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About Spiritual Warfare, Future Of The World, New Ritual Schedule

Lightstar23 said:
Shadowcat said:
Lightstar23 said:
Do I also do a banishing ritual for this zeta midget fuck grey too I noticed that its ugly was trying to mess with me ever since my dad took me to eat in his disgusting chapel I notice this grey bitch along with this other reptoid scaly grey with a tail likes controlling me too how do i get rid of these ugly bastards I noticed that asking satan for help gets them off of me but they always come back for more I heard that these coward chipped up morons don't dare fight face to face but they run and then come back when i leasg expect itt or is it just me?

Keep up your aura of protection and do returning curses part one and 2 every day.
1 more question what does it mean when maxime says christians are our enemy like in what way? Like do we have to hate them and sympathize for them at all im confused on that part what if our family members are christians?

Christians are our enemy. When it comes to family members use your own discretion. If your family member is overtly "Christian" and likes to push their values kindly ask them to stop. If you know you are able to mount a defense and wish to push their boundaries have at it. We here do not wish to bring angst against one's family members. Be quiet about your beliefs, but if you are self sufficient and living under your own power you could stand up for yourself if you so wish.

As to why Christians are our enemy. The biggest gripe is a lack of critical thinking, or ignorance of history. An example of lacking critical thinking is not knowing the beginning and end of the bible is the same as the Torah. The middle is more varied, christianity preaches meekness as a virtue. Where as the torah is much more rigid and demeanding of Jews. Like the jews have 612 Commandments, while christianity has 10.

An example of ignoraning history is claiming Christianity brought about the enlightenment or America. This combines both lack of critical thinking and an ignorance of history. Christianity became the dominant religion in 337AD. It took over 1200 years, dark ages and all, to finally reach the enlightenment. Christianity didn't bring it about, it was brought by hardened individuals. Most enlightened thinkers used pagan symbols and were deists. As in they believed in a "god/creator" but couldn't care less about the bible.

Also if someone claims America is Christian, ask why did the pilgrims leave Europe and why did the founders want a separation of church and state. It is because they knew the overreaching authority of state and church when they were intertwined. Either the Church of England wasn't "Christian" or the founding fathers weren't "Christian". Both can't be "Christian".
Lightstar23 said:
1 more question what does it mean when maxime says christians are our enemy like in what way? Like do we have to hate them and sympathize for them at all im confused on that part what if our family members are christians?

It's not so much she is stating "Never have friends or family". That is bad, she is merely projecting what Al-Jilwah states. It's better to keep your mouth shut and not state anything out there in front of them or they go full retard.

Also xtians being channels for the enemy side. So you never know when the "Good person of the book" likes to pull out a weapon and get a little violent.

Maybe not all xtians but you'd be surprised how many are hardcore into horrible shit justifying their judeo-bolshevistic political non-sense.

They SHOULD be hated but the time isn't yet out. Not hated for violence i.e. creation of violent outburst such as a fight or shoot out. No just simply that like HP.Cobra said "We have no 'flat equality of opinion' in comparison to the christians slave". In other words their (((muh ekwalitez 'n' sheit))) is not appropriate.

Either way the best thing to do is if they pester you is stand your ground and if they ask why don't you want to be xtian just state "I'm atheist" or "I'm into spirituality and science" or "it doesn't interest me". Honestly the best piece of advice is keep your mouth shut and make something up. You'll regret it badly I know I have on a few occasions.
Lightstar23 said:
Shadowcat said:
Lightstar23 said:
Do I also do a banishing ritual for this zeta midget fuck grey too I noticed that its ugly was trying to mess with me ever since my dad took me to eat in his disgusting chapel I notice this grey bitch along with this other reptoid scaly grey with a tail likes controlling me too how do i get rid of these ugly bastards I noticed that asking satan for help gets them off of me but they always come back for more I heard that these coward chipped up morons don't dare fight face to face but they run and then come back when i leasg expect itt or is it just me?

Keep up your aura of protection and do returning curses part one and 2 every day.
1 more question what does it mean when maxime says christians are our enemy like in what way? Like do we have to hate them and sympathize for them at all im confused on that part what if our family members are christians?

Christians as an ideological structure, are enemies to us.

Christians as "Humans" or as "Normal People" are not. Do not divide your family. Keep your allegience a secret. It is their xianity which is a problem, and not them directly. They are humans.

Only in the case where they stop behaving like humans and put their xianity above this, and do harm to someone for their beliefs, one should react and defend themselvees.
StraitShot47 said:
Lightstar23 said:
Shadowcat said:
Keep up your aura of protection and do returning curses part one and 2 every day.
1 more question what does it mean when maxime says christians are our enemy like in what way? Like do we have to hate them and sympathize for them at all im confused on that part what if our family members are christians?

Christians are our enemy. When it comes to family members use your own discretion. If your family member is overtly "Christian" and likes to push their values kindly ask them to stop. If you know you are able to mount a defense and wish to push their boundaries have at it. We here do not wish to bring angst against one's family members. Be quiet about your beliefs, but if you are self sufficient and living under your own power you could stand up for yourself if you so wish.

As to why Christians are our enemy. The biggest gripe is a lack of critical thinking, or ignorance of history. An example of lacking critical thinking is not knowing the beginning and end of the bible is the same as the Torah. The middle is more varied, christianity preaches meekness as a virtue. Where as the torah is much more rigid and demeanding of Jews. Like the jews have 612 Commandments, while christianity has 10.

