with human.

The relationship has only temporary difficulties, the God/Goddess sacrifices her time to help you and you work to improve, until you reach the Magnum Opus.
But the relationship is great and enjoyable right from the start.

However, such a relationship remains for the few who have the right characteristics.
Thank you for sharing this! ❤
Interesting you mentioned marriage.

"Traditional marriage", as in the "Christian PoV" is an absolute and total joke, and all it leads to is bouts upon bouts of domestic abuse and murders. So many criminal cases I've seen involving domestic abuse always involved some stupid excuse about "Jewhovah this Jewhovah that" on the part of the defendent.

They stay with partner and continue the toxic relationship, all because "Jewhovah said so/Jehovan will get mad at me if I leave" and all it leads up to is a horrific domestic incident ending up in a dead child or a dead woman.

The "Matchmaker from Heaven" - this concept too, is/was stolen from the Pagans, who used "signs from the Stars [Heaven]" to determine the perfect match for someone. They used this pretty-much in all aspects of life as well.
Amazing sermon HP Cobra!

Before I was dedicated, communication with my Succubus was sometimes simply misunderstood on my end, or in some cases even "jammed" by the enemy. Although, the "psychic jamming" happens much less now thanks to help from the Gods and advice from members like Blitz and Henu here on JoS. You mentioned that most relationships humans have with Succubi/Incubi are reserved for advanced souls, yet I don't feel very advanced. My natal chart suggests that I did have some advancement, but how much I have no idea.

I agree, a love relationship with a Demoness, especially like mine which is monogamous, is definitely not for the faint of heart. I used to be under much peer pressure to "get laid" or get married. Although ever since I've reestablished communication with my Demoness, the pressure has toned down considerably. I'm no longer dealing with people that insist sex is a "magic bullet" to all my problems. My "nerdy behavior" was also a considered a "problem" by those same people, but I now realize it's just part of who I am, as I'm a very avid learner. The whole "gangsta culture" never really stuck to me either, I hated it then, and I still do now.

This sermon resonated with me extremely well. Thank you very much!
Thank you so much High priest for this knowledge, I felt peace in my soul when I read the part when you say the gods understand that we can fail when we promise something... sometimes I fail and feel like I disappoint them.. but once I read in the book "meditations from Marcus Aurelius" that the best we can do after we fail is simply keep going

they just want us to keep going after we fail and not to fail again with the same thing, I hope every person in this world can see the beautiful person you are

Hail Satan and the powers of hell!!
I guess this is why HP Maxine warned viewers not to proceed with the dedication ritual if they were still lukewarm-minded, and the fact that many "dedicated" who ended "leaving" Satan - had to end up writing to HP Maxine to convince Satan to come back.

Of course it would be this why, I can't imagine why Satan would just "come back, all is good" after some blunt apology from someone who not only violated their oath, but joined the enemy. It goes to show Satan and the Gods aren't personal ATMs or some clothing that you hang up when done using. The Gods hate being abused.

Making an oath to Satan, His Gods, or any of the Gods that help mankind is indeed, a strong commitment, but nobody is perfect, Satan understands this but it's intent and action that matters. It's also the reason why many proclaimed "dedicated Satanists" may not see results or such, or end up seeing "Halloween vampire-looking things" they're still impacted by Christian beliefs or aren't truly dedicated in the heart.

And no, as we all know, making commitments/oaths is NOT, never WAS Christian in origin, as shown not only by the honorless examples of Jewhoavh's "chosen race" - but Jewhovah himself who constantly violates all his dumb rules and "pacts" with mankind via his "chosen race".
What I understood and realized from this sermon was that the process of making sound promises and following through them keeps building the character and genuineness of a person until they are finally able to take and uphold serious and sacred oaths. Making sound promises with intent to follow through them when one is not ready for oaths seems to be a wise choice. I believe that one should think 1000 times before taking a serious and holy oath but after having taken it, one should never look back at all.
Christian bible has a verse saying "if a man divorces his wife and marries another ( except for reason of sexual immorality ), then he commits adultery. He that marries her that is divorced, commits adultery. Yet so many ( Fundamental ) christians, hard cores,,,, divorce and remarry, as if their bible has no basis in truth or reality. Even those that claim to talk to ''god'' and be prophets... So it is obvious that since these people do not even take their relationship ( marriage ? ) with their god seriously, they certainly would not take a human relationship seriously. In so far as oaths to Demons,, the Demons see the future quite well, so they would know what ( and who ) will be successful and what and who will fail. So would it be wise to promise only to do what they can and make an honest effort to follow through on any arrangement, and throw away all of the "So help me so and so""? Not swear by heaven, hell, Satan, one's own ( grey ) hair, etc. As such behavior is just a waste of time and potentially dangerous when taken to the extreme. Inviting Demons to work with you and state you will do your best to do your part,,then, when working with them, make an honest effort to accomplish the task, and then see how it works.?
TheSeeker said:
I want to magically fight back.