An example of ignoraning history is claiming Christianity brought about the enlightenment or America. This combines both lack of critical thinking and an ignorance of history. Christianity became the dominant religion in 337AD. It took over 1200 years, dark ages and all, to finally reach the enlightenment. Christianity didn't bring it about, it was brought by hardened individuals. Most enlightened thinkers used pagan symbols and were deists. As in they believed in a "god/creator" but couldn't care less about the bible.

Also if someone claims America is Christian, ask why did the pilgrims leave Europe and why did the founders want a separation of church and state. It is because they knew the overreaching authority of state and church when they were intertwined. Either the Church of England wasn't "Christian" or the founding fathers weren't "Christian". Both can't be "Christian".
thank you now i know i dont have to lose my shit directly at my family because these damn xtian thoughtforms I always felt deep inside that I should have taken it easy on them is just the way I've seen other Satanist on here get on full flaming mode even on there own xtian family members that made be think I had to hate them all wished i woul have known sooner sometimes. I still say fuck Christianity tho lol. Thank you guys for the help
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lightstar23 said:
Shadowcat said:
Keep up your aura of protection and do returning curses part one and 2 every day.
1 more question what does it mean when maxime says christians are our enemy like in what way? Like do we have to hate them and sympathize for them at all im confused on that part what if our family members are christians?

Christians as an ideological structure, are enemies to us.

Christians as "Humans" or as "Normal People" are not. Do not divide your family. Keep your allegience a secret. It is their xianity which is a problem, and not them directly. They are humans.

Only in the case where they stop behaving like humans and put their xianity above this, and do harm to someone for their beliefs, one should react and defend themselvees.
Thank you that really helps
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lightstar23 said:
Shadowcat said:
Keep up your aura of protection and do returning curses part one and 2 every day.
1 more question what does it mean when maxime says christians are our enemy like in what way? Like do we have to hate them and sympathize for them at all im confused on that part what if our family members are christians?

Christians as an ideological structure, are enemies to us.

Christians as "Humans" or as "Normal People" are not. Do not divide your family. Keep your allegience a secret. It is their xianity which is a problem, and not them directly. They are humans.

Only in the case where they stop behaving like humans and put their xianity above this, and do harm to someone for their beliefs, one should react and defend themselvees.
Ok something wierd happened and there's a voice telling me not to tell no one so should i say it, imma say it anyways i felt something hot not overwhelmingly hot but something hot then i started and stil am in tears while in tears its as if somethinb inside of me was burning and yelling but in a low voice manner very low i saw myself all black before ive seen a rush of light going inside of me like white gold and voices tellinb me the jews are the enemy and if i did and when i did I destroyed jews that i was seeing in my head. I ended crying more and now i hear a voice saying no dont kill me while i feel this light and i feel like well idk nevermind but really whats going on this same thing happened to me 4 years ago. But now im still crying fuck idk how to explain it
Shadowcat said:
Lightstar23 said:
Shadowcat said:
Keep up your aura of protection and do returning curses part one and 2 every day.
1 more question what does it mean when maxime says christians are our enemy like in what way? Like do we have to hate them and sympathize for them at all im confused on that part what if our family members are christians?

Close yourself off to xtians outside of your family. If you have to work or go to school with them avoid topics like religion and politics like the plague. Keep conversation to a minimum or only for a task or exchange of information at your school or workplace. If they try to start opening up to you and approach you with church shit or other just decline. If they start asking annoying questions just say, its none of your business or , my beliefs are private. If you want to talk we can but about work/school. You don't have to sympathize with them at all. They don't at all with us. Xtians are infact downright hostile towards us. Close yourself off to them and don't trust them beyond a superficial level as described above.

As for family members ofcourse you don't have to hate them. Just don't let them drag you to church or other things related if you can avoid it. If you are a minor do not mention your beliefs to anyone. They will give you trouble and try to convert or punish you.
I forget say thank you to you too I apoligize
. But thank you :D
Lightstar23 said:
Shadowcat said:
Lightstar23 said:
1 more question what does it mean when maxime says christians are our enemy like in what way? Like do we have to hate them and sympathize for them at all im confused on that part what if our family members are christians?

Close yourself off to xtians outside of your family. If you have to work or go to school with them avoid topics like religion and politics like the plague. Keep conversation to a minimum or only for a task or exchange of information at your school or workplace. If they try to start opening up to you and approach you with church shit or other just decline. If they start asking annoying questions just say, its none of your business or , my beliefs are private. If you want to talk we can but about work/school. You don't have to sympathize with them at all. They don't at all with us. Xtians are infact downright hostile towards us. Close yourself off to them and don't trust them beyond a superficial level as described above.

As for family members ofcourse you don't have to hate them. Just don't let them drag you to church or other things related if you can avoid it. If you are a minor do not mention your beliefs to anyone. They will give you trouble and try to convert or punish you.
I forget say thank you to you too I apoligize
. But thank you :D

Shadowcat said:
Lightstar23 said:
Shadowcat said:
If what you say is true this could very well be that same entity. look at the link in my comment that you replied to you will see info on him there. it is not of Satan. if you are still being attacked by it or harassed do a banishing ritual or ask Satan or your Guardian for help.
Do I also do a banishing ritual for this zeta midget fuck grey too I noticed that its ugly was trying to mess with me ever since my dad took me to eat in his disgusting chapel I notice this grey bitch along with this other reptoid scaly grey with a tail likes controlling me too how do i get rid of these ugly bastards I noticed that asking satan for help gets them off of me but they always come back for more I heard that these coward chipped up morons don't dare fight face to face but they run and then come back when i leasg expect itt or is it just me?

Keep up your aura of protection and do returning curses part one and 2 every day.
Additionally to what Shadowcat said, you can kill and burn those enemies and greys. Learning to fight back against them is very important as they will try to harass you often. Especially when you are finally saving yourself or doing something that will be really damaging to them. Hps Maxine got attacked a bunch a lot of times when she would create something to destroy the enemy. She had a strong will to do what's right despite the harrasment and attacks learning to stay strong like a mountain against the enemies is crucial for being a SS. Here is how I kill the enemy: I imagine satanic blue fire surrounding and eating the grey or enemy alive, if the enemy is a bit strong I will imagine a liquid that is like fuel and I throw it at the enemy to intensify the fire and burn the enemy from its very core. By now it should be dead but if it is still alive or resilient I will imagine either my astral sword made of strong, sharp metal that burns with satanic blue fire and is so hot that it can melt rocks and then get the greys head and engrave father Satan's sigil on its forehead making its head feel intense pain then after I engrave father's sigil I would slash its throat and cut its head while imagining its body disintegrating and turning to ash from the blue fire by now it would be completely dead at least for me another way if you want it a bit quicker is to imagine a powerful electric lightning bolt destroying its body and frying it completely. Be creative these are only my methods and how I like to do kill them do whatever what is comfortable for you just know they are weaker than you think when you finally start fighting back. At first it will be very hard but it will get easier for you with time and practice.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors.

Times have been trying for many, that is true. But one has to also observe how things are going with the world right now. While many are sitting comfortably, thinking this whole thing with restrictions and so on, is poised to act solely as a solution for public health, they are deceiving themselves. Many people are short sighted and they don't care.

What is going on right now is a re-definition of historic proportions to the wealth, power, influence, and rules of life in their entirety. Things considered human since the inception of humanity are being shattered entirely. Many people do not understand how far this will go, but it is going to go further and further until this is stopped.

Oftentimes when there may be a conversation between I and individuals, they think that any beliefs or worries about the future of this world through the pretext of Pandemics [ or any other pretext ] means one invalidates the reality of these events.

One would say, what one wants to do is relative. The existence of a blade does not necessitate you have to use it to stab someone. In the same way, a strongly debated and proved to be, fairly weak "Pandemic" is only a frivolous excuse to do all the crimes that are happening on society. Nor to reshape it and attack it to such extents.

People who don't know the information we do, they can't process the large picture of where this is going. If you're missing dots, you can't connect the picture. For a lot of people, they are programmed to deny new input and information.

They will see Billy Gates on TV telling them they are going to wear a collar that will deliver them electric shocks of a deadly nature everytime they think naughty thoughts against the NWO, but they will deny this input of information, dismiss it as a joke, or simply not pay attention to it, say it's never going to happen and such nonsense. That's because they are brainwashed.

Their mind denies processing and input of the events that are happening. They don't want to accept the changes of this world or how these will affect them. Because they are scared and weak, or lack information.

At this point, anyone who believes that all of these things happen mainly for a "pandemic" and not for power intensification of specific classes and interest groups, are in the least, living in their own shell. Very short sighted individuals.

The enemy has a very strict agenda that they are following. Events they cause or may happen are attempted to be struggled to be used within the context of this agenda. Everyone here knows it's aspects. It's difficult after one wakes up and they see it manifesting in stages or instantly as it did presently. Many people are so shocked they can't fathom this. Others have dropped into a careless state of ignorance, as a victim of many things does after a lot of victimization.

There's a war against consciousness and humanity at large right now. People are enforced to become like drones that don't question any ramification, change, or new implementation that will directly affect their lives. The media, governments, and many other interest groups are collaborating against the Common Man.

Satanism is about humanity and is a humanist religion. Compared to other religions, which see humans as defiled, dirty, or in the case of Judaism, undeserving to even exist, Satanism is against that. We believe humanity has untapped potential and a lot of value. Despite how many people feel personally about what we do, we do this to help ourselves while helping the "Common Man".

Power to mankind and a shifting of power is going to happen throughout the Age of Aquarius. Many people are using this power they are given now in the most stupid ways, but this doesn't matter. Some people will always be stupid. This category may also be that of many people.

The enemy is clearly lying to everyone's face and they know humanity has found out. The majority of people don't believe half of what is going on. Others are censored entirely right now. If you speak against the upcoming global enemy tyranny that is plaguing this world, you'll be censored and marginalized.

We have to self censor in the forum to avoid reasons of a takedown. Free Speech is under siege, and may even disappear as a human ability and right. But to precede this, free thought has to be abolished, and if we are to be optimistic, we are winning here. But the enemy holds the lines of communication tightly. But not forever.

When you see things like Macron questioning the Vaccine, that is because many people no longer believe the enemy narrative. There is also a large amount of people that understand this is all a lie, but they lie to themselves hoping that we will experience "Return to normalcy" soon. The reality is the more people conform to this agenda, we will never return to any normalcy. The enemy is going in for a decade long plan here, that has been planned for a very long time.

Generally people lack spiritual knowledge and this is fundamental in that they misunderstand how the enemy operates. Many also lack fundamental knowledge on how the universe works, about quantum mechanics, and how our perception affects the world. The enemy knows these all very well.