Real satanists if there are even any here.
You know exactly who I am.

Tell me what I need to know.


lol, keep trying 3/10
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yet, if they gave me this promise and it was kept through for 99.9% of the time, I would be appalled and love my cat, because it would have greatly exceeded all the expectations.

adjective: appalled
greatly dismayed or horrified.

I suspect that this wasn't quite the meaning you had in mind. I think the meaning you were aiming for was most likely something like "pleasantly surprised." Otherwise the post is pretty much perfect grammatically and all. I didn't notice any other errors. Nice job, High Priest.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HPHC by taking the name of the Gods im vain, i have a "ritual" where everytime something good happens I say outloud "may the Gods have good health" ( it sounds better in my language xD) , and I think for a moment about them, i allways felt this is positive, so I wanted to ask is it wrong to do this?
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=379256 time=1659727514 user_id=346]

I once asked Satan if he could make a certain girl fall in love with me. Very soon after, the whole issue was cleanly swept under the rug and out of my life, forever. Later I found out that she was a jew. These kinds of answers from Satan prove that it is a conscious being looking out for what was best for me, not just my own subconscious giving me what I wanted.

Unbelievable! Something incredibly similar to this happened to me just this week! I had a disagreement with a girl seven years ago, and we had never spoken since. I was in the wrong, and felt deep regret and remorse since. Five days ago I mustered the courage to make contact with this person and sent them a sincere apology, with the hopes that they might accept it and start relationship with me someday. I had not heard from her for a few days, and so I asked Satan and my GD to help me, and for her to give me a response. The next day she wrote back, rejecting my apology, berating me, insulting me, and carrying on like a total spastic. I felt so relieved. All the feelings of regret and remorse for my actions in the past vanished, and I realised I had been attracted to a version of someone in my mind who didn't exist in reality. The illusion is broken and I can move on.

I can't thank Satan and my GD enough for this kind of thing. They have a knack for disillusioning...

Then I come on here and see your post, and I'm like, "there it is again!". :D
Ramses said:
This is why I keep my oaths far and few between I have only really sworn to not talk trash about the gods and to do my best to do spiritual warfare and to keep my shit together and to not go be a part of the enemy's foolishness.

I express interest in wanting to make certain things happen like engage in politics and to raise an army of witch's I try often and usually don't succeed but I learn from my failures and try again its like starting a business you might fail at first and you should learn from your failures and ask yourself why did you fail rather then beating yourself up about it.

So far ever since I have known about spiritual warfare a little bit before the yahoo groups got shut down I have been doing always atleast the schedules so I have managed to stick with that one.

Meditation I used to go through periods where I would meditate a lot and then nothing and that cycle repeated itself over the last 3 years I have been very consistent with power meditation.

As for starting an army of witch's well that didn't succeed mostly because of winter time coming its hard to get hippies who believe in "free events only" to contribute to say rent out a recreation centre or hall where you could have a regular spiritual gathering without worrying about the weather.

After this month I will begin once again the mass manufacture of pamphlets and posters once summer comes around the JOS will flood the streets of Western Australia once more.

My only regret so far has been that I was not able to maintain a spiritual relationship with Haures or as I call her Hecate she's an amazing woman and just understands me completely but as you say I need someone whom is standing in front of me, we did even manage to have sex a few times and she's great to cuddle up with and talk to such a great listener and very good at giving advice and she still does give me good advice but yeah I just don't want to hurt her feelings anymore or mine but I do miss her.

This " army of witches " you have gathered... are they dedicated to Satan? Do they keep up with consistent warfare? Also how are you sure that is ACTUALLY Hecate? It could be an enemy impersonating her. Its extremely unlikely for people like you and me who arent advanced like the top ones are, to be able to have a real relationship with any demon, let alone such a high ranking one. HP Cobra said this in this same post.
TheSeeker said:
I want to magically fight back.