For example, many countries have these ideas flowing in them: People are dirty, hate your fellow man, other people are infectious, don't relate to women, don't start families, hate men, get locked in yourself, and many other things. These overall, do not need to be enforced, but are psychological warfare projections by the enemy, who carefully create these in the Media.

The plan of the enemy is isolated humans to fragment the power of the so called "Masses", once and for all. People will be alone, deluded, without a family, without owning nothing. These are easy to control. The definition of a slave is if a man without rights and without any property, not even that of his labor. People own their labor now but that is the last thing they will own. Then one is a slave.

One way to do this is by making one enslaved and having them do work for society for nothing. This causes revolutions. The enemy decided to go the other way. To replace human labor entirely and make this civilization no longer humanity's own.

Sure, this may look like a long shot, but it's here.

The enemy tries to create a situation where people will trade in and sell their freedoms over frivolous necessities. It's not the first time freedoms are being sold at the price of weakness or a loaf of bread. Others will do so due to unemployment, others due to fear, and others because they aren't smart to understand they already sold them.

On the other hand, if people like us who understand all of these things, and who know anything, chose to remain without an action...The ramifications will be beyond understanding. Up to now people have been resisting and the enemy is clearly taking steps back in order to take steps forward.

Their agenda is exposed. People are secretly and publicly waking up and denying their advances. The next step if this goes well is to force them to take steps back. The last step is to kick their agenda and them off the cliffs.

There are a few people who don't understand the importance of this undertaking. Maybe they are too immature, self absorbed, or simply they haven't studied enough. Life as any human knew it more than 12 years old today, is poised for disappearance.

Weak servile humans also like to make all sorts of excuses about this situation. That it's all good, that if we conform it will pass, and that it is only a temporary phase where we will "Get our lives back". Such beliefs of NPC's are solely based on make good feelings. False reports of anything can continue this situation until perpetuity and worsen it at a moment's notice. The media will see to that.

Despite of how Satanists are geared, informed, educated, and smarter, so we can navigate through these measures or make good use of our time [meditation, studying, exercise, improvement, what have you]. I am proud we built progressively to that level. There will be more empowerment to come.

But we must not forget ourselves and where we began, as other humans, and one must not go full autism mode on humanity and say that this present state of affairs is to be dismissed or is desirable. The aspects of this [ such as a solitary life ] you can live at the same time where the world operates anyway.

While these times aren't bad for many of us or eventhough we are psychologically capable to manage, because many of us are introverts or people who like silence and a different kind of life. But the average human is right now being waged a fallout psychological and extinction war and we cannot allow this to happen.

Our social people are currently suffering. Most humans are very social beings and that is good, proper and in accordance to major aspects in nature. People need love, companionship, friends, sexuality, to go out and drink and engage in all the human activities since time immemorial.

Many elderly people right now are leaving this world crushed internally because they were separated from their grandkids. Other people who want to have children, cannot, because all these events have removed one's rights and one's courage to have children. Others are so mentally affected these desires are completely wiped out from them or got wiped out recently. The "Common Man" is being waged a war of retaliation by the so called Jewish "Chosen" of this world.

This is not about the quality of a people affirming itself for the greater good of the chain of command in a society. This is about shattering and destroying the common man and his consciousness as the last line of defense on what it means to be human. It's all part of dehumanizing mankind, so they can mold it to something else.

And it won't be long that when this layer of "Normal" people is shattered [that category generally holds civilization together] then they will come for everyone and anyone else. You can be an exemption but you won't survive either.

It will be 2040 and there will be some new strain going up, experts will say. I won't mention the other scenarios which mention that specific individuals are promoting an actual virus to cause an actual wipeout to cause this, according to them "Social Change".

2080, if we ever get there and if anyone still exists on this planet and it's not a heap of garbage, yeah, more strains. More straints for ever and ever and ever, until no humans remain on this planet. Then there will be another one. Humans will be locked in sterilized camps and two thirds of them dead, but wait, there will be more and more strains. Less and less constitutional rights, and more and more enemy control. Until the tipping point where nothing remains.

Claims about public health have been proven to be exaggerated excuses. The speed at which other agendas are being implemented shows the true purposes of all this, are not to help humans heal or protect them, but rather to enforce an entirely new standard of living which will be far more controlled and slavery based than the previous one. Of course if people were asked for this, they would instantly reject it.

There's a secret in alchemy now, and for those who understand the laws of the spiritual universe, that when these "mutations" happen in specific things, and when a thing is "molding itself", that is the best time to actually hit it appropriately so it molds as one wants. Right now, society is on a molding state. It's not the metal it was before. It's melting apart. And that's why we need to do our Rituals now more than ever, to shape this as it goes.

Of course, since it's the case that both parties try to mold at the same time, not everything will be perfect at once or according to design. But if we win them over 8 from 10, they are as good as destroyed. Because people will see the defects of them as they already are, and consequently they will want the enemy's control to end permanently.

Going back to the quantum reality of the world, and the laws of spiritual levels, which many of you here know, and should apply in your life [this makes you a magician by other words], if we don't engage in breaking down these manifestations of the enemy, these are going to manifest. The more we destroy them, the less they will manifest.

There will be a new schedule soon to set even more stones in this creation we are making together. There will also be two rituals upcoming [not yet] which will have monumental effects. To everyone who has been observing and sensing the energies, but also the events of this world, we have made extreme impact. We can be proud of this, but we cannot rest on our laps as nothing is solidified yet and won't be for quite some time.

The universe will not sit there and think what is wrong or right. It's the laws of energy that will decide what reality gets to manifest and what does not. The enemy's creations have to be wiped out entirely and repressed until they get destroyed fully.

Many conspiracy theorists are busy complaining about all the results of these odious programs, revealed oftentimes in books like "The Bible", while ignoring both these quantum laws and the fundamental psychological programming these books have done to mankind. These books did not "predict" these things. They caused them, by mass brainwashing and mass manipulation of spiritual laws.

There's nothing holy here. Only predictive programming and use of quantum laws to enforce this thing on human beings. Due to lack of understanding of spiritual laws, people cannot understand that. We on the other hand, can understand all these things because we have been awoken by knowledge.

It's important now for all Satanists to understand that you're in this world and currently here because you need to partake in solving this urgent problem, right now. We are here to make sure that these transitional periods for humanity are not manifested how the enemy wants, but rather, how we want. Part of this is a physical aspect which we will work over time, but the foundation of all is the spiritual aspect of these affairs.

Mature people who understand should now have their priorities straight. Many people don't take Satanism as seriously as they should. You're given knowledge that is of the Gods, and yet, many people behave stupidly or deny these things. The enemy works overtime in the meanwhile, and the fate of the world is hanging from a few threads.

After this transitional period, which will last some years, is over with, the Age of Aquarius holds in store many wonderful things. See how much the life of humans did advance from the internet. The Internet became a hub of knowledge, a mass storage of human information and experience. New emerging technologies will further assist in this.

But the important thing is also to upgrade the meaning of being a man and expanding people's spiritual capacity and consciousness. We can do this together. We have achieved tremendous success which we could never achieve without anyone doing their Satanic duty. That duty is sacred. The more one's mind opens up spiritually, they will see the greater picture here.

I can see from the metrics of the sites that yes, humans are not devoid, stupid and empty. Some of them may be, because they were made this way. But not all of them are. Many are actively seeking meaning through this mess. During the Co-Vid situation, our coverage has tripled. But at the same time, the enemy has x10 their efforts in shutting us down. That's how wars go. You make advances and the enemy does their best to defend themselves.

This is for certain that the enemy who possesses far more AI and insight of searches or longings of humans through search engines, can see this through and that this is why they are on the censorship rampage on the shared knowledge hub of humanity, the Internet.

Do not get swayed away by the feeling of victory to stop fighting. This feeling is to motivate everyone to do the right thing, every single day. This is how this feeling will persist and victory will be manifest.

Concern not yourself about the present chaos if we are fighting this through with a strong order, because in the end we are winning. We see a full battle manifesting on all fronts now, and we are geared and have the knowledge to succeed. WE apply, and WE ARE WINNING.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thanks for the fire HP. I have experienced most of the things mentioned above. I just can't blame those who do not know, as it is not their fault. But some wanted to remain blind, for the fear of knowing the truth, and that which makes them uncomfortable, upset, etc...

I also wanted to ask, ist it true when doing the ritual while facing East would be a great help? I notice those pisslamics praying while facing east 5x a day.
Gear88 said:
So for example I mentioned this before we know how to build motorcycles, have basic to advanced science from automotive technologies. But even IF we have basic physics understood. To certain scientists and researches we really don't know how a motorcycle even stays up. It's like airplanes there are many scientists that will state we build an airplane and it flies. We just don't know the exacts 100% final information on how airplanes FLY, it's mind boggling to think. We've been experimenting in modern times with flying crafts for over a 100 years and yet we still don't even know how a airplane fully works.

Ugh. Sorry to say but I am super facepalming at this.

You dont know even basic physics if youre wondering about this.
"why does a motorcycle stay up" because of the point of gravity, where that is placed on one.
"why do airplanes fly" because the design of the wings. By propelling forward (motors) you increase the amount of air (wind) that goes over and under them.
This fast moving air has a certain force to it, creating lift. If this lift is greater than the weight of the plane, the plane flies.

Look I dont know about ufo's. that stuff is way over my head but normal tech stuff.. I can at least understand that somewhat.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Gear88 said:
So for example I mentioned this before we know how to build motorcycles, have basic to advanced science from automotive technologies. But even IF we have basic physics understood. To certain scientists and researches we really don't know how a motorcycle even stays up. It's like airplanes there are many scientists that will state we build an airplane and it flies. We just don't know the exacts 100% final information on how airplanes FLY, it's mind boggling to think. We've been experimenting in modern times with flying crafts for over a 100 years and yet we still don't even know how a airplane fully works.

Ugh. Sorry to say but I am super facepalming at this.

You dont know even basic physics if youre wondering about this.
"why does a motorcycle stay up" because of the point of gravity, where that is placed on one.
"why do airplanes fly" because the design of the wings. By propelling forward (motors) you increase the amount of air (wind) that goes over and under them.
This fast moving air has a certain force to it, creating lift. If this lift is greater than the weight of the plane, the plane flies.

Look I dont know about ufo's. that stuff is way over my head but normal tech stuff.. I can at least understand that somewhat.

Ahh the engineer... at equal intellectual level of a flat earther.