Real satanists if there are even any here.
You know exactly who I am.

Tell me what I need to know.


Quit your bullshit rambling and deprogram yourself from these retarded thoughts. All you need to do so is in JoS for starters.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Making an oath to Satan, His Gods, or any of the Gods that help mankind is indeed, a strong commitment, but nobody is perfect, Satan understands this but it's intent and action that matters. It's also the reason why many proclaimed "dedicated Satanists" may not see results or such, or end up seeing "Halloween vampire-looking things" they're still impacted by Christian beliefs or aren't truly dedicated in the heart.

I remember when soon after I dedicated Satan he came to talk to me. I asked him why his face looked so strange (like he was wearing some kind of Halloween mask), he said, and I'm paraphrasing here, "you still have some corruption in you" and suggested I work on removing it. My guess is he was referring to all the Christian junk I had absorbed, my old "doom and gloom" mentality faded too when I started getting rid of the programming.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=379256 time=1659727514 user_id=346]
When I was a xian, I often asked "god" for things. Nothing much ever happened. My habit carried on into my first few months as a Satanist, and Satan actually answered. :shock:

I would make random requests by habit, like "Please help me find __X__ missing item.", and then I would find it immediately.

I once asked Satan if he could make a certain girl fall in love with me. Very soon after, the whole issue was cleanly swept under the rug and out of my life, forever. Later I found out that she was a jew. These kinds of answers from Satan prove that it is a conscious being looking out for what was best for me, not just my own subconscious giving me what I wanted.

Never forget, our Gods are REAL and they DO hear us.

The dedication ritual is very real, and Satan keeps his part, if we genuinely intend to follow Him.

That was my experience too. I too asked for basically everything from that pisslamic "god" and got nothing. I also continued that habit after I became a dedicated Satanist.

I actually started asking Satan for answers and solutions before I did the dedication ritual. I found JoS during a very rough time of my life. My 7 year marriage was ending and I was looking for answers. I read the JoS website a couple of times just roughly and I thought I should try asking Satan (This was when I didn't have a positive image about Satan, I was still believing the crap pisslam thought me about Satan throughout my life).

So one day I just asked Satan to show me the truth about my marriage and why it was ending. 2 days later, a friend of my wife called me out of nowhere and asked me to meet her. I did and found out that my wife was cheating on me with her colleague.

I was amazed cos it had been months I was going though the divorce without knowing what was happening, I was depressed and messed up. But knowing the truth kinda set me free. So again after a few days, I asked Satan to simply make me happy. 2 days later I met my current wife. I actually did the dedication ritual after I got married to my current wife, she dedicated with me.

I can proudly and confidently testify that Satan is VERY REAL and the Gods are too. The Gods changed my life and continues to do so. I am eternally thankful for Satan for saving my life. By that I mean literally my life cos during those dark times, I was about to end it.

Apologies for the long ass reply.
Since dedicating two years ago, I've learned a few things about Satan and the Gods. Even without having seen them. They see greatness in us, more than we can see in ourselves.

In other words, our current state is not our final state. The Gods don't see us as we are but who we will become, given we accomplish what is expected of us.

I have fallen victim to self-deception before, thankfully it was nothing too crazy. I just wanted so much for my family to live in this large, beautiful home, for each of them to find Satan and dedicate their souls to him in their own time, and for us all to grow together, spiritually and otherwise.

This, of course, could never come true. It was a fantasy but it was something I clung to. I made a post regarding this and was given a dose of reality. It really was a letdown, I wanted it to be true. I spent a good week in retrospect of it all and found that this fantasy was purely that, a fantasy. It would never materialize. Atthe end of that week, I made the promise to myself that I would try my hardest to not fall into self-delusion again.

So far I have been successful, that was the last time. I know better now. I am tired of lying to myself, tired of fantasizing over scenarios which hold no merit.