Reminds me of this guy I know, who thinks it is impossible to move in the vacuum of space. He thinks that everything just stops in their tracks and that air planes would crash if they flew too high.. good times, couldn’t stop smiling xD

Not to forget Satellites and Rockets are fake, people never went to the moon :x
mercury_wisdom said:
Shadowcat said:
Lightstar23 said:
Do I also do a banishing ritual for this zeta midget fuck grey too I noticed that its ugly was trying to mess with me ever since my dad took me to eat in his disgusting chapel I notice this grey bitch along with this other reptoid scaly grey with a tail likes controlling me too how do i get rid of these ugly bastards I noticed that asking satan for help gets them off of me but they always come back for more I heard that these coward chipped up morons don't dare fight face to face but they run and then come back when i leasg expect itt or is it just me?

Keep up your aura of protection and do returning curses part one and 2 every day.
Additionally to what Shadowcat said, you can kill and burn those enemies and greys. Learning to fight back against them is very important as they will try to harass you often. Especially when you are finally saving yourself or doing something that will be really damaging to them. Hps Maxine got attacked a bunch a lot of times when she would create something to destroy the enemy. She had a strong will to do what's right despite the harrasment and attacks learning to stay strong like a mountain against the enemies is crucial for being a SS. Here is how I kill the enemy: I imagine satanic blue fire surrounding and eating the grey or enemy alive, if the enemy is a bit strong I will imagine a liquid that is like fuel and I throw it at the enemy to intensify the fire and burn the enemy from its very core. By now it should be dead but if it is still alive or resilient I will imagine either my astral sword made of strong, sharp metal that burns with satanic blue fire and is so hot that it can melt rocks and then get the greys head and engrave father Satan's sigil on its forehead making its head feel intense pain then after I engrave father's sigil I would slash its throat and cut its head while imagining its body disintegrating and turning to ash from the blue fire by now it would be completely dead at least for me another way if you want it a bit quicker is to imagine a powerful electric lightning bolt destroying its body and frying it completely. Be creative these are only my methods and how I like to do kill them do whatever what is comfortable for you just know they are weaker than you think when you finally start fighting back. At first it will be very hard but it will get easier for you with time and practice.
bro i did not know that i could kill them I thought that the greys could only be handled by satan and his demons wtf im fucking pissed off wtf man Fuuuuuuuck im sorry if im swearing too much but other satanist and even hooded cobra said we cant take them right? Please awnser me asap because im confused asf.
Lightstar23 said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Shadowcat said:
Keep up your aura of protection and do returning curses part one and 2 every day.
Additionally to what Shadowcat said, you can kill and burn those enemies and greys. Learning to fight back against them is very important as they will try to harass you often. Especially when you are finally saving yourself or doing something that will be really damaging to them. Hps Maxine got attacked a bunch a lot of times when she would create something to destroy the enemy. She had a strong will to do what's right despite the harrasment and attacks learning to stay strong like a mountain against the enemies is crucial for being a SS. Here is how I kill the enemy: I imagine satanic blue fire surrounding and eating the grey or enemy alive, if the enemy is a bit strong I will imagine a liquid that is like fuel and I throw it at the enemy to intensify the fire and burn the enemy from its very core. By now it should be dead but if it is still alive or resilient I will imagine either my astral sword made of strong, sharp metal that burns with satanic blue fire and is so hot that it can melt rocks and then get the greys head and engrave father Satan's sigil on its forehead making its head feel intense pain then after I engrave father's sigil I would slash its throat and cut its head while imagining its body disintegrating and turning to ash from the blue fire by now it would be completely dead at least for me another way if you want it a bit quicker is to imagine a powerful electric lightning bolt destroying its body and frying it completely. Be creative these are only my methods and how I like to do kill them do whatever what is comfortable for you just know they are weaker than you think when you finally start fighting back. At first it will be very hard but it will get easier for you with time and practice.
bro i did not know that i could kill them I thought that the greys could only be handled by satan and his demons wtf im fucking pissed off wtf man Fuuuuuuuck im sorry if im swearing too much but other satanist and even hooded cobra said we cant take them right? Please awnser me asap because im confused asf.
You can definitely kill them. I've killed some before with satanic blue fire.

Father Satan and the demons only help you when you are a beginner and don't know how to kill them but after a point you can easily deal with enemy entities and kill them.

Then you will get attacked by even stronger entities. If it ever gets overwhelming you can call the gods but you are supposed to learn how to deal with them yourself.

I am not sure where you got that idea that only satan and the gods can deal with greys and enemy entities. Hp HC didn't say that before.

Also Satan and the gods want us to be self-reliant. They want us to be able to protect ourselves and achieve our desires spiritually without having to be babysitted by them. They want us to be independent.

Enemy angels do the opposite when they heal someone they only heal the symptoms but the root cause of the illness is still there. So the ill person becomes addicted, dependent on the enemy angel's healing. Then they become under their control.

Satan wants us to be free, independent, and like the gods. Satan will guide us and teach us but he won't babysit us.

That's why the demons aren't wish granting machines they want to give us the knowledge and power to be able to grant our own wishes.

Hail Satan!!
Lightstar23 said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Shadowcat said:
Keep up your aura of protection and do returning curses part one and 2 every day.
Additionally to what Shadowcat said, you can kill and burn those enemies and greys. Learning to fight back against them is very important as they will try to harass you often. Especially when you are finally saving yourself or doing something that will be really damaging to them. Hps Maxine got attacked a bunch a lot of times when she would create something to destroy the enemy. She had a strong will to do what's right despite the harrasment and attacks learning to stay strong like a mountain against the enemies is crucial for being a SS. Here is how I kill the enemy: I imagine satanic blue fire surrounding and eating the grey or enemy alive, if the enemy is a bit strong I will imagine a liquid that is like fuel and I throw it at the enemy to intensify the fire and burn the enemy from its very core. By now it should be dead but if it is still alive or resilient I will imagine either my astral sword made of strong, sharp metal that burns with satanic blue fire and is so hot that it can melt rocks and then get the greys head and engrave father Satan's sigil on its forehead making its head feel intense pain then after I engrave father's sigil I would slash its throat and cut its head while imagining its body disintegrating and turning to ash from the blue fire by now it would be completely dead at least for me another way if you want it a bit quicker is to imagine a powerful electric lightning bolt destroying its body and frying it completely. Be creative these are only my methods and how I like to do kill them do whatever what is comfortable for you just know they are weaker than you think when you finally start fighting back. At first it will be very hard but it will get easier for you with time and practice.
bro i did not know that i could kill them I thought that the greys could only be handled by satan and his demons wtf im fucking pissed off wtf man Fuuuuuuuck im sorry if im swearing too much but other satanist and even hooded cobra said we cant take them right? Please awnser me asap because im confused asf.
You did not know because you had common sense.
You can't actually kill them astrally, that's just a delusion. You can ward them off, but unless you're a very advance SS I doubt you can actually damage them in anyway.
Aquarius said:
Lightstar23 said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Additionally to what Shadowcat said, you can kill and burn those enemies and greys. Learning to fight back against them is very important as they will try to harass you often. Especially when you are finally saving yourself or doing something that will be really damaging to them. Hps Maxine got attacked a bunch a lot of times when she would create something to destroy the enemy. She had a strong will to do what's right despite the harrasment and attacks learning to stay strong like a mountain against the enemies is crucial for being a SS. Here is how I kill the enemy: I imagine satanic blue fire surrounding and eating the grey or enemy alive, if the enemy is a bit strong I will imagine a liquid that is like fuel and I throw it at the enemy to intensify the fire and burn the enemy from its very core. By now it should be dead but if it is still alive or resilient I will imagine either my astral sword made of strong, sharp metal that burns with satanic blue fire and is so hot that it can melt rocks and then get the greys head and engrave father Satan's sigil on its forehead making its head feel intense pain then after I engrave father's sigil I would slash its throat and cut its head while imagining its body disintegrating and turning to ash from the blue fire by now it would be completely dead at least for me another way if you want it a bit quicker is to imagine a powerful electric lightning bolt destroying its body and frying it completely. Be creative these are only my methods and how I like to do kill them do whatever what is comfortable for you just know they are weaker than you think when you finally start fighting back. At first it will be very hard but it will get easier for you with time and practice.
bro i did not know that i could kill them I thought that the greys could only be handled by satan and his demons wtf im fucking pissed off wtf man Fuuuuuuuck im sorry if im swearing too much but other satanist and even hooded cobra said we cant take them right? Please awnser me asap because im confused asf.
You did not know because you had common sense.
You can't actually kill them astrally, that's just a delusion. You can ward them off, but unless you're a very advance SS I doubt you can actually damage them in anyway.

I second this as being purely delusions. The people who have told me the same years back about fighting them were blatant LARPers and some of them I know for sure turned their back on us. Aquarius is on point here.
Aquarius said:
Lightstar23 said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Additionally to what Shadowcat said, you can kill and burn those enemies and greys. Learning to fight back against them is very important as they will try to harass you often. Especially when you are finally saving yourself or doing something that will be really damaging to them. Hps Maxine got attacked a bunch a lot of times when she would create something to destroy the enemy. She had a strong will to do what's right despite the harrasment and attacks learning to stay strong like a mountain against the enemies is crucial for being a SS. Here is how I kill the enemy: I imagine satanic blue fire surrounding and eating the grey or enemy alive, if the enemy is a bit strong I will imagine a liquid that is like fuel and I throw it at the enemy to intensify the fire and burn the enemy from its very core. By now it should be dead but if it is still alive or resilient I will imagine either my astral sword made of strong, sharp metal that burns with satanic blue fire and is so hot that it can melt rocks and then get the greys head and engrave father Satan's sigil on its forehead making its head feel intense pain then after I engrave father's sigil I would slash its throat and cut its head while imagining its body disintegrating and turning to ash from the blue fire by now it would be completely dead at least for me another way if you want it a bit quicker is to imagine a powerful electric lightning bolt destroying its body and frying it completely. Be creative these are only my methods and how I like to do kill them do whatever what is comfortable for you just know they are weaker than you think when you finally start fighting back. At first it will be very hard but it will get easier for you with time and practice.
bro i did not know that i could kill them I thought that the greys could only be handled by satan and his demons wtf im fucking pissed off wtf man Fuuuuuuuck im sorry if im swearing too much but other satanist and even hooded cobra said we cant take them right? Please awnser me asap because im confused asf.
You did not know because you had common sense.
You can't actually kill them astrally, that's just a delusion. You can ward them off, but unless you're a very advance SS I doubt you can actually damage them in anyway.
well that explains why i keep seeing the same faggot grey with a tail coming back before i would do that blue flame thing it would scream or shriek saying "ok ill leave please stop" im confused tho because it alwways says znd does the same thing idk now im back at square 1 this really sucks not only that i feel like a ghost is messinb with me too and i wanna stick my foot up his ass so he can fuck off. Ugh my mind is to tired and tormented to handle this nowadays fuck me I wish i had all the awnsers. I think ill be alright.
hailourtruegod said:
Aquarius said:
Lightstar23 said:
bro i did not know that i could kill them I thought that the greys could only be handled by satan and his demons wtf im fucking pissed off wtf man Fuuuuuuuck im sorry if im swearing too much but other satanist and even hooded cobra said we cant take them right? Please awnser me asap because im confused asf.
You did not know because you had common sense.
You can't actually kill them astrally, that's just a delusion. You can ward them off, but unless you're a very advance SS I doubt you can actually damage them in anyway.