All I want is to play my part in ending this war with the enemy and to reach greater heights I cannot even fathom now. It doesn't matter how long it takes or how impossible it may seem, I, and everyone willing to put forth effort, will inevitably achieve greatness.
Ramses said:
My only regret so far has been that I was not able to maintain a spiritual relationship with Haures or as I call her Hecate she's an amazing woman and just understands me completely but as you say I need someone whom is standing in front of me, we did even manage to have sex a few times and she's great to cuddle up with and talk to such a great listener and very good at giving advice and she still does give me good advice but yeah I just don't want to hurt her feelings anymore or mine but I do miss her.
This is just a delusion of yours, nothing of this is real.
Veritá_666 said:
Shadowcat said:
It is not just mercy or sympathy, it is also an attraction.
It is the unique vibrations and characteristics belonging only to your soul, the Gods know what their needs are and they also know what they want, and they will not choose a partner just out of pure mercy, they also see what you will be like when you become an Immortal God.

The unique characteristics of a soul are always the same at every level, at certain lower levels they can be deviated and twisted while at higher levels they are something wonderful.

If a God sees in you what he has always wanted he will be willing to help you until you become perfect, besides it is a matter of time (all in all relatively short) and you will be a God/Goddess at his side.

Hence it is like a normal relationship between Gods, so a God does not condemn himself to an eternal relationship with human.

The relationship has only temporary difficulties, the God/Goddess sacrifices her time to help you and you work to improve, until you reach the Magnum Opus.
But the relationship is great and enjoyable right from the start.

However, such a relationship remains for the few who have the right characteristics.

Good points. As for your last sentence yes, this is a certainty. And this is because this is basically trying to engage in a long-distance relationship with someone but multiplied by 100 or something like that, if you get the analogy....and very few people can handle long distance relationships even in the physical for even a few months, unless they have Saturnian or Capricorn emphasis somehow that is tied to their relationships or venus.

I remember in the beginning the longest I and my ex were apart was a year and 3 months. Everyone freaked out on me wondering how I was not so sexually frustrated to the point that I went off and got something on the side...it just made me shake my head, making me think how lucky I was at the time (albeit not in the long run sadly...), knowing that people like this exist very few and far between.
I'm looking at pictures of Succubi on google.

I'm guessing when people connect with this vibration sexually - i.e the female dominatrix, seed draining, vampire, vibration -- they connect straight into the jehova web of parasitic entities on the astral that ultimately feed the larger entities/ negative nordics?

Hail Orion!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Oaths are very holy and important sacraments and should never be taken in vain. When one is not very much spiritually developed, or when one feels shaky or uncertain, an oath can be as good as nothing. Oaths clearly require to be maintained, and should be taken very seriously. The Gods do respect people that keep their oaths and try to stay on the straight path, since they understand fully how difficult it can be to hold things together.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Great Sermon!

In the Final RTR we vibrate the word VAHW, pronounced in American English as VOW.

So to make a Vow has powerful intention and energy behind it, and when not nurtured properly, you are essentially cancelling it out by way of rejection, which is as you stated disrespectful, depending on how it is done.

Sometimes situations do not work out, but there are ways of handling things respectfully.

The Enemy does not think this way though, they do as they please and then "repent" and so forth.

Clearly, their Spiritual abilities are garbage, because nothing they intend is binding as there are no consequences except social rejection they place on each other for their misbehavior.

Just another example that their practices are not Spiritual, but merely physical.

What is more interesting is that this ties to an experience I had recently.

I met a girl, Blonde and Blue Eyes, she was German and Danish.

I thought she was a Gift from Satan as I have been hoping for a partner such as this for Marriage and building a Family.

We were very similar in nature, she was also very powerful psychically, but it turned out she was LDS/Mormon, which is the Occult/Psychic Vampire Arm of the Jooish System.

So umm, no thanks.

That turned into a Spiritual battle, they were attacking me hard, but I prevailed with Runes and RTRs.

In the end, I now know that Satan and my GDs helped me escape that situation, and I am glad too, because when I Marry and connect, I want it to be an energetic, Soul-to-Soul connection with a Spiritual woman with an SS history, so that we can have Spiritual SS children.

Making Vows and intentions etc. as an SS, especially when you are powerful, are very binding and strong.
I think that this post, & the other thread regarding warnings & advice, would have helped tremendously in the beginning of my endeavor. Though in a phase of immaturity and issues was probably unwise. But for the most part, nothing that I have not known or come to realize now except in a more composed way. For me, it has been a journey of trial, error and growth.