I second this as being purely delusions. The people who have told me the same years back about fighting them were blatant LARPers and some of them I know for sure turned their back on us. Aquarius is on point here.

Here is an interesting question that I've never seen anyone post or even for that matter attempt to make.

IF a grey and or reptilian is killed in the astral do they die in real life?

I know just like dream logic if you die in a dream you don't die in real life. And I assume IF killing people without magick but my forceful interaction through astral projection they can't die. IF they could be killed what would have stopped the Gods from pulling out the person astrally and killing them with a sword slash and killing the jew, shabbos, negative gentile person.

In other words the punishment of black magic would pale in comparison to the direct killing of the person.

It's kinda similar to people who believe astral projecting makes you susceptible towards having your body hijacked and yet everyone who sleeps or dreams at some point either projects while still in the dream state or somehow wakes up thinks it's a dream and wakes up.

But my question again to reiterate is ignoring banishing which isn't meant to kill maybe a weaker astral creature can be killed off. I know vinasa is a banishing baneful vibration but does it necessarily kill, supposedly it says on JOS it can destroy trapped souls, so there IS some banefulness to it but again a grey or reptilian is just AP'ing what harm does a vinasa blast at them do or a blue fire do to them?

So basically if astral combat occurs what is the point of a being of higher power pulling out a weapon and eliminating the threat. IF the mere presence of this high ranking God is enough to scare the enemy alien?

AND IF there is engagement of spiritual warfare IF you cannot be killed by having your astral body destroyed or severed then what is the point of astral combat? ESPECIALLY IF the alien can come back at a later date.

Sometimes I wonder how beings of higher power travel the astral and know how to come I know it's all intuition and high level knowledge plus learning experience but in my personal opinion isn't it pointless for aliens to scare humans into running away from spirituality IF some humans get a kick out of it and continue going much like Maxine she did spiritual things enemy harasses she thinks "Wonderful this effect is working nicely it seems I'm pissing them off".

I apologize for sounding like some anti-spiritual person. It's not that I don't believe in spiritual things obviously there is a mountain of evidence for it including tens of millions of people throughout the World and history.

But it seems like IF AP is so dangerous due to astral combat then why bother learning AP if your just gonna get harmed in the astral.

AND yes I have heard of other delusional things. For example I recall one person stating they engaged in astral combat got popped by an enemy and the GD had to pull the person away and heal their wound.

Again what exactly is astral combat and why did you get "hurt"? OR CAN you get hurt?

I have all these questions based on the astral plane and yet I've never been able to get a straight logical answer even reading things like Bruce's AP stuff seems like here is the actions to which you can do but without any Q&As available.

For example if we make a sword in the astral realm how do I know it's effective or if an alien comes how do I escape it etc.etc.

Supposedly a being of higher power produces a more powerful weapon. IF greys are trained from the ground up to be spiritual combatants how can I fight that. In some cases WHY would I fight that which is more prominent than me. It's like me being a normal martial arts inspired person going into an MMA ring with an MMA fighter with years of training and experience.

Again I hope I'm not being anti-spiritual. I've never really advanced I try but it seems like I don't get no where. I've been studying and knowing about the astral projection and lucid dream phenomena since 1999/2000 but I've never been able to accomplish AP. Lucid dreaming a few times but not like people state who seem to continue the dream or materialize stuff or anything of that matter. I've literally tried and it seems most of my dreams when I remember are like camera dreams or dreams involving being another person. Just the other day I had a dream of holding a smartphone and seeing a highly detailed GPS map walking to a location inside a city. Was that me nope it was someone else the way I woke up is I pulled back into the air like a camera and then poof I'm in my bed awaken.

Astral projection is a failure to me and I've never besides a few dream projections I AP inside my dream in my room and house but it's all fake and non-sense it's more dream like than Astral like and I know Astrally sometimes things look weird but it seems to me like Astral projection is like dream entering. The person entered an altered state through trance(body asleep/mind awake) something that eludes me and I've never been able to trance for meditation. And it seems the person is 100% cognitively conscious and I have read things like be careful what you think or perform with thinking as things materialize but it seems like if people AP that their mind works like normal every day waking time period i.e. chattering unless the person practices a lot of mindfulness and understands how to control their mind.

Non-the less I really don't understand the astral realm. I sound ignorant and maybe potentially stupid but it seems like a mysterious world that has been explained with things like "Thought-plane" or "Spiritual Background of the Universe" etc.etc. but due to no direct experience nor practice on said astral plane I fail to understand it.

It's like listening to a sound it's much easier to be near the source of the sound than far away as you might misinterpret the sound and it's location. Kinda like playing music on a smartphone from far away you might think it's noises but up close it's music.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