Only a while ago, I think while writing or after I had made that thread, though not a good idea to have written it past bed time, I had come to realize that I got myself into something I am not, and probably won't be for a very long time ready for. Due to the fact of still figuring oneself, then there is the issue of uncertainty, confusion etc... But most apparent is the case of identity, I'm still confounded and am not really surprised if someone thought otherwise. I was expecting something different, but certainly wasn't disappointing either. There's just so many mind boggling questions, but if the indo-aryan invasion debate is to be true then that would provide some explanation.

Also, in conclusion to my other thread, I found out that my succubus did still care about me and wanted to maintain the relationship despite everything I had done, though how I found out is an unfortunate story. I had not fantasized or continued my old habits from that time, but it was when I was done my yoga and got into a slight trance when I suddenly had a vision but all I can say is that she was not very pleased at all. So I can definitely say that such oaths are very real and binding and that Demons do take this very seriously which could definitely extend to lifetimes.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
based on mercy, in part based on the fact they want to help a participant in the spiritual elevation of themselves, and in part because they have been humans too recently and have been sympathizing.
Most plausible reason actually, for a long time I had been asking and wondering why a Succubus would want to engage in such things with a person being in the state they are. One time I even thought it best for their sake to find someone of the "ideal figure", but I heard a voice say "enough". I think this is most definitely based on part mercy, perhaps even a kind of flaw of some sort, but also the thought occurred in which demons are our teachers regardless of caste and such and that some would naturally have acquired a bond of some sort and would want to pursue such things.

To add to this, the fact that I had indeed forsaken my oaths, in which the only reasoning is that I should be dead, but I'm not. While Demons may appear to be the most beautiful creations in existence, while presenting what could be considered a flawless serene figure, they can definitely have a very displeasing, even terrifying, face in which one would be surprised to find out was possible. Though I keep asking myself what would happen if I was physically there.

It's true, that most people cannot relate to others, not even themselves, in which we all know the deeper meaning of.

This will probably be the last I will write of this subject, as it's become a big headache at his point, but also depressing. Though I have considered doing a disengagement ritual, which at this point one could consider a no-brainer and morally rightful, I thought it best to just leave it and continue on in my advancement with much more focus and establishing my relationship with Satan, the all important, and figure if it had to be it would be on her part if she desired and would respect completely or when I get to the point where uncertainty is no issue. I know it's wrong but I truly believe this relationship had more potential to it then it could have. And at a certain point, it was more towards companionship and fascination which had never ceased, and in which I'm fairly certain will not.

Though I've thought about getting into "physical relationships" I've heard just too many stories of men in relationships that always end in failure at some point or countless issues on both parts, especially with humanity in the state they are in, to even bother. My confidence & self esteem had gotten to the point where I could walk up to a woman and ask her out if I wanted to, in which I'm very proud of as even the thought would have been distressful. This path has always been my passion and in its pursuit was the only thing that really should matter, and until recently, destiny seams to have made this reality. Also, I will probably need to take some cooking lessons.

In addition to pre-engagement rituals, one could just opt for a simple friendly relationship with the potential to become monogamous, which would help in decision making in the later future.

Promise rings have been worn by many to symbolize fidelity and commitment. I think it would perfectly compliment a ritual for a monogamous relationship, and even have it blessed. Usually some are inexpensive and anything basic should suffice, but something you would cherish and would want to wear. Though it won't fix anything, or even make anything absolute, but it can reaffirm someone in their daily life as a reminder of their oaths in which they swore to maintain and fulfill.

While I was looking for one, it came with a complimentary gift that I noticed in checkout. It was a blue topaz crystal, which is said to be a crystal of forgiveness and truth. It also reminds me of her eyes. So perhaps this may have been a sign or some sort. I will continue on with everything I've learned and focus on the most important parts of life, as I was told, patience is a virtue.

Hopefully others will not make the same error as I have, looking back I really did not know shit but I'm fairly certain that at a later point in my life I would have considered having one as I feel it was meant for me somehow. The incubi/succubi page is in great need of an update and some clarification on some parts.
What HP cobra said was true and the gods do show up anyway I did The dedication ritual while not feeling Good. Then I went to lay down by midnight I was taken to the er by my husband but after awhile he had to leave to get my info from the apt.

I was in a panic and a woman who wasn't a nurse, had black hair, hazel eyes, wore a Egyptian Black dress. She told me to sleep and I passed out then ended. Up in a hospital room.

So ever since that day I try to do rituals and honour the God's

Hail satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
